The Atlanta weekly intelligencer and Cherokee advocate. (Atlanta and Marietta, Ga.) 1855-18??, September 28, 1855, Image 1

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* * AND KEE ADVOCATE. BY BOGGLES & HOWARD. ATLANTA AND MARIETTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1855. VOL. VII. NO. 18. TH EATLANTAINTELLIGENCER Dally. Tri-Weekly and Weekly. BY HIGGLES & HOWARD. \V. B. KIJGGL.ES, > ^Editor.. T. O. HOWARD. J \V. 11. HUNT, A«»oclate Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. laU}' Intelligencer per annum, In advance, Tri-Weekly, “ “ Veeklr- “ “ U 1TKSOF ADVERTISING. •. • ■.••rti'ins in the Uaily Intelligencer will be .... i • [he following rates per square often $6.00 4.00 2.00 60 cts. One mourn, $5 00 $1 00 Two “ 8 00 1 25 Three “ 10 00 1 50 Four “ 12 00 1 75 Six “ 16 00 2 00 Ono year, 25 00 lilDI nef ' --, ertiromcnt* from transient person* i t ■ pai. in ndvanoe. .-r'i-cuiente published at the usual i-.t-v notices exceeding ten eharg- - a ivertiseir.qnt*. Announcing candidate* for • $5 00, I., lie paid in advance. advertisement.* arc ordered in all the ii- iiudu tin * Daily. Tri-Wockly and Weekly, ,rent, will be addeJ to the above rates. ..rivilege of yearly .advertisers is strictly • i iheir own immediate and regular bu*i- r ,fe. tonal Card* not exceeding six lines, $16 tr annum. irertisemeuta not specified a* to time will be ■ 1 till ordered out, and charged at regular advertisement* inserted in the Weekly paper j>, y-ill l,a charged at former rates. MONDAY, SEPT. 24. 'tori Damages against the State RoadJ WY learn from the Chattanooga Ornette that a Mr. Mi Clung, of Tennessee, has just recovered f 1(i.i no damages in ti e Circuit Court of Bradley i u: •for injuries received on the Road. Thus ; in m y of the people goes.—Sumpter Rcpubli- s ill ttic name of all that is good, what doe* I • ninn mean by the foregoing language? If ’ sense of justice, will not shame yet bold restraint upon him? We beg of our readers . mark the above as a specimen of the base and .•rb rous attacks which the Know-Nothing Press „,m daily making upon Governor Jobaon. The Circuit Court of Bradloy county, Tcnr.., - swarded $10,000 damages against the Wei- i i Atlantic Raiaoad for injuries sustained by MeClung years before the present administra- into power. And yet, tho Sumpter /. . < attempts, concealing the essential .. r.iru this into a political argument against Gov. Johnson. H.... is a deliberate attempt to slander tlio Ex- . :| |; 1 swindle the people. Talk no more .J. -uilism: for at no time has thero boon a pco- ■ so regardless of the means by which they ad- van.-cd their purposes as the Know Nothing , -i v hi the present canvass. Will the people am give eroded oe to men who have boon guilty u- !i shameful attempts to docoive them? Wlut l»o Vou Say Now I - . riutenJcnt of the State Road for pre- . : political meetings along the line of the road, !■ -ed the fare out—third. This rato was tried , \ of experiment and found not to pay. \V. ;i. : .r the Democratic Mass meeting held on . til of August, at Cartersville, the rate was : • i siii 1 lower, aud placed at onc-half the • . The result fully justified the policy a , : i. lor thero could not have been less than !c at the Cartersville gathering. But V ;. Co per t partiality—tho abuse of tho power .Stale Road in oppressing nativo Americans, rich theme for K. N. presses, all over tho ‘>Vt aii understood it, however, and knew .ich that this pother raised by tlic Order, •i dvJ to answer both, the purposes of po- ajdtal, a well as an excuse for tho iniscra- , :ii of their meetings. But the richest hat with the rates a* low, or lower than he- urn.-.- meeting held this season, thero ... a , '- ; dutc!y not one ticket sold for tho ••... . cr.-al, omntuat gatherum, that came offat Uiiii yesterday. * • i:r -.iiis to work, gentleman, and see now i iunol make Governor Johnson aecountn* : the people to attend your pow- An Outsider Wi mi .,id the article of our correspondent •>ui-:Jer." to tlie careful attention of Atlanta -.w-N--tilings. An Outsider has long been C9- •iie Mate, as a man of sound cunscrvn- > . and though an old line Whig, his pro- . mays secured for his opinions the great- respect. Wc agree fully with him in the de le make* from this shocking trifling with j’.iir. which seems now to ho the distinc- whicli gives individuality to Know- .• -in. What cun we call this hut that lent u-suinption of the dispensing power Drdcr fc.i - ascribed to Catholicism, We :: ih.Might that institution, «* rendered .V- was the identical prototypoof -ecresy -doing evil upon tho plea ■ - 1 might come of it—remission of sworn • . and remission of sins for tho same, -in total of this new party's claims to Dow. Johnson. On Thursday, in accordance with a previous ap pointment, Gov. Johnson addressed the citixonsof Fulton countj at the City Hall in thisjplace. The speech, of an hour's length in the morning, was continued at night in the Athcnteuin. It is im possible for us, within the ordinary limits of a newspaper article, to do any thing like justice to tho very able address of our candidate on this oc casion. It was unquestionably tho speech of the canvass, so thought we, so thought everybody who heard it. It was not mere eloquence in which consisted the principle attraction of Gov. Johnson’s speech. This he might well disdain; but the solid continuous chain of argument, the stern ition. no cts. one tuontn, $5 00 incontrovertible facts, shaped and linked by the aid of reason, it was this which marked .the character of the addross of Thursday evening.