The Atlanta weekly intelligencer and Cherokee advocate. (Atlanta and Marietta, Ga.) 1855-18??, July 13, 1855, Image 1

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AND CHEROKEE ADVOCATE. BY RUGGLES & HOWARD. ATLANTA AND MARIETTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 13, 1855. VOL. VII. NO. 7. THE ATLANTA INTELLIGENCER Daily, Trl-Wet-kly and "Weekly. try that n full expose of the past will be from Massachusetts 101; from Virginia 122, ; The Hero of Sax Jacinto?—It would Bf RUGGLES & HOWARD. VV. B. RUGGLES,! vKdltor* T. C. HOWARD. J VV. H. HUNT, Associate Editor 4.00 2.00 TERMS OF SCBSCRIFTIOBT. Daily Intelligencer per annum. In advance. Tri-Weekly, 5“ “ Weekly, “ *' RATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertising in the Daily Intelligencer will be inserted at the following rateB per square of ten liner: Mr. Overby't Position. , published by these gentlemen. from Vermont 65: from Maryland67; from seem from what is now t-anspiring in Tex- j McDonough, Ga., June 20, 1855. Here much the same thing, we believe, is \ ew Hampshire 38 : from North Carolina a ?> tha 5 tfae b>«tory of the battle of San Ja- j Hon. B. H. Overby—DearSir: You were going on. Unfortunately for us here, per- 47 • f rom Rhode Island 15 * from the DiB- c * nt0 * 8 - Tet be wr * tten - The materials | nominated in the city of Atlanta in Febru- . _ . . * . . . - .’ , .. 1,““ „ , _ are getting to be very abundant, for which ary last, by the Convention that then and » . grievances and heart burnings are m trict of Columbia 45. Total from the five we are indebted to Gen. Sam Houston, more, i there convened, as the Gubernatorial candi- the wav of some of our old time party N. England Stiles 258—f 0 n four Southern it appears, from the facts which aie coming : date of the Prohibitory party of Georgia. friends reuniting with us. They should, States and the District of Columbia 329.— out, than Texas was indebted to him for the ! p tU *- however, for conscience’ sake, put these in- Certainly, Massachusetts is a fine specimen v * ct ory itself. In a late speech made on the i fluences under loot. The conservation and 0 f Northern greatness. “ There she stands a ?"! ve rf. a ^ y of b ? ttl . e : h ® gave a version * * defenco of Democratic principles belong and w ju 8tand forever." Now let us com- 1 **** b * 8tor Y-°f incidents, and his own ■ as much to them as to us, as much now as ever liefore. Will they not return to their ■ old party? We are ready with the same clasp, ; of the hand to welcome them back to that i service they once so honored. Job Printing and Bindery. I We would invite the attention of our rea- | ders to the card of C. R. Hanlieter & Co., | iu our advertising columns. It will be seen • that in addition to the previously large and Special contract* will be made for yearly adver- j varied assortment of job materials of the tiaomonts occupying a quarter, half or whole col- j Model Job Office,” there ha a recently been trail sic at purf‘US' j added a large stock of new materials of the i latest styles, including one of Hoe’s celebra- Rumor is now rife through the country, particularly in the county of Henry, that you anticipate “coming down” and decline running the race. Will you, for the benefit of the cause and satisfaction of your numerous friends, an swer to the truth of this prevalent report ? I am, very respectfully, youi friend and fellow citizeD. Geo. M. Nolan. Onu insertion. 60 cto. One month. $5 00 Two “ 41 00 Two “ S 00 Three, “ 1 26 Three “ 10 00 Four 1 j0 Four “ 12 00 Five “ I 76 Hlx 15 00 One week, 2 00 One year, 25 00 . j connection with them, which has brought pare her to Virginia. I here she stands too. out a host of indignant commentators, who That the comparison may be a fair one, let not only deny the truth of his narrative, us take the last ten years of Cullum’s Reg- but accuse him of cowardice and incapaci ties from 1840 to 1850. In these ten years, 1 ty ‘ Tbe fir f t * re P ,y wa ? £avid R * . , „ a . c , nett, formerly President of Texas, and by — the number of graduates from Massachu- , the mails whi ^ h arrived yester day, we hare j Atlanta. June 22, 1855. setts is 18—from Virginia 37. In this ten two other addresses—one by Gen. Sidney Geo. M. Nolan, Esq.—Dear Sir: Yoursof years, the ratio of Representatives in Con- Sherman, and one by Gen. Mirabeau B. ' the 20th came to hand this morning. You gress, and of course the appointments to Lamar, also once President of Texas.— ! say, “ Rumor is now rife throughout the MONDAY, JULY 9. fCt>rre*pond«nce of the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.] Sew York Affairs. New York, July 2, 1S55. Upon my life, the day jrows'hot. Some airy devil hovers in the sky, Ant pours down mischief.” Nineteen eases of sun stroke, limp cravats sweltering, streets full of -‘ moist unpleasant bod ies” bobbing about on blistered feet and panting for air, are not the worst of it, for by the voracious 1 , , . c . ,, , .. . „ i so manv moral and religious truisms, as to zodiacal figures in old almanacs, this same 92- of ' & sultriness do permeate tho midriff" and chafe the waspish imps which, during the temperate days, Know Xolliluglsm and Religion- Many difficulties attend us. liabilities to misconstruction in the attempt which we are about to make to notice a portion of the Know Nothing national platform. That i body has interwoven with their resolutions, be perdue, then goading them to ail manner of elf ish pranks. So we have lovers dying in each other’s arms, and their corpses strewed with flow ers by the bands of Brooklyn's fair daughters, and a Rev. (all owing to the heat) finding a justifica tion of 6uieide in their mutual love. The girl was much the finer fellow of the two. She was seduced by young Gustiu, and after ho had eu- bring one wl... discusses their principles within danger of the denunciations of good men of all parties. To guard ourselves as far as possible, against such, we here give our unqualified adherence to that resolu tion in acknowledgement of that Almighty ing on matters not pertaining to pork or the eucharist. An army stands on the field of battle: one soldier prays to the Virgin, another to Christ, another not at all; what shall pre vent these men from fighting with equal zeal for their temporal homes ? And be cause a Catholic is an advocate of the Con fessional, this is no reason why he may not judge correctly about railways and steam navigation. That a majority of our citi zens are Protestants by no means deter mines this a Protestant government: The rights of the minority, in this ease, arc equal to those of the majority. The govern ment refuses to have anything to dojwith the Being, who rules over the universe, and to many others equally good and true. Hav- religion of either; tho Catholic and the Protes tant meet in the government upon the same ing done so, wo throw ourselves on the eau- LOO) U>11U WA vviui l.y Lliv. | 1 pviili to 111 • 1 1 * l_ W /» «« W104UJ.I.U J WUUJ, 4 West Point, were as ten to fifteen, while the gentlemen were officers during the j country, particularly in theeounty of Hen * j tieed her into a residence in a house of ill-fame dor of our readers afld proceed. Deus id cult wround worldly temporal interests; nei battle of San Jacinto, and they concur with ■ ry, that you (I) anticipate 'coming down’ and finally deserted her, ehe supported hit. by the * * ' 8 y V Burnett in declaring Gen. Houston’s itarra- aQ d decline running the race ’ 1 ^ rit-A fnloA tKwinrrLmif on/4 tLm »k.