Newspaper Page Text
Dally, ♦rl-Weekly a*»d Weekly.
B¥ RFG3L.E3 & iiOW\W>.
Great Excitement at H«vi|
Pertoat Garreted
The U. S. Mail steamship Isabel, Capt.
Rollins, arrived off Tybee at daylight yes*
terday morning, and transferred her mails
for this city, to the officers of the Revenue
cutter Jackson, •which vessel delivered them
at the Post-Office.
The Isabel left Havana on Saturday, the
The llaelatorm
The maetsterin i* a current or mutiowfo.f
the sea of Norway, the effects of which are
no less singular than dangerous. Between {
' Lofondcn and Moskoe, the depth of water , S'CihA .Il
ls between thirty six. aad forty fathoms
when it is Hood the stream funs ml I h<» c*<un-1 ' *
try withbo-sderous rapidity, ami the roar j
f its impetuous ebb towards the sea.
In We CaciiuitiUtla Tkemt
** The attempt by the Southern press to
A --
TERMS OF SCBSCRlPTlOlt. The Isabel lett Havana on Saturday, the | of its impetuous ebb towards the sea, is ■ • ; . . . ■ . « f‘ 1 '
Dally lntelUt*nc*r per annum, in sirtnet, $8-00 - tl,e 10th inst., - and brings six days later i scarcely equalled by the foudesr- cataracts. ; i ne steamer Asia haiyirriTed, bilging «*»e ; t ^ a1 . not one connected with the
Tri-w»eUr, " “ 4 - 00 j from that place. i the noise being heard several league* off, "Weeks later newsroom Europe. j Democratic press who believes that the
Weekly, “ " 2-00 The officers of the Jackson hud but a few j -aud the vortex so powerful as" to absotb : tlni-pW j American party alias the'Know Nothings,
moments conversation'ivith the crew of the j every ship that cymes within : ts attraction. Lineppiffi, Fob. 3.—Cotton*.—The market, hgjj as a party any connection with the
' ‘ vas earier. and v-mC circulars qdoteado- abolitionists. And yet every Democratic
y the two—and to this
idunl abolitionists
party, is adduced
this connection/’
extract is taken from a
the last Atlanta Re-
.torn his back upon the “oppressors’ wri>ng” ‘ The lapsus of G, G. Foster of thiseity
and lie at rest among us? * A WLigwe j the well known Rterateur, who Bad the mie-
might pardon for -this, for he has always j fortune to commit several forgeries on Man-
yp j connect the American party -with abolition- j ^ the foreign vole against hhn—but for agor Burton, and the still greater .misfortune
J ism, isanother of those monstrous frauds j the Democrat there is .no excuse. Whig to be lodged in Moyamencing prison for his
i which ezptdieivcij sanctifies. We hazard j parsons North may frame an argument indiscretion,.has- had quire an atmosphere
f the -assertion,.(because:ve believe Dean ocrat- against" the Catholic clergy because they j of romance thrown around Jt by -hie mar-
r rwusant and aloof when invited to \ riagewitli the notorious amM# no means
AdvortUiu* in the Daily Intelligencer will bo
Isabel, as they transferred the mail
jbin those bitter persecutors of the South beautiful Baroness de MarguOrritteo, within
One week, 2 00 One year,
fipe-Ul contracts will be made Tot yearly adver-
tUeraenu occupying a quarter, half or wholo col
umn. .
jeay- Advertisements from transient persons
must bo paid in advance.
Legal idvertlsemor.ta published at the usual
rates. Obituary notices exceeding ten lines charg
ed as advertisements. Announcing candidates for
office, $5 00, to bo paid in advance.
When advertisements arc irdcrod in all the is-
tnes, Including Daily, Tri-Wccniy and Weekly,
25 por cent, will bo added to the above rates..
The privilege of yearly advertisers is stri .
limited tc their swn immediate and roguiar busi-
_ overpowererl nyats 1
We give tne above as our reporter reoeiv- j It is tben impossible to describe their bow
ed it from a direct and reliable source. Our J lings and bellowing^ in their fruitless at-
leadere will judge how much importance is | tempts to disengage them-c-lvc;. A bear
to be attached to the statement. We will once attempting to s-.vim from Lufoaden to
add, that letters from Havana, dated on the ; Moskoe, t<* prey upon the sheep in that
9th inst., received by commercial houses in J island, was caught hy the stream and borne
this city, make no mention of anything un- | down, whilst he roared so terribly as to be
usual. This is, however, no evidence that j heard .on shore. -
matters are quiet on the Island; for it will j In the year 1035, the-stream roared with
be remembered that even during the Lopez such noise and impetuosity, that on the 3s-‘
invasion, commercial correspondents made '
and her institutions, but how can the South
ern Democrat find it in his heart even to
turyi away from the men' that ever refused
to insult or injure us, let the pressure be
what it might? But to proscribe, denounce
and make-Helots of such friends, before
Heaven, is tcii unjust
One word m -re. We look for a new im-
the walls of that excellent 'instituuon.-
Monsieur de Baron is said to have taken to
himself another wife in Paris, while Fos
ter’s original better half—very exemplary
C«u»trwy to MwnUr Gem. C«Mto
The Charleston Courier has exciting so*
telligence from Havana by the Isabel, from
which we learn that a filot had been formed
to assassinate, at the Opera, the Captain
General and other officials. The gas was to
have been extinguished and the work of
death commenced. A traitor, however, be
trayed his comrades, and on the 8th instant
Don Bamon Pinto, an intimate friend of
General Concha, and thirty-five influential
citizens were ‘arrested. Oil, the following
day forty others were arrested, among them,
it u said the famous Marti, of the Opera
House, and Ecbevaresi, manager of the
woman, I understand—has gone South to j The Governor of M&iausas and
fill the situation of a govemness. 'Rio ’ Ahncda, a rich and well known nlan-
marriage of the Baroness and Mr. Foster i ter of Trinidad, have also, it is said, been
would seem to be about a$. pretty a piece of j imprisoned. Fears of invasion are enter*
2d inst- elided dull with vales of 6,Oik)
bales. Stock 420,000 bales, including.105,-
000 bale- of American.
Milligan qu- tes Fair Orleans 5jLT, M ; dd-
tihg'5|d: Fair Upland Ss-R. Middling ad.
