Newspaper Page Text
VOL. Vll. NO. 8.
Daily. Trl-Weekly ind Weekly.
W. H. HUNT, A—oclole Editor
[For the Atlanta Dally Intelligencer.]
The Capitol.
This question arose in 1804, the Capitol
being then at Louisville, in the county of
Jefferson. It was decided by the Legisla
lure in the affirmative. The public offices,
archives, Ac., were accordingly removed to
terms op subscription. 1 Milledgeville in 1807, the interim being oc- _
3»:ir intriUfoocer per annum, in advance. *6.00 copied in preparing suitable buildings at ®* jn o wart ^ small duel through which it
Tn-Weekir. 7‘ 4.00 , ~ n , " ; was hoped the process would go on. But it
“ «• 2 00 the new Seat of Government. „ ; did noU-the sick city languished still.-
RATES OF ADVERTISING Again the question is presented in 1855, Afterwards, theUordon Branch was exrend-
Alvertiaing in the Daily Intelligencer will he *? lf , R centur y late /’ and this time the , ed to Eat.mton, but it gave little or no reliet
ih^rtitd at the fallowing ratOP por square t*f ten * €OplC ftre R-ppOftiGG to for «i decision, j AllllCu^CVillO, D6C3.USC sno was. is, find
W1 mt ought their decision to be ?
In endeavoring to determine this, it is
proper thntall local considerations should be
places thus cast in the shade ? She was the
growth of Stage-coach times, and flourished
fir many years. Her decline commenced
when Railroads were constructed, and when
the great currents of life no longer circula
ted through Hacks and Coaches. An at
tempt was made to give her new vitality,
by a sort of transfusion from that large
artery, the Central Railroad. The Mil
ledgeville and Gordon Branch, 17 miles
One ioicrtion
nutt. ••
’•0 cu.
Cue month.
$5 00 '
Two “
S 00 I
Three “
10 00 1
Four “
12 00 |
15 00 j
One yo«r,
25 00
‘ ever mufit be, out of the way. She occupies
' a point in space too remote from the great
lines on the earth along which men pass, in
these days of steam ; lines marked out not
Fr»in the Sar-muah J ainal nnd Courier.
Mr. Stephens nnd the Democratic P»r*v.
The following eloquent extract is shea
from the published speech recently de>. er-
ed by the Hon. A. II. Stephens, at Sparta.
It is gratifying to see a life long Georgia
Whig even at this day willing to do justice
to the patriotism of the Northern Democra
cy. Others, like him have at last bad *helr
eyes opened. But we fear it is too lata!
Time was when, had Mr. Stephens and tue
Southern Whigs united with Southern Dem
ocrats in holding up the hands and strength-
eng the hearts of the few faithfal among the
Northern Democracy, in their conflict with
the allied forces of Wbiggery and Free-soil
ism, the result of the conflict might have
been different—the present political aspect
and outlook how infinitely different! But
SfHsrinl <*on tract* will bo made for yearly adver-
t -etaeola occupy ing a quarter, half or whole col- i
u an. j
'4f“ Advertisements from
a ; si be paid is advance.
L*'«l Advertisements published ai the usuh)
ri - . Obituary uotices exceeding ton liner ebarg-
• a-a ivertmetcenU. Announcing candidate* for
a See, $5 00. to be paid in advance.
unfortunately such was not their destiny
„ and our good fortune. Year after year
this town or that town, this section or that J giu, but by the Railroad system of the Union, t Democrats went into the fight for our rights,
! section should be entirely ignored ; and that I The most noticeable result that has followed 1 1 1 l, “ 1 _ “ 1
in regions beyond Mason and Dixon, with
tho subject he viewed in a light broad ! all her efforts to keep herself iu position j g ' tlie ^ ras ^’ I ’o. c,, nsciousne-.s ^at if smitten
i cl-c-■, down by their Whig and Abolition foes
. enough to reflect its hearings upon the State j that a traveller leaving the Capitol of the Em-
traneieut persona J ]apge .
As just stated, Milledgeville was made
the Seat of Government in 1804. Georgia
J was not then what she is now: scarcely, in-
Whrn atverti.-cio< ni“ arc ordered iu all the in- ; deed, did she resemble her present self in
i- , ‘' >ncluding D iil_v. Tri-Wccuiy and Weekly, j <me i m p. )rta nt.feature. Her population
S> per cent, will r>o added to I lie above ratio.. J ' * "
The privilege
limited to i heir
pire Stale of the South, must buy two tickets
at the depot to carry him to Macon—a dis
tance of only thirty-seven miles.
We intend no d srespect to Milledgeville
or her citizens. It is not her fault or theirs,
:hat science and enterprise, and the pro
now, 900,185, was then hut 200,000; her gressive spirit of the ago, have changed this
cn .nties, numbering now 112, then mini | m,hie State as they have done. She was
bered only £9 ; and the area ..f her occupied j , nce fit to »>e the Capitol, and if she is not
territory, which is now 03,397 square miles, j s( , now< j t i s solely because of her unf.u-tu-
wus then less than 25,000. The Ocinulgee | nate location. Could she he transplanted
formed for some distance the western houn- j like a tree, to a letter spot, she might soon
dary of her settlements, the country beyond | lake a new growth, and become a Metropolis
being a wilderness. That river flows now j worthy of the State.
through the heart of her civilization and] We speak of her decline not to insult her
wealth. West, and northwest of its hanks J in lier fal | en condition, but to direct atten-
aro several incorporated cities, besides a rion more parrioulary to the causes which
multitude of towns and villages, surrounded j produced it. Whoever will contemplate these
on every hand by plantations, farm-, j ,. au ses impartially will concede she is no
churches and school houses, and a popula- | lunger the place for the capitol. Indeed, it
ti.mas thrifty, industrious and intelligeutas j inay (, e questioned if even one man could
any in the land. j |, e f,,urul, who if the capitol was not already
It is a striking fact that upon that por- j ilt . Miledgeville, would designate that as any
thin of our territory which has been organ- i thing like an eligible location. Would not
izeil into counties, and settled up since the ; there he one unanimous voice against it?
location of the Capitol at Milledgeville, there ! And will not all agree that a location which
of yearly ad vert! Here is Htric.tlv i
v*n immediate and regular hu«i- j
ae*s. !
ProfMjional Curtin not exceeding gix line?*, $15 ,
per annum.