— Stooping for a moment to notice with withering scorn the base attacks, and foul calumnies of the : made for yearly advor- Know-Nothing press, the speaker explained how a quarter, half or whole noivliit was that he had loft Millcdgcville to vindicate his character against the malignant .■landers of his adversaries. Charge after charge had they brought against him, which had been refuted as fast as made, yet thoy had failed to publish any one of those refutations, but continued to make other and more virulent attacks. Under such condition of affairs, justice demands that he should be heard in bis own defence, and right nobly he vindicated himself. Tho reduction of freights from the Etowah depot, he said, was his own act —it was right—and if tho Know-Nothing press had'dared publish Mark A. Coopers letter the peo ple would all have known it was right. The speaker then adverted to tho sale of the State Road cars, exculpated himsolf and tho Superin tendent from all blnmo in the transaction, and satisfied his hearers that the Stato had lost noth ing by it. The depot at Chattanooga, he begged to assure tho vigilant guardians of tho public weal, would not be sold. Upon tho suhjoct of the Stato Road Attorney, We beliove no one who hoard Gov. Johnson will doubt tho propriety or tho legality of the appoint ment. Tho precedent had been established by Gov. Cobb. Not one word was said in opposition thereto by tho same press who are now so merci lessly villifying him. The Legislature, when the affairs of tho State Road had come under their in spection, had tacitly approved the appointment. Passing by these things, the speaker next con sidered of tho two parties. Know-Nothingism, which claimed to be Americanism, was in antago nism to the cardinal principles of Americanism, a free press, free speech, religious toleration, and representation without taxation. The slavery as pect of the parties next claimed his attention, llaving first ably reviewed the Compromise meas ures of 1850, tho Kansas-Ncbraska act, and tho present position of tho people of Georgia, ho proved that tho Philadelphia platform had failed to meet the demands of the South, and that its principles wero antagonistic to tho Geor gia platform. In forcible and energetic language tho speaker depicted the history and progress of Know-Nothingism. It had sprung from Abolition motives, and at every step it had trampled upon tho interests of tho South. Its hostility to for eigner* was hostility to our institutions. The firmest friends that the South had, wero these same foreign born citizens, whorno the Northern Know-Nothings were attempting to disfranchise. Tho South would gain nothing by the disfran chisement of the foreigners North—representation was apportioned by tho population; the North would bo entitled to as many representatives then as now; tho only difference would bo that native born Abolitionists would have tho exclusive selec tion of them. Tho speaker treated the religious feature of tho Philadelphia platform with well de served ridiculo. Wc aro sure that there was not a Know-Nothing present who was not ashamed of that portion of his creed. We have not time to follow this speoch further; we will leave it by addiDg that it did honor to Gov. Johnson, and service for his cause. IVisixii Rui.roai»s.—The Wilmington I wi —the following comparison be- .... .. ,,f a railroad and the amount ■ .nied in the operations before Sebasto- :.-re has Uccu more digging and trench- . c and building done in and around Sc- jp 1, during the last twelve months, than .. -uld grade aud bridge every foot of t Wilmington, Charlotte a»d Rutherford ■ a-l—m-.rc iron fired out of cannon than • uld lay every foot of its track. We uid want no better fortune than the privi- _ • dig up and ship oil'the cannon balls: i .-rls upon ship-loads, and ship-loads Millions worth upon millions worth ■at - -on thrown away for civilization f i :;wi \\ iicat.—We see it stated that suipjiers -if Tennessee wheat from Mur- tr - -:-iro, in that State, to New York via, have realized a profit of 80 cents ;i bushel. At Murfreesboro’ the grain is represented to lie worth 80 cents per bushel. of transportation 50 cents, and the wheat i. i« liecn sold as high as $2.10 cents p.-r bushel. These prices, however, cannot i>e obtained now. B-«?„At the late election in Kentucky a t- te v.-a.' taken on a proposition for an ad din.