Flour 43e., Ohio 40s. White Coru 44s
yellow 43s. . .: . - ■ - -*%
-American stocks nrin. C.msols 91}.
rpublican. F: years of the most intimate j pulse to be given to the Know-Nothing ; mutual bigamy as a lawyerfondof phenom- j taied, and the Government is armmg every
acquaintance with the editor of that paper, j movement from the exacerbated state of • eua could desire. they pfo/
wo feel evevy cohSdenco that for nothing on j feeling engendered by Gov. Gardiner’s high- ■ As the telegraph keeps you well pasted ; J ^ije 6tb instant. Don Ramon
earth would he mislead, much less pervert ' handed and audacious treatment of the i «P in regard to public news, and is always j^Catafen, was arrested and sent to
■ *coo^inja«»o mom. iti iwivftnAA nAn fitiil mSr AtiynntiintftffifclDRR. * pAftlcipStioU in OOA*
public opinion. We think we may say, too, .j military companies in Massachusetts com-! in advance of pen and ink communications,
?,! jtat wc harp never known a truer Southern ! pi^ed of citizens of foreign birth. To all ‘ J shall not dwell in my letters upon topics j
. heart or one whose high and luSnorablcTm- ^ who scV~ to make capital oF rhin Kiate of which the lightning has already womtbrwid-riceatoTftie isiaad.
1 _ 1 -\ At x. X » l! ’ _ ' T l t.. ! i.1 - '. Uano vmvaf voir
w, per-
pnlses would carry him to greater lengths J tbing3 wo ask what TTOuld ,. ou do or sav i bare, I propose hereafter to give you the I haps, the mMt remarkabtewid^intelligent
The whole of the English nmnsoy had in de fence;of the honor and the rights of j j lJst audl circumstances were this your j undcr « l ; rrent of fact and gossip which does ; h9 [
* * 4 J ?- - a --x — .. . . rmt fmrt iK wiir tlirnncrK tiift hririruirff nhsin- . . ua _ *. — . ^ . « p •
The Pri vilege of yearly advertisers is strictly —^.^o-pondente made | land of Moskoe the very itones of the houses resigne-1. and the impression prevailed that b ; aown MCtion . And vet, using a freedom 1 cfts3? and we ]ike to * know A ‘ ! not find its way through the ordinary chan
f*" j 1 ? li . c 1 no reference to the matter. If an outbreak fell to the ground. either Glarcndon, I’aimerstou or Lansdowne >• * . - , ui,u «umu l! ^e to Know it tnose ,
mted tc their =wn immediate and regular busi- , ^ ^ q( ^ we hftye had re . j would be Premier. w ‘ th our c,temporary that we feel su- -»* - --- — ^ -- — - » 1
Professional Cards not exceeding sis lines, $15 i cent intimations, wo should suppose that j (Jolieula must have liceh a mn«t. nriilrtir 1 Affairs »5 Sevastopol, at the latest datesgive no offenco, we believe him utterly
some private intelligence of it would have , ant ‘ p^ on t<) d ; ne xvujl fi 0 ente.*tai’'eil wcr0 u ^changed. No fighting of moment in every hope that he entertains of
been received thcmails brought to. this city hims ‘ elf (Uid hie ; ruests had occurred. ... , .... our common country,' or of imminiiip
ieS ’ °. wn ^ ctio "’i , '°”. tL ° cr ^ don ^ triu “ ph _ af : «an would be in just such a category should liveUcr P ,ace iiext weck
is a mem
ber of the Cuban Junta, and a friend to an-
only will be charged nt former rates.
per -innum.
Advertisements not specified as to time will be
published till ordered out, and charged at regular j J tbe 2*obd. But eveu this might have , ■ , , -
num. 1° • men tortureu on Uic iaca, and he got up
Advertisements inserted in the Weekly paper i been prevented by the Dover imen . private cxccut ons on these occasions c.i t-u-
lhe Isabel has not been in the habit ot [j ven t (, e scenc
■S i bringing.false and exciting news from Cuba, ' n;. t „ „ e „ _ ^ . , ,
& . ■ Ilis trohes were or ftre:tUviririit*ulchar-
. a circumstance which lends some oretiit to , 7 , , • r 5 , ,
v , . r* * aetcr. it '.\ii-s areor a Inuifuet. “vvben the
.« the report given above.—Savannah Mum- ' - -
ExmtEPs Favors.—Wc are under obliga-1 iny News, l4i/i inst.
lions to Messrs. Adams & Co., for their ! Ce ntr.7Im«ric.n Expedition.
courtesy in furnishing us with late files of j Tbo Washington ( hm>i publishes, in fuli, I Ticnm-slayer, that is. with a linen apron
New York, California, and Panama papers. , (i,g correspondence between the ISecrotary • lis s * ,| e costume. He seized the mallet
—! of State and Col. Kinney, in relation to the ‘ a: ? tn . l,u T 1 * ,e vver0 stbout-to-slay the appoint*
*’ , i much talked of Cumral Air.eiicart Expedi- I vrctim, but he turncd ycdocnlv round ou
There seems to have been excited a most I lion> CoJ Kiu % it ftppcsil . Si , md J)e en in- the reildent ^Senu, and but cl
painful ntate of feeling in this coxninunitj vitod to a personal interview with Mr. Mar-
by an article published a few days since in , cy, and subsequently at his request, put
| the man from wbat he appears, we may aup-
J pose that he is a man ot honor, and is now
i oapitai jest of slaying had failed to make
him as merry as usu-.ti, th-it he rushed t<> the
^•u:l•iticial altar, atiired in the dress of a
chered him in
stead. And thereat, all who had wi;.io>\;cd
ihe frolicsome deed of their master, dec hr- '
ed tha , “Fore Jove, 'twas a more capital
joke than the la->t.!’’ I
His answer to the o asuls who ventured j
to ask the cause of a sudden bur*.: of laugh- .
ter in which he indulged at a crowded feast
is well known.
“I laugh to think,” said the jmna v le '
creature, “that with one wave of mv hand
I can sweep all your stupid 1 sad- off.”
His method of lov>ng was equally char- ’
a ieri«tie. llo would fling Ids terrible arm !
lie same pur- r6,,nc ^ fair neck he to admiro,
•o extended. ' iin ^ 0S P rUsS bis delight that he could cut i
ii.its ir..,. i off’ when he pleased. Tnerc was the bril-
the Intelligencer, signed “ A Clerk on Small . upon paper tho information he then cuminu-
M’a-ms ” Bitter retorts do not satisfy the 1 nm-ated in reference to the purposes of the
injured party, and a degree of anger and j proposed expeditionqnd the means ^by which
v 1 " 15 1 they arc to be earned out. lie says:
resentment exceeding all those bounds <>l : This company was organised a little more
Christian Charity that we have been taught, than a year since, tv he a officers and niana-
(in pews not cushioned,) hide? a multitude r-' fcr » were elected and dircc.edjto control its
of l'ault«, has been visited on our heads too. u %i rs ’ . , . . ,
, ... ... . . , , i nc articles of association declare im ob-
Our yesterday : issue will shew viith what ; oct t0 | J0 t ; ie occupancy and improvement
even hands we hold the scales of justice in of the lands within the limits of its gran
this controversy, and we will inform our and my instructions are of the
censor in the last Republican, that this nr-1 P/* rt > although necessarily more
tide miblislod by us, was the second reply i d ‘"^ t ' uc to ,ako nnuloduU « stops for , „ - ., .
