Newspaper Page Text
The filet of Letters.
A traveling’fcorrespfeodentl of the
i Rome Courier speaks of his fjsit to Atlanta
For the-last fivoor *six years the Ldflk- . :j|y ter a fbw'fceurs' ride inliSur serpentine
geneer has been the official paper -forHlie ' C0 j|jg 0< winding alternately to the right and
publication of the List of Letters, ; left, at one time whirling through aeon ex- j
[Correspondence of the Uailipose Sun.]
\Vasuinoton, Dec. 8, 1854.
The JfL/trumtiLciti Jill Vond/R!—Lute Hon.
Terrible Gale.
At one o’clock this morning, in attempt-
- ,r to enter Cleveland harbor, in a driving
i dHivut fuuim tttt j|i/fiu'it 7 j # . « , « 0 Business an© Improvements.—Four or
P/ esf.y Ewing-—The Secretary oj the In- ! : five years ago, before the completion of the
trrinr Chief' CUh—Vcactical So- I S°» laaen Wltii SMt, missed the Channel, ‘ * - ® , r
hifioti AS ‘Urrri- I a,ld w*nt head upon the stone. and between At,anta * LaGrange Railroad to Newnan,
publication of the List of Letters, being 1®* ! left, at otte tithe: whirling through Aeeocx- j it a’TVm^r «f• - * ! ta ® half broken piles of the West Pier. our streets, during the fall and winter, used-
gaily entitled thereto in consequence?of hav- carations of sdid ro<*, at another trundlingf W J r ~ jj: , u 4.i tr^tjll Monday^ ■*■*** persons on board > ore Alpheus to be almost impassable in consequence of
iug the largest circulation within flic range t fm mW^dis^S ! ^sllil^nd^' W “f ** *ro»gs -* <*« P^«ce
of delivery of the post-office. Our ambitious t) J City of Radii ad*. Here a gentleman to dash at once into busmen., If it was ! L^nfSvvagons that were constantly crowding in
young neighbor, the Examiner, however, la- of much urbanity modestly informed me of dune, however to of respeowbr the memo- j f> |- q 3W 0 ^ ^f -’ upon our city. When the Road penetrated
made a dear showing of a list oT subscri- to len nr that all you said, through the col- the mind* o:men with tbe character, sent!
bers, within the post-office delivery, amount- ! umns of your paper, was strictly correct.— !? euty and aspirations of a gen 1
fartlur DstsUi ky lb* Valas.
A despatch from Balaklava of the 17th
November, received via Vienna, states that
reinforcements for the allies were arriving
at the rate of a thousand men daily, ana
they were overjoyed at the arrival of these
anxiously expected detachments. Both
armies had completed their third parallels,
which were connected together by means of
a trench. The allies were obliged to form
counter-mines. The minor town was strong-
v»vj • i* MVM ruo xvvntu |Aiuouuiuu j | _ IjUfricildcd °
considerable distance into the heart of I } Th^Russian news states that the allies
region, the streets suddenly be- having received considerable reinforcements
wonderfully thinned out in the matter j on the Cth, 7th and 8th, made a demonstra-
wagons, and many be^an to think l tion against the left flank of the Russians.
«'•”*» «* «&« *» * 55 —i sabas szz*" * the
ing to nearly one-half the number possessed . Everything conducive to creature comforts
v r . ,T- . r , - , ,, , is to be tuuud here. Ilio
by the Intelligencer. This should be quite : PUrpassed> aud the Eervan
encouraging to our neighbors, eousiuenng 1 attentive. The chambers
the youthfulncss of their establishment.— .and well furnished, and the
Patience and perseverance, even under at:- well supplied with papers from every quar—
will toll. We can’t ter . Being more anxious to see the " Cour
ier than any otner paper, (it is natural,you
There was real mourning fur him.
tiemtuT— ‘ aat ^ piles, as was the life boat of the pro- : ®till, if nut a retrogade, though the more Fifteen thousand men of the garrison of
’ L * ‘ ; poller California. The-sea increased in sagacious and far-seeing ones were bv no Rinchenoff had marched to Odessa. Prince
verse circumstances, will toll. We can t
help being reminded, however, ot the an
cient fable, which relates how the frog, em
ulous of the portly proportions of the ox,
undertook to puff itself up to the dimen-
sion« of its neighbor, but unfortunately
bursted in the ambitious attempt.
Jail Bnittt.
At day light on Wednesday m-irning last
says the Pahloncga Signal of the Oth inst.,
the -Tail at Blnirsvill, Union County, vras
discovered to he completely enveloped in
ministered. The
is not onlv a man
-,-v ieiai\ of the Interim ; Hand over luul, her proceeded a short nor- inducements offered by our market iu the
general administrative ... «. .... „ , ...
know, for itinerants to seek for liomeness
firs:,) 1 accordingly enquired for it, but, to
my regret, it had’been mislaid.
During inv stav in Atlanta I met with an 1 course of legislation by which his chief
old acquaintance, through whose kindness deck. Mr. Whiting, who has certainly as
and attention, l was shown the different oh- much to do us any other chiei clerk in any
i r.1. „ -—.i tion of the distance, when benumbed and
, a ”‘ an f d f a l!r l ! veak. he was unable to go on, and at length
indispensable m a head of department. t fe!I , ismc fwrlv fe et into the water. For five
J e . *»y tho . Sec r ctar F ver -T ! minutes he clung to a idle, and then, wash
i t... o i> sin*rulttT* in tu© j A .i Kv tKn CCO wdrnfll' mif lli-.i tlm
ed off by the sea, struck out for the East
Pier, but was drowned.
way of groceries and all kinds of plantation
supplies began to draw in a constantly in
creasing trade, and it was no uncom
mon thing to see country wagons iu our
streets, loaded with cotton, which had come
after, another line having been se- a distance of sixty or eighty miles along the
Paskewitch has ordered another corps of
20,000 men to the Crimea.
A despatch from Prince Menschikoff,
dated, Sebastopol, Nov. 12, states that at that
date the bombardment continued. The al
lies, he says, had not advanced on their op
erations since the 8th, and were still fortify
ing their lines in the rear of Balaklava.—
Gen. Liprnndi was wounded on the 5th.
Fuller details of the battle of the 5th of
November, called the battle of the lnker-
mann, had been received by the arrival of
the steamer Salamanque at Marseilles.—
jeets throughout the city. It i« truly sur
prising to contemplate the rapidity with
which'this stirring city is growing, both in
size nr.d in commercial importance. It
seems to have sprung, Phoenix, like, from
the earth. Lots, which a few month.- since
were waste and unappropriated, are now c-
cured from the head of the foremast to the p ue 0 q the Railroad. This trade has been I They state that the attacking forces of the
duties with uo le^s fidelity and ability, re- i l ^'wrivln'^a* *i constaMt b' enlarging, until now, for several ( ‘mssiaus was 35,000 men. The British
rt'.a.niur.h*Ohi-T of Ini »»r , r „ have present .
truly animated and bustlin'
by a set of stalwart and fcar-
ianies who are always o.i the «>fi
means of protection from losses particularly
struck my attention—an excellent fire en
gine, manned '
less me
vfve. The means for protection from lo ses
of fire in your city cf the “ Seven HiiW”
are palpably deficient; and I would sug-
t to votir ciiizens the nrorsvierv of a nee-
flames, consuming au inmnie by the name ! copied bv costlvand imposing edifice^. One
of Jason Gladden, who was serving out a
penalty of a few months imprisonment.
