The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, December 16, 1854, Image 4

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frar*; t-g ■ i 1 "g-*-' Msssiasaes-a WSDNSSDAY, PSC. 13. c ifil teUmHagywrltwM.. , tinM «go it may be recollected that fogs are taxable property. the English press were not a little exercised about an expression said to hare been made use of by the French Emperor, to the effect that Marsha! St Anmnd’s plan-of besieging Sebastopol was adopted in spite of “ timid counsels, 9 ' the English press regarding it as an implied charge of timidity against the English. The French official paper, howev er, afterwards made it appear that the im putation was designed for officers in the French service. More recently it has come to light that there were marked divisions among the allied cotnmandors, in regard to the plan of attack. A recent number of the New York Times contains a letter from its Paris correspondent, which, if its statements are to be credited, throws considerable light on the matter and develops some rathe: startling and interesting facts. According to the writer there were very serious differ ences among the commanders respecting the most advisable means of attack, and the allies have been most cgregiously outwitted and ensnared in the Sebastopol affair. It appears that the plan urged by many, but finally abandoned, Contemplated the advance of the allied army through the Danubian provinces to the lines of the Prutb. From thence, in case the Czar showed no further disposition to come to terms, they were to proceed to Odessa, making that point the base of operations for the m my, the fleet co operating with thcland forces. Thc.advanee upon Sebastopol by such slow and cautious stages did not comport with the fast notions of the more progressive, and the plait was given up. The Paris letter above mention ed proceeds to say: The Marshal Sr. Arxaud, whose temper bad been inflamed by the attacks of the English and French journals upon the inac tion of the armies, was determined upon a coup de main. Odessa was but a mercan tile citv, and its capture was no feat of arms, —a blow must bo struck at the power of military Russia, and the public voice de manded the attack of Sebastopol. The English corps of Engineers pronounc ed in favor of the Marshal’s plan. It was furthermore urged that Austria was still in a doubtful attitude, and it would bo highly imprudent, by advancing on the Prnth, to place the Allied troops between the .Aus trian and Russian forces. The Emperor Nicholas, whose object was to induce the Allied army to embark at once for Sebastopol, had privately assented that Austria should occupy the Principalities, and withdrew his troops hastily, so that the Auslro-Turkirli forces should seem to keep him in check. The French and English camps were filled with Russian dc-.evici^ and spies, whose real mission was to spread the report of the ease with which Sebasto pol might be attacked from the lend side. AVe know the result of this fatal step.— The armies embarked and have been caught in a trap. it was found impossible to in vest Sebastopol and its defences on the land side; that of detached forts, the least for midable in appearance are known to be the most difficult of attack. The English Engineers made their first report that the town could not hold out a ) hundred week. The French corps de. genie having reviewed it, declared it to be impregnable, or if carried by assault it would cost .‘>0,000 men. Such is the present attit ide of affairs.— 17,500 men have fallen among the allied troops since (hey landed in the Crimea.— The town is reported ready for assault, but it is also known that every Jbrl anti every street is undermined. All tiie stores have i tres. confined been transferred to tbc north side of the harbor, and when the besiegers shall have driven the remnant of the besieged foot by foot to the water’s edge, they will plunge into the harbor, and at the same moment the great mine under the whole city and its fortH will he sprung, reducing Sebastopol in stantaneously to a mass of ruins. This is the juncture at which it is expect ed that Menscqikoff with his entire force will fall upon the allied army. The resume of this complicated attitude was admirably expressed by a French Col onel of Engineers who had just completed a reconnoisance. Standing up in his stirrups, he threw a look over the city aud bay be neath, then shaking his head with a smile he turned to his officers and said: “That rogue. St. Arnaud : what a lucky dog 1 He is dead !” The Supreme Court of Indiana lias just decided that all rail roads, with their cost of construction, rolling stock and Imild- The aggregate amount of revenue which will accrue to the State will be from $50,000 to §100,000. Hat'" The art of Daguerreotyping has been found practically useful in depicting the events of the- war in the Eeast. Each battle field is instantly impressed in a dura ble picture. So far has this been carried, that all the reports to the Minister of War are aeooompanied by Daguerreotype pic tures of most remarkable beauty and pre cision. S Municipal Election. The following ticket was elected on Sat- : unlay, without opposition and without ex- . eitement of any kind whatever—never was : greater apathy manifested on a like occasion: For Mayor—R. F. ROSE. For Aldermen—John L. Jones, George W Adams, A. S. White. W. C. Bandy, James I B. Avres. It. B. Clayton, W. S. Williford, ; II. M. North. * . . For Clerk ami Treasurer—A. It. Freeman. So many rumors are afloat as to the polit- | ieal complexion of the new Board, (hat we shell not pretend to place them. It is e'om- aa MAM ES B. tlF I AIMS, LATK OPfCSOXYlLU, TEX.V. COMMISSION MERCHANT! In Johnson $ Warehouse, comer of Hunter and Prior cts. Atlanta, November 2d, 1853. - : y S.-BRYA A COMMISSION t. [ Opposite J. A. ATLANTA . April 7,_1854. w.v CHANT, t'O.Si-,] GEORGIA. T. R. UxPJLEY, Wholesale a ad Retail Dealer in PROFESSIONAL CARDS. t posed' of Whigs and partly of Dem y- CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS AND We understand that Mis. Anna Cora Mowatt Richie, with her husband, the editor of the Richmond Enquirer, have been malting a visit at Roxbury, Mass., as the guests of Epes Sargent, Esq.. thy eminent poet, dramatist and critic, it is stated that she is looking even more charmingly than ever. 6S?“The views of the Secretary of the Treasury, expressed in liis late Report, by which duties can lie reduced, so as to bring the revenue down to a sum equal to cur wants, appear to meet with general approv al. The Washington correspondent of the Charleston Courier, speaking of the Secreta ry’s recommendations, says: “ The manufacturers themselves would he benefitted by the scheme of revenue, for it would relieve them from the burden of duties on raw materials that enter into Massachusetts, and would thereby increase their ability to supply foreign markets with their fabrics. It may be recollected that Mr. Calhoun, with his wise forecast, urged . v, ' a " expected home the argument that low duties and a, sound 1 co traces ..1 him currency would give our manufacturer. 4 rnarket abroad as well as at home. It now ; distiuguiel seems thai, for the ln.-t fiscal year, the val ue (.four own manufactures exported readi ed twenty-six millions of dollar.-. There i- :: • reason why a large busiues- should !:••• be done at the South in the manufacture and exportation of cotton yarns.” j era*:, but i: i pretty generally suspected that ; the majority of them arc Know-Nothings j under the r.ise. T1 bother this suspicion is : well founded-we cannot unde-take" to sav, 1 but this much is certain—that the result ‘ ‘ cannot ho chronicled ; victory. The number of voters in this city j ' is rather over than under -i\ hundred, and ! not one of the new Aldermen received half j that number of votes—a state of facts which < does not indicate any very immense popular ! strength on the part of the candidates. In • I t-ofi, when there was a brisk canvass and a 1 strong opposition, none of the Aldermen : elect received less than 214 votes, while some of them went c —while under the present dispensation none ; ■ of the City Fathers received, over 29S. If j the ticket was really a Know-Nothing tick et, jve do not think the opponents of the or- : der are called upon to give up the ghost just yet. IS e may, add, that a suspicion of this ; ; sort, kept great numbers from the polls on \ | Saturday.