Newspaper Page Text
Fatal A»»*Tw~i^ai«oul^ «3eu«»d ia
Ifenry county on Tburday mgm ‘,_. 1
week, between -Jiuned HiImwu and \\ in.
Wyatt, which resulted in the death -rf the
Classical and English School
_ sjj,J’hc su'jfcribw will optii n Mai* Softool on
friwnnr "rt aniioftl* Wyatt had elopc-d M 'liuay. Iasi. Sih, i:: Mr. Markhain’s buildiug,
loMTOfc ltap{>oftw J daughter on .corner of Whil^UaU 4 Mitchell streets. Hem-
with and married ■ • ", , i.-. - ij Hi,j ii. mental discipline and moral training,
the day previous, aud «that the latter uad 7^ r.-hwi -billbc inieiioi; to no Institution in
followed them, wit.i in© expressed deter ini- • g WJ; .—would respectfully solicit the pat-
nation to kill them both. Wyatt und his r „ na g 0 <,f the parent* and guardians of Atlanta.
jfg had retired to a friend a house, and • Tuition in flu EnyHch Branch™, $8 00 per gr
hearing of the threats of Ililsuian, haned Langnaget U nd llighcrMathematics, 10 00 “ u
the door acainst hie approach. Hilsmau, kctfre.v'.cs—t'd. J«uw Miiaer, erf. Joel Foster, Geu.
howeve^uret the door open and dbchar^ | ^ |
ed one barrel of his gun at A* yatt, wco in j. m. ctdi&oan, Wm. Markitam, E*q., cm\it. j. it. *
return snatched up a gun und shot , Swift, Atlanta. -a. X. wo^ox. a.J*. j
who fell mortally wounded, and died in a ; ***■ ’ i " 11 * 4 - ' I
few moments. Wyatt has given liiutself up i
and demanded an investigation.—Griffin
John Rowau, a rcpectable citizen of Hen
ry county, droppoa dead on Wednesday
morning, while engaged in preparation for
hog killing. He was'apparently in perfect
health the morning of his death.—Griffin
~~ A man has just been fined $100 at
St. Louis for insulting Indies in the street
Served him right.
VicKsncRG, Dec. 22.—The officers of the
steamer Golden State report that the steam
er Illinois Belle struck a snag on % ednes-
day night, twenty miles above the mouth of
White river, and sunk in six feet water.—
No lives were lost.—A. O. Pic., 22d.
Ware-Home ft Conuaiuian Xerchani, ■ l °»
W w 1111 * l . uIlMfrum ...vr.-i! In t
jJAVIXQ rented that spacious Fire
Proof Ware-House, recently erected!
on White-Hall street, will attend to the
Storage and Sale of Cotton, Corn, Lard Bacon,
and ail other pi'duoe with which he may be favor
ed. Having had long experience in the general
trade of Georgia, he flatters himself that he van
give satisfaction in the sale of all produce: and ,
also in the purchase of ail articles which the vmr-
try may require. T. DOONAN.
December 14.1854. 89dwtf
sere, of Lead
ti-feot» ri,*P—8 ve
■ miles from in Kaedot..*. t'ouots. AUhem*.
coutaining :.!•••- 14j acres «f bottom lead. 50 aCKS
cleared anil tiu* o.u.hucc ,eU Umbered. Ihe place.000
tabu -.udiaeai kiw pvarr tor mv ito; at Jlaehtaery.
ekd ■ m irfhsnT 44. — * - — — .. m.4 tn —It— e Ida 4 he rn
GEORGIA. 1 Ordinary Court, Dec’r.
FnRm EomAtf. } 'Cara, 1864.
Tv the He—rafale the Court ef Ordinary of said
ill' ILL Lc sold on the first uouday in January
VY next, Lefqijj the City Hall door,
GEORGIA,- 'Ftlton<Cemnty‘ -
\ A .* ilLREAij Johu Lincii hasdMs day applied to uiefor
* i letters otfeilmmUtranon on the estate ot Julia £..
Cbrflgah"latefef ealdcouatv decereJ,—Hies* artrth*
Mmliinmr .in, half-Mem mm sr tomgaa'Tatew saidcouaty ilecesW,—Tiiesa eretnere-
one city lot, tongm^o- UR we^^o^r . ^eitearnfadmonUt .band .tegular th.kin0.re4
«£ : TTHEpetitioa of John Mitchell respectfully ! less, frontal* on WhiteUJl and WtUhell 8trcef«| 4pd creditors of said defect to ho "and appear at my
- ^ r l!ffu^^ fc AUtomar“to^«^r , lWXla 1 sheweth. that on the 17tb day of Janeary, sold to satisfy a liFa ux favor ot the Mayor an.l ofll* within'the ttmo .fMcnboi by bur to show cause
- prvmUae KBaXCIS it- BFKEYMJN. 1850, Allen £. Johnson of said - eennty, (but then ' Council of tiro city ot. Atlanta, Jor eity tax ia the if any they bare; why said letters should —tbe-*r»n-
Piano Porte Bepairer and Toner,
YV ILL attend to any calls in bis
VV line of business, such as reg-
ulating of action, covering of ham- If T * I*
aa ooligaUon, acopyof which is hereunto attach-
, cd, whereby he hound himself to uuufa your peti- ^-ss, fronting on Houston streetlevied on to sat- . ———j—
title, and relinquish- • Wy aTar Ufa In fivi.r of the Mayor and Council GEORGIA Fulton County.'
JOS. M. MEAD, Ordinary.
ot November 1844,
It' HUIEAS Joshua Gilbert applies to me for letters
V* ol adminintratioBoa• the estate of Uiiabetb It.
Administrator’s Sale.
B Y vii tue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of the County of DeKnlb, will be sold on Jjo
First Tuesday in January next, at Decatur in said
County between tlie legal hours of sale. One let
of Laud X->. three Hundred and nineteen, (."ID)
in tlie 18th Uinrict, Original Heury now DeKalb
County containing two Hundred two and a half
acre.-, more <5r less: also the following negroes, rir :
(}id a man about Si years old and Adaline, a wo
man about -2 years old and both negroes buing of
good quality all sold as the properly of Isarel
Miller, Deceased for the Beuelit of the heirs ot
said estate. Terms on day ot sale.
(i. MOBRTS, Administrator.
November 6. 1854.
upon the payment of three hundred dollars aa the cil of the city of Atlpnia, for city tax, vs- Thomas j otiiec vl-J. ln the time prescribed by law. to show cause.
' ' * J if any tbey have, why letter's of aumlnictration should
Atlaxta, December 28.
Cottox.—Sales of ft few bales only, at 6 cents.
Exchange, on New York is scllingati percent
premium. On Charleston and Savunnah i per
Bacox. We quote hog round 10 to 10$. Homs
12to 12j cents. Sides Ribs 0$ 10 cts. Sides dear
10 to 11. Shoulders 9 a 0J cents.
Lxnn by tbe bbl. 11(5,12 ct«. leaf.
Inox, Swedes 5J to fife; English 5 to 51 cents
Nails have advanced to 8 a 6$ cts.
Coax is selling at 80 to 85.
Corn Meal. 85 to 90 cents.
Pork, Hog round, fii(g>7 cents.
Beef, By the quarter, 6 5J cents.
Sweet Potatoes, 50 to 00 per bushel.
Irish Potatoes, 75 to 100 per bushel.
Balt, Liverpool sacks plenty, $2,;{5,(5,$.250
Liquors.—French Brandy, $2,50 to $2,00 per
gallon: Domestic 50 to 75c. Peach do. 80 a 75
cents. Whiskey 45 a 50 cents. Gin 50 to 60.
Rum 45 to 80 cents.
Wheat.—Good will bring to $1,40 per bushel
Flour.—City Mill from $4 to 4* por hundred.
Bctter, Country, 15 to 20 cts. Uoshon, 25 cts.
per pound. Tean. Butter, 15 a 18 by tho Keg.
Fair N. 0. Sugar, by bbd 5$.
Prime “ “ " 81-
Choiuo “ “ “ «-•
Syrup, N 0. by bbl. .10 to 22 ota. gal.
Extra IVhiskoy “ 45 “
Star Candles per box 28 “ lb.
No. 1 Rio Coffee by sack 12J to J3i " “
UfNXT Baggino 26 to 18 cts.
Rope 12 to 13 cents.
Chickens, 15 to 20 cents.
Eggs, 15 to 20 cents.
Fonnr.n, 75 to 100 per hundred.
Pkas, $1,00 to $1.10
Feathers.—40 to 45.
1'—Sperm 37 o 45c Tallow 20 22cts
Savannah Doc. 26, P. M.
COTTON.—The market continue* depressu,
but without change. The transactions of the day
ambunt to 541 bales, nB follows : 2 at 6, 16 at lit
129 at 8} 12 nt 82 23 at 7, 6 at 7J, 103 at 7g, 78
at 74, 20 at 71, 33 at 7}, 17 lit 73, and S7 bales at
8 cent*.
Acousta, Wednesday, p. m.
COTTON.—There is a fair demand to-day and
some salon. Prices firm, and unchanged.
Charleston, Dec. 27, 2 p. m.
COTTON.—There is a brisk demand to-day,
aa«l holders are freo sellers at yesterduy’s prices.
Sales 2000 bales 5J to 8$ cents.
nr HEREaS. John I.. Harris applied to jBie for letters
. of adminlstrit iou ...... —
i on the estate of Williatn Fartn-
Just Received.
20,000 lbs OLD BACON, side?, 40 kegs choice
new LARD, 20 bbls do, aud 300 Lbs Feathers.
A small lot of Corn and Oats, aud a few thous
and pounds of Fresh Bones and Sausage Meat,
for sale low, by diwtf J. E. WILLIAMS.
Dec 25, ’54 Atheurcum Building, Atlanta.
J. E. Williams,
H aving removed to his New Store on Decatur
•treet, (Atbcneeum Bnilding; ucar tho Trout
llou-e, is prepared to furnish in any quantity—
BACON, LARD, CORN, OATS, and all kinds of
ProdLxio o
brought to this market. He returns his thanks to
the public tor tho liberal patronage heretofore be
stowed upon him, and solicits a continuation of it.
Atlanta, Dec. 25,1854. dawtf
A Situation Wanted.
A graduate of Dickinson College, Penn., desires
a situation as teacher for the ensuing year. Testi
monials of approved scholarship can be produced
if desired. Address Beta, Lithonia, Geo.
“Dee 14, 1854. 29wlin
Negioc’i for Sale.
Will bu sold on tho first Tuesday iu January,
„ilbrc the Court Hou.-o door in the city of Alania
to tho highest bidder, the following negroes, to wit:
One negro woman, Flora, 27 years old ; one child
j named Ann, six years old; one child, Caroline,
| three years old. Terms of sale: One third er.- L
an 1 the balance twelve months credit with note
mid approved security.
Dec. 22. 1S54. dtsd.
