The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, December 16, 1854, Image 1
'“i-V.?-: - sShdAft BY W. B. RUGGLES. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1854. VOL. VI. NO. 29. THE ATLANTAINTELMGENCER Dali)-, Trl-TVeekly and Weekly. W. B. BUGGIES. Editor and Proprietor. terms op subscription. Daily Intelligencer per annum, in advance, Tri-Weekly, “ Weekly, “ “ $6.00 4.00 2.00 CO els. One month, $5 00 $1 on Two “ 8 OC 1 C5 Thrc3 “ 10 00 I 50 Four “ 12 00 I / 5 Six “ 15 00 2 00 One ye«r, 25 00 RATES OP ADVERTISING- Advertising in the Daily Intelligencer will be inserted at the following rotes per square of tea lines : One insertion, Two “ Three. “ Four “ Five “ One week, Special contracts will be made for yearly adver tisements occupying a quarter, half or whole col umn. JF&~ Advertisements from transient persons must be paid in advance. Legal advertisements published at the usual rates. Obituary notices exceeding ten lines charg ed as advertisements. Announcing candidates for office, $5 00, to be pai l in advance. When advertisements are ordered in all the is sues, including Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, 25 per cent, will be added to the above rates. Tho privilege of yearly advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate and regular busi ness. Professional Cards not exceeding six linos, $15 per annum. Advertisements not specified as to time will be published til! ordered out, and charged at regular rates. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly paper only will he charged at fo:mor rates. some excitement was created yerterday Nrw York, Dec. 1, 1854. by *fae discovery that J. S. Norton. Esq., of We had glorious weather yesterday for ■ ^ city, a man of great wealth, had been Thanksgiving. The cheerful sunlight shone missing for some 48 hours. lie had willed pleasantly upon family gatherings in many tlie S ,eat bulk of his real estate to his a happy home, and the sharp air begot cor- 1 S ran dson Mr. Carroll. Suspicions are en- [R'lpftrtcd for tir; Baltimore San.] Tiilrty-TIlirti Congreii—2nd Session. Washington, December, 4, 1854. SENATE. TUESDAY, DEC. 12 Foreign News. By the arrival of the steamer Union, a The Senate was called to order at 5 12* telegraphic outline of whose nows we pub- o’elock, 27 Senators being present. After i lish this morning, we have three days later prayer by Rev. M. Sheer, the secretary-read a European news than by the last steamer, the erty was not forgotten dance. The inmates of all our charitable institution* fared suinptuonsly, and private progress. The police satisfied that there has been foul play. A Wail street broker, named W. C. Pot- cry quarter of '.lie city where want and mis- defrauding the Lafayette Mineral Company, ery were known to exist. The churches . * >a '» to amount of 815,000. lie obtain- werc crowded in the fuienoou, and large ! e dbondsto that amouut,negotiated them and sums were taken in aid of the poor. Could ke P r lbe cash ’ This is tho substance of the the statistics of public and private charity be accusation. Potter was committed in de- collected it would probably appear that ! fau,t of 1)11,1 to the amoant cf ?20,000.^ more than 8100,000 were given away in this * * city yesterday for benevolent purposes. i It being announced in the returns of WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. PUBLISHED EVEHl’SATURDAY MORNING. Tef ms—TwoDoHam per nnuum. invnrial ly in advance MONDAY, DECEMBER 1L During the afternoon 1 strolled to the the Massachusetts election that but one “ Five Points ” to see the children, redeem- Democrat has been elected to the popular ed from degradation, ignorance arid filth by branch of the State Legislature, the Boston the “Ladies Mission,” eat their Thanksgiv- j p os t facetiously remarks: ing dinner at the “ Mission House,” a fine i “The unspeakable importance of “one substantial brick building, standing on the I vote’"’ will he illustrated next winter by our site of that den of prostitution, drunkenness member in the house. We understand ne and misery, the “Old Brewery.” The resist to the kst extremity all overtures , , •,« • r ,, ,,, ,, i i for coalition or fusion -with the W mgs—six Children of the Mission,” some three bun- of one and ha , f a dozen of the othe ?. dred in number, wcie in the midst of their exercises when I went in, and some of the ^ H£ Mails. Ihe No .-then paper Mails recitations, especially those of the girls, i bave failpd beyond Augusta for two days would have done honor to the pupils of our 1 ln succession. Ihese failures are the more Lest private schools. All these young ones were taken, literally, from the gutter, aud their clean, healthy, re-pectable appearance reflected the highest credit upon the noble- hearted women and excellent pastors by whom they have* been reclaimed and in- Railroaj) Subscriptions.—We learn from ihe Columbus Enquirer that the vote of the among them in the midst of their noisiest troublesome as we should otherwise have had more extended details of congressional proceedings which will he looked for with ......... „ , J .. considerable interest. Election is Kansas.—A dispatch from Weston, Mo., to the St. Louis Republican, states that Gen. Whitfield, late of Tennes see, for delegate to Congress from Kansas Territory, was 700 ahead of Flennikiu, North of the Kansas river, aud i« certainly elected. Whitfield was tho squatter eaudi-1 chatter, date, and in favor of leaving the people to j say whether pin very shall or shall not be j recognized in the Territory. Flcnnikin was J the candidate of the Abolitionists, and run j in opposition to Whit field. Mjr*.iohn Taylor, ono of the Twelve j Apostles of the Mormon Church, was in St. j Louis a few day* ago, on his way to New j York, where he proposes the establishment of a weekly journal, to be called Tho Mor mon. The St. Louis Republican says: | He is just from Salt Lake City, and is deputed to this work by the Presidency.— Unlike most other papers published bv this minly devoted to religious week in. Decern her, he resigned his poet as parties being apparently waiting further President of the Senate. reinforcements before undertaking any gen- -dr. Hunter moved its acceptance, _ and cral aud dec isive movemen t, a nd matters seem Agreed, to, and [Correspondence cf the natty Intelligencer.] Matters aad Things to Kerr York. New York, Dec. 5, 185-1. Thanksgiving is past—the turkeys are eaten— the pumpkin pie all gone—and severe cold weath er and the President’s Message are upoa ns. The streets and side-walks are lippepy with ice, and there is a general frostine.-s in the atmosphere that quickens tho pace, whilst the wind blows with an earnestness which requires constant attention to one’s hat. Last night was a hard night upon the water, and the new boat “ Plymouth Roclt,” from Stonington, bad its strength und ability to copo LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STt AYJ SHIP UNION. Columbia, Dec. 9. The steamer Union has arrived with three days later advices from Europe. Liverpool Cotton Market.