IIoiv the fire origniated i - not known, but
suposed to be ret on -ire by Ciad'loa .n or
der to make his escape.
Th.-: Kansas Delegate.—Gen. J. V/.
Whiteficld, v
egate to Coni
a regiment
war, ser
dent Pier
Nebraska and Kan.-a -. lie is said to be a
man of great energy of character and str ,n,
natural abilities, and in his i d ? catr.; -s
maintained the doctrine of popular reu-
An old Printing Office.—M. Banli,
printer, ofErcslus, celebrated, a short time
ago, tho three hundred and fiftieth anniver
sary of the first book printed in ids estab
lishment. This book is a German legend
cf some rank, and anpeared in 1504. M.
of the departments, and who discharges his
„ . 1% ®* : ana attemptea .a passage. Arriving at a , * ° ", - — —
ler samry tuan any of his col- . Rpat where the rope had benn spliced, he ^eeks past, our streets have presented a
eagug-. . , i was unable to pass it, and hung; suspended
W e are anout to have a practical solution ' .,„,i
of the Grey town difficulty, f.l. K»nney. 1 --
the farter of the 1 exan I.;’tigers, the first ! £ ast pt ci . {stood mute and anxious, ainiost
settler in Texas the man who built the first j ;are no c , could P;Uc the downed
fort in mat country,, aud wno signairv U:s-
For lii'cQen minutes the crowd upon the
... no power could save the J,
in Uiat country, and wno signally uis- sailor . A t length his brother, the Captain,
tin-pushed h.-mseii m the late Mexican war, climbed t0 the mast-head and cut the line.
wtJl effect, a settlement on the Mosquito coast ; thug severing what seemed for those oil
.inner a grant iron, the king of the Most.ui- ; bl , anl lhe hope of safety. -Milton
os musen. A tiiousand_pioneerd anil ac- dropped with the line into the water, and
company him apd civilme that beautiful | ; n sa f etT upon the pier,
temtory wit.» American taoughts, Amen- At two o’clock this afternoon eforts were
C.4.U laoiv anu Amo, a an e.i.c. ii.ise. , i-a-n, m-uiA tn sav„
appearance, j f ronl Sebastopol against the French position.
In fact, to one not acquainted with the con-! but were repulsed. They were also ulti-
dition of the trade enjoyed by our city, the ! mately repulsed towards Inkermann, after
caravan of wagons daily crowding every ! a bloody battle, which lasted eight hours.
,, ,* .. . * , lheir loss was 9,000 killed and wounded.—
part ot the town would be a matter cf as- ■ Gen Canrobertwas wounded. The English
tomshment. The improvements cf various | i oss was ve ry great, four Generals—Cath-
kinds throughout the city, have also fully i cart, St rang ways, Goldie and Torrens—were
kept pace with the increase of business. No | killedand four wounded—Brown, Ben-
Barth’s printing office hi the oldest
rope, and lias been for 350 years
ruptcdly in the hands of his aneesu
Jt®“Tlie aggregate return
gressional elections i,t the
which have already
show the election <
from the Lvn-
ixteou States
toseti ibcir members,
snnporters of t hr*
inti )dueed*io tiie various departiaonts under
kiis i-.harge. In every place could be sec-.',
rlie eifi’cts of l:i master i-plriu and that >f
the operatives who recut ■ rxclu.-uvely de
voted to ikelr business. - - *
genuine ‘'Down Faster” tra* lately
es«aymg to appropriate a s<p;ar of exi-ee-
dingly ‘‘tough liceF’ at d’oiier, in a Wis
consin hotel. Ilis convulsive efforts with
his knife and fork attracted the attention
and smiles of the rest of the company, who
were in the same predicament as liim-elf.
At last “Jonathan’s” patienc vanished
under ill success, when laying down his
‘‘utensils," lie burst out with, “Stranger**,
you nceun’t luff—if you haint got no regard
lor t!ie landlord’s feelings, yon f rier hare
a <j)>r‘j',,-.- the obi lull'." This sally
“brought d«n\ n the house.”
L‘. Sl'l.]
administratieii and 103 oppmieuLs. In tiie
present Congress tiie same States are rep-,
resented by 95 administration men ao.d 45
opponents. A majority of fifty has been
converted into a minority of 7‘_\ and nearly
half the Union to hear from.
Shipment fob the South.—A few days
ago 1,000 coils of rope were shipped from
Louisville fur Savannah, Georgia, to go by
the river route up to Wheeling, thence by
the Baltimore and Ohio railroad '« ih<; Eart,
end bv teasel to Savannah.”
(From too J .it (jr range itejjorter, J)
Trilmtc of Reipect.
At a meeting of the members t.f the Bar
at the November Term, 1854. of ’iVuup
Superior L'rurt, tt w;v» moved’and scseonded,
that his Honor, Obedtah Warner, l-o called
to the ci air, and Win. M. Latimer act is
Secretary. The Chairman appointed the
following persons ar. a committee to report
resolutions on the occasion of the death of
1 lie Hon. ilucii A. Haralson, lu;e a mem
ber of this bar, via: lion. O. A. Bull, Huh.
Edward Y. Hill, and Benjamin II. Biglumi, ceiuts 19 000. t
, having retired f.vr a short time, return- ' 0 j a c0llt ’ pel . ]]-_
re;ua:nsa settlement >f American emigrant
in tiie interest of civilization and humanity. ‘
England and the I'niicu Ste.*es. as well us
Nicaragua and the o her Central American j
Sia.e . wiii alike reap the beneii'.ient fruits j
cf this cmerprlee. " X.
; t
IVashixgt*jn, Dee. 1 i.—In the United
States Senate, to day Mr. Stephen Adams, .
of Mississippi, introduced a bill to change :
the naturaliEation laws fixing the peri* d at j
twenty-one year?, to take effect on those who !
arrive in this country after the passage of j
the act. He avowed himself a Know-Noth
ing as far as ho understood the doctrine. 1
but said that he was r.ot a member of any i
secret order, lie thought foreigners dan- ,
gerous, as allies, and that abolition immi
gration should be discoui aged. The Bill
was read and referred.
In liie House, Mr. Clingiuan asked leave
to introduce a biil empowering the Presi
dent to offer a mediation between Russia
and the Allies, which was refused.
Mr. Giddings opposed the relei euce of
different pans of the President’s message.
Bo-ton, Dec. 11.-
get d’ Co., dry good
have failed for §‘2,000,000.
New, Dec, 11.—Option is easier
but not quotablv lower, 'i’he sales have
comprised to-day 7000 bales, and tha re-
Sugar has declined an eighth
matter how hard the times may have been,
or how low may have been the state of the
cotton market throughout the country, the
promising young
a.—Messrs. Phillips,
islnmre of this
At neon the schoone" Monsoon and the S ate, to investigate and reporc tho condi-
brig Roscius came iu handsomely, amid the if in of the Treasury, have l>een in session
ntaity and h.eartfelt cheers of hundreds of during the past week in dliiieilgeville.
an tious watcher®. _ ——
Later.—At two o’clock the hng Alvin The United States Sub-Treascrv.—
Hunt, ut Detroit, and the schooiier Champ- The New York Express deprecates the fact
that a large amount of coiu is now looked
ff Detroit, came into port hand-
The men upon the Omar were seemingly
in good condition, although every sea was
making a clean breach over the vessel.—
They were wrapped in thick clothing oil
cloth coats. Tiie east pier was crowded by
thousands of people.