. tinner a full auU sufficient title, .
j ment of all hi» right, title and ; ntermt. in and to a 1 4f the city of Atlanta vb. L. J. Pat*.
I certain lot of laad. aa follows: The East half of A city lot. containing oues-foorth of *n acf* , - . -- . - , _.
w . - ; lotKo. map,in tho Sixth D«met af Heov eoun- ! «oraar lras, ftonting tbe iteorgte, Roilrtmd; .o^cl ■ G‘lfcen•
JXGW Canny Mflwwfimtory t mw, tm-ted or buffsd,) laying of new string* by i ty, containing one hundred one and a fourth aerao, j to mtwfy a fila in tuvor of the Mayor and Couir- I aa ,\ «*diter« of toid deceased to be and oppear a< ai>
< * •'the octave, whole or single, Ac. ‘ upon the pavn * ’ ' -i -v . .------- —’ - - _
T HE subocriber would inform the citizens of At
lanta and vicinity that he has constantly on
hand, at his Confectionery and Baking ectablish-
ment, ail kinds of
Confections, Pastries, Fruits, Itc
He i j also prepared to furnish every description
of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings ov
parties, at short notice, and on aecomzcodatmg
Imported wines and brandies of all descriptions
for medical purposes, kept always on hand. Al*o,
genuine Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing To
bacco—together with a large assortment of Toys,
Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac.
Having recently returned from the North, where
he laid in a fine stock of Fancy Articles and eve
ry thing necessary for carrying on his candy man- :
Satisfaction g.ven in every instance or no .- purchase money, in su, two, and three payments ■ Reid,
charge. AH work warranted. j as it) said obligation alleged. Toot pet itioner for-
Txnlag by flaw Year 4«m at Redxesd ! ther shows to your Honor^tbai subsequently
Prices. * gem uf said obligation, the said Allen E.
Orders anywhere from the country, addressed to departed this life intestate, and tha* John
U. F. Barth, Atlanta, Ga.. will moot with prompt : a, tD an d William H. Ferguson, of said county, has
attention. j obtained Letters of Aditonistration on the goods,
ITT IVTIPBPP ermwii i chattels and credits of said AHen E. Johnson, in
A1 Lilli lil f ItJCflffl iJvllUUIfl* . the Court of Ordinary of raid county uf Fulton,
' subscriber reapectfuay aaDouacss that the ex 1 ud thjll .{oru,,, t h 0 life of the said Allen E. John-
iy, I son. »nd within the time specified in said obiiga-
to iti4 benoflta, to genii their children ng soon fts the j wherein itft ttud doccsseu bounil iiniifclt to
School ot^ine. He sho respectfully asks all tho ; niakn titles to thn lftnd now claimed, your petition-
friends of tb* school to wm tboir influence in procuring 1 er * m j < | to the said Allen B, Johnson, tho aforesaid
ihe iu tendance of tho^ tw;li enUxled. as it ix impoMi of thme* hundred dollars, duo on the land
Ue for him to ru»t all m the city. ? - *,
A. W. OWEX, Teacher. ( . . „ ,
December 22, ISW 73dtf And your petitioner pray® your Honor to direct
Negro Mechanici For half-
] the said John H. Johnson and Williaui H. Fcrgu-
_ _ _ Gi-UKot. a man, A years old, who has worked three
ufuctory. he would inform county dealers that ho is J years at the stoue cutting buineaa
prepared to furnish candies At wholesale at 17 ! by order of the Ordinary for distribution.
* ‘ . .. i Terms: IS months credit, for note, with approved
cents per pound. ... security. . T. HAUKA^Lx’r.
Orders Accompanied with the cash or good city | sparU. Xov. 16.1864. TtICH’D FEARS. Hr.
or a«ie. ; son to make your petitioner titles to said lot of
VV'iLLhesoldinSFABTA, 6A-. on the 1 t Toe-da, land, a-ecording to tho tenor and effects of said ob-
*LiK^'.ii.WKst?sa2i.; «•*“"■•—ma-sswgirw* **
1 JOHN MITCHELL, Petitioner.
references promptly attended to.
Atlanta, Nov. 30th 184. jdaw-ly.
T HE undersigned respectfully Inform? tho citi
zens of Atlanta and vicinity, that he has now
established himself in this eity, and opened a shop
wo doors above the post office, in Whitehall et.,
where ho is prepared to make
to order, and warrants them to be of superior work
manship and quality; Gnns. Rifles and Pistols
will bo repaired in tlie best possible manner, and
at reasonable charges. Also, Locks nut in order
and Keys furnished—together with everything
that comes within his line of business.
Nov 27. *54 ditwlm CHAS. HEINZ.
H. Braumuiler*
(Lnte Prof, of Untie in the Synodical Fmu'l* Col
lege cf Georgia,
Will take about six more scholars, if early ap
plications arc made.
Mrs. Braumuiler,
Is also ready for the reception of scholars iu the
different branches of Ornamental work.
Order? in Fancy IJai; -Braidiiy;, are re
spectfully solicited. For particulars and terms I
il at the Music Store. Whito-Hall street, sign of j
the Goldc: Piano.
Atlanta, November 14, I fi 54. 42dtf
^jMRS. J. M. BORING, takes great pleas-
ore in announcing to her friends and pat
rons, that her stock of Fall and Winter
Goods is now complete. Please call and examine
her goods, all who are in need ef tho latest fash
ions, as she has this day received a lot of just such
articles. Her goods need no great noise about
them—i-ome and see them, and judge for your
Atlanta, November 8, 1854. dw3m
Copy of Bond.
Georgia, DeKalb County.
K NOW all men by these presents, that I, A. E.
Johnson, of DeKalb county, am held <thd
firmly bound, onto John Mitchell of Henry county,
in the full sum of six hundred dollars for tho pay
ment of which. I bind myself, my heirs and as
The condition of the above bond is an follows:
The said A. E. Johnson, has this day sold to the
above John Mitchell, a certain parcel of land, to
wit: One hundred ono and a fourth acres, or the
East half of lot number fifty, in the sixth District
of Henry county, and the said Mitchell pays one
hundred dollars in cash; one hundred dollars the
25th December, 1850, and one hundred dollars the
25th December, 1851. Then tho said A. E. Jobu-
i sou is to make the said John Mitchell, good and
.ROBERT H. MAY, ;has opened a ,
, Carriage Repository i?. this eity. on ! the said Mitche.l pays or causes to be paid, the
—White-Hall street, opposite Whitney I above described payments, otherwise this bond to
Hunts, where ho intends to keep a full assort- j he in full force in Iaw.
nit of Carriages, Rockawaya ami Buggies. As., : This 17th January, 1850.
- - - ■ [Signed] A. E. JOHNSON. [Seal.]
which he will sell at Augusta prices. Thoso wish
ing to buy any thing in his line would do wall to ;
examine his stock and prices before purchasing j
elsewhere. |
Atlanta, December 21, 1854. dlm-wtf
[Test] W. H. FERGUSON.
A truo ropy from the minutes.
JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary.
granted said applicant. Given ondertny hand af office,
this lltli Uav of September, 1854. “
' ' JOS. H. MEAD, Crd-j.
j GEORGIA, Fulton County.
j A. H. PARKS applies to me for letters of Guar
dianship, to tho minora and orphans of Sarah
These are there
nit i fiiill!!
those indebted to
the subscriber, either by account
or note, will please call and set
tle belore 1st January. After
that time I shall turn over lor col
lection the delinquents.
Atlanta, Dec. 4, ’54. w2m
SAVANNAH, Dec. 25.—Arrived, sclir J F
Frambus. Frambus, Philadelphia.
CHARLESTON, Dec. 27.—Arrived Br bark
Elizabeth Holderncs?, Pincbou, Grimsby, (Eng.:)
U S M steamship Jus Adgcr, Turner, Neiv Yois
II S M Mtonmship Isabel, Rollins, Havana; shij
Lallah Ro .kh, Kickurdsou, Loudon. In thonfliug,
Hr ship Royal Victoria, Wintcruglnun, Liverpool.
Arrivals at the Trout House.
Dee. Xt, 1894.
J A Whitemte Chattanooga i’ A Scranton Augusta
J Jr
•»ck Nashville
.1 .1 X j^iMclnian tlo
J L Jamen do
Wm k F.iriter Atlanta
C li * Tiamll»*r do
Wiu B S Killer X V
.1 K Kuruftt do
Wm Wyim Griffin
A M Xnrthcutt Ac worth
M KaiKht Muiieesboro
J M SwauHon Vhv'uia
I»oaKh<?rty Columbus
J () Duhou Fa>cUville
Wm Turner A: Cii'l i ictroit
W C linrKo Morririton
iC A White Clark Ala
T S Wayne Savannah
(i il 1 • Slott Saratoga X Y
C F Hankin Cliarlohlon
II F Farter * '■oonawatLi
V M Durham Union Sjir Ala
li F MouMin Deivaiuco
(* W Camp do
We are authorized to announce the name oi
JA31ES CALDWELL, ns a candidate for the of
fice of Tnx Receiver, for tho County of Fulton, at
the election on tho first Monday in January,
gogf We arc authorized to announce tho
name of T. B. DANIEL as a candidate for Tax-
Collector at tho onsuiug election, on the first Mon
day in January.
rrtllE undersigned bogs lea\e to inform the citi-
f z„ns of Fulton county, that he is a candidate
for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election to conn
off on the first Monday in January next, ami
would fed thankful to all persons for their assist
ance. F. M. Vr HITE.
December 13. 1854. 69dwto
W E are authorized to announce the name of ii.
M. BOYD, as a candidate for Tax Collector
for tho county of Fulton on tho 1st Monday in
Junuary next.
December 3, 1854. dw(tf s )
We are authorised to announce the name
of M. S. YOAKUM as a candidate for tbe office of
Tax-Receiver, for the county of Fulton, on the 1st
Monday iu January next.
Doc. 10, 1854. daw to.
Wo are authorized to announce the name
of NICHOLAS H. BACON as a candidate for
Tnx-Receiver of Fulton county, af January c'ac
tion. dtwto.
A \V a mi ug.
Delay uut; harboi* not in your mind that aen
tenet* of fools’ phillostiphy, that a dilate will
get cured of itself or that you can euro it with certain
medicines for a fen dollar*. Do ware bow you tamper
with your peueral welfare.
Ye wild and vicious youths, why will you persist in
dosing with the filthy nauseating compounds daiiy
profited, thereby impairing your appetiteHinldigestion,
and destroying you mentally as well as jdiycaily. when
you can be cured with » few doses of pleasant medi
Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will yc suf
fer and repine, and drag out a miserable existence,
untitled for the enjoyment and even ordinary pursuits
of life. You who are thus annoyed and wish to be t.»
restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once
pleasant and onVctual, should consult Dr. MUifUlF.