—The market benevolence sent help to the destitute in ev- ; ter > was arrested yesterday on a charge of . that the HoufLewis Oass'bo chosen President , , ^ . , ’ , , j with the waves thoroughly tested during an ordeal I has declined one-eighth penny, closing dull. 1 ■ - ..... -.. - ~ I , ■ , i to remain about where they wove at last ac- ! 1 — . - — .v ■hair, returning ... of five hours’ running in rough water, and when j The sales of the three days were 16,000 counts. As the allies were being rapidly j sJjo came ap to the place at n ; ne t hi s morning her ! bales, including 4,000 bales to speculators " *■' “ — O : . , - . . I UtiU.U UD IV line JIIUA-U (»tl u.uo suio uiviiuug Mvt | s, and acknowledging his ineompeten- reinforced and the Russians were also said j ami exposed .locks presented a perfect ! and exporters. preside over ihe Senate. to be*reeeiving recruits in large numbers we ? ; are 0 f ; ?e j t j a ga ;<j < 0 have been the severest i _ Flour was quiet at prices favoring buyers; ro tempore for to-day. Senate)- Cass to k the thanks ey to preside Mr. Foot presented the credentials of may reasonably expect very -on to hear of i ^,-ght jn manv years and it-must be exceedingly I Baltimore 44s, Laurence Brmnai.l, Senator frem Vermont, f urtlier fangaima7 engagements between j that the fastest boat now floating has | 12 ?> od -, r Corn had , .declined one shilling; physicai 8U ff er ing ; and "these screams and "r°" ... ed and was sworn. looked-for assault upon the town by the al- ; storm siuco it is often times found that the boat, c j & J anu omy iosi_a numan ear nan a rnue trom Wheat was lower. White { The Mysterious Disappearence of a Young Lady from Rochester. The disappearance of Ema Moore from Rochester is still unaccounted for, and the excitement among the citizens of that K lace in reference to tho subject is apparent- t increasing. The Rochester Union of Sunday says: Wednesday was spent in searching the part of the town of Irondequoit lying be tween the bay and the Genesee river. From three to five hundred men were engaged, and did all they could do with their num bers in so large a tract of country. They obtained further testimony that confirmed the opinion entertained by the committee that a female was taken down Hudson street on Tuesday night, the 14tli ultimo, uttering such screams ot distress as would only be made by one undergoing extreniemental and Mr. Brodhc-ad offered resolutions that the House and the President be informed of the organization of the Senate. Agreed to. Mr. Mason offered a resolution -that.a mittee be appointed to inform the President that Congress was ready to receive any communication he may have to make to them. Adopted, and Messrs. Mason, Lodge lies. The great fight in the Crimea has not ‘ which cuts the water the best swamps the oasiest t'jji*.' wince. When the attempt snail be ! ' n R heavy soa falff die besiegers to carry Sebastopol >y assault, which will hardly be delayed much longer, a conflict will take place, in comparison with which the previous en gagements of the campaign will appear as structed. A gesture from Rev. Mr. Larkin, citizens of thac place, taken on Monday the superintendent of the institution, was l a *t. on tlie question of an additional srub- always sufficient to produce profound silence scription of 8150,000 to the- Mobile and Girard, and 8-50,000 to the Opeiaika branch of the Montgomery and West Point Rail road, resulted in an overwhelming majority of votes polled in favor of both -measures.. Rank of Augasta The following named gentlemen were on In the lower nart of the building a large number of ladies and gentlemen were en gaged in carving the viands and arranging , tlie tables. Plies of smoking tuikeys, geese aud chickens; Alps of potatoes and apples: the choicest outs of beef; pies by the score; euormous plum cakes: Temples of Liberty in sugar, and in fact everything edible that i even a gourmand could dcsi.c, encumbered • the tables and even the floors of tlie apart ments when the work of “dishing up” was . A Moore> J ames W . Davies, going on. When the tables in the school- state Director*.—E. Starnes, George T. room were set for the banquet the hungry Jackson, multitude were marched down from the chapel, where the singing and speaking committee. Mr. Brodhead offered a resolution direct ing the committee on commerce to inquire into, the expediency of providing by law for the better preservation of lives and pro perty on steam and other sea going vessels —laid over. The following enatora were present— I Messrs. Adams, Alien. Baya'il. Bright, j Brodhead, Brianard. Brown, Butler, Cass. ! Chase, Clay, Cooper. Dawson, Dodge, of j Vfis, Dodge, of Iowa, Evans, Fish, Fitzpat rick, Foot, Greyer, Gillette, Hamlin, Hun ter, James, Jones, of Iowa, Jones, of Team., Mason, Pettit. Rockwell, Seward, Shields, i Slidell, Stuart, Sc.uraer, Thompson, of Ky., j Toucy, Wade, Weller, i Mr. Hamlin moved that the daily L on- of ! meeting be 12 o’clock—agreed to. At five minutes before 2 o’clock 2-iv. i Dodge, from the committee appointed t - i wait on the President reported that the du- j ty had been performed, and that the Piesi- I dent would transmit his annual message im- 1 mediately. . . At ten minutes past 2 o’clock, the mes- Mcnday elected directors *'f the Bank or j v a g ewaa received from the President by ti e Augusta, for the ensuing year on the indi- I hands of bis See"eno v, Sydney Webster, vidual stockliolders: i Esq. After being read, the message and ac companying documents were ordered to be of Iowa, and iouccy were appointed the but little more than skirmishes. Any future arrital may put us in possession of the par- : ticulars of this great and anxiously looked- for engagement. The English and French naval squadron i having retired from the Baltic, the blockade of the Northern ports of Russia is. of course, necessarily discontinued, and it appears that no less than fourteen Russian war steamers have emerged from Cronstadt, a naval stronghold which 'sir Ciiarle* Napier has found impregnahie. at least, for the present Joliti Bones, Robt Campbell, M. II. Cam ming, llubtu A. Reid, William Shear, John . _ Dav.s-n, M. Wilkinson, llenry Memo, John i printed. Also, ten thousand additional eo- ------- j pies. ■ The Senate adje urned. | HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Parson Brownlow advertises in his The IL>u<e assembled at precisely twelve o’clock M. lion, Linn Boyd took the chair, soot, which arc mainly devotecl to religious ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ __ ^ ^ o JV-clIVI1I .. t topics. The Mormon‘is to he a newspaper, j t^en ’nlaee ~ and the vvork" of demofrtion ! papor that he wiU deliver 11 lecture in favor | and the roll was cailed. ‘A committee was considerably damaged Hants and to be circulated not only in the United ! * 1 ‘ j . of bnow-nothingism, in Knoxville, next | appointed to inform the Senate of the organ- tlie Consaree House narrowly e States, but England, Scotland, Ireland and j commenced. Tt™--.