A lv«*riiH«?»nt*nf •* not specified hh to time will he !
p iMished till ordered out, and charged at regular j
A IvortiserncntH inserted in the Weekly paper !
onlr will *i« charged uf former raten.
Trim*— $2 00 fit r annum, invariably in advance, :
_ _____
An Avalanche of Bread.
Yesterday, the e were one hundred cars J
luaded with wheat at Chattanooga, ready i
to move, and the depot crammed to its ut
most capacity. Two trains a day arrive at !
Chattanooga, by the Nashville R iad, and it I
was estimated yesterday that there were! - , . • lt , rn « . a _, i r ,, , , . ... „ . ,
i- . , , , . re.-ided in 1850, faxe hundred and fifty-four i would be thus rejected if we of to-day had
stored in that town 30,000 bushels of wheat | . , , , , , ~ c > . . . , J . ... J .
thousand, three bundled and seventy-four i the original question to decide, is none the
of our people, being more than one-half of j less improper because of a decision made
all those in the State, and almost treble the ! fifty years ago. Tlie Legislators of that day
population of the whole Stive in 1804. Ol
the.-e 355,490 were xvliites, a number so vast
thai 02,189 dwellings were required for their
Subdivided into seventy counties, this new
Territory embraces within its limits the
exclusive of that in store hv our Road.
From Chattanooga down to Etowah, the de
pots are all full to bursting. On the 9th,
there were received at Calhoun 2,000
bushels, and the hands could not knock off
their loading till 11 o’clock at night. Maj.
Young, the Agent, of Calhoun, thinks that
from his depot alone, he will ship 100,000
bushels during the season. To-day, firr full
traius will be doivn, and we suppose each
car will contain 130 sacks.
The rush of this description of freight has
been unprecedented, caused, as we learn,
by the offers of New York Millers to give
$1.25 for all wheat delivered at Depot by
;he 10th, and at Charleston and Savannah
by the 15th of this month. We fear, in
view of this stAto of things, that much liti
one moiety of the very people for whose in
terest they were battling would rejoice at
their fall. The result of a struggle main
tained for years under such disheartening
circumstances is now liefore the world.—
Another and another and another faithful
Northern Dem >crat has been smitten down,
never to rise again. O hers, disgusted, have
made terms with the foe, and joined our
enemies. Had they been su-tained in and
out of Congress, by a united Southern peo
ple, this organization might still be coin-
A Sample •t that “ Strang American
We were told, a few days ago, that a pa
per was circulating among our city subscri
bers for the signatures of those who desired
to cripple the Intelligencer by a withdrawal
of their support. From what we heard of
this portentious display of “Americanism,"
and the formidable length of that bit of pa
per, we had prepared our minds for the
worst and had made arrangements to re
trench our expenses and thereby be better
prepared for the shock. The suspense in
which we were kept was cruel, for we were
not allowed to know what the verdict in
our case was to he, for three whole days,
and besides we were debarred the American
privilege of being present at our own trial,
as well as a sight of the bill of indictment.
Yesterday the “lifted thunder" fell and
to-day we mourn the loss of three whole
subscriptions to our “ valuable ” Daily and
three more to that crack sheet, the Weekly
Intelligencer. We make the erasures more
in sorrow than in anger, for we judge our
departed friends read mighty little of any
thing that is safe for them to see but what
they gathered from our labors. They lose
more than we do by the operation, we are
sure, for while their six subscriptions were
were wi e and patriotic men, but they had ; in t | )e p r |, ic ipi e
pact and resistiess: there might still he ' a great deal to them, we have, through the
•vliat c mfessedly-d .es nor now exist, a par- . . &
ty strong enough to maintain the Union, ' S e,,eros,t y of a g oud f«end m our need,
the Constitution and the rights of all the I wade arrangements to go on with the pub-
States. j lication of the Intelligencer. And xvo would
Mr. Stephens is for reorganizing such a j take occasion to sav to the public that all
party Most heartily do «e sympathise ! report3 t0 the contrary are without founda-
with his patriotic purpose, and wish for it6 T . vr j - ,
success. But how much'better and easier I , M,,nda - V ,u g ht we addressed in
it would have been to have sustained and j Gns P 9 Athenaeum, the good people of this
preserved that party liefore its virtualdisso- i city, upon the pending political issues.—
lution. lhis might have been done by the i The offence for which we are now about to
co-operation of hi,ns if and the Whigs of j do penance . w:w occasioned by an illus-
the south. For the superiority of the I J
Northern Democrats over N .rrhern Whigs : traUo “ we S ave ol the tendency ana neces-
was not more manifest in the Nebraska vote ! sar J e “ ect t*‘ e principle of the K. N. ex-
than on every other rest question which has elusion of foreigners. We adverted to the
argument as developed last Saturday by
their candidate for Congress in this dis
trict. Mr. Hill had said that the inbred
love of one’s natal soil was ineradicable,
and indeed, paramount to any attachment
that could ever be implanted by the mere
influence of location in an adopted country.
This is in deed and truth the meaning of
N. Platforms on the citizen-hip of
..unting both "sound and j f^eign-born residentsamong us. We asked
[For the Uhmta Daily Intelligencer.]
Political Dhcnislou.
The political discussion in the City Hall
on Wednesday last, we deem, sirs, should
not pass without a notice ; for we truly be
lieve it to have been a model one.
The time allotted to each precluded the
possibility of an elaborate argument; bu*
this was more than compensated for by the
(r<irr‘“*i«'n<lencp of Ilia Atlanta I ally lutPlligencpr.J
Slew York Affairs.
New York, July 10, 1855.
•‘To tlio hills, to the hills away." I could not
! endure the thought of suffering here in a pandi-
Wesleyan Female College.
Macon, July 13, 1855.
The iisttu! Bacalaureate Sermon was >
preached on Sabbath last at the M. E.
Church, in this city, in the piesenee of the j mon i um 0 f gunpoxvder, heated bricks and dusty
pupil- and graduating class of the Wesleyan i 3treet8 during the anniversary of the birth-day of
Female Lollege, bv the Rev. Bishop Pierce, liberty, so immediately after writing you last week
and on the following Monday and Tuesday, ■ I took steam and hurried away to the Catskills.—
the examination of the young ladies in j The trip has been described so many times it U
variety of speakers and the perfect urbanity j the difTerenr departments * of study, took ««* my intention to bore you with my «delight-
and good humor which characterized th® I place in the College Chapel. The Hall, as ful experiences,” hut I only mention it apologeti-
entire proceedings. Whatever difference of aaual on such occasions, was crowded to , 0ll,l y as a sort of excnse for m - v i,lnbillt - v t0 s P oak
opinion may have been held by the audience I overflow5ng with citizens of this, and other of Ncw y° rk * inc « ** 1 ^
as to the merits of the discussion, none Southern States and it was extremely erati- ■ 5tlUwaikm S arm,na am0D S tbo c!om1 *' 1,1 !1 vcr ?