His success in chronic diseases lias been greater than
that of any other physician of his day. Many who
have boon for years aitiicted with disease or
qiioucei* iexalting from exre ;i» ’mve been restored to
health and vigor under his ail., r* -..-.entittc treatment
Should a personal interview oe objection*b1*». state
your disease in writing—enclose live .'.jUan*—address
Dr. W. >n) k, .Ui., through the Poitofliue, . ushville,
Tenn.. n paekago and of medicinea. securelv-mt up,
will b« ‘•out privately and with despatch, full of direc
tions therewith, and no questions asked.
Deryous living at a distance, and afflicted tvilli
Scrofula. Old Ulcer-, Tetter, Cancers, I iles. Fistula
in Ann, Gravel Structures, Gleets, or any disease what
over of an aggravated or malignant ch nacter, can be
cured at h »me by consulting Dr. MORRIS by letter post
l>aid. enclosing a fee.
Medicines pleasant and vafe, can be sent per r.-ail
to any part of the United S«nte.-.
Particular attention given to tlie treatment of female
complaints. Ijtdie?? who may heap; cted with U regu
lar ones. Hour Albus, or Whites, UndapMis Uteri, or
Falling of tue Womb, would do well to lay aside nil fals,
delicacy, and promptly con ult tile l*o<tt«»r. Ci Ki>
Office over .Mutual Froteciton Insuranc* Office. Ce-
darstraet, n*»ar l'ostoffice. Room Xo. II up stairs.
Nashville, Tcnu. May 25th, l25—ly.
C:klli«»uii Pills.
THIS Extra Scpbjuok F-vmily Mfiuchv!: is now about
being •dieted to the public, wo would direct the special
attention of on** frieudn :u**l acquaintances every wlieic
u* these Fills, not fearing in the least t that tliey will
m**et the public appr«>balion more fully llmu nny ever
yet offeree to the |»eople. For further particulars «ee
advertisement in to-day's paper. Look nt the certifi
cates, they are from n high Honrce.
Men <db Boys Clothing,
Clothes New and Fresh.
Thu Richest ever Drought to this Market, i t’on. »f the RMn»Y,, Tii.ea#--
YMtin-l 1 Compisints, P»ins and Aching
V eSlingS. are sprJ(UIv p„ t to flight by n-tn
Come soou, or they ■will all be sold. -—1.1-
Gloves——Extra Fine
Ncclc F'ixlusi, the *very latest stylea and richest
materia! 8 *.
Tailor 1 ?* Trimmings—Tapes, Crayons, and almost any
thing kept in a Merchant Tailoring establishment, can
be bought from the subscriber.
Atlanta, Nov *2. d&«vtf LEWIS LAWSHK.
cause, if any they have, why said letter* should
not be granted tbe applicant.
Given under my hand and saal at office. thL* -itb
day of December, 1354.
JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary.
City Lot for Sale.
YI/TLL he sold on tbe first Tuesday in Jami-
V V nry, next before tbe Court House door within
the le^ul hours of sale u eity lot on Collier ?t.,
eontniuinj;, half aero on which is ft Dwelling, j
house Kitchen good well of water Garden, Ac.
titles Good. Term" made known ou dev of sale.
S. J. SHACKELFORD, Vcnduemaster.“
Atlanta, December 14.
At Auction.
\X/TLL he sold at public outcry before tho Coui t
V V House door. Wltn*n the legal hours of sale,
•n the first Tuesday in January next, Three liko-
■y Negroes, vtr.: First rate woman, 24 years eld;
.i!ioy!7.* •me 7. The negroes are unusually likely;
those wishing to purehsc will do well to call and
sec them. S. J. SHACKELFORD,
Dec. 23. Vcndui Master.
L/.\ iHK
IM&ysioIoglcal oi Marriage.
M. B. LA CROIX. 31. D., Albany, N. Y.
-50 Tages and ioO Fine I’lain and Colored l.ituographs
and Ulatea.
jm~ Price only Twenty-five Cents.
tf^-.Sent free of postage to ai. parts of tho Unioa.*^
LISHl-.f*. an l roiiGaining nearly
doublu the quantity of reading
matter iu that of the
Fifty cents or Dollar Publica
Il treats ••a the PHYSIOLOGY
OF MARRIAGE, aud tlie oecret
tnfirniitiea and disorder* ol
youth au»l maturity, resulting
WPFif IP ^ roul excvHries which deattf)
v tll< * phyHiealatid menial powers.
•4 all dix ases arising from indi«
cretion. with plain and simple rules by which all per-
ons can cure themselves without mercury, with tl.v
author's obaervationri on marriage, its duties and dis- ,
qualifications, «inu their remedies; with colored iith*»
graphs, illustrating the anatomy and physiology, and
• liseasee of the reproductive organs of both sexes, theii
structures, uses aud functions. It contains mauyiin-
imrtaiit hints to those contemplating matrimony
which will overcome objectiouH ;.g«.Irs’ maitiOKe;■—
nouc, however, should take this important step with
out first consulting its pages. It treats ol all diseases
ot females, whether married or single. Hints to those
who desire no more children, strangers who require
medical aid, before consulting any doctor, ought to
know whether their cases are properly understood by
these whom they employ, and thus guard against the
imposition of quackery, so prevalent iu populous cities.
Hence the advantage of a popular knowledge of ouea-
self, such as is given iu this work.
If medical the test of talent, and cu
lightenment be sought from books, let common fien>e
discriminate between truthful simplicity and outrage
ous spcciou.sne.S8 aud bombast. Dr. l.a Lioix is a legal
ly qualified physician, and for the last twenty ye&r.>
bus been daiiy consulted upon tlie di fie rent di. eases up
on which liis book treats, personally as well as by let-
er. Any person sending twenty five cents in h letter,
post paid, will receive one copy by mail, free of post
age, or five copies for $1,00. Address DR. M li. I A
CluilX. No. dl Maiden Lane, I*. 0. Fox 670, Albany,
X- Y.
4Qj“Mt-diciue sent to any part of the Union accord
ing. o directions, safely packed and carelully secured
from alloo>ervatiou.
***Oflice . jH*n daily from y A. M., to U F. M. GnSun-
day until 6 1\*M.
-Olhcfc Mimovtil from S. 56 Bcftvor Hi., to No.
31 MnillruLaur, Albat.y. N. V. 44.1&wl;
too ‘
A tin cons.
Dedicated to Ills Pupils and
Friends in Atlanta, Ga.
I E RENDEZVOUS (Redowa Sentircantalo,)
Jt composed by H. BraumuLer, just received
and for sale at tho Music Store on Whito-Hftll at.
Fresh Arrivals!
Seago cf: A-btaott’ai
Commodious, Fire-proof Ware-house,
30,000 pounds prime Tennessee Bacon Sides.
“ choice “ “
“ Prime Leaf Lard in bbl:
“ Live Geese Feathers.
Sacks Extra-Family A Superfine Flour.
.30 Hbds Prime A Fair Orleans Sugar.
100 bushels choice apples.
Jo bbls A half bbls Mackerel.
iOObbls A 30hhus> Lime (Fresh from Rogers Kiln.
5 bbls. “Upper Ten” New Orleans Golden Syrup,
at $1 per gallon.
1.000 Bushels corn, also oats cow Peas, corn
.'dual. Extra largo Yam Potatoes, Tobacco, Salt,
To: , Factory Yarns Ac., Ac. For sale Wnolesale
and Retail on very accommodating terms bv
SEAGQ A ABBOTT, Groceries A Commission
Mcrchmts, Atlanta Ga. Nov. 27,1854. [diwly.
to.-. R. SWIFT.] p_ H. BRYANT. I N - Urt [[
Gen’l Auction & Commission Merchants,
Scot of White-Hall street,
Ifg- More tUiv:i 500 perseas in the eltj of Richmoad
j Va., atone testify to the remarkable eur.M performed hy
j Tlieqreat Spring Alwlicine and Fo..der oi tba lRovi ‘ t ^ e 8d00n J Monday
Is now r.esl by hundrei’.i of grateful patients, who
! testify dailv to the remarkable cuix-h perfonr.ftd by the
j greatest of all inodtctnes. Carter's Si*nish Mixture.—
• Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the
Skin, I.iver Disease. Forers. Fleers. Old Sores, Atfee
‘ s of the throat. Female
of tbe Bones and Joints,
ing this great and tnestb
icalde rein
For all diseases i«t the lib rod. nothing ha« yet been
found to compere with !'. It cleanses tlie .system of all
impurities, acta gently anu efficiently on the Kidneys
ana I.iver, .strengthens thelhgestion. gives tone to the
Stomach, the Skin clearer.'! healthy, and restores
the Constitution, enfeebled by diseases or broken down
bv tti- excesses •( youlfc, to it? pristine vigor and
Kor the Ladles, it U incomparably hotter than all
lhe cosmetic* ever used. A few doses of Garter's Mixture will remove all shallowness of com-
notion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give • of December, 1864.
•Hstieity to the step, and Improve the general health in j
t remarkable degree, beyond all tho medicines ever : Notice
“Ti^ge number or certificates of remarkable cures ; 'T'WO months after date applioation will be
performed on persons residing in the city of Richmond, j A made to tbe Honorable the Court of Ordinary
Va., by the use of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Is the best 0 f DeKalb County, for leave to Hell the land and
evidence that there is no humbug about it. The press, j D0Kr0es belonging to the estate of Jane Russo!,
hotel keepers, masMtratea, physicians, and public man. j , - . A _r_
well known to the community, all add their testimony f . 4 ' tJ ' onriyr A n H AfnRRTqq
to the effects of this Great Blood Purifier. Call and »**e , lo, ioD4. DBEDlAli O. MUnRion.
a few hundreds of the certificateM around the bottie. , Aministrator.
None jfenuine unless signed BraKUTfe Bread, Itmg- | “ ~ “
gihw. | Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Principal Depot* at^ M. Ward, Cloob A Co.*n Wo.