««»ii«..-« 6 - ° A revelations respecting the oaths and obliga tions of know-nothings. No doubt the edi tors of those journals will feel highly hono red. It is to be feared that the Parson will , , , , . but there then being no quorum, the find himself in a very sumlar predicament j sa „ 0 was not tlicn re ” d * to that of Macbeth, when invoking revela- 1 tions from the three witches. )*t s -ff“During the recent session of the Ver mont Legislature, Miss Lucy Stone received It was marvellous! No knives , , r , . , 1 Monday. Ho states that he depends upon Wales, the Isles of Man and Jersey, as well and lbrks were used, but active teeth and i t j JC York IleraM the Washington as in I'ranee and Germany. j fingers rendered cutlery unnecessary.— . , ,, T >- i ' i c- • c -2 „,p , Luton, and the Richmond Enquirer, lor Fillibusti ro on the Rio Grande.—It; Whorc thc httlc stowed away that is stated that $60,000 have been subscribed i SU PP 1 J solids and semi-solids I have by the merchants at Brownsville, Texas, , not the sli g ,lte5 t iJ ca. After having eaten and thc Mexicans residing there, to lit out i m,,re ,ncat and bread and vegetables than a fillibustoring expedition agaihst Mexico, ! u seoraed possible they could contain, they to ho commanded by (leu. Carvajal, and ' topped oft with a corresponding amount that the citizens of Monterey have pledged I o f pastry and confectionaries, and when at themselves to raise $100,000 for the same l ast tl) ey rested from their labors it seemed purpose. Gen. Wool, the Mexican com- to me that they “ sank outwearied and mander, had stopped all communication overcome.’' The crowds of well dressed with the American side of the Rio Grande. ; children, who had come with their parents seven vote- for the office of Brigadier Gener- Hc has 1,000 troops at Matamoras, 100 at and friends to see the little “Five Pointers” | al of Militia. Should Greeleyism continue Rcynosa, 400 at Camargo, 400 at Micr and j feed, looked on with blank amazement.— m ihe ascendant, this strong minded lady 100 at Guerro. i They had never seen such exploits perform- will be on tiie high road to distinction. ir rr5' ,, ~— ’ ( .,i i„.f <)r p 1 Take vour time, Miss Lucy. Hiking Slaves.—The Georgia Citizen °u oeiore. . , £ of tlie 9th inst., commenting on tlie recent 1 bc materials of the feast were furnished, decision of Judge Lumpkin, that if a hired ’ f,,r the m09t P art ’ gratuitously, by dealers in negro dies pending bis lease, the hirer has | tho articles. Butchers, bakers, pastry cooks, to pay the stipulated price the same as if he grocers, poulterers, &c.. vied with each other had lived, savs: in contributing to the festival, and I pre- In our judgment, not only does such a do-; fume there are enough eatables left on hand cxpe nditures nearly nine thousand dollars cision run counter to public usage :n this to furnish two or three move such dinners , , . , State, but it is a decisiin which is signally , as that of yesterday. !110re than dur,n g the corresponding period oppressive to tho poorer classes of our citi- „ .. .■>' „ r> . 'of last year. Thc diminution in the re- zens—the large majority—who are compell-, iv 01 > s ib no .ye pun e . ? t 0 * nts j s no j ; attributed to a falling off in in- ed to hire sonants, the whole burden of veteran drunkards aud bloated prostitutes 1 Uves , in thc Clluse of m j ssions risk and loss is made to fall, no* on tho own- were reeling yesterday through its precincts smnl i nMM or of the properly, (vvliieh he ought to en- j and blaspheming Heaven within hearing of sure) but on tlie poor man who hires, unless :_i . . i_ l\. . i little ones. For these hardened izaticn of the House, and als: committee Fire to Columbia. We that a destructive ii:c- occurred in Columbia, S. C„ on t'n. morning of the 7th instant, consuming an entire square of buildings, it wa- supposed to be the work of an incendiary, who first forcibly entered Mr. Spigner’s Grocery Store on Main street, and then fired the building. Among tlie suffers were Messrs. Gibbs & Johnston of the Carol;an, which establishment was en tirely consumed—their loss is $37,000 : Mr. Pomeroy’s Coach Shop, Mr. Squires and Mr. Powers’ Furuiiure Store, Mr. Miots Drug Store, the Exchange Coffee House, <£e. The amount of property consumed was j great, but we have not heard any estimate 1 made upon it. But two buildings are now- standing on the whole square, and they are Hotel and : aped. Tho movements of the Know-Nothings oeeupy a ' large share c f tho attention of the people, and I pro- j same your readers are equally interested sinee ; tho mania seems oo-extensivo with our ter- j ritnry. They have lately held s eon volition at j Cincinnati, which is reported to have been entire- j ly harmonious and satisfactory, and it is under- j stood that tho question of Slavery outside of the j States was mot in such a manner as wil! prove j highly gratifying to both North and South. How- 1 ever indifferent we may have looked upon thc j movement of Uncle Sam and his children we can i no longer do so. and must of necessity consider i what is to be done. There has boon a rest in tho developments of bank dof.iieiitiin-. though-there is something to day about a difficulty in the Chatham Hank finan ces. The rcdur-vl cwount of sale? of foreign good-- is haring its effort in in;.hint the money market less deplorable tb;:;i it would have boon; whilst at the j same time the importer:. who are obliged to realize a fall, are tremb'ins in their boots, and if this . state of tilings continue they must go down: tho; loss will eventually fall in Kurope, where the prof- ! it: have accumulated for the last gj* years. Tho opposition to foreigners for office and the attempt . to infuse a more American spirit into tho people ! h-.s had the effect to reduce purchases somewhat of j imported goods, aud if Kuow-Notliingisni does nothing else, it will keep tlie country in this par- . ticniar, and cut off some of the expensive luxuries in which thc great mass of the city resident? have • been indulging for tho pad two years. The ex travagant and princely luxuries of New York had ■ become proverbial, and too many of our small-fry i cod-fish aristocracy were swelling to compete with '■ foreign born lords so that at last many of them, like the frog, have burst. The hard times tire bringing rapidly to light ; many facts heretofore hid from daylight, and in- ■ during men to resort to expedients which, but for the stringency, would not be thought of. You j doubtless observed in most of the city papers that : broker of the name of Potter lias been arrested Consols had advanced to 91$. ey market was unchanged. The steamor Pacific arrived out on The mon th e the shore on Lake Ontario. There can be little doubt of the truth of this statement, and wo are led to the conclu- . , sion that if the person who uttered these 23d the Washington aud Niagara on tlio | cr j e a was not Emma Moore, then some oth- ow j ’< ei ‘ female has been made a victim to brutal- ltie l.unard steamers New York and Arn- i fries perhaps ending iff a violent death. But bia have been taken to convey tr oops to ; p u fr] lc opinion seems to incline to the belief Sevastopol. Only one steamer of the>Boa-1 that th e missing woman, Miss Moore, was ton line will be kept up during the winter. , taken tmvard the Lake on the night of her The Collins line will sail hereafter on Sat- , di3ap e arance from Mr. Whitney’s house on uruay. _ i North street, and watonly murdered. