The Atlanta weekly intelligencer and Cherokee advocate. (Atlanta and Marietta, Ga.) 1855-18??, September 21, 1855, Image 1

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Cjre AND CHEROKEE ADVOCATE. BY RUGGLES & HOWARD. ATLANTA AND MARIETTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1855. VOL. VII. NO. 17. THE ATLANTA INTELLIGENCER Dali?* Trl-W«*kly and Weekly. BY RUGGLES & HOWARD. T. O. HOWARD ft ^ The State Road. I Public Meeting oil the 6tU lust epublished ou yesterday Gov. Johnson’s j Under the head of •• Grave Charges against the letter in answer to the complaint of the Rev. j Management of tlie Western .t Atlantic Railroad,’ C. W. Howard. The Rev. gentlemen and his ! tbe last Discipline contains a lengthy account of confreres have certainly placed themselves ' * meatin S of a Rodion of the citizens of Fulton co. in a very ridiculous position, and while at- I * tthe City Hall, outhefitli lust, to take into consul- tempting to heap odium on Gov. Johnson’s ' on “ ^ionoflaw by the Governor of our head, they haveended only in bringing them- : ° f ' th " WeS " J — S‘ u 6 tueui , t0 rn Atlantic Railroad. This meeting was a trl.wTm 1 P " ‘ o n “ m ’ * d :* n °'' selves into contempt. No one doubts that remarkable for many reasons, among others Weekly, «« << 2 00 sco^rue was concerted from the beginning for the time at which it was held. While the RATES OP ADVERT “— bjr tbe s °l® purpose of embarassiug the Ex- j thoughtless andgiddyaudeven many of thegraver Advertising in the Daily ESSSSr will he i * UUtive ’ and that the Know Nothing organs j **\ lo3t * ?/ on3e of J< ? orn ®’ Trerc casting an inserted at the following rate* per tquaro of ten j 8t0o< * prepared to censure his action what- ! dle bollr 1IJ ll3tenlD £ ,0 the Hon. Alexander H. line.: ! ever it had been The trickstery of the of- j Stephen *’ thc5e men ’ uuder a dee P * ense of the VV. H. HUNT. Associate Kdlior TERMS OF StIBSCRIPTIOfl. 110 ct». fl 00 I 25 1 50 1 75 One insertion. Two “ Three, “ Four “ Fivo One week, Spocini coiilr.ic - ^ tisomontri occupy in nun. tfr" Advertisements (rr-n mu.t be paid in advance. One njontn. Tu-o “ i nroe “ Four “ 75 j Six “ ! 00 | One year, ivill he made for yearly adver- ever it had been. . ' responsibility which rested on them as patriotic 8 00 ! n tT .lie Hicuura ui eititens of Georgia were met in solemn conclave 10 00 i , Jobn80U hny e been the sole sufferers j tocun.nltou the best means of securing her in- 12 00 | by It. But tho effect of this thing will nqt , tere.t*. The extreme devotion with which this *5 00 6 , W ' tb tbe Rev.Mr. Howard aud his lime. ; party have recently regarded the welfare of our adver ’ ex P ose M 'bich has most signally failed i Stste cannot be otherwise received them as fur- liiartcr, half’or whole col- j i fJ injuring Got. Johnson has conclusively ; l ^ er P ro0 *' ut ' the correctness of the theory of our i proven that the Executive is not at all times GoTerument ' popular sovereignty. It is doubtless person. 0 p en tQ R g; nc0 j t h as beeQ shown * Ter 7 patriotic spectacle to see the people or this bog'! advertisement* published at the usual | that he stood unscathed the advance of Mr countr - v rotting in judgment upon their rulers or rates. Obituary notices exceeding ten line, eharg- Howard it m» imll ,1, ‘ “ore properly their servants. But it certainly is ■du advertisements. Announcing candidate, for ! ! i ' 7 , ^ubted whether. oftentilMg A ver;j . ri diculous one. The conduct office $5 00, to he paid in advance. be has been so easily corrupted by the Hon. of onr highest officials is a proper subject of dis- buo*. including* Dally,' Tri-Weekly and*Weekly* I A ' Coo P er - A politician whose bnsi- J eussi-m at all times by the meanest citizen, *’-* 25 per cent, will bo added to the above rate*. * ne *“ '* ,,r ' — 5,1 —* *- -- The privilege of yearly advertiser* it strictly It would seem to us that a decent regard for themselves would induce our Know Nothing friends to dosist from such potty attacks as this ; but each day adds to the almost endless number, which are made. limited to tlioir immediate and regular bust not exceeding six lines, $15 Professional Card per annum. Advertisements not specified as to time will be published till ordered oat, and charged at regnlar rates. Advertisements inserted in tho Weekly paper only will bo charged at former rates. The Athenaeum. Wednesday night we iqpi Bulwcr** play, the Lady of Lyon*. The house wa* full—the very best we ever saw at Cri»p'*—and, ns naual, good- natured and placable to a fault. fiverybody know* that the Lady of Lyons is in plot, as plain as an mxc-handle ; prctenting little variety, and giving little or no scope for any but tho two lead ing characters—Pauline and CJnnde. It will therefore ouly ho necessary to remark that Beau, •eanl, by Morton, was not- well done-more from want of natural adaptedness, than want of appre- eintion of the character. To say the truth, Mor ton is loo good n fellow by nature, and lack* too much of a certain devlilh versatility, for this part, which require* a wonderful amount of cold blooded villainy fur its successful performance.— Heausenut looked altogether too amiable for a man about to soil a fine young girl to a bogger, ne«s is to buy up votes, will not let such an council of war hold by counting hou-=c clerks to re- opportunity as this pass by. i Tiew tile military conduct of our generals, we snbinit, is u most absurd affair. So we think that when our Legislature placed the State Road in the hand# of certain officials, they deemed that these were most capable of its management. Full discre tion was left with tho.-e persons to regulate the freights as to them should mu.-t jot,per.— suffered to bo refuted, and then forgotten.— Many exigencies might arise which Would demand In perfect keeping with the affair of the » change of policy: circumstance? Which won'.! Rev. Mr. Howard is the charge which has i ind,,co a course of' cuujuct inexplicable ■ those been so prominently' brought forward by uuow,uailUed 1,1 '’" L * ' > therefore, tho Discipline, that Maj. Cooper had made I ^“ t , * uoh 11 mceliu s th» one hel.1 • the City a- • . , .i c- r, , . , Huh on tile 0th inst. was rather too strono m i t. a discrimination on the State Road tn favor . 7 5 . . _ ample of popular sovereignty and smacked siiong- of Democratic meetings. We can assure i y „f the absurd. The State Howl under-be prc<- all interested that tho Superintendnnt did cut management is fully equalling the c.