A city lut, wiiei»on H. T. FeopieH not? live*;
sold tyattety a tox fifiata favor the Mayor and j ^
ooubc.a Oa the uf Atlanta, v*«. hiui^sou and tc cite and admonish ail and ►ingulaf, the kindred and
Harr:.>«, ugenta for Hanaforu i Dro. 1 cieditorn «»l *«aid deceased, tube and appear at oty office
A c:f y lot, •eontuinitig’ oi«c half aero more or! within thu time proscribed by law, to Know cause if acy
1cm, bunflnK on PefteRtree street: ievied on fo j thc -Y fcAre * rb . v Tptter<i R hwW not he granted,
satisfy a tax fifa in favor of th« ; Giron under my hand and aval, at office, tfcfe l»th
S f Jf HZr, r 1 11 ? tue Major and CociA- ; ^ ^ o,., lg54 jt>s. II. MEAD. Ordinary.
cu oi too city of /Atlanta, vs. Margai*ct S. Lane, j ~
A eity lot eoziLisQg oub fourth ucro more or less* ! tiJSORG/A, Suitor. County.
fronting on the Macon ii Western Railroad; sold ; Tt^HEREAS WUHam Walt has thu day applied tome
to satisfy a tax Jtfb in favor of the Mayor and ' T n left W of administration on The Estate of
Council of the citv of \tlantn vs T V+rr darner Reeao. late of said county, deceased; these are
uouneuor tne city or Atlanta, yg. Joseph Ray. therefore to cite and admonieh all aud singular the
. " 9 ll > “v cuotaining oao halt h'"ry mure orless, ! kindred and creditor* of «aid deceased to be and epuenr
fronting on Calhoun and Baker streets j sold to ; at iuy office within til* time prescribed by law, and
satisfy a tax fifa in favor of tho Mayor and Coun- t! “ lW =»use. if any they have, why lutiersshould not be
cil of tho city of Atlanta, vs. Aea Fowler. j .. . . -
A city lot, No. 3, oa block No. ID, aud, city lot
No. 4, and block No. 11; sold as the property oi
John IV. Davis, to satisfy a tax fifa iu favor of the
Mayor aud Council uf tho city of Atlanta, vs
John 11. Davis. -
A city lot, containing oao half acre more or less,
fronting on Decatur street; sold to satisfy a fifa
in favor of the Mayor and domicil of the city of
Atlanta for city tax, vs. Stephen Diggers.
A city lot, No. 112, land lot uuuiber 61, con
taining ono half acre more or less, lying ou Cal
houn street: sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of
the \iayor and Council of the city of Atlanta,
owner not known.
A city lot. No. 127, on land lot No. 51, owner
not known; sold to sati-:’y a tax fila iu favor of
the Mayor aud Council ol the city of Atlanta.
A city lot, N i. 9, land lot No. 53, lying on Col
lin? street or alloy; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in
favor of the Mayor and Council of the city ot
Atlanta, owner not knopa-.
^ A city tot, No. 107, land lot No. 51, lying on
Caihonu and Baker streets, owner not known;
■old to satisly a tax Ufa in favor of the Mayor and
Council of the city of Atlanta.
A city lut. No. 2, land lot No. 77, on net not
known : gold to satisfy a '.ax fifa ir. favor of the
Mayor and Council of tlie city of Atlanta. t
A city lot, No. 2, in Llock No. 27, .tad land lot '
No. 77, lying on Wltiiilia’l and Garnett-streets; j
sold :c satisfy a tax fifa in fever of tho Mayor i
ar.! Council of thu city of Atlanta, owner not j
known. |
A city tot containing ono half act
GnORixIA, DeKalb County.
Yk'HEREAS James Yaucy, Executor of the Estate
T ’ of Francis Orlfiin. applies To me for letters of dis-
mission from his These are
therefore to cite cm! admonish all and sinpuiar the
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap-
earat my offico within tho time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any they have wlij letters of admin
istration should not be granted the said applicant at
the February Term next, of the Court ol Ordinary of
»aid county. Given under my hand at office.
July 14th, iS54.
GEORGIA,. DeKalb County.
rp\VO month* after date applicatim will be ma«'e to
1 ihe Ordinary of faid County, for leave to sell a iu*-
gro man by tho name of Stephen, belonging 10 the
Estate of Y, E. Einmer^on, minor.
December 10, 2354. .1. K. LUCKY, UuM’n.
Notice lo Debtors and Creditors.
A LL persons indebted to the Estate ol Alton E.
Johnson, late of Fulton county, dcct-aied, urn
requested to make immediate payment: Ami nil per
sons having claims against said estate, will present
them duly authenticated within tho time prescrib
ed by law. JNO. H. JOHNSON. \ ,
WTd. H. FERGUSON, j Aau, '«-
Notem'wer 22,1854. 51J
Notice to Dfhlors and Creditors.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Henry P. i "'hichaud t
Jofiriue, late uf Fultou county tlecons^ciy are ro' J men •
rpHE Subscriber, after many year* urgent aoHeita-
X tion, by gentlemen of the highest order of talenls
and literary standing in our country, has' consented to
offer to the Public his Pills, which have been proaonn
ecd by all who have had sufficient experience with
them, as one of the happiest combinations of Medicine
ever yet offered to the Public, on,either Continent, as a
Geberal Family Medicine.
He feels no fears that the experience of those who
hare yet to" iestthem, will be strictly in acorflcancc
with the testimonials of those distinguished gentle
men whose names ate annexed, with thousands ofothers
who would freely testily, if deemed necessary.
Tha CALHOUN FILLS will bo found eminently supe
rior xo all other family preparations, in the removal of
that great catalogue of diseases arising from
Derangement of flit Digestive Apparatus,
such as Fevers ofall types, Bowel Affections of all kinds,
every character of Head ache, Rheumatic Pains, Pains
in the Chest, and so on. If taken and persisted in. ac
cording to directions, in the iuitial stages of disease,
ami particularly during a decided predisposition to dis
ease, they will'like u charm, disRipnto without discom
fort, thousands of cases that might, and I do not doubt
would, terminate in death. The subscriber speaks con
fidently, as he is enabled to do from thirty-two years
experience in the Medical Profession, and many y ears
experience with bis Pills, which have, during the time,
undergone many alterations, with the view and hope
of making them a
Safe and Reliable Family Medicine.
They are strictly Anii-Bilbous and Anti-Dyspeptic.
The Public are referred to the teetimonisJs of their
Ilonsqrs Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Judge of Ihe Supreme
Court of Georgia; Fx-Judge John j Floyd; Edward
Young Hill, Judge of the Superior Court; Messrs. John
H. Pope, of Leo county, and C. Is>w, of Augusta, Ga.
DzcilCR, Oh. £. N. CALHOUN, M. D.
Asbsnh, September 23, 1853.
I-jtLAit Sin:—I received never*! days since, your favor,
asking my opinion of tbe Medical merits of the Calhoun
Pills. Allov me to premise, ihat for the last ten years
I have been tortured in body and mind, by the Demon
Indigestion'. I was endowed by nature with nnadmir'
able constitution, and my formidabb* malady has been
superinduced by a costive habit, brought on by too close
confinement and want of regular exercise. Never hav
ing sufficient leisure to starve out disease, even ir it be
passlblo to do fto. uliich 1 very much doubt, 1 have run
the rounds cf all the most approved cures and alievia-
tivea. 1 have tried in their turn—Lee’s, Veteis’.s,
Brandretil’s, Cook'd, Hill’s, Spencer’s Smith's, and ma
ny other Patent Pills and Dyspepsia Drug**, which have
come within my reach, and contrary to Die commonly
expressed opinion, I must bear xnv humble testimony in
favor uf the virtue of each and all ot Duve Nostrums.
I am by a Box of Pillas by a Book wiucli is not of
t vicious tendency. I never bought either, which 1
did not think fully worth tlie tncuoy which it cost.
It is only nece-isaiy to add. which I do mont cheerfu
lly—uot only through Lindners to you, but to the pub
lic aI- : o, especially that portion of it who know, by sad
experience, ^ is meant by the Vulture-like gnawlug
at the pit of the stomach, bitter taste iu the mouth,
flatulence, u-e:dity, distension o! the stomach, consti
pated bowels, cchi feet and acute pain in the head,
back And vicinity ol the heart—to all such, i can cor
dfally recommend tbe Calhoun ■ Pills. The efficacy of
this "Kemedic&l Agent, I tested for the lir* 1 time, v!u-
rirg my recent Huiourn with you. and hive u»»cd it f,. -
quontly since, and have found, experimentally, that it
aubserves in my case r rao*;t excellent pi rpoi.e, particu
larlyin its cfiecta up : tlioLIvc-r, lie sy.r«].:ithy I dv.etn
stomach w tco intimate t » require com-
r„ -- - inoio or I q Ueg teJ to inako immetliate payiuont. And .those
oss, fronting Ivr grreet; sold to safisfy a tux fifa 1 • ... - -
Sinourcly glad to i" :rn tint you ore makiugarningp-
_ . _ . menu ;o give oiore extemlt'vl tUtsemin;it:un to your Fills
id estate will present them ! I am trnlv vo-ir friend arO. oli-'-lient r.ervant,
thoY ■' J0a - HK.NRY LVilPfUM.
- i Da. li. X. CaliioiS, 1
Decitur, Georgis. J
to satisfy a tax fifa ia favor of too V ay or and
j Couaeil of tbo eity of Atlanta, vs. ’lVilliatn R.
1 Richardson.
! A eity lot, No. 6, land iul No. 5j, lying on J u u u .
| street; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in fever ef the
i Mayor and Council of the ity of Atlanta, \ ?. A
i G. Wiilie.
; A eity lot. No. 3, and land lot No. 77, ecitaiu-
| iu^t one half acre moro or lesr, fronting on For-
i syth street; sold to satisfy a fife in favor uf tbo
j Mayor and Council of (h e eity of Atlanta, vs.
i S. J. Ramsy, for his city tnx ir. lSSl.
7 ...... . ... . . ! A house and lot now occupied by the defouAimt
singular, the kinUreU anU creditors oi said deceased, to ; , v “ - , ' , -
ba and appear at my office within tba timo prescribad l ' 1 ou Lornor ° Hunter and Loyd streets,
by law to show cause, if any they have, why said let- number not known, supposed to contain half acre,
tars should not be granted tha applicant. ' 1 more or less; levied ou to satisfy a fifa for fine
Given under my baud and saal at offlee, this 2d day I imposed, issued from the Mayor's Court citv of
— ,KAJ JOS. H. MEAD, Ordn’y. Atlanta, Mayor and Council vs. Michael McCul
A house and lot in the city of Atlanta, situate
on the corner of Whitehall nnd Mitchell streets,
containing half acre, more or less; levied on to
satisfy a fifa issued from tho Mayor’s Court, May
or and Council vs. W. W. Roark.
B. N. WlLLlFORD, City Marshal.
Fulton Con tily. J
WHEREAS John J. Fain has this day applied to rua
for letter** of administration on the estate of John Cudh t
late of iuiid county, «leceaa«*4—
These are therefore to cite* and aduionUh, all anti
singular, the kindred and creditor* oi -taid deceased, to
8i5 Maiden Lane, New York.
T. W. Deott & Soxs, and Js.vscva A Habtebouxb,
Brx.vett fh Bkbrji, Xo- 125 Main Street, Richmond,
Va. And for sale by
A. ALEXANDER, Atlanta.
Ju 1st, 1854. |1—ly]
Rt fri eiicei s
Wititnkt A Hr.nt, Atlanta, Georgia.
J. R. Wallace & Bros. “ •*
U. L. Wright, Esq., “ u
FJ>. Swiyr. E>q.. Savannah “
Davis. Ivolb Fa.vnixo, Auyuata. Ga.
Xevfkr. Hendrix &Co., Charleston. S. C.
Xichoi k. Peacock, Nashville, Tennessee.
W. il. Picter.*, New Orleans.
anlwrl, ltti iSTdwly
DRUGS, Medicine*. Perfumery,
Chemicals. Oils, Putty, Glass Ware
Ac.. Ac., at the nign of the Mom
moth Mortar, under tkmncil Hall.
