The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, June 07, 1855, Image 3

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rfrom the Federal Union, Extra, 6th inst.] State Democratic Convention. bled, submit to their fellow citizens the fol- _ lowing platform of principles, and oordi&llv Tliis body assembled in the Hepresenui- . atl| j ftarne6 t,ly invite the co-oi)eration of all ire Hall, on Tuesday, 5th inst.. at withoutparty distinctions, who desire to see ttre o’clock, A. M. On motion of H. Green, Esq-, of the jonnty ofPike, lion. Joseph Day, of Jones, was called to the Chair, nnd_Messrs. !}• thcmestablished as the truebasisof theconsti- tutional and just action of this government. 1st. Resolved, in the language of the Georgia Convention of 1850, That we hold WHO vitllCU tv n* • _ .. • #• -a«v 1 \-oii i vutiun v71 awvj a sica * n v IIulU Tracy, of Bibb, and It. linscoe, ol a - t j, e American u n i on secondary in impor- ...» mAAiinctAH If) lid' Secretaries, lor l 1C ; f rt h on .inlv tn tlm vicrlifa nnd nrinoi nine ton, requested to act us tance only to the rights and principles it iug resolution of the Georgia Convention of 1850, and our unalterable determination to maintain it in its letter and spirit. 4th Resolution—Georgia Platform. That the State of Georgia, in the judg- :nt to Th»-. Puree. G purpose of organization. was designed to perpetuate : that past asso- On motion of Mr. Bass, ot Biho. tne , c ; a t; 0 ns, present fruition, and future pros- counties were called, and the delegates in ^ p ecttj) vrill hind us to it so long as it contin- attendance reported their names to the . ec- j ues t0 p 0 t jj e safeguard of those rights and retaries. The following delegates were en- ; principles. rolled as members, of the Convention, from 2d, Resolved, That we hereby declare our the counties to which their names arc sever- f u jj au( j unqualified adhesion to the follow- ally attached: ’ BaMwin—Wm! McKinley, M. D. McComb, D P Bibb—N. Bh«s, J. B. Lamar, E. L. Stroheekor, { S 11 Hunter, W. K. DeGraffonriod. Barker.'“pp“h -1. Schley, E. I.. Antony, W. Hutch- j jj u n« E. Varner, J. K. Lyons, B. VI. Collier. Calhoun—W. K. Griffin. Cues—J- A. Crawford. Chatham—J no. K. W«ni, W A. Gordon, 1*. .J Punch. Carroll—W. V. Johnson. Catoosa—T. <*omial,M. Dickson. Chattooga—J. A. Glenn. Cherokee—Lawson Field. M. J- Caindeu. Clarke—W. L. Mitchell, H. Cobb, C. S. Oliver. Cobb. Sain’l La truce, IN • 1- Skelton. Mm. 1 hillij**. Coweta J. P. Shropshire, W. U. Anderson. Crawford W. C. (’leaveland, L. F. Hicks. Columbia.—T. E. Beall, T. M. Watson- Undo—Bcnj. Easley. Decatur— A. A. Allen. DeKalb—Jus. W. Crockett. Daniel Johnson. a Letter, jr.. E. Hutts, J. II. CoMing. J. C. J. C. Hunger. Dougherty—D. H. Panders. G. M. l-awton V. ri v—\\, i.. Cobb. Fayette Cot. W. A. Bedding, 1*. Fitzpatric, G. King. Floyd—0. A. Myers, U. H. Haynie. Win. Wat ters. Forsyth—H. Strickland. Franklin—Wm. Turk. .T F Turk Fulton Thus. C. Howard, L. J. Glenn, A. Nelson. Gordon—H. B. ^ f, ung, *1. Fuin.^ LATEST NEWS. L0TTKEIB8. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAM SHIP ment of this Convention, will and ougi resist, even (as a la6t resort) to a disruption of every tie which binds her to the Union, any action of Congress upon the subject of Slavery in the District of Columbia, or in places subject to the jurisdiction of Congress, • incompatible with the safety, domestic tran- i quility, the rights and honor of the slave ' holding States, or any act suppressing the • slave trade between the slaveholding States; or any refusal to admit as a State any ter ritory hereafter applying, because of the existence of slavery therein; or any act prohibiting the introduction of slaves into territories of Utah and New Mexico; or AFRICA. The steamer Africa has arrrived at Hali fax. She was detained off the port nearly all day on Monday. Her letters will be due atNewYork Thursday evening. Shebrings one week’s later intelligence from Europe. Liverpool Market. Liverpool,May 19.—Cotton.—Milligan re ports extraordinary sales, jd. advance on Middling, and jd. advance on Fair. Sales of the week, 153,000 bales, of which 75,000 were taken on speculation. Fair Orleans, 6$d.; Middling, 6|d.; Fair Upland, 6fd.; Middling, 5j to 6d. The market closed buoyant. The advices from Manchester are more favorable. Breadstuffs dull and unchanged. Canal Flour 40 to 42s; Ohio 45s to 45 6d. White Wheat 12s to 12s 9d. White Corn 57s to 57s 6d; Yellow 50 to 51s. Weather favor able to the crops. Provisions slightly ad vanced and steady. London markets un- i changed. Sugar and Coffee firm- Rread- any act repealing or materially modifying j stuffs dull. ; the laws in force for the recovery of fugitive i j slaves. j 3d, Resolved, That we approve and en-! ! dorse the action of our last Congress in the j j Nebraska-Knnsas act, and the principles i therein established ; and in conformity with j ' these principles, the people of Kansas have j the right, when the number of their popu- Gwinnett—H. P. Thomas, J. C. Whitworth, K. I lation justifies it, to form a Republican State Constitution with or without slavery i as they may determine, and be admitted j into the Union upon an equal footing with the other States, and that her rejection by ; Congress, on recount of slavery, would be a just cause for the disruption of all the ties that bind the State of Georgia to the Union. 4th, Resolved, That we adopt as our own, ! the following Resolution passed unanimous ly by the last Legislature of Georgia. “ Resolved, by the Assembly of the State of Georgia, That opposition to the principles of the Nebraska Bill, in relation to the subject of slavery, is regarded by the people of Georgia, as hostility to the people of the South, and that all persons who par take in such opposition are unfit to be re- j cegnized as component parts of any party or organization not. hostile to the South.” 5th. Resolved, That in accordance with the above Resolution, whilst we are willing to act in party association with all sound and reliaahle men in every section of the T. Terrell, I. VI. Young. Habersham—0. D. Phillip*. Hall I A. Henilen. Hancock—F. II. Sanford. R. M. Johnston. A. .1. Lane, Wm. B Fraley, end H. T. Fraley Henry—R- V. Kiel!, II. TomlinRou, Irwin—G. Wilcox. JackMin—W. 1*. Miller, M. A. Pattmau. Jasper—J. W. Burney, Flemming Jordan, W. C. Lovejov, A. Watters. j oneH —Jos. Day, W. A. Lane, Robert Brown, W. L. Fletnister. Hinchafoonee—I). 11. HarraU. lir. Mercer, Lincoln—.!. L. Wilks. Wm. Dallas ami O. T. Tarry. Macon—S. Hall. F. T. Snead. Madison—H. A. Nixon, W. .1. Pittman. Mrintn-di Charles Spalding and X. K. Johnston Marion—James M. Hall. It. M. .letter. Mutiroc—J. S. Strickland. Morgan—.1 a Reed, D B Lane, W Woods. Murray—I. Edmondson, .lames Morris, S. L. Stowe. Muscogee—J. F. Bozeman. Jas. Hamilton, P. II. Col quitt, G. J. Pitts, and Tennent l.omnx. Newton—Titos. F. .limes. .1. M. 11,mnr. J. 1*. Hen derson. Paulding—W J. Chastain. —H. Green and Jas. Eppinger. Polk I. A. Jones, and T. C. Bonner. Putnam—II. Slade, J. Denham, J. B. Pounds. J. A. Turner, J. I). Diomiiar' Randolph—M. G. Stamper, J. L. Ross and C. s.. Rob- .1. Martin Money easier; on Friday consols closed at 91?, and on Saturday advanced Ad.— United States stocks better. The War. The Vienna Conference was to be re-open ed on Monday. A secret expedition was preparing for t [By Authority of the State ot Alabama.J SOUTHER*? MILITARY ACADEMY. LOTTERY. Conducted on the Havana plan. is ft AND STHEfllE! Class Q. TO REDRAWN THE23d Or JUXE 1856. $12,000 5.000 a,ooo .2,000 is 2,000 1,500 1,200 5,000 4,000 1.500 1,440 2.000 50 is 3.000 «;400 28 Approximation Prises amounting to 800 408 Prizes amounting to ..... — $50,000 ONLY TEH THOUSAND NUXBEB8. a^-Tick#ts $8—Halves $4—Quarters $2 00. Every prize drawn at each drawing Bills on solvent banks taken at liar. All commuica- tions strietlr confidential. SAM’L SWAN. Agent. At the Bronze Lions. Montgomery. Ala. $P^Orders for tickets received by the agent of the Fort Gaines Academy Lottery. Atlanta, Ga. 1 Prized 1 Prize 1 Prize ... . . *12.000 is . 5.000 is. 3.000 is. 2,000 is. 1 Prize 1.500 is. 1 Prize 1.200 is. 5 Prizes 1.000 is. 10 Prize** 400 i-. 10 Prizes 12 Prizes 120 if. 20 Prizes 100 if. 60 Prizes 50 ih . 256 Prizes 25 is. Commercial. \By Authority of the State of Georgia.] FORT GAINES ACADEMY The subscriber having accepted from the Com missioners the Agency and Management of the FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has es tablished the Principal Office at Atlanta, Ga., and intends conducting the LOTTERY on the tame plan as that of tho Southern Military Academy Lottery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR JUNE. Class 2 TO DRAWN JUNE 13TH, 1855, IN THE CITY Ol ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO magnificent Scheme! 