. k. ,1 • ! t,OUthern &tates ’ and 11 waseXtremely &mtl 1 rare atmosphere, listening dreamilv to the music
could be displeased x.ith the manner m fyin „ to w ; tne3S the proficiency of the young i of wa ter-fall8 and gathering Alpine flowers, with
which it was conducted. It is not our pur- i a( ji es ; u their various studies. an immense panorama of ever-changing xvood
pose, within the limits of this short article, j From their prompt and correct answers, laud, dale and stream spread out at my feet, not-
to review tho arguments presented on this | we were a i mogt | e d to the opinion that their j withstanding I hax*o left tho elevated couch whero
occasion, much less to attempt a refutation ' proficiency has excelled (if it could bo) their Uoar >’ Ri P Vttu Winkle took his somewhat lengthy
of those from which we may differ. predecessors.on like former occasions. The 11 ab ’ umn - v hours away ’
The first speaker who claimed our atten- j correct rehearsals of their studies in thedif- I Tke 4th ^ f ™ «P««-
turn Mr. Stone, courteously relieved us of fepent depart ments, reflect great praise on t U f " “S*'
. 1 ’ , f ol poor widows have been torced to mourn the
those, m whom has been confided the man-
come up in Congre s during the last ten
years. But we forbear—and give place to
the adniigtble passage to which xve have re
ferred :
“But. sir, justice as well as duty requires
me to sav to the gentleman that bad as the i
National Democracy is, it is not quite as bad I
as the National American Council, even up- j
On the pas-
would be constructed,
principal part of nine judicial Circuits, fixe . he scattered over the length and breadth of
Congressional Districts, nine Militia Divi- j her Indian Territory, and that other points
trine of the party in their platform. No
one replied or excepted to our statement of
sinus, and eighteen Brigades. The number
of its civil officers cannot be estimated at
less than 3 238, nor that of its military at
less than 7,G07. It has 420 Postoffices, and
its Courts of Justice, including Magistrates
Courts, are opened about 7,840 times in a
year. In the last Legislature, it was repre
sented by 134 members, and its inhabitants
gatioit and loss must he met by some par- j pa i d taxes in 1852, on property valued at
ties. The crop, under the strong induce- i 8219,190,499. Their investment in farms
ments ot this favorable state of tho market, j alone, amounts to 857,484,695 ; and in
xvas reaped at its earliest stage of ripeness, ■ farming implements and machinery, to
and then in a wet spell, got out and pressed 83,348,774. These farms embrace 12,116,-
lorward in large bulks into Depot. This : 850 acres, of which 3,370,042 acres are in
will iuevi ably heat, and to a great extent j actual cultivation, the rest being unimproved,
suffer deterioration. Then, we have no ; Five years ago, the annual production of
doubt, as the State Road is looked upon as ; cotton was 282,206 bales ; of xvheat 720,300
fair game for all the world to hawk at, that! bushels; of oats, 2,443,967 bushels ; and of
thousands of dollars in tho way of reclama- j corn, 12,116,866 bushels, besides immense
tion will be brought against it to make good j quantities of beans, peas, potatoes and
-his damage. We learn that already the , other important crops.
Tennesseeans are threatening to sue for j Such is the marvelous transformation
losses growing out of the detention of their \ which a period of fifty years has worked out
grain for a few days, and experience warns ! iu Northern, Western, Southwestern and a
us that what a Tennesseean demauds of our 1 portion of Southern Ge irgiu.
Road he will get. j Blessed with a fertile soil, a healthy cli-
The next Legislature will, xve doubt not, i mate, mineral treasures of untold value, and
be forced to take measures against the a full 6haro of all the advantages, natural
hardships and vexatious impositions which and artificial, which Georgia can boast of,
our Road is constantly exposed to in its these fresh and growing regions of the State
transactions with our neighbor. In the \ appear destined fir even a more rapid ad-
case, for instance, of carrying forward the i vancement than that already inado. We
present, crop of grain, we hold that the : are far from intimating anything to the dis-
State R iad should nut ho held to account paragement of the older counties. They
tor the loss of shippers by the failure to have run a noble raco, and no doubt, are yet
send off ns fast as delivered the immense ! to make honorable and useful progress,
incoming crop, when the rolling stock now They cradled our prosperity in its infancy,
on tho R ind is fairly adequate to any ordi- aud in its riper years have always put forth
na'-y demand, and all due dilligence is used a hand to help it.
by the road officers of the Road in employ
ing that stock to the best advantage. Yet
we look for nothing else but to hear that
Tennessee shippers have made largo de
mands upon us for damage to wheat which
, , , f proportion. ,
to acton the facts and prospects before j sage of the Kansas Nebraska Bill there xvere Ln K
them. Had they foreseen that our State j 87 Northern Democrats in the IL>u<e of 1 a
would become what she is, that railroads ! Representatives _
that hundreds 0 f | uns °und. good and had. Out of tlie-e 87 ; '- n our remarks to he set right by any mem-
r , . ,, ! present, 44 voted for the bill, and 43 against her of the Order if we misstated the di
four population would so soon , , t< a ma j., rity „f that organization at the
North voted for it. If this great Southern
question then had .been submitted to the , , T - - „„ , ,
Northern Democrats present in the House ! the K A P° SItIon * 1 Len we ca,led U 1" )U
xvheti the vote was taken—and to them only that large audience tolisten well toourdeduc-
—without another vote for or against it, j tions from these narrow, bigoted premises,
either from the North or South, the Bill We demanded to know how it was, if the
would have passed. What would hateheen ; ,
its late, or your majority platform, if left to « enerai P^P'^ition was true, that no man
the Northern delegation*? j could love another man's soil as he did his
These 44 men I know. I was with them j own—if this drawback in the
in the contact for Kansas for days and nights i taehments of an Irishman’s
together—without sleep or rest—and I will
n the State xvould become infinitely more
accessible than Milledgeville to most of our
people, would they have made the selection
they did with any expectation of its being
If then the location they fixed upon he
inappropriate to our condition in 1855, why
should we hesitate about removal? The
State is not bound for all time bv an act of
the necessity of answering his speech by
answering it himself; and when he at
length sat down, it rested a matter of doubt
in our minds what xvere his opinions on the
subject of immigration, or whether he wag
in favor of religious iibercy or intolerance.