—Macon Telegraph, \1fli snsiant. j The New lurk Chamber of Commerce i ■has resolved, unanimously, to memoralize ! Cungrrasking it to send a vessel to search | ; for Dr. Kane, who went in charge of the < crinnell expedition to search for Sir -John Franklin. Serious apprehensions are non- being entertained for his safety. He before this time, hut his party have been had, arid it is feared they met the fate of the :1 navigator of whom they went in eareh. A liberal subscription will be made in New \ork to facilitate the benevo lent enterprise. Brittaimia Ware, LAMPS, FLCM>S, OILS, &c., &c. Atlanta. December 1, 1853. 27-ti Negroes Wanted. KnowvNothino* ibscribcr will pay the highe st cash pri<-« for negroes i*f every description. Persons at a distance w-Vasag 10 xeil will write, describing aegr •’’v- Rnd stitiuj lowest price. I cun be found at the Wa .biagtda Hall. A. B. McAFEjL Atlanta, Sapt. lath, 1854. Savannah MUTUAL INSURANT?! COMPANY. . WEED, President. JOHN R. AYII.DER. Seer T HR undersigned^ -Viren prepaid! to take risk* i*«* MerabiV above 400 i stocks fee.. on the mo t UV. ra? V Atlanta, March 11. G. A. PILt City /“A AX b.* found at all times v^lot of Mrs. Ogflbv'H. on t* Prior streets, just below Pcir. Atlanta. March Dth. 1S;»4 above Company ir. t ire on Buildings? WRi*;ilT. Ageir. 41-wtf. residence. . n tu -mer of Hunter an Pi er/ r tablc. 42— v*»u»* greater S. FRANEFORD DEDUCING his STOCK, will olAr. for CASH. xV inducements than usual. The Subscriber intends leaving for the North in a sliominn'. to l.iy in a large anti extensive fall supply, takes this opportunity of infe-dng his former pat rons, and the puhlic'generall he will ,l : ;po.e of bis SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at such prices as cannot fail to jd ;.re. His stock, as usual, consists of every article k. pt in a Retail Dry Good Establishment# atest i C Call sot.'ii and you ■ bargains at • Atlanta, Aug. 3d. 1854. rill be sure to find the n-r S. FRAN KFORJt’S (10—w4tr) Whitehall st. It is claimed that the device adopted for removing the sunken ships from the entrance to the harbor of Sebastopol, is a thoroughly Amcrican invention; that the use of cast ir 'a cylinders, with the screw auger-bits at the lower end of them, and the ignition of ihe powder by battery, ae American appli- Tue OrEUKA Railroad.—We learn from j the Montgomery Journal of Monday, that j the Opelika branch of the Montgomery & 1 West Point Railroad was to start trains on that day, the 11th insh, to Well burg, about 14 miles. The Journal scs that the iron for the remainder of the rotuu i. , , r ^ , . . , , . , ., ... , ! ter harbor, alter all attempts of English ea rn received and is being hud rapidly, and j ginoera had failed. Alluding to these facts, the track will be completed to the tempura- ! ry depot, about a mile from Columbus, by j the middle of January. Montgomery and ; Columbus will then he in eoiunleie eonuec- j tion. J] Jr rd Tutus at New York.—T’iie Khalil I Isays: Wcbavebeen informed, thai owing i | f-o the depression of buisness ii pre.-i-iu ex- . j b ring m the city, a great many men have j I been discharged from employment ; j dockyards and iron ihundric- on tue i..| returnetl east side of the city. It is estimated that j voyage t*. not over one-third of the mochauics «nd j sea, \vai- i iaboi ers usually employd at 1-e Dry Dock, ! §.:n Fran | and in its vicinity, i:ave now steady w : says: j One of the largest iron foundries in the j j city, which employs in busy times, seven j a .: n, has now but two hundred J ma; engaged, and they next week, will be i lair two-thirds time. Another largi < li h-| bar incut is about to stop bu.-iae - entirely for some weeks, and thereby throw four hun dred men out of employment. There is m ; over one ship built now,-where there was formerly three: and prospects ahead are ev erything but cheering, cither for ii:e ship builders or the worktnem. Nor is this dis- tu the dockyard and iron foundries, bui extends to all classes of me chanics in the city. ts first j cations, and that the apparatus employed is substantially the same as that used by the American engineer, Mr. Cowers, in remov ing the steam frigate Missouri from Gibral the Louisville Journal says: 41 The only difference between the cast- iron cylinders used in removing the Ameri can steamer and those now being taken to Scbv -. pel l«, that the latter are of a eapae- ity h* li- ld four times as much powder as tli fl'-'-in .-. '■ may he necessary, as the j h of the water at Sebastopol is nearly tun '■ time a.-; gre.i as that of Gibraiier.” An American V - i no San Francisco tubin's lsiaud, proved most SCO IJrc.ii i, in c:l Relieved bv the :iior E. L. Frost, lately from a sailing in the Ochotsk successful. The speaking of her, The United States Circuit Court at Balti more has decided that a railway company is liable to pay damages for not transporting live stock by the earliest freight train to market, if in the meantime a fall in the mar ket prices should occur go as to occasion loss to the shipper. »?5g. The good people of Western New York arc enjoying the benefits of forty inch es of snow on a dead level at the present time. B5L- The American schooner seized by the Cuban government, at Baracoa, has been searched in presence of the United States Commercial Agent, and a large quantity of arms were found aboard, fa he partitions having been constructed fur bet ter stowage. More Corper in Georgia.—A correspon dent of the Ca-sviHe Standard says: Mes srs. Benjamin Johnson &, Co., of Gilmer, have opened a rich cupper mine in the ninth district of Fannin county. The vein is twelve feet in width, of what is termed the yellow Bulphuret of copper. On the voyage the E. L. Frost earned y uer mast, obliging her to put into Mats- (or Mas.on may,) the oapitol of the Ls- 1 of -Je-so, for repairs. On entering the .* .the ve -ei was immediately boarded by a number c i richly dressed Japanese of ficers, each ai med with two swords, elegant ly mounted with silver and gold, who, on learning her distress, reur carpenters on hoard, and otherwise furnished every facil ity to gci to sea again. Capt. Hampstead speak highly of the kindness shown him, but says they expressed great anxiety fur his hasty departure from their port.” j A Soldier’s Fueling ! Battle.—A letter from to protciti., thus opemn North and South. But for the firmness and presuasion norhern senators most unpleasant result thchuisnesKof the Senate, at this ses-fion. would have ensued. Much bitterness is still felt by some southern senators that Mr. Bright should he elected without qualifica tion as t<> time. . the Midst of private soldier, •-ays:—“ Tho bullets of the Alinie rifle go pas you with a mow, infernal sound. It’sus con- j though mocking devils were sneering at you in the air. But your blood soon gets up, the sound maddens you, the smell of gun powder has intoxication in it, your veins tighten as if fire was running through them, the eyes strain, the jaws become rigid, and lust himself he found him- eeu the j self a. victor. He got a wound on the fore- | head, only a graze, but ir bled considerably —'the blood ran down into his mouth, and' in his burning excitement he drank it as though it had been inspiring wine,’ ” y Foreign emigration from New York The Prcsidtuoy cf She StnrAc. Washington, Dec6.—The election of Sen ator Bright as President of the Senate came near being attended with unpleasan sequences. The eaucu was anything but harmonious. In fact at one time came j near seprating in a row before a selection was made, consquent upon Judge Butler urg- j tng ihe selection of Mr. Bright ns President { of the Senate for the time being merley, still j in you go. He states that he considering Atchison ns \ u o President i altogether at the Alma, ami 1 an issue betw< U w > Eu- »«>:<>• The Columbia Tima: of Friday snvs:— “As the Charleston train of cars were pass ing near the' foot of Richardson streei yes terday afternoon, a man rushed out of a pine thicket on the edge of the road and threw himself on the track. Before the engine could possibly !