3®-Aih1 remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing, and paid when due without deduction! 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 2 Prizes of.... 5 Prizes of.... 10 Prizes. of.... $7,500 $5,000 2,000 1.000 ‘500 200 15 Prize* of $100 78 Prizes of 120Prizes of 5 Approx. 1st Cap. 6 do 2d do 30 do do 20 instill. iuiu jcniiauii* iiji-ii xji uyvj'y wecuoii oi cue nn u 7 Union, we are not willing*to affiliate with ! have been pois- i i ° • I on on hr ooftnir /uicfna^ ir. ^IGol. ..J.. the Crimea. Ihe siege of Sevastopol was ; Will be distributed accordiug to the following unchanged. Pelissierconfempletes attack ing with the Allies in the field. The motion of a want of confidence in the English Ministry failed. In tho latest engagement, the Flagstaff Battery of the French destroyed the Rus sian ontworks. Washington, June 5.—The election yes- j 251 Prizes in ail amounting to terday resulted in the election of the Ameri-! can ticket, generally, by an average majori- j ty of 552. Americans lose G couneilmen I and gain 4 aldermen, majority 15, joint j ballet. • Chicago, June 5.—Five wards give 609 i majority against liquor law. Caton is elected Supreme Judge by a ; large majority. Baltimore, June 5.—A marriage party in $30,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets $5 Halves 82,50 Qtarters 81.25. ,S8_ Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, d&wly Atlanta, Georgia. Kio.Imumrt—.1. Gardner. Jr.. G. T. Barnes. J aud t». Robinson. Spalding—Win. Cline, R. W. McCun«\ •> I*. J.indhoy and .1. H. Mangham Hcrivi*n—repn*-i nted by Chatham. Stewart—0. J. Walker, J. F. Porter Humdl K. Harrison .Sunitur—R. II. !>. Sormll and A. U. Ijimar. Tallut—L 11 Smith, Jesse Carter, W A Daniel, and l.«»vi B. Smith, fayior—I). I*. M. Brand. Telfair—lobn f. C. Daniel, .hdm I> Wilcox and M. Jones. Troup—J. M- Flowers and Thomas J. Harris. Twiggs—.!. <». Coh-mau, J. F. Sliino, J. hnlkcom Union—,1. 1*. Wei born. Upson—C, W. Moore. Walton—W Kilgore, .S H L odd in, Geo. Hurst, \\\ W. Newell. Washington—Snm’l Robiiiflou, O. II. Prince, S. Mills. Whiifitd.]—o. K. Kcnnn, Wm. liordon. Wilkinson—l>r. 15 W Finney, D. Hudson, Jus. Pierce, W. 0. Beall. Worth—A. J. Shine. On motion of AY. K. DeGraffenreid, L-q., of Bibb, a committee of three from each Con- any party that aliall not recognise, approve and carry out the principles and provisions J- Given, j. of the Nebraska Kansas act,—and that the Democratic Party of Georgia will cut off all Benj. m».v ami ; connection with every man and party atthe North or elsewhere, that does not come up i fully and fairly to this line of action. ■ Gth. Resolved, That the National De mocracy of the North, who have patrioti- ^ _ , caily fought for tho Kansas and Nebraska ‘ ■, acts and " the maintenance of the Fu- j State and Terntor - v gitive Slave Law, against the combined j forces of Know Nothingisn and Abolition- j j ism, who seek their repeal, and who stand I pledged to support the a J mission of Kansas | changed nttd prices full, into the Union as a Slave State, should she ’ ask it. merit the heartfelt sympathies, thanks | and encouragement of Southern men in Havana Plan Lottery. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY [By Authority of the State of Georgia.] T TTE subscriber having been appointed Mana ger of the Jasper County Academy Lottery, intends conducting the same on the Havana plan of single numbers, and has located his Office in the city of Macon. Georgia. Ho now offers the following:—J V* ber. A mystery who commited the act— | grand SCHEME FOR JILY »3, 1855. When Prize-* will be distributed as follows amounting to 950,000: CLASS b. CAPITAL. 1 ?. Prize of $12,000 i 1 Prize of $5,000 oned by eating custard, in which arsenic was placed. Some twenty-five are not ex pected to live ; the bride ainontr the num- servants all sick from eating the custard. Philadelphia, June 5.—The K. N. Con- I vention assembled in this city to-day. The ' delegates number 201—representing every ! j The Markets. CHARLESTON, June b. Cotton.—The market to-dny continued un- ...3,000 1,500 | 1 •• 1.100 10 Frizes of 4,00 2,000 1 “ 1,200 6 Prize-of 1.000 Ac., &c., &c. their patriotic position. 7th Resolved, That in the National Dem ocratic party of the North alone, have been gressional District were appointed to select found those patriotic men who have thus the officers of this Convention, as follows: ; stood by_tlie rights of the South, and judg- 3d, W. K. DeGraffenreid, It. W. McCune, L W. Hicks. 1st, Charles Spalding George Wilcox. 2d. It, 11. D. Sorrell, John C. Mounger. and A. J. Shine. 4th, It. M. Stoll, Thomas C. Howard and Win. U. Anderson judg ing the future bv the past, that party is tho j only organization at the North that now Thomas Purse and i exists or can be formed, with which the | South can consistently co-operate. 8th. Resolved, That we sympathise with the friends of the slaveiy cause in Kansas, in their manly efforts to maintain their rights and the rights and interests of the 5th, John A. Crawford, M. J. Camden and I Southern people, and that we rejoice at j their recent victories over the paid adven- Jamc-s Edmondson. NEW YORK, June 5, noon. Flour declined 121 sales of 4,000 bbls good Ohio at 10 00 to 10 31, Soutnern 11 37* to 11 62; Wheat a trifle lower, Ohio sold at 2 CO, Michigan 2 50; Corn sliffer, but not quotably higher, sales of 30,000 bushels; Pork declining: Beef firm; Lar i firm; Ohio Whisky 35c- AL’GUSTA, June 6, p m. Cotton.—The market opened this morning without change. About noon the news by tho Africa was received, since which we have heard of no transactions. SPECIAL NOTICES. H. G. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment Tri umphant over Disease. 6th, Wm L. Mitchell, Willis Kilgore and | turers and Jesuitical herds of Northern Ab- a,tnm«hi ug cu«- « >' 8 ! olitionism. That the deep interest felt and g ffected,by that srej ' and popu,ar med,cme - 408 Frizes, amounting to $50,000. Agents wanted in every town aud city in the Union. On application the Terms will be forwarded. Remember every Prize drawn at each draw ing, under the superintendence of Col. Geo. il. Logan aud Jas. A. Nisbet, Esq., gentleineu who tiro sworn to a faithful performance of their duty. Prizes paid, when due. without discount. OS-All orders, rely on it, strictly confidential. Bills on all solvent Banks, taken at par. Whole Tickets $8 : Halves $1 : Quarters *2. Address JAMFS F. WINTER, Manager, Macon, Ga. Atlanta, May 23d, 1355. George I). Phillips. 7th, J. S. Reid, Samuel Robinson and Flem- : taken by^tho people of Missouri in the set- Jordan. Kth tlemcut of Kansas and the decision of the , Thomas E. Beall, Henry J. Schley, and Slavery question in it, is both natural and George Robertson. , proper, and that it is their right and duty to Who, after retiring, reported the following I e.x'cnd to their Southern bretheren in that gentlemen as officer [ Territory everj- legitimate and honorable JAMES GARDNER, dn., Richmond, Brest, j sympathy and support. Ge<>. B. Phillips, of Habersham, M. J. i _9th. Resolved, That we are uneompro- GAk den, of Cherokee ; W. L. Mitchell, of misingh- opposed to the political organiza- Clarke; F. Jordan, of Jasper; and Geo. tion commonly called the Know-Nothing Order, or American party, having no sym pathy with their secrecy, their oaths, their unconstitutional designs, their religious in tolerance, their political proscription, and their abolition associations at the North. 10i7i. Resolved, That we hail with de- WiLcm. Irwin, Vice Presidents. L. H. Bjusboe. of Walton, and E. D. Tra ct, of Bibb, Secretaries. The report of the Committee having been adopted, on motion of Mr. DeGraffenreid, of Bibb, llto following Committee were ap pointed to conduct to the chair the President j 1'gbt the late signal triumph in Virginia of elect: the Democratic Party aud tho patriotic Whigs, who co-opcratcd .in achieving that result over the Know Noth iug organization, as conclusive evidence, that in the great W. K. DeGraffenreid Jesse Carter, Wm. II. Stiles. I jion taking his seal, the President ad- practical questions involved iu that contest, dressed the Convention in an able and im pressive manner, tendering his thanks for the honor conferred. Southern men may honorably and success fully combine, without regard to past polit ical distinctions, to save the constitution The Convention organized, the Hon. i from desecration, and the South from being IIowcll Cobb moved the appointment of a i prostrated before the power of Northern fa- Committee of three from each Congression- j naticism and misrule, al District, to report business for the meet-j \\.lh. Resolved, Th at political necessity ing, who were appointed by the Cliair, as i and the emharassments constantly arising follows 6th, Howell Cobb, Hardy John A. llcaden. 