Tho propeller Paugasset is firing up and
will go along side the Omar, to take off
the crew. IVc are now confident of their
Still Later—31 v. m.—The Paugasset
has been to the vessel, hut failed to get the
crew off. One of them attempting to get on
board was drowned.
The propeller will make another attempt
to rescue the crew.—Cleveland Herald, 4/A.
of an average capacity of eighty persons.
The first of the “nest” has already been
put on the Baltic, and the India-rubber
Hiimcu Curiosities.
The human curiosities described in tiie
subjoined extract from the ItiLUcal llecor-
d:r, published ai Raleigh X. C., will be ou
exhibition at toe Johnson House, in this
city, tills evening and also or, Friday and
Three persons are now visiting this city,
who may be appropriately styled human
curiosities. Two of them, Gen. Cliford and
Mrs. E. Briggs, are brother and sister. The
General is a very polite gentleman and of
beautiful form, lie is 25 years old, and
only 40 inches in height. Mrs. Briggs, his
sister, is :>.!■ o of beautiful form, .43 years
old and 35 inches high. They aw? both
very intelligent, converse iluently and speak,
several languages. They are < f German
extraction, and when at home live in Cin
cinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Brigg: i-j attended
her husband, a gentleman of ordi: try size,
to whom she lias been married some thir
teen years. She has three living children.
Gen. Cliford is not married, but is evidently
looking out for r, lady of the proper dimen
sions. The other individual is a young
18 year,
be seve
lady, Miss S. P. Morehouse,
well proportioned, and repbriee
feet High. She is a native i
and when fully grown nia
the “Xeb asKit Giantes.-.”
nignant countenance, is satti
anv.ablo, and is certainly the tallest lady J
wo remember ever to have seen. They liavo i
attracted genera! attraction here, and pro- j
pose leaving in a day or two ior Wihning* I
ton, where they may be seen by all who I
may desire to i:::c soma of nature’s rarest
specimens of humanity.
The Annual Conference.—The Georgia !
Annual Conference of the Methodist Enis- I
copal Church South commenced its session ;
in this city, yesterday, the 13th inst. A J
large number of delegates are in atle*i<lai;d ;
on the occasion.
id with the following preamble:
j Whereas, It has pleased in all-wise and
i bwiefioient, though inscrutable Providence,
sine© flie last Term of this Court, to remove
| from i ho stage of action v*.ir highly esteemed
, friend and brother, lion. Hugh A.
j son, and whereas a proper tribute of re-
j sped is due to the memory of one, whose >
public hfc was characterised by a lofty pat- I
iiciism and unselfish devotion to the infer- t
, esc of his constituents ; whose professional ,
career was marked with a t>cern integrity,
united with polished courtesy, aud whose
i private intercouse endeared him to ali wiih-
j in its sphere—
H therefore. Resolved, That, in the
I death of the Hon. H. A. Haralson our pro-
I tension has lost one of i ! s- most honored
i members, society an estimable citizen, and
• the public a faithful servant.
B ■■ it further /•'. sol reel. That we tender (o
j ids bereaved family our heartfelt sympathies
j fur their irreparable loss.
Resolved, That we request his lienor,
| -Judge Warner, to order those proceedings )
j spread upon tiie Minutes .of the Court in
a . by j perpetual .estimony of our high appreeia- I
iiuu til'the character of our departed brotiier, i
and that a certified copy thereof be publish
ed in iho Ll Grunge it porter, and all the
public gazettes published in this Congres
sional District, and that a copy lie sent to
the family of the deceased.
Ilesol c furl her, That, a blank leaf of the
, , Records ..j fin - Court lie appropriated to the
V* Aeorasmi, . inscription <>f thomunc of the deceased, with
fitlt' be styled j t p ( . date of his birth and death.
8i:e has a lie- , OBEDIA1I WARNER, Ca’n.
be very \\ t m. M. Latimeu, Sec.
_ Awful Torn ado.—We are informed
Messrs. J. W. Bloud" I the Carrollton (Miss.) ])■ morraf of Nuv. 25
merchants in this city* j that a tremendous hurricane passed over
the southwestern portion of this county on
Thursday evening last, carrying destruction floats have been removed from the old boats
and devastation before it. We are nut in
possession of (he fail particulars, and there
fore cann >t go into details ; but our inlbr*
mation is, that two clouds—one traveling
northeast and the other in a northwesterly
direction—met immediately over the town
of Marion, (or Sidon,) and the wind raged
with such maddened fury as to blow down
the entire town. It left but one solitary
thick. Buller and Adams. 38 officers were
killed, 96 were wounded, and 2 were miss
ing ; 442 rank and file killed; 1,760 wound
ed, ar.d 2 were missing. The Guards aioue
lost 20 officers. The French had 1 General
killed and 2 wounded ; 14 officers killed and
21 wounded.
The Russians, it is said, fired on the
ommiuee apnoint- wounded, as weU as the detachment sent
r . , ,, . out to b iry the dead on the i th. The Rus
sians were pouring in large masses from the
north, and reinforcements were required.
The French accounts sure that everything
was prepared for the assault, but the allies
had determined to postpone it until the ar
rival of reiuibrceineuts. Prince Napoieon
had left the camp, owing to the state of his
The Duke of Cambridge was slightly
A despatch from Vienna states that the
Russian envoy, Gortchakoff, has intimated
to the Austrian Cabinet that Russia is wil
ling to negotiate a peace on the basis of the
four guaranteed condition®.
The despatch of reinforcements to the
seat of war continued without intermission.
Every .available steamship was taken up by
the government for the purpose, and it is
stated in the London Times that the British
government is now paying at the rate of
Commerce says :— ! three millions sterling per annum for the
• • then - ' charter of steamers alone, besides the cost
,, .... . ,, . , • I of fuel. The Niagara aud the Arabia have
new metaho “Nest Life-boats. Each alup , been taken up by the government, the Cu-
is to havefftre, in aduit.on to the old boats, I r .ard Company had issued a notice that no
up in the C. States Snb-Treasury, but ad
mits that the system does at times, effect
some good in controlling wild aud reckless
speculation. It says:
“But wc do not mean altogether to con
demn the operations of the sub-treasury.— j
In flush times, such as we have bean having, !
it is a capital cooler. It throws the be®t ;
sort of cold ice water upon the flush of the 1
feverish speculator—aud hence, it thus does i
great good.” j
The Journal of
“The Collins steamers are receivin':
Tiie Bark Cherokee, Cant. Ilay, lias arri
ved at this port from Charleston.
New York, Dee. 11.—Cotton dull. The
sales have comprised only 800 bales. Mid
dling Orleans is quoted at 8|, and Middling
Uplands at 8; cents per lb. Flour is firm,
itnd good Ohio is worth from 88.75 to SO iSJ
per bbl.
Washington Gossip.—A Washington let
ter iu the New York Herald says:—
In diplomatic circles here there is a new
solution of the question. “Why did Louis
Napoleon deny 1’ierre Soule admission into
France:” It. is this:—Napoieon Hi, hav
ing heard the report that Mr. S./ule was the
natural son of Napokvn the Great, feared
that our minister (mis report being true)
might set ium*eif up for the French throne.