-nal tax for school purposes: The result v. a- an immense majority for the tax. Thr Anurlcau Vsalon. Tii - editor of the American Union asserts •.’.at the last Congress passed a law grant- ing ne hundred and sixty acres of land to -ri ders in Kansas and Nebraska. This is a mi-take, aud had the Union published the entire act oi which he gave us a portion, his tenders would have seen what ho has verlooked, or concealed, that the 2d Section apt lies to New Mexico alone. 11 n. Win. Miles, one of the old and able whig leaders and stumpers in .Mississippi, has taken the stump against Know-Notbing- -»nd is canvassing the state. Thousands fold line whigs in the state will be found .i ling with him. Indeed, in soush-western M.-siasippi the whigs denounce the new movement as a “democratic trick” to destroy the whigparty. Relief for tile CJironlcle A Sentinel. Our cotemporary, with that t’other guardian of our Stato Road interests, the Chattannooga Gil lette, shall bo cased of their distress at tho sale of tho Stato Road cars. First, wo feel very cortain from tho proofs that we have in our possession, that these levies were instigated for the express purpose of making K. N. capital just like the at tempt to sot fire to one of our most costly eugines the other night nt Dalton, with a valuable train attached to hor. These people stop at nothing. It is cortain that the parties making these levies on tho cars and tho Dopot buildings at Chattanoo ga, knew that thoir money was ready upon appli cation for them at the Ocoee Bank, and every body knows that lcvios upon the property belong ing to the Stato of Georgia, amounting to at least forty thousand dollars, were not called for to sat isfy a paltry sum of two or three thousands. But this is tho point. An attempt is being made by tho Chronicle, and its desperate coadjutors to make tho impression that the payment of the debts justly duo from the road wore withheld—that State Road cars were loved on, sold for one-fourth their value, and after salo, taken away by the pur chasers of the property, and to tho great detriment of the State’s interests. Besides, the Chronicle is at least responsible for the impression, if such an one obtains, that note, tho State Depot nt the Northern terminus of the Road, is levied on, and will he sold by tho Sheriff next October. Wc ex plicitly state for the information of the public in general, and for tho particular “aid and comfort’ of the Chronicle & Sentinel, that tho State of Georgia did not loose “ono-fourth" of one cant on tho sale of “these carsthat they never were for tho speace of “one fourth” ot one moment of time out of our possession, and that they wore nover removed from our custody, having been bought iu for us by a special agent, duly empow ered so to do. Then as to the Depot building. Thero is no lovy on the Depot—it will not be sold for debt in October next, or any October there after, unless by some devilish mischance, Garnett Andrews, or some noddle head like him, should get control of the Road. Again for the perfect repose of tho Chronicle, wo state further, that there is not an outstanding debt now duo the State Road, that cannot and will not be taken up on presenta tion. Wc hove been called on by peremptory chal lenge from the Chronicle to give it “light" about the things here spoken of. We have lurnished, wo will engage more than was asked for or needed either, if you come to that. Now don’t go, we beg tho Chronicle, and stick it under a Know-Nothing bushel. Respect the truth, we most urgently ask of our coteinporary, even though it should aggra vate Garnett Andrew’s bronchitis. A K N. Meeting. TheKnow-N otliings, we understand, re port 5,000 persons in attendance at the mass meeting in Dalton on the 20th inst. A friend who was present and who counted the crowd while at the dinner-table assures us that there were 1800 of both sexes, 1000 of whom were citizens of the place, of which latter one-half wore Democcats. There was not one ticket sold at this depot, although the rates were reduced One-half. There is but one question of this canvass undeter mined, and that is, whether the Know- Nothings will be beaten worse in Northern or in Southern Georgia. CJincber. We beg the special attention of our rea ders to Maj. J. F. Cooper’s letter exposing tho base trick of she opponents of the Dem ocratic party fot making capital against Goy. Johnson. J[en who ar# capable of lending themselvei to such villiany are not above any crime hat is within the compass pf corrupt and repobate natures. VFlfll flic What Gov* Johnson has don State Rond* Under bis administration the earnings of the Western & Atlantic R. R. have increas ed, for ten months business, from $488,718 01 To 527,207 02 Under Johnson, the gross earnings of the Road for 1855 will reach $700,000 In July last, besides a world of other freights, we passed through more than 10,- 000 bushels of wheat for every working day in that month. And in August 326,255 bushels! But to do this