1st, John E. Ward, Charles Spaldiu William II. Stile--. 2d, James Hamilton, George S. Robinson and Leonidas B. Mercer. 3d, R. W. McCune, L. Q. C. Lamar and Nathan Bass. tth, Thomas C. Howard, Luther J. Glenn and S. Lawrence. 5th, Owen II. Kenan, Robert lb Young and and John A. Jones. 7th. Joseph A. Turner, Wm. McKinley aud A. J. Lane. 8th, E. LeRoy Anthony, J. J. Martin and Thomas E. Beall. The Convention then took a recess until three o’clock, 1*. M. Three o’clock., P. M. The Committee having retired till three o’clock, P. M., made the f through their chairman: Rcstilrol, That the Convention do first proceed to ballot for the nominee of the Democratic party of Georgia for Governor, in the approaching canvass—which was unanimously carried. Before proceeding to ballot, oti motion of Mr. Bass, of Bibb, it was agreed, that in •the selection of a Candidate, the basis of representation in the Convention of 1849, be adopted, in the number of votes to which each eounty is entitled. Also, it was agreed, on motion of 1). lb Harrali. of Kinehafonec. that in the ballot ing about • be had for Governor, two-thirds shall be necessary to a choice. The Convention then proceeded to ballot with the following tesult: the genuine H. G. FARRELL’S ARABIAN LINIMENT, and we can truly say, from our own knowledge, that no medicine ever discovered has performed the -ame won derful cures, that it has, both in man and beast, and it is equally good for both, which makes it so truly val uable. It is therefore hailed by the suffering us the greatest blessing of the age, and no one would ever al low himself to be without this sovereign balm, who had once witnessed its magic power over disease, and its wonderful potency in relieving pain, how ever severe in a few minutes' time. We earnestly desire you to call upon the agent, who will furnish you, free of charge a small book containing, besides other valuable infor mation, a large list of certificates from many of the most respectable persons, of cures effected by this cel ebrated medicine, which surely are enough to convince the most sceptical of its transcendent virtues. We no tice several certificates of rheumatism cured after the patient had suffered every thing but death for five to 20 years. Also cases of paralysis, or loss of useef the limbs, where the flesh had withered, leaving nothing apparently but dried skin aud buno. presenting so hor rid, a spectacle that their FRIENDS LOOKED UPON THEM APALLED while physicians pronounced them BE10NP AN1 HUMAN EFFORT to relieve. It is the most efficacious remedy known for bums, sprains, wounds, bruises, chilblains, neuralgia, toothache, bites of insects and reptiles, sore throat, soreer weak eyes, tumors, sun pain, etc.; etc : and is used with unbound ed success in most of the ailments of borses and cattle such as sweeny, farcy, sprain-, bruises, wounds, stiff neck and joints, lameness, swellings, galls or chafes, sore eyes, partial blindness, etc. If used in the begin ning of fistula, poll-evil, ringbone and spavin, it will In variably stop their further progress. Every familv should keep this valuable medicine on hand, ready- for any emergency. Look oat for Counterfeit*! The public are cautioned against another counler- teit. Which has lately made its appearance, called W. it. Farrell s Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, because his having the name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exist-, and thev will per haps only discover their error when the spurious mix ture has wrought its evil effects. factured only 1 , holesale ail applications for Agencies mast be addressed. Be sure you get it with the letters H. G. before Farrell's thus: II. G. FARRELL’!-—and his signature on the 11. V. Johnson, John E. M arti. Jos. Day, 260 from our commercial relations with Spain, Strickland and j alike dictate tho necessity of the annexa- | tion of Cuba to this country, at the earliest and ‘ period compatible with our ^national honor ; and treaty obligations. j 12th. Resolved, That the democratic and nation- ! :tl l rinciples declared and sot forth iu the inau gural address and annual messages of President | Pierce, meet our cordial approval, ami that ho is j entitled to tho thunks of the country, for bis en- j forcemeat of those principles, in tbo signature and ' approval of the Nebraska-Kansas Itiil, his faithful The genuine article is manufactured oulv by H G | execution of the Fugitive Slave law, his various ? nd ProP ri ?t°r. and wliolesalt vetoes, and other measures of administrative policy : . u eor| a, Illinois, to whon ! in conformity to those principles, j (3th. Renulred, That the administration ofGov. Johnson meets our decided approval, and we con fidently recommend him to the people of Georgia ' for re-election to the office he haF so ably and • faithfully tilled. John A. Jones of Polk moved that the last r«so- j lation be stricken out. Which motion was lost. ; Mr. Nelson of Fulton moved to amend the Bcso- iollowing report ' “ u '- ons of the Committee by adding tl-.e following. Rvoiced, That in view of the action of Massa- | chusetts and the threatened action of other North- I ern States, no protection either of person or prop- j ci ty shall be extended to the citizens of any State I that refuses to recognize tho constitutional rights j of the South, and that it is the duty of the South- , ern States, so to shape their legislation as to ren- | dcr this Resolution effective—and we hereby pledge ! ourselves to use our efiorts to effect the same. Mr. Cobb, of Clarke proposed the foil owing as j a substitute for Mr. Nelson’s Resolution, which was accepted, and unanimously adopted. Required, That in view of the action of th* Legislatures of Massa usetts and Vermont, a”d | the threatened action of other Northern Statee, ; virtually repealing the fugitivo slave law. and : denying to the citizens of the South their consti- ; tutional rights, we recommend to our next Legis- ^ Ihli/wi :‘, dopli ° n 0,fueh "tdiwory measures j of a’close connection with all Train i tneir wisdom way suggest, and shall l>e in con- ! fortuity with constitutional obligations. \\ j The resolutions of the committee, as thus nvneB- l were, on motion, unanimously passed. Mr- Smith, of Talhot, then moved for the appoint* GREEK ft PULASKI MOHUKEIT LOTTERY. 11 (By Authority of the State of Georgia.) MANAGED, drawn and prizes paid by the well-known and responsible firm of GREGORY A MAURY. ^S-S^Offiee in Concert Hall—oppos-te Postoflice Delivery. CLASS NO. 137. To be. drawn Friday, June 8th. Capital prizes, $10,500,$2,500, $1,377 $1,000 Ac. - Tickets $3,00 halves aud quarters in pro portion. Extra CLASS 17. To be drawn Saturday, June 9th. Prizes 2 of $20,000, 2 of $10,000. 2 of $5,000. A e. Tickets $15 shares in proportion. CLASS 139. To be drawn Monday, Junellth. Prizes $10,840, $3,000, $2,000, $1,500, $1,255 Ac J3SF Tickets only $2.50 shares in proportion. Sale? close at 2 o’clock on the day of each draw ing. All communications strictly confidential. Or ders by mail will receivo prompt attention, and copies of tho drawn numbers forwarded to pur chasers when desired. GEO. L. BOOTH. March 17. d&wly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To Wkeat Growers, Millers and Merchants. VTJ'K have ou hand and are daily making fur naif all Vv descriptions of BAGS, which we have done up in n^at packaged for shipping. Orders promptly filled. THOS. P. STOVAI.L A* CO., General Commission Merchants. Augusta, Ga., June 7. d&wlm. Notice to tlie Public. GEORGIA, Fulton County. rpHlS IS TC CERTIF’Y that Daniel R. Turner, who Atlanta. .Time 2. fViTTOJi.-—9(u,ll, extremes. Exchange, on New York is selling at 4 per een premium. On Charleston and SaTannah 4 per cent. Bacox.—We quote hog round 11 to 11*. Hams Hi to 12i cents. Sides Ribs Hall} ets. Sides clear Hi to 12}. Shoulders 9J to 10 cent**. Laud by the bbL 10@11 ets. leaf. Iron, Swede* 5J to fife; English 5 to 54 eeats; Nails hare advanced to 6 a 6J ets. Corn is selling at $135 to $140. Corn Meal, $1,40 to $1,50 cents. Pork, Hog round, 6*@7 cents. Beei-, By the quarter, 7 8 oents. Sweet Potatoes, 60 to 75 per bushel. Irish Potatoes, $21 ;to 3 per bushel. Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, $2, @$,2,95 Liquors.