A n extensive aai»ortment of Drugs,
medicines, perfumery, chemicals,
glassware, in my line, oils, putty,
soaps, combs, brushes, Ac., A.,
»uitable for city and country trade,
has just been received from the
favorable terms, which will enable the sub-
riber to sell at very reasonable rates, and lower than
I heretofore.
As I am determined to build up -a respectable business
in the above line, in proportion to the encouragement
extended, 1 respectfully solicit the continued and
iworeasing patronage of my friends, and the public in
general, and also that of my professional brethren in
Atlanta and the surrounding counties.
Physicians ere assured that they can rely upon the
quality of the articlef which they may obtain at the
establiahment. For aale by DR. TBOS S DENNY.
House and Lot for Sale.
A Beautiful ..wo story House, containing
JA eight rooms anJ basemeut, Kitchen;
Stable, aud all other necessary out houses.
Tho lot eon ini ns half acre, and is located
ou Hunter street. Any person desiring a good
residence would do well to call on us. Terms
moderate. Apply to SWIFT Jr BRYANT.
December 7, 1854. Gldtf
Negroes to Hire.
Will be hired to the highest bidders, bofore the
City Hall in the eity of Atlanta, on the first day
.f January next, (New Year’s Day.) for the term
of twelve months, all the negroes belonging to tho
Estate of Allen E. Johnson, deceased, consisting
of boys, girls, men and women. Some of tho boys
and men has some experience in Hotels. One
man pretty fair house carpenter. Hiring to eom-
inenco precisely at one o'clock P. il. Terms made
known on the dav.
JOHN H. JOHNSON, ( , . ,
WM. n. FURGUSOX, | Adm
November 28, 1854. 5i!dwrsd
Julv ‘J7, 1S54.
No Excuse for Ill-health.
emaciated sallow crmi>1*xion
au d rrer*t demlily. the result of neglect to
dll treatment, when efficient Medical advice can be*
obtained privately and promptly.
who may be afllicto.l with IrreguLtrPles*
biles, Fistula-in Ano, Gravel, Scrofula, Ulcers liheu-
inatism. *^c. ^botilu not allow false delicacy t<* prevent .
their making immediate application to 1 : r. MORRls, I
whaM* skill iu the treatment of nil chronic ' , ***ea*os i Wm. A. l'<
and female complaints, is too veil known to be que*- • T, K**uts tbrougi
Tbe Doctor assure^ all those who consult him by let
ter the moNt honorable secrecy, prompt attention,
pl- isnnt safe au l efficient medicine:- ; and to tho>e
who fo!l*>tr strictly Ins directions, lie will giiarautve
tp**edy relief aud permanent ctires. . Charge* reaaonn-
ble. Address.
Nashville. Tenn. May 25J&M. - r >2 ly.
The most txtmorUinary discovery in the World
if the Great Arabian Ittmcdy for Man and Beast.
In well known to pos-ess the most wonderf ully lieal-
iug, peueiruling and stimulating properties, and by its
promptness in eJjoting cures, wiiicli previously had re
nil other medieme**, admimstei tU by Hie most t-ci-
eiilific I’liydcuiii^, 1ms placed it far beyond any similar
remedy ever introduced to the people of the United
-■*mu*s. 11 stimulates the ahsorbeu;.* to increased ac-
. n, und thus enables nature to throw off uis^ue—it
;*cnctrates to the bones, adding strength and r.riiWiy to
I t.e muscles—it is powerfully anodyne and thereby a?-
} fays r.t.rc.’i'.s L’rUafiou. pr* during a delij'itjulhjpleasing
j ocnsalion (hrvunh tht whole frame. Owing to it I remark*
| able auiieoptic properties' pi*riffc.« ;.:xd no*
; that ^ *iis«*.iv»uR. corrosive prlcciph* which romleas oV
i ulcerous sort's so difficult to heal : i: therctore •- pecu-
j Hariy adn pied to i lien* speedy cure. Thi s Liniment f
i its penetrating aud strenrthexdng qualities ha
! found 1*1 he a specific for Paralysis er I’al.-y,
| swellings ami «lisp.*i*ed j%.iips am’; in fact all com.
involving the muscular sysieui. It has cure*I cases of
j itheumatism of twenty fo thirty years* suindlng, and
d'.fecUoys of the .Spine wherein the entire - t ;unl coin
I xvus sr crooked and distorted that the patent could not
| Wi ll; or v.ilhout artiticial aiipport. Numerous
eases of Palsy ha\e t'een cured wie n the de-’: had
! withered, leaving noth lug but the dried s.iiu an bone,
I .uni the limbs totally without use or feeling. F*»r
| Children with Croup it is of inestimable value, rubbed
. aud bathed c\ .-. tlie throat and client. If ajqdmd freo-
, ly oa the cheat il never» to give nlief in the severe
: coughs attending Consumption, Asthma and Colds.—
| heals wounds speedily—will cure ^caldhend. Mang*\ !
, etc. 1 lantern ami Uuimers will find it a mo.-»t valuable j
i marine to be applied to lior. es and Cattle for Cprains, ,
| Lrui-es, Ijimer , MiiT doints, .<ueeuey. Dry fchoul-
l der, Wounds. Barns, Splint, Ci.afes or Galls., Hardened I
. Knot® on the flesh, etc.
Look out for Counterfeits!
The public are cautioned against another counter- j
• feit. which has lately made itc apjwarancc*. called V.. «
B. Farrell s Arabian Liniment, the in.^st dangerous ♦»! f
all the counterfeits, because his having the name ot i
Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the ’
kiiowb-dg;** tmit a counterfeit exists, nnd they will per- •
haps only discover their ertor when the spurious mix- :
j ture ha** wrought its evil effects.
iho geutiine article ia manufactured only by H- (». j
; Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wbolesah ;
| druggist. No. 17 Main stu-et Peoria. Illinois, to whom .
; all applicatioLs for Agencies must be addre.«n»d. lit*
; sure you get it with Uie letters H. ii. before Farrell i
! Hi«s—H. if. lAKHKLL’S—and hi* sigi a ture on the !
wrapper, all other* Are couu’erfei’s. i^du bv A. Alex- *
under, and J. II. Rantin. Wiiolcsah; and Retail agents j
Atlanta:11ano*. Lu^eter A CV»„ Jonesboro': Huleni*<>n
Atlanta Casli Store 2
I \/ T Eare now receiving an immense Stock of Pall
? s .and Winter Clothing* for men and boys
wear, of the tastiest and latestatyle. Also, an assort’
men of gentlemens’ FURNISHING HOODS, which we
will fo 11 at the lowe9t pkio-jj, fereath.
Wo have ou hand an assortment of DRY GOODS
which we will sell undnr the market price, a* we sro
determined to close out that department of our trade.
We will be pleased to shew any qerson giving ax a call
what we will do. fc?epteciber 20th, 1854. fl-dwly.]
Glass front. No. 40 Whitehall Street. Allauta, (ia.
GEORGIA, Fulton County.
X\J HEREAS, Nicholas H. Bacon, has thi.-, <lar
\ * applied to me for Letter-? of Administration
■n the Estate of Sarah Matthews, late of Newton
r.mnfy deceased : Thoso are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the kindred and credi
tors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office
within the time prescribed Ly law. to .-iu.w cause,
if any they have, why said totters should not he
granted ihe applicant.
Given under my hand and seal at offiu, Hits 7th :
day of P<v'., 1854. JOS. H. 51UAD, Or'ily. j
December 8, 1853. G4rttsd j
— I
Valuable Uity Lots for Sale.
r 1'HE subscriber desiring to close out the balance of
*• that valuable property in this city, belonging to the
estate of the late Samuel Mitchell, deceased, has had
the same surveyed off I a lots to suit purchasers, who
wfll find it to their advantage to examine the property
at an early day, which will be shown them by the sub
scriber, or Mr. Mitchell Jr., by calling at the resi
dence of the former on W hitehall street.
March 9th, 1854 41—tf T. DOONAN
T HIS valuable preparation has proved itself effica
cious in the cure of
Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Diurhoea, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera Infantum, dec.
It is useful in all the diseases cf the
BOWELS, CHOLIC, ftc., fee.
It needs no encomium, but for the good of tlioso un
acquainted with it, tin- following certificates are given:
LoCCST Grovx, Ga., Jut loth, 1S54.
I have used Dr. C. IV. Parkkr’s D tsxntkbv Cordial in
my family, and believe it to be a good remedy for tlie
diseases for which it ia recommended. WM. S. CAR-
JfLT 12th, 1854.
This is to certify that I have used Dm Parkek’s DTa-
kxtery axd Ii:abb<ea Cordial in my family, and it had
a very happy effect. One of my children lias been badly
effected with disentery for about three weeks, and after
giving it several other things without seeming to do
any good. 1 concluded to try some of the above Cord
ial, aud two doses of it has entirely cured it. I, also, re
commended it to Ii. H. Walls, one of my neighbors, who
was taken very severely with the Flux, and it also, had
a charming effect on him. I most cordially recommend
it to all who mav fall victims to anv disorder of the
BOWELS, whatever. GEOF.biE S. ROSSER.
Cairns, Ga., July 14th. 1854.
This ta to certify that 1 have used Dm C. H. PaukkU's
DrsawTEKV AXD IhAKBOu Cordial in my family- and find
it to be all he recommends if to be. D. II. jOUKSON.
g®-Tt is useless to add. Try a Is. 11 Ip. Price only 50
cents. Full directions given on each boisp*.
For sale by J. il. RAXTiX, Agent.
August Sd. 1854. fin—tf] Atlanta.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Corne
lius M. Connallv, late of Fulton County de
ceased, are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against said Estate will
present them properly, authenticated within the
time prescribed by law.
Atlanta, November 25 1S54.
GEORGIA, DeKalb County.
H 'HEREAS, A. G. Steward has this day applied to
me for Letters of Administration on the Estate
of Absalom Steward deceased : These are therefore, to - . — - — v
cite and admonish all and singular the kindred und Banks Co., vs. Josi&k R. Bosworth-—property
Fultou Sbvriff Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, before tbe Court House door in the city of
Atlanta, Fnlton county, within the legal hours of
salo, the following property, to wit:
A Lot of Land in tho ci’ty of Atlanta, in Fulton
county, kxowii in tho plan of said city by the
north hall oi lot number two, iu block number
fourteen, bounded as follows: On the South by
Peter’s street, on the East by Pryor street, on the
North by lot number ono, and on the West by lot
number four of said block, containing one-br.lf
acre more or less, levied on as tho property of Jo-
siah R. Bosworth, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued
from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of Wiioy
creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of
fice, within the time prescribed by Law. to show cause,
if any they have, why letters of administration should
not be granted tbe applicant.—Given nnder my hand
at effice. this tho 19th December, 1854.