Knowing that .Mr. S- uie posse .-ed great
influence with the pe-.p’c and revolutionary
leaders throughout ins empire he looked
noon him as a dangerous rival for the iui-
essel belonging to their line would leave
Liverpool till the 9th of December, after
which date the communication would be
every alternate Saturday. The Collins line
was to change their days of sailing after the
ti3 worthless, and powerful cork fenders put departure of the steamer of 29th November,
on in their places. Mr. Collins deserves j from Wednesday to Saturday, in order that
credit.” j commerce of both sides of the Atlantic
; might be inoonvenied as little as possible.—
Debt of Savannah.—From an article in I The West India and Brazilian lines of mail
rhe last Savannah Republican, it appears ; steamers were also to be temporarily inter-
tliat within the space of two rears from ; 111 ... , ... r ., c , . , .
. F ... , * ! The British Bar Office has issued a circu-
tms date that city will be compelled to pay . j av ca ;ij r ,Lr upon all the embodied as well as
[From tba OorrwpMd«M«of tfcaN.O. PiMjflM.]
Th» Baltimore l«»»y>rtM.
Baltimore, Nov. 18,1854.
Jerome Bonaparte, eon of Jerome and
nephew of Emperor Napoleon, who was on
a visit to his cousin, the Emperor Louis
Napoleon, is now in our city. While in
France, himself and son, Lieut. Bonaparte,
were both neutralized and made citizens of
the French Empire. The father hod also
conferred upon him the title of Prince, and
the son was appointed to a lieutenancy in
the French army. Our Baltimore Prince,
however, seems to bear, his titled honors
with becoming republican simplicity. He
assumes no airs beyond other ordinary cit
izens, and is seen daily mingling in the vo
cations of business. The main passion and
pleasure of his life appeal's to be the obtain
ing, training and cultivation of horses. If
I mistake not, he would rather hold the
reins and drive a span of noble animals,
with a handsome establishment, than wear
the imperial crown. He entertains no po
litical ambition, has never aspired to it, and
probably never will. I saw him three days
ago, working intensely for some hours, en
deavoring to break one of his fine horses to
harness. Towards this end did he apply
his physical and mental energies with un
tiring assiduity and iron will, as did the old
Emperor in endeavoring to conquer Europe:
and I must say that he succeeded better, for
his purpose was finally accomplished, and
the animal moved off quite pliantly. lie is
a gentleman highly esteemed, unostenta
tious, and a valuable citizen. There is a
probability, however, that he may yet take
up his final abode in France, though the
owner of a very beautiful and valuable es
tate here. His son, the lieutenant, an ex
ceedingly amiable and accomplished young
gentleman, never exhibited anv extraordi
nary talent, though circumstances in his
new sphere of life may bring out and dis
cover the hidden gem.
Resolved, That in no spirit of faction,
opposition, but as law-loving and law-abid
ing citizens, for the peaceful testing ,,f
great fundamental principle, we again bin!)
ourselves to stand by each other on all n »
cessary occasions; and in cases of distraint
by officers of the law, that we will purchase
no property so distrained and offered f 0 !
sale repudiating all who, under such eircum
stances, shall purchase, as thereafter una-ori
tby our association and confidence; a J
that with an abiding faith in a just and true
issue, we hereby re-aifirm in every partly,
lar our tax-pledge.
High-handed Outrage.—A citizen 0 f
Coosa, Ala. named W. R. Penix, was rl
centiy seized near that place and forced i n .
to a carriage, which immediately started
towards the Georgia line. Some of th e
friends of Mr. P., having learned the fact
started in pursuit, overtook the carriage and
brought m back both the victim and his kid-
nappers. There were two of the latter, (ine
of them being Sheriff of Floyed county, Ca
The Coosa River Argus says that Mr. Pcnij
had committed no crime, but was simply 4
debtor to a commercial house in Charlestoc
Tiie Effects of Chloroform.—The case ! and unable to pay; and that it was at the
of Dr. Beale is eliciting many interesting j instigation of this house that the outrn;.
facts iu relation to the singular effects of j % y as committed, flie Argus seems to thini
chloroform. The Syracuse Chronicle, refer- j ” 10 abductors have got themselves int.,
ring to the trial of Beale, says: rathe r an unpleasant fix. They are held f#
Besides the case in proof before tho court, j examination.
Riustaitcs n m Owio Tax lain. .
large portion of the citizen* of CincinTti-
have resolved to reeist die payment of taK
on personal property, in consequence
some arbitrary construction pat upon a
law by the Auditor of the 8tate, and whiet
he Appears determined to enforce. At th
mass meeting held on Saturday night com
posed of merchants, manufacturers, an d ta
payers generally, and said to be one of th
largest and most enthusiastic ever held
the city, the following, resolutions were adj &
ted: P -
Resolved, That we will not pay taxes 0
personal property assessed under the l at 0
instructions of the State Auditor, unless th*
same instructions are affirmed and sustain*
ed by the highest tribunals known to 0 u
laws. “ r
we have heard of a similar case in this city,
in which the lady was under impressions ! Y ne T *
similar to those of Miss Mudge, during an 1 P ir . culfc Cour ! ,s ao :Y Regressing
V l! ' c Si:a " ,1 ; n g‘ II*»uses. trees, fences in the sum of 8220,000 to liquidate that amount j disembodied ‘militia to give as manv volun-
s ion. every in-nj; wnmh happened tu be in f . j ! te er® as possible to the regiments of guards
lW . } s the ! t0 ™ a f°-™ re b V™ ' | and the line, and royal marines. 6
‘”" n ' ln “ ” j.? 1U ’ !ucs i The Small Pox has almost assumed j The alarm in England seemed to be sub-
‘ V,."nv , jnT I! ' the form of an epidemic in some of the Nor- ! siding a- to the position of the allied armies
n ‘ 1 .»* * */ ‘ i * 4 ‘ i *. IfiiAT-n oml Tn llmt-m in - the Crimea, which, with the reinforce-
or two others who-e names we have lorgot- j them and Y extern c t.e. In Boston, la- t j arriving . wer e deemed to be sufficient-
ten, were badly, wough not dangerously | week, the deaths by it numbered fourteen, ; p. 8tK to h c out the object of the
injurca by being qmckcn with piec-es of; ^ iu CiuC in U ati fifteen victims fell by it ' ’ J
umber with winch ttie air was iilieu. i . , .
The two d uds passed on in their respee- during toe same time. New Turk is, thus
tivc directions with unabated fury. Jfflieth- far, nearly exempt from this loathsome dis-
er any further damage was done, more than ! ea se, only two deaths having occured last
to up-ront trees and blow down fences, we j wee ’ K
have not been informed. j ' —.—-—— i
The Western Pork Trade.—At the: The Weather.—Since the late “ Cold i
close of last week. 135.0011 hogs had been ' snap ” we have liad a succession of warm
killed at Louisville with only a few th>»us- j a)l d pleasant days that make one almost feel , allies.