—French Brandy, $2,50 to $3,60 per gallon: Domestic 50 to 75c. Peach do. 60 a 75 cents. Whiskey 45 a 50 OMtts. Gin 50 to 60. Rum 45 to 60 cents. Wheat—Good will bring $1,70 to $1,80 per readily. Flour.—Plenty at $5 to 5J per hundred. Butter, Country, 20 to 25 ets. Goshen, 35 ets. per pound. Tonn. Butter, 124 a 20 by the Keg. Fair N. 0. Sugar, by hhd. ‘ y. Prime “ “ “ 7, Choice •• “ « 8 to 34. Syrup, N O. by bbl. 40 to 45 ets. gal. Extra Whiskey “ 45 •* Star Candies por box 264 28 « lb. No. 1 Rio Coffee by sack 12 to 13c., “ " Gunny Bagging 16 to 17 ets. Rope 12 to 13 cents. Chickens, 15 to 20 cents. Eggs, lOto 12} cents. Fodper, $155, to per hundred. Peas, $1,50 to $1.75 Feathers.—30 to 35. Candles.—Sperm 37 o 45e. Tallow 20 22 cts^ The Celebrated Washing; Ma chine. H AVING bought the right for this city, wo beg to notify the public, that we shall manufac ture them iu the most substantial manner. The Machine is so simple in its arrangement that it can be used by a small boy, and the dispatch with which it washes a number of garments at a time, (requiring only one minute.) entirely clean, and without the ustiul went and tear, recommends it to every house-keeper. It very soon pays for itself in the saving of time, besides the other advanta ges of saving labor and clothes from being worn out by rubbing. It is not liable to got out of order, and when it docs can be quickly repaired by any Carpenter. The Proprietors of the Washington Hall, Atlan ta Hotel, and others in the ciiy, who have them in use, will testify to these recommendations. Apply at Gilbert A Clark's Hardware Store, who are our Agents, and will have a supply on hand. Price $15. WILLIAMS A CO. Atlanta, May 1, 1855. d<fcw2m To Dentists. For Sale by the Undersigned: 2500 Pivot Teeth, Stockton’s make, 1500 Piate do do 1500 Molar and Bicusped do 500 Gum Teeth do 5 ok Abbey A Sons Gold Foil, 5 oz Jones, White & Co Gold Foil, 10 Packages Silver Foil, Dentists, turning lathes, head ruts, anvils, ham iners, blowpipes, plate benders, clasp phes, and Piano Forte Repairer and Toner, ^ ILL attend to any call* in his do INFIRMARY. T HE uudersigued have opened, in the city of Allan- ; t», an Iniiimiary, for the reception of patient* I*- } boring umler medical or surgical disease. An intelligent nurse and faithful servants will be in ! constant attendance, and will give their attention to j the sick at all hours day and night, when required. i The surgical departn: nt will bo under the control of J ? VT. F. WESTMORELAND, who will give prompt atten- | j tion to injuries, and every variety of disease requiring j i surgical operations. I The usual fees adopted by the physicians of the city j J will be charged, with fifteen cents per day for board, &c. j Planters and others sending negroes may rest assured t that they will be properly attended to, anti if after an j examination it be determined that there Is no prospect • of relief, thev will be sent home without any charge. W. F. WESTMORELAND. M. D. J. G. WESTMORELAND. M.P. Atlanta, April ^4,1S55. d&wly line of business, sneh as reg ulating of action, covering of ham- mere, (felted or buffed,) laying of new *4ring» by the octave, whole or single, he. Satisfaction given in every instance or no charge. All work warranted. Tuning by the Tear dome at Reduced Prices. j , Orders anywhere from the country,addressedte every article for mechanical work. Also a large 0 p . Baei £ Atlanta, Ga., will meet with prompt assortment of Instruments manufactured by J. D. j attatmim ’ ’ ’ r Chevalier, consisting of i Mouth mirrors, Pearl, Ivory and Bone mouth ! syrenges, Bone, Silver and Gold Stubbs, and American files, File-Carriors Ivery Pluggors and Scalers, Burnishees, Stud Cutters, stump instru ments, articulators foil seizzers, Forceps in great variety, Plugging Forceps, Molar and Bicusped, narrow beak, aud every kind that can be asked for and overy article in the Dental line. Also a large assortment of every kind of patent medicine, for sale by ' A. ALEXANDER, feb 20 ddivrly Sign Negro and Mortal. For Rent. THREE HOUSES on Walton Street, which have been just completed, having all conveniences requisite for hoarding-houses, or private residen ces. To approved tenants the teems will be mode rate. Apply to A. ALEXANDER. March 27th,’55. dawtf EAR AND EYE. Dr*. LeBrun & Dutton, Oculists aud Aurists. D R. LeBRUN offers to those suffering from Deafness his infallible Aural Remedies, which have been successful in nearly three thousand ca ses of confirmed deafness. These remedies have boen pronounced by Drs. Khrainer, of Berlin; Itard and Deleau, of Paris ; and Curtis, Pilcher and Yenrsly, of London; as the most wonderful ever applied for disease of the internal and middle ear. They comprise different courses for the cari ous disases that affect the external, internal and middle ear. If the diseaso is confined to the ex ternal ear, their effects arc apparent on the fifth or sixth day. Dr. LeBrun warrants a cure in every case, when the ear is perfect in its formation. He has eighteen certificates from those who have been deaf from infancy, whose hearing is now com pletely restored, and they aro now enabled to learn the languages. Over twenty-seven hundred cases of deafness have been successfully healed by him. Certificates tc that effect may be seer, on applica tion. Iu nervous affections, inflamation and mucus accumulation in the Eustachian Tube and Tympa num, thickening and inflamation of the Membrana Tympania, or ‘drum,’ Otorrhcca or discharge of matter from the Auditory Canal; when the deaf ness has been produced by Scarlet, Tyrphus, Bili ous, or Remittent Fever, Colds, use of Quinine or Mercurial Medicines, Mutup3, gatherings in tho Ears, etc., or when it is accompanied with noises like falling wafer, chirping of insects, whizz'ing of steam, rustling of leaves, ringing of bells, pulsa tions, etc., etc., the disease can be radically and permanently cured. Dr. Dvfton is the only practitioner in tbo United States who practices the new, painless, and success ful method iu treating all the diseases to which the Eye is subject. Where every other means has failed to afford relief, he asks from such a fair im partial trial. Testimony. The undersigned practitioners 01 Medicine in the city of New York, having had occcasion to witness the practice of Drs. LeBrun & Duftoc, in diseases of the Ear and Eyo, laying aside all pro fessional jealousy, freely admit that the course pursued by them in treating diseases of these del icate organs, from the unparalleled success attend- j ing it, is well worthy the attention of our proles- i sional brethren throughout tho United States, be- lieving as we do, thai Aural Surgery has not met with that attention which its importants demands. Their system of treating diseases of the middle and internal Ear, in chronic or complicated cases by means of “ Medicated Vapors," forms a new era in the practice of Aural Surgery, and fills up a void which has long been felt by the general practitioner. In diseases of the Eye, they seldom require to resort to au operation. As skillful Au rists and Oculis, enthusiastically devoted to their profession, we cordially recommend them to such as requiro their aid. Signed. V. D. MOTT, M. D. WILLIS MORTON. M. D. ! C. A. DEVELIN, M. D. j HORACE WYATT, M. D. i JAS. B. FRANCIS, M. D. New York, 10th August, 1849. Students wishing to perfect themselves iu this : branch of Medical Science, will find au opportuui- j ty by joining the class nt the Ear and Eye Infir- ■ ntary of Dr. Dolacy LeBrun, Union Place. Clin- iques every Tuesday and Friday afternoons, from DANIEL & COMP’y., i ATTHE SIGN OF THE “Atlanta Family Store,” 1 No 13, WHITEHALL STREET. * HE subscribers would respectfully inform tho citizens of Atlanta, and all persons trading I to this point, that thoy arc daily receiving and will ! endeavour to keep constantly on hand a woll-as- | sorted stock of FAMILY SUPPLIES. Thoy re- i spectfully and politely solicit the patronago of per- | sons and families, who may roquiro such articles i as pertain to their Department, and will take I plcasuro in waiting upon them. The Principle upou which they conduct their business being CASH, they assure all those who may favor thorn \ with a visit that the articles which they may offer j shall be of the best quality and at cash prices. f GEORGK It. DAXrEL. | LEONARD H. YOUNG. \ Atlanta, March 22, 1S55. dtwly. i WARRANTED PlAM FORTES FOR SALE ON TRIAL. fJlHE subscriber has made arrange-. DR. CHARLES CUMMINGS, L ATE of the city of New Orleans, respectfully informs the citizens of Atlanta aud surround ing country that he has located his offieo in the new and commodious Drug Store of Drs. Smith & Ezzard, corner of Concert Hall, for the purpose of practicing the various departments of his profes sion, and hopes to enlist the confidence of his friends and the community in general, when he assures them that his experience is ample and sue- cess flattering in the treatment of all diseases pc- i ebrated Piano Forte makers for sup- culiar to tropical climates and malarious districts ’ plies. His instruments are always direct from the Notice. A LL persons indebted to the late firm of Kay h Ramsay, or to Dr. H. A. Ramsay, are here by, notified, that, having purchased all their inter est in their late business as Druggists, together with the books of accounts, notes, he., due them, payment of the same must be made alone to us. SMITH & EZZARD. March 23, 1855. dtwly. REMOVAL NOTICE. 