We haxe but one fault to find with Mr.
Stone’s speech, and that is to ho attributed
to a long and successful practice at the bar,
and but a limited acquaintance with politi
cal discussions. His speech was essentially
that of a lawyer's—to ignore one portion J
the testimony while ho elucidated the oth
er—xvas the main effort of a discussion of
forty-five minutes. The resolution oi the
Philadelphia Platform in favor u religious
liberty was heralded forth with ample com
ments, whiie a resolution of the same Plat
form, proscribing Catholics was suffered to
lie uunotieed. Perhaps had the gentleman
been allo.xed to finish his argument we
xvould have heard something of it.
The speech of Col. Howard xve honestly
think completely established the unconsti-
tutiunality, on the Catholic test, of the
Know Nothing platform, and dissipated in
to thin air the spocious pretext so often set
up, that upon the same principle that a par-
tizan in politics opposes our holding differ
ent opinions on governmental policy, a
Protestant may legally withold his vote from
a Catholic.
The speaker’s treatment, of this question
did not rest here, but embraced a thorough pu ^jj ( .
and complete vindication of the Catholics j !
against the imputed charge of owing civil
agement and training of the young ladies in
their collegiate course.
The Commencement Exercises began on
Thursday forenoon, and Wednesday tho
young ladies finished reading their compo
sitions, after which, the Degrees wore con
ferred by Rev. Mr. Myers, and a very ap
propriate address, delivered on “ Female
Education.” by L. Q. C. Lamar, Esq., of
his city. The address was decidedly a lite
rary treat, eloquent and argumentative,
strong, stirring and persuasive, and well
worthy of the man. and of the occasion.
We would here take occasion to speak more
of his address, but as xve learn it xvill be
placed before Mie public in pamphlet form,
we will leave for others a more extended
It is due to the graduates to say, they ac
quitted theuiselx’es with decided ability, and ! ped uu iku folks below
as xve listened attentively at the reading of | over-ripe fruit.) Girdin
1 shattered limbs of their patriotic young sons,
whose labor they trustingly looked forward to for
support in their declining years. About the usual
number of blight young eye? were extinguished
and almost at many faces burnt as in days gone
by. There was not quite so much drunkenness
and rowdyism as there is xvont to bo, probably ow
ing to the moral influence of tho temperance law.
which was not enforced nr all. In short, a veteran
citizen could scarcely distinguish “the. 1th" o!
: 55 from “ the -4th of '54, except that he might
have ft twinge or two more of rheumatism, while
, the people had uniformed policemen and no c
works in tho Park.
The ubsouce of this latter aim qua. non of r-
! celebration closed the day unduly , s„ in order that
tho tax payor’s money might be spent in a go d
cause, the city authorities arranged to burn it up
last night, and I xvas “there to see”—that is, n-
muclt as could be seen through the dense foliage ol
the Park tress, which xvere laden likewise with »
heavy crop of urchins, (who now and thou drop
f the branch-full like
up my loins [ wedged
the compositions, wo were at a loss to define
which of the class gained for herself the
i distinguished degree of “first best," aud
! each composition was written in a chaste
and polished stxle, and delivered in a clear
1 and audible tune of voice. But our object
is not to present an elaborate view of the
; exercises on this occasion, hut to direct the
i attention of• the Faculty, to tho system (or
rather the error) heretofore pursued, in the
1 prominent exhibition of young ladies to the
uivself through the crowd in every direction:
now toxvards Tammany—now- fountainward, and
in thedireetiou of Broadway—hoping all thetimi-
! to find a point d’ Ujjpui from which an uninter
rupted view of one, just one. piece could be obtain
i ed, but all in vain. Now, I am fond of fireworks,
; yes, I may say passionately fond of them; but I
like to see them. If you cau't -ee the lirexvork-
there is not so much interest attached—it is all
| smoke. So thought nine-tenths of the vast crowd
! in the Park, every individual of whom was like
mysolf, drifting around indiscriminately without
,, o ,. , . - rudder, iu search of a vista, which the low
aze, for the purpose of readtng their branches and the pyramidical piles of men, women
compositions. Modesty on the part of those , and children, built up architecturally on the fence
who are just emerging, as it were, into so- chains, continually interrupted. The taste of Al-
.i e 0 i«ince to any otliei p. «xvei beyond the ( c ; ety> forbids the further use of an error dermanic arrangements is proverbial, and we went
State o pv ic t ley weie citizen... ut by j \ V hi c h has been so lung in vogue, as to be- * lume satisfied, stoutly insisting with ourself, how-
tar tho most effect,xe port, n ot Col IIoxx- : ^ )llmost an established custonlr and ; t ; 8 j that * tb * one of the avenues had
aids speech was m defence of hmi eli and ! . . . . - , , . ; boon chosen instead of the Hail stepi, full
* ! rmnnil t uH. thr* bn<»nftv nnn rmisc* ititovf**!-. t a 1
i . , , 1on , ... defend them and stand by them as long as
the Legislature passed in 1804. lhat act like j lhey stand , iy the Constitution, by my rights
others, should remain in force only so long and . ri llts j dl , not care wi » a *
as it is adapted to our circumstances. It rv »i 1A _ J - p
has already stood tot, long : and its repeal
superior at-
love for Ire
land, made him untrustworthy as a citizen
of Georgia, how was it possible for aUeor-
gia Know Nothing to stop short in the appli-
ty name they are called : they are good and ; cation of his platform to men from other re
urge,dy demanded by-the interest anti i ” iiTX’E'liS 1 gi ° nS ? Here * ** Wa8 Ma88achuw5tte
convenience of Unpeople ; and by the pos.- of the heated f urnace unscathed, and without
prospects of the the smell of fire upon their garments; and
I give it to voa my countrymen, you may
heed it or not, as my deliberate opinion,
that those men at the North constitute the
only nucleus around xvhich a sound, nation
al party, based upon the maintenance of the
Union and our Constitutional rights under
tion, pride and future
Alabama, a State admitted into the Un
ion long since 1804, has found it necessa
ry to remove her capital—a necessity
created by the introduction of railroads,
and by other important changes in her
c . „ n . , , . , , . , I it, ever can be formed ! It is true, they all
Slhall Georg,a, who claims to be ,n ad- . ca „ the m*elves Democrats. Not a Whi- or
yance of all her Southern sisters, content j ~ Know Nothing” from the entire North
hersdf with a location so lar out of place. eame to our ie (:ue in thfl h( , ur of danger.—
and with a dilapidated b.ate House that | And ifa , )f these n „ w are disp0sed S , 0 (ay
citizens of Tennessee and Alabama xvould j d(JtCll their armsagainst w „ U X we not
smile at ,f they compared it with the,r own | requ i re then, to lay down the same arms
beautiful structures in Nashville and Mont ; a g a i lis t our friends at the North, before we Rtionists—do they not, many of them, stay
gomery Fortunately for the honor ol the j ta ke them into our alliance? Would it not j here abolitionists—and when like bees that
“Empire state, the unsightly rum to which 1 ho ... _ . , ,
she gives the name of State House is hid- IL ' - f_ S ; have laden themselves with honey gathered
den on a spot so remote and solitary that
to-day, out of this Union by her contumacy
and her contempt for the Constitution—out
of it by her nullification of a law made for
our behoof—for our salvation. She sends
her people here, and have the men of Mas
sachusetts no love for their natal soil—have
they no prejudices that are decided—have
they no bias in favor of their State ? Aye,
have they no committals against us, and
have they not given us good cause to know
that their wretched spite would glory in our
ruin ? Do not, we said, many of the men
Jrom this State come here, and come as abo
fexv opportunities
occur for making this
tho most suicidal policy for us now to ioin . j ^ ® ,
c u J - V. here, do not many of them fly awav, as they
any party; one of whose main objects is to: J J
cause the disgrace and overthrow of these i come ’ “Abolitionists, to their Northern
The Redan and the Malakoff.