Johnson’s boys were obliged to run much of the time seventeen trains a day T , and depot hands worked often till midnight. Under Johnson the Road has paid for construction incurred previous to 1854. the sum of $249,208 06 Since then including 1,600 tons of new heavy rail $200,411 61 UndeFJohnson, the State Road has been worked with such admirable systemjund per- severence, with a rolling stock more dispro- portioned to her business than that of any other road in Georgia, we have nevertheless blocked up all the Roads in the State fed by ours. Under Johnson we have had paid into the State Treasury by the Road $100,000 In one month more we will get another installment of $50,000 Under Johnson we have replaced the old rotten bridge at Etowah with a superb structure and embankment 1900 feet long, and made tlie Road from Dalton to Atlanta the pride and admiration of all in Georgia —of course excepting Know-Nothings. And we may go further and say, that un der Johnson, before the close of 1857, the earnings of the State Road will reach the enormous sum of $1,000,000 What tlie State Road has NOT done un der Gov- Johnson It has not lost one dollar from a defaulter, as the rule is that all hands once a week must come up to the “cap’n’s office and settle.” It has not caused the loss of a single life in two years from a collision or “ run off.” It has hardly lost it single mail in the same lengLli of time. It has not oppressed or proscribed, as has been falsely stated, but has retained a large proportion of active, working and bitter po litical opposition in service on the Road. It has never delayed payment to the poor, as Garnett Andrews falsely states, but “the Friday after the lath of each month” tlie pay roll is cleared off and every man who will have his pay gets it. And lastly, there has not been a judgment rendered against the State Road to the amount of one dollar for any cause of action arising under Governor Johnson’s adminis tration. Letter from Gov. Johnson on the Remo val Question. After all the misrepresentations thai have been circulated in this vicinity and in South ern Georgia in legard to Gov. Johnson’s position on the Removal Question, in order to prejndice his cause among the friends and the opponents of Removal, we take pleasure in being able to lay before our rea ders the following letter from his Excellen cy, by which these contemptible rumors are effectually nailed to the counter as Know-Nothing “Roorbacks.” It will be noticed with pleasure by those having the interests of Atlanta at heart, that Governor Johnson takes the correct position on the subject—that if the Legislature, in accor dance with the will of the people expressed at the ballot-box, passes a bill for the re moval of the Capitol to Atlanta, he will sanction the bill. Executive Chamber, I Milledgcville, Sept. 3, 1855. j Bear Sir: You say, that my opponents arc busily circulating reports about Atlan ta and the surrounding country, to the effect, that if elected Governor, I will, in case the next Legislature pass a bill locat ing the seat of Government at Atlanta, veto the bill. There is no foundation for such rumor. I have carefully abstained from any interference with the question. The last Legislature passed an act referring it to the people at the approaching election. I am perfectly contented to abide their will, as may be indicated by the majority of the voters of Georgia. If in observance of their will, so expressed at the ballot-box, the next Legislature should pass a law locating the seat of Government at Atlanta or at any other point, I shall feel it my duty, if elec ted, to sautiou such a bill. Respectfully, your obt. servant, HERSCI1EL V. JOHNSON. Col. John Collier, Atlanta, Ga. The Late Gex. Arista, of Mexico.—Gen. Arista, ex-President of Mexico, who la.ely died in Europe, was aged 62. He was one of the ablest and most upright public men of Mexico. He was banished to the United States in 1834, through a failure of a rising headed by himself. He returned and held office under Bustamente, and defended Year Cruz against the French in 183S, where he became a prisoner of war. He commanded at Mat amoves during the late war of Mexi co with the United States. When Santa Anna came in power, Arista went to Europe, where ho was received with distinction, and honored up to the time of his sudden death. Tiie Democratic People are National. —The great result in Maine is expressive of the soundness and the patriotism of the masses of the Democratic party in the free States. Leaders may sometimes hesitate in the midst of the violence and noise of fa- naticism, because the people seem to acqui esce by their silence. But when the peril is made manifest—when the tlag of disunion is unfurled—the first movement of the Dem- cratie masses is to the platform of the con stitution. It will thus happen that on the very fields which have been won by Know- Nothingism, aided by Abolitionism, the reign of fanaticism will be as brief as its overthrow will