33r. 3V D'AXjVXGmrS’, H AVING removed his residence and office, to Marietta Street above Esq. Payn’s, hopes to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage et his good customers. Patients for Surgical operations can be accom modated with board. ffSS* Ladies wishing dontal attendance, by giv ing a timely notice, even through the Post Office, will bo furnished with a conveyance free of charge. Atlanta, Fob. 2,1S55. nlOO-dtf. ments with some of the most cel- wm in their most agravated and malignant forms ; and more especially yellow fever, cholera, typhoid fe ver, scarlatina Ac.: nnd all those contageous dis eases peculiar to a dene ^population, as the more recent portion of his professional career has eon fined him to the treatment of those fatal maladies n the cities of Mobile and New Orleans. Atlanta, Ga., April 16,’55. diwljanl’56. 7 .sa&_ Examiner and Republican copy till Jan. 1st. 1S56. BENNETT & BROKAW, I*ro<Jiio o Commission Merchants, FOR THE SAI.E OF Flour, Grain, Butter, Cheese, Provi sions, &c. No. HO BKOAU-STREKT. CORNER OF V, ATER-ST. James. O. Benxett, 1 Cornelius P. Brokaw. } Cha’s R. Huntington. March 29, 1855. (d*wtf.) Now York. SODA H ATER, fresh from tlie Fountain. I "IT^ITII the return of the season, tho undersign- , VV ed has commenced drawing SODA WATER, j made from pure carbonic acid, which will bo fur- : nishedhis patrons fresh and woll iced every day i through the Summer. ! Tho superiority of Soda Water, fresh from the fountain, over that put up in bottles :s so obvious that it is surprising persons will use bottled Soda at all. Its healthfulnc-s when compared with Lemonade, Ginger Pop, and other fashionable drinks, is such that the latter arc interdicted by tho medical faculty, whilst Soda Water is recom mended and used extensively. A great variety of SYRUPS will be kept to suit the taste of the most fastidious. Apr27,’55,diw. A. ALEXANDER. Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, I will sell, before the Court Houso door in the city of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday in June next, be tween tho usunl hours of sale, one city lot, situat ed iu the Northwestern part of tho city aiul ad joining the W. A A. Railroad, containing half aere, more or less, improved; sold as the property of John W. Speights, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. MARY A. M. SPEIGHTS, Mayl,’55. Adm’.c. factories, in original packages, of the latest and most fashionable styles, and Ikia tho most impor tant improvements. Without expensive store rent, or other outlays attending an open establishment of this kind, he is 1 enabled to furnish these instruments at the lowest prices obtainable, nnd being a professional man himself, he feels confident to have it in his power to give entire satisfaction to ail who may favor him with their orders. Those only who wish to procure first-class instruments will please address the subscriber. C. F. BARTH, Atlanta, Ga. _.S&“ Old Pianos taken in exchange as a part paymeut-for new ones. G -od second-handed Pi anos for sale and hire on reasonable terms. Dec. 21, 1S34. diwiy. Conic Everybody, »T'i> i.’ie llor-e Head sign, that- wants good home-ir;».lp SihMIps, or Frillies, Saddle- . bags, Trunks. Vulises, Harness, Collars and Whips, a great vari-.-jy, together with all articles usu ally kept in an e.staldiNlunent of this kind; all of which are o tie red at the loxwst living prices, for cash, by the undersigned. MIU FR & ANDREWS. -Sg..Repairing ol all kinds done with quick despatch. Atlanta, Nov. 1 1851—dSwly jpg HAT A1VD CAP STORE. J. TAYLOR is now opening a fresh stock _ of fashionable HATS, CAPS & BONNETS, Next door to Laicshe <1 - Bro’s Jewelry Store, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. TAYLOR’S HAT & CAP EMPORIUM. "|"UST RECEIVED, and opening, the first entire took of HATS ,fc CAPS ever offered iu this one til three o’clock, during Modical College terms. I city. My stock is now complete, consisting oi Patients, by sending a few particulars of their cases, can have remodies sent to any part. Terms :—Five Dollnrs consultation fee. Ten dollars to be paid when the hoaring is restored to its original acuteness. Address, Drs. J. Delacy, Lebrun and Dufton, Union Place, Now York City. N. B. A treatiso on the nature and treatment of Deafness and diseases of the Ear, with the treat ment of the Deaf Dumb. Prico One Dollar. Money letters must be registered by the Post Master. Correspoudouts must enclose postage for return answers, the new law requiring prepayment of let ters. Now York, April 6,1855. myl—dAw 6m every variety and style. Please call and examine for yourselves! 755* AH kinds of Fur Skins bought. J. TAYLOR. Atlanta, April 25, 1855. (d&wly) For Rout* THE large aud commodious Auction and Com mission Houso on the corner of Loyd and Ala bama Streets, fronting Washington Ilall. Apply to. Z. A. RICE. April 10,’55. [dint.] RHODE’S FEVER AND AGUE CURE, Or, Nature’* Invaluable Specific, F OR the prevention and cure of Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills and | Fever, Dumb Ague, General Debility, Night 1 Sweats, aud all other forms of disease which have j a common origin iu Malaria or Miasma. The sub- i tie atmospheric poison which at certain seasons is unavoidably inhaled at every breath, is tho same in character wherever it exists,—North. South, East or West,—and will overy where yield to this newly discovered antidote, which is claimed to be the greatest discovery in modicine ever made. This specific is 30 harmless that it may be taken by persons of every age, sex or condition and i will not substitute for ono disease others worse, as is too often the result iu tho treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, andothor poisonous or deleterious drugs, not a particle of any of which Ice, Ice!—IOOO Tons. Augusta Reyuold-ntrect Ice Company begin thii* day toacll ICE for the Season, and will sell at as low rates as it can be supplied from any quarter. For the present will sell at one cent and a half per pound by the quantity, not less than 50 pounds, and two cents by retail. All orders from llic country and eilypxompt- ly met as heretofore, by J. YV. WTCHTMAN. Agent. Augusta, April 10. 1855. aprtftfdlm D R HOGER S ^T.R JvR FOll THE COMPLETE CURE OF COUGHS, I —COLDS, INFLUEXZA, ASTHMA, BRON- \ ~ CHIT IS, SPITTING OF BLOOD, ,i- ALL O. T. «fe J*. F. Dupree, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND General Agents For the purchase and sale of Georgia and Tennessee Produce. Unquestionable a ml independent facilities—necessary references. Particular and personal attention to ail business entrusted will meet with attention, persever ance and promptitude. Remittances or small advances made on all goods consigned to our order at consi^neo's order. Corner of Hill and Broadway and next door to M. C. Williams &Co.. \V. S. Hill street. Griffin, Ga. Griffin, Jan. G. 1855 d86&w33tf. Instruments for Surgeons’ and Physi cians’ Use. C 1 (INSISTING of Speculum* of various kinds, Eye f Cups, Porcelain aud Glass, Abdominal Supporters, Persaries. Glass, Silver. Wood aud Ivory, &c., Trusses, French, English, American, &c., Shoulder Braces, as sorted kinds, Breast Bags, Saddle Bags, Pocket Cases, Syrenges in great variety. Electro Magnetic Machines, late styles, Steeland Metal Sounds, assorted sizes, Silver, Metal and Bone Eye Syrenges, cases of Eye Instru ments, uow styles, Physicians 5 Pocket Cases in great variety, Stethoscopes, Elastic, Metal, *te., Ear Trumpets, Glass Urincils, Bed Pans, Womb Syrenges, Midwifery Instruments, Amputating Instruments, Trepliening In struments, Trocars nnd Canulais Instruments, Evans’ Lancets, Cases, Gold, Silver Scots, Wood, Leather, &c., Stomach Pumps, Cupping Cases, improved Probangs; Uretha Instruments, in and out of cases. And many other instruments not enumerated, with an extensive stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, «S:c.. for sale, on accommodating terms, by. A. ALEXANDER, Sign Negro and Mortar. Atlanta, Feb. i4, 1855. il&wly. J . M . Touil i il s o ii , Plain . House, Sign, Pnnsfitgcr Car, fresco, Co«eli,',On>i>- MEXTAI, AND DECORATIVE r* !A INTER. Opposite Jacob Haas Cu., Whitehall at., Atlanta, Dec. *20, 1854 <11 \ JUST RECEIVED, Wi. VV, ROARK, Corner Whitehall aud Mitchell si reels, 100 bbls lino Cincinnati Whiskey at 45o, 50 saeks best Rio Coffee ut I lie, 50 boxes Adamantine Candles, 2lic by the box 20 bbls Gin, (American.) 