(74dtsd) Al.EX. JOHNSON, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
WILL be sold at the late residence of Cornelius
M. Connallv, deceased, near Atlanta, Fulton co.,
Ga., on Tuesday, tho 19th of December next.
pointed out in said fi. fa.
Also the two following described lots in the oity
oT Atlanta, the lot with a good two story framed
dwelling bouse, now occupied by tbe defendant,
known iu the plan of the city, by lot number four"
in block nurnbor two, it being a part of land lot
number fifty-ono, in the fourteenth District of ori
ginally Henry, now Fulton county, containing
three-fourths of. au acre more or less. Also the
house and lot now occupied by Juhr. Bailey a:
GEORGIA, DeKalb Count
‘ 'j’O all whom it may concern: ujtvrca* O. Morriss
A applies for toner., of administration on tbo IV tale of
Jane Russell, bite of -aid county, deceased: these are
I therefore to cite an.’, admonish’d', and singular tha
kindred :,n.J credit ts of -aid deviated to be and appear
I at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and
| cause, ir any they hare, why letters of Adminis
tration should not be granted s'std applicant. Gircn
j under mv Land at oftle..
Sept 9, 7851- At,EX. JOHNSON. Onl y.
\ V V HEREAS, Thomas Uo -ro applies .tv me of
• V lectors of administration on tho u.-tato for
Henry F. Jeffries, Into of said comity, doe’d—
Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kiudrod and creditors of said dec’d,
to be and appear at my offico within tho time pro 1
scribed by law to show cause, if any they have,
why said letters should not be granted the appli
Given under my hand and seal, this 3d day of
Nov. 1854.JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary.
<JIXTY DAYS AFTER DATE, application will
O be raado to the Honorable Court of Ordinary
of DeKnlb county for loave to sell tho real estate
of James Diamond, of said county, deceased.
Oct. 2, 1854. JAMES J. DIAMOND,
no9-2m. Adm’
(.'OVTOUteMi, October IS," ifiob'.;'
L'u. E. X. CalbuVX—tour Sir i nn gratified to learn
that i.t is your purpose tqdtssonunnte the improved '’al-
hor.n PtBimore generally than yon iiavclicreioforu.l .no.
have occasi. nally, when sojourning at your house, used
them vvheu indisposeh and lievlhg found them - mud,
yet so efficacious in case, of derangement of tho digestive
orgRiis, 1 most cboerf .lly command them aud their use to
the p blic. and especially'o gentlemen having large fam
ilies, ns a most excellent preventive of fixed and perma
nent disease arising from indigestion.
Truly yours, krc... JOHN J. FLOYD,
ms. Oci obei
GEORGIA, Fulton County.'
A LLpersons havingdemandsnga'instAdelaid V.althal,
-*Mate of .sniff county, uecoaHed, are hereby notified to
present them properly attested to me within the time
prescribed by law. &nff all persons indebted to said de
ceased, are hereby required lo made immediate pay
Atlanta, Sept. IL IK54. H. I*. BOMAR. Adm’r.
GEORGIA, DeKalb County,
HP Wo mont tan after date application will be made to
X the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to
11 ihe real estate and negroe*. belonging to the estate
j of Israel Miller, late of sniff county, deceased.
Sopt l8. n -4 /Jinrnv ugddic
aud continue from day to day until all i* sold the a Grocery, fronting on Decatur street eighteen feeL
whole of the personal property of satd deceased, | rnnning back north forty-six feet, all levied on as
coneiattnB of Household and Kitchen Furniture, j the property of Henry P. Ivy, to satisfy two fi fas
Plantation Tools, Ac., Com. Fodder, Horses, | is£U „ d from FuUo)1 Superior Court—one in
Mulo, Cattle, Hogs, Ac.; and at the same time and
place the Plantation, Ac., will be rented, and the ne-
:roe8 hired for the ensuing year. By order of the
Court of Ordinary of said county.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Nov. 25, 1854. T. W. CONNALLY, Adm’r.
Postponed Marshal's Sales.
W ILL be sold on the first Monday in January
next, before the City Call door, in Atlanta,
the following property ;
A city lot, No. 17, on land lot No. 77, fronting
Alabama street, the property of Ileury Castello
sold tc- satisfy a fi. la. in favor of -Mayor A Conn-
oil vs. Hen-ry Castello, for city tax.
Also, a eity lot on land lot No. 61, levied on as tbe
property of George K. Fraser.
Also, a city lot No. 1, land lot No. 77, whereon the
defendant now lives—R. CTayton.
Fulton Sheriff Sales.
»\7 n.I, be suld before the Court House door, in the
' * city of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday in Jan. next
the following property, to-wit:
Ono house and lot in tho city of Atlanta, num
ber not known, containing one-oighth of an acre,
more or loss, fronting on tbe East side of the
YTcstern A Atlantic Railroad Square, bounded
North by T. C. H. Wilson’s lot, South by Gilbert
A Wilson’s office, aud West by Railroad'Sqiiare;
levied on as the property of John Kile, to satisfy
a fi. fa. issued from DeKalb Inferior Court—Jas.
W. Beshcars vs. McDonald Womack principal, and
John Kile, Sen., security
Also, William C. Mayson’s interest in four acres
of land, more or less, with improvements tberoon,
number not known, bounded East by Felix Sow
ers’ lot, West by E. Paync'3 lot, and South by a
narrow street or alley, known as Mayson’s A
Walker’shriek yard, aud now in possession of J.
F. Walker: levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from tbe Justice’s Court of 1026tb District, G. M.
—T. N. Payden vs. W. C. Mayson—levy made
and returned to me by J. B. Buchanan. Constable.
Also one house and lot in the eity of Atlanta.
number fifty-one. iu tho fourteenth District <
Superior Court—one in favor
of H B Latimer, vs. Henry P Ivy—tba other in
favor of Davis, Kolb A Fanning, vs. Henry P Ivy
—property pointed out by John Collier, plaintiff’s
^Alto Lot of Land, number two hundred and
seven (207) in tho fourteenth Dislrict of originally
Henry, now Fulton county, containing two hun
dred two and a half acres more or less, levied on
as the pr. perty of Elijah Jordan, to satisfy afi fa
issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of
Wells A Bell, vs. Elijah Jordan—property pointed
out by M A Bell.
Also Lots of Land, numbers two hundred and
thirty-three, (233,) and two hundred and thirty-
four, (2.34) in the seventeenth District of originally
Heury, now Fnlton county, each containing two
hundred two and a half acres, all levied on as the
property of Thomas J Stevens, to satisfy the fol
lowing fi fas issued from Fnlton Superior Court:
One in favor of James A Collins, vs Thomas J
Stevens; one in favor of Simeon Frenkford, vs
Thomas J Stevens; one in favor of Elijah Roberts,
vs Thomas J Stevens; one in favor of Joseph V
Stanback, vs Thomas J Stevens; ono in favor
Kirkpatrick A Calhoun, vs Tnornas J Stevens;
one in favor of A Alexander, vs Thomas J Stevens,
maker, and John Enninger, endorse; one in favor
of Samuel Bryant, vs Thomas J Stevens, and one
in favor of Marcus A Boll, vs James W Points, A
Thomas J Stevens—preporty pointed out by Thos
J Stevens.
Also a two-horse wagon' levied on as the proper
ly of Clark C Tabot, to satisfy a il fa issued from
DeKalb Inferior Court, in favor of Hightower A
Pankcy. vs Clark C Tabot, and Leah McGarr se
curity—property pointed out by security.
T. J. PERKERSON, Deputy Sheriff.
December 1, 1354. 58dtsd
GEOR G1A. DeKalb County.
T O all whom it may concern: Whereas Edmond .I.
Baiiey Administrator on the Estate of John if.
forley. deceased, applies for letters of Dismission
from said Administration, therefore the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and ad
; . ‘ *, 1 , . nii.ku « • gimillv Henry, now Flton countv. containing two berTerra next, of thoOmriof Ordmarv for said Conn
itm ernal remedy for Rheumatism, after a * Lore or' less,levied o n to =«tisfv two fi tV is- C- Given under my hand officiate- a; office, this Si
eru*u yearn, has seldom failed to eradicate iv 9 > us x lu -«•' > n x* j June lg64 . t ry JoHNSHV Y)~dV
tlnsfflfetressinR coiuplairt; anl lias pained • sued fr<un the Justice s Court, lO^oih Distr ot G . ‘ A' _
Dr. Otto’s Anti-Rheumaiic Elixir.
r 3 I IIS great
JL u*e uf.vor
completely, tW^dlfetressinR coinplatrt; and lias gained
f «»r it.^elf .*« reputation not equaled by any medicine noxr j M; ono in favftr of Powell & Boon; and one in
oefore the public, it M efficacious'ia cither acute or j favor of John & Jame.i Lynch, versus Elias Iszo-
idinmic a . n j* may be given to persr.ns of all ngvA j niau levy made and returned to me bv J B Bueh-
wfth perfect safety, it has not unfrequcntly pro»Iuced ! r * -talle ^
sa entirecure in very severe cases, even before a single ! l.On3»Oie. ^ r.m C TmTT n
bottle has been taken. .Sold only by JOHN BOON, , oO. S. S31ITI1, Sheriff.
Athtnta. Juno 3ff. r2—tf] At Dr. Powell*:; Office. * December 1, 1854. 5Sdtfld
known in tho plan ct‘ said city os number one r; - ~”~y
. « .. J ... momsnea to file tneir obiectious u anv tliev have,
hundred aud tuirty-AOur, *>cing ft part ot .and lot- in my office in terms o‘ lax, otherwise letters of DIh^
riot of ori- mission will be granted tlie applicant at the Decern*
GEORGIA, DeKalb county.
VL7HEUEA . Henry R. Latimer, Guardian of Wm.
E. Wi on applies to me for letters of dismission
from said Guardianship, these are, therefore, to cite
and ndmoniah all perrons concerned, to be and ap
pear at my office within the lime prescribed by latv,
to show cause, if any they have, why said letters
should not be granted at the July Term next of this
court. (;5v*»n under mv handat office. Mnv 10th If54.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
YX^HEl'.EAS ?.!ary .'.tin Mat : !Ja Speights has this Jay
? . applied to me for h*ttern of adniinirdration on tlie
estate os* John W. Speight:*, late ot said countv ilrceas
ed. These arc thei^fcre to cite and admonish all and
singular tho kindred aud creditors of said deceased to
be and appear at my office wi?k;a the Ume|»ruficiihed by, to show cause, if any they have why said letters
should not bo granted. Given under my baud and seal
atoffic** this 2d dav ol October ls64.
JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary.
GEORGIA FvUon County.
\\i IIEREAo John Ii. Johnson and Wm. II Kurguson
1 V applies to me for letter*; of administration cn tho.
estate of Ailen E. Johnson, late of said county, deceased.
These are therefore to c»to and admonish ah and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and
appear at my office on or before tlie first Monday in Oc
tober next, to show cause, if any they have, why said
letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at
office this 28th August 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, DeKalb County.