be terrible. [For tie Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.] The Abolition question—A New Rival to Rome. Messrs. Editors: We see it published in some of our city papers with manifest ap probation that tlie Council of the American party in Fulton county have passed an or der, decree, resolution or rule, to’ the effe-'t that members of the order in said Council shall be allowed to vote for Overby for Gov ernor, in opposition to the nominee of tho State Convention, without subjecting themselves to censure, or incurring the odi um of treason or disloyalty to their secret obligations to the party to carry out in all cases the nominations thereof, or in any wise impairing their standing as good Aiu- erierns. Wo do not pretend to quote the exact words, as wc have not the paper be fore us, nor have we ever seen the original, but we understand the object to be to ab solve determined Prohibitionists from the binding force and effect of their oath to sup port the nominations of the party, without withdrawing from their connection with the order. Now, Messrs. Editors, there is something about this question of absolution. that looks strange to one unaccustomed t-f such things. It may all be pleasant and easy to the initiated, but to one who has never seen the elephant, there seems to be a thick mist hanging over the whole mat ter. The immense numbers claimed to have been initiated by their street-criers, would long since have included the entire voting population of the county, and have al lowed several weeks past for working over the refused stock a second time. Hence it does seem that they might have allowed the few Overby men among them to have re tired in quiet, end pursued an independent course, without any troubles ol' conscience about those oaths, ‘ 1 pretermiitiny’’ any ef fort to retain them in the order, under cir cumstances, which to an outsider, looks like an effort to oust the jurisdiction of the Romish Church in the matter of absolving their members from the guilt and sir. of do ing what they are understood to have sworn not to do. Now, Messrs. Editors, don’t this out-Herod Herod himself? Who would have thought it ? Does it not look queer in deed for indulgences to be ^granted by the great informers themselves, the expurgators of the Romish heresy ? In all seriousness, what is the difference between tho granting indulgences by the Pope in the Dark Ages, or in the yet dark portions of the earth, and the granting of indulgences by the Ameri can party iu the State of Georgia in the Nineteenth Century ? 1 do not desire any controversy with our K. N. neighbors, but have made these suggestions for the benefit of.those who in tend to vote for Overby, and to open the eyes of others who may be in danger of be ing retained iu the order against their con victions of duty, when to our mind it is clear they ought at once to withdraw from the Council, and place themselves in a position free from doubt as to the obligations of du ty to their country, and their oath-bound secret obligations to the party. AN OUTSIDER. [From the Georgia Telegraph, lflth inst.] Gov. Johnson Vindicated—-The State Road, We call particular attention to the follow- ] ing correspondence. It is a full and per- ! feet vindication of Governor Johnson, against the petty calumnies, which have come swarming into existence at the close of the campaign. Read and circulate! Read and circulate! Let the people see the truth, and the slanderers be confounded. Macon, Sept. 18th, 1855. Dear Sir: As various reports are circula ted through the newspapers and elsewhere, in regard to the sale of- Iron of the Western & Atlantic Road, and also as to the levy and sale of the cars of the Road recently at Chattanooga, and as these reports reflect in juriously not only upon Governor Johnson, but also upon yourself as the Superintend ent of the Road. Will you do me the favor to state the facts of each case that the truth may be known and published in regard to both. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, W. K. DeGraffenreid. Bax a«a Slanderous Charge. It has been left for the Rome Courier to perpetrate the foulest of all slanders that have yet been heaped upon the head of Gov- Johnson. Let any man read the following editorial fron the Rome Courier of the 11th inst, and say if the party is not desperate •indeed, that resorts to such infamous slan ders. _ WHAT A GOVERNOR. Jno T. Boyd, under sentence of death as principal in the second degree for the murder of A. M. Robinson, in Columbus, Ga., has been respited by H. Y. Johnson.