-> Tho Pmmof is urithmif.fnnnH goaduates are as 18 to 37. tSt- Advertisement- from transient per“"u? auuou u largo stocK oi new materials ui tue hesitation in expressing the opinion, that of battle was fought against the wishes and Ul Legal ad ve’rUeemeniT published at the usual i including one of Hoe’s celebra- t ii e gain0 number of equally eduated young judgment of Houston, who is accused more- rater. Obituary notices exceeding ten lines eharg- : ™ fast cylinder Job Presses, which we can men f rom t he North and South—a larger over . of behaving with personal cowardice ed as advertisements. Announcing candidate" for safelv say is one of the finest printing raa- -n as well as showing utter incapacity as a Office, $5 00, to be paid iu advance. 1 - hin * * havA fiPAn T j , proportion of them will always graduate general. Gen. Sherman says that when- When advertisements are ordered iu all the in- ! hine '. we ba ' e ever seen * Their establish- at >y es t Pomt, from the latter than from ever a full narrative of the battle is given ruer, including Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, t nient is now, beyond doubt, the largest and the former sections of the Union. The North truthfully to the world. “Gen. Houston’s '■'■'xrprivUege ofVelrU adlertirerr 0 iTstricriy ! ^ St C ® "1 *“ worl ; have the advantage of us in having better fa “ e will rapidly-decompose and limited Vo their own immediate and regular busi- i done ,n the office being under the personal Academies, where their young men are bet- ? k , ,n ]° P utr « se cnce with the mass of nera. J care and supervision of Col. C. R. Hanleiter, t er wrenared than ours before thev <rr, to V a seh °° d8 u P on „ wh ich it rests,” and Gen. Profesaional Cards not exceeding six lines, *1S ■ w j 10 j B known to be one of the most oxperi- West Point So that if we brino- in °\ew h^ m ^r Tfr*' ° Wn ? plnl °, n ,S tbat be, por annum. , , ,, r , n . , • ,, o' ” est roint. bo mat it we nrmg in aew himself, (Houston) was the only coward on Advertisements not specified as to time will be enced and skilful Job Printers in the South; York, Pennsylvania, Delaware. X Jersey 4c that field. I can name no other, and him I published till ordered out, and charged at regular ; persons sending orders to their establish- _ fm f)ne ^ and tLe go-western States on a * one. . ? . . . , - ■ ment can rely upon having work done en- Advertiflementii inserted in the Weekly paper ; J 1 e unly will bo charged at former rater. As a graduate of the Academy, I have no tive false throughout, and affirming that the The rumor is without foundation in truth. wagl '* uf nur 3batuo ’ and lasf of ail Urank P oUon I accepted the nomination from the Prohi- I “ dw “‘ out , "' itb him " Womau a and bitiun Convention of Georgia, and will, iu i tins cre *tures.devotion, dinging to the end to the good faith, maintain their cause, until that ' oauEe o1 ' ker S u *h au d wot - almost deserved the party directs otherwise; my name will not j teuder entermont she got at the bunds of her be withdrawn. I Brooklyn sisters. And then on Sunday morning Your friend, B. II. Overbt. ; Patiander (impelled by the heat, no doubt,) lay ■ i down in the gutter of a street in the aforesaid Overby will do to trust about any thing i Brooklyn, and when a mother Patiander sought was the crusader’s cry when he plunged his sword, hilt deep into the belly of any infi del. It was for Christ’s sake, that the or- thordox Theodosius, persecuted the Arians. Laud, alternately, pronounced prayers and sentenced heretics to the pillory. In all ages whenever, and wherever religious persecution has been waged, it has been done in God’s name. We cannot therefore tber has a right to exclude the other. If it is wrong and wicked in the Catholics to exclude the Protestants—as the Know Noth ings alledge they intend doing—then it is equally wrong and wicked in the Know Kothings to proscribe the Catholics. Do they place their actiou on the ground of self-defence V Let them bring forward some proof to substantiate the danger : Let them in this world, “ if you will keep him away j gently to awaken him by rubbing his ears, (who be much surprised, that the Philadelphia confess that they, quadruple their enemies, from liquor. Here is his weak place, and bear hu ears to bo rubbeaiu this state of the Convention should invoke heaven’s blessing are afraid of them . and tbeu | et them lllter SO far as this is concerned, “ he is, poor fel- ; mercur J•) he arose and suddenly stabbea his celtio ' V ! 1U..4 i v » the other, they may seem to have the ad- - More commentary from other officers on . . the same fields is said to be forthcoming.— This difference, however, is notow- We do not hear of any which sustains the THE WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Tt.rmt—$2 00 per annum, invariably in advance. SATURDAY, JULY 7. tirely to their satisfaction. • . . vantage. ,® ta e P ® asure - in etating to our t0 the existence of Slavery at the South, egotism of Houston, so that if there is re ers, that i lessrs. Hanleiter & Co., has That is abundantly evident from the figures combination against him, it is composed of supplied a want that lias been seriously felt abovei More men have graduated from a ^> or nearly all, of those who have a right in Atlanta, by the establishment, in connec- South Carolina in the ten years from 1840 *2 know thi "g on , th ® subject. The tion with their job office of a first rate to 1850 . than from Alabama, Mississippi, wrS at‘l^andMie Book indery, composed of new and choice Louisiana and Florida, all put together.— that it will read very diffeiently from the friends jj !ls s ] aver y caused this, or is it because tradition which has been received hitherto as current truth, against the occasional The Proapect. i materials throughout. To Two months ago we expressed tho belief j abroad, who may desire work in the Bind- c..„l ,h Q „ most confidently that Know Nothingism was = .. South Carolina expends more money than iw Nothtngism was : ing line, we can confidently advise them to ! _ nv ft n them in snstainimr <r„od Col- remons trances of parties who have denied a failure. Wc were sure that those who lmd < s ,. rid t i ie j r orders t0 Messrs. Hanleiter & Co , 5 , A , . , ‘ s b to the so called hero of the day the honors . • ••_ leges ana Acaaemies i i nnm, •m.i, l. i,.. <i :„i a : from high motives of patriotism, attached . knowing that whatever work may be en- themselves to the party would see, that the j trusted to them, will be executed with prime objects had in view by the organiza- j promptness and despatch, and in the most lion were not quiet and harmony among the j skilful and approved style of the art. States and a purer administration of public ! —:—— —^—: • 11 L • [For the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.] affairs. Wc were again morally certain. We8t Poillt MUItary Academy—North that the more interested and designing ! and South. upon which he has flourished so wisely.