20 “ Brandy, •• 30 “ Ruin' I -• lino Brandy, extra, l pipe “ 50 boxes Tobaeco, varion 30 “ Cheese, Feb 21, 1855. W. Herring & Co., 1. EEP in connection with their large Stock of Cloth- 1 *ing a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest styles, also, Boots and Shoes. Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises. 4 d tf Atlanta, Sept. 28, 1854. Wanted. A T the LaGrango Steam Variety Works a man of sober and industrious habits, to make sash, blinds and doors by machinery. CARLTON, KENER & MEID. April 12, 1S55. w4t. Atlanta Medical College T HE first course of lectures in this Institution will commence on the first Monday in May next, and continue the last of the following Au gust, during whieh the usual systematic course o lectures will he given, and Clinical instruction twice a week. Faculty. M. (i. Slaughter, M. I)., Prof, of Anatomy. I J- W. Jones. M. O., Prof of the Principles and Practice of Medicine. Jesse Goring, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics and Dispenses of Women and Children. W. F. Westmoreland, M. D., l’rof. of tlie Principles and Practice of Surgery. J. E. Dubose M. D., Prof, of Physiology. G. T. Wilburn, 31. D., Prof, of Surgical and Pathological Anatomy. .1 J. Robertson. M. 1>., Prof, of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence. J. G. Westmoreland, M. I)., Prof. »r Materia Medica and TUeraputics. An abundant supply of Material for dissection (subjects preserved in spirits of wine) will be pro vided. The services of a competent Demonstrator ot Anatomy will he procured before the opening ol the session. Tlie fees for the entire course amount to $105. Matriculation, (payable once .only,) $5. Dissecting ticket, (obligatory once only,) $10. Graduation fee, S25. Good board can bo had in the city for $3 per week. For further information address J. G. WESTMORELAND, Dean. Atlanta, Jan. 15, 1S55. diw3m. For tlie Ladies. W E have a large variety of Fancy articles lor Toilet : Combs, Brushes, Pomatums, Soaps, Colognes, Hankorchief Extract. 51 any patterns of fancy bottles, <fcc, for tho Table. Cooper's Isinglass, White and Pink Unlatiue, Galatino in packages, common Starch, &c, All kinds of flavoring Extracts, to wit: Peach, Al monds, Vanilla, Rose, Piminto, Ac, he. Will the ladies call and see? SMITH & EZZARD. May 10, 1855. tf Ga Wood Wanted! P ROPOSALS will be received until the 1st of June, for tlie delivery of 300 to 400 cords of Oak wood, no contracts will be made for less than 50 cords. W. G. PETERS, & Co. _ Atlanta Mills. State Tax. B OOKS arc open for receiving the returns oi' State Tax. Persons arc therefore notified to call at my office in the old Stand of Caldwell <t Griffin, on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week, and Thursday of each week at the City Hall, commencing the 8th day of May, and will lie con tinued until the lOtli of June. Office hours 8 to 12. A. M.—2 to 5 P. M. JAMES CALDWELL, R. T. R. May 1, 1855. difcw t july 1 GEORGIA, JJeKalb County. fTTUPoms; Will zi-> ’*- • *1, me for Letter - istration on the Estate ot Thomas Clark deceased . These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred ami qualities. onto very [fino. Fine Clothing, dursT riECEivEXJ: We Leg leave t<* call the attention of the public to our Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING ! which, we. Batter ourselves is the Larges/ and Neatest Slock iti the Oily! Gentlemen in want of CLOTHING, aro assured that in our stock they can lie fitted—uo matter how large, or how smai.i may be. Iso I has been a member of the Gherokee Mining Com pany, has fully paid up to said Company all sums for which he was liable to said Company, as a member . , . — - thereof; aud upon his request to withdraw from said j 15 admitted into this preparation. Company is, by the consent of said Company, discharg* j Yt-n -i-:-. ed from the same, and is no longer a member thereof, j aud not to be held liable in any manner whatever for any of the- debts or liabilities of said company. Given under mv hand and seal this Cd dav of June, I 1855. R. E. OSLIN, Sec. I Jun7’55, wit. I iken —CHITIS, SPITTING OF BLOOD, ALL — f mivc n nTiirao • *, id it (gOTHER LUNG COMPLAINTS TENDING JES ° U1 Mock >>i BO) h CLOTHING is ai still i t \TO CONSUMPTION. j extensive and tastey. t by i " fc ^ *( st y. j Those visiting us will at once see the supcnori Tho proprietor distinctly claims these extraotdi- uary results from the use of this natural antidote to Malaria. It will entirely protect any resident or traveler j frequently cures the very v: on in the most sickly or swamnv localities, from ! ®UterCough preparations ha\ sickly or swampy localities, from ious disease whatever, or any in jury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. V 'f f This preparation is getting into use all over o’m couu| j try. The numerous letters \ve receive from our various j agents, informing us of cures effected in their iminedi j ate neighborhoods, warrant us in say iug it is one of the | best, if not tht; vbry sest Cough Medicine now before the public. It almost invariably relieves uml not nn- orst cases. When all ave failed, this has relieved PROPOSALS. P ROPOSALS will be received by the Secretary of tho Southern Central Agricultural Society, _ until the 15th of June, for the whole or any part j another chill, by continuing its use according to 4 L n f . 11 — m! —— mb V. 211 — f* V — — — — V .. —- tft — 4— A -1 * . .1 i J T . — — any Ague, or Bilious disease whatever, or any in- I P atient > , as Prugghds, dealers in Medicines and Pliy- tv,,.., — Vf.. ~ sicians can testify. Ask the agent in your nearest town, what has been his experience of the effects of It will instantly check the Ague in persons who this medicine. If he has been selling it for any length have suffered for any length of time, from one dny ! of time be will toll you to twenty years, so that they need never have M . 11. Stiles. Hiram "Warner J. W. Lewis & Hcadden, Palmetto; Camp x Christian. Fairburn; Wm. A. Powell, Decatur—and by regularly authorized agents throughout tho United States. *3- Price -J5 and 50 cents, and tl per bottle. AGEXTS WANTFJ) in every town, village and ham- 1ft in the United States, in which one is not alrcadves tablished. Address 11. G. Farrell a> above, accompa nied with pood reference as to character, responsibili ty. tfic. Atlanta, June 7, 1855. (2—4w) Notice to Travelers. Western & Atlantic Rail-Roatl. Detention: OX and after May 20th. 1S55. the Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows : Leave Atlanta 5. a. at.; arrive at Chattanooga 12.20. " “ n.'ir.M.; ‘ - - 0.15.a. m. Leave Chattanooga 9. a. m. : arrive at Atiantr. 4.30 p. m. “ 3.60, P. If.; 3 A^The Day Train will run every day in the we*-k.— Tlie Night Train will run every night except Sunday. By this arrangement Travelers will have the benefit running to and I from Atlanta and Chattanooga. ! M*r 19, '55. d&3m JAMES F. COOPER, Sup’t. of the following bill of Lumber. To be delivered on the Fair Ground by the 15th of July next.— j Address the Secretary by letter, at Athens. J. CAMAK, Secretary. » 21 Posts ■ix, 4in. 0ft Ion *awod f’n wiii> c or postoak i 41 do IX oin. 7ft dc dn dc do I *>o do 4 S<4in. Sft do do do dO 126 do 4X6in. Sft do do do do 86 do 4X 6in. Oft do lo do do 49 do 4X6in. 10ft do lo do do 42 do 4X Cin. 12ft do io do Jo 117 Scantlinv SX4 in. 18ft lone—Heart Pine. 32 do 3 X 4 in. 10ft do do 33 do 2X4 in. 20ft “raftrsdo do 38 Sloope rs 4 X6 in. 20ft ‘‘ do do 55 QJ 4 X6 in. 20ft do do Scantling 2 XT. in. 16ft do do «io I 120 Plank 1 XI2 in 20 ft do do do , 113 do 1 5*12 in. 18ft do •lo do 502 do 1 *12 iu. 16ft do do do | 489 do 1 * *» in. 16ft do do ! ISO do 1 *12 in. 15ft do do do i 125 do 1 X12 in. 15ft do do do I 00 do 1 XI2 in. 14ft do do do 445 do 1 X 6 in. 12ft do •lo 680 do 1 *12 in lift do do do 680 do 1 X 6 in. lift do do do 5S0 do 1 X12 in. lort do do do 370 do 1 X12 in. 9ft do do £ ^tioks of timber 8*Slu. 20ft loner. f> do do C**8in. 32ft do 150 Gal: or chestnut fence poft- fcft lone. 6 to IO in diameter. June C. 1855. J4Uwlt. directions. It will immediately relieve all distressing results of Billious or Ague disease, such as general debil- | ity, night sweats, Ac. Tho patient at once begins ! fi'i ppdnrpp nrmn+ito on4 clwnnoik nn ,l lT until a permanent and radical cure isoffected. finally, it? u;e will banish Fever and Ague from families and all classes. Farmers and all laboring men by adopting it as a preventive will be free from Ague or Billious attacks iu that sea- j son of the year which, while it is the most sickly, 1 is tho most valuable one to them. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cas- I es, some may require more, j Directions printed in German,French and Spau- j ish, accompany each bottle. Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to ; the trade. ; Trade circulars fowarded ou application, and tho article will be consigned on liberal terms to re- ' sponsible parties in every section of the country. For sale by dealers generally. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor, March 23. [diwdm.] Providence, R. I. »»»-■««!. iff iL.cte* «*» i ITr.fwr.L4xl V 1 r \ • . oluu >. uonnson, notiiy mm ol ot His no Ilcrscl.el \ . JoliUMiH, of Baldwin having i Uon, and request his acceptance thereof. received more than two thirds of the ballots r ‘' 11 — ■ - — - - - cast, was duly nominated the Candidate for Governor. The committee on business reported the following preamble and resolutions : Democratic principles and Democratic measures on all leading questions of nation al policy, involving the subjects of finance aud taxation, aud appropriations of money, and ot constitutional power in reference thereto, bate become the fixed and settled policy of the country. The issues therein involved, which formerly divided Southern Democrats and Whigs, no longer afford ground for continued separation among them. Now, other questions of practical and paramount importance are pressing •upon the earnest attention of Southern men^ ana are of such a nature as require cordiai and fraternal concert of action among all who concur in sentiment upou those ques tions: 1 In view of these obvious truths, and to secure this concert of action, the Democrat ic party of Georgia in Convention aasetn- I. 0. 0. F. Johnson, notify him of of his nomiua- quest his acceptance thereof. The billowing are that committee: Levi B. Smith, Job* S’ aril’ f£. S- McGhee, Flemming Jordan and I R. II. D. Sorrell. On motion of Mr. Green, of Pike, Resolved, That the thanks of the Convention bo tendered Mr. Gardener for the able and courteous manner in which he has presided over the delibera tions of (ho Convention, nnd to the Secretaries, for the laithful discharge of their duties. The Jion. Howell Cobb being called on ad dressed tho Convention in an eloquent and con vincing speech, and was followed by the Hon. W. II. Stiles, Hon. J. E. Ward, Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar, R. J. Cowart, Esq., and Dr. McGhee, who also addressed tho Convention in an animated and ap propriate manner. Gov. Johnson being in tho Hall was loudly call ed for, came forward and addressed tho Conven tion iu a brief but eloquent response. Upon tho motion of P. H. Colquitt, Isq., of Muscogee, Resolved, That the Democratic papers of the Statt be requested to publish the proceedings of tho Convention. On motion, the Conven ion then adjourned sine r' e ix x, x JAS. GARDNER. Jr., Pre*. L. H. Rriscob. ) a , E.D.Tbact, GEORGIA, Fulton County. T Wo months after date application will be made to the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Fulton co. for leave to sell the land and negroes, belonging to the estate of Cliarner Humphries deceased. June 6th. 1855. WILLIAM GILBERT, Adm’r. GEORGIA, Fulton County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Fulton County, for leave to sell the real estate of Cornelius M. Connally deceased June 4. T. W. CONNALLY. Adm'r. SCOTT'S PATENT LITTLE GIANT CENTRAL LODGE, NO. 28, I. O. O. F. meets for the dispatch of business on every Tuesday Keening, at 7 o’clock, at their Hall, on Poach Tree Street and, on the second and fourth Friday Erciiings in each month, on business pertaining to tho Degree of ORebekah." S. KRANKFORD. N. G. I C. K. liANLEITER . C. « Atlanta. April 17tb, 1855. (dawly.) ! Contracting aud Building. THE subscriber being permanently locat- I ed in this city, is prepared to design, draw nnd j superintend all descriptions of buildings, both ! public aud private; he will also give particular at- • tention to the erection of handsome shop fronts, j besides the internal improvements of stores, and : Patented May 16, 1854.— Copyright secured furnish estimates and take contracts for work. Being the only architect in this city be will furnish handsomer desigue and much under the usuai charges mode at present in this city. He is permitted to refor to the following gentlemen: George G. Hull, J. R. Valenliuo, E. Parsons, Thomas L. Cooper. E. A. VINCENT, Architect. Office over Gilbert A Clark’s Hard-ware Store, FmcIi Tree street. Match 14,1MS. d$w3» March 1, 1855. No. 2, at *55, with one horse, grinds 10 bushels per hour. No3, at *65, with one horse, 16 bushels; No. 4, at *75, with 2 horses, 20 bushels. Messrs. Brown & Anderson, who are advertising this Mill, have now no reason to do so, as they have none here, and I xloxe hare the patent right for this section of Georgia. The Mills may be seen in operation at Parr A McKenzie’s Warehouse, Marietta st- Apply aloxk to me, or to my ageuts, Gilbert & Clarke, Hardware Dealers. ISAAC McKIM COOKE. Atlanta, May 16.’56. d*w6m. TOBACCO. JTobseeo, tome Tery sujjeriot^ now iu store npsjijr Camphene & Fluid! T HE Subscribers have recently established in Atlanta a Cam phene A Fluid Manufactory, and will keep constantly on hand eamphone. Burn- ing Fluid, Spirits of Turpentine, Lamps, Liimp Wicks, also a variety of Garden Seeds. WEST A GLOVER. One door below C. H. Strong’.- Store. Whitehall street, Atlanta. Georgia. March 26, 1855. d.twly.) Notice. THE firm of PARR A McKENZIE is this day dissolved by mutunl consent. Edwin McKenzie is authorized to settle up the affairs of the late concern, and its effects are placed in his hands for that purpose. L. J. PARR, EDWIN McKENZIE. L. J. Parr will continue the Commission Business on his own account. Atlanta, March 21st. Jtf. Tobacco. A PPRECIATING chcwers are invited to call. 8MTTH A minn May 10th, 1856. IT IS THE BEST MEDICNE EXTAN f. Below we give a few extracts from letters wo have re ceived lately regarding the virtues of this medicine.: Dr. S. S. Oslin, of Knoxville, Ga., says:—“1 have been using your Liverwort and Tar very ex tensively in my practice for three years past, and, it is with pleasure that 1 state my belief in its SUPERIORITY OVER ALL OTHER ARTICLES with Which I am acquainted./,;.' which it is recmnmcmhd." Messrs. Fitrgerald & Benners, writing from Waynes- viile, N. C., say—“The Liverwort and Tar is becoming daily more popular in this country, and we think just ly so. All xrho hare tried it speak in commend able terms of it, and say it is very beneficial in alleviating the complain'* for which it is recom mended.” Our agent iu Fii-kens District, S. C., Mr. ri. K. McFail, assures us that he “u es it with great benefit in liis own family, and recommends it to bis neighbor gives an instance of a negro woman in his vicini had been suffering with disease of tlie Lungs foryears, attended with severe cough, who was relieved bv tlie Liverwort and Tar. Such are the good rejior'.s we hear of this medicine from all parts of the South. Fora report of tlie sur prising cures it lias performed in the Western and Northern and Eastern States, we would invite the surt feting patient to read tlie pamphlet which accompanies each Bottle. Toall, we say. have norr. have nopEiJggj Try the Medicine!! Be Warned in Season! And neglect not that cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritating your throat and lungs, ' and inviting on that urend disease, Consumption, when so soothing and healing a remedy can be obtained as j Dr. Rogers’Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. ; Beware of Counterfeits aud Base Imitations! The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on the j engraved wrapper around each bottle, i i’rice *1 per bottle, or six bottles for *5. Sold wholc- i sale and retail by SCKOVII- At MEAD. Ill Chartres St. bet. Contiand St. Louis. N.'O. I Sole Agents for the Southern States, to whom all or ders and applications for Agencies must be addressed Sold also by A. Alexander, Atiapta Ga.: J. M Rantin, Atlanta Ga,; Blalock A: Camp.Fairburn Ga. • W P. Jones, Palmetto Ga.; \V. B. Swan, Campbcllton Ga. J H. Robords. Villa Rica, Ga.: Hains. Lasseter &’ Col Jonesboro’ Ga.; J. A. Boyle. Cumming Ga.: K. Rosser Decatur Ga. Jas. 7, 1865. dCm lority of our Stock in Make and Style. We also keep a thorough assortment of Gentle men's Furnishing Goods—alt of which wc will sell low. jUS" Terms, Cash. mar 30 W. HERRING A CO. Notice. J. M. Rantin returns his sincere thunks to his friends and tho public generally, for the very kind and liberal patronago, they have heretofore be stowed upon him and trusts ho may merit a con- uauce of the same. Tlie following aro some of the leading articles, kept constantly on hand and at reduced prices viz: 3 qualities of gum Shellac. 