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. , A company of about one hundred volun- The bombardment of Sevastopol still con- j teers went to Irondequoit on Thursday mor es, and ro-inforcements for the allies j uing, and spent the day in examining tho swamps and the lake shore. They returned at night after e tedious day of labor, the weather being very cold—without having ie City liu thn the lather oi own, the meeting presence on the after taking l in the >-’.i v ttnues were arriving rapidly. Everything was prepared for an assault, which was only de ferred until the arrival of more re-inforce- ments, which were coming in at the rate of made any discovery of importance. At one thousand per day. Large Russian re- inforcements were also in motion. Thc English government had called on the militia for volunteers, which indicated ft winter campaign. The details of the battle of the oth of N o vember, show tho English loss of four Gen erals, thirty-eight- officers killed and wound ed, and twenty-three hundred and fifty pri vates killed, wounded and missing. The Russian General, Lipraudi and the Duke of Cambridge were wounded. Lord Raglan in made a field marshal. It is stated that Prince Gortschakoff’ lias j He liad no knowledge of her whereabout, intimated to the Austrian Cabinet the wil- 1 He received the telegraphic communication lingness of Russia to negotiate a peace on ' and the handbill, offering a reward for in the basis of the four guarrnnted conditions, formation, signed by his sons, at the same Dates from Sevastopol to the 14th of No- : moment, and immediately started for this vember, state that both armies had eomple- j city. Mr. Loder said Mr. Moore was as ted tho thinl parallels. ; much suprised by the absence of his daugh- A Russian despatch says that tho allies J ter as anybody else. He could imagine no made a demonstration against their left ; cause for her voluntary departure, and had flank, when tho Russians retired. no suspicion that any of his family hud been and a half o’clock P. M., crowded with people. It having been rumored Miss More had arrived in i anxiously looked for his occasion. Mr. Stillwell slated the chair, that Mr. Moore avri 1 from Illinois, at 12 on Wednesday night, • much overcome by fatifiuo. and suffering severely of rheumatism. Mr. Loder stated that he had. called m -n Mr. Moore this afternoon, and found him much afflicted bv the loss duuglitet Prince Napoleon had left the camp on ac count of ill health. Lord Palmerston was holding daily inter views with the French Emperor. Lord Dudly Stewart died at Stockholm on the 17 th Nov. It is stated that fourteen Russian war steamers had made a reconnoisance as far to wait on the President, in company with --@^= I ho Washington correspondent of the ;,y Isaac R. Harbour fur refusing to give up bauds j as Dageo without encountering any ships of a committee on the part of the Senate, to Baltimore Sun learns that “the joint com- to tho amount of $15,000, which bod beon in soak J the allies, announce that Congress was ready to re- missioner now in London for the adjustment ; f or snm 0 f $200. This same Mr. Barbour has ceive any communication Jic had to make. *4 claims < •: too cit.zens of either country on j pi e;( ,i usurv in another instance in order to avoid The Speaker called attention to the fact ^*0 0‘her, have rejected all thc claims of d:e payment of four or five hundred dollars se- tbat on the former session the President tlie citizens made on account of damages carod by tilc Fal!le kinJ of bonds as eolloternl. sent in a veto of the river and harbor bill, * ’ c tlie citizens made on account of damages sustained by detention or seizure of Ameri- mes- c2n vessels supposed to be engaged in the slave trade: and also all claims for slaves Mr. Campbell inquired whether it would wrecked on British Islands and discharged be in order to remove to postpone its further British authorities as free.’ consideration until the first Monday of De- The claim for indemnity for slaves set comber next. free by the authorities of Nassau, on the oc- [From thc Augusta Uonstitutionlist,] Dec. 9th.] Daring Robbery. We have read and heard of many daring robberies, but we think none of them will even bear ft comparison to one which took place on the Georgia Railroad cars on Fri. day morning, betweenCamack and Berzelia. As we learn, Col. J. W. M. Berrien of Rome, and a portion of his family, wore in the cars, or, their way to this city. He JGS?” At a recent meeting of the Home Missionary Society in New York, it was stated that the receipts during tlie first sev en months of the present financial year, were eleven thousand dollars less, and thc ml to the on no „ , , . . count of legacies and to the general moncta- lie,pool man who lines, unless the hymns of thanksgiving sent im by those ^ n he makes a special contract to the contrary. ! i.-.n, L , ._ ,, A j r J and commercial depression. It will not take muiv such decisions, we think, to mako tho Supreme Court of Geor gia an unmitigated nuisance. flf-S?" We learn from the Montgomery Journal, of Friday, that the Convention of the Directors of the Southern Pacific Rail road was in session in that city. Among those present were Senators Rusk and Wig- fall, of Texas, lion. T. Butler King, Ex- Secretary Walker, and distinguished gen tlemen from Louisiana, Mississippi, Geor gia and other States. Messrs. Walker, Kiug and others were to address the people on Friday and Saturday on thc important subjects connected with thc enterprise. A Libel Suit Dismissed.—We learn from the Macon Citizen, of Saturday, that the suit for libel, sonic time since commenced against Dr. L. F. W. Andrews, the editor of tho Citizen, by one Jeremiah Faley, was last week dismissed. fi® . Mai v of the owners of the Louis ville pork establishment have turned their attention to beef packing this season, and they have already, it is stated, packed move than tho entire product of last vear by the regular packers. The Polish Revolution.—A large meet ing of Poles. Italians. Cernians, French and Americans, was held in Nc-w York on the evening of the 27th ult., to celebrate the filth anniversary of the ill-fated Poli.