«• • ■ 1 The main body of the British fleet was at
Kiel on the 20th.
campaign sncccs fully. A winter campaign
in the Crimea will evidently take place, and
wooden barracks for twenty thousand men
were being shipped by the British govern
A despatch from Hamburg states that a
Russian squadron cf fourteen war steamers
made a reconnoisance as far as Daguc with
out encountering any way ships of the
perial honors, and self preservation dictat- and in pens, and arrivals light. The Jour-
el the order forbidding him his dominion-, j rad, of Saturday, says :
The Emperor himself has the reputation of i “Price- are very firm, but there are but
being a natural son, which places him be- few sales making, aud they arc mostly to j iug in snow “ three feet deep on the level,”
hind Mr. Soule iu-his claims upon the throne ; drovers. U e bear ot tiie following sales—. our present sunny weather is particularly
like living in midsummer. While our North
ern cotemporaries appear to be burrow- ■
presenting himself to France as : 2U0 head at 84 85 cash, and 2UI> ar ->5 cash,
’ ti.e great Emperor, and the other
e “ucniicw of Ids uncle.”
the soil v
only a t t
We regret to learn, sa\s tne Memphis
Appeal of the 3d inst., that an affair of
rather au unpleasant natuie occurred siune
days since at idtiie Rock between Geo. Iff
Prentice, Esq., of the Louisville Journal.
and Mr. M. butt Ilewsoii, Engineer of the
Midland Railroad, but which, by the inter
cession of friends, was amicably and hono
rably firranged without damage or injury
to either party. The misunderstanding
grew out of some publications which ap
peared in the Little Rock papers on the
railroad que~t; >n.
it is ordered by tiie Court-that the fore
going Preamble and Resolutions be
of record upon the Minutes of this Court,
and i.c published in tiie newspapers of the
Circuit. Granted,
O. Warner, -Judge.
Proceedings otCongresi.
Washington*, D. G. Deo. 9.—The Senate
assembled at the usual hour, and after pray
er by the Chaplain, went through the regu
lar interesting loutine '<i business. Pcti- : The U. !*. frigate Susquehanna had ar-
*, ’ rived at the Sandwich Islands from Japan.
Her officers, writing under date of the 28th
both averaging 2i0 pounds; 20*) iieau ave
raging over ffOU pounds, at So cr.^o ; a few
hundred light hogs at 4 371(a.§4 7-5 cash,
according to quoliry, anti titJO very heavy
hugs at 8o. on time.”
At Sr. Louis pn deers are paying84 for
all hogs that net over 2U0 pound*. The
packers at Madison, Indiana, expect to
.-laughter 50,000 hogs, and are paying 4
2o(gfti 30 net. The total receipts at Cin
cinnati up to the u!c. were 70,714hogs,
a lalliii
[From the London Globe.]
The public will be pleased to learn with
the greatest satisfaction that her Majesty
„General -Jo-enh W. Whitfield, the has conferred upon Lord Raglan the rank of
~ „ i riekl Marshal in the armv, m recognition
recently otecicd ue.egalo to congress .rom ()P iji.iiiia.nt and valuable services to the
the Territory of Kansas, is at present In- nation". This is the first instance in which
dian Agent for the United States, in that the new .warrant regulating promotions for
Territory, and made the treaties alluded to distinguished merit has been carried into
in the commissioner’s renort. lie is a na- j efifect- Formerly it would not have been
r.... , ‘ - , ~ . ; possible to raise Lord Raglan tc the highest
me of lennessee, and served for two terms * ank in the ^ unless he should outlive
in tiie fcenate oi tuat btate. He is an un- j aU flis seniors of the rank cf General, and
tiff ,'f‘09 nilG “atTiq I compromising advocate of Southern rights, the strongest evidence of the necessity of
I and a strong Union man. In Tennessee he the new rule is supplied in the well deserved
1 was known as a good workman politician I bestowed upon the Commander-
2.— Lne Conslttu- i ,, ... , - . . j. .. _ ■ , , , m-Chiet m the Crimea.
New York, Dec. 9.—Tiie U. S. Mail
i Steamship Aon.ii lias arrive l from San
Juan with advices from San Francisco to
the locii uit. She ha
in gold.
Letter froji a Zouave.— me tonstun-\ ,, . , . . ^ v .. - , ,
,, ... . i (democratic,) but was not distinguished as
itonnel publishes the following letter, writ- i v ' °
ten bv* a Zouave before Sebastopol: an orator.
“Mr Dear Father—I have been leading ■ * p c Tim "R .1*,V
of late the life of a poacher. I am every ' * T ti ti I" ; York a few days ago, from injuries received
I . qa-npp | day on ihe look-out for a Russian, being I . m ev ’’ k ork Saturday last for Liverpool, |i, v being run over bj* an omnibus. She was
L ; attached to a company of francs lireur-, or i tiid not ,<ike out any specie—the first time ! G5 years of age, and the Journal of Com-
Death of a Remarkable Woman*.—A fe-
which sailed nm ^ e namC( l Jeanne De Lux, died in New
The Next Steamer.—The next Sevasto
pol Steamer, the Pacific, may be espe-ffed
now every day. She was to sail on the 24th
ult., and is now past due, having been fif
teen days out. The Path tiie A atitvlti * i'r
Sevastopol will be eight days iaier iiiau
tho.-c brought by the Union. We may
therefore look for interesting news from the
seat of war.
To Turn JIaud Water into Son.—It
may be interesting to Housekeepers, when 1
cistern water is scarce, to know, that a ic'- j
spoonful of Sal Soda will ( often nv.m three
to four pails of hard water. So says the
Scientific American.
Another Convention of Railroads.— \
The Charleston Chamber of Commerce have
adopted resolution requesting a convention
of the railroad companies operating between
Washington city, the bonth and Son‘Invest,
for the purpose of devising increased facili
ties for travel and the transportation of
goods, as well as the cai rriage of the mails.
Scovill Brought Back.—Tiie Journal ti‘
Messenger of yesterday says: “Samuel D.
Scovill who absconded from this city on (lie
29th of October with 810,000 of the funds of
tho Agency in this place, of L he Marine
Bank of Savannah, was brought back from
St. Loui
lions wee i
Line, mid •
hat ing refc.
tion of HI*-,
lived fr<»m Messrs,
y.-: for ihe passage of
cC to the safety and pre erva-
d the better regulation of
0.:eaa ueaiiiers. so as to prelect them against
ship*-.-recks and other disa-ffers. It was ap
propriately ofe:: ed.
House of Rfiircseniativeii.
The llur.-e met a‘tiie usual Lour. The
1 ] Cc-niur.ttee of Ways and Means reporlcd he
i : Invalids Pensions Indian appropriation
riflemen. Our duty is to fire at the llus- i such a thing has happened for many months. ! iticrce thus speaks of her:
sian artillerymen, and to protect our own 1 — The assessors of the city tolls always en-
Rev. X. M. Crawford.—We learn from , countered iu her a most reluctant tax payer,
Mr. Zollikoffer reported a bill for the bci-
•.er pi‘i lection of passengers on h ard of
s tivers. He made some just and appro
priate remarks. It was referred.
Mr. Cox, of Kentucky, arose and announ
ced the death of Presly Ewing, lie pr.>-
liounccd a brief aud appropriate eul->gy on
the deceased. 1*1;-. Bri.sti.".*, j-lr. Latham,
and Mr. Smith, of Alabama, also spoke in
the same strain—the accu.Mmod rcsoluticn**
of respect and condolence were passed, and
The H uso adjourned until Monday
tiO it.
New York, Dec. li.