— If I had time, Messrs. Editors, I think I A r . O. Picayune. could show that Georgia, while she has made Three years after the battle of San Jacin- giant strides in internal improvements, is to, we met many of the younger heroes of behind in the support she is giving to her fhat field in Houston. If we ever conversed Colleges ; and at some future time, if your with one individual present in that battle columns are open to me, I hope to be able "who accorded honor, courage or generalship would never agree among themselves in | Mcsssrs. Editors.—In your last week’s t0 convince your readers that Georgia, if to the Commander-,n-Chief, we have forgot- any thing but in a hatred and bitter hostili- j paper I notice an extract from the New | 8 , he ^ n8 “ It8 ^terest and the interest of ten ,t. On the contrary it seemed to be the to the Democratic party. So the thing has York limes, in which, after stating the re-! tl,e S,,ulh . deserve to be the Empire universal opinion among military men that resulted practically. The very best men of | markable fact that of tho thirty-four Cadets State of the South> as ' vel1 , b - v ‘he liberal the battle that settled forever the question theKnow Nothing party (we mean of course I composing the graduating class of the Mili- su PP ort she extends t0 her h , tera 7 InstUU ' ofTexan independence ought to have been ” r J . . _ _ Ktt »lia imnntna clwa kno triron f/x in. • Tl .. low, his worst enemy.’ venticles he intended it for a persecution; he made no eSbit to conceal his designs.— Charles IX called the Massacre of Saint Bartholomew by its right name: an attempt to exterminate the nonconformists of the politically) were those Democrats who, while they approved the direction and tenor of Democratic principles and tendencies, yet tary Academy at West Point this year, : tions, as by the impetus she has given to in- there are but five from the Slave States,- j te ™al improvements in the Southern States. the Editor of the Times goes on to remark : c l i> n of th *ti* ^ objected to wiiat they thought that thev dis- “This class entered, it seems, four years ago fr , ...... * ... ~ covered in them,a want of thoroughness.- ; with fifty members; but the rigors of West 1 the Sund in our cit on the 4th> Never for an instant did these men ever ; Point discipline and the “dement” marks ftnd a VC ry pertinent and effective address have reduced the number down to thirty- from the Rev . Mr . Wilkes, who is in charge four. The Slave States, he thinks, “must of the Baptist church of this city. M’e are have had tbeir full share of representatives !ad to hear that no scenes of disorder or in the class, and he is led to infer that “the violence d i 8turbed the festivities of the day. greater part of the missing members "ere 0ur citizens whll know the true desert of from the other side of Mason t D.xson’s Adanta, may well be proud of the unequal- Line;” and concludes that “,f the gradua- , ed d order of the city . ting class of 1855 be a fair criterion to judge : TheFoTTrln in Marietta by the army, in a short time, will be nffi- mean to desert the cherished doctrines and purposes of their whole lives. If they ob jected to the Democracy because tlie doc trine of free trade was not developed to its fullest capacity, it was a hopeless effort to se duce these men into a forgetfulness of that issue and to ovorlay them by a powerful Whig sympathy with protection. So it was with tho Slavery issue. Democratic Know Nothings, when invited into the order, thought they saw in it the germ of a great i fought on the Colorado river. For it was contended that from the day the retreat began from that point the cause became more and more demoralized, and thestrength of the army weaker. Hundreds at this day are firmly convinced that the battle of San Ja cinto was delivered by Houston under the desperate sense uf his situation—for he was in a trap, and there was no chance to run any further. If there was any hero in partic ular of that fight, General Mirabeau B. La mar was that man. We have heard that he volunteered just on the eve of the fight to cered almost wholly by Northern men.’ In commenting upon this article from lead, first the artilerv, (to which Ma- The Declaration of Independence was read M” r eland objeeteii, as he had raised and disciplined that command) and then the cavalry, which was assigned to him. After by Mayor Robertson, and an Address de livered in the Court-Uouse by Mr. J. C. national organization that while it should j the Times, you characterize it as “full of! Holmes, which is highly spoken of as a 1c b ar g e under Lamar, all that had be made up of the picked men of all parties, j bitterness and illiberality,” and you might j chaste and able literary production hand- be done wa.s to look after the rabble rout sound to the core upon this great issue, i have added of gross ignorance and Yankee somely delivered. that had turned their noses west, would, for that very reason excel all other j boasting, or else of intentional falsehood, to j At the Georgia Military Institute the cel- A ® “;“ 8tl ? tlve of the °P laion tbat National parties in power, and effectiveness I gratify abolitionism. i ebration of the day was begun with a sa- : ^ aS „ “our entertained of “big Indian in reducing their conservatism to practical ef- j xhe object of the Times evidently, was ! lute of thirteen guns. At 11 A. M., Cadet j !!'! loot. Itot when the trial test was applied, , to make ft pp ear tbat i n the South Harkey read the Declaration, and Cadet ,, ’ , r su ' vas ‘ 8et this beautiful eclecticism was all on one side. ! — 1 ^ ; ...» au™. uu.. _i Gen * Houston rode up to Major We never doubted 1 frieDd that he died soou after ' and wouncJed a c . . , ,, , | second party grievously, and would have finished for a moment that he would run the race ; a polieeu3au t0 wind up with had not the « star , through, Jor he iold us SO, and that's suffi- j with “ most superhuman daring,” “ knocked cient. He will run the race well, too, and ; him under.” And theu tho earth was “feverish if we never have cause to thank the Know and did quako ” down at Baltimore, as per tcle- Nothings for any thing else in this life, we graphic dispatches, and indeed such budgets of feel that we owe them a heavy debt of grat- horrible and unwonted events come pouring in itude for putting such a man as Garnett s ‘ nte too first period of hot weather began that Andrews upon us in place of B. H. Overby, j tbo * ou ° vt -‘xcd question—why the Spaniard.