\, , u- no such thing. To tho Democratic mass tions of the State, and while the people receive meeting at Calhoun and the Know Nothing ,i, ° revenue which is now afforded them, we - u) mit meeting at Cartersyille he charged the pas- l ' jat the gontlcinen of the City Hull should he sat- j [From She Augusta Constitutionalist, lSth Inst] Gov. Johnson Its Augusta. We receive, through private ohanueL-, ] Notwithstanding tho Know Nothings had and from a quarter entitled to confidence, an ! called a meeting on Tuesday evening, a important rumor in regard to the financial j largo concourse of our citiaens assembled at projects of Russia. J tho City Hall Park, for the purpose of hear- It is stated that she has tried to raise a [ ing Gov. Johnson. His speech was, in all loan in Berlin and failed,—that she then j respects worthy of the chief magistrate of tried to raise a loan from tho Rothehilds, and j Georgia, replete with sound argument, forci- tbe negotiations lingered for two months, j bio illustration and heart-stirring appeals, but eventually failed. MONDAY, SEPT. 16. [/V<w» the Njeto York Times. from Russia. ... ...... _ _ Suffrages In the Territories. *• Ssc. 5. Ami be it further enacted, That every free white male inhabitant above tho ago of twen ty-one years, who shall he an actual resident of said Territory, and shall possess the qualifications hereinafter prescribed, shall be entitled to vote at the first election, and shall be eligible to any office within said Territory; but the qualification of voters, and of holding office, at ail subsequent _ . . elections, shall be snch as shall be prescribed by He opened his remarks with the notice of ; the Legislative Assembly; Prodded, that the These her only resources in Europe having tho Cooper and Cowart charges and pre- right of suffrage, and of holding office, shall be failed, it is stated that the Russian Cabinet sen ted clear and concise statements of each j exercised only by citizens of the United States, has it in contemplation to raise a loan in : case, which must have carried conviction ! * nd t^ 030 who shall have declared on oath their the United State*, where tho sympathy of j homo to the mind of every candid man He | ■“^ on t ^J^t”thl'cM«“tatiin u^Iho UniUd the masses is relied upon to cause it to be then referred to the claims of the Know states and tho provisions of this act” readily taken. It is proposed to issue the j Nothing party to the appelation of Ameri- i t , ,, stock in small amonnts-aomewhat on the ' ean. and conclusively established that aU ; We publish above that portion of the Kansas- plan of the recent Loans in Franco. the great American ideas and principles acfc » which relates to the question of Russian agents, it is said, are either in or j had been trampled upon by tho Constitution : suffrage In the territories, and leave it for onr on their way to the United States, to en- 1 of the Order. lie contended that the argu- readers to determine for themselves how far It quire into the feasibility of the plan pro- , mens wa* applicable as long as that Consti- j may be open to the objections which have been posed. j tution was retained by the National Coun- • urged against it. We venture, however, the as- M bether this is actually so or not, it is | cil. Next ho proceeded to a discussion of ( sertion, that no man in Congress opposed the Ne- considered certain by our correspondent ' the religious and foreign features of the : braska bill by reason of tho dause allowing to un- that the rumor has readied the English and question. The argument establishing that nataraU , cd ciUleng lhe ri ght of suffrage. There Freneh Goverments and been a subject of , qualification of electors could be deter- , irere ? ss therecords wil , plainly prove, who consideration with them. mined uy tho Legislature of the respective We have another character. j . B .„. t snip of a tailor looses his wife, for whom, reports direct from Russia of ! States, and therefore that it could not be the i ° ei_ 0 1 l3 . t - a - u ^ e ’ w ® r ® UI,W1 1!1 t£ 0 e ®- whilo living ho seemed to have entertained meter. | basis principle of a National party, was danger the bill itself by any vmient opposition to ! ^ [Correspondence of the Daily Intelligencer.] Msw York Affairs New York, Sept. 11,185*. The mortality in this city was less during August than any previous month of the current year. Our aggregate health is ex cellent. No yellow fever, no cholera, no scourging pestilence, only a suicide epi demic. During the past week we averaged two cases of Felo de se per day. The epi demic like the cholera, come from the East, and to look no farther we can trace it di rect to Germany.. It is imported with their country’s books and broaddoatbs. and her emigrants bring the taint of it in their no tions. It is surprising with what noncha lance these people shuffle off the mortal coil. On Monday, the head of an extensive busi ness house meets a slight pecuniary embar- ment, which a Yankee would have toughed out cheerily enough. On Tuesday his establishment has its blinds closed—the head has blown out bis brains. A poor it. Thera were many who made this a subterfuge, Among the nassengers bv the Atlantio strongly Dresented to the minds of the was an American lady, [MniJamo Bodisoo.l 1 bearers. ‘ * ud chl * nus r Iainl T understood at the time, to . . . . direct from St. Petersburg, whore she is 1 Upon tho duty of all Southern men in the oseapo tho-direct issue. Whatever k-,»_y i>« urged M* 1 11 ^ ^ un _ vrl lfl M vc.o jugu ai in connected with the highest official and so- t present condition of political affairs, the * tho principle contained in this clause, tho the early light of the next day across the cial circles, and whore she has been spen- j speaker was very impressive. Every Know j practical operation of it ean nover hedeemeda mai ding the past year,—being, from her alii-j Nothing present must have felt the force of : ter of much importance. Congrer.; has in every in- ances, as much at home there as in tho l the appeal, to abandon collateral issues at Blanco so considered it, and territorial hills have United States. We understand that her 1 this time, and unite in a warm and vigorous j been usually passed with little or n- discussion representations of the condition of affairs in . support of the only party which offered any | of tho question of suffrage. .From ;he time of Russia, and especially in St. Petersburg, j well grounded hope of a preservation ofj Washington to the present day, foreigners have in are directly ip. conflict with the statements | Southern honor in tho Union. Gov. John- various instances been allowed tlnT privilege of contained in the English papers, which ar- j sun spoke nearly two hours and a half, and j Totin „ in t {j 3 territories, aud we never seen every stann-er. ! was listened to with respectful attention by , , . n . . . . , . 