It is rumored rhatChas. F. Loosey, Aus
trian Consul at this port, sailed in ihe Arc
tic Saturday under very suspicious circum
stances of being implicated in extensive
frauds or larceny.
fUtiy- The Bosioii Courie • picks out ns a I K1 "o n offi.-c.
text for the Rev. Samuel K. Lathrop, of Cincinnati. D
Oct., say that the annexation feeling was
strong at Honclitic., and that the heir appa
rent. whose signature wa< only wanting to
complete the cession, had sent word that he
was ready to give it.
Buffalo, De.. 7.—A despatch received
iie e from Iowa state- - lint Fitz Ilenry War
ren will, in all pr .liability, be elected United
States Senator from that State.
The Wisconsin House, or Hotel, at Grat
ion, WLe msin, hx> been destroyed by iitc.
Loss heavy; partially iu-tued.
Xeiv York, Dec. 7.—Mr. MeGnirkon, the
ab.-quatulatcd teller of the Ocean Back,
who I- said to be a defaulter to a large
amount, was arrested this morning and put
in the Tombs to await further investigation.
Hartford. Conn., Dee. 7.—The river here
is full of floating ice which to-day closed,
and persons can now walk over. It is in
tensely cold.
Bocio.v, Dec. 7.—The steamer Canada,
prior to her departure for Europe, was li
belled to Uie amount of £39.000 for damages
by the steamer Ocean, which she run into
some time ago in our harbor.
Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 9.—Guv. "Wood,
nsul to Valparaiso, has determined to re-
us S:
our rifle-. To
node of acting
,ive no reason to be dissatisfied with
yet. I cannot say the same of the j one of the Trustees of Mercer University, and piteous appeals were made to‘ their cle-
,is wno appear to suffer g.ea’ly^from ] tlint this gentleman has
elected President of that
Leung, we set rut at two iu ute j
| morning, mlly accoutred, with a supply oi j t,ia * llc ’'ccejffea the appointment.
! ammuniti n and biscuit. On our arrival "
! in the trenches we are provided with bags,
■ a shovel and a pickaxe. At a given signal
1 wo iiinip over the ptivtirets witii me <iiLikn\ , tA . , .. orv/ » mot uorcoc^u
of stags, and take refuge in some sheltered Vr’?\ri !t *n.lL.^^, i Vr ^® s r °.'„ c ‘ . the house she occupied and owned, was well
1 -pot under the forts, where we
I of rabbit hole t<> hide in. We p
j bags as a protection, ou the side facing the ; New York Dee. 10.—The mortality of bonds to the value of $80,000, making he:
enemy, and we then set to work. Were- the week past was 453, being an increase of i entire property at least $iU0,0U0. ‘‘ L ~
New Y rk. Dee. 10.—At length vve have
the official vote lur Governor aud Lieu ten-
been unanimously i Ine » c y; for, to all appearances, she was in
T . . ‘ great pecuniary distress, living m a seclud-
it -usutution, and j ed apartment in an upper story, with a
scanty supply of antique wearing apparal
and rickety furniture, denying herself the
ordinary comforts of life. In consideration
i signal "A A *„*;,*. v,' * — *—;*•”■* of her exuerne poverty aud oath, she was
agility ; ant k‘ , ' er ff° r of this ^ ta *e. Clark ier ] as fc year assessed for only $10,000, though
jme si'Ci-erell G”' e ' nor has a plui ai!t\ *>t 300 votes over t j- ie house she occupied and owned, was well
ve dig a kind * * 1 ‘ ” e 'y n ' lllr ’ a ’ lc J *'^ r ‘ “jtymond, tor L^eu- wor th $25,000. The bureau of tho Public
Ye place our * cnau t Governor, has a plurality of hft,o3u. Administrator now shows that she owned
She is
I main !r. this son of tomb the entire day;
: we leave it at dark, oiien exposed to a show
er ui grape-shot. You will naturally ask,
i dear father, what we have to do all that
; time. I can assure you that wc have pien-
I ty to do. We load and tire in rapid suc-
: cession, and every shot tells on a Russian
: Artilleryman. The other day two officers
103 over the previous week.
New York, Dec. 10. Abraham J. Ack
erman has been arrested, charged with
swindling $50,000 from the Ohio Life and
Trust Company, of which he was a. clerk
Indianapolis, Dec. 11. —It is understood
not known to have had any relative in this
country, except a nephew, residing in Cin
cinnati. When inquired of as to what dis
position she intended to make of her prop
erty she said she meant to build a splendid
hospital. After all, she died without leav
ing any will, though often urged to prepare
that the lion. Samuel Parker, member of one. Old Madame De Lux, though of
ere standing on a piece of timber placed the House from tho 5th ’Congresssonal dis- < French origin, was remarkably fluent in
on the top of a tower opposite my station triet, will be the Whig candidate for the C. S. i English Billingsgate, when her accustomed
for the purpose of having a v.ew of our Senate, in place of Hon. John Petit whose • equanimity was disturbed. Once she was
works. With two shots 1 brought down tcrm expires with the present session. ) brought lief ire the criminal court, charged
those gentlemen, aud at the same moment i ■ with stealing a neighbor’s cap; hut Mr
operation, but which were known to be er
roneous, as the room was full <-f people.
A writer in the Newark Advertiser men
tions a patient suffering under ‘delirium
tremens,’ with great nor "is excitement,
but with a clear mind, and adds:
I poured a teaspocnful of chloroform upon
a white cambric iiankerchief, aud for about
three minutes applied it to his mouth and
nose. Insensibility was the immediate con
sequence, but after the lapse of fire minutes
he recovered, and declared himself complete
ly exiiaus'ed from a chase of a half mile
that he supposed I had given him. i could
not convince him that 1 had not driven him
down the basement stairs, out of the area
door, down the street, .around the several
blocks, keeping close at hi.-; side the whole
way. I called his attention to the fact that
he was not dressed, and therefore it was ab
surd ; he could not Le peesuaded ; and du
ring the rest of the illness, and since his en
tire recover;/, he has persisted in believing
that the race was absolutely taken, and was
the result of the chloroform. I think it not
unlikely that he would swear to it before a
court of justice, to-day, notwithstanding my
assurances, if eiosely que -tioned.
Dangerous Counterfeit.—Tnat excellent
financial periodical, Monroe’s Reporter, for
this month, contains the subjoined notice
a very dangerous euumorfei*:
“ We have received by mail a verj- good
imitation of the $20 bills of the Planter’s
Bank of Tennessee, the following being a
B6s“The regular term of the Hardin (Kv
Circuit Cor”"* t,,.-
_ w m
Thos. M. Yates, one of the L.
rors who granted the verdict of not gaiih
in the Ward case, is up on trial for pre j!
ry. Hc was indicted by the grand : -jl.
along with reverai others of the jury. '
The Dentists of New York having
convened in relation to the Beale cate, have
forwarded a petition numerously signed by
the Profession, to Gov. Bigler for the exer
cise of clemenc3 r , ou the ground that he
convicted on unreliable testimony.
Our Army.
One niriety-fifth part of the entire Armv
of the United Stales was killed or wounded
by the Indians during the past year. y c .
tiie Indians have been remarkably peat-efti
during the twelve months, and Billy Bo,7-
legs has behaved “ first-rate,” as lie mil
when our Aldermen took him into the
tea room. The truth is, our Army is not
very much of an institution to boast of 7
far as numbers are concerned. Gather'&lj
our forro together, ami let a man of sound
iungs essay to lecture them—he would fad
it no difficult task nor need to make outlay
for cough lozenges in the morning. Ter,
thousand seven hundred and forty-live met
—that is the actually available amount—
seems like a small company to draw a girdle
of safety around our thirty-one States and
unsurveyed territories that are big with a*
many more.