These now famous towers, that may be ; Void'd do'lt
grace and ox-erthrow of these ,
our friends ? Sooner should my tongue : hive. Carry out the K. N. principle of ex
cleave to the roof of my mouth, and this ! elusion of men from our soil, because not
right arm fall from its socket, before I
“Demagogues and small men”
was not in a tit state to throw into hulk as
well as for any change in tho price of grain
which may not he in their favor before their
freights reach market. This will result in
a great loss t<> the State and xve think all fair
minds xvill say is unreasonable and unjust.
A Prlvat* Pnrly.
A gouty black bottle stood upon our ta
ble as we entered the den editorial yester
day morning, and boldly confronted us. It
had planted it-elf firmly upon a glorious
union platform—of luscious Bride’s Cake
—and a kind take by way of inscrip
tion fair this goodly structure, prudently
*earned our Junior against alloxring
himself to get too happy because tho
world was now going as “ merry as a mar
riage bell " with the happy donor. We
took your advice, dear Colonel, and con
cluded. a- wc had been nil day Wednesday
among the Prohibitionists at Marietta, it
would not he seemly to drink a whole quart
of Maderio, so we called in all hands, toasted
you and yours, and with three times three
hoped " you might both live one thousand
years and your shadows might never be
Frr* Barliaiat.
To be given on the 26th July inst., at
Providence, twelve miles south-east of Can
ton. in Cherokee co.
The undersigned having been appointed
a Committee of Invitation, do hereby invite
public diacussion on the question noxv agi
tating the country, and earnestly request
the speakers of both parties to meet us on
that dav urn! p’iva «w _ _ i_
mer number of counties, circuits, districts,
divisions Ac., are not the only important
changes that have taken place since 1804.
If it be true that Georgia is tho Empire
State of the South, her railroads have had
no small share *n elevating her to that dis
tinction. Iudeed, it is impossible to trace
her pre-eminence to any other source, as
the most thorough analysis of her many el
ements of prosperity would fail to account
for it, if her railroad enterprise; xvere left
out of viexv. Nature, although munificent
to her in an exalted degree, has lavished
upon her no exclusive favors; none in which
many of her Southern sisters have not been
admitted to a full participation. The same
born here, and say for that sin, they are not
said to guard the of Sebastopol are I charge me^Ut ha^Tng'turned Demo-1 10 1)8 r ® Iie< ! oa * and what, we naked, will
already celebrated for deeds of valor, on the j ciat> f „ r thus de f en ding men whoare Demo- 1 not th,s P rincl P le demalld >’* respect
.’.T? ‘ ,f) I t t .| bPb, ?f er ' i a,,d , l,e ; , ^ ed ’ that j crats, but whoare, nevertheless your friends, of the Northern population among us?
.t.nios in m e oilier te so, ,e ore t le put it makes no difference with me. By i Here is the great offenco we have committed,
xralls ol li-oy, 'housandsof long years since, j l_ ,i .• , , J : , . ", , . , .
The first of these towers, the Redan, is a 'th 1 i L r ! n ^ nd ^ r 1 7" ur j a,,d u ?eem8 that t,ieir own boasted plat-
”" hl ® a _ “J ” n » ^ w *^ stand or fall, as | f or m on foreigners when shown up as it de
serves to be, is so distasteful that we are to
be persecuted for it.
Now take this compendious argument of
party vo eu for principles, not men, contend
ed the speaker, and it was this which had
preserved it intact and victorious through
so long a course of time. He voted n.u for
Johnson or for P.erceas orivate individuals.
i honed that the Faculty, and those interest
ed, will, in future, give this subject that due
consideration which it requires and justly
demands. * *
[For the Atlanta Daily IntelJigneer.l
A Silglit Mistake.
, Now Howard—Give your friend Hammond
but he yielded his vote to the exponent of j fail . p i av . he was fa5v> frank and courteous
the Democratic principles. The establish
ment of wiat he believed to be the correct
policy of the government, it became him as
a patriot to advance over all personal pre
dilections and prix'ate friendships. We have
rarely, if ever, seen a better stump speaker
than Col. Hoxvard. Ilia fluent address and
gentlemanly bearing can on no occasion fail
to command the deepest attention, but noxv
when warmed up in vindication of the
°nc only enjoyed that luxury at it wa.-;.