— This man Boyd, after his trial, broke jail in Columbus and when he was retaken in Florida did liis best to kill the officer and his posse who went out to arrest him. He fired 6 or 8 shots and wounded one or two ofthem. Now this man whohas beenguilty of two murders, (one in Macon a few years since,) and who has deliberately attempted five or six more, is respited by Governor Johnson—under what pretence it. is, that this act of clemency is done by his. Excel lency, we are not informed, but it is to b» presumed that the Governor is buying Boyd’s TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. Hon. David Irwin. The Know-Nothing friend* of this gontleman are making great efforts to extricate him from tho difficulties into which he has plunged himsolf by attempting to practice duplicity in reference to his political position. If ho had taken the open, candid and independent course pursued by Col. Brown, his opponent, and avowed his senti ments without disguise or double dealing, he would not now stand in tho unenviable position which he occupies before the community. Tho proof is conclusive that he was nominated by a Know- Nothing convention, six mouths since, at IV] ariet ta. This has been kept a profound secret till the recent certificates of Dr. Pennington and Messrs. McMeekin, Harmon and Craton, have established the fact. We see in the last Georgian (which de votes nearly the whole of its columns this week to the defence of Judge Irwin’s caso) a certificate of Messrs. Chisolm, Edge, Elliott, Robinson, Waddle and Lanier, which apologizes for the Judge. They admit that tho convention met; that they were members, that it “ took into con sideration the propriety of nominating a candidate meeting out justice Macon, Sept. 18, 1855. j come so serupulou My Dear Sir : I have seen the allegations 1 to Mark A. Cooper, t-- which you refer, anil scarcely thought ' It «■,-> Wright that broke jail, and was them wwreh notice, but as you think they . : y, rested in Florida. Now, this unscrupu- niav be exercising an injurious effect, I take lous party editor knew when he penned pleasure in giving you the facts. j this infamous article, that Boyd was in pris- The rails which are now taking up be- | on, and could no more vote for Governor tween Resaca and Dalton, were sold to the j Johnson Ilian the editor of tho Rome Courier highest bidder, Major j. H. Howard. I could do the Governor justice. Yet see how had several other propositions, but none so j dark the insinuation!—shame! shame! high as his. It is true that in February, i —Federal Union. vote or influence, since he nas recently be- j forjudge,” Ac., and they concluded to nominate E 1854, I wrote to Mr. Wells, Engineer of the Thomaston Railroad, that I would hear from him before I made the sale. When we were ready to take up the rails 1 opened a correspondence with some Iron dealers relative to the purchase of these Rails, but I received only a few distinct propositions. I recollect now only two besides Maj. IIow- j ards. One was from Mr. T. R. Bloom, who ! bid $20 per ton. the other was from Mr. J. j Gent F. Mims, who bid $16.50, and afterwards i power i think $18. Major Howard’s bid was $24 ' po-c payable in Columbus bonds, or $22.50 in i situuth cash. Mr. Wells accompanied Maj. IIow aid to Atlanta, and before closing the trade I reminded Mr. Wells of the promise I made him for tlie Thomaston company. He seemed to attach no importance to it, and I supposed that their project for a Railroad had been abandoned—Governor Johnson knew nothing of my promise to the Thomas- ten Company. I alone am to blame for over looking them as I did. As soon as Major Interesting Letter from Ilciki-y A. Wise. The fullo'.vitig letter from Hon. Henry A. Wise, Democratic Governor elect of Virginia, wns re ceive! yesterday in .uisiver to a letter of invita tion from the Democratic Anti-Know-Nothing ‘(tniniiteo ..t Fulton county : \nl-. . si-in Osancock, Va., ( September liith, 1S56. j .- I regret licit it will not be in ray c:nl t': . : Mooting which you pro- al on the 20th inst. The my r.-iiuily and homestead duties re lay daily presence, and I am obliged to de vil invitations of the kind, far and near. I cannot fear for the i.-^ue of the groat Empire St ito of too South. Georgia is a State of States. Sue i- too rich, too intelligent, loo improved, too sensible of her de.-Mev. loo sensitive to the dan ger.- v,-hi( it thi'-nn-.i hor heiif, most of all her in to; c i. . imt ; i bo a!! -. o . ii'i alert to meet the ene- mie.- • : her property, of Lor laws and of her re- i c! Howard returned to Columbus, I received a ; F- i- u.-ho itro t the r.. Inn io Uni rights U niton L’l-u The Harvest in Wisconsin.—A letter to the New York Journal of Commerce, dated Silver Lake, Wisconsin, August 27, says: We have had good weather for harvesting the crops, and they are generally secured in good condition. The wheat crop in this section is large, the average yield being es timated by some at 30 bushels per acre, but this I tmpk too high a figure—20 to 25 being nearer the mark. In ‘the Southern and Eastern part of the State, on the prairi es, it will probably be from 25 to 30 bush els per acre. Wages for laborers to harvest the crops have been very high in that sec tion—from $2 to $2.50 per day having been paid, and they were hard4o get at that. The Fever at Norfolk and Ports mouth.