- love Church of Rome. ButtheKnow-niithingparty This hot weather, to have “toted” Overby warmly, hnto intensely and stall quickly, while the | iave failed i n the since* ity of these two, and would have been too warm for comfort, but i 7 ,, * '* r “ cr * uk w J 0 od and <=° tl> doe P '* have attempted to conceal a design for reli- • . t- .. , . , „ , ; solved by a simple rcterence to the weather, and . ‘ n as^ i is, the Know Nothings have fixed then by force of tho h -t weather, no doubt, Robert 6 i( >us persecution, in awkwardly constructed things up for us and made “ sufficient unto I Schuyler, the Arch-Swindler, has turned up, and sentences, specious pretences, and pompous the evil, the day thereof” ; a letter of his, written without date, was published declarations in favor of Religious Liberty. [For the Atlanta DailyTotelligencer 1 in yesterday’s Tribune, in which he endeavors to Without daring to say directly thatnoCath- The Foul , lh of J ul „ make out he is no defaulter at all, and informs the | olic shall hold office under this Government, Messrs. Editors: Allow me a small space W °^ tl 7 “ “. th e greatest debility of body they resolve, “ Resistence to the aggressive to speak more in detail of our celebration of of tho transgressor is hard.” the 4th than you have done. j Two young and enterprising wolvorines have The heavy rains of the 3d and the favor- ! given us something to gape at. For eighteen able appearance of more on the 4th, did not | mon tos did they chop, saw and split at a tree in prevent us from celebrating that day ever 1 one ot gorK ° 3 of California, and loading a J . . i clipper ship with it have brought it to this port, dear to the heart of the American patriot. when all that can 8tand b6nea ,h the lofty dome of tho Crystal Palace is being erected. Think of a tree 31 feet in diameter, 363 feet high, with a bark 71 feet thick, and, as botanists certify, 4,000 year3 old.* The city is agog with wonderand tho Crys tal Palace bids fair to see its palmy days again Early on the morning of the 4th inst., some five or six hundred of the superintendents, teachers, and scholars of the different Sab bath Schools of this place assembled at the Baptist Church. Thence proceeding thro’ “ Old Whitehall street,” they marched to the large Methodist Brick Church, where they were entertained by the various litera ry festivities of the day. The number of spectators was so large that even the doors and windows were crowded. The choir was led by Mr. Irving, whose attainments well qualify him for such a position. The Declaration of Independ ence having been read by Mr. M. L. Lenore, we were highly ontertained by the superior declamation of Masters Wm. Nwese, M. Markham, II. Darnall, I. O. McDaniel, A. S. Ilaygood and Jas. Rogers, who had mem orized extracts suitable tc the occasion and place. on then* action against the Catholics. But the Constitution-make this by law a Pro- what we do object to is their attempt to con- testant Government, which may protect it- ceal what they covertly profess and openly sdf imt the enemies of tho Pl . ote8ta nt practice. When Laud persecuted the Con- , re jjg; on Truly, one who reads tlio Platforms of the various Know Nothing Conventions will believe with Emerson, that society nev er advances, merely changes. Years ago, our Fathers advanced ahead of the world in proclaiming absolute religions liberty, a : complete severance of civil and religious rights. We have swung backwards; and i now, when toleration has begun to be ex ercised abroad throughout the world, the i fanaticism of the middle ages comes upou i us. We will say a word or two more on the i Convention’s profession of religiuus liberty. There is nothing surprising in this. Indi- Catholic church in our country, by the ad- j viduals who engage in persecution are vancement to all political stations-execu- apt t0 seek a definition of the term in the tive, legislative, judicial or diplomatic—of practices of the age which has just prece- those only who do not hold civil allegiance, ded them. The executioners of Larimer and irect y or indirectly, to any foreign power, | R j d j e y ce nsured the barbarous policy* of civi oi ecclesiastical, and who are Ameri- j those who refused to allow the condemned policy and corrupt tendencies of the Roman canshy birth, education and training;” . the aid ufgunpowder t0 relieve their ago- thus fulfilling the maxnn, “Americans only | nies Lflud dl)ubtle83 thought it UKchl f i8 . shall rule America. It already having j tianly to burn them at all> Eaoh 8uccecd . been determined beforehand that tho Catho- j ing age ohangC8 the form of religious per . And so i^oughfc; for, aside from any now attrac- * ,C8 ^ 1(> ^ civil allegiance to a foreign ! secution ; but the essential element remain* tion, it contains the finest collection of statuary on power, that body of our people are under j ed the 8aiue . Webster defines persecution as the infliction of punishment for the ad- this side of the Atlantic, and as an architectural creation will more than repay country visitors for the trifling expense of its examination. Cigar smoking is not so difficult an accomplish- | ment, as aspiring boys in big shirt collars are wont to consider it. Coming down Broadwnv this morning, I mingled with a crowd about tho door of a tobacconist, in which stood n bronzed Indior^ I By some internal machinery, sot agoing by wind ing it up with a key, this aboriginal actually per formed all the motions of smoking a cigar, and 1 blew as big a cloud from a veritable weed as any human flesh and blood rival. It is very clever, ; doubtless, as a piece of machinery, but w hy should the utilitarian inventor rob so philosophical an en- ! joyment of its grace and dignity, and put an ar- this resolution, forever excluded from all participation in this government. With such pertinacity, do the Know Nothings stick to their opinion of the Pope’s civil su premacy in foreign countries, despite the must solemn assertions of the Catholics to the contrary, and all history hearing upon the subject, that a candid man is forced to believe that persecution wna their main de sign, and that the clause referred to in their resolution was hut a specious, pretext to cover an odious measure. Be this as it may the resolution and the action on it herence to religious creed or worship. The exclusion of the Catholics from all offices under the Government would, we appre hend, come fully within the meaning of the terms. We will close this article by quoting on this point from the prince of English historians and essayists. Writing on a matter similar to this, Mr. Macauley addresses an imaginary Catholic in these words: “ If you obstinately adhere to the faith of the Nicinefathors you shall not be burn . . . .... : has disqualified our young men for that Camp delivered the Address. At the con-‘ . . . . . .. , . , it is true, the party was to eschew all “ary kin£ , of \ bor and d; ^; pIil f e which is en _ clus ;^ n of the Exercises there was a salute