-h rev-j oluti n. Speeches were made by John P. | t i, n Ilalo, Mr. Codrowski, Mr. Julian Allan,and others and Ihe greatest enthusiasm prevailed. sinners \ there is no Lope, but the ri ing generation 1 #taT“ South Carolina does not appear to be may be saved : and while wo arc . peuding | alone in that movement for a repeal of the millions to enlighten savages, we should not usury laws. Active steps are being taken forget thc heathenism that exists within the j for a similar object in Philadelphia and oth- sound of our own church bells. | or dittos of the Union. Quite a sensation was occasioned here by A Gift Entehiouse.-Wc have received, the disclosure of the fact that Mr. Dorian, (through our agent in Philadelphia, a long the gallant third mate of the Arctic, h*<l | advorthculent fronl Per ' nnin . the “Gift En- been dismissed by Mr. Collins, and a certifi- > terprise” man, announcing his third Enter- cate of good character denied him. Mr. , p r fro. We remember to have advertised Dorian intimated, in his letter to tho pa | prett y largely for his second “ Enterprise,” rente of Yound Holland, that during the | -which unfortunately never “ went off,” and ! panic on board tho liquor stores were brok- our advertising turned out a gift enterprise en into and freely used; and for this indi*- i sure enough, though the gift was by no ereet statement he has beeu cut adrift. A j means voluntary on our part. This Perham son of Mr. Collins has undertaken to defend j looks to us not only like a humbug, but he his faihcr’s conduct in this business, but he i bears so strong a resemblance to a wholesale makes a bungling job of it. Dorian was ! thief, that we shall decline his advertising the only officer of the Arctic who did his i patronage, and advise those who do not de duty, and he has been discharged without a |' si f e to 1m robbed, to invert nothing in the certificate of good conduct! These two i * third Grand Gift Enterprise. facts are beyond question. Comment upon, ~ 7T ’ ~Z. . , , T ihe Mail Difficulty.—ltie Chronicle them is sunenluous, especially as M>\ l>o- i riau, in this morning’s Time*, has used up ' (b T1,ul>da - V - commenting on the the Collins, father and son, most essentially. Grav. thc vitriol man, lias not yet been i p,: ‘ l ^ a ^ road Qompanv and too Portmu-ter finally examined. Move than eighty ladies i 0o! jf ral ^^leetmg the lrans^.rtatio.1 of the have entered complaints against him. aud I lUa '' ’ the value of dresses, &c., ho hr. destroyed } 4 . lae Ka,lro«d Company w now piacou m . . . ... ... .... • . : tuc wrong, ana is evidently acting m is estimated at over $UuK)U. The man. is - • - -- - J ° - refusal of the latter to allow our Minister to Spain to pass through the territory of France. Mr. Wentworth, of Illinois made an inef fectual motion to have the hill granting pensions to all persons engaged in the war of 1812, and all Indian wars since 1090, set apart for the special order of the third Mon day in -January. Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, from the joint third comi: committee appointed to wait on the Presi- j dent, reported that they had performed the The Legislature There has for a !oue time been a question in the minds oi’ the inquisitive whether it was not quite as noble to knock a man down and rob him as to extract money from hi? pocket by a pin hook whilst you was talking lobster and chicken fixins to his face. The lntter way is that generally re sorted to in New York, and on the whole, since had a largo amount of money about his the days of chivalry have gono by, is perhaps thc person. lie was seated on the back seat, safest and best. They have a way of locking up his daughter and another young lady, a those who show muscular strength, whereas tho ! relative were on the seat in front, and his cunning watch, stock, bond or real estate stuffier i son, an intelligent lad of twelve or thirteen usually escapes seotfreo with his pockets full of years of age. and a servant, occupied the rocks, when in fact the pebble stones ought to fall third seat. BeiWoen the two points above thick as hail around and against tho respectable designated, the lamp near the Colonel was scoundrel’s head. It is estimated that fifty thou- extinguished. His son took notice of it, sand people live ia this metropolis by their wits, but thought it was done by the Conductor „ ,, , . , or some one connected with the train.— Regular birds of prey upon thc seven hundred shortl aftor a Granger took his scat by thousand among whom they live. N o wonder that | Col Ber £ eil) and after ’ 80me conversation, 1 : will hear of the above decision with surprise i tue cit - v 13 wonder we are hard up when 8UCCeeded j n administering to him (Jhlori- if not in ligation. so many censuring elements are in our midst, : f orm un till he became insensible. Tie then : : without producing ono single thing of value to ; cu t the buttons off his overcoat and extvae. Fears are expressed in the New York pa- j “life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness,” but i ted from his side boeket a package of Bills pers that Dr. Kane and his little band of six- are continually draining from all three, and, as amounttng to five thousand one hundred teen, have perished in their fruitless search generally happens in all enormities, making them- : ar| d sixty dollars. Not contented with this, for Sir John Franklin. No credit is attach- I solves miserable in tho end besides. I }«> f thc P an . ta . loon9 P 00 ^ the Co- . , . , r , x , lonel s Wallet, containing about §1,000.— ed to the announcement m the Lake Supe- ; Th ° casc of the vitnol man who has been ar- , Had he kn(n .. n that in b the other pocket vior Journal that the Doctor had succeeded ; re :od for destroying .tresses at places of . of the pantaloons there was a pac kage con- in discovering the remains of Sir John. * i lublic . ftmucement , sh ° ws that, m the way of cost, ; u ; n : ng ^3000, he might have taken that our wives aud sisters hav e made V. all street bleed a [ g0 The money stolen was mostly South The New Orleans papers say that j F rcti y freely, it being quite common to find ladies, Carolina bills. In the large package there, the accounts of the Louisiana sugar crop j " earin K dresses costing forty, seventy and one v> , ere twenty one hundred dollar bills and i a. a v hundred dollars and handkerchiefs twenty-five Rome are unfavorable, ami tiiat the amount of su- ; , .. muw. . . (Icdlars. * Up to last evetiinp:, Col. Berrien wan la- The Speaker replied, the message must be • • . . read: it would then be for the House totake casi0 «-«' f the vessel ™ they were on action thereon. board being driven into that port by stress The message was then read and ordered of weather, was defended by Mr. Webster to be primed: and on motion of Mr. Cling- j in an admirable paper, on the ground that man, fui flier consideration of it was post- the flag of the United States covered the poned till t> ednesday—yeas 120, nays not , . ,, , counted J ‘ property in every part of the world, and Mr. Dawson introduced thc- homestead r ^ ia ^ principle did not lose its force and bill in lieu of the ore returned front, the ! application when property in slaves were Senate last session. carried by