YV r HEREAS thiraea J. Diamond applies to me lor let-
* v tors of administration on the estate of James Dia
mond, late of said county, deceased: these are therefore
to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my
office, ana file their objections, if any they have, why
letters should not be granted the said applicant at the
October term of the Court of Ordinary for said county
Given under mv hand at office.
Aug., 22d 185-1. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y.
•r qualify for bv
Ruud aud ISollect.
VT’.MAKIN’S CntKnnxm) STCExr.THrcnxG
*1/ I CAi?E.-t SUoEa offering at a reuaced i'-'lcr rv
spread r>y luaaliinory. will tee fjtmd sr-rviroal-.le in { ——- ;
all of KUentc-ittoni. tsorair... l’ains in tho Breast. 1 FllltOIl Mort tr 3,g'e Sale.
the State oj Alabama.J Bark, che
Notice to Debtors A. Creditors.
[ A I I persons indebted to the estate Jane Russell i
; -T\Aulj of the county of DeKalb, deceased arc rc- !
! quire:! to make immediate payment, and those
j b^ving demand* againat paid deceased will pres- ;
* ent them, within the time prescribed-by law, prop- ;
I erty authenticated. OBEDIAH o. M OR HISS.
; November 13, 1854. Administrator*
GEORGIA, DeKalb county.
117'HEREAS, Joseph Walker and J. K. McAlister,
Adm’rs upon the estate of Zachariali Gholston
«lcceased, applys for letters of Dismission from tlie
Administration oi said estate, therefore tlie kindred
and creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and
admonished to file their objections, if any they have,
in my offico in terms of the law, otherwise letters of
dismission will be granted the applicants ai the Jann
ary Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said coun
ty. Given under my hand at office.’
June 6th, 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ordinary
GEORGIA, DeKalb County.
f HEREAS, William Claik applies to tue for Letters
t V of Dismission from the Administration on tho
Estate of Thomas Clark deceased : These are thei efore,
j to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and
» creditors « f «aiu deceased, to be and appear at my of
fice, and f|fe objections if any they have, in terms of
'law, why said applicant should not- be dismissed from
i’.\h said pdininistration, nt the July Term ol the Court
of Ordinary of said County.—Given under iny hand at
office, Dec. 19, 1854. ’ ALEX. JOHNSON, Or’dy.
December 21. 7 Id
A LL perrons indebted to the er.tate cf James Reese, j
la*« deceased, are requested to make immediate j
payment: and the se having demands against said estate }
will present them duH* authenticated in terms of the f
November 20th, 1S54. Administrator. •
l»u. U. N. C\lhocn—Dear Sir: I am gratified to learn
that you have coiuc* to the conclusion to create Agencies
for the Calhoun Pills in different parts of Ihe country—
is it no less an act ol justice to yourself than to the
world at large. Since the year 1840, 1 have been in the
habit of using your Dills individually, and as a Familly
Medicine. Observation and experience prove it an inval
uable specific for nearly allirregualritie of'theDigestive
Apparatus, performing its office with little or no pain or
u&ueea ; it leaves the patient with a good appetite, in
creased strength and greatly improved and elevated spir
its—properly used, it will enre Dyspepsia and expel ail of
its gloomy concomitants. In Chills and Fevers, and even
Bilious Fevers, I have found it equally efficient.
Trusting that you may find the world ns ready to com
pensate you aR to benefit itself, the result of your skil
and labor I am sincerely your friend, &c\,
Starkyjij.k, Lee County, October 25, 1853.
Dk. E. N. Cauiocn—Dear Sir . While at Decatur, 1
had aa I consider, a fair opportunity of testing the CVzU
huun Pills, prepared by yourself, and 1 am so much
plesed with their action upon tho Liver, and as a means
of breaking up Bilious predisposition, that T hope as you
are now preparing to oiler them to the public, that you
will create an Agency at Starkville, that may be ena
bled at aj^.time to procure them. 1 expect to use them
with white and black in all eases threatening attacks of a
Biilous character. I w ould be gratified, not only on your
owu account, but also lor the benefit of the public at
large, that you would place them in tlie reach of every
person, for I feel confident that there has not yet been
offered to tbe public any preparation of Medicine that will
compete with your Pills as n general Family Medicine, or
a traveling companion.
Very sincerely* your friend, fce. JoIlM II. TOrE.
Augusta, October 29, 1853.
Dk. E. N. CmTiOUF—Pear Sir .This ia to certify that
before I had the pleasure of meeting you. 1 tva< frequent
ly attacked by seme Bilious derangement producing pros
trati* r. loss of appetite, Xausea and Head-ache. From
the use of your (Calhoun) Villa, administered according
to your instructions, I was immediately and permanent
ly relieved. It affords me much gratification to ac
knowledge the advantage I domed from your judicious
I remain with high esteem, your obedient servant,
For sale by J. M IUntik, & J. Norcrobb, Agt. in At
*anla. July ‘-IT, 1854. 11—ly.
I ) V5?: ! r
1EOHGIA, Fulton County.
or Loins, Coughs. Asthma,
Class 1.
Difficult brcntUicg, Ac. They are. also, particularly
• to neiicial to those who may be predisposed to aiiectinus , - .
! of the lungs and oppression of the breast, teuch will j L«t Tuesday m January next, within iho legal
| fintl them an effectual security against these attacks j hours of sale, ihe following property, to-wit ■
j which often prove tho precu-sor of Consuaiptton.— n -~ — 4 1 1 r - —-
j None c- 'mine unless tiie signature jf the proprietor,
J. A. .VilAKIN. is embossed on tho back of the plas
ter. For aale by JOHN BOON, Agent,
At Dr. Powell’, Office, on Teach-tree St.
Atlanta. Jane 3a. 1864. [2—tf)
Capitols $I5c*oO
“ ‘ 5003
44 1600
“ 5 ol *1,000 500U
u all, Olil prizes, amounting lo $60,000
*a-n cket-s $10—liaiven and Quartern in proportion.
Every prize drawn at each drawing
Bilk* on solvent banks taken at par.
49»Orders solicited for Tickets or shares in the above \ ,>f Chofera InSntum, orSummer CompiaTntsT^ In many
Compound Camphorated Criminative.
U*OR the cure of Cholera Morbus, Spasmodic Chol-
■ r era, Dysentery, Diarrhoea. Summer Complaints,
Cholic, Gripping Pams, or Sick Stomach, want of Appe
tite, Wiml, Cramp, andall Diseases of the Stomach and
This is one of the most pleasant, safe and effica
cious Medicines for the above named complaints ever
offered to the public. It is adapted to persons of all
ages and sexes, and {. particularly serviceable in cases
Magnificent Scheme.
49-All communications strictly confidential.
SAM’L SWAN, Agent,
At the Bronze Lions, Montgomery, Ala
ffS^Orders for tickets received by A. W. JONES,
-ole Ageuf for Atlanta. Office on Marietta street.
. f uuicuison i LTAVING located oursclvos on Whitehall street
Idi-1>, luhurito;Camp i: Christinu. P'alrburn. LJL opposite Messrs. Whitney 4 Hunt s storeand
«B. Decatur—and by reguiurlv authorize*! | below W.W. Roark’s old stand, we are now prepared
’ t the (uited Males.. ’ • to sell all kinds of MFRCASDISF, SRC ROES,
NT- WAOT^rSUSS $! V " r P tnr H , ! BEAL ESTATE, FVRSITVRE, Arc.. Sc., at
I. i • .c } Ul °vc*ry tcwn f viUige and liam- i .
te-.V ' u }'** JU "hicli*«ne ir'iiot alreadyes j XCrXT*
Administiafoi^ Sale.
A GREEABLY to ftu order of the Honorable' T'YT'HKREAS Thomas W. Con nally applies to nit lor let •
Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, will he V V ter*.of administration on the Estate of Cornelius
sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1855, before Ccnmlly, late of paid county, deceafied: These are
tile Court House door in Cummins. Forsytli county, ! t0 i cit ®. and a ; ,IU T, fiil and singular the
r „<* t ami n,...ik,re,wi j. “i , J 9 . kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear
- - - Lotof Land, numberejtwcivelitir.fircd nnd riven- jatm}-Office within the time proscribed br law, to show
One set oi hand tools for manufacturing tin • ty-fmc,_m the fouiteentte District, avid iirst section, j zausc. if nny they have, why said letters' should not be
j Y\ , r ILL l>e soli! before t?o courthouse door in
I V \ tho city of Atlanta, Fulton c-ounty, on tho
ware, together with all the machines and other
toolfi necessary for said manufacturing business,
in the tin-shop of tho defendant, in the city of
Atlanta, and one stove pipo—all new and com
plete ; levied on as the property of James W.
Points, to satisfy a mortgage fifa issued from Ful
ton Inferior Court, in favor of Nathaniel E. Gard- ■
ner, vs. James W. Points—property pointed out !
in said fifa.
Thirteen cooking stoves, eleven parlor and box
stoves and a quantity of Japan and planish and
common tin-ware, together with a variety of oth
er articles of merchandise too tedious to mention;
all levied on as the property of James W. Points,
to satisfy two mortgage fifes issued from Fnlton
Inferior Court, in favor of Hancock t Co. did
J. N. Morrow, rs. James W. Points—property
pointed cut in said fifos.
Nov. 3d, 1854. T. J. PERKERSON, D. Sh'ff
of originally Cherokee, now Forsyth county, con- : granted.
tainiDg forty acres m< ro or less, and sold” os tho ! Given under iuy hand at office, this 12th nay of Au-
property of Thomas Haynes deceased, for the ben- i * ,, * t i®®4. JDd. 11 MEAD, Ordinary,
efit oi the creditors of satd deceased. ! oeto r-r a
Terms—Six months credit, notes and approved ESkfAiJn. , r a
security. REUBEN HAYNES, Adm’r. ! |A7 HKREAS Darnel Johnson applies for letters of ad-
November 10, 1854.
i Administrator’s Sale.
j A GREEABLY to an order of tho Honorable
; Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, will be
sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1855, be- i ministration should not be granted
? V ministration on tlie Estate of L. C. Cheshire, de.
ceased, late of Law rens District, S. C. These are there
fore to cite arid admonish all and singular the kiudred
and creditors of said decascd, to bo and Appear at my
office on or before the first Monday in September next,
to show cause, if any exists, why said let tern of ad-
let in ^
tahlirihed. Addres* H. G. Furrfll *-,»I•VrrJmir-* y- . .
n»M with good reforencr nn to character, rcs* r «,nsibili j Jr Jt l P rivate Stt!e - . -
-1 1 4w. j arc also ready to rccerve on conaijpinscnt,
i Bacon. Lard, Corn,- Oats, and all other kinds of
produce, and will sell on tbe best af terms, and
ty, fcc. Atlanta, Nov. 11. 1864.
w « Herring &. Co.,
connection witfe *i. A Sa> 1- 1
O BBI*S. Northern Irinh Potatoes for aale by
EK]‘in connection with their Urge St*?ck of Cloth-
*'* B ..}^ r ** e ““vteneut of HATS and CAP8 of tbe
8001,1 Sbees, .Trunks, Careet
Ute*t ......w., ..