. • , ' tl' e peaceable occupation and colonization i »<“ii oesonia, 1 cannot tc.i, sn»a am .iu-
ive received. Both might, and would iiaie (J p the lands oi' the company by such Indus- : P erI ; 1 ^ lover at a least, "why it u tiia^ I am
appeared in our columns, hud those taking trioos and enterprising men as may be wil- i ‘ ,u<1 °f 6'A I’ll have her put- mi
ofien"'' so willed it. We protest against the ling to remove thither, either singly nr wi h j dlC rac -v f l ’ r quarter of an hour, that site
plain infeicncc deduct hlo from one of the ' tbeir families, and to offer them, as an in- ‘ may Be comp-died to tell me die reason.’’
• . • i ii iv I i (lil('PinPli f for mi nr *1 I'prtfiln nnfint'itv ' JilUG nCUrci W«lb tilG 111! Ox Uu*lk6r
two articles in the Republican. He had nut imemen. mr going, a certain quantity oi ‘ ^
, , • • , i I „ land > u ' :je a!,<1 conveyed to them on
the least suhiuciuti that ihe otlensue article . • 1 ^ e ,
* . ... consideration ot actual occupancy.
wo published, was aimed a. any particular They also instruct mo to take out a ccr-
inau or woman—nor even at any particular tain number of mechanics and laborers of
various kinds as 1 may find can be advanta
geously employed in mining, cutting mahog
any and other valuable cabinet wrtJas which
may bear transportation to the Foiled States
or to Europe. And my instructions are to
da all peaceably, without invading ihe
rights of either communities or States.
As to my own purpose. I can only say
that it will be to ccrry out my instructions
faithfully, to preserve peace, to cultivate a
i-pirit ol industry and a love of order in the
community which I hope to see grow up
speedily in that now desert and uninhabited
portion of the world. A number of industri-
ousand enterprising citizens,accompanied by
their by their families, have already sailed,
or are about to sail, from Corpus Cbristi,
and they will shortly be followed hy oiheis
from the North.
Secretary Marcy’s Reply,
for a time very brightly and then
i new complication had arisen in theGer- the Know Nothing party We wilt say he. too, kick, against tho insults^ and igno ’ atesrro siealiuc j suffering imprisonment through information
manic relations. Prussia leans more strung- • further* f we ^ ave he^Jorced after much miny that abolitionists arc preparing for w 0 endersta id that a min Kin i against hin\, or through suspicion on
lyto'Russi.i. deliberation anda close survey of the brief his- us , ftnd , vhich< in dce tin ,‘ ^ j nnU ®"‘ a *^ a man S Tlf *S h |« j the part of the Government. He is a most
Pro-.s:a had gained a triumph over Aus- 1 torv of that party, to sav that in our opin- ; w hen the necks of foreigners a'rd Catholics p f ^ *° Cer .b, 1 ' vnoNe rea naTn ® 13 j intimate friend of Concha, or has hiid a
• - ■> * - • * : ' F 1 , vinen roe necKsor ioreigners ana catnoiics p 0 ,.j et was arrested m tins city yesterday I great ^eal to do with him—for he has beon
‘ o steal-1 in daily attendance at the Government huu»e
tho ho- ! for some time past. It would be unwiao to
but i i ud g«’ either one way or the other, from the
. . j circumstances I have mentioneil, for the
Alabama I goyermjjgn* may have caused his attend-
.. -.^narty has mve» r r - ... j penitentiary was stopping at the same house ance, and commanded his apparent adhe-
r • 1 H* ,, -“ j The reforms, m the administration,of onr j and recognized, Poole, at once, as one of: siou : therefore it would not be right to ac-
ot ns alliance with us— * i oca ] - l gv 1 j r8< i-j trod need and enforced by our I his old boarders. He had with him when {cuse him of duplicity to Concha, or other-
itf n trill tn niiATTHff <vll I ir .. . y _ 1
man and woman, and is 1
footin _
Prussia refuses to permit the French ar-
iy to pas:- through her territory.
A French force of 80,000 has
guard the Austrian frontier.
merit or to ruin us.
one clear evidence ■
h*as been sent y® a ’ cno ev,den f e of , n lc f to disavow all j nC w Mayor, are still the leading topics of! arrested, a negro man aim woman, auu is i n .. . fR nnn p . .
. i -v i , , , * . i! guilt. Ob,on let it be produced.-^^ l conversation and the theme of praise among t supposed to h^ve other ,tol« nag^ mi-
n L T'J ^ }xen abl ° ,r “ a Jnec the efecuon of the present Mayor of, a „ clftS8W of ojr citizens. He cashiers i creted in the vicinity. j ^ere i^we may expS to he^r of The
"iuoniy'' GU ° P a *'° Pi!-! " S °°* >0 i Boston, if toa.- party nas furmshw. as one { drunken policemen, gives ns quiet Sabbaths,} ----- i arrest of great numbers throughout the is-
H -Mr. Soule was reported seriously ill.. • *J m P to “*. of a inendly regard or of repeal- ; prevents prize fights, ah.dishes nuisances, • ^"iiippiiig that the Csar——wai to j [ a r,{} i for in heart every Cuban is a conspi-
fttion of incendiary connection, we tben de- j and deaia resolutely with rowd-ism in «•! i ,, , . *!*’, . , „ I rotor, and most of them at the same time
Men of sou, cannot laugh at any folly, ready to sell each other to the Spaniards.—
however monstrous, when thousands of [ Echevarresi, tho manager of the railroad, ft
| hearts are bleeding for this folly. Rut for Creole, is arrested, and others belonging to
! this, the gasconade and bluster of the al-
1 tun ted un a vast had the party so willed it. But, admit for j Wood family are too'largely interested in 1 ^ th * timoGhftrl ° 8 Na P ier F romi8ed
Yuma. The spring
plain, which eVends eighty miles south argument sake, that tiioy could not, what j turns of Fortune’s wheel to admit of
iroui the Gila, ihe soil of the plain is a must we sav to Wilson’s election
j to smash things with his groat fleet to the
rich families, the names of whom it is use
less to mention.