d f , mg T / ’ A ,ot” impeachment-bat then it s^nis when ! forcedatWest Point; ‘ nd t , mt thereforef ! of thirty-two guns, after which the Cadets , “ * *nT 8 *7" *° J t ns no ion was exp atne y • • g osses, . abo j; t ; 0 nisiu is to gain an advantage from repaired to the mess hall to partake of the , ’. " Wl - e peop e sa - v took . . . ... rr a - . „ aZ A K«, M. tllat 1 ; having the army officered in a short time with Northern men. dinner prepared for the occasion by Mr. John O. Hill, Steward of the Institute. it meant that none but Democrats ever too dry rot. Wc were next told that the Order would never commend or donouncc men because of their old political alliances i ^ ow . whilo it may be true that Northern —that all good men should be voted good by j men d ’ l8 P la J moro cner «y a « d skill in han- this vitalized and regenerating party-Dem- dlm K tbemselve* about a sixpence than we ocrats waited a long time, and waited pa . ; of the South, it is not true that the ele- tiently too, to see who of all their old party ments of “ 1,lanl - v characteraremorestrong- as80ciates from Gen. Pierce down, would be | d<3 ' c *°P ed a,nong them, or that t,,e y i , - f . Thousands of eenera •ible to nass the irrnnd muster count n f ! will 6ubunt to tho “rigors of military disci- 1 . “ttle lot of men* Ihousaid. g aoie to pass tue grana muster count ot : J* J tions, nil as noisy as our own, have been “good men and true.” In their own good i p,lne when the South W,U not * ^ ° ‘ ' am yet a coward, 51 ?” The gal lant 51., who had acted his part nobly, rc- ., , , , . . plied, “ That is no longer an unsettled Here is ateattiful thought of that strange que#tiori) General; posterity will do you compound of Scotch shrewdness, strongcom- . . „ „ ., r ., . , mon sense, and German mysticism, of un- » f , C . ' . . U ’ 9ai t e -^ a j° r > laughing, common sense—Thomas Carlyle; “When I a believed him then as a coward as gaze into the stars, they look down upon ever lived. Sam Houston’s life proves me with pity from tbeir serene and silent t h e p „ we r of lying and charlatany if they spaces, like eyes glistening with fears, over are handsomely backed up by fine perf)oaal advantages and unfailing brass. The brass, . , . gument into tho mouth of the “antis” by showing Alter the short but eloquent address of ; that braina aro not at all indispensable m the op! oration. However, as our Boston neighbors have begun to praise God by steam organs in tbeir churches, it may bo sensible to do smoking by such stupid proxy, and no doubt, could it come into use, many a fair dame, whose kissing privileges are curtailed by the foul breath of her lie-re and the Rev. T. N. Wilkes, the audience ad journed to their respective homes and avo cations, delighted with the entertainments of the day. L . form a religious test as completely effectual j ed in Smithfield-you shall not be sent to as any legislative body on earth could make, and as palpably violative of our constitu tion as though imprinted on our statute Love, Garters, and Sausages. About a hundred years ago, a young lady "to° sc carpets are stuined ky his saliva, would of Rotterdam, named Wilhelmina Tersche- • , *** 1 l * ! J — J - " ling, was riding on horseback through the village of Boxmeer, when her horse became frightened and ran away with her. The young man who accompanied her, and to whom she was betrothed, cried out that lie gladly introduce among tho household gods this coppor colored divinity, who has no breath to of fend and never expectorates. The rage for self-murder which has beon inten sifying with such fearful rapidity for u few weeks past, and apparently possessing all classes of would give a hundred ducats to any one ; ciety, last night, by tho assistance of a single glass stop the horse. of brandy and the elevated state of the mercurv 1 he young villagers, who were playing , attacked ball upon the green near by, seeing a wo man in danger, threw themselves before the 1 policeman and urged him to cut his weasand with a jack knife. I understand that books. Let the Know Nothing^party come out boldly; if ii is their dcsigu legally to enact a religious test let them say so ; we will applaud their honesty while wc con demn their measures. Let the question bo brought openly before the people of the United States, whether they will have their constitution so amended, as to allow the Congress to paso a law, excluding persons of the Catholic faith from participation in the Government under which they live.— This, we apprehend, they dare not do. The American people may be blinded by devices Dorchester jail—you shall not even pay double land tax. But you shall be shut out from all situations in which you might ex ercise your talents, with honor to yourself and advantage to the country. The House of Commons, the bench of Magistry are not fur such as you. You shall see younger man, your inferiors in station and talents, rise to the highest dignities ami attract the gaze of nations, while you are doomed to negloet and obscurity. If yon have a son of the highest promise—a son such as oth er fathers would contemplate with delight— the development of his fine talents and of i his genorous ambition shall be a torture to j you. * * * * * All those high honor.* iuio ura . .. , . ,, ,, . .^n.i • i ^ | so much moro precious than the most costly furious animal. One of them was thrown ! both part,e ' are dotDff as wel! as couId be ox ' aro ca,ied up0, ‘ m a solemn manner to up- i , !A ., “ . • . time, the py few in our ranks upon wiiose g; their righteous noses had scented no ment. Of the hundreds of thousands Democratic party, upon whose cases “ Ecleeties more, yet Arcturus and the Pleiades are still shin- ie K. N’s. told us who were tho hap- i friend of the arm y ftnd a g radaa m West record of them any in our ranks upon whose garments ! Po,nt ’ 1 , thlnk the besought to have bean Orion, Sirius and tl j j.. answered in a differant way than by euppo- ning in their courses clear and young as r , C i 6ing “the board of instructors at West Point j wb en the shepherd first noted them from s of the ! »..a the plain of Shinar! What shadows we are, . j ; 'j — — — , . - - i contusions; the horse fell, and the beauti- too knitoits bladp. 7* Jr a swallowed by time, and there remains no ; however, is the one thing needful, for the | f u i Wilhelmina rolled in the dust. A young I And now we havo the 4th of July to take care cheat that hacks under discomfiture is a dead cock in the pit. the plain i and what shadows we pursue!” Will the 8th August Convention be i Held?