Bags and Valises
Atlanta, dept,», U64
make prompt remit tanees. A share of patrorioge
is respectfully solicited.
Jos. R. Swift, 1 SWIFT A BRYANT.
L. H. Brtast. J
December 2,1854. 6»dtf
severe attack, of both Dysentery and Diurliaa, it h>«
acted almost u soon as administered, always leaving tbe
bowels in a natural condition, thus requiring no ca
thartic medicine to be taken a .ter. as is most generally
required when articles are given to check tbe disease.
It is, also, an excellent remedy, and speedy in its ae- DKQOI IITIHY
tion in cases of acidity on the stomach, which pro- i _ AFAijiyvrIs U 1 roil.
duces Wind. Hart burn. Reatiessneas, want of Appe- i r |'““ Copartnership heretofore existing between
tito, Inabiiity to Sleep, Ac., A.; and. in fact, for many j X J. M. Tomlinson and A. Dooley, nnder the
1 ’ ‘ ' * ■* * -* came and style of Tomlinson A Dooley, is this day
dissolved by mntnal consent. The account? are in
the hands of Wm. M. Dooley for collection, to
whom All bills and accounts against the late firm
must be presented.
December 14,1854. 69dtw
diseases which arise from a deranged state of the
stomach and bowels. For sale only by
At Or. Fo well’s Office, oa Peach-tree St
Atlanta. Jane M. IMA. f3—1*3
2QQ Sacks Liverpool Salt^juat^receivedjtnd
for sal* by
December 28.
BOXHS Tobacco, some very anperior, now in store
1 ,nd ter aale by W. W ROARK.
150 Sacks Salt,(in good order.)
ft Tierce Rice, (new crop.)
30,000 Brick, (average lot.) for sale at what
they will bring, by SEAGO A ABBOTT.
Dec. 6,1864.
Come Everybody,
TO the Horse Head sign, that wants good
home-made Saddles, or Bridles, Saddle-
hags, Trunks, Valises, Harness, Collars and
Whips, a great variety, together with all articles usu
ally kept in an establishment of this kind; all of which
are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash, by the
undersigned. MILLER k ANDREWS.
^feA-Repniring of all kinds done with quick
AUaate, Nov. 11844—dAwly.
fore the Court House door in tbe Town of Dahlo-
negn, Lumpkin county, Lot of Land number six
ty, in the thirteenth District, first seetion, Lumpkin
county, containing forty acres more or-less, sold
as tho property of Thomas Haynes deceased, for
tho benefit of the creditors of said deceased.
Terms.—Six months credit, note and approved
security. REUBEN HAYNES, Adm’r.
November 10, 1S54.
August 2d, 1854.
JOS. H. MEAD, Ord’y
New Millinery.
AIRS. M. W. HARRIS, has received and !
lag) TVJ. j R receiving, a new and benntiful stock of :
Millinery. She has a Iso a well-selected supply of j
Ribbons, Indies’ Collars, Chemisettes. Handkerchiefs,
Sleeves, Gloves, Dross-trimmings. Ladies’ Cloaks nnd
Shawls—she also has on hand a few patterns of splen
did Dress-Silks, and a great many articles in her line
not mentioned—all of which she will sell very low—
She also ke.ips constantly on hand Ladies’ splendid
silk and satiu Hats, made after the latest styles. Leg
horn or straw Bonnets bleached or dyed aud pressed in
to the roost approved styles.
She is also prepared to make ladies’ Presses, at short
notice and in the latest fashions.
She can be found all times of the day in her shop
over Burr’s tin-shop.
Atlanta,Ga., Oct. 28, 1864. 29dtf
! GEORGIA, DeKalb County.
I ljirHEREAS Ezekiel Reeves, Administrator upon the
W Estate of Gcargo W Reeves, deceased, applies to
j me for letters of dismission from his said Administra
tion. The.-ie are therefore to cite and admonish all and
I singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
, file their objections in my office, if any they have, in
j in terms of law, why the said applicant should not
j be dismissed from his said administration at the Fob-
; ruary term next, of the Court of Ordinary of said
county. Given nnder my hand at office.
July 4th. 1864. ALEX. JOHNSON prdnary.
A good, New-foundland dog pup. for which
tt fair price will be paid. Apply at this
office. Oct. 34
weKalb Sheriff sales.
W ILL be sold before tbo Court honse door In the
town of Decatur, DeKalb county, ou the first Tues
day in January next, the following property to wit:
One lot of land, Xo. 264, in the eighteenth District of
— z»„ ww.: • **-*»-*• - -**—*--*— lands of
of ago,
levied upon as the property of Henson C. Harriss, to
satisfy ouc li. fa. issued from DeKalb Superior Court, in
favor of Isaiah Darker, vs. Henson C. Harriss, maker,
and Hcnrv Wells endorser. Property pointed out by
Plaintiff. ‘ J. W. GOLDSMITH. D. S.
Nov. 2a, 1854. 57d
I F you wish to buy your HATS cheap, and get a good
article, call at the subscribers where you can have
a huge and well selected stock to select from.
Tr;i iii /a uusuTr i yor kick? h£w«u:k ok auT.v
•nova! ■
Ask lor Hampton 1 .-) Vegetable Tincture. The many
cures lmidv by this pleasant und Fftfe remedy may in-
1 Medicine must have merit and gieat merit too.
to stand tho test of public opinion. No avt of puffing
v tn galvanize a worthless article, so as to keep it up aa
... good medicine if it be not really fo.
A good medicine will live, become popular, and ex
tend it* Miles year af'tor year, in spite «>f opposition.—
The people will readily find out virtues, ami the fame of
them passes from mouth to mouth with more rapidity
than newspapers cun spread it. A living witness testi
fying to the cure u medicine has made for him is of
far moro service than any newspaper advertising.
In proof of what we say above, we refer 3 011 to Ilaxnp
ton’s Vegetable Tincture, and its effects.
Tho Wife of T W. Yeakie, Grocer, 76 Pearl street,
cured of Rheumatism of 8 years standing: other reme
dies failed.
Wiu. M. Oldham, (late of the Custom House,) dwel
ling 1*26 Pinest., of Dyspepsia, great debility, pennantly
W. A. ScliRelTer, Esq., one of the oldest Magistrates
and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great
weakness and restored to robust health.
Jnrret Plummer, 156 E. Baltimore st. suffered intense
ly six years with hip disease and mercurial rhuinatism;
cured after all other remedies failed.
Space will not permit to name hundreds of others,
n« Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thos. Canot, Robert Gault,
.fames Symth, cured cf rheumatism. John PervaiJ, S.
A. Grffin, John Luke, Rev. V. F-krige, U. fc?. Navy, and
thousands of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula,
Cough, Liver Complaints, Drench its, irt. Vitus’ Dance,
&c. We refer to our own citizens. Call or* them.
Dr. Hampton, the author of this great Hampton’s
Vegetable Tincture, is in his 80th year, in good health,
so That it will be seen it is not an article got up to im
pose ou the public.
CuhvrKit District, S. C\, January 3d, 1856.
Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbray—Gentlemen: For the
last live years l have been a severe sufferer from Rheu
matism, till. seeing your recommendation of “Hamp
ton’s Vegetable Tincture,’* I procured a bottle, nnd the
fu-st dose has so much relieved mo that 1 causluer ii
us justice to give to tho suffering world the result of
the appliratfou.
Mine was Acuta Rheuxuatisiu in ihe : ack—so bnu
that I was confined to mv bed for the List six months,
j Tin.* first oottlo acred like n charm, the second restored
, strength to my poor affiictcu bade, ard 1 am now as.
well and feel as young af? whon 1 wan sixteen. l ain
now 74 years of age.
1 consider yom Tin 1 tie the great0. t discovery of the
age and poor «?u!Feriug humanity ought to erect a monu
ment to Dr. Hampton, who bus Kivved thwusanus Hu.i-
pain. And you, gentlemen, have r.ctod the part of pub
lic benefactors iu dis emini.ting the benefits wliich
have resulted from your im alcalde remedy.
1 u*n a plain cotton planter, und have never written
cor literary fame \ out when my fellow beings ara afflict'
ed shall I hesitate, or through modesty, withhold any
mforiuaUou valuable to my fellow irmu® l?o, ii you
consider this worthy of a place in any of v.uir nt** pa-
perf?, von are at libertv to moke use of it. Yours, irtrlvj
Moke than Gulp to the Sick—From one of the most
respectable Druggists in South Carolina:
Charleston, S. C., Sept. 21,1853.
Messrs. Mortimer fir Mowbrcy:—The sale of your
Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is increasing every day,
an*.l every bottle sold recommends this valuable medicine
to the afflicted. Several of our planters have tried it
iu different cases with astonishing success, and are get
ting it by half dozens. It has been found to be the
greatest remedy for rheumatic affections; and a won
derful cure has been performed on a negro suffering
by Fits. I will furnish you with a number of certifi
cates if you wish them. ITease send me, soon as
possible a supply of the Tincture. 1 am, gentlemen,
your a, W. G. TROTT.
Hundreds in this city will bear same testimony.
Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is purely Vegetable,
and warranted free from all mineral substance. This
Tincture, by Its mild, pleasant, and safe action on the
stomach, liver kidneys, lungs, and the nervous system,
cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Disease of tbo Urina
ry Organs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchial Affections,
Consumption, Scrofula, King’s Evil, Worms, Rheuma
tism, Gout, Neuralgia, St. Vitus’ Dance, Fits, Ner
vous Affections generally? Fistula, Files, Bowel Com
plaints, with all diseases arising from impure blood.—
As a remedy for the various derangements of the Fe
male System, it seems to have no superior.
The Female System has, in Doctor Hampton’s Vege
table Tincture, a Cure for its numerous and complicated
derangements. Hundreds who have been debilitated
and dispirited, and on.the verge of a premature* grave,
have been restored by its use to blooming health,
which we are abundantly ablo to prove by such a host
of living witnesses.
Extract from James Hams, Esq.’s Letter, Alexan
dria, Virginia:—After speaking of wonderful cures on
himself he says: ‘Mrs. H. has been suffering with the
complaint and with inability, constantly complaining,
from wcakffess, through her whole system. She now
enjoys better health than for thirty years, being entirely
restored by the use of Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture.”
Call and get a Pamphlet gratis of A. Alexander,
Wholesale and Retail agent Atlanta, Ga.; Wm. Root,
Marietta, Vineyard & Jones, Palmetto; Hardley, Ridey
& Co., Augusta, Georgia.
[March 23,1854 43 jy
To Rent.
2 rooms over the store occupied by It. W. BulUrd-
Apply to Nov. 2- W. W. ROARK.