stress of weather into the port j Mr. Lane, of Oregon, and Mr. Bemhisel, of a friendly power. The Southern States | of l tali, introduced bills in relation to their I respective territories. Mr. Ingersoll offered a resolution, which j lie-' over, requesting the President to com- | i municate to the II use. if not inconsistent j with the public interests, any correspond- 1 j cnce which has taken place between this I and the French government- relative to the gar produced will fall short a red with inst vear. least one One day last week, through the kindness of Mr. \ boring under the effects of the Chloriform 1 Saxon, the r.rchi cet, I was permitted to visit the j administered; and was confined to his bed Yen tort lilt -I- 1 princely mansion just being finished by Dr. Town- i all day. As soon as he is able, he will pub- duty. and the President requested them to passed an act which was, without doubt, in- j £cud ’ 011111(1 0, ' raer of rifth Aveaue and Tbir ^ I lish ft Hst of the bills stolen, and he requests mes- j tended to obstruct ihe officers of the Gener- j al Goverenment from the execution of the fugitive slave law. It in brief pro , ’ le- that say he would at once communicate sage in writing. Mr. Read}- introduced a bill extending the bounty land laws. Mr. Walbridge offered a resolution, which lies over for discussion, instructing the committee of ways and means to bring in a bill removing the present- duty on foreign coal, so that it shall be admitted duty free. Mr. Florence ineffectually endeavored to have the old soldiers’ bounty land bill made a special order. Mr. Soller., asked leave to offer a resolu tion that the President of the United Staves communicate to the House, if not incompat- 1 ible with the pulie interests, vvliat was thc ‘ object or objects of the meeting of the con- j fcrer.ce of the American Ministers at Ostend ad . tue wruus :u 0,c ’’ i tie man is j Pl j dl tho public, as thaw are xib willing undoubtedly a mi.nomaniac. ! to transport ilia mails for tho same compen- Tiie late mail robberies here and at El- ( sation other companies receive for a -imihir CVi-.. Senator Dnwson «,f Georgia, was inarvicd t«* Mrs. Ltiza * llliains, of Meni- pl-.i.q :: fhc 27tli ult., at Memphis. The happy pair left ahno.-t Immcdiatc’y f r Washington. The Eagle it' says the marriage was entirely private, being witnecsed caly bv p few close personal friends. imra Have occ-as:oned a general distrust in post office as u medium for cash remit tances. ft is proposed to adopt the ]x>.?v oi- ncc order system as practiced in England fur ihe trail mission of sums under 5p50.— Safety might thus be secured tor a verv 1 small per centnge. Judge I loiiuiau’s decision in favor of mak- 1 big tlie New York and New Haven Railroad and whether said conference was in obedi- present- difficulties between too South Caro- ! ence to instructions from the Secretary of State, and what has been the result of it. Objection wa- made. Mr. Sellers moved that '.he rules be , pended—negatived: yeas 73. nays 102. Thc President’s annual mes.-age was then received and read, and referred to the com mittee of tho whole on the state of tho Un ion, and twenty tiou -and extra copies were ordered to be printed. any person who shall accuse another of be ing a slave, unless such accusation shall be substantiated by two credible witnesses, shall pay a fine of five thousand dollars and be imprisoned in the State prison fir a pe riod of not less than ten years. Ffdkx. Six slaves were arrested in Washing ton City, where they had resided for twelve ears. They were returned to their owner u Maryland. It is stated by a recent order from Washington, the enlistment of foreigners nto the marine corns, now stationed at the princely mansion just being finished by Dr. Town send, on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Thirty- fourth Street. There are six lot? included in tho plot of ground on which thc house stands. It is of Connecticut brown lice atone, four stories high. The main hall is twenty feet wide, with columns each si-lo and balustrade al! tho way round, sixty- five test long and sixty-three feet to the ceiling or roof of ihe house. Tho first floor is divided into parlors, re- option room, dining room, picture gal- ler}’, and other rooms in keeping. Tho next floor, (which io reached by a circular stairway in the re mote corner, passing up to a beautiful dome,) con us to state that he will pay a handsome re ward for the recovery of the money, or the deteetoin of the bold robber. [Correspondence of tho Bultimoro Sun.] Washington, Dec. 6, 1854. Reference of the Or,tend Resolution— Veto of the River and Harbor Bill Sustained—Eu ropean New*—The Tariff-—Railroad Land Schemes— Naturalization Laws, &r. The resolution in regard to the Congress of Ostend, introduced by Mr. Sellers, instead tains chambers or sleeping rooms, a gothic chapel passing, was to da} referred to the com mittee on foreign relations. In the present state of Europen politics it is better not to in sist on making private conversations public. The veto on the river and harbor bill came next up in order and was sustained, less than two-thirds—in fact more than one half —ihe members present sustaining the bill, ; and a gymnasium. Upon the top of the house is ! an observatory, from which can bo seon distinctly , tuc whole city, and many if nut all thc adjacent villages, including Brooklyn and Jersey City.— I Thc cost of the building- alone has bee:. $135,- 1 000. exclusive of the furniture. There arc three huiuircil oi carpeting the parlors ■Iharle.rtov.-n Navy Yard, believed that the same order to all our military \ • : to cease. It been sent service. Charleston controls the read, and i therefore has toe power to correct the evil. She has oniy to exercise her authority by displacing- those who arc now in power, av.d the mail service will be performed as here tofore. This she will do. wc opine, before • she suffers long the consequences under the new schedule. Kditokiai. Change.—The last Dalton Tines contains the valedictory of J. J. Christian, who retires from the editorial o u motion, the Speaker was anti to appoint tlie standing committees. Tho House then adjourned. lovoeu Imperfect Zv uuralization.—A decision, just rendered by the United States Circuit Court ac Boston, has disfranchised two thou sand alien voters in eon.-eqnenee of the cic- fective organization of the police court by whit h their papers were issued. sniXGTON, Dec. 4.—The Hon. Lewis was nominated an unanimously elect- S.atf or Bonds.