—John Wise, the aeronaut, writing to the New York Tribune, suggests a means of dispelling tlie miasmatic atmosphere at Norfolk and Portsmouth. He says : “A few tons of gunpowder exploded in cannons of the largest calibres with their muzzles elevated as much as practicable, even to a perpendicular if possible, would produce atmospheric waves that would travel hundreds of miles. This should be aided by large fires, on open lots and commons, made of tar barrels or any other highly combustible material. This would put the atmosphere in motion, driving the infected off and receiving the pure from abroad.” He also recommends the fumigation of infected houses and chlorine gas, or chlo ride of lime. He also states that over $1,000 has been raised for the sufferers at Lan caster, Pa., from whence he writes. C-lov. Shannon. The following is an extract from a report of a speech delivered by Gov. Shannon, de fining his position with reference to the Kansas Legislature and the institution of slavery : As to the Legislature that recently ad journed at the Shawnee Mission, he regar ded it as a legal assembly, and thought that the objection to its power, grounded on ils removal from Pawnee was puerile, as every Legislature enjqyed the right of removing the seat of government at pleasure. The Executive and Judiciary of the Territory had acknowledged the Legislature as a Le gal body, and so would he. He regarded their laws as binding on every citizen of the Territory, and would use all his Executive power aud authority to carry them into ef fect. He said lie did not intend to address ibem on the various questions that divided the parties of the Territory: perhaps he did not understand them ; and lie had not ex pected to speak on this occasion. To one subject, however, he would allude —Slavery. His official life and career were not unknown to a portion, at least, of the citizens of Kansas. lie lntd :-o intention , of changing his political faith. lie thought with reference to Slavery, that as Missouri aud Kansas were adjoining States, as much of the commerce up the Missouri which was already rivaling the commerce between the United States and some Europcn countries, must necessarily lead to great trade and perpetual intercourse between them, ir would ■ be well if their institutions should harmon- j ize—as, otherwise, there would be continual quarrels and border feuds. He was for Shi- J very in Kansas [Loud cheers. Know-Nothings vs The Nebraska Bill- During a late speech in Texas, Senator Houston stated that the passage of the Ne- braska-Kansas -Act was one of the principal reasons why “ the Know-Nothing or Ameri can party had been formed, and the great heart, of America excited that said bill was concocted by a little caucus of seven or eight senators in Congress, and that Mr. j Pierce had fallen into their measures, and so the bill was brought forward and passed; that it was a very bad bill, and he alone, of all the southern senators, had voted against it. - (He did not seem to know that Mr. Bell had voted the same way.) lie told senators, he said, that it was a bad bill, and that the North would not like it; and referred to his speech on the subject in the Senate in proof ol what he asserted, and to the Know-No thing victories at the North in proof of its truth, and the fulfillment of all his prophe cies. Senator Houston also spoke in high com mendation of the Philadelphia Know-No thing Platform ; said it was sound, national and conservative, and that he stood firmly on it particularly, we suppose, because it styled the Nebraska-Kansas Bill “ an ob noxious act and violated pledge.” Senator Houston is one of the great pillars of Know-Nothingism. His speeches have been published abroad, his life written, and it is said that he is to be the candidate of the order in the next Presidential campaign. Can greater condemnation be uttered against a party, asking Southern support, than facts like these ?—Savannah Georgian. A crisis is approaching in Kansas. The regular correspondent of' the St. Louis Re publican writes thus: “The canvass from tnis time to election day willbfl exciting. Almost every one ex pect a fight, and many aro preparing for it. —The Free Soilers are talkug loudly, and the Pro-Slavery men are working silently.” The demand for shipping iu New York is inorwsiog, and^freights are rising. r I anil Kii | the ends- of I ’io touched ? | to he ilitcu- I pared for. rights of tin -N hi shiil eontine dom of Let A i. To a mono the tier from Mr. J. D. Gray, offering 840 per ton for the rails delivered in Atlanta—this j offer it appears, was for the Thomaston Company. The very high price offered for \ old rail which have been used for eight j years under a heavy trade, and the time of the offer, being within three days after 1 ; had closed with Maj. Howard, gave it the I appearance of a political manecuver under- I taken for the injury of Governor Johnson. | Why did they want to buy old Rails at $40, when new ones eould be bought at $50? the last being the price