—It was understood that if the Co- is composed of abolitionists and haters of , . , the South and of Southern people.” The must have passed, there was ... n . , . . ,, , , , j , . „„ , ■ , | vVest Point education is well calculated to tound but one man, only ono, whom they ; , . ,. . _ . , . — — would consent was a clever fellow. Two i \\ ! only kind that could be depended on fobear Southern Flour. The flour of warm climate is stronger than than that of the colder. It has more nutriment, and suffers less from transporta tion. The flour of the Richmond 5Iills was especially favored in California. It was the weeks ago at a called meeting of the Party many of the graduates of the Academy, i of Georgia, the leading democrats who par- in this city, the “ Order” approved of Judge i ^ ^ f ro “ , New En S land ’ would * I Warner’s nomination and promised to sun- j wlll, ngly be found in company with anabo- 1 port it. To-day placards are stuck up at ! 1,tl0n,8t * Nor do 1 believe or. instance can every corner of our streets inviting the peo- j be found of a man who has been dismiss - j pie to call next Saturday eveningat “Crisp’s” I ed froU1 ^? St Point who at t riba ted his j to listen to a K. N. lcc'ture from Mr. Bern a! ! fa . ,lu ? to influence in the in- j . •• ^ stitution. Ihe Military discipline at West 1* • - *7 i t foil L „n passage round Cape Horn without souring, tic.pated in it were pledged to fall back up-, Xe ” neSKeei Northern Georgia, and the ^ m ..-i-„ e .T Cra !VJ ar 0**1 n^nria Western Carolinas, thus promise to become one of the chief granaries of the world and of a large part of this region, Charles ton is the neutral market. It depends upon our merchants whether the advantages of min II. Hill, of Troup. So, then, the “dry j . ....... c . , rot” has the last one of us, and Judge War- I ^°'“ t 18 lntr “ 8ted ^ tbe Super.ntendant, ner’s case was an oxceptional one. just long ' t{ . ! ° of Cadets, and the four nnniish i n «««, „ . ■, sistant instructors of Tactics, enougn to prove that the war ou us is ono : unto death—So let it be. movement has failed. The fight in Georgia will between the Democracy and the Know ! Nothings. It now becomes the duty | of those men to take sides between these ; two parties. The body of the people are - IU- on one side or the other. A tliird P a rty i J® tributary to the ; will be crushed in the collision of these op- p p ^ J- G rleston Merciny. posing hosts. Wc therefore hope that the , » ome y ears a S° saw an analysis of Convention of the 8th of August wi’l not : wheat from erery quarter of the globe ac- I be held, and that our friends who have cessible to commerce, and with the exeep- : ffrtna riff from IIS Trill hsiilk P.nd A.; .c I- n TV V 1 . tion of one sample from Poland, a wheat produced in our Floyd county was pronounc ed the best in the world. The test element of wheat is its gluten. The Poland sample contained of this near 15 per cent., while the one from Floyd about 14-1. From what The Superintendent, Col. R. E. Lee, is a i K one off . from u . 8 . wi!1 « ome n , ba f k ftnd The spirit of this hostility is now perfect- I ' ifgmian, the commandant. Col. 5Vm. II. ; Georgia Democracy against the Philadel- ly intelligible, and the Democratic Know j Walker, is a Georgian, and of the four as- ! p hi<» Platform of the Know Nothings.— Nothing now sees that if he gives up his i s ‘ 8ta nt Instructors of Tactics, one of them i Columbus Times. party affiliation with Democracy for the ! * s from Kentucky, one from Tennessee, a Growth of the Human Nails.—-I staiped sake of Know Nothingism, ho must give up, i third is a son of an officer of the army, and ! tbe roots of my finger nails on the first of last „ . „ besides his political principles. We have ! bails from no particular State; the fourth j August to find out the exact time a healthy we have seen and heard, we are disposed to heard of such impartial distributive justice j ^ from the North. But, sir, it is not true j ^ ^^^^‘"chLgedTiJ finger" nails, j d ° e I as this ouce before—it took place, if we re- i that Southern men do not submit to the j (j n tbe i4 tb c f this month all the old nails ( best h f re ’ th ou 0 h the capabilities of our soil member right, when the Indian and white West Poiut discipline, and if we compare j had disappeared ; thus it took exactly four and climate for the production of wheat are raau divided their game. Wo said it was ! New England with the older of the South- j months and fifteen days to form new nails, j yet unascertained. Not one farmer in working right, and so it is. This covert | ern States, where there are good academies, i Allowing this period to be the average time j Georgia in twenty thinks it material to make but consistent hatred of old Federal Whig-1 and from which our young men enter West I b)r tbe c ? m ?. ete ' en ®' Ta tbe un ? aa 1an y great outlay of labor in preparing land gery, lias at last ruined the Know Nothing . Point with an equal footing with those from j tach nJl renewed on.rhu’n/r^T and sixty J for tbe _ wheat crop, and so the seed is cov- party. Every where we hear that old aud the North, the South need not blush at the '■ times, or in other words he wears oqt one j ered lf 18 thought all is done that should be. *rue democrats who under the inducements j comparison. I have before me Cullum’s j thousand eight hundred and sixty finger Our Agricultural Society should institute a -4 deceitful solicitations joined the order, j Register of officers and graduates of tbe L T .! are quitting in disgust. They feel and so de- ; States 5Iilitary Academy from thp com-! dare, that they are the victims of an un- mencement of the Institution to January of—“ the great glorification day of Mr. Washing, ton,” as an English Lord called it—and thousands of citizens are rejoicing and thanking tho steam for providing such abundant facilities for escaping from the horrors of tho grand jubilee w hile thou sands of our country friends are rejoicing in tho same means to travel because it brings them here. In consequence of this tho appearance of the pop ulation of the city changes character very materi ally oh Inpependenco Day. New York goes out— , the country comes in/- Already have the premon- ! t0rtU0U3 as tho course ' vhlch lts promoters have followed, equally effective for the same which my old schoolmaster was - wont to call “a I purpose. No man is obliged by law to give noise in tho head,” grown entirely unequivocal, ! his vote to another ; but the individual who measure. We say that the Know Nothing party do not propose a repeal of that arti cle of our constitution, which declares that no religious test shall ever bo required as a qualification to any office or publio trust un der the United States; but we say at the same time, they advocate a policy aH dark as the caverns in which it was hatched, as nails in seventy years. In the four and a , series of careful and reliable experiments merciful “sell.” They denounce the at- ^850. 