1.._ j-. i.L l ,, , J ■ say marked influence they have exerted, certainly a large auditory, although compelled to . , . „ T . , J stand during the entire period. He closed ' not ,,u lnJuny “ i £hc ‘ £ . Rausas ,re conseqent upon the vre r, she says that bu- j amid three cheers for -Johnson, and three ’ ^ aTe ^* d ’ under t!lu operation ot this clause, a sinc-s wears its usual aspect and is Quite as j for Stephens. Tho anti-Know-Nothings re- j tr *umph of the slavery party, and this is aurely brisk as ever,—that money is abundant,— | tired quiotly to their homes, proud, and ! enou Sh to satisfy Southern men. — **— rive by Instead of tho financial and commercial distress of which wc have read so much, as [For the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.] Newnan, Ga., Sept. 14, 1855. Messrs. Editors: In the American Disci- pline of the 12th inst., I notice an article headed “A suggestion,” and signed “Jus tice,” reccommending that all adopted citi zens, not known [the article says not most absolutely, I suppose it means not general ly known] to have their naturalization pa- papers, should be required to exhibit them to the managers, before they are allowed to vote in the county election. It may be that this suggestion was inten ded for the city of Atlanta only, but it is not so limited in its phraseology, and cer tainly the principle involved is one of com mon interest, however local the proposed application. If the managers in Atlanta are called upon now to demand a test of citizenship not authorized by law, how long will it be before a similar practice is at tempted at every poll in the State. And side by side with this question is another still more important, and that is if one ille gal test of qualification is introduced at the ballot-bos, what will stand in the way of a dozen others, or as many more as may be deemed necessary to prop the sinking for- , tunes of a falling party, fresh mound of his Frauline’s earth-couch | [f the managers, acting by the advice of holdmg m his hand a neatly written sheet, } such men as “Justice,” can go outside of full of transcendental philosophy, and con- j the statute to call for a certificate that a vo- ° . J ter lias been naturalized, they may also re- Ihe readme:;.- with which a German l q U i re him to show a certificate of member- phlegmatic enough, plants posies on her grave, writes a touching mythical epi- songors alike, two-thirds of the regular rates. On neither occasion was the Hoad paid for tho extra train. The Superintendant then changed his policy, and at tho next meeting charged half rates, and the result has been most suc cessful. irtflod. Lot the freights be regulated by the pow ers appointed for that purpose. >t is presumed that they are better caps'du of attending to this than even tho “large and enthusiastic meeting of * portion of the citizens of Fulton county.” If however, they be proven incompetent to the task assigned them, wc for one are perfectly willin'* that the latter, upon giving bond- with tuple tent i We have hitherto forborne any notice of security to indemnify the irtato against .»i! h-s*, insi for spite. Rea was fair in Col. Dumas—1 ho : these altaoks which are daily being made should bo entrusted with it. part is not much—and Chippendale’s fine teeth , by the Know Nothing press upon Gov. We much fear, however, tbs and finer handkerchief, as “* u, £^"l" e ™ eable j Johnson, and the management of the State “ 0 t entitled to so much credit f. Road. Wo are perfectly content to let these gentlemen work their own ruin, assured that without any assistance of ours, they will soon accomplish it. I Cooper; comes at rather a late hour If the eum- The noted case of the boy who cried | mit tee had really felt aggrieved, they should have “wolf, wolf!” affords an excellent prototype j T° kon tWu in M. Clovis. Mrs. lies, ns Madame Deschsp- olle.*, w«s natural and fresh, and left us nothing to complain of. Miss Hamblin makes a fair refrf- ov, and in the great tenter erene in tho 4th act, we believe it it, where everybody cried, she was not a whit behind oven tho hero of the night in her briuy tribute. Pauline, tho our friends are lisintercstcd pat riotism. as their action would seem to demand. It may be shrewdly suspect jd, that they love, not the Stato Road more, but Johnson less. The complaint of favoritism for Mark A. Indeed, in tho the people contended and in excellent spir- vreli they may be, of their noble standard T! °l 0nt opposition which has been urged by tho its about tho war, and that no ono living in ' hearer, in the present eanTass. j Know-Nothing press and orators South against tiie capital Would suspect, from anything | The Band, provided for the occasion, Nh'w portion of tho bill, we may very shrewdly that met his notice, that there was anything struck up at the conclusion, tho enlivening I suspect-deeper laid designs against tho main prin- unusual in the condition of the country.— i and appropriate air, “Hail Columbia.” It 1 ciple contained in it. No ono will doubt tho poli- It is not believed thorc that tho Allies will afterwards regaled the Governor and many cy of thojfri& of the South in voting for the succeed in gainign possession of Sebastopol. his friends, inside and outside of the Au- , measure as it was iutrodueiqi into the House of The protracted and successful defence hither- gusta Hotel with several patriotic and mar- Representatives, when the majority in favor of it to maintained is regarded as establishing ■ tiM airs. , small and when opposition to any portion of the fact that, to any force which the Allies Gn Monday night tho German band gave I it mDn Utiro endangered tho whole. Our rights, can bring against it, the place is absolutely the Governor an elegant serenade, impregnable. A very-large reserve foreo During bis visit to our city, the Governor awaits orders at St. Petersburg, and no dif- received many calls from his friends and ad- ficnlty is experic.nctfdTrt obtaining recruits rnirert-. Every manifestation was afforded or supplies of provisions and money for the him, that Richmond county will, on the 1st of October, giro him a highly complimenta ry vote. I war. j The same authority states that the rr- ; ported capture and destruction of Swoaborc . _ . t . 1 is so enormously exaggerated in importance _ i.rrutn tna Onion.] j as to pass for a hoax. No part of the forti- ,.. l C,ot ' JoUn8 °“’* Policy. j ficatioris of the place have been destroyed 1 ho opposition press having sought in I or seriously injured. ! vam tor any just grounds uf complaint The habital exaggerations of the English ! a -^ alns£ £ ^ !0 Administration of Gov. John- yomu.. O.C nrtful, tho beautiful, tho mor- 0 f tho present position of tho K. N. organs i wlmt paniculai- ccnsr^FAu/mc, tl.eNexemplar of an unselfish . - f , , , T} ? 1 Hall, nor their love—the girl who, with queenly scorn, despises I ., that they should grow *o indignant, because hi IV e learn that the American officers s rank and fortune for native nobility of soui, (when ) 8ald 80 muo1 * Rbout R thnd £ he POoplo ^ ^ J ^ out by our Govern,ont to take lessons she finds in the “wild hunt" she can’t secure ! n0 means of knOW ' n K when the y do B P eak | Iload k our friends ‘ — the other sort of nobility)-this difficult and incon i tho truth - Such f oal, too, as they have dis- j Qf guch importance we aistent ciiaracter wn< sustained by Mrs. Crisp.— ’ played is always suspicious. Why is it that | next Legislature for Mr. It w«« expecting impossibilities, hoping against 1 tho affairs of our Road have been conducted which had been destroyed by the Missouri Com promise line, were restored; the right of the people to dotoriniiio the question of slavery for tlium- selves. “ Better," pays Mr. Stephens, “ leavo It to the Indians than where it stood beforo.” But there are, we eoneeive, some sound reasons in fa vor of tliis clause of the Kansas-Nebraska bill.