—The Savannah Repub lican states that on Tuesday last. Messrs. PiiiLBRicK and Bell sold S3,5fK) worth of 7per cent. City Bonds, at 90@93. Tho : neat little bids being unsatisfactory, no more bond were offered. Ho lone, which cost §900. The windows are in sir- • gle. panes of French piste glass, and altogether it is . tho most imposing as well as most expensive resi dence iu America, ami will require the nuuual ex penditure of r. small fortune to keep the establish ment upon a proper basis. Of course there is a carriage house, t ia’olo and conservatory upon the same scale of elegance. Lr is generally conceded here that the n!lic-> will i bo compelled (if they have not already done so) to raise the siege of Sevastopol. This is to bo re gretted as it will increase tho stringency of tho money market r nd also wound the vanity of John . Bull and Uull-froi;. .e- in spite of the President’s objections. instrumental in taking her away. T. J. Patterson said, from ids investiga tion of the matter, lie eoueluded that Emma Moore had been taken by ruffiansto the shore of the lake, there used for vile purposes, af terward murdered, carried out and sunk at. a point of the lake so distant, that no bubble will ever rise to tell the tale. He thought a more numerous police should be- appointed, to guard against such outrages in future. [From the London Time*, Xor. 18. J Tiie Ea«teni Wnr. But, if we have learnt much in this brief period of our allies, our antagonists, and ourselves, we have also been furnished with some light as to the feelings and dispositions of the remaining powers of Europe. So long as peace endured, tho policy of England and France was able to command respect and adhesion in the Courts of Austria and Prussia; so long as the contest was ono of Notes and Protocols tho right and justice of our eauso secured the signatures of the Ple nipotentiaries and the unequivocal support of their Governments ; but the moment we drew the sword tho case was sensibly alter ed. The speculative German mind is only too well accustomed to distinguish between the practical and theorctrical, between the understanding and the will. The under standing of Austria and Prussia admitted, as weli it might, that in setting limits to tho aggression of Russia, England and France were virtually preventing the encroachment of the Sclavonic upon the German race.— Prussia could easily feel that without the support of the Western Po wers she depend ed entirely on the sufferance of her mighty neighbor, and Austria could admit that Rus sia, possessed of Turkey, aud therefore mis tress of the Danube, the Hellespont, and tiie Adriatic, and able at any moment to inun date with her armies tlio plains of Gallieia and Moravia, would ever hold in her hand the very existence of the Austrian empire.’ The rest of Germany could not doubt that, without the protection of these two barrier States, its petty kingdoms and principalities would stand in the same relation to thc Russian empire as our protected Nawabs and Rajahs do to the government of tho East Iudia Company: yet Germany stands by, lethargic and inactive, while the conflict on which her librty or shivery, her political annihilation or redemption, her future ca reer, as a ibcus of human thought and a land of culture, learning, and refinement, depend, is fought out by other hands? His tory has no more humiliating spectacle—sa tire no fitter subject of invective. From the for shores of the Western Ocean Eng land and France come forth to do battle more for tlie rights of Eastern Europe than for their own: and the nations who e exist ence is the real stake of the tremendous game, stand by with listless apathy, and think they have dune much if they duly congratulate us on our victories, and forbear from lending moral or material support i-> a Power that will find the prize of victory not in our, but in tiieir, destruction. Clouds and darkness cover for the moment the result of this tremendous conflict. Re inforcements have been withheld far too long from our troops and dealt out in b o News from Europe is eagerly expected, and all sorts of rumors in regard to it are • -. ,. . already circulating free, grait ° for nothing. scant - va measurc ’." a F cs * d \ haa 'T Wo must all have patience. ! od1 f : the approadl of ,^ inte . r lIuGritCHS From thc present tenor of the House it is j ^ a and ilc . ^netnmot the not likely the tariff will be touched this sos-! fui-k3 ’ £ or who “ wc . a . rc dom g aud sion. It* will be a fruitful theme to be dis- j 30 £ udl ’ to - e:ker ^ ah the dozing tho cussed by the next Congress, and will prob- I ? al f tlc ’ loavas kc R “f ans „ free H ^’-•* n * J - - - 1 trate upon us the military forces oi an enor- Ot: taking the New Locomotives.—We noticed at. the ably occupy the whole of the next long ses sion. The President is rather down on the rail road schemes, and recommends a wise dis crimination in regard to them. I do not believe that the number of railroad bills likely to pass this session will either squan der the public domain nor materially depress the stock market in "Wall street. Aeoordin 4SF'- NIi-. Chanfrau, the celebrated Amer ican C„—median, commenced an engage ment in the Nashville Theatre o:; Thursday night last. Company responsible for the “Schuyler i..« J 1 . • , „ . • same as last session, except some appoint- ; j , ' - a Pl'’- h ‘Nf- control of tlio paper airer an experience of meats to fill vacancies, Mr. Phillips offer- port A salutary rfciorpi hqsjust aikep place on i five years in the service. The Timer will -- 1 - — ’ - - 1 r. :’:o L’-ie Railroad. No move liquor is to be j hereafter fee conducted by William Roberts sold to any of the employees of tho line | and Geo. W. Gordon, any of tho refreshment stations. The bars 'Railroad Depot yesterday says the Charles- \ to all appearances, the revenue from cus- ton Standard, two flue new locomotives, ; toms oft he fiscal year terminating June 30th which were recently received in this city, • 1854, will not equal the revenue of the past very gen-■„ i .. . _ i,;„l year, and the sir plus of revenue in 1855 Davy Crocket's Family.—The Hickman (Ky.) Argus says that the wife and daugh ter oi the distinguished natriot and eccen tric genius, David Crockett, passed through Hickman last week on their way to Texas, to get possession of a portion of the land donated by the State of Texas to the heirs of those who fell at the battle of the Ala mo, during thc struggle for independence. At its recent session, the Methodist Conference cf Miphigap passed resolutions in fovor of the repeal of thc fugitive slave law, and also declared that- it was in favor of the next General Conference enacting such a rule of discipline as will directly operate to exclude all slaveholding from the M. E. Churoh. Wa Cass cd Pr ■ ddent of the Senate, chair, he returned thanks in speech. Washington, Dec. 5.—la the House, the __ .... „ .. „ .... . . „ «-. Standing Committees were announced—the ‘ L 10 f lent y e.?cage is vei \ 4 en * and which we are assured reflect the high- Lii k, mnm’itm'uhlr 1«« tk-in it nnn i,,». .. pvnlly cftiTir''p*ifibiI in* flip sun- 1 ■». . _ ^»iii oo consiaeiaDly loss tiu»n it now last session, excent some anuoml- erau - T «1^1-1 *• , ‘ e "’ t ' iredlt on the Guilders. One of them is A cha c }n the naturalization laws has , ,. , . » - Ul M " uud P rincl P ,es °f international Intended for the Georgia Railroad, and the already l.een mooied by eevernl members, . *“ l ? , V n *‘‘ ra V J ?S. ■'-mnmittee • pohcy, its genuine American sentiments, its otU(ir flll . v a «h v ill« nnd . anxious to take time bv the forelock. No A W a}s and Means, to bring m a bill re- , moderation and firmness. uucmg tue duty on railroad iron, or allow- mg the extended credit on the same. On; Senator Douglas.