paid for those we are now laying down and why were they silent for eighteen months, to make their application within three days after the sale had been effected? I have since learned that Gen. Minis was acting in' behalf of the Thomaston Company, which, if true, leaves them nothing to complain of for lie made two bids, but under tho price at which the sale was effected. But be this as it may, 1 only am to blame, the Governor knew nothing of the previous correspondence with the Thomaston Company, and I had forgotten it until I saw Mr. Wells, their Engineer, in company with Maj. Howard at Atlanta. Now. as to the sale of cars. Several judg ments were obtained against the Road in Tecnnessce, on account of claims institu ted iu 18-52, aud I made arrangements which I thought would prevent the issuance of executions. Nevertheless one of the credi tors did issue, and levy was made upon fif teen stock cars standing on the track out of use, at Chattanooga. They went to sale, and were bid in for our Road, by a gentle man who was requested to act for us. We paid the money in two or three days after wards—the cars never left our tracks—nev er went out of our possession one moment, and the Road lost nothing by the transac tion but the SherrifPs Commission on $1,- 600. Very respectfully, your Ob’t Serv’t James F. Coo per. Superintendent of the W. & A. Railroad. First Gun From Mississippi.—Hopeful Samuel's prospects there.—A special elec tion was held in Lafayette county, Miss., on the 5tli instant, for Circuit Court Clerk.— Each party nuininated its canidate, mar- . , ... , ■ , , shaled its forces, and the race was a fair | er L «fJ uU V ,llflde or at test of the relative strength of both. We find the following announcement of the re sult in the Missisippian : Oxford. Miss., August 6, 1855. Major Barksdale:—We had a special election in this county for Circuit Clerk yesterday, to supply the vacancy caused by the death of Asa Nix, Esq., who died a few weeks ago. Both parties agreed that it should be considered a test vote in the coun ty, and Ilickman (Democrat) beat Smith (K. N.) one hundred and eighty-nine votes.— There was not a full vote, and Smith was a very popular man; had several times been elected Sheriff of the county. Hickman j the stubborn prohibitionists must be con- was but little known in the county, but tlie : ciliated, must be absolved, in order to pre- unpopularity of 'Sam' did the work. vent their present escape from the grip of Ihts is the first nail in the ‘ Know-Noth- , ’. . . - ^ , ing coffin” in this State. Proclaim it to the 1 * le oldel ’ Klni l -Y_ r supporting Oterby, as world that the county where M. A. MoKin- ; they may be servicable to tlie order heveaf- non first opposed tlie low-down Order— | ter ; aud while we agree that this plea may where he edits a Democratic paper lias , r ealiv release all prohibitionists from the given Know-Nothingism an overwhelming ! , , , , , ” ■ ” support ot Andrews, we still cannot under stand any better than your correspondent ion. She is ginni with great and noble sons, i.:-ii an-! enterprising men who are jealous of - i.oiio: pimiot.-i who cherish tho Union of -<e SL t:e. tin • do the union of matrimony— inly, i ■ ;■!•■■verve ’.ml perpetuate it, they will i- an 1 f-.-r i-ir i ■ the uttermost, but if honor be j 1 ht.-li iii pieces every link which j lion mil disgrace. She will re- 1 -i oui S• tiles as the most previous j the Suites, tsrtpt th< right not to I AVliat, then, if Fusion and Con- ! .'land Agrarianism, Abolitionism j iugisin. anil all the odds and all j jc •• i.',” shall succeed in i-.lin:- States—will uothonor dreadful issue, too trying • prevented, it must he pre- d shall ! e prevented. The ■ Union of tho.States, the t':c inalienable rights of 1 and perpetuated on this [ood of heroes and the wi3- i laied to human freedom ! gin aiouc so resolve and it . we must guard more now ri Soil.ih than in the North, ■a, i-riester.ifc with us, as in ueighb-1 - is abusing the bigot- icome the arbiters of State, and is 11i -liivory movements by secretly a and politics. They are desert- spiritual fertile carnal kingdom, to pollute :eh, destroy the liberty of iinj State, crush ulve tho band of our ua- -ueds of riot and misrule, i !. We must correct people. If 1 deserve to .cii'ia! : i y mr Lb mocracy, it is for—a team ’s on:.-, gratefully and truly, HENRY A. WISE. [For tlie Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.] A New I«lcn for an “Outsider.” Messrs. Editor.'-: Your correspondent “An Outsider,’’ seems not to he posted in Know-Nothing ethics. The sworn obliga tions hi tlie initiated is to support for office, only all candidates that shall be lawfully nominated by the parly. This obligation is by no means to be construed as extend ing to all the nominees of ilie party, wlieth- Ilence the Fulton county lodge might very easily persuade themselves that it would not do t>> loose members from the organization, inst because they intended to vote for Over by