Under present circumstances an outbreak
is almost impossible here: for a sudden out-
dry mud, which was apparently at one time
the bed uf v lake, or sea.
tt-.-p ; . . . present butchery of French and English j break there is not the material. In Europe,
. - iei_v strirgeai action in the premises, but j 6( ,i d j prp v,y their own generals, would be a Land in the United States, too, the soldier is
Thelandscape is « lea f r ’ ^ “ "'“T *°f ! the troe " ^ to be little ! nl [from the worktog d^e*s, the farmer, Ac.
and monotoi us tlmC in aii conditions furnishes a fan* heeded. Tho liquor dealers who voted m j , Dail) uot learned in suoh things, to criticise ■ IIoro ’ the neg ™ corre3 P ond3 t0 tht l 8C oecu '
denomination. And we arc sure that tin*
tenor ol'(lie “<"ei k's” piece will not war
rant aiiv Huoii inference. M r c thought the
annoyance complained ol was felt io be gen
eral, or almost so, and \\ lieucver a ciiizeii
lias any such eomplaini to make, (we mean
one in wl.i.-li the . .c: unity is interested,)
he ran have a hearing through us, so “the
proprieties of life'’ are not violated. We
wi! 1 not go to one furiously enraged either
to loam cur duty. And we hero take .<eca-
sion to say, diet the writer of one of tlior
articles alhuiod to, would ha\c mine much
nearer observing those same “proprieties of
life,” bad he stuck u> his legitimate right of
refuting ihe author of the piece objected to
and let u- alone. Ai d us to the ienipe~ ol
iho rejoinder, we hand that over to his
preacher, lie .it least will nut think the
money .lid out by “Tho Ancient Rights oi
Wonvtn” for spiritual aid extravagant, for
on hi« ca=e a large anxiety and labor must
be expended.
gentlemen compared with this Caligula. A
lady might as well have been wo«.ed by a
boA-eojfotriet' r.
East Tennessee Mabhue.—The Chatta
nooga A'lpertijer says that the much admir
ed marble imw used fir the addition- to the
Federal Capitol, is obtained in Hawkins
county. East Tennessee, where inexbaustibl*-
q nan ties of the material are found. It is.
fie*, so plentiful, that not unfreqilcnrly
pavements, fences ai d chimneys are made
or it in that section of the State.
On Tuesday, at Gotham on ihe White
Mountains, the mercury in the thermometer
was within one degree of the point at which
it becomes concealed. This is considerably
colder than we have had it. but not near so
cold as die polar legions, where, according
to D:\ Kane, sweet ml had to be sawed and
brandy* split with a hatchet.
Astronomical Intelligence.—Prof. AI-
, oxander, in . recent lectuae. gave die histc-
cr , . ‘ ry of a star, which aimeared in 17bt;, .-..hone
11 the enterprise of which you speak in • <- - .• . • .* *.
great body of steam is constantly rising,
and is visible at a great distance. The mud
and muddy water are frequently thrown
more than a hundred and fifty feet high:
•rod at these times the Geyser wf:en makes a
loud rumbling noise, distinct from that of
the fall of the mud.
hearty love and vengeance it
We have heard a good many theories ab
used by* them in return
within the recollection
habitants,” die sale of liquor
pationa and classes. And in regard to car-
—* ft conspiracy, the Cubans have not
for that; for, as I have told you,
one another eomicuaUy. Be-
(Jubans arrested, there are many
tempting to gh e the origin and purpose of J absolutely prohibited, and,
ituru. For the first, time j was told, and yet the stupid creatures who I S P aniards mixed "P in 1M tb * , b , ut
setion of the “ oldest io-•/tn u,ot-d „„ » . " ,. . cannot get at anything like a knowledge of
; “ U ° " , j t ,d that th,n « Wf,n 1 P ut a ^ ln tha fo'vn. j what tll | plot although it is said that
c of liquor on Sunday is ! But the ineanacitv of th« it-no ... i to.. Pm,.
Organization of tht VriiraaRa Terri
torial Lcglulolnrc.
The iirst legislative assiubiy of Nehraska '
Territory convened at Omaha City on tho :
10th ultimo. A eorrespondeiit of the New j
York Herald furnishes that paper with a
graphic description of the inauguratorv
.-cone-, together with a list of the members
and the message of acting governor Coming, i
On the lTih utt. both blanches of the Leg
islature were permanently organized; after ;
a desperate struggle between the tiel- ;
agates from the nothem and southern sce-
tn»ns of the Territory upon the choice of;
officers, which invohed also to some exiont 1
die question of the location of the capital.
* u m T y J* ^ Ut tllC :nca I' ac * t 5’ tf?e 115011 who have | there was* to have been a Vising here, Con-
.:though the j conducted the operations of the British ! cha shot, and then a descent of Quitman
Gov- j W5t h 8,000 men.
- ; Many prisoners are brought in from the
1,:crs ! country. The plot was to have been the
ould j p a tdug out of the lights in the Theatre, and
T . . . .i M - •• have shamed r. set of Mexican dunderheads, 1 then to have shut the General, also the city
t is report."itnat the Mayor, in ms ap-, or - ca n ous disrogord for the suffering- of ' was to have been left in darkuess, and liber-
- ! P° ,ntujents of Police Officers, has given the ; theIr soldie ry, that has never been equalled ! t>* «« hav0 boeu P«VolaI«uecl, dagger in
ore ; preference to Irishmen, and in one instance : ir ere ia what Lord John R.,«aU ,,r i hand, with, I suppose, a goueral slaughter.
is so remote from the moving proxima'o
cause, that wc think its influence is hardly
ajqireciohle. Our solution we think ro
consonant with the truth and with the h:s- j to a noted burglar, who came “well recom
to O' “i parti or in ih;s country. j mended.” An order was passed, a few davs
Admitting with our friend_ of the Repub- ! since, by tho Board of Aldermen to ascer-
i Here is what Lord John Russell sav-s of tlie I , >■ - .u t , .., -
, . , , ulu | This may have been the plan, but here one
- m which the subsistence department j hardly knows what to believe.
PnitT hlYU nonrv or! mmSelnHArl - ... _ _
, went a\aiicty «.f .ei\ lemarkable changes, j 1 lie FLute river is tlie sectional line, and j but litt-lo horio for a perfect fusion of old ! seeming authority and commanding maimer i should be in want of food, clothes and fuof,
If ! .i iLn , . ... . ■ 4 * 1 *■' ^ • f i i _ i . . . . . . . . '
A Star In III? West.
We saw mi article in the Montgomery
Mail, a few numbers back, upon ihe subject
of a Southern Literal ure. It was a well
peace emigration; if you and those who |ana!a t j au in j ensc combustion.-It
projKihono go win: you prefer to leave the ; , ee: »ed ns if the of the star were
Li: .ed States and seek a permanent home I burning up, and it was impossible to resist
m a foreign country, to renounce jour c.U-; the con & du ‘ sion thal ifcj ^ ^ h-d
zenslnp here and the rights and privileges i , jeen fu | filied
belonging to it, and to submit, yourself to 1
tho laws of another juriedicF..u, it is neither j Sir Eon* a no Bulwek Ljctton.—A story
the duty nov the desire of this goverament i was circula'ed, some months -'nice, in the
to interfere with your proceedings. By _ American newspapers, to the effect that thi
such a course you cease to be
the United States, and can
of the army has been administered : j The Rumored Invasion.
lic-.-.n, tSi-e'the great mass of Northern eon-j tain tiio nativity cl each policeman, »jy i whiehTpLsm^that'iherf Y^'to me^ouM^ I .J he ruI ” or3 |°!l ^ov^mant^of fho^ w!