But the strength of an army is in the
character of its men, not in the erectile*-
description of its imitation: ino remrn i • , , • ■ ,, , .
, <• ,i c o • .i j ii- u with winch they march, or in thevearstha*
curl of the figure 2 m tho medallions each .. i ‘
• - , tucy have borne arms, lhe materials f ■
side of tne vignette, on genuine runs into a ,, „ . v
. , , - n ,, , 1 the choicest soldiers are tier present uud
notch on the inner margin of the scroll work, i ,,, v „ {. c i
, c • ° . . r, , abundant. 1 our navy is a matter of slew
in counterfeit there is no notch. On left end. 1, tu« „ * . u , .
1 growth, ihe umber must be seasoned, ai.d
it takes months fitly and stoutly to join them
together, to brace and fasten them, and fi:
new ships to enter the service. But for tie
army it needs but a stirring necessity, ors
earnest call of our country, to rally crowd,
of young Americans to its service. The;
come from the rural districts as well skilled
in the use of tiie riffe as of the axe—frun
the citico with a taste fur military pursui;;
and a pretty definite notion cf discipline,
gained by service in some military, fiio, o:
mrget company. Such need but a few days'
breaking in to make reliable soldie; -, ar-1
but a brief experience *o make the most ef
fective troops. The demand for an increase
in the navy then may be much more uri-en;
than in the army, although our fifty vessels
ul war may be quite as well able to defend
and honor us at sea as the 10,000 of uur
army are to secure our rights on land.—X
3b Times.
of bill the cluster of houses appearing in
the distance are very dark, on counterfeit
they are light. The hills behind the town
on counterfeit kfok like haystacks, in genu
ine not so. On right of Mechanics on gen
uine there is a stack, on counterfeit there is
none. Ou top of the head of the inner fe
male, there is a white strip on counterfeit,
on genuine it is hardly perceptible. In the
ecu're of each of the wreaths which encir
cle vignette, there is a full blown rose, on
counterfeit they are hardiy open. The whole
affair is a lithograph brushed up.”
those gentlemen, aud at the same moment: with stealing a neignoor s cap; put rur. worth$10
the batteries let fly a discharge of balls, : EtSLtifhe Richmond papers stafo that the I O’Connor, as defendant, got the case. Al-1 ® , p j ie e ditor of 'ti
Cc:i£i esnioiial.
Sheer has been re-elected Chaplain of the
In the House, the Invalid Pension Bill
has passed.
Fire in Philadelphia.
Conclius’ great Chandelier and Gas fix
ture establishment in Cherry Street was
burnt. Loss two hundred thousand dol~
jlfrom Mexico. yj
* Dates from Mexico state that the elec
tion was progressing. Mexico has decided
for Santa Anna to continue President.
Government employees were' compelled
to-vote under the penalty of dismission.
The revolution appears to gain ground.
It is reported that Honduras has agreed to
sell Tiger Island to the United States for
twenty thousand dollars. The ownership
is disputed between Honduras and Salva
The Recent Robbery on the Georgia
We understand from a gentleman who
came clown last evening on the ears, that
the pocket book of Col. Berrien, containing
his papers, some drafts, and a five dollar
North Carolina Bank Bill, was found near
the Railroad, about two miles above Ber-
zelia. It contained also about one thous
and dollars, mostly in Georgia Railroad
bills, which the rogue no doubt extracted
and then threw the pocket book away. In
all probability he got out at Berzelia, on
the arrival of the ears at that station, anu
vve hope this circumstance may lead to his
detection.—Augusta Constitutionalist.
The Baby Show.
The last scene in the Baby Show line came
off at the Georgia Fair in Augusta, on Fri
day, and much anxiety manifested by '
the crowd to see the fortunate little ones.
The Constitutionalist understands that there
were some seven entries, and that more pre
miums would have been awarded had the
conditions of the Society been complied with
requiring them to be dressed iu homespun.
Premiums were awarded to three in the fol
lowing order:
1st. The daughter of Mrs. Jackson Tur-
p ; n, aged 2 years, a silver pitcher worth
2d. A fine-looking boy of Mrs. G. Mc
Laughlin, eighteen months old, silver pitch
er worth $25.
Ud. A fat. ruddv and handsome boy of
Mrs. D. B. Plumb, Ton months old, a silver
Constitutionalist savs
river Has
Boston, who is to preach the election ser- six i who . Flour firm, $6.50@$6.60. Hogs
mon to the next Legislature, Job: chapter 8. $4.50(^4.75. Green meats, Shoulders 3 jc.
verse ix—“for we are but of yesterday, and .Sides 4jc. Ilams 6; c. 1,800 kegs prime
know nothing.” j Lard 9c. Moss Pork held at 12c. Whis-
A iady belonging to olio of the in j:
• •a fomiltac t *.v ILtUimrivn n f.v
New Orleans, Dec.
-An outrageous
From Mexico.—Mew Orleans, Dec. 11.—
The steamer Orizaba has Arrived, with dates
to the oth instant.
The rebels have been routed at Morelia,
the Department of Michoaean. Three bun
. . _ _ proper
Ac., in older to procure liis pardon. It is among those who required it.
generally understood here that Gov. Bigler ‘
will refuse to grant a pa> don.. j American Settlers in Palestine.—
New York, Dec. 11.—It is currently ru- j About two years ago eight American chris-.
‘the belligerent pow- ; tians conceived and carried out the novei
: to be Russia, has 1 idea of planting an American colony in the ;
liberal offer mr all i Holy Land. Tney first located near Jeru-
ners. The idea Low- j salem, but subsequently removed to a place :
entertained by the i near .Joppa, in the plains of Sharon. Ilere |
has caused a good ; they devoted themselves to tie arts of agri- !
uur uiuiiK anu gave hit a i j,„ ,*j i _ „ i-- , r i »» **»**»■• culture and to the cultivation of friendly
ireifulbeatingvyith it. Iler head, I] l n i/'i ° j Washington, Dec. 10.—It is understood j relations with the Arabs. The New York
doth ing are said to have been : -Id -Jin 'll,.- mLr-iliv 1-" ' l ^ a t the President is extremely anxious in Sun says they procured American Agricul-
disfigured by coining in contact ! !e ? ard to the ^iff/and will use every exe,- | turol implements from that citv, ami adds i
t *•- “Xke «*»%»■»». i» <Mr latter, W
to bloodshed.
‘ , y • r* •» i Ut- ObLU llldk Uiw UUUdUGlfUU ilOOLliJIU-5 *1-1 CU”
! Y he t u ‘‘nc® started m a course of evil con- | urely different aspect under the further de
duct was like a locomotive on the wrong j ve | opments wilie L seem to i.ave transpired.
track—it takes the switch to get it off.