These are gad days for dogs indeed. The.lone-
ly wanderers whom xve meet in peregrinations,
xvith close muzzles on their cold noses, seem to
havo lost their canine character entirely. Ni
longer do wo aeo them hurrying with My tho and
agile step from heap to heap of garbage to smell
out the dainty morsel, or rushing with headlong
to you, and you ought to have corrected i intrepidity between the legs of hoi pedestrians
“Cuius,” in vour paper of the 14th before j towards tho savory doors of cook shops. „r licking
you endorsed it by suffering it inserted > the faces of prostrate infants as a sort of apoWv
without comment. Why did not “Cains tell | tor having upset them. Oh no, they pass you by
your 2,000 subscribers what your friend drooping tail and upturned eye of shumo as if they
Nelson said about secretorganizations, Cuba, !e,t thc muzz!o 011 their hearts. They seem to ask
treason and Pierce’s opinion on that subject: y<> ^ * n Hn “ b J cet > deprecating way to pick them up
• .i i i v i Rnd take them to tho pc*ud-—thev ratlin*
in other words, why did not your Cams tell ! .. t 1 '
I, j j j r •* p • t. i • » i die, they would it they could, out prusnu? ncid
att truly? Is it fair to pretend to give the , .J .
But the increase of population, the occo-1 i )U g 6 semicircular earthwork, forming, >•» j the case mavlie ’ 1
pation of an immense tract of vacant terri- , fact, part of the main fortifications on the ! ia „ , ,
tory and the consequent addition to the for- j land side of the city, just outside the walls, j Vo | ta ; r ,« ay ma^Tnetr j
It was originally of stone, but since the in-, ...j „ .. .T.lV .7 J
vestment of the city by the French and Eng- ; . ' h : •[ ,, . K l t V , . ia ^ eve, 7 ma [' , • —e> - _
lish, immense earthworks have beet, added : . l th : n !. T 1 n' d that there , ,s . such °. urs ’ P re>ented ,n the ®<>n,pass of a lady';
to it. i d>0 - - as vve !L n* personal integ- ring, and let any man, if he can, shew tht
The Malakoff Tower is next north and ^ p^Vathlr'E ! riaw in if ' Nt >« gentlemen of the Knox-
east ,.f the Redan ; between them are the ; ^ ther than And P this I intend to !
0,-hakoo ravine anil earthworks. The Mai- ; ulainra5ll even unto death, whether political
akoff Mauds upon low ground near the head . -.i,11 on.- r -’ , c f . .. . . „ .
of the Ca eening Bay. but on the south- j ’Llfr ^ L 1 L ,""" a » d Southern ! gltng—hence the spasmodic ant,es you are
„ o...t „ A.m ti.„ m i I r, K ,,t! * can be preserved only on the princi- kickin
Nothing party, the argument is perfectly
unanswerable, and in its grip youarestran
and western side. The Mamelon
more commanding position, and when it
xvas taken by the French, the Russ
up. Any way, we are going ahead
400 yards in front of it in a | Relations ofTsaT' T, uphold !a^d enforce I f th ° Ur dlU - V ’ and we knuw that
by^tlie ’French’ the Ru-ian” ! ^" se P ri,,ci I ,le ^ a «««* organiza- i lwa f our I ,ath a rttrai S ht «> ad - And *
ships out of the In as ' T,on inUHt * ,e f**>*n*ed, boxed upon them.— J° u n,,w * if our list falls off for talkin^
th.-v xvere evn,,-e,lro the wnna of ! Suuh an organization must look not to the ; to you like a true and brave-hearted Ameri-
climate and character of soil, thc ^nie | , je considered as forming a part of the mail,
mineral wealth, the same • r superior natu- j defence of the city; whilst the Mamelon, al-
ral facilities for internal communication
. ‘’ lve me | oven is denied them, and suicide—the noxv-a-day-
. , ^ history of a discussion, and withhold what great privilege of their masters—is prohibited.—
Democratic party he stood forth the orator ■ t he anti-American Orators said, which ought j Many a noble Newfoundland and St. Bernard has b t .
indeed. not to have been said, and which they did ! glm to “dwindle, peak and pint-, - ' and hut fortht
Col. Hammond is a Whig. No mutations j not UPr can sustain,—charge upon the!“ pridow ! l!cbhumble3not --” : mdth,-philosoph;-
of time or circumstances will ever make him i Speakers on behalf of the American ! Ca ' r30eetion tbat “dog-days” wme only once «
anything else. The last of the rear guard i party what they did not say, instead of sta- j y ° !ir ’ Woul ? saek the rivuy or tbe ruilroad. They
of the Whig army will bo his glorious epi- j ting what was said, and so fairly and for- i T/ob”. 6 e f lt ’“ !!te h ” 3we ^ ° r dog. catching
taph. He may have lost hope in the revival j eibly sustained j * , el U1J ex en?l ' e s, ’ a e ni ‘' t0 ' VIU r ?;iw tb *'
ri J , . | ciuiy ousiameu. other day a huge long xvagou with hi-'b oratin^
of his party; but ne has determined to This communication reminds me of thc j drawn by four mules, holding the first” dozen vn,
avenge its fall. Know Nothingism is op- ; quarrel of txx’o preachers who were very j grant canines which had beon gaihored during t’m-
posed to Democracy, and therefore, Col. j abusive to each other, when at last one of i early evening. A burly negro on either sidewalk.
Hammond is in favor of Know Nothingism. thorn said, “Well, Brother, let us get down ; with sIeev0B rolle d up and a pouch containing
The defeat of Johnson is the magnum bo,mm, j on our knees and pray.” But the other said j aundry onticing ,t ‘ orsolri of live r, etc., to coax the
and to accomplish this he has set himself I “No, sir: I will not placo myself in your dWitWn h “ rcacb ’ marclieti slowl . v onwar d,
cooly and resuJuteiy to work. If Andrews ; power, unless you will pledge your word j a saimge-Tove” I^rcmbhn^vlske^Tvseb fl.S
can t do it, Overby can The united force and honor as a gentleman that you will not j question, where do they all to? what i- their
«,f both must be exerted for this purpose.— abuse me where i can’t be heard in reply.” ! ultimate destination?
Let Johnson and the Democratic party be: If you don’t correct this man Caius in : Well! Mayor Wood hab^-odaced another grand
beat at all events. Col. Hammond xvill par- j your paper on or before Monday next, I shall \ reformatory instintution. He hae re-organizen
don us for correcting two historical errors ! claim to be heard in your columns. Ham- I tbe surgical department of tho police, the exist-
into which he unwittingly fell, lie said ; mond cares nothing about it. SUIAC. ! enco of wbicb not having been suspected before
that all the Democrats, and a considerable \ h, V Vo are ham.v i ^ T' citizenf ’ they are curiousl >' inquiring hot,
e e nappy , ae has re-organised it. No matter, the Mayo
, Good Nexvs from Beloxv.
here transposed the terms Democrats and
us candles to
people at any
thev mav ' • * ,,V J “.M« oc esseimiu elements | “ —„ the success
- ■*’ 1 j n any such organization as I speak of.— j of the K. N. party is the success of revolu-
Whigs, giving a meaning entirely different
from the facts, and from what he intended.