— Tho great principle contended for by its advocates, :>:iJ upon which they urged its passage, was that the territories possessed equal rights with the states. Among these rights is that of regulating tho question of suffrage within their limits. The Kausas-Nebriiska bill leaves to the first Legislft- of the Territory to determine who shall exer- thc elective franchise, and takes this along We learn that the American officers sent : ' ors t0 mislead the public, by mis-stating . - j facts as to the money which had been paid , fn ’ 1 ( lc q u0 stion oi slavery Iroin the control of hope, when wo expected even the usual nmonut of >lnge illusion in the personation of Pauline.— We bare been told that the niniablo lady who acted this part Wednesday night lias dono bo effectively, but it must have been many yoare since. Certain accesiories and natural expecta tions are indispensable 10 the distinct and happy pronouncing of the character of a proud, inordi- rate, we can t coneeiv ms. for near two years in the present manner City Hall resolutions. Let our Know-Nothing without a word of complaint from these I friend; leave the State Rond where the Legisisturo and now on the eve of the elec- | ^ as l ) ! Bced K> e ' !u l h 0 y might incur the unjui; picion of attempting to use the pu’dic works f r men, and uow on tion, every trivial transaction should be heralded forth as a damnable corruption ? Will any be so weak as not to seejthrough the entire drift of this conduct? Gov. nuely ambitious and lino young woman. It is , Johnson must be defoated--tlie tottering no fault of Mrs. Crisp that she does uot now hold j fortunes of Know Nothingism can alone be all these elements of success in the delineation of gusm j ne d by a victory in Georgia. The such a cliarnter. We hold the “ fell destroyer, , , , . x „ Time,” amenable to us for all that we lost in na- | Philadelphia Platform past experience tural freshness and udaptedness in Mr*. Criij/a de- • proTen to them dots Dot, in the ian lincatiuu ol Fauline. But will she kindly suffer ' guage of one of their own organs, “com- ub to sugge-t that it was exceedingly uuughty in mend itself to the popular mind.” The n right young girl of high aspirations to giggle and wink in (he snuff box and diamond ring sceuo with Claude aud Beauseaut aud Glavis. We all who looked on were forced to suspect l’aulin® aud her .lashing mamma <ff being particepi criminie in ihat sell. For our part, we thought if w® wore a youug lady, and our sweetheart was to play His “ big eteanger’’ around us on another’s ex pense, that it would be prudence not to teem to know anything at all about it. For our par!, wo don’t hesiUto to say that Pauline did decidedly 0 f tho season. wrong in taking from Claude Boauscant's snuff ! box, (a very line article,) ®s well as M. Glavis’ ' valuable diamond ring, knotting them to be stolen ■. property. W’o throw out tho hint—would not j Paulino do better where she goes over that sad in- ; Philadelphia Platform is therefore laid aside, aud the hopes of the party has been trans ferred to the Western <k Atlantic Railroad. Here they have labored dilligently, but we think unwisely. The fire which they hoped to kindle has been smothered by reason of too much fuel. The people have become. , . , , j , ithedangersottlieviccaucuintedtoijedupict- surfeited with so much abuse, and an article . 0 . 1 ,, c, , r, j 1 .. u,-_x 1 I ed. It was rather a curiosity to know what on the State Road now ranks the chief bore . ,, , strange freak the actor would play next; ! and in the last terrible scene, where it political purposes. Tlie Drama. We attended Thursday night the exhibi tion of Moore’s tragedy of the Gamester.— We have never been able to discover any thing in the play to account for its success, unless it be the moral which it affords. In the hands of a good actor, the character of Beverly may be rendered a most impres sive one, and the concluding scene will pre sent a terrible example of the effects of the fatal passion which had swallowed up hi* life. If the acting is to bo judged by tiie efl'ect produced on the audience, the Game ster on Thursday may be set d own as a failure. We think there was not an indi vidual in the house iv!u fell for a in condition that they should uot afterwards i w ,. _ . go within the linos of the Allied forces. ‘ ” Ueitern ® Rate ’ September •n & Atlantic Railroad paid into 1 Treasury, §80,000. It is attomp sort of fusion Convention, all shades and ■, , , „ c —-•> stripes of politicians, including Mr. Qa. i wouaand dohars of this amount were la dings, being present in counuil with the : P l0 U m e t0 til0 redemption of Central Know Nothings. - nk SCT , en P er c “ nt bond9 ! stopping the Mr. Chase was formelj a Democrat, but, I 'TVl 9 w’° U ° 'T? r .f having turned abolitionist, he wasdonounced : ee “. bonds ‘>f the Western & Atlantic liiwl- and cut off from tho party. In 1852 he j f ' f f the not of 1846 Of tho stumped and voted for John P. Hale - and j r ^ h!ch tho JW lie was nominated by the Know Nothings, ! Dlade J- 1 ’ tb ? ^asury from the Stato first, because it was supposed he still had ! deposited with rho Georgia Rail- some popularity with the Democrats; and j t 0 ^- f \ n — ta ^raw interest up to tlio 1st secondly, because, not being a K. N. it i du v*. . en . waa supposed it would bo re- was hoped a considerable number of natur-1 fi ui ^ ed in tbe operations of the Treasury and Mixed citizens might be induced to vote : J n ttiu P a J in eru of tno Public Debt, lhe for him, especially as ho had uniformerly, | “““ in han f 9 -vy $13,000, is now as in the case of 8ewanl, conned their in- I 111 tbo , ir casury and will be appropriated as fluence. Mr. Ford is well known as a mem- I tho l Bond 1 3 , >f l ! ed an ^r the Act ' - in. EnrntR|i of the State Road Through the courtesy of the Mas ter of Transportation, Mr. K. B. Wal ker, wc arc enabled to lay before our ventory of grand promises that her lover has so ; rcadens tll0 following gratifying statement like n puppy dei-oivod her about, to wither him t > le businobg of tho State Road for Hh with a lolly irony, and blnst nun with a concen- ^ ... . . tinted hut calm fleoni, than tu snifllo and whine ' month of August. By comparison with the about “spilt milk?" Wo really thiuk so. x We | work for August, 1854, it will be seen that object to the orer action of most of this char»o-1 the increase of earnings amounts to nearly t«r. There wu.-j too much smiling, enough prome- thirty-five thousand dollars for the single n&dmg for n walking school, and an obtrusiveness 1 month. Wo commend the consideration of of the left arm that to our minds was altogether tliia fact to the habitual grumblers, whose too much of n good thing. But we will say and take great pleasure in according this justice, that .the fainting was well done. We never fainted shat wo know of, hut wc felt somehow (list tho thing was done about right in the Lady of Lyons. The tcreuming, ton, a sense of fairness calls upon ns to say, wnsdocidodiy fine. No lady outscreamt or screams moro in accordance with the most ap- J proved canons of art, wc are proud to say, than i Mrs. Crisp. But we hardly reetflect, wo scarce- ! ly think it morally right to recollect any ! thing of the Lady of Lyons as presented Wednes- | day night, but the part of Claude .Melnotte. And ! yet our impressions are vague aud undefined. Wo j have a sort of confused recollection of n beefy . .