Oh IIymen !—It is stated that Mr. Throck
morton, who married Miss Mudge, of Phil
adelphia, after tiie alleged outrage upon her j asntng un, arl - -''ti >!a ”
person by Dr. Beale, has made™ affidavit » f thase gentlemen ex rstslrom
t, . . J . v. , the v trn’tm:v Legislature, which
hi> *q cnlKnptl nn such nntrfltrf* wn. t o _ °
hat he is satisfied no such outrage was
committed 1
e.n from under her cluak and gave her a
most unmerciful
face and clo
shockingly disfigured by coming in contact
: with the greasy remains of the biped, it
j i T > , iL lun * i is said that this lady, though wealthy and
dred killed- -sen. Rehagany, the cominan- j j u other respects accomplished, ha.; hitherto
der of the Government troops was lulled. bad an irre iis t ible inclination to steal every
„ T , , j thing she could lav her hands upon. If this
Hogs.—Immense droves are.constantly j bcat f, vcr lhe h ca d with a dead chicken
t P he S sTa S WdcUie°s Ur TlJv °cemo C fron?the 1 } n puMic market does not cure her of j Park, and the Board has appointed a com-
tne sea noara c i e . an .v come Uie t i, er criminal propensity, she is certainly m- I nnttee to confer with tho General Govern-
A committee of tiie New York Board of
Aldermen has reported In favor of locating
the city post office at tho lower end of the
interior counties of Tennessee, and are ship-
ped by Railroad on East. The packing es- ' “ !
tablishmcnt hero is cutting constantly and I Sawing.—A sawyer, after sawing with a
will do under the circumstances of the sea- | very du !l saw exclaimed, “Of all the saws I
son tv heavy business. Chattanooga Adver- ever saw, I never saw a saw saw as that
tissr, 12th instant. I 8aw gaws.”
ment *in the subject.
Political Economy.—Punch says it has
been proposed to tax stags, but was objected
to, on the ground that it would diminish
same. | give the most glowing and attractive dc-
The raising of tiie four proposed regi- j scriptions of the fertility of the soil. They
ments, and the increase of the Navy will be 1 are able to raise three crops in the year—
among the first measures of the present ses- ! two in summer, by means of irrigation, and
•tion. _ ; one in winter, when they have the aid of
Senator Hamlin’s room was entered last j the winter rains. The crops grow luxuri-
night while he was asleep, and robbed of i antly, and yield more abundantly than in
money and other articles. j tho United States; and nearly every kind
New York, Dec. 10.—A tire occurred last | of vegetable, fruit or grain raised in this
night in the Empire City Bank building, j country can be produced in Palestine.”
The flames were confined to the basement l ” — ; —
and the lower floor of the bank. The dam- During the past month thei Boston Fire
age is estimated aud $8*00(5 ■ Department was out fifteen tunes..
New York, Dec. 7.—Kehoe, convicted at
Toronto of the murder of his wife, was exe
cuted ou Monday iast.
The Detroit Times says that Peter liich-
ings left there for St. Louis on Tuesday,
and was iflisspcl after the boat left Cincin
nati, from which it was supposed he had
been drowned.
New York, Dec. 7.—IV. P. McGurck,
the teller of the Ocean Bank of this city,
who embezzled $50,000 from the institution
in October last, was arrested aud committed
to prison Jo-day.
A Man writing from the West, save that
he is altered so since be left home that his
oldest creditor* would act knew Iujb,
I The Rost says
j The difficulty between the State of Yir-
: ginia and Messrs. Seldom Withers & Co.,
f Washington, arising out of the failure
the act o!
sales ot Siate stock by the executive oi ti
agents under par; yet the Board of W< rk
obtained advances on those stocks or jgimU
from Selden & Co., who, in turn, hypothe
cated them for a greater amount than their
advances, (as we have been informed.)
Tho bonds have been sold at auction at
about 85. and hence a serious difficulty.—
The obvious solution appears to be tha!
Messrs. Selden, Withers & Co. muse ac
count to (hj3 State of Virginia at par, though
they have been sold at 85, The Totai
amount, wo aro told, is $175,000, ou which
a loss of 15 per cent, amounts to $26,250.
Schenectady, N. Y. Dec. 6.—Ono hun
dred guns were fired hero this afternoon,
and this evening, ttie principal streets were
illuminated with burning tar btfrels, in
bouor of too election of Myron H. Clerk, i
Some very amusing letters from Utah
have been recently written by new gains
and published iu the Chicago papers. Oct
laiely acquired brother is in raptures with
the institution on polygamy, lie has this
wives, the latest, he says, which he “tod
three mouths ago, is from near Hamburg,
Germany. She is larger than either Sara:
Ann or Elizabeth (the name of my sec®:
wife, ) and I say it without impropriety, ii
decidedly houdsome. Her person is of god
size, very round, full chest, bright Haiti
hair, and a soft blue eye. She enters into
tire duties of her new situation with wort
erful alacrity, and is very happy, as ar;
also Sarah Ann and Elizabeth. You may
be supprised at this, but you will be sa
in ore so when I assure you that all of m;
present wives are anxious that I should ge:
another—one who is fitted by education
and physically adapted, to take charge ii
the buisness of tho dairy. With such a:
arrangement of my household, every de
partment of a well organized establishmen'
on a patriarchal scale, would have a Lei:
to it, and be governed in order. I have i:
inclination to comply on my own accoirt
as I am well satisfied with those I now haee
but if I should do so, it toill be entirely t
out of legard for them. My daughter L:
isa is engaged to be marriod to a man fn
Pennsylvania who has already a wife at:
three children.”
£@~The N. Y. Tribune says,—Some it
pudent puppy, who had, doubtless, attemp
ted to kiss a young beauty with a rati?
brief no=e, aud got his ears smartly boiE
as he deserved, takes his revenge upon Le
in the following abominable effusion:—
I saw to-iluy, coming my way,
A bonnet with a iiiee below it,
Thinks I, sweet miss, l’U beg a ki?s,
(Not doubting she would quick teffow
But getting close, I saw her noso
IV as crook’*!-—aud I couldn’t go it 1
A crooked nose ! a crooked nose 1—
Why should a charming iady wear it?
But I suppose that all she knows
Is. that it grows, and so she’ll boar it.
And fumo .ana S'ret, when she misht get
The nearest surgeon to repair it.
Lavater shows that woman’s ncso
An index .rue tho heart diseffsos;
And that cac-h hook, and twist, and o '- ou
Some satret moutal trait exposes:
And when her beak is thus oblique,
Her mind is crooked as her nose is I
Whoever will discover tho rascal who f
petrated this libel aud kick him soundly
thoroughly—kick him till ho howls—mb'
send in his bill to us for any reasoLu.-
amount, and it shall be honored at sight
Rochester, Dec. 7.—It is still snow- 3 :
'icre and is now forty inches on a level-
Wo have intelligence here that several w*
sels have been wrecked on Lake 0n!» rl _
L’he loss of property by the storm i» v “-
large. So far, no lives have been lest. 1 -*
mouth of tho Genesee river is tiist filling u r
with ice.
Syracuse, Dec. 7.—A collision took Pf"*
las. night near Clyde, on the New
iral Railroad, between the lightning
train and an emigrant train, the forweij^
mg west and the latter coming east.. J “
ongiues and cars were badly damaged 1
no one was hurt. , t
No trains passed over the road kn
owing to the heavy snow storm.
SrRiNGFiELD, Mass.', Doc. 7—The
boiier of tho Ames Manufacturing^ C’omp;W
at Chicopee, expkxled this morning-
engineer, A. B. Hoyt, was killed, nnd “
of the machinists dreadfully injurw.
amso of too accident was a w*qt oi