>e checked, he Mas caught hv the cow-catcher and dragged along the road for about twenty-five yards and then fell off. Whether the car:-, passed over him or not we did not ascertain : he was dread fully mutilated, however. “Since writing the above, v.e have ascer tained that Cook was the name of the un fortunate individual, and that he has been in the employment of a tobacconist of this cii y.” Treasury Estimates.—The estimates of the Secretary of the Treasury of the appro priations proposed to be made for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 185G, are far civil intercourse, courts and pul-lie huildin §9,700,044: naval establishment, "'14. 0110: army proper, §10,135,127: fortifica tions, ordinance, $2,032,0-44: steam mail service, §1,400,411. But adding existing appropriations which may he affixed to the rer \ ice of the year ending -June 30th, Ir">, and appropriations of a permanent and in- j definite character, we have a amouiii r mi i • i for the veav ending June SO tin 1850, of for want ot funds. J here are only eight per-1 007 pqa ' sons engaged on it, and they are likely I The work on the Washington Na tional Monument is now nearly suspended e. 1 - tne novel title >■; an article in New York Co.;rh r <f* Enquirer, in which it siui'vs there have •' nigraied from that ••••'- to Europe, since the first of May, up to riie loth of November, five mouths ami a fir. If, nolo than 8,797 This docs n-a include the shipments of oi.e or two packet lines, statements of which the editors have been unable 1 > obtain for this article. Probably, he adds, the whole immigration numbers 12,000. The cause .is said to be want of employment here, and the war in the East needing men, &e. It further adds: “Many others, who have been iu Ameri ca many- year-', and iiave accumulated small fortunes, now return to their former homes to VoTle’ for the remainder of their lives. This is especially the case with many who return to Great Britain and Ireland, the act of Parliament in relation to encumbered es tates being understood to afford much en couragement to small farmers. Still others from the Continent, laboring under the em barrassment of not understanding our lan guage, : on become disgusted and return. In this position arc the French mechanics and laborc-s w. > are constantly sailing from this port : llavie. it is aaid that the Know- N ■ thing movement has had the effect to drive hacl:, in disgust, a large number of the better class of foreigners. And many go ou to brinj; tin ir friends baek in the spring. Ycry many are also sent by Commissioners of emiirratlon for various reasons—princi- d».t age, impaired general or inabiilry to provide for them- heaitli, soon to be discharged. Tiie shaft lias now risen to one hundred and seventy fee! As the A frica Governor of New York.—It to be settled that if all the defeettlv o ballots for Seymour and Clark were counted, Clark would still have a majority of 150. The footings also show that had all the Bronson votes been given to Ullman, he would have been behind both Seymour and Clark. We are gratified to learn from a late New Orleans Bulletin, that Col. Wm. S. Camp bell, the President of the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad, has succeeded in selling the bonds of the Com pany, at good rales, to the amount of TGf)- 000, or upwards of $315,000. The sum realized, says that paper, will bo sufficient to pay up the advances made hv Messrs. Robb & Co., to the road, and also perfect Seizure of Smuggled Goods.- pa isengers on board the r.teumshi were leaving that vessel now seems j week, soon after her arrival at tier dock at Jersey City, the revenue officers discovered a number of watenes and a quantity of jewelry secreted in some trunks belonging to passengers. The further debarkation of the passengers that night was prohibited, and they were all strictly searched tiie next morning before they were allowed to depart. The Surveyor of the Port has in custody the contraband goods, which are estimated to be worth seventy-five thousand dollars. the road sixty-five miles beyond the point ! a S°* tho intention of joining • 1 1 .1. . .1 • it r* 1 vnivinron/v moniliovc . 4* 11».« fnntl it has now reached in the State of Missis sippi. A letter writer from the city of St. Do mingo, saya that the only hnrm he wishes “Madame Stowe” is, that she should be ob liged to live in Ilaytf six months. In 1 c- gard to the philanthropists who distribute the works of that lady, the same writer ob serves that “they are actually protecting and giving aid to a barbarous set of brute ; ^^cb produccd^a^e nail wUh whtb negroes, whoso acts, from the time they be- j Jic sa id the work had been done. They gan to govern, have been of the most bar- j were securely ironed.— LaCrange Reporter barous, blood-thirsty and atrocious kind, I Dec. 8th. against the whites, and particularly against j the people of the American republic, who never offended them.” .The Supreme Court of the United States commenced its term at Washington on Monday. Present, Chief Justice Taney* and Associates McLean, Wayne, Catron, Daniel, Nelsoh, Grier, Curtis and Camp- Fostmahtfr iu ralhs iirjiort. the New York papers of Wednesday or. Wednesday I l )ul,}5 ? h t - ;0 . of the Postmaster Genc- j rul. in which he recommends the passage ! of a law, authorizing the establishment of S a system of registration of all valuable let- j ter.', at the option of correspondents—five cents additional postage being charged for ; registration, and all registered letters to be j made up undet a special post-bill, and sen* I under a special envelope to the Postmas ter-. A y- tom of cheeks aud accounts is also suggested, in order the more readily j to ascertain when valuable letters are j mi-sing, and to give an easier clue to mail robberies. Tiie Postmaster compliments the Collins lino of steamers highly, and thinks the original udiwance made to it by the Gov ernment was too lev, but that the present pay .stoolugh. lie does not, however, re- euuurend any ■ maided course with reference thereto. lie thinks the California mail steamer’s sen ice costs too much, and sug- - that unless contractors will give week ly servo e for tiie present contract price, the Government had better exercise their right and abrogate the contract by a pur chase of the Company’s ships. Mr. Camnbeii’s report is a clear and careful statement of the condition of this Department, and we are gratified to per ceive that the irregularities in the reeep- - tion < f letters and papers throughout the country lias not escaped his attention. He remarks that “to distribute mail matter properly requires a minute knowledge of mail arrangements, and this the Depart ment alone can have.” What the public 1 want is that this knowledge should lie put to its proper m e. Mr. Campbell informs ! us, in Iii.s report, that lie is now occupied I A number of prominent merchants of San j ^ , t!l ° ^ f ~ visin K ^ re “ tin S ! Francisco have selected, as a testimonial offi ' ha , ho - 'f 'fTV d,8tn ^ on I their esteem to Mayor Gariuson, a tea set ±. ‘u°u 0 d , lftereut ‘ ■■flouting postoffices /»/• • « - t 1 n • * • \wiicii lie has eaused to lie pent to him, and of five pieces, of solid gold, weighing 400 ; UMMt of wh5ch h(J fi „ d s so very defective ounces, and costing upwards of seven thou- | j l0 Ex-Governor F^ute, of Mic-sissippi, says the Charleston Standard, is reported to have been very successful in ihe practice < .f law in California, where he has recently erected a magnificent mansion a short diftanceiiom San Francisco, liis wife, two daughters and a son, left Mississippi, ahour two weeks n:m.- i The remaining members of his family, four ' ! in number, expect to join their father some , I time next year. j j ! A Stampede—Almost.—Onrjailor discov- • ! ered yesterday morning just in time to pre- ! vent an entire escape, that the two men, j ('Walker and Ileidenrie.k,) confined in our , jail and sentenced to the Penitentiary, had j gotten out of their cell and reached the oili er door of the jail. Upon being questioned Produce Depot in Atlanta. THE GREATEST DESTRTBUT1XG POINTIN' GEORGIA. ’ I ’HE subscribers expect to keep constnntly ,.n hand A. stock of Georgia and Tennessee Produce of all kinds fuch as: Bacon. l.u:d. Coen, Oats. Flour, Me.\l. &c..Xc. Also, a good Stock of FAMII.Y GROCERIES. SEAGO, ABBOTT X CO cjjAtlanta, Feb. 9, IS5-4 37—ly GAltDELL,E.