■young bumpkin determined to “loll his love,” and i trade it ia, at least until after the election, to be dissatisfied with tiie management of the State Road: might be expected that the audience would be stilled with horror, we think that we have trol its domestic institutions. It was oonsidera- The K N'® or 0’> ,# ) * . r --------j j v'11 i=> Diuaupicu i tions of this kind wliieh-doubtless influenced many About ain .-nth ago aKr.-.v,- Nothing State ''rf tli0 yPP° SI tioit to make tho impression ■ of onr Congressmen, who fitvurod the 5th section Convention was held in Ohio, at which 8.P. 1 «T a ^ tbla 8U ™ lies been lying idle in tho j of the Kansas Bill. Wo leave it to our readers to Chase was nouiina.c l for Governor, and J " r ! eb ' : ’ 10 the aotu- 1 determine how far they may he correct. Mr. Ford for Lieutenant Governor, It was Crleft's Tliantrlcnia. Mr. Crisp and company closed their perfurmaneog in Atlanta, for the present, on Saturday night, be fore u much thinner audience than had crowded tho Athenmum during tho previous evenings of the week, while- the' city was thronged with visit- urj to tfic Fair. Thu Play was Don CrcsarDeBa Zr.u, Mr. Crisp acting tiie- part of Don Ctesar. To ou: mind, Mr. Crisp appeared to better advantage in this part than ia any other he has performed before an Atlanta audience, either on this or any former visit. Tho character of Duu Ctesar is ud mirably adapted to the peculiar dramatic idiosyn erncies of Mr. Crisp. It could hardly have suited his talent better if it had been, like Metuuiora to _- . . ri 1 Mr. Forrest, pnrpooely cat mid titled to him, by ber of the Philadelphia Convention. He ! ° can bo called in. loose Bonds '; the author, after an accurate admeasurement of is tv Whig, un abolitionist, and a Know-j " erc - e<iurt -‘' 3 ‘ e * ctu 18 0, by creating ; his capacity. The character is that of a natural 1 a paramount lien upon the nett earmnir.s ! 1 ,, ... ,. . . r ‘, 1 ,> , n , 1 7 “ . ly gay, reckless, rollicking, dissolute man, f the Road. Under that Act of S125.500 > • , ! . ... . • posed to enjoy the moments ns they lly, without j thought or care fi r what the future has in store I for him—v.-it’u ti smattering of early education ' and refinement of manner, but which has been 1 distorted and misdirected by j ears of profligacy upon the nett earnings Under that Act of $12-5,500 of Bonds were issued, and they fall duo in July and December of 1856. The North Georgia 'Times comments on tliis subject, and complains of tho funding the debt due the Georgia Railaoad, of $90,- 000. Income for August 1855— From Freights “ Passengers “ Mails 61,154.67 21,093.35 1,895.83 Total, $84,143.85 Income of 1854-- $49,219.31 Difference 34,924,54 Nothing; and thus tho net was spread to “catch birds of every feather.” The Reso lutions passed denounce the repeal of the Missouri line as an outrage, and demanded its restoration—and also announced fixed opposition to the extension of the “slave power.” But a portion of the Ohio K. N's. never seen them more perfectly easy or ! were dissatisfied with Chase’s nomination; good natured. 1 and so a new convention was The main defect in Crisp’s ucting may be i M>\ Trimble nominated attributed'to the excessive rant with which I 8 ®'-"- > nd convention , • a .a-- i-i _ _ • ] the oouth tull justice—it would exhibit do i , , . . - ,, , . , he accompanied every thing like passion. j f reeso ;)* or abolition sentiments. In order ! b " n ^ 3 one to ninety, of 8I0U0 each, amount- fixed principle of mural conduct, and whose only We know not whether this is to be attr»Dut- j ti la t »>ur readers " inA AAn “ u ‘ ‘ ,v ” ’ ed to a want of artistic taste, or to a certain j of its oharac fixedness of expression, which, having been ! Resolutions once acquired, it is impossible to change or Ifssolred, 1 hat in common with the vast inodifv majority of the people of Ohio, we consider , the repeal of the Missouri Compromise a In tne second act, when beveriy appears flagrant violation of a compact between the called and I was laid before the Finance Committee, and in « ° ,JL iu lll! lTnated in hi’s* nlare This ' a PP roveJ b - v then * > as will be seen bv refer- ! good-natured monk-philosophy am n we were told would do * encc t( .’ thc P ublisbe(1 Heport of the Finance I »hegmi—in short, ».decided and c. Slice—it would’ erbihir no ■ Committee, 1855, pages 12 and 13. These ! who has passed his life thus fur w This transaction of Gov. Johnson, ! ,md Ji^ipation, though still occasiom-.lly gleum- ~ ‘ ’ daily walk and conversation, in and taking npo- unftrrued roue, itliout a singlo ifiolition sentiments. In order I T* V X V ’ c “K u ’A‘ u,u . utit ' uxwl “ ad ' vbosu only ders mav judge for themselves 1 ln,K to payable to Geo. R. R. drew ! object in hie, if that c;mhe culled au object which •ter, we giro below ono of its i six . P c f «« nt ^^ad °f four per cent as ; looks not beyond the present, is the gratification ; I Ht!ue d by the Nortli Georgia limes. The of Ids immediate appetites and desires. Tho char- debt was bonded at seven per cent on ac- ; ucteristics of the part are essentially animal, uot counr, of getting time—the Road not having | intellectual or sympathetic. Mr. Crisp sustained tunas at the tunc of.the arrangement ! 4 , t . m, j thu part with a free and easy nonchalance that 1 lie public will see that the money com- •, e •• it- • • i v - 1 - - - 1 was quite refreshing. Ills mannerisms, including Tiie Atlanta Bcink. We publish in another column, this morning. yo\ wc never could bring ourselves to think thata j the statement of tho condition of the Atlanta Bank, humryi ulna ever Was iu love who expr.-ssod so ■ much rage in his manner. A tiger might make j love, wo suppose, somewhat after this intensified : sort. Thunder and lightning, what a commotion! i and all because a stout fellow from tho country, ! six foot four, takes it into his head to love a showy ! North and South, established by statesmen and patriots, and that its restoration is de manded by the plainest dictates of honor and policy. [Applause.] This, then, is a specimen of the “genuine’ Know Nothings of Ohio. jXctr Yorlt and Georgia. It is the common boast of the people of the North that they are making more rapid progress in population, wealth and internal in a soliloquy, Crisp harrangues the audi ence with denunciatory tone and gesture, and in the end falls with violence across a chair. We venture to say that no man since the world began ever addressed himself in manner as did Mr. Crisp on Thurday eve ning. The same degree of fury continued to the end; and in tiie last scene you scarcely knew whether the. actor was en raged or repentant. Another prime fault of Crisp, is his pro nunciation, which besides smacking strong ly of provincialism, lie has rendered wcari- _ somely monotonous in attempting to imitate j State of the South, ior over stxiy years, has j w*th alt the 1 the distinct enunciation of the great masters; 1 bc01 ? in , a greater ratio than that of New j and outpourings of human vengeanc6„ Dies -k, the boastiut Empire State of the j trae./hes ilia, luce splendms ctjacilla,ia still tinue to be made of it, whenever it shall come into tiie Treasury. The London Times, August 23, nas a improvements than the people of fhe South, veny gloomy record of the war. “We are and it is generally conceded that they have j in,” it says, “for another winter,campaign,” just and substantial grounds for their boast- I aud it adds of the attack : ing from the Stato Road has not been per- . • 10*1 , ■n_ . , , , ", 1 strut, swagger, grimace anil that low gutteral untied to lie idle. Gov. Johnson has made , , ... I , good use of it, in behalf of tho interests of Kruwl hls >.tbathc kum* tells so effectually at the State, as every just man will admit.