stituencies is essentially (and wo fear incura- j whom appointed, and whether naturalized, ! thing quite inexplicable in the tnisfot tunes ^ - * P-_ a*. l it.. it.i^.i ,.4* 11
blvj corrupted upon the slavery issue, we ! aod, if so, when. This -diowfl that “Sam” ; 5n this 0<lm P ai S n * If ^ !,ati told, last
still-think that enough remained of unset- I fo about. We may-expect curious develop-j t b„r e “n“ n t !. l f U “ 86 ,an< * !n S in tlj0
v if aa i . ‘ 1 < crmiea, tnat out troops were to be seven
t.3<, matter .hat bad been m dispute for 20 j men tR sunn. A lew days ago, a well ap- i miles from the sea, and from a secure port,
ritli i and that at that seven miles’ distance, they
years to divide tlie public mind and leave , nearing man earns into a station hou
jr a perfect fu
Democrat.-- and Whigs. Indeed
ernments foment tlie wildest of them. It
seems it was the British ship of the line,
Boscinoen, 70 guns, 050 men, Admiral Sir
Arthur Fanshawe, and the screw steamer
Colossus, 80 guns, 750 men, that brought
the exciting intelligence. YYe have already
recorded their arrival at Havana. They
.f inHnen^U?^ : Democrat.- and Whigs. Indeed Northern [and ordered a certain girl released from j su . cfl a degree that they perish at the rate j that they hod net a licet of Amer-
influence t«i tiie scviioo ci* 8outli of i -r^ ^ «ti . *» .1 # x ■»» • . , .. ; of ninety to u tioudrcd a d«iv< I should hnoo , . • j , Vuun*
this division, and from the crude and loosely ! Denl<)cr ? ts and " cuuld nevcr hl8C int0 i Believing the man to be an Al- { C013sidei r ed the prediction J atterivorSl 't** vcss ^/ n : ow ^ With , m *'- . VVhe ' her
^irran«;ed methcKi of conducting elections. : an undistingubhablc mass. Anti-slavory | dernaan, the police officer let her go. It i terou^*. ,, - P P | there is truth in this or not, it is certain
unavoidable in a newly settled countaw, I wag used to solder them together, but when- j. subsequently proved that he was. not and' a~.i t—. r. .. *, that on the 4th the whole Spanish fleet was
double delegations were returned from some ! ever the old repeUanfc elements of party dif- j had no authority iu the matter.
‘thc th memtora e 5ere d coS<Sed tl,e scatfi of h:,if ' ferenee were present the inevitable effect | New York has scarcely been itself this j ft ff air * i n the Crimea than the'.Britisfa'^Gov- S Cahawba brought advices to the Spanish
be a eitizeu ol' celebrated novelet Ind'writf'en'-Ta'Me'ntTe ! Tho * thcW aspirants to t0 ****'? °° nt j nu “f Did ' h * I w * ,,tor ' The d , e P ressioD ^ ieh h ™ P reva51 ' i eminent, is responsible for the following: Government
, . t .... v- have, after such 1 man in Boston that be had “ clo.-cd & t ! fe^ve honors and their partisans, all > Wfegs ot the North, eo often beaten the ; ed every oraneh of business has materially ~
written paper, in reply to a correspondent a cliange of a lIogiiuiee. no claims to protec- .eer as a writer of fiction ; was gloomy and ! ^ to maintain ; old issues, have any hope that they could • interfered with the usual pities of theseas- «.»« W u M o« oi roquraiies mr ( - tJ _ - wopd ,,
who took the Editor to task for ca vcatiug turn us such citizens from this Government, unhappy ; nad expended the powers of life • °' er 3’ j iiL ^ av d. created aa in- • overcome the settled and ever increasing np- j ou. Fifth avenue, Fourteenth at., and the j the British, that Lord Raglan has been com- j “This morning tho English squadron, of
tho circulation of Harper's Magazine among ! You seem, however, to repel the inference ^ la chasi g pleasure where u is nt , , > up ; -en-c escueeient, am. a* one ume n wa-R position ro their policy of administering . fashionable quarters, have been remarkably i *° borrow 10.000 greatcoats from ‘ t ^ e approach of*which we gave due notice,
the Southern people. The point made hy that you intt.M to submit to the existing found, Ac.” The London Critic ■! Decern- . cTen°«f ttofeaEn^rff j the Guverijment. They have long since j quiet, aud although there were, three oaten- 1 Aud , in . g«»t U«fto 1 enter ^ our harbor. We cannot do less than
>-"irH" l ' M X! M " StStf srisss-l?Z JMltSZ If f?,wr“- ,L “ ^ i ta,i ™ s “ d rt-«*••>*—• | ffwJLfirSI
t Christendom was against Slavery r.ui.™:„ 3 • .... w. _ p .._ . ..... ; bloodv hilit. Uauml* however, better coun-' before us final extinction, eternally in. ic mansions ot taree of our prominent mil-! mo* the first ship thov could find which ' hab .ants ot Hatanu witness tne presence
old creed some ad —' - ^ ***- I of oar ancient and vohant alhea *
designed to eke
And the London Times, that from the i in movement, and left Havaua with a num-
first was kept better informed of the state of i her of troops on board. Some say that the
_ ! I xl. _ <1 * .x i I /1..I arl.tiAA.T iKn UixiItiuYv
.. 1*, e j The Diario of the Marina, congratulates
! its party on the arrival of the British fleet,
generally, and that of the North in a par
ticular degree: Iliac unless i.e accepted
such hooks and periodicals as the European :
ard Northern press • T our country offered j
we could have no b'erutuvo—for our .
people would not create one. Our cotempo- j
raiy cf the Mail yielded the point, we :
thought, most too gracefully, if wo are call- -
cd on to infer from the cristing facts of the .
cum 1 that nr people do not write because—
they cannot. Go into uic private walks of
Seuthcru life—lest ilio qualities of mind I
found aitioug us-nir inquisitiveness—our
facility «>f acquisitinu—our prompt common ’
sense—logical vigor—and all this suffused ,
and colored by an poetical tempera
ment—and then deny, if you can, that here,
in superabounding affluence, live and dwell
the highest intellectual characteristics.
Every now and tnen there peeps up from
the h>\vly letei ;ur common place life
some real gem. which, after flashing its
high quality upon us. is scon no more.—
Yesterday we received the bright thing we
give our readers from the mountains, and
v,o asl; Mr. Hooper if it is nol a good sign
of cliee- to i lie lover of letters to know that
we have a hand among us that wields “ the
grey gooce quill” s „ deftly. We give the
delicious pit- c just a« we got, it, with all its
sparkle and exquisite aroma.
Tiie ml-for; sines of aval Ice
Once upon a time there lived a man bv the
the name of Van Huger but his grate mis
fortune was that of a mieur the l.,vc cf
money was the cans of Ids being regeeted
by iiis fiends his father wft.: a weltliv man
aud Eugcan bis only son and at hisdeth the
estate fell to him his wife was a yong and
lovlv gearl he lived ii . miserable hovel one
may ue iu my power to en
force order and keep up the forms of civiliz
ed society from the beginning.”