& DEI. AIGL.E, (Jormtrly of Auyv.cta, Ga.) Factors and Commission Merchants, Accommodating Wharf, Charleston.. S. C. Liberal advaDCPs made i*n Con^lgmnents of Ptouuci*. Rf 'erences:—Messrs. Bustin and Walker, Avgusta. Doughty & Beall. J. Frazier & Co. Charleston, S C August 10, 1—wtJm IMCedioal. DR. JAMES It. SMITH H AVING permanently located in this city, offers his Professional services to the citizens of Atlanta. An experience of more ___ than 20 years in the practice of PHYSIC, in Geor gia (IS years of which were spent in Washington comity) is the only guarantee offered of his skill and experience as a Physician. When riot professionally engaged, he may, at all t:Kc°, he fomtd ;<t the Atlanta Republican Oj/icr. or at his resi-.ieucc on Prior street, one door South of Mitchell street. Inferences. \T:n. Markham. Esq., Ifav. : . P. Dm:c..:>.' L. P. Grant, Ik A. G. Ware, of Admit Atlanta, Nov. 22, lfc34. * I>r. Wm. P. Haynes, I E. WjHutmson, Gen. T. J. Warthen, of Sandarsvillo. yly. . L. C. SIMPSON, A T-T O i? N i; T A T L A W , ATLANTA. GEORGIA. No vernier S, ibnF. 2Sdly DrTWTp. PAitKEll; r*'-" T ' T ' T CT tenders bis professional ser- 1: i .ns of Atlanta aud vicinity, of Medicine and it ; collateral Ii rary fie found, when not profession- hia ofilco and residence in the Y.'i ite-IIull street. ciwly XYESPECTF tV- vices io ill in ihe practi- branch Tj ; a!y eng aged. £ Johns ■ i. IXo'tLcv. Nov S. 1^51 -jr>3Z?3W T A , XiS , 2?3E : i.~Sr. In:. V T. C. MPBEI.I.rttr,rn? thanks - ki.i friends and the public for the literal patronage- bests-uved, and. in asking for cm.timic.nco of the .same, informs them that he is still to be found at his old stand, ovcr_\. Alexander's drug store. Whitehall St., where lie still plugs teeth iu the best manner and. warrants them to stand, also inserts teeth on gold or plalina plates with couimucmsgutn or the p. P si style of block tooth—irorn one to a Tull set. by suction, or in any way to suit the iaste. Particular attention paid to childrens’ teeth, and all operations wurrented. Those needing anything in liis line are requested to call and examine specimens of his work. Examinations aud advice free References—alt for whom he has operated, Atlanta; Oct. 19 "54. vi—’v. i y T. N. COX, A T T O R X E Y A T ATLANTA, GA.p ■ ^ ■ imiaM'm .irtwi GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS, PARR & McKENZiE, DEALERS in Dry Ooodi, Clothlng,lIi>.ti, Shoes, HAHDWAHE AND GROCERIES. Will always pay the market price for all kinds of PRODtrOB. Peach-tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. i* HONNICUTT & SILVEY ^ HAVE removed to No. 3, Dougherty New Brick Building, north of the Railroad and opposite the Atlanta Bank, and are receiving a general stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which will b * sold at the lowest market prices. Also, a desirable stock of ~i -n g T fm* men and youtlis > which cannot be excelled'hf mate rial, style, or tinish, in the city. Call before purchasing eUcwhore, and examine for yourselves. We, also, keep a beautiful lim? of furnishing Goods—under gar ments of nil descriptions. Shoe#, Boots, Hats, L-avs, VaLises, ,Carpetbags, Trunks, L:.ibrelicts, &c., &c., Ill fact, everything in the clinking and furnishing line. Come and see—you will not go away dissatisfied. Thankful to our former patrons for past favors wc beg a continuance of the same. Ailairta, October 6th, 1854. 10-Cm. UNITED STATES MAIL DDK New York & SayaHsah. [SEMI-WEEKLY.] — * On and after March 18th, th# new and splendid side-wheel r steamships __ FLORIDA, ISOQtons, Capt. M. S. WOODHULL, 1 ALABAMA, 1300 tons, Capt. G. R.Schenck. AUGUSTA,. 1600 tons - Capt. T. .won. KNOXVILLE, 1500 tons Capt. C. I). LrD- LOW will leave NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH every Wednesday and Saturday. These ships are among the larges on the roast, un- surpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making tneir passages in 50 to 60 hours, and are commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. .Cabin Passage Steerage passage • • • ® " PADLEFORi), FAY & CO., Agents in Savannah. SAM’T, MTTCFfETJ., 13 Proadv.ay. New York. Savannah March 14. 1854. Atlanta Machine Works. [Late Atlanta Iron Foundry.] rp HIS new Company is now prepared to do Work on short -L notice of heavy and light Castings of the lastest im proved patterns, of Ikon, Bra8o or Composition, all of which will be warranted. Tui'uiiig, Haring and Drilling DONE TO OltDEH, ALSO SURE W CUTTING of ten feet, or under, of any sized thread required. Heavy and Light Fobging of wrought Iron or ?iec! done in superior style. Partlcolar Attention. i.i oalle-l to their PiulerD.s fov Mill Gearing of Merchants and Custom Flouring aud Saw Mills, Gin Gearing of all tiie usual sizes, and Bark Mills always kept on hand. We are also prepare 1 to build Stationary Engines with the latest improvements, all of which will be sold low for cash. Copper and Brass taken in exchange for work at cash prices. JAMES L. DUNNING, john McDonough. I’. S.—Allof the above Company arc practical Mechan ics, and give their undivided attention to the business. September 11th, 15 3tf. MEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA ! Philadelphia and Savannah STEAMSHIP LINE. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. No ISfC L A W daiwlv DR. ?!• RAKTIN, DRUGGIST AXD PHARMACUTIST, TV7i itdicU Str>. t Atlanta, da. - MEDICINES, Cr.ints. Oils, i erfumery and Dye rg/pStuff< v’f all kinds; for sale**, also, just received, a S tine assortment < t xh.- best Plates, Cases, and Chemical i fi»r DaLrii'. rreotvpi -. Sept. 20, 1854. Cl— : vl:--] FV®5. B. AS. SMITH, Atlanta, Georgia, ESFECTFCLLY tender^ Lis jirofo-.sional services to the citizens of this place «»nd riidtiily. aud solicits a e «»i jmblio patronage. Office at residence, on IViieli st reet. opposite the Church. Atlanta. March 50, 1854. 44—wlv. R tr.' BOWSING & YOUNG, General Commission, and Forwarding Horcfiant. Vo. 23, Grader Street, A'eie Ode aw, La. B USINE^ entrusted to us shall receive our personal attention, (aud from our desire to please, and «ur an "ftrience in business, we fiatior ourselves that ve will give general sati-:faction.) In the execution of orders we will be prompt, and take special care to purchase, as far as possible, from first hands, and at wholesale prices. Goods .. oi »vcd and for- warded with despatch. In fine, it shall be our earnest endeavor to bo in all respects faithful agents. Aug 11, 1$55. 11 wtf Atlanta, July j£8«1, 1854. AAA SUDERIOR Brick for sale; any person wish iug iirick can be supplied by calling C. W, MABRY, A T T O R X E Y A T L A W , Trim kiln, Heard County, Ga, - T ^ITJ. attend to i'ivfe--ional business in the conun- * % tie? of Hoard. CavroD, Campbell. Cowet fa, Fayette*. Merriwether and Troup. Rkfekkncf?;—JMn. E. Y. Hill, IjiGrang**. Ga.; Messrs. Irwin & Knight, Marietta, Ga., Cel. 2d. M. Tidwell. Fayetteville, Ga.: Mr. William Dough erty, Col--minis, Georgia. w at mvYard, south of Atlanta. (wd—if) A. MOODY. AYER’S PILLS. IflAB’BIS & PATTKRSOJf, A T TO it X MVS AT LAW. C\ i? n>n b ns. (> coryin. M. L. I virn;u- \.j 49—wly* [B. Y. Martiv DE. D’ALVTGSEY. S i ? R A E O X A X D D E X TI S T. OFFICE AT BIS EESTDEEI E. [Uppusiit the Atlanta Steam Flouring ARIL] Novemher. ‘AS. 185P. [2«j—wif.} J. A. PUCKETT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR IX CHANCERY, I X i"IIJ. fromptly atleml tu all busmess eutiu.sle 1 o > , his ,-aiv. I MV:-:o on While Uall Street. THOS. S. DAOTEL7 ATTOK’HIY AT LAW. Atlalanta, Ga, Office over Valentino’s Confectionary, opposite liuvlli- Honoer Office, Whitehall Streei. Winships Iron Works, T HE subscriber is now prepared to receive and [exe cute orders foi all kinds of AJastinars and fflachiae Works, ■ and all persons favoring him with orders may rely j upon having their work executed in tiie best manner ! and at short notice. Orders for SA^II. BLINDS AND DOORS, promptly < attended to at lii> Car Establishment. \yr», Cash \> ' 1 fur Old Copper. Brass and Cast Iron, id Atlanta, June 14, 1854. fS-lyl JOSEPH WINSHir. €liang« o£ Scliednle. USHSa Atlanta & Lagrange Railroad cinnccts at East A Point with the Maccu &'IVestorn Railroad Through from Montgomery to Savannah in 30 hours Leave Mouthy at 8,30 p. m. arrive at K. I’oiut 8,30 a. m ■■ E. roint at 5.45 a. m. •• at Macon 2,30 p. in *• Macon “ 4,30 p.m. “ •'Sav’nah 2,30 n. m Fee from Montgomery to West Point S3 50 a “ West Point to East Point 3 e5 ii a East Point to Savannah 8 00 This Line consists of the well known erst class Steam- STATE OP GEORGIA, Capt. J. Garvin KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. R. Hardtc. In strength, speed and accommodations, ttesc- suins arc unsurpassed, if equalled, by any on the coast- Riv er navigation, 100 miles. Two nights at sea. Sailing da vs. every IVed.vesday, from each port Agents. Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton and'Bryan H ts. Philadelphia, Hj.ron & Makti.v. 37)i North Wharves. New-York, Scranton &_Tallman. 19 OM.Slip, foot V\all at. CHARLESTON to PHILADELPHIA. Tlirotisrl* in 45 to 50 Hours! J8S0-FARE $ao MEALS 'IXCLUBED.-=®a American'Steamship Company’s Line, STEAM SHIP GALL AN!) SEE! r ipME subscriber, having purchased the Slock of A Good*? formerly owned by Mr. T. DOONAN. will continue the be-fines* at the Store lately occupied by him. and will keep constantly on hand, until all is cio.-ed out, a full supply of Family Groceries AND :ss:si m 90L «so& jo ::j2T anxious to sell oiT and close up tJic busi ness. he will sell Goods LOWER than they been sold h.ifore inthis place! M. J. RETLLY. Atlanta, February 7, 1854 38—tf TRTJAX, VANBENBERG & CO. y u s I C J) E A L E R S, Whitehall s*., in Johnson sjffii of fise Ooklen Piano, T {AVE received, in addition to tlicir very extensive | ,571 -lock of sheet Music, 390 NEW PIECFS i-Fthe latest pu* •; Mtiun. Also. Guitars an-’ riates. which they offer for .-.tic at N w York riucus. Our Tlanos wilf.speak for them-udvvs, as they are the pro Uicts of those housec which re-’eivfd Wxajirst golden medal atthe Crystal i*al- ace Exhibition. Atlanta. July *2 n . 1S54. [S—wtf] QUAKER'CITY, Capt. J. II. Hodgdon’, 1800 Tons Burthen. The above new aud maguificent Steam Ship, built es- pron dy for this route, i.. one of the largest on the Arne ricau coast, and is unsurpassed, if equalled, for speed, strength, comfort or accommodation, railing days from each port as follows : . _ Erom Charleston. Saturday, lice. Stli. JH . $IGO.GOO ’ Worth c-f laal Estate nsr th* CITY OP KNOXVILLE, TENN., INCLUDING BUSINESS HOUSES'AND RESIDENCES Mills and Mill Sites, AND VACANT LOTS, Admirably located in the centre of the city to k« sold, WITHOUT RESERVE, at PUBLIC AUCTION, in Knoxville, on ^Tuesday, January 9th, 1855. T HE undersigned will offer for sale, POSr* TIVELY WITHOUT RESERVE at Pnblt Auction, on Tuesday, the 9th of January, 1855 and succeeding days until sold, about $100,800 worth of Real Estate, in the city of Knoxville, Ten n The property consists of lots upon Main, Cumber land, Gay, Hill, Water, Prince, Walnut, Chtueb and other streets of the city, and also MILLS a n d MILL SITES. Many of tho lots have alroafv upon them valuable BUSINESS HOUSES i,n<j RESIDENCES, paying good Rents, while the un improved Lots are so located as to offer great i n ] duccmcnts to persons desiring to invest in Real Estate in this thriving city. The mills and mi]] sites, situaded within the limits of tho city, are more advantageously located for Manufacturing purposes than any other property iuor noarKnoi- villc. Diagrams of the property are being prepared and will he distributed or furnished to applicant addressing either of tho undersigned. Terms.—20 per cent, cask or approved paper, on day of sale, will be required. Notes for the re. mainder at 6, 12 and 18 months, with interest and mortgage upon propertv until paid. J. W. J. NILES, November G.—dw2m. C. M. M’GHEe! rum Uhi hilicllillia. Saturtlov. Uec. : Jan. 6 & Martin. 37,rf North Boyce Co. ’s Agents in’ Piiiiadelniia, Here Wharves. AGENTS in' CharJ.KSTON. Holmes & Stroii; Wharf. _ , All produce consigned to the agents iri Charleston, ,,-•11 be forwarded to rhUadclph'.a free or Commission. 38d«m No J. & L. S. MOBCiAN, MANUFACTURERS OF Uhaii'ii & Cabinet Wave. AT THEIR OLD STAND, DECATUR, GEORGIA. Pare Reduced. Cabin Fassago from Charleston tojNow York, Twenty Dollars. U. S. MAIL LINS. N. ¥. & U!iaricst02 Steam Packets. jbd. <0% S3o22a.i-X7U r e©3s.Iy.J JAMES ADGFR, 1200 tons, S. C. Turner Commander. ?OUTUF!RXEB, 1000 tons; T I). Kwan. Commander, wharves every thu\ WOC1 D respectfully inform tlieii friends that, having made extensive additions to their Machinery, by the m- troducticn of s^TKAM VOWER. c to fill all orders for their Celebrated v Cottage Chair, at the shortest notice, uuifacturinga neat, substantial article Cane Heat, and every variety of 1_T—1 \ FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Tur.itE l;:ts lung existed a public demand for an cli'ective purgntive piil which could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten rive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with Haygood & Whitaker, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Go. (Omce over G. Ganby’s Store, Whitehall street.) 1 JARED I. WHITAKER, | Formerly qf Faycldllc, GREENE ». HAYt '.rmeiiy r,f WaLlcit prop original Southern C Tlievare al-o V un: of Black Walnut, j Chairs usually Mild in the Southern Market. Having secured, lor tiie State, the right of HTNIi- j LEV’S PATENT BEDSTEAD, we are now Manufacturing 1 and selling on remarkable terms, this recently invented i j and truly excellent article, which we con.-ider superior j ; to an\ other now in use, and to which we would re- , i sped fully ’nvite the attention of proprietors ol Hotels, f and families generally, before purchasing elsewhere. I This article is so constructed as to be proof against I vermin. Guv Stock consists of i NASHVILLE, 15C0 tons, : M. Berry, Commander i MARION, 1200 tor.s i TV. Foster Commander. Leave Adger’ Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon, ’ after the arrivalof the cars from the South Jfc West, j These steamships were built expressly for the Line, I and for safety, comfort, and speed, are unrivalled on ; the Coasts. Tables supplied with every luxury—attentive and cautious commanders, will ensure Travellers by this ' I.ine every possibleeomfort and accommodation. For freight or passage, having elegant stale room ac- i commodations, apply to Ill’-NRV MIe>b Calkin Fasscge,... Steerage, Charleston. S. C. 5^0. S. none of the objections, but all the advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with what siicrcss wc would respectfully submit to ; the public decision. It has hern unfortunate for , the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more : than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These p’lls produce no irritation or pain, ’ unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely : vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quautitv : but it is better that any medicine should j be taken judiciously. Minute directions fur their • use in the several diseases to which they are ap- I licable ore given on the box. Among the eom- 2?. 33. COSd, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW and Solicitor in Equity, \ XyiI.L take cases in reference to Wills, Divorces. -Vr. ’ l in any part of the Union. Also, cases in respect to Titus to L.isd in tho vicinity of Atlanta. Ga. July 27.1854. f! 1 —wl.y] JETHRO W. MANNING. [Formerly of Cocitigton, Go..] A T T O 41 X E Y A T L A W , Atlanta, Georgia. Sidk Bi.AKIiS. Ladies Dress Bureau. Common no FKcretaky do Book Casts, Dressing Tables. | Dining Tables, j Breakfast fio I Centre do Ladies do Littiit Stands, And every article usually Manufactured—wliioh the}’ i mission j will sell upon as reasonable terms, as can be bad at ! any other establishment ir 4 ho fcrtate. I Decatur. January 8, 185'- 32—it Valuable City Lois for Sale, CJEVERAL Valuable City l ots fov Sale in the O of the Fair Ground, which will bo sold on accomm i dating terms hv applying to !>. DOUGHERTY or’ DOONAN. on Whitehall stri. . Atlanta. May 18th. 185-4. Heal Estate Agency! rfillE’.mdor.siguod opened an office forsellinj .1. (giving ileal Estate, in and a round this :i nd $40,000 worth of REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, IX THE CITY OF ATLANTA. I will sell at 1‘ublie Auction, on tho First Tues day in January next, FORTY-FOUR VACANT and THIRTEEN IMPROVED CITY LOTS, situated in different parts of the City of Atlanta. Many of those Lots are desirable ns sites for Dwellings, and somo of them are good Business stands. The sale to commence at 9 o’clock, a. m. i n front of the new Briek Store, under the Odd-Fel lows’ Hall, on Peuchtrco street. Terms : One-fourth, cash, the balance payable in one and two years, with interest. Those wishing to inspect this property, or any portion of it, prior to tho day of enle, win he directed to it by applying to me at the Store of Parr <i McKenzie. L- J- PARR. Atlanta, November 15th 185-i. [iltds. Steam Saw Mill for Sale. rpOGETHER with 40(1 acres well timbered pine land one mile east of Haralson, Coweta county, Geor gia. The mill has just been put in operation and i a cutting 2000 feel per day; Slabs and saw dust furnishes sufficient fuel and a ready sale can be Lad for all the lumber sawed at the Mill at 31 per hundred feel Engine 9)^ inch bore, 20 inch stroke, 2 cvlender boil er.