— ■ time3 ’ a11 came iu m gooJ I ’ art and With a ELn ° u ‘ There has been no money from the Western : l!U ' de s' l '" u of appositeness lathe delineation of the & Atlantic K. R. lying idle in the Treasury ! character of Don Ciesur De Baz, f iu. IVe think wc vault. Good use has been, and will con- ! have never seen Mr. Crisp so nutural iu But it is a curious fact that the teen every word is cut and measured, and each j N ” tb< In thc year 1790> t1ip like its fellow. Mrs. Crisp i!i ! cred:':' 1 ’ v i ,,f New York was three hutidro well as Mrs. Beverly, and occasionally gen- j thousand, and in 1850, it was three mution ■flirt from town of exceeding enterprise fur one so yourg. If Claude doubts in liis first essay after iPaulinc'a heart, why he rages like mud : if things ■go unpromising, lie roars and foairs -til’, and to t he bitter end wo have all storm and thunder.— Like William tho Conqueror, Crisp seemed to think by his bluster, that tho best way to make a woman love you, is to scare her nearly to death. We never saw a large audience contain bo few “sympathisers” Slid feeling hearts as the ono at the Athonfruiii nigii* beforo last. Claude Mol- notte must think so too, for when he, the said Claude, was choking out his grief “into pcctarc," n« if he was raising hit end, and seemed to he nearly in spasms, hundreds expressed thfcir sense of the young man’s sufferings, by nn old fashioned on tho 22d of August, made in compliance with the proclamation of tho Govornor. A sounder ex hibit has not boon, and we venture to say cannot be made by any other Bank in Georgia. We take pleasure in inviting tho attention of our readers j to it, and would recommend a careful examins and a publication of the principal items, Georgia newspapers, thut have proven their est "in fsror of the monopolies of rival institutions ■ capacity to represent it. Her by the vehemence with which they have ! acl3 we Il at a certain pitch, il is impossible j The comparison would be still more fa- j to bring below it. In the scene with Stuke- i yorable for Georgia, if the fact were take; many other character he has undertaken to represent. There are many plays in which Mr, C. cun act with con siderable effect and did he confine himself to such as lie is equal to instead of assaying to produco tho lofty creations of the master Dramatists, ex cept when he cam have‘a Roberts or a Logan to sustain the star parts, he Would evince his own ir almost be said, in comparison j sagacity as a manager, and preserve the character ; other conflicts of human passion ! bis corps, for too aspiring ambition sometimes /erieaps itself and fails’ on t'other side. ,, . . — ^ , % Morton did well as Don Jose- Chippendale ex i®.f.etiiiite y prugued, .Arid nobody can say in ! celled himself as thc Marquis, and as Peter Spy ke, ' Vl,at I 11 '? tb U V U , C0Ine - ljn }y know, r In tho he gave us decid tti!u the longer it is postponed the mor "Si., thejrreat day, that dreadful day- of: w.nch j wealthiest and most populous. iWSllilf* i TI10 D/iiniinricnn trunM lift croskod about. “Wild Cats” for the last voar or two. guflnw. But was at .ill times impossible. I cn ell( .h „f tl ic several divisions, and the ac Never shall tc forget the scene, which Claude I , r . tual cost to tho company 01 tne transporta tion of freight on each The train left Dunkirk on Tuesday last with thirty loaded ears, and at Horuellaville seventy aditional ears loaded with lumber were added, mak ing a train of 2,500 feet, near half a mile in length, with a gross weight of cars and lumber of 1^423,150 pounds. The net weight was 2,195,050 lbs. presented, when with laerymoso face and staring oye.s, ho leaned against the wall t,i take his fare well look of Paulino’s picture. Jiis fanny and tutpirioue manner brought vividly to mind that picture so often presented by finst young sprigs of follow s holding on to a lamp post about 3 o’clock, A.M., because they seemed to think that all other Worldly props were knocked •.from uudor them. Claude Melnotte may not be for Overby, hut our opinion is it will be safest for tfis future fortunes that ho should declare himself immediately for Prohibition. Why multiply word*? There was no fine robe to , save Claude Melnotte Wednesday night, and the consequence is, this community now regnrd.^iim as a humbug, more dependent ou Ms tailor th^j 011 his genius for the reputation rimmed for hit*'. The afterpiece, the Rough Diamond, was well played, aud Mrs. Rea 'who supported the chief character, was as natural as sunshine, and we will *ky as gntial- - — piilatiun cl.ot IV. VV TIM i I AriWan 1.. 1 U - ave us -U'chh dly. the best Rogers mado a poor King— en for Spain. Rogers better painter than i brushes. still have to. winter iu our present position, j Upon the whole, wo cannot but think that man- Whcn Sebastopol falls into our hand it will i offer Crisp Has given u? this time by farthecheap- ... - „ be a mere hdap of ruins with all the horrors ; est company that lie hap yet- produced for the ad it will he seen that at. the date of the statement j in the 3d act Mrs Crisp performed her j h 1 * 0 the calculation that but few fcreigrr jra- of the charnel house. With the enemy still ; miration of an Atlanta audipneo. Wc had hoped the specie on haud amouuitd to thc snug little j ] J ‘ ’ . ’ , ‘ ; migrants find their way to her borders, in possession of the north side, the south i that in commencing the present Season he would sum of Sis?,152 00, with $150,000.00 in transitu ■ P art admirably, in the last scene ue wi- . vrhilst New York annually receives her side.WiU only be the front of our own attack, favor us with at least one “star** actor, an<La few from New Turk and Charleston. Specie to the fessed too, the artist. Morton s Stukoly, wc ' thousands and tens of thousands such ac- as bloody ami wretched as our present ad-, new plays, instead of inflicting onus the same amouut, of $337,152.00 dont look much like wild-j think au improvement on his performance i cessions. In 1850, there were in Georgia of xauced trenches; So that whether we take old series at plays' that lie ihaij been presenting catting. | the night before. Airs. Rea is at homo ' foreign born citizens, only six th ousand { Sebastopol or not we shall still have to oc- • nith tedious iteration and reiteration for four or The New York^'Weav, that an ex- ! nowhere but in a farce. ' ^ f ail «'»lor 3 I copy the heights throughout the ensuing j flv * years, until they have become so stale that li.e New iork lrunmc says that, an ex , winlstin New York the foreign born noju- I winter. almost every hoy that runs in the streets knows iatiou aggregated sir. hundred and fifty fire j lent*, ns are also told, will not do for thousand nine hundred and ttOentipnine. De duct the foreign bom from the natives, and the increase of the population of Georgia would still be nearly eleven fold in sixtT years, whilst the increase of the native pop ulation of New York would not bo quite-'sev- en fold in sixty years;—Carolina limes. peri moat trip is being made on the New 1 Champaign® Corks'.