1 propose to make a few extracts tempts that majorities in the lodges are ina-; fr° m die class of 1834 there were as king to induce them to give up such men as 1 maD J graduates from Virginia, alone, as Pierce and Douglass, and to bring them I fr° m ad ibe New England States put to- round gradually to tho support of old whig- ! K et!ier - The very same thing happened in gery. We have it directly from a Know \ 1838. In the class of 1844, Kentucky took Nothing, that at least forty members are place of Virginia, and equaled the upou the point of sececding from the lodge j whole of New England. In 1847 there was in Bibb County. Our informant is as relia- i n0 * a solitary graduate of the Academy fiom blc and true s man as treads the soil of I either of the six New England States,—and Georgia. i in the class of 1849, the last year to which Months ago it was with pain we heard i Capt. Cuilum’s Register brings up the list, from his lips words of approval for what! tbee were but two, while from Virginia, j tilated. lie came to his end by his own Know* Nothingism was doing and proposed i a l° ne » that year, there were five. These are ! hand, having cut his throat from ear to ear to do. We felt sure though, that in time j i 80 la ted cases—yes, and so is the class of j with a razor, besides cutting open his abdo- half months I could distinguished no differ- upon tbe difference made in the product of ence in the periods of formation; the growth i wheat b d and thorough ploughing of was gradual and systematic from week to ; , , [ . , , ? r week, without an3 r variation. I trained the ♦ bubble land to be seeded down, and also m nails with corrosive sublimate; tb.o color | tbe value of the concentrated manures now was tawny, and was not the least affected j so popular in Maryland. We have learned, with all its numerous washings and expo- : but do not vouch for the fact that Mr p e _ sure to the air. My occupation is sedenta- 1 , ry ; the nails may grow faster or slower on j ‘ e . rs ; of 3 th ’ 8 P laca * increased the product on some individuals, according to their consti- , n ,s lands from the ordinary yield of 12 or tutions or the particular occupations in ; 15 bushels to 251. by careful ploughing and which they may be engaged.—Scientific j the use of 125 lbs. of guano per acre. If American. The dead body of F. _ . floor inspector at Petersburg, Va., was found in a large box in the cellar of bis residence on Monday morning horribly mu- 1 this is true, it is a fine interest on money C. Stainback, and i abon he would see the truth, and wc well knew l855 * The J lna y 8 ®rve to prove, however, ; “ en and P-“ 1 i 1 "? H* ; M b< ’^ e8 . that if he did his manly nature would pur- j tbat tbe “rigors, &c,” sometimes effect mon ea ' es a sue the truth. And we confess that when ; North of Mason & Dixon’s line, a few evenings since he declared to us that j 08 took at some of the general re- he was done with the thiug and had quit 8tdte - From the organization of West Point the camp, we lpokea upon it as a matter of oourse. We hope for thegoodof theooun- up to January 1856, there were 38 gradu ates from Maine: from South Carolina 48; Mr. S. Three let ters were found upon his person, neither of which furnish the slightest clue to the cause of this awful transaction. The deceased was a man of uncommon talent, though wjld and extravagant in his ideas. His active exertions in the late gubernatorial, contest seems to have unsettled hie mind. Gave him Fits.—“ Because we ventured last weak,” says an exchange paper, “ to introduce a few Latin words into a para graph just to make a little show of our knowledge, a cotemporary quotes Latin at us in most ferocious manner. He says ‘Ni hil fit,” who is Nihil? Who did he fit, and what did he fit for ?” Heavy Receipt or Cotton.—The receipts of corn at this market by the North River and Canal boats for the last two days have amounted to upwards of 160,000 bushels.— The total receipts of the week will foot up over 300,000 bushels.—N. Y. Enquirer. down and wounded; two others received F® ct , cd ’.” the ™ aa huvili £ merel - v loit hi3 star and root an essential feature of our to ehange this from a civil government to a man who was passing, threw immediately " r — 1 “ * h “ *~ nt ^ ^ ” ■ OT *- ki -~ , bmrarchy, their good sense will revolt at tho his cloak over the lady, before any one else had time to perceive a finely turned leg and a pretty garter. 5Iademoiselle Terscheling, on being car ried home had time to reflect, and the result of her reflections was, that there must never be two men in the world who had seen her garter. She sent for her betrothed and said, “ Will you kill the man who threw his cloak over me?” ^ bo I - What an enormity, ; jkj symptoms, among tho boys, of that disease j “I thought you would refuse. Then I u L„ ... ! shall marry him. When my life was in danger, you offered one hundred ducats to , . save me. This is the price you set npon ana you s . ee thc urchin8 ® n thelr knowledge using ; refuses his suffrage upon grounds contradic- my hand. Here are twenty-five hundred. of acoustics in selecting the mo3t sonorous alleys t jve of an express law of the constitution. You have made a good bargain.” ! ^ bass-voiced empty barrels to burn their pow- f Sn sp ; rit and effect; , )C v ; olatea that consti . . She,the® sent for the stranger “Mon-j derm * ** j tutfon, The supremacy of the American andOsheblushed prodiriously whUe Adding 1 Organized Licentiousness at Brooklyn. ; party throughout this Government, creates one of these hypocrisical periphrases by —A «ew York correspondent of the Buffalo j ipso Judo a Catholic disability, and eonsu- which women speak of their beauty) I am Express, furnishes the following intelligence j mates in effect an union between Church not considered repulsive. I wish to marry t0 that journalj and State, a thing which they most of all immediately. I see that you are surprised. J “A wicked and dangerous socialistic sect ! denounce. Place this partv in newer, with I will be frank with you.* I have sent for ■ have sprung up of late, and established their I . , , . . : ‘ you because you have seen my garter. You i head-quarters in Brooklyn—the City 0 f . a preconceived and inflexib.a determination have rendered me a great service, Mou- j Churches. This sect style themselves ‘Pro- jtheir parf, to believe what nobody else sieur. Without you, all the young men of gressionists, and have ipada male and female | believes—that the Pope does claim civil Boxmeer would have seen it, and as | agents who smuggle themselves into our | supremacy within this Government, then. under their resolutions, are our Catholic citizens excluded from office. The Govern ment becomes, virtually, a Government of Protestants, a machine for the protection oi the Protestant church, until the same im pulse which has carried it thus far, shall have confined its liberality within stricter bounds. We makean objection to the Phil adelphia platform, that it has embraced within it the subject of religion at all, and we deny, most unequivocally, that Christi anity is “ an element of our political sys tem.” With a most reverential respect for the religion under whose pious doctrine our youth was cultured, we hesitate not to say, that thi.