It is not to he assumed that the country
to which you are going is not within the
territorial limit ul some government.
CrL’ELLV PvNIsniNG a Liiii.d.-
; Bur the expected arrival of Governor Izard,
man -l tiie Ul0:i ntime. would, without doubt, put
To make . I ug history short, we think nrenced. To the honor of the wives of our ! atanunoDlo^ O^the’wav^liev* hannimed°?* i e ‘6ht hundred men in that district, such an
that the Know-Nothing excitement is one rich merchants be it said that a largo por- { mention'to the captain of the ship that their j erent C o Uld ? al1 .{° r i
occupying a respeetablo position in sneietv. a ditferer.: ar.l a more peaceable aspect : of the last dodges of Whiggery, and should tion of the funds ordinarily expended at j urgent mission was to buy shoes for the j hadfoft
residing in Joralemon street. Brokiyu, was ' a P oa ti l e?c feu ’ ls !lna iead iiaa adjustment j tko p y 8 , )inc s:1 ,j Providence get into ’ this season for balls and parties has been j troops, who were in a wretched condition j ii t ‘ ut j. " : de t0 embark for
. tmmglrtm I«k. Ml K.W ! « --« — dLrded i d«™,«Uo tk, ™Uef of th„ ««ri» e p^. ! . W”“’ ‘V*** «K* kLSf. "*’•*•'*
I hat ,i is a part, of the sovereignty of a > yo-erday, to answer, a coinp.aint n«to« * tJA* i rod tittered ro - of their old colors droned * This has been a tough winter for our ro- >!e ,nf V rmahon . «** his ! Four comnanies of shanwhooters, or
government is implied in the fact that you against him for cruelly bearing ms cw
claim to have “ a grant” for the 1-uid you clnid. The father, when arrested, refused
And Early iu the
t session of the Legislature an attempt was !
made, hy the introduction of the resolutions ar, d tattered rag of their old colors dragged
which we have pubb. ’ied, approving the ‘ fortii again and flouted in our laces. The : ™ ueamrs and m factor all business men :! board for those very troops, but that there ; tQ ir avanf > : t ; s Ba , i(L but otber
propose to occupy. Although you dc not to produce the child, but -after a short inear- ! P^nviple oftpopular sovereignty as express- f aet is. that, so far as slavery is concerned, j but uie ? lia ’*' e weathered the storm better ' was no “ proper officer” to receive them, ! thi« to^iue'dilution
state the source «>r nature of vour grant, cemtion consented to bring it into Court.— : , „ ,n 1llRSas . 1 ebra.-kr. act, to clearly j we bavc l;(1 - gained an atom at the South : t *‘ an could have been expected, and with : consequently they could not be landed !” '-‘- c **---■• -
and the particular country to which you . The back of the child was found to be bad- ‘fee 110 0 opinion upou ttus vital issue,
piopore to go, it is evident from the title of : ly bruised, and the farther was held for ex- ‘ ’
vour association, “The Central American amination. Burial or .1 Sinuuje Lhakac-
n _ . , It is said also, that encampments are form-
uut tor the cnaracter of these witnesses * e j a t the villages near llavana, where at-
Company,” that your destination is Central
America, and I know no portion of it over
which some of the Central American States
have not sovereign jurisdiction.
It is very generally understood that your
colony proposes to take possession of a part
of the Mosquito country over the whole ot
whien Nicaragua or Costa ltica oiaiins ju
The ministers of those governments have depth of 340 feet below the surface,
both declared that you have no grant from i
their own nati-m, and they protest against 1
your proposed expedition as an invasion of
their lights of property, and jurisdiction
and sovereignty. If your grant is derived. :
ns it is presumed to bo, from a perron eul.ed
the Mosquito King, it is proper that you ,
should be apprized of the light in which
this would regard .-ueh a title.
The political condition of what is called the
Mo-quito Kingdom has for several years •
past been a matter of discussion between j
the United States and Great Britain. The.
government has uniformly held .hat the
Mosquito Indians are a sa.age tribe, and
tint, though they have right* as the been- I
pants of the country where they aw-, they ;
inae 110 sovereign r p dill cal authority
there, and
« into Court.-
; by the starting un of this new pariv.— ; renewed hope and confidence which seem to 1
--j, q*L e 1 Frankly do we admit that the Whigs here : he fully gratified by* a better condition of 1 and their testifying against themselves, such I tacks are likely to be made.
, mentions the! who have joined it may have thought that ; things are vigorously preparing for the j monstrous, wicked neglect of duty would- The Courier’s correspondent closes his
chicken was killed by death at Weedsport, Cayuga county, on t:.c j .r,, ot } might eome of it some day or other, and : s pring trade. Rents eomiug down, the J be simply incredible.” ; feft° p with the following consoling lnforma-
C,!r ^ l “ as i. ui ^ !n& m ! t?* n, . t “ of ? ne . Iiarino ';' Weedmt. aged 80. ” a fet _- certaill lJiat everv Democrat, who P licc3 al1 ti,e necessaries and luxuries j ; ! M, Sj h ■ Bt ^ea a e-eat meerine of
of life would follow suit, and I think that j . Trowei. , JJ? re ha ^ 8t ““ “g 1 ^
Is it a possible thing that human beings j Ld L
Hex Feed.—A
ro r M* . 0i ‘ T"S>’ 1 -” U1 "«*.oi one iianivu, w eetiou. ageu eu. ; _ e w, certain that everv Democrat who
Chin fiat, Calaveras county, from the craw : il e had acquired a handsome competency, ; , . \ ® J .
of which a piece of gold was taken vSfigh- ; and many years ago made all his arrange-; twls ^ al -heart, attached himself to this . ^ uuutlMI uolUito , . , — _ ..
ingSf-2 20. i menus for his buriat IK eans*rncted ft.,. ; now oraer, as it is called, mainly because < courury meveuants who Wish replenish ! , , 6 . . . . , , n ; tain General, to offer their lives and estates
t s-pT. rjfi r. ! himself a stone coffin of the Oavu^a lime- he was led to believe that anti-slavery i their stocks to advantage will find N. Tork j ’ . . ' ' ‘ J .v «*cked indulgence ^ detence 0 f tlie island. Of course the
A SCDTERRANCAN* DEM.-Sto&or, Run aUine, well iiaished. tlie cover jotriug over would by its agency receive a cheek But by all odds the cheapest marker in the Union iU,d takc . P lea ^« '» ««ch greater part, rag-tag and bob-tail, have but
tehs of a piece of wood taKcn «>y the augur h , d rab! .;, ed „ h<MlWer and T K ., !led ’ y -^ y ’ ” , * * . . , * « nr ; Tlp . ai> ab jcct boot hektng spirit as the following j their lives to offer, which at the needful rno-
°. f the ^«f“ n >• !i ' at eky, at the j L.Sr w th 80 snM IiS thlS " GW “ bah ‘ t,on trom thede ' th ^,® P ” .. .. , .I official outburst dieplam Pconle who do- niert might be paired for something else.