-Lovers of fine im- York an-i Erie Railroad to ascertain the ex- ' ported Champaigne, who smack their act amount of locomotive [ wor necessary >ps with infinite gout over thc sparkling bever age, assured that they are sipping the veri table Heidseick, need not be informed that the corks from the bottles out of which the v pour the supposed nectar, are industriously gathered up by hotel keepers and others, aud sent to New York, where they are sold to be again used to impose upon other flats, Chicago, Sept. 8.—Two men have just returned from Hannibal, Missouri, who re port that tho expedition to the supposed gold regions of the Arkansas has turned out a total failure. No gold was found, and tbe leader of the expedition, named Poole vulpckk l»j hi* «wy*«tri Health of Savannah It is our pleasure, still another week, to who take on airs at the table. Ten cents Hay before our readers a most satisfactory re- each is the price of corks bearing on tbe port of the Board of Health. The pesti- bottom the “Ileidseick” brand. Forpartic- lencc is sweeping away its numerous vic- ulars inquire at the holds where the genu- j tims all around as, but still we are provi- ine brand is sold, if such there are.—Chi- dentially spared. The whole number of cago Tribune. j deailis the last week was but twelvcv—10 - — - : white* a id 2 blacks—of whlcji but five were St. Louis,Mo., Sept. 8.—The reported ; from fever of any kind. Yesterday, the election of Senator Atchison to the United 1 date of our report, it will be remembered States Senate, from this State by the New | was thc anniversary of the saddest day du- York Tribune, is a glaring hoax, as it is well { ring the epidemic of last year. The whole known that our Legislature does not meet j number of deaths that day wa« 31.— Gear- •tm in maral months to come. > gian, 13/A inst. j thoiu by heart. Do, Mr, Manager, give us somo- wiuter, and thc oO.OOU huts iiromised are 1 , ... , . , , . ' , - thing iresh next timet not under way, and the army cannot be . well hutted before Christmas." The editor j In aur retm,rbs the Drama here, we have nevertheless concludes : j felt no disposition-to be unjustly severe. But Mr. “W 0 are still for pressing on the siego ! Cri»p, lik^thcr actors, is not above and beyond with the Utmost expedition, and with Ml | the resieh of eritieiEui^gttke other actors, he has the means in our power, and preparing with j his strongpointa weak points, and if, even lavish provision tor all the thousand j amid the general coating of flattery that has been contingencies of a winter campaign. Above all, let there be no doubt as to the means of communication from thc camp to the harbor which must be—as it has all along been- our only base of operations.” spread on him, as with a trowel, wo liave prosnm- od to direot attention to a few of tho weak points, it Iws been with the yiow of suggesting improve ments, where lie is palpably upon to improvement, and with nn eye to the advancement of the legiti- J3B' Father Ghvakzi announces that ho is com- ; ma,c Drama, which Mr. Crisp, above all others, ing to tho Unito-l .States to insist on the “neces- j professes to have so much at heart. It I sity of t-rtfmi among Protestant Americans.” is a little curious that our rampant Americans should bo under the necessity of importing a for eigner to instruct them in their duty. They will be asking foreigners; by and by, to help elect their nominees. A Miser’*) Epitaph.* Here lies Old'Thirty three rer Cent! The more he got the more, ho lout ; The more he lent the more he craved ! floed $ed, ean sink a soul be saved? with which a German “flies to evils that he knows not of,” is in a great part owing to the atheism of his train ing. Taught tu mock at a hereafter, to scout at the idea of human accountability, to dethrone God and substitute the tyrant Destiny, whose sport and chance he be lieves himself to bo, so soon as that destiny darkens on him he taps an artery with as much sang froid as a cask of Rhine Wine, and quaffs prussic acid with as much gusto as lager beer. The recent expose of the Templars, a new order of K. N’s, together with the publica tion of their ritual in several of the leading journals of tho city continues a topic of in terest. The order is an offshoot of the K. N. organization, “wheel within a wheel.” It was founded in tho spring of 1854 in this city, and in May of ’55 there were 59 Tem plars in tho counties of New York and Kings, numbering perhaps 10,000 votes.— Death is the penalty of revealing any se cret of thc order. Its cardinal principles seems to be an active enmity against the Roman Catholics to the extent of refusing to associate with one as a friend, to have, if possible no business intercourse with one, neither to marry one or permit a child to do so. In short, to regard Catholics as per sons whose religion is anti-republican, and who are endeavoring by means of Jesuits and Priests to conquer the land of Wash ington. The members are sworn by a most solemn oath to protect and stand by each other, by personal violence if necessary, and to obey the dictates of the order, its officers and congress, although it should lead to death. It is barely possiblo, that the press of New York have been humbugged into giving a fictitious ritual to the public, but it is not likely. The plan of the Commissioners of emigra tion for protecting emigrants by landing them under their own care at Castle Gar den, is working admirably. The profes sion of Runners is entirely broken up.