*- •- a Government with no religion, neither : itholic, Protestent, Jewish, nor 51ahomi in, bin, simply a community of in dividuals banded together for the protection of the civil rights of each member who com poses it. With religion our Government has nothing whatever to do. That question has been left »o the control of other bodies, independent of, and entirely disconnected with it. Such a doctrine implies no infe riority of religious when compared to civil interests. It means simply that the guar dianship of these two interests have been divided. The civil rights of the individual, claim the solo and exclusive attention of the State—his religious rights and duties belong to another jurisdiction. A Jew eats no pork; a Catholic believes in tbe doctrine of tran-substantiation. Shall t^iis hinder Catholics, Protestants and Jews from agree- or deceived by falsehoods, yet wheu they mnei to up : g ifaj 0 j* despots, with which a free country decorates its illustrious citizens, shall be • him, as they have been to you, objects, not I could not have married them all, I should i family oircles, and after three or four visits have killed myself. But if you are not free i adroitly allude to the existence and pecu- or I am not so happy as to please you, I ! iiaiity of their * institution.’ The doctrine shall give my hand and my fortune to a of the sect is, that matrimony, as at present man who will kill you. Do you accept, yes understood, is a ludicrous sham ; that a mar. or no?” * has no right to live with his wife unless he “Yes, a thousand times yes! a hundred : toves bpr spiritually as well as physically ; thousand times yes I” ! that a woman is not bound to live with her The marriage took place, and was like ! hu8ba nd unless she loves him spiritually all other marriages probably ; we have no I and P h y«cally; and that when she seesan- particulars on the subject. AH the young ! otber T bom / be uan ov ° heUcv ' sb « “ mo ' men of Boxmeer were invited to the' imp j " bh p ed to ou ‘ lhe to rmer - toke U P tials and sumptuously feasted. wit.i the latter, and so on, according to each . ^... • , . . S new fancy, until she dies. The agents ot At her death, which took place in the this sect are very numerous, and the insti- course of time, the following codicil was tution itself* is filled Avitli proselytes—made found to her will: U p j n fc h e main of husbands who haveaban- “ My farm, situated ou the borders of the ‘ doned their wives, and of wives who havo Meuse will remain forever, whoever may be | abandoned their husbands, together, as ono the proprietor of it, subject to the following i of its agents informed me, of a bountiful ditiont Every ’ .. condition! Every year, under penalty of forfeiture, on tbe 13th of May, table shall be prepared, and a tun of strong beer, and twenty ells of the best sausage in Rotter dam, shall be served to the young men of Boxmeer, as a token of gratitude that they saved my life, and of rejoicing that they did not see my garter, the 13th ot May, 1756.” Until the present time, that is, during a hundred years, the wishes of the testatrix have been punctiliously executed. But the present heir, on the 13th of last May at tempted to elude them. Under the pretext of conforming to the decimal system he gave twenty meters of sausages, instead of twenty ells, which made a difference of four meters to the detriment of the youth of Boxmeer. Not to lose their fate,' they dovoured the twenty meters, “ under protest,” but this year they have brought ” hoir and demand that tbe case shall be de- cidad before the 13th of May. supply of young men and women who have never.yet been ‘yoked’ in the usual form.— As you may readily imagine, this sect is breaking up the peace and happiness of a great many families. Steamboat Explo.ionaud Lons of Life. Louisville, Ky., July 2.—The steamer Lexington, running between Louisville and St. Louis, exploded her boilers at three o’clock on Sunday morning, and the boat was made a perfect wreck: The accident took place near Stephensport. Kentucky, on tbe up trip. The steam packet Baltimore, has just arrived from tbe scene of disaster with twenty of the officers and passengers of the Lexington, including the captain and first clerk, 5lr. Davidson, both of whom are , wounded. The captain thinks that there suit against the ; are about thirty-five wounded out of the one hundred ou board, and several kiUed. ladies were all unharmed. Tbe of hope and virtuous emulation, but of hope less envious pinings. Educate him, if you wish him to feel his degradation—educate him, if you wish to stimulate his craving for what he never must enjoy—educa e him if you would imitate the barbarity of that petty Celtic tyrant who fed his prisoners < n salted food till they called eagerly for drink, and then let down an empty cup into the dungeon and left them to die of thirst.” Call you not this persecution, gentlemen Know Nothings ? If not, Heaven help the wretch who falls into your hands when you do persecute ? Georgia a lull outlie Platform of 1850, Whatever division there may be in our State among politicians as to some princi ples, and the election of this or that man, there is one question, the “paramount one of the day,” upon which we are one people.— The Democratic Convention of June 5th, holding “the American Union secondaiy only in importance to the rights nnd princ- ples it was designed to perpetuate, gave their unqualified adhesion to the 4th Reso lution—Georgia Platform,” and express ed their “inalterable determination to main tain \t in its letter and spirit.” That is the true doctrine. The Corner Stone at Co lumbus wanted to know* if any other than the Columbus Times, would pledge himself by it iu every extremity. The Atlanta In telligencer, in a strong article, says he is one; as also the Augusta Constitutionalist. As for ourselves,, this is the last line—4th Re solution—we wish to see drawn on paper, and upon this subject: “Sink or swim, live or die,” we plant ourselves upon and go with it. Every Georgian is in heart and mind committdd to it. When that is tram pled upon we know that they are prepared to say with Troup, as they of right ought to, “the argument is ended, let us stand by our swords.” The determined assertion of our rights is the guarrantee of their being re-pected.—South. Banner. Southern Fishing.—Uur mackerel fisher men, it seems, are now to encounter compe tition in ,he southern market, and no longer have things their own way. The Mubileans have discovered in their waters a fish called the “Spanish mackerel,” which they say are as good every way as the Boston! brands, and are to be caught in abundance. A Mobile editor has eaten a picketed specimen, and pronounces it excellent, Edwin Forrest seems determined to make the city of his birth his future permanent residence. Yesterday, we learn, he pur chased the splendid brown stone mansion at the corner of Broad and Master streets, thich is fifty feet front by two hundred deep, with double baok buildings and a side yard of fifty feet, for the sum of $33,000. The house, was recently finished, and has never been oceupied. Mr. Forrest intends, we learn, to move into it immediatelv Philadelphia Ledger. *