3 do “ Glue. 3 do “ Copal Varuish, 1 do “ Japan do 2 do “ Alcohol. Biscuitor baking Soda, 10 conts, or 8 cents by the quantity. Varnish, I’air.t, Sash, Tooth, Hair, Nail, Hat and Cloth Brushes, and a fine variety of Fancy articles. Also, Dye Stuffs, and pure Medi cinal liquors, for sale nt both of his Drug Stores. Fell 8—dtf J. M. RANTIN, Druggist. Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. tXTHEKEAS, William Clark applies t; I I of Dismission from tlie Admit, Estate of Thomas Clark deceased : Tht to cite and admonish all and singular, 1 | creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at lnyoV' ; (ice, aud file objections il any they have, in terms of law, why said applicant should not be dismissed from his said administration, at the July Term of the Court ol Ordinary of said County.—Given undermy hand at office, Dec. 13, 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, Or’dy. December 21. 743 | Atlanta Cigar Store. T IIE subscriber 1ms just received a line lot 01 CHEWING TOBACCO and CIGARS, which i he offers for sale, by wholesale and retail, at the i lowest market prices. He respectfully informs his friends, tlie puhlic and country merchants that thev ; would do well to call aud examine his stock, anil lie feels assured in saying that ho will not fail in I fficing satisfaction, both iu quality and price. All orders woll and promptly executed by JOHN FICKEN, Next door to C Koutz, boot-maker, AVhitelmll street, Atlanta, Ga Atlanta, May 13, 1S55. apr26,d*w6m. GEORGIA Fulton County Elzy it. Reynolds lms this day applied Tt to me tor letters ol administration on the estate Of Robert Coltmon, (formerly of this, but late of Wash ington City, deceased,) lying in this county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gulur the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters r how TALL! they : should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal 1 at office this 14th ilay or May. 1855. JOSEPH IL MEAD, Ordinary. Call and See tJs! W E arc receiving our SPRING GOODS, anil most respectfully invite the citizens of At lanta to call and examine our Stock—ns wc keep a general assortment of every Lino of Goods us ually kept iu this market. Wc think wo have never bo't Goods on more favorable Terms, and intend making it to tho interest of our patrons to purchase of us, as wc arc anxious to build up a substantial business in this place. H. W. COZART A SON, Atlunta, April 4, 1855—dxw2m Notice to Delttors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted 10 Lewis II. Dadin, lato A of Fulton C muiy deceased, arc required to ^ . He i make payment to William Barnes, of Atlanta, negro woman in his vicinity, who ! who is my authorised agent, and those having j claims against said deceased, will present them to ; him in terms of tlie law or they will bo barred, j May 0. 1855. II. E. DADIN, Ad’m. SLOAN & OATMAN, DEALERS IN Italian, Egyptian & American SMITH h EZZARD tt Valuable Plantation for Sale. ^pHE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTA- A TION in DeKalb county, lying oa the waters of Peachtree and Peavine creeks, 84 miles North- West of Decatur and 3} miles North-East of At lanta, adjoining lands of Daniel Johnson, Esq., T. N. Paden and others, containing about 300 acres. There are about 100 acres of open cultivated land" under good fences and necessary buildings for farming, with n good apple orchard. Any person desirous of purchasing ean call on me on the prom- 1 LEECHES! T.EBmnrs 11 ises or address me at Decatur. Terms will be ac- i TUST received a supply of fine iaico Swodi J J ee< 2T’, fle < A. ALEXANDER. Jan. 16,1866. 434-«6a. ; March 1,1855. COLUMBUS HUGHES Practical Architect and Bnilder, Atlanta Georgia. May 30, 1855. (d&wtf. For Machinery. WE have just received ASHCROFT'S PATENT STEAM GUAGE, the safest and most reliable tor LOCOMOTIVES or STATIONARY ENGINES. Also, a fine lot of VUL CANISED RUBBER MACHINE BELTING, STEAM PACK ING & HYDRANT HOSE from the BOSTON BELTING CO. We are agents for the sale of the above goods. GUARANTEE them in tlie most satisfactory manner, und offer them at manufacturer's prices, with the freight added. GILBERT & CLARKE, Apr25,’55d&wtf. Hardware Dealers, Atlanta, Ga. AND E^AST TENNESSEE MARBLE. T 0 MBsTURN ft*''V*AS ES, Marble Mantels AND JFurutetunfl ifttartuc All ord. rs promptly filled. : -o rooms opposite Georgia Railroad Do- pot, Atl; • . Ga. Meh6,1855-d<fcwly. NO MONOPOLY. tiO to 30 per cent. THE subscriber most respectfully tenders his thanks to his former patrons and Customers for their liberal patronage, and would solicit their con tinuance of tho same, Und will offer greater in ducements for a few months, than he has ever be fore been able to offer, (of the following goods, viz: Crockery, Glass, China Vuses, Ac; Lamps of al; descriptions.) In order to rcduco his stock, wish ing to repair tho interior of Store before receiving his fall stock, he is prompted to offer tho above inducements/oi-cwo/i. T. R. RIPLEY. Also until further notice, will sell Burning Fluid own manufacture, $1.10—80 por ct alcohol, $1.10 Cainphonc, Northern manufacture 00 ets., for cash only. If cl-.argod, 20 por cent ou above prices. may 1,dtf T. R. RIPLEY. Bacon! Bacon! Q AAA LBS. new Bacon just received from Ten- *t),UUU nessee and for sale by CLARKE & GRUBB, To Hotel Keepers- O PEN to an engagement, a first-rate BREAD and CAKE BAKER, and PASTRY COOK, A note addressed to the Intelligencor, stating terms, will incot with prompt attention. (diw3t*) W. S. SICOT. Atlanta, May 9, 1S55. GEORGIA, DeKalb county. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCURS: W HE RE AS, p, F. Hoyle, makes application to me for ’’ Letters of Administration on tho Estate of Mcrrel Humphries, late of said county deceased : Therefore, the kindred and creditors are cited and admonished to be and appeal-at my office in terms of law, and file ob jections if any they have, why letters of administra tion should not be granted said’ applicant. Given under my hand officially, Mav 2d, 1855. may 10. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ordinary^ 4000 * Now Bacon ’ Just ® eceived from Tennessee and for Sale by Feb 27. CLARKE h GRUBB. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. An Agreeable Refrigerant and T „ t „ LAXATIVE. HIS Preparation has been introduced exten sively on the continent of Europe, and in this country as on agreeable Substitute for Epson Salts, it is destitute of bitterness, nnd by its pleas ant acidity of taste, and its effervescing character, is rendered a very agrcenblo and refreshing drink directions for use accompany each bottic. Pre pared nnd for sale by A-ALEXANDER, Druggist. GEORGIA Fulton County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all the lands be longing to the estate of Allon E. Johnson, late of said county, deceased. JNO. H. JOHNSON, WM. II. FERGUSON, April 4, 1855. Administrators. Notice. I IIAVE engaged tho services of Mr. G. Krause, a practical Chemist from Berlin, Prussia, nnd as tho dispensing department of tho establishment will be ontiroiy under his control, the public are assured that all proscriptions will bo accurately prepared—as a moro accomplished Pharmaceutist cannot bo found cither North or South, if nn ex- fperience of over fifteen years in the first Drug Houses of Berlin and Paris ho a guarantee. Tes timonial in proof of tho above assertion will be ex hibited to any one familiar with French or German. Mr. Krauso will malto any preparation desired by Physicians, or make Chemical tests with Minerals, at my store.A. ALEXANDER. Febl9-Iy NEW GOODS. Men «*» Boys Olobine. Clothes New and Fresh. Cassimeres. llte Richest ever brought to this Market. Vestings. Louie soon, or they will all be sold. „ , „ Gloves—Extra Fine Neck-JiFIxIns, the very latest styles and richest materials. Also. Tailor’s Trimmings—Tapes, Crayons and almost any- tiling kept in a Merchant Tailoring establishment be bought from tho subscriber. ’ Atlanta, Nov 2. d&wtf LEWIS LAWSHE