—The Alobile Register, motion of Mr. -Jones of Tennessee, the last ‘ i n noticing that this distinguished gentle- was caiT.ed by a vote cf 8< against ! man elause 71. already been mooied ! other fur the Nashville and Chattanooga , anxious to take time by the forelock. Railroad. such modification will pass tho present Cen to ... gress. North Carolina.—Wc have already ' Col. Bissell was in the House on Monday tuted that Gov. Reid had been elected to last, aud looked very much improved in , , , - . 1 Champagne.—The assertions often made have been removed from the eating saloons, i ...... . , . ° to tnat thiee-tourtlis oi the Champagne nniior- and notices postod up to the effect that liq- T t : i • 1 °. 1 . . _. uoroanno longer be obtained. The Erie 1 ^ tliere is more champa , rne i K* he Senate, Mr. Bright was elected i Nc '[ ® r J ean f and that efry, speaks of him j of North Carolin£1) t0 fill the vacancy of. Road has so for had a bad name for acci-! .. • , , ° , , President pro tempore. No other business of! ln following deserved high terms: j r jr. rr » Bria-ffs- dents: the absence of rum will probably j Un * th™ there » :inatlent trance, importance was transacted. “Senator Douglas will doubtless take ' ^ MaDgUm ’ lhe Asa BnggS i™ the number of easualfW are thus domed m Cozzen’s W me Press, ex- i ^ — '!!!: the United Statcs Ssnate ^ the Legislature j He was wareily greeted by his lessen the number of casualties. The news by the steamship Africa, which is up to the 18th ult., leaves matters at Se vastopol “as they wore,” and as the Niaga- cellent authority : Death of Charles Kemble.—A London his seat in the Senate next Monday, ills ) “Champagne is an expensive wine, and letter of tiie 14th of November, says: i friends here will he glad to see and take : the amount consumed in the United. States The New Orleans Bulletin, under the } Mobile in his way to W ashington to occupy i (Democrat) has sinee been elected to the head of “gratifying intelligence,” announ- ii .. i . - . by tho hand a man who has braved more, One of the oldest and most famous actors ! written and spoken more, and labored har- ra, the steamer of the 23d, has l>een taken ! ihe^rSSn^rEtosTS ^thTifoSrt ' ^ ish to ta £” b f ea ^ ed ^ 8 . ,as 1 toa | der ^ tl >"ent of Abolitionism and to . ... u c prouucuou ui mis wine, m me depart- Sunday night. Mr. Charles Kemble is dead ! fanaticism than any northern statesman up for war service, our next intelligence will ment where it m grown, amounts, m ordin- having reached his 79th year. He will be i of the day. He is a man who deserved come by the Collins steamer Pacific, which , ary seasons, to fifteen millions of bottles.— remembered not only as the brother of the i well of tlie whole country and should be was to sail on the 29th ult. Her news will j jbne [ ica '? unquestionably the best custo- great John Pbilpi Kemble and Mrs. Siddons ! endeared to the South. ' doubtless be of the highest interest. I *T the f SUm t ,? tal f al ). °, ur | Queen of Tragedy, but also for his own \ — Tuues sue .—tog W Qu, .Lip. j JTJTJS meats of specie are decreasing; sound | Now, it we reflect that we use ten bottles of were gems of dramatic representation. His stocks are rising, aud money is eaiser. By i elaret to one of champagne, that there is Orlando, Cassio, Mare Antony, and Charles next fcpring wo shall be able to look back i a S r <»t consumption of Sherry, Ma- Surface were unsurpassed, and his place nnd kav “ it wasn’t ?n miwl, I u e . ua , P ort , HQck, Lisbon, leneriffe, Mala- upon the 6tage has never been supplied. f ' I e a ’ P- fallac ,y of the sfofoment will be j ife filled the office of Censor of Plays up to apparent at once. 1 bis death. Foreign News.—Several of the Liverpool Steamers having been taken off the line to transport troops to the Eastern War, we shall probably have no further European news until-about the 11th or 12th when we will have Liverpool advices to the 29 th ul timo, Senate for the long term—taking the place j ces that Col. Wm. L. Campbell, the Presi- of Mr. Badger. In consequence of his j dent of the New Orleans, Jackson and Great election to the Senate, Gov. Reid has re- j Northern Railroad, has succeeded in selling signed the Executive office of the State, the J the bonds of the Company at good rates to duties of which now devolve upon Warren ! the amount of £65,000, or upwards of three Winslow, Esq., President of the State j hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. The Senate. I sum realized will be sufficient to pay up the advances made by Messrs. Jas. Robb & Co., to the road, and also perfect the road sixty- five miles beyond the point it has now reached in the State of Mississippi. Native Orances.—The severe winter of 1851, says the Mobile Planter, committed sad havoc with the orange trees, killing the largest to the ground. Since then the old roots have thrown up vigorous sprouts, 1 t@“ The Savannah News gives a list of which are now coming into bearing, and I all the donations, received in Savannah dur- some of the young trees that escaped are { ing the recent epidemic. The total amounts now loaded with the golden fruit. 1 to the immense sum of $56,404. mous Empire. Wc are lighting toe battle of Europe, and Europe stands by u> t icw with listless curiosity tho unequal combat. But our courage is not subdued, nor mu- spirit broken. We have already, by the de struction of the Russian hoot, and t.f a large portion of the fortress of Sebastopol, effect ed a considerable portion of our mission.— Our troops, if reduced in number, arc thr oughly winnowed from all that is weak or inofletive among them, and will yet, we hare every reason to trust, accomplish what re mains to be done towards destroying that stronghold which Russia has prepared for so many years as a menace to Europe and Asia, as a means of destroying Turkey, commanding the oommevee of Germany, and opening a much desired way for her Northern swarms i» the sunny coasts of the Mediterranean. Tiie Presidency.—The prospects, it is said, are that Kenneth Rayner, of North Carolina, will be the Know-Nothing candid ate for the Presidency. He figured largely at Cincinnati. A Know-Nothing paper has been established in New York, to advocete the claims of Gen. Houston, who is also supported by the New York Sun as an in dependent candidate. John Mitchel has written a letter to a Know-Nothing acquaintance in which ho gives it as his opinion that our naturaliza tion laws require a change; but at the same time he denounces the proposition to pre vent naturalized citizens from holding of fice. The Greytown people have appointed an agent to go to Washington and prosecute their claims for indemnity.