Again he alleged that the Puritans were
driven to this county by Catholic persecu
tion ; this is so far from being the case that
they were driven in company xvith Catholics
from Protestant persecution.
Capt. Nelson was the last speaker who
engaged our attention, and he did engage it °S on
with a most masterly defence of the Dem-
till our prof- j ocratie party North. If the Union is to be
the city wheu they are ailing and should liuxe the
county has beon disbanded. A reliable i f) estof medical auvico xvithout charge, and so he
authority reports that every Democrat in \ P ro P oses t0 select a Surgeon General and seven
Dougherty county who had been inveigled j underiiugs from medical rneu of the first reputation
into the Councils of the Know Nothings has j * r t th ? ^ f p f icemc I n ’ T , he 3 * ation '
withdrawn. except one. We also have I ™ ! ’ 6 . u,otl as bos P ltah and to 8e pro-
cheering reports from Dooly and Worth I v, ^ ecl Wlth chests, surgical instruments,
counties. Tho Democratic eolum stands j < *' c ” ^ c ‘ I suppose medals to be distributed to the
firm. | surgical stall' for extracting teeth skillfully nnd
^ tz v i J, ^ i trephining cracked skulls.
e^“l no K. Ns have oeen deteated in Or-1 whatnoxt? Arrests
and external commerce, which she enjoys,
have been given to some of them; and yet
how far has she outstripped them all in her
progress towards the highest- destinies of a
When thc Legislature declared Milledge
ville the Seat of Government, Railroads were
unknown in any part of the xv.*rld. A new
era I,ns since commenced, and Georgia has
profited liy it. She has now of finished and
working Railroads, 985 miles, of which 520
miles traverse that portion of her surface so
lately a wilderness. With throe States she
is united by these ligaments of iron
her enterprise
is daily
on nexv
We u
some of
This American party never can lie such an | tion and civil war.
though important from its commanding po- j it^enmltr^o’ 'f 'I'/' F, ’ r .’ 1,es£ Ul ; The Note of Sulae
,i.„i„.,. _ | its enmity to Foreigners as a class, and; rae note of Suite.
Catholics as a class, its greatest spite, even •; ueunir to the claims our personal
xx-itli the best of them North, seems to Le j friend Suiac sets up to the use of our
directed against those xery men at the
North to whom I allude, and to whom we
siiion, was nevertheless a detached work,
separate and distinct front the Russian main
line of defence.
It is a noteworthy fact, that the unsuc
cessful assault on the part of the Allies was
made on the 18th «f_June, the anniversary j ’ih£h^, fe7 JnSS^ne'S
of the battle of Waterloo. Possibly the
purpose xvas to cement still closer the union i rr nl - - , ., .
of England and France, by sinking the ^ abitie by and
memories of that memorable day in the j a )Va | .•> & vv S l ' lu g them their
storming and reduction of Sebastopol. A | ' '
hapj.y thought, perhaps, but terminating in j The u axtles 1n - T11E Crimea.—Since the
a melancholy disappointment
-X. Y. Ex-
time of tlie battle of Waterloo, June 18th,
i 1815. to the late general attack on the Re
dan and Malakoff' works, in the southern
that day and give us their view, as araplle department of man’s affairs, which have ' hind buildings ; they atfirst defended them- | At^he Kmfe oTlv’a! erh H.!\YeVingmn < ’had
arrangements will be made for their accom
Come one. come all.
eli McConnell 4
been produced by Steam in its application se Les, hut xvere forced to surrender to su-
10 inland transportation ; but it is unueces- P® r '“ r numbers. Fixe xvere killed, and one
n 1 1 , , - « olncer, one surgeon and nine sailors caged,
0 "ary. For who does not know of these? of whom four xvere wounded. The boat was
| W ho ie so unreflective as not to see their im- sunk, and the boat’s flag, together with sev
= ; portant bearing upon the subject we are ® n guns and seven cutlasses, taken. On
5* discussing ? It is an observation heard £be following dav a frigate approached and
P every day that Steam and Railroads have hours ^ @ ^ ace * ne ® 9etua Ry f° r
0 'a fW r! me , Smn £ ard ’ Atlanta Exami- j worked a complete revolution in everything The massacre at Ilango is spoken of in
ner ana Lherokcc Georgian will please around us And in no case is the effect the St. Petersburg Gazette as a very suc-
*°Julv 0 1855 more conspicuous than in the matter of cessful skirmish. The success of this af-
y ~ —— opening the widest thoroughfares upon fair, it says, must be ascribed to the coolness
Rossiters Paintings.—-We learn from ! places that were before unknown ; and con- and foresight of Ensign Eswertschow.
the Manager, that Rossiter’s Wonderful i verting into comparative solitudes' many lo- The eame journal speaks of two steamers
Historical Paintings of tlie Captive Israel- ! calities that once lav in the hiLhwJs „f of the ^ l!ies hapin S ,anded 200 men on the
ites, will be in Atlanta, and placed on exhi- life. ' y 9 ^ h L. a \T ra V g f und ’, 1116 , inlet of the Ba y
Aodniiw, ! T U“1 a mi .. of Findlaud, but the force had re-embarked
onion tins evening. Ia Oot Milledgeville one of the numerous , the following day.
unde.- his command about G8.0UO men; a
moiety of these only were British troops.—
The Prussians under Biucber, came up late
in the day—they are not included in this
estimate. Wellington’s total loss was less
than 14,000 men, from his army of68,000.
By far the heaviest portion of this fell upon
the British troops uuder him on that
day who were not in action. Neither the
numbers of the French nor English who
took part in the assault on the Redan and
the Malakoff are given, hut the front of
the whole _ attack was less than half a
mile, and it is not at all probable that
inore than 8,000 English could have taken
part in it, out of which 3,700 is the smallest
number given in any English paper as
their loss alone, one paper estimating it
from 4 to 5,000 *
columns, to enforce his peculiar political
opinions—neither usage nor justice make.-
this demand proper. But we never stickle
much about such points, and having an
abiding and an abounding eonfidencealways
in the impregnable strength of Democratk-
principles, xve are not careful to shield them
from blows from any quarter. There was
an erasure in our friend's communication
that we regret was not quite perfect; for xxe
saw by it what appears to us to be a most
unkind insinuation. We doubted the good
taste and the propriety even of allowing a
place in our own columns to the article fur
nished by Caius, a too partial friend.