-., power sufficient to drive a 4 feet circular Saw, ora Grist Mill or Shingle Mill, might be attached, either of which would pay well. Living 40 miles from the above Mill, and Laving aj much business as I can attend to, 1 will sell ihe Mill and lan ’ for the very low sum of $4000. $1500 cask, reasonable time on the balance. "With proper man agement the Mill will make the money I ask for it in twelve months. E. CAItLTOX, July 1st, 1854 [fi—3m] LaGrange. Georgia. Those having Houses anil Lots for sale will find it to their interest to call and register such proper ty . No charges will be made for registering or showing property', unless a satisfactory sale is made, then a small O f-* KSBITCTFFLLY tender I \ ihe Citizens of At hint FFICE opposite Council Ilall. Whitehall street, prompt I v attend to.41 business entrusted to liis c Atlanta, Feb. 3d. 1853. 36-wly. f>a. ■ T. M, dajbyalsA bis professional sen ic< and vieinitv. Office a -rli -Street, .me. • o. 1854. 34 o. C AX bl Furniture for Sale, AT TIIE SIGN OF II O IS 5 t O « & SOU. j commi.-i.-ion will be charged , I will also attend to rentin. ; out dee Is, b mds and all nee ; vcyance of ileal Estate, i j£^r*Officc in tlie store of Wm. Herrin j Hall Street, second door from the u< paying taxes and making isary papers for the co li fe Co., White ner of I In liter found Beanro’s. Ward robes, Lounges, Smuli Tables. Wash and Work Stands, with a variety ot Long and Short Posted Bed .Steads, with other articles of Furniture, which will be kept on hand from time Vo time. All put up of good material. Atlanta. January 19. 1854 34—if I et. Atlanta. July fi. 1854. X. L. AN'GIER. Sale. on McT’< I)5i. W. OKAAT, V t T (>ru> inform I.I10 vitizens of Vllanta ::1 - -f J-, jctil i'.iii have liccn sproaily cured by them, we i v t that he lias 1 .cftro-l tiicir city, fur the j. (’oinplaiiit, in its variotis forms | of practi-ing meriie.ine in all its l»! mention I river undiee. Indigestion, Langtto- and Loss of Ap- >. T.istlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, is l-'er t. Fever and A-rue. Pain in llic Side :nd bin.,; in truth, "it ■ nee ,.f diseased action .>- * Uiey afford pram T and Scurvy, Coins -. 'ice.-i and impurity o5 e • cii - verv ease where a > • Th- have also priciu.... •i-ssti-l cures in Rheumatism Erysipelas, Palpitation f t irisl-K. Stomach, and Si: taken ir. the spring of 'he y ii:d prepare the system lor t An occasional dose sti-r.i oo-.vcls into healthy actio: : ic »i>d vi"or They pm i'y : t : -> .i- «i act ion on the cir- hut the eon- 1 tho livc-r. As an •1 s' relief in Cos- :rHumors, Scrof- icness of ti.-e body, ' - d ; in short, any a is required, me singularly suc- :' Dropsy, Gravel, i ' I : rt. Pains ill the •v rould lie freely ' '■ purify the blood irar-ee of seasons, the stomach and restores the a.ppc- and, l y their ? 'h- \ -, reno- ! s.r-i.ytri •• tin- . 1.. .ou restore the j d .-; ii :-:ie.-gics 1.' riie whole organism, j .-.1 -e.s;.-: d.:.-c is advantageous, even : no sc-riotos derr.itgeinettt exists; hut un- iv ii- -ing should up-.-" be carried too far, ; ■ purgative medicine reduces the strength, J ifa-ii to exec-- . The thousand eases in which, j • required "anuot be eimmerat-rdhere, but ; ..agesf I hem selves to the reason of evert- : -. et it is confidently' cvcd this pill will ; iielt-.-r purpose than any thing which has been av;Ruble to mankind. When their i arc out— known, the public will no longer that remedy to employ v-hen in need of a. : medicine. libera! share of tiiei: ■ all boorsoitln r at iff ; site the Johnson Hoi 1 House. Marcli 30. 7 clio.j. :*r»r-i solicits a trouage. Ho can he fvuad at ofllcSon Whitebnll street, oppo- e. or at his room in the Holland o4. 44—wlv BARGAINS I BARGAINS! ! BARGAINS !! I T woulfi inform tiie public thr.t i am getting in niv^ ZI'RIXG AN1> SUMMER siTO^K, ' I I an«i respectfully an inspection of (ioofls and j l prices. 2\iy assortment will be found complete, and I I will sell as low as anv honorable competitor for cash ? clit. ‘ J. T. DOANE. Valuable Lots Vo S EVERAL valuable Lots for sale, with improvements thereon, in tiie neighborhood of the Steam Mill, and Atlanta vS: Lagr&uge Railroad Depot. They will bo sold low; for terms apply to T. f Jo ox an, Whitehall street. Atlanta. May 11th. 1854. 11. 1*. O'XEILL Medical Notice. DR. JAhlES M. BABES, :I o a; o e? p a 11? s c ? h y s i c i a n! R FSPECTFULT,Y olT-rs liis j rofersionul service f ci’iz'-- o'A’lan-a ami vicinity. Cilices m! r- i‘ r D-. V.e -uv-rc: Louse, corner Caiiioun ami j for ti-“ rol- Railroad Streets. iie the r-teain Flouring Mill: ; i> r ; C e h g ro , approved credit. Atlanta. March 9th. 1S54. 41—tf 'iVood JLami for Sale. nno & O ACRES all in the woods four miles from the city on tho old Nelson Ferry Road for sale, for terms apply to Daniel Ailams iu De catur or the undersigned in Allautr. A. X ELS OX. Atlanta, Januaiy Id. 1854 34—tf Atla:Feb. 24, ' 31.*—wl v. PREPARED BY .} A MES C. AYER, !*j;j< s:«al and Analytical Chcmisl, I.OWELL, MASS. I’ricc 25 Cants per Eos. Five Boxes for $1. A Y ij fMSX} Kt.Li.As Ci LifS. it' s i «/* rue m|>tcl Cure of ('OLfuSf IsC AltS&KliiSNy ovnnTis. tnioorixfi-fuireii, i'lton*. 1NTH91A, ASI> rOSSFMPTIOS, • remedy has won for itself such notoriety -t-.-i-s ot every variety ol tjulusonary disease. > i-iDirel. ar.neccT-r.ry to recount the evi- • it < virtue-! its any community where <i t.ejplnycd. So >v«le is tiie fic-1,1 cf its no -ie-i so uumen-n, tho eases of I- vr.'se-. MfhGiICAX. CARD l 33^-. £T. 23. Slo-am, f Y : ' '-[sili ( --otiiia. iu-.-.-in" j^crmaceutly located in i p * Iht^ city. t '.'-Ts ids services to the cit- oi Atlanta and the surrounding country, after ! an experience of four years in the Hospitals at the : Z\orth, will practice Medicine. Surguryand Obstetrics. ! Office oni Whitehall street, next door to Mr. Lewis Lav. she’s Tayloring More, where i can be found at all , hours, day aud night, when uofcprofessionally engaged. | I Refer to the following gentlemen, and any per- i son wishing knuv; mere of me c.iii do so by address- ihg—Hon. F. B. -Matlerlbwails. Hon. Joshua Taylor, : I^‘-lah Respass. Estj. Gen. Wm. A. Rimin' . Washington, • N. C. Prof. A. R. Baltimore. Prof. Muter, Prof. Pauc -t. j» C-gcr. Pliihulelphia. ]*rof. ‘ Bedford.. New York. M. A. Boll. Atlanta. July 20, 1354. [S—wtf] Atlanta, otia Dec. 1853. My Rear Sir:—I have just had the; lc-asureof examining^ vervstijierinr ' rieeimen of Denti“*r\. A full set of Upper Teeth inserted 1 ! en platina plate v. i:li continuous gum of silicioiis c in- j pound Tiie set is of tiie manufacture of .Dr. i„ I.. Ledbetter | of this place. For I- anty of aaisb. streugtb & per. : mananey an I natu-a! i'.V like uoppe.iiance, this pro- . e.s is certainly far superior to anything 1 have over ■ At the'alisiauce of r. few feet, till-- Job would dot- | detection, rio niuc-i is i; like tin- teeth and g,oY i ; the Creat Architect. Permit mo to recommend to your consideration most favorably Dr Ledbetter's . claims as a Surgeon Heatist. He is a resident of this i city, permanently located, of high moral and religious j character, and certainly a very superior workman i If you or any of your friends'have any Diin-g to be • done in ids line, do uie the favor to give t he iir„ u call at bis office over V. L. Wrpigli’a old stand on V.'iiile I Matclaes! Matches!! Matches!!! PATRONISE HOME INDUSTRY. | ° j rpHE subscriber begs most respectfully to inform ( a i ihe citizens of Atlanta that he is the sole agent i brated Decater Matches, in this city.-— j ^s 51.00, at Kavs cheap Book store. WM. KAY. j ITinter. Bookbinder. Blankbook Manufacturer, Book idler. fee., fee. ATf.-\NT.v. Jan.. 18th, 1854. 