The Crusader tells v bout a secret institu
tion of professional beggars in New Turk,
imported Iron Sardinia, but classified among
voluntary emigrants, lie says:
“At the present time this foreign organi
zation of professional paupers numbers in
the city of New York not less than three
hundred member of both sexes. They have
secret and mysterious signs—a language in
telligible but among tEeuisclies, and imre
certificates according their degrees, merits,
find intelligence of the uiemlers. They in
habit generally the uiust iikiiy quarters ot
New York, and organized much Fi.-ur-
■entes, Uoumiunists, or &aciahsts, they la*g
ineividualiv and divide mutually. As s-xfi.
as they have collected a go»-d sum, they ic
■. i*i* to their native home, and Luy prtqier-
,,es with the money obtained in this coun
try under false pretences.”
■ i.ho mdes on a suoulder, mid belied g., mire ,11 this now exhalation from the de- 1 this Soring. . .
i b^c:faer with « hiU-incL boh., nmaio-. f , , f whi „ , , -„ h j f j The prohihitor; liquor bill which wo««nf- i <i “r l “r«- . Pc »p1e "1» 4e-, ™SjJ
I 'I’reoiiiitronitojitith'ittoRi.secuLed wtthci-un-,^ ^ pron]ire £! feedh.slcepm the Jcmblj-pendu,g.hoe!cc- i ‘* b * ” “ < ' h ,M * n ' e “ *“ be more |
i ter sunk nuts,
i in that, with
lie requested to lie buried j { ' 1G stl ’ ( _ _ _ . ...
his cloak- wrapped around the South is to be powerfully aided by the j tlon or L.
me. ana no. capacity t.. iransfor toiudivid-
o.ils an absolute and permaueat title to tlie
. . . ., , .... , lauds in meir possession, and the right ol
night while he was lensting eyes leuimeut doiuarii—wi.ich only can be the
on a tow cold peaces iliai he hud ivoiked for , s».uroe ol such title—in in certain of die
Geiitrrd American State-.
If the emigrants should be formed into
companies, coimuamled by officers, atul fur-,
nislied with arms, such organization would
assume luo character of a military organi
zation, and, being hardly consistent with Chief of tSe expedition, bu
professions of peaceful objects, there would 1 -- -
.he grate. Ad of his directions were ex- i s,<lC3 - Here the larger, much the larger, j
' idicitly followed, and by his directions the bulk of the party being Whigs, will agree : pass is certain and Mayor Wood declares
■ -offin was not only bolted, but cemented to- : to differ as they once did, for a while, with ■ that should it become a law it shall be en-
| gether, so as to be water-tight. 1 their brother Whigs upon the slavery issue, forced in the city of Now York. If he
I CnATTAXooaa Items.—We clip the follow- ' We think ’ in ftU lruth w « sa - v that tLis is I shuU . !d ke , ep w ? rd IIcrco . I< * oa « ht to
1 ; n „ f r ,,m tlie Adtaiiser: i the sum of the matter. considered a baby in comparison with him,
iirriNu a Mountain*.—Wo learn that a But we cannot discharge our conscience j for the cleansing of a thousand Augean
l gentleman from the northwest by the name, and stop hero. We would do much, bear : stables would be a labor of love conqi--i
, 4 Dascom has been staying on -ioKikout t much, with even a doubtful expedient, to with the task of closing all the grog sto ps
: ; rescue our beloved South from her imperil- :»« this thirsty city: wc shall see.
The enormous defalcations which have
we are on our
(lt) „ rAmrir . c,„ v „ _ | heads or heels. Concha included. In a few
S. Senator will be pressed for-1 . . . . ja, and wc 1 d a y 3 ue shall be wiser, iierhapa.
it is useless to attempt to fillibuster ; cuban omen—linca-pin oot.
decent company. We guess some | The following curious event is recorded,
Yankee pulled the linch pin out and ; as having preceded the plot of assassination
‘ the Dons thus horribly; 1 and th ® reported invasion. It was certain-
umt so much interested in the beauty . ... ,, -
md grandeur of the ,-oenerv, the excellen- j eiI eon<1 ition. But, before Gud, wo care
f. <a a r , . , . 1 ly ominous, and in the days of the Romans
ntor . n d<iy * a . t0rnOOn ’,* he o 4t , 1 ,nat ” 0I I I would have signified that the linch-pin of
His Excellency s leaving the Bull ring, and 1 // 1)S Government car of the faithful island of
luss alter he was seated in his carrriage, it j Cuba vas about beingpricatdy removed.
was found thatono of the axles was out of or- j Qn Sunday afternoon, the 4th instant, on
der, causing the vehicle to be useless for the j t i is Excellency's leaving the Bull ring, and
time, on whtch account His Excellency, f . a3t a f Ier he was seated in his carriage, it
sustained any injury as was J w<w f ouni j that one of the axles was out of
' * S ot j n to u hsvek that ! 0 rd e r, causing the vehicle to be useless for
arriving in a short I t j, e time, ou which account His Excellency,
without having sustained any injury, as was
believed at first,
was near at hand.'
time at ^ the palace to tranquilize his
lady, before the disagreeable news should
arrive, distorted, to the oars of that worthy
y eftthe climate and the prospective siipo- a A, in attempting this thing, ron into er- taken place here during the present wintei i
; lonty of the location lor a summer res:- 1 rors as unpardonable and ton times mure ; seem already half forgotten. The card; As soon as this slight accident was
I dcnce-find resoft.- tfiat he has taken to tiie I daugerous than abolition itself. Tb«a» i .«f M.a£ n -trto u n r.t knownthroughont Havana, all the distin-
3 months while then engaged lie would ex
claim Alt my guiding buries every 1 helps
to fdl the box at ia.-'. a theif heard t’.cas ex
clamation-- and softly stea’iiii, ***, t, ( ;dm
gave himabluw inai stuned him and scheiied
them up and hured from-the Uuu-e when lie
Later from Havaua.