— Some forty of these land-sharks left for California last week, while many of the re mainder have taken to the more honorora- ble pursuits of hack-driving and peddling, aud a portion to thieving and gambling. Many keepers of emigrant boarding houses, for whom these decoy-ducks labored, have been compelled to “dryup”. It is found that much less destitution ex ists among newly-arrived emigrants than was supposed, before this system of protec tion saved them from the plundering which was sure to como within the twenty-four hours from the time they landed. The last California steamer brings us nows of our Fillibuster heroes. The re doubtable Col. Walker has, it appears, tak en possession of the Pacific port of the Nic aragua Steam Transit Company, and is hav ing things there much his own way, while Col. Kinney remains at Greytown, and hav- ing opened negotiations with thegovernment of Nicaragua bids fair to insinuate himself into its confidence. He may become Secre tary of State, then President, then Empe ror—who knows? Ail these transforma tions would not be half so wonderful as have befallen Santa Anna—fortune’s espe cial whirligig—who, having made another break with his game leg, is securely invest ing his immense private fortune—a part of it in this city. Rachel continues playing to crowded houses. The gross receipts of three per formances last week were $12,500. The manager, Raphael Felix, states expenses to be $3,000 on the night of each performance. Doubtful. There is but one opinion of her acting. The press were never so entirely agreed before upon a candidate for their suffrages. Fiske has been elevated to the 7th heaven of newspaper criticism. Her fine acting is heightened by the illusions of costume, of which she is a perfect mistress. Her wardrobe is unsurpassed in richness even by reigning queens. The jewels she wore as A onue are estimated to be worth $50,000, a: i her entire stock of jewels to be worth $24;. ,000. Some of her dresses are estimated to be worth 10,000. She has very nobly contributed $1,000 for Norfolk and Portsmouth. She will not be the loser by these acts of benevolence. ship in some K. N. Council. Nay, they may prohibit him from voting at all; for if they can impose upon him arbitrary condi tions of any kind, where is the limitof their power ? But not the least singular feature of this “ suggestion ” is that the writer brings it forward and wages its adoption as a meas ure in accordance with tho strict letter of the law. Now the Know Nothing candidates for Senate in Fulton and Coweta, are both law yers, and I make this proposition to “Justice:” If he will obtain the certificate of these two gentlemen, that his suggestion is compati ble with the laws of Georgia, their spirit, or letter, strict or unstrict, and publish it in tho Discipline, he may crown himself at my expense, with one of the most fashionable “helmets” at Taylor’s Emporium. OLD STYLE. A Touching Story. The Hon. A. II. Stephens, of Georgia, in a recent address at a meeting in Alexandria for the benefit of the Orphan Asylum and Free School of that city, related the follow ing anecdote: “A poor little boy, iu a cold night, with no home or roof to shelter his head, no pa ternal or matex-nal guardian or guide to pro tect or direct him on his way, reached at nightfall thc house of a rich planter, who took him iu, fed, lodged, and sent him on his way with a blessing. Those kind at tentions cherred his heart, and inspired him with fresh courage to battle with the obstacles of life. Years rolled round ; Pro vidence led him on, and he had reached the legal profession; his host had died; the cor morants that prey on the substance of man had formed a conspiracy to get from tbe widow her estates. She sent for the near est counsel to commit her cause to him, and that counsel proved to be the orphan boy, years before welcomed and entertained by her deceased husband. The stimulus of a warm and tenacious gratitude was now ad ded to the ordinary motive connected with the profession. He undertook her cause with a will not easily to be resisted; he gained it; the widow’s estates were secured to her in perpetuity; and Mr. Stephens ad ded, with an emphasis of emotion that sent an electric thrill throughout the house, 'that orphan boy stands before you !’ ” Another Serious Accident on the Cam den & Amboy R. R.—Another serious acci dent, attended with loss of life, occured on the Camden & Amboy R. R. this afternoon (Sept. 8). The engine of the two o’clock train, when near Beverly, was thrown from the track by the breaking of an axle at tached to the forward truck, and rendered a complete wreck, and following after it was the baggage and one passenger car. John Holland, tbe engineer, was so bad ly injured that amputation of one of his limbs became necessary, but he died short ly after the operation had been performed. He lived at Camden, and leaves a family. Langhorn Thorne, a fireman, was seri ously injured, but not considered fatally. None of the passengers were hurt. The acecident occurred at 2£, P. M., and was occasioned by a flaw in the axle next to the wheel. An examination showed the axle to have been sound about an inch and a half in a diameter of five inches. Soon after the accident occurred, the engineer asked, “What’s broke ?” On being told thc axle, he replied, “I thought so.” Such a remark leads to the inference that he was aware at the depot of a flaw, and, notwith standing, he recklessly perilled the lives of passengers and his own. Great excitement prevailed among the passergers in regard to the disaster, and the feelings of the people are again liarrowed up by the repetition of the same accident. Drs. Bry and Beverly performed the operation on the engineer.— The train was delayed four hours. Gov. Price and Double -Tracks.—It seems that Governor Price, of New Jersey, in his Inauguraral Address, delivered eigh teen months ago, took strong ground in fa vor of double tracks for the Railroads of that State. He said emphatically that “all roads authorized to carry passengers should be compelled to lay a double track for security against accidents.” This excellent advice was repeated at the commencement of the last session of the Legislature. Criminal. Xh$ Discipline charges that the Hon. Al exander H. Stephens during a late visit of that gentleman to this city, was seen in conversation with a Catholic Priest. This is a terrible piece of business. What pun ishment does our neighbor propose for so flagrant an outrage, as this of talking to a nan without enquiring first his religion ? I The Fight at Sebastopol.—The captain of an American vessel now freighting for the French Goverraent, writes home from Balaklava, July 22d, that thc Allies have about 300,000 soldiers in the Crimea. He says: “The two armies have advanced the tren ches to within 50 yards of each other, and make dreadful havoc. I could see the Rus sians throw shells from the Redan and Mal- akoff towers directly into thc English and French trenches, and it is a melancholy sight to sec the poor fellows taken out of them, knocked to pieces. “I was talking with an officer who has been in the Crimea throughout the cam paign, and he was of opinion that it would not be taken this year. He said that the Russian fortifications were the best engi neering he ever knew. From an elevated position, whore you can seethe whole imp, it is a most magnificent sight. I Hod a good view of Sebastopol, and all ."-.war ships in the harbor.” St. Louis, September 10.—Governor Shan non of Kansas arrived at Westport on the 31st ult., where he was serenaded and in re ply m ide a speech in which he said that he regarded the Legislature legal and its acts binding; and that he would exert his author ity to enforce them. He also declared him self in favor of the establishment of slavery in Kansas. A dispatch from Pittsburgh, dated the 10th instant, says: “Twenty-six persons were committed to jail in Cambria county on Sati ed with stealing iron ore from 1 L Road. , ft is estimated that or of at least $16,000 has been arrests are to be made.” “Rachel puddings” and Beer” are advertised at some of the York Restaurants! Raohel foals oould be advertised alee.