34 Ty. j NEGRO SHOES! NEGRO SHOES ! I , - HAVE now on hand,of niv ownniake,.a0G0p.iir ofliea- ^ . vy doubled soled Negro ISgSf. .. j-.jy- Shoes which X will cell to; ’S'-ft v Planters and others, a slow : .r--v il,; NorthernWet.tedshoes ! -Vl-lV Sfiy r v i i- eanhehad. d- *- ' F. M. EDDI.EMAN. 1 August 31st. 1851. (14—tf) 1 City Property for Sale. r j M IE following real property in and about the city * of Atlan f :i, belonging to tho estate of Fatriok (Tonally, deceased, will be disposed of at privates ale, to wit: A fractional lot situated near the Railroad Bridge, being a portion of city’ lot number 12and 13- Also a portion of land lot number fifty three, lying partly within and partly without the corporation lim its of the city—containing fifteen acres more or less, lying west of the Fair (Ground lot and ml joining Mr. Thurmonds. This contains tho best brick yard about tiie city. .Sold by virtue of a decree in Chancery of the Superior Court of Delvalb county, at October Term, 1853, For terms apply to Doc. 8; 1853 (28—tf) TKREXCE DOOXAN. Tru’t. Hall Street. 38—1 \ Respectfully. -11 u\ i;n »-v:\ • ha Vi* bcc l c. Sky and Sidu I> -VGUER RE AN ROOMS, | ! tOeer Alexander's Drugstore, Win!,hold!.. Atlanta, Co.] I A FEAR A TERSER And all the Materials list’d iia tiie Art.; ! | FOK BALE AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES i c - ou*,) (w. r. j;ci).i i Atlanta. August 31. 1S54. (]4 w tf) HlUg •: » - t>C . non fried i •u;t* t f in :s ; - *rf:rr- # : i - * are : c • i hnignr husjfcitc what aiit.Mk iu c d?.- f iosr.iug itnd dapgcrnns s \- l.iu-narv r'-rgaas wl.i *:i am iucideui A ml not only in for*nidak!e ::t Durrs, but for the !• fil-Jer varir!:.*^ lbi\;'.s;x>N, Cc.: and ur. .• and : Test medicine •T-T, «.N?n:-t.i!,t use tViri W Notice! ? 1E I! IU M*s«r DAG U ERREOTYPES! M . M . HAHTI N, DuguciTean Artist, NOW RECEIVING! QAA Darrels Xew i»rlean ; .-yrttp. /wUU 25Hhds Sugar, various qualities. 50 Hhds Cuba Mobtsses. 100 Dags Kio Coffee. 50 Bids Xo. 3 Mackerel. 50.000 libs Tennessee Bacon. 25 Boxes Tobacco. ICO Kegs Xails. Allof which are offered to the trade at low rates and accommodating terms by J. T. DOAXE, Atlanta, Juno 29, 1854 5tf 500 GlocJts! Ji-x JUST rcceiveil by A. W. Hall & Co.. Wl.nle- salo and Retail dealers iu Clocks, Watches. izisr Jewelry, silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy floods, fee. Xo. G(5 WhitCiKiU St., Atlanta. Fine Watches cnrefully repaired aud warranted. Engraving done at short notice. May 4, 1854. 49—ly C0II0H SEED B0CX AKD EIBE-PBOOr Roomio. r p!lf: undersigned, citizens or Somerville, Tour. ; A arr •veil acquainted with Mr. I dike Williams’ art! i ficial rock The Court House yard and the ground j Hour are laid with it. and have been for several months, i The County Court of Fayette, Tenn.. being tlinrouglilv i sati.-lii 1 tint the rock would answer a fine purpose, anil was all tho inventor claimed for if. employed Mr. ' li.etFiHiains to lav the said floor and nave the Court I Inuse < ard. Mr. Williams is a high-minded honorable ] man : an-i we are satisfied ’.he rock made bv him is i substantial, aud will stand tho to j of time. \\\. Vl . | o’en it used by 'dr. Keed. wlio is putting up a large Jo.- I tvl at pome-ville. in putting iu window and do,.r -;is, j and lieis much p -seri with it. .Notice! '!J r IIE subscriber offers his Pin station in DeKalb Coin: 11 ty. ~)z niiles South ol Decatur, on the McDonough Road, containing 250 acres, about 80 acres of which is do ft red and under good fences, with a comfortable dwcllidg, containing 5 rooms aud a porch, and other necessarj' buildings for farming, with a good orchard of select Apples and Peaches. The locality is ;» good one for a Public House as any to be found iu tho Bounty. Any person desirous of purchasing can call ou me at Decatur. Terms will be accommodating. JAMES J. WINN. September 25tli, 1S34. 18—wtf. Land for Sale in Lots fio Suit the Pm. chasersf I WILL soli 140 acres, iu lota of 15 acres, niort or leas, each : the land adjoining the tract whereon 1 now live, being a portion of tame lot, 1106,) within two miles of Atlanta, near WU c- iill, on the Macon it Western Railroad, and ihe road leading to Newnan. I would also sell ay REdil)UNCE separate from the lots, or with them. The laucl ia well timbered, 15 or 20 acre! cleared, and iu a gcod state of cultivation, good orchard and every necessary building wanted.— Call and examine for yourselves. J. B. LOFTON. Atlanta. Nov. 11, 1851. dwlm. \_By Authority of the State of Alabama.] SOVTHEKft MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. GRAND SCHEME! Class H. TO BE DRAWN THE TWENTIETH OF DECEMBER: Capitals $7500 “ 5000 “ 2000 “ 2 of $1,000 2000 in all, 251 prizes, amounting to $30,000 j&g^Tiekets $5—Halves and Quarters in proportion. Orders solicited for Tickets or shares in the above Magnificent Scheme. jS3f-All communications strictly confidential. SAM’L SWAN, Agent, At the Bronze Lions, Montgomery. Ala ^Y,Order.s for tickets received by A. W. JONES, sole Agent fur Atlanta. Office on Marietta street. i^IVJEKSITY OF LOUISIMA, Medical Department. r ['HE Annual Course of Lectures in this department will commence on Monday. November loth, and will terminate in the ensuing March. Ja-mix Jones, M. D. Professor of Practice of Medicine. Warren Stone. M. !>., Professor of Chemistry. J. L. Riddell, M. !>., Professor of Surgery. A. H. Cenas, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. A. J. Wit)DERnrrn, M. D., Protestor of Auatomy. GustavusA. Xorr. M. D. Professor of Materia Medics. Tiios. Hi nt. M. D. Prof, of Physiology and Pathology Cornelius C. Be.ap.d. M. D., ) . . S.OICKL I>. CnorPLV. SI. I>., j Demonst s°f Anatomy •Yi’he room.-* for Dissecting will bo open on the third Monday in October. The Faculty are Vi:fiting Physicians and Surgeons of the Charity Hospital, and attend this Institution from November to April. The Students accompany the Professors iu their visits, and, free of expe:.-.o, enjoy extraordinary prac tical advantages. There are, during the session, about eight hundred persons prescribed for daily. In 1853 the number of patients was thirteen thousacd s°ven hundred and fifty-nine. July 20. (11—4m) THOS. HUNT, M. D., Dean. GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS, G, fRankin, Wm. M. Eurlick, Geo. L. bumEey, [SUCCESSORS TO A. ATKINSON & CO.] rTlHIS establishment hasbeeninsuccessfuloperaticnfer X a number of years. The Quarries are well opened, and the Marble is superior to any in the United States. Wc have so p rfected our facilities for getting to and Sa shing work, that we can furnish Monuments, Tombs, Tables, HEAD STONES, and everything in our line of businesi. in better style, and at cheaper rates, than any yard a the country. When it is considered that we saw our own marbh pay no jobber’s profits an4 uo high freight from the North, it will be seen that we do posse jg pictorial 3d vantages over all competitors. We cordially solicit our friends and the public cone rally to examine our work, and compare our prices with, those of other yards before ordering Northern mart'’ We have on hand at our yard in Marietta a large : ; - sortment of finished work—-Monuments, Toombs, xc. - whereour agent G. W. Summers will sell at our price* Our principal work is done at the Mills. Address 31—ly J- G. RANKIN fe CO. Marble Work P. O., Ga Valuable Property for Sale. rpHE subscriber offers liis extensive fire-proof Ware Hou* in course of erection on While Hall j street for sale. The House will be most admirably ad- | apted for a general Commission business, having large 1 accommodations for the siorage of Cotton, and also i close storage for the New Orleansnml Tennessee trade, j The building will be ready by the 1st of October. ’ For particulars apply to xnyngent, T. Doonan, Whiie- Hal! street or to W’Uhm Ih'.rrv, Covington, (ia. ‘ WILLIAM BARRY. | Atlanta, Sept. 5.1851. [Sopt. 7 wtf FIRE & EIFE INSURANCE. r HE s*. bseviber is prepared to take risks against ioa of buildings of every description (not prohibit. 1 : b}' the rules of the Comp Allies) and stocks of goods, bj j fire, upon as reasonable terms as any office of equal re | sponsibility in the southern countr}*. He has tfc? j Agency of two of the oldest Companies in the Unit# , States, . iz. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company and 1 the -Etna Insurance Company at Hartford, the late •? ! ports of which show them to be in a perfectly sound mb ! dition, having a cash capital of over $400,0*00. Tbeff I teution of Mechanics aud laboring men generally j all heads of families is respectfully called to the fu that they can secure a competency* to their families:: after life by a tittle annual expence employed in essa* j ring their life. The Charter (\.h Life Insurance Coir i panv, of which the subscriber i.^ Agent, will grant r : i icies for from S6C0 to S5000 upon reasonable tenr.- ; - ■ Owners of Negroes need never lot*se that kimi of pw? 1 ertv if they will ensure their lives in this Office. , Office No. 3, Alabama Street. WM. MARKHAM- Atlanta. Oct., 28th 1854. dtf City l ots. | HE undersigned offers for sale rev<*r::l city lots in j ' tho North Eastern portiuii of Ward No. 3. ahoa ! plat ol ground in Ward No. A, the inc^t of which is' 1 beautifully situated, I will sell a part or the entire plat . ' io suit purchasers. Also a beautiful lot situated on , ; the corner of Ivey street and Forsyth Alley, and with- | ; m three hundred feet of the Grand Union Depot and ! j in ihe centre of ; he city. A small lot at the June- 1 1 ture* of White Hail and Forsvtli Streets, ou the north I , ;* .. . , i Y ' ’'a rv » „ .« . , i ’died wii:« t:ie be.*»i Hjo Market artorus. and emi) » l - ni! fronts on trie same nearlv s . . , 1T * J tion given to make the patrons of the Hou>e 38—tf Georgia House. rjlRE above House situated in the most p^asac' .1 part of the city, being ou the corner of » rceuan^ Jackson Streets, within three minutes walk of principal stores, Medical College. Dost Office, nmlGe'r- <1 Depot. The table tyijl, a tall tiincs, !rrd feet. . 1851 H. C. HOF.COMBE. Citv ILiiisti ioi - Sale. pin-o where il>.c ?'ii.-cr •* Foundry street, near Winsni taining it will be sui ’ 1 suit Al>o. t*n«» a.-Yc on j able. Board by the month or week ;.t mod M ratc Merchants, Hanfers, and others vistiug the ciir will nn- the ab<" >; House Ciunfortabie a nd convenient to or N. B,—Terms per day $1.00. M. A. MUd T -\ Augusta, Aug. 23,1S54. (13-2in) Proprietor^ road; 1 -aid si cro lot 1 ..ere lot T e;\v t*icS»- s Iron Woil: . con- geth u in lots to { lid Whitohall stre c' •g bad. to ihe rail . near (’apt. Xelsou*<, , hop. Terms accom- PLAISTDKS* HOTEL, AUGUSTA. - - 0 CORGI l J IT.Ui.ui •Mt e:> W Ti Thus Uit. ffh. Esq utter Price 25 cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1. For sale by A. Alexander, Atlanta, Georgia, and dealers in mod- cine generally. 43—ly. sautl dollars. The Governor-General of Cuba lias re fused a request of the planters to disband the black soldiers. no longer wonders at the delays . which have occurred. MARRIED. In this city ou llio 10th instant, by the Rev Jno. P. Duncan, Mr. J. It. D. Ozbciix, to Miss M. E. MisecN, Auction & Commission Business! S. J. SHACKLEFORD H AS taken the large and commodious House on Alabama strec<‘t, south of. and contiguous to, the Common Passenger Depot, where he is prepared to re ceive Consignments of all kinds of MERCHANDISE and j j PRODUCE, Bacon, I/ard, fee., fee. He will, also, give strict attention to the Sale of 1 NEGROES, REAL ESTATE, HORSES, fee., am every thing, which may be desired to be sol- tion or Privately, on Commission. jQS^All Consignments will he disposed of agreeably to structions, and funds promptly remitted. f5 1-ly.] | WHO has studied under two of the most eminent thou ,-.f ih. ! Ayl— Mc.Gixiie rind Harrington ol New Oilcans, has now open ed liis rooms directly oppo.file Me-srs. Whitney fe Hunt's store, where he is prewired ' to take r'hotographh’ Miniatures, in the latest and roo>* approved style of painting from nature, on the reasonable terms, from one dollar and fifty rent upwards according to the siy.e and 411.1 lily of material. He flatters himself that he has a thorough knowledge o: rhysiognoin\-. consequently lie will guarantee a'correcl likro'-s of the kitter. Lockets, Bracelets. Brouolu -. W P Finney, Es,, John V Re«vcs A B ITnnev. J-.J I) J A William T G McUkdlan M d Turner J il Pearsall Jo ii Cooper ChasT Pel itt Win Button. Clerk of County Court T 1 - 5 * 6 ' er’s ! t : HO RD A of is A LI. persons in lebtcd to m - v Ailrnta bv vote pa t dr..- tho Will of a ell, deceased. to perfection i Medalions. 1 ins, Rings and Copies t: | Also, old pictures renovated | lb.-public are particularly 1 specimens and test tho skill of the operator. 1 Marcli 30. 1864. («• tf) K M Lur.g AP Dupuy V W Robertson Sam Sneed Jas H Thompson August 15th, 1854. 1 Extract of a letter from R H Blount, of Houston I Texas, dated July lfith, 1854: Eighteen months’ use [of the Cotton Seed Rock] here ‘ has shown that it makes a pavement vastly superior I >st J to brick, and it seems to begetting harder and bettor i .f*-**-^ nd 4l®“Tho Patent Right of those wonderful inventions ( has been equally divided between Duke Williams and W. II. Poindexter, who are now prepared to sell State, county, or local rights. The right of tho above artfieh rd a no bonds given b\ m to lots in \ lant;i deeds f-« with the c* For 4ot.-. in the city of j , are ivjiics f r .> come 5 t* sau.e. and al! persons holding | ‘rmer agent. T. Doon.i n. for titles *c requestt»d to call a inl receive i if they have complied ou their parti iur of said bonds. J.\NF L. -MTTCHn I.. ..dr.Fx.. with | ftxed, ihe Estate of Samuel Mitch- j Zelmlon, July 2d. 1854. ! FGE SALS. for this | county has been purchased by Mr. Felix Sowers, invited to examine liis ! wbo is now l’ ro t ,luei1 >° sell hcml rightts. n21 wGm City I.asiU fov Saie A UETTlFfL five acre lot, well timbered. lying Ira- d -it Vrr- I mediately on a public street, a fine location fora J ; private residence, is offered exceedingly low. Titles 1 good—call ™ FOR rpTIR subscriber offers GOSHEN BUTTERS A IMRGE quantity of the very best quality of fresh Goslien Butter, just received from New York, and or sale at 30 cents per pound by W. W, ROARK. December 21, 1 ST-'J WM. H. THURMOND, or Maj. STEI'HEN TERRY. 30—tf. LARGE supply of Sugar always on hand and fo . sale by W. W. ROARK, SAJLE. for sale his Farm seven inllesfrom Atlanta, it being the East half of Lot J number 24fi in J4th District of DeKalb county, con j turning one hundred and one and a fourth acres more | or less, forty ucres of which are cleared and under | cultivation. There are ou the Premises a good framed | Dwelling and all requisite out houses. Apply bv let- _ I ter or otherwise to BENJ. F. HARRIS on the Premises, or to H. B. LATIMER Atlanta, Ga. At Junta ‘21,1858. 8-tf A House and Lot on Mitchell street near the intersection of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, formerly owned by Geo. W. Cook, now in pt. .session of John Simpson. Titles indisputable and terms accommoua imr. A] j lv to SIMPSON fe HARRIS, Ageins for Ne.itt, l^thorpe & Stebbins. Atlanta, March 23, 1854. 43 '.u; >. new UOU^L, fix’i -ted n Broad •lately iu f:* the ril.e -.if which has bet ", furnished tlir. .»^nont v.»- • iev.* Furniture. Bedding fee., is now open for ther*- « ot: •• of- a.-tomers. !t v III be .he ewaw or 1-= i-opri «-r, to givesatisfaclion to the •' tayffl' 1 ?:n with their cu*unii. J. M. SlMPS0* v - Nov 1,185^ f26—’ly] _ _Proprutou MAHSflALU. HOI’SE, Snvannuh, Georgia, GORDON FARGO, Proprietor, (L-irii ok rm: r. s. iiotkL, .u’GYsTa, gkorou ) Savannah, November 3d. 1S53. J2—wlj GltKiWILLE te CO., G-eaeral Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, YXTIl.I, attend promptlv to anv business eutrus- »T to them. They also keep an office at (hattss'v ga. Tennessee, and will make purchases for orders produce at that point. Charlih E. Gukxviu.b, Savannah. Nov. 7, 1S54. WtLUAM F. SAMl’LB. Cliattaneog*. d.v-v-'m FOR SALE. •J'HE House and Lot Occupied 1-yStr. .Tunnies F. I.eon- 1 ard on I-ryor street. For terms apply to Col. Jas. i SI. Cnlaoun. or to the undersigned at Decatur. Dos- i session given '\rst of October, .-I NEI.SGV " i Juno 2 1853. 1 ,(•' JAMES HASLETT, IMPORTER AND GENERAL DEALER IN LIQUORS AND CIGARS, No. 4, Commerce Street, Baltimore, AM. J. 31, ConiTJiR, Agent, June 29. [5—wjyj EZRA J. MOSES, COMMISSION * FGEWASDING MERCHANT’ Savannah, Ufa, W -ILL pay -strict attention to all business outrust« to his care. —: HKKKRKXCKI :— Messrs. L. Trapman & ('<>., j 41 WardlawlValkerandBurnside, ^Charles ].Ne w ff° rk ' James Adger & Co., Hall * Moses. “ Catliu, Levitt & Co., “ Purvis, Gladden & Co., New Orleans- “ A. A. Solomons & Co., Savannah. 44 Hall ■*; Moses, Columbus. - Savannah, October 24th, 1844. 3