The steamer Empire City has arrived at
New Orleans witii dates from Havana *u the
10th inns. liei* news confirms jure account
received by the steamer Isabel. Coiieiia i.-
fully aware ol the designs of t^e FiH:bus- ^
rors in the l nuefi Suites. C* L Kinueyfis j reaiy cash tiUi.becymnnuided. tL-tine spee- : vrarnin", liowev
t G«n’s Qintiaan j aiatii.rt Uw«uidlie. The supreme chanter - -n-i. .7’
an t Henderson is the prime movers <d it.— • teristics of this delightful mountain will
ninion of purchasing the entire mountain ““-;T ‘7Z\ ^ “? I w tbc .°f»“ . Ban J j guishod peracTns of our society were soon in
.foil slight reservations, for his own ourpo- seeni to l,e Lar,j w6Tde * bm we } >egour read- } t* requesting a suspension of public opm-! attendance, making inquiries ia regard to
os, and* is now engaged in estimating „nd 1 ers to do us the justice to believe us when we ; lons an<:1 footing at rich disclosures and | the health of tho superior Chief of the
are nut intended for such. We -startling implications, scarcely provokes a j Government in Cuba, with that affectionate
at first believed, got into a hack, that was
near at hand, arriving in a short time at
the palace to tranquilize his lady, before
the disagreeable news should arrive distort
ed to the ear of that worthy lady.
v.irgaining for tho same, with- ihe present ) say they,
proprietors. It is a grand idea, and if tlie 5 mean them for
AVhat ean we
words of exrmstultiun and ! remark, and Kyle, the dishonest secretary i solicitude that reveals the interest that that
words j f ^ ^ ffioy bo seen J. | authority inspires throughout the popula-
9 of the South gain by VTo^ r.*j» feshfonaWe hour, on the fashions-j TffZ .
come to hi.- senses he was lying on the floor devo i' d U F°“ guvernmout tho duty ol L'i, c steanfer Pampero convey s a pariui the j ^ntualiy'aiM^ suq.^fortone^for the I 5:1 til1 ? tlie Constitution ? Does not every I hie side ot Broadw*ay, dressed 0 la mode, j Tho Supreme Court of Georgia com
jumping up he exclaimed whut a drea u ft* inquiring whether it be nut in violation ol ; expedition. Seven hundred acres of laud readv ami venturesome. a,JlQ bare at all conversant with public al- t ’ ani1 looking as nonchalant and unconcerned j me nced its session
< r ■ our neutraiitv aot.. 1 1S Offered to each soldier ! - *• - • -•
went to look for bis cold when do it was
gone searing a knife that Iqy op the table
he pluiv'vd into his heart lie .Herd a group
and fa' dead hi" wife heard tho fall and
eoniing in soing him wetering in his blotiff
sunk upon the and expired thus ended
the misers life A F T
a p *r
*V/ 1 // *•//
Not wifthi
written for the inteligenoer
our neutrality act.
fta?*-Bishop J. O. Andrew has roniovcd
Irom Oxford, Ga.. to iSnnuuertiehl, Aia.—
1 he address of Bishop Itoeree is also chang
ed frem Sparta, by the establishment uf a
iw-w post ullice nearer Ids residence, called
"Culvortim,” Hancock G>., lyl.
i Coweta Circuit.—Tho lion. Obediali
■ '' amer, presiding Judge in the Coweta Cii
risliing to send this to Mr ware I will i on llle * r «st,, auti
h to a, m*u : SL*: te-lisak^iriis-
Application having t>e- -n made Fur the j
use A the Assembly Ctiamber for Frederick' j
Ltouglass, iviio desned tu driver an adro^.- ,
•'Bine **ilights' of Man," d.e request wa.- j
ufi.i.utuously granted. *&*•,’ say's .an Albany
letter, “un Friday evening ot next- wees,
this abolition Legislature will have .the j
satisfaction oi . loueuiug to a spoeeii irou, -
Fred Douglass, the most taicated of them
. . , , ....... , -1. , w 1 - ' n Maiton on Monday
Mc.vixc —A ihmilv—two men, two wo- ! Diat now, at this hoar, our truest j«« if his pecufetionu had never been Wa- j hwt, J a dje« fieaning «nd Starnes being iu
men. -ne child, one gun and ouc chair, nasi—; defenders, and the wisest of them, arc act- zoned in tho newspapers 01* there was . attendance'. Judge Lampkin arrived on
ed through our busy town wi'Monday, f« . iqgupon the idea and the forlorn.hope that: bjarni in robbiug a corporation. Schuyler, j yl 01 foj a „ a * faj(>k h j s ^ on t j, e
rtnoc to the v. est, w itb.i.uit w’agon or bciift. . we eannut be siived but hv nluckiin-tfiAt inL 1 iiiev sav. is ulaving the role of a nabob j '1 0
This is n sat..pie 01 energy and resolei'.ou
that has bnt'fe-.v narailels.
Corrox Watti'N'c.—We* loam from the
-Decatur J.nirnid that a huge quantity of
outtun Js >v;iiting fur shiprucaftriiu coase-
quetnje of tiie .Ten pcssqe. ri vet*.
The Washington corresponeent of
the Baltimore Ary us says: “ Col. H. L.
Kinney, or Central American notoriety, has
gone to Philadelphia to purchase a steamer
for the use of his contemplated expedition.
It is thought that he will select the Hteamer
State of Georgia, her owners having ex
pressed a desire to, sell her to the expedi
« e canuoi be saved but by plucking that in-;foey say, is playing D o row “*«>«» j WTi on Tuesday morning. There
strument from the drowning., deep ? Why j somewhere in Rhineland, while we have ad- ( thirty-eiglit cases on the docker.
' then violate it «o palpabiy hy warring ■ vices uf bis great rival m swindling, Heniy |
against the liberty of conscience-? Yes, j Meiggs, from rim island of Tahati. So wc j Clarke «t Grubb.—The attention of rend-
violace it as phimply, as uneunseionably a« : go. Patty larceny is sent- by scowling jus-1 ers generally is invited to. the advortise-
tlie man North of us who would rob us of) tiee to the penitentiary while Titanic
The steamer Black Warrior left New
York ou Friday for Havana and New Or-
ieaus, taking out fifty passengers and $150,-
000 in specie.
To Make Cologne Water.—Take one
quart of alcohol, and to it add of oil of
j Johnson <
~rf' was iqi- ; Mrs. Mowatt iluyuiz, it is said, has an Illinois, for President, and Thomas J. Husk, j ’• " V" v T" * *
to «l V UCCeed,nS day hj ‘*ber book in pxess, which wUl shortly he j „f Texas, for Vice President, in 1850, figure i 18 11 in » Democrat to denounce and degrade . rope, or a cruise in- its own ship among the
tu« vacancy. | published. * J a t tho head of the San Antonio lex an. i tho foreigner that our policy invited to j avuiinfer isles “of the Pacific. Bans Deo.”
E^to’fiic name of Stephen A. Douglass, of
Illinois, for President, and Thomas J. Husk,
Itroperty or send the torch among our ! Swindling takes the “ crown of tho eause-
uotieehold gods. What sort of gratitude i way,” or solaces itself with a tour in Eu-
ment of Messrs. Clarke & Grubb, to be i tornon and oil of rosemary, a quurter of an
found in another column. They have on °H UC ® ® ach; oil ? f laveuder ’ °" c ‘ dra ? hm ’•
t i « ,,, v • - « ! oil of cinnamon, ten drops ; and ten drops
hand are unusually large supply of family j of the oU of clt)Tes ; to all of which add P a
and plantation groceries and provisions and table-spoonful of rose water. Set it by for
sell at reasonable prices. 1 a week,jahaking the bottle every day.