Whatever he may have overstated or exag
gerated in his notice of our unambitious
effort the other night, we are sure his in
tentions were of the purest. That refined
and exquisitely cultured mind has not one
drop of gall in it, and we think we know
him well enough to say, if he is convinced
tbat he has done Suiac injustice, he will
feel more pain than he has occasioned.
Bating the praise he awarded to us, we now
do not remember anything in Caius’ article
that the cause of truth demands should be
preserved by the co-operation of a Northern
party, any one who listened to the speech
of Capt. Nelson must believe that the Dem
ocratic party are alone capable of doing it.
This is the must impregnable argument
which has yet arrested the course of the
Know Nothing party South, and in a nee-
essarily short speech it was ably handled on
this occasion.
Mith Capt. Nelson's speech ended the
discussion, and a more pleasant one xve have
never listened to. CAIUS.
McLane, Den,., has been elected
Delegate to Congress by 2,000 majority.—
The returns as to forming a State Govern
ment are incomplete, but enough has been
determined that Oregon should cease to be
a territory.
Several valuable horses died at Sy
racuse, Nexv York, on Friday, in conse
quence of the heat.
Dreadful Case of Hydrophobia.—We
copy the following from the Cincinnati Ga
zelle of the 4th:
Yesterday morning our attention was di
rected to a case of hydrophobia in its worst
i form, at No. 44 Plank road or Gest street.
In New York city the prohibitory liquor ! of
law is generally evaded. All the bars have j n 0 was fastened^ cords to iSedfTnd in
put up a small sign, saying that “imported hysteric tits, his eyeballs protuding from I upon every handsome lady, or her beau! tosendi
liquors” only are for sale. In Albany, the j ( ,ieir sockets, and the glands of his throat, hor daguerreotype, which will be exhibited iu
for intoxication are tin
j marked events of the day, so far ils xve are inter-
j e-itod in the temperance movement. It has grown
j to lie rather dangerous for old topers to ventur.
| out with a sheet in the wind. Twenty-live were
! Placed in a cool spot in the Tombs yesterday until
i they had timo to recover and then were gently
: fined.
The city mortality has slightly increased during
the past xveek, owing to various causes. Without
going into thorn into detail, I believe the principal
one to bo, that the doctors are now beginning to
starve iu consequence of the lato extreme hcalth-
fulness of the community. Tho delightful weath
er which we have been fuvured with for a ,'exx
days past (just liso tho soft advances of October)
will not bo apt to contribute largely to tbe medical
Barnum has started another dodge. He offers
200 premiums, amounting to $5,000, to be present
ed to tbe handsomest ladies in A -rica. He cull:
Another Burrow Evacuated.—The K.
N. Lodge at Wesobulgee, Randolph county,
Ala., was broken up a short time ago by
unanimous consent. The members said
they had been inveigled intj it,
their sockets, and the
Carson League have commenced prosecu- ' a ( lns and ^ mbs swelled very largely.—
ting the dealers. ‘ * >la J we ever be s P llred thesight ofsosbock-
New York, July 10.—The steamship Ill
inois, from Aspinwall, arrived this evening
ay xve ever De spared tbesight ofsosbock
ing a scene again ! The poor man was
insensible of course, and as he plunged and
snapped his teeth xve almost wished his life
xvas term' 'attd. From his wife we learn
ed that I iff. xx hileat work for Mr. George
George, .r G ,• Plank road, about six
weeks si , xvas seized by a large dog, who
held on to his right arm with such tenacity
„„ .. „ ,. , , | that it required the combined strength of
ama on the o^th uit. Ihe U. S. ship Inde- j tW o men p, uiake the dog let go his hold,
pendenc left Paio ou the loth of June for j Since then Uthoff complained of much pian
Dallas, to enforce a settlement of tlie ques- j > n his arms and. shoulders, but exhibited
xvith 450 passengers, and §829,613 in treas
ure. Dates from California are the same
as those brought by the Northern Light.—
The sloop of xvar John Adnis was at Pan-
tion between tbe Representative of the U. S
and the Government of Lima, arising from
the detention by the latter of the Captain
of the American vessel John Cummings,
Oceana ot Wheat.
We alluded a day or two since to the
large quantities of grain ready to be sent
down over the State Road. Yesterday, xve
learn, that eight trains arrived in this city,
bringing the fisrt- instalment, amounting to
2q,000 bushels. This is a mere drop in the
bucket compared with the amount yet to
symptoms of canine madness until Sun
day last. On Sunday morning he com
plained of dizziness in the head. Ilis wife
brought him a bowl of water to wash him
self. When he saxv the water he cried out
“take that aivay," in German. His illness
increased, and Dr. Roleka was sent for, who
at once pronounced his case that of hydro
phobia. Four other physicians were called
in, all of whom concurred in this opinion,
and at once they declared that he was in
curable aud must dio. Every effort to al
leviate bis sufferings has been made, but
his recovery is L —’ ’’
Health or Charleston.—There were 22
deaths in Charleston last week.
tho Museum, and from theso tho public aro
to select 100 xvhich are considered tho haud-
somest aud entitled to premiums. These aro to be
painted life size by the best artists in the country
and to make a permanent gallery of the beauties
ot America. Those of the most beautiful of this
hundred xvill be engraved in tho “ B’orM's book
of Beauty,” to bo published in Paris. All at the
expense of Barnum. It xvill be a great attraction,
and attract thousands to the gallery.
The Bonaparte Family.—It isT stated
that nearly all the branches of the Bonaparte
family will in a very short time be assem
bled in Paris, round the Emperor Napoleon
HI., who desires that the several persons
bearing his name should form, as it were, a
faiseiu near him. All the children of the
Prince Canine have already arrived in Paris
and taken up their residence in a hotel pur
chased and fitted up for them by order of -
the Emperor, at the end of the Rue de Gre-
nelle St. German. This branch of the fami -
ly is composed of four brothers, the princes
Charles, Louis Lucien, Pierre and Antoine
A Natural Inference.—la ituot reasona
ble to suppose that when ayoung lady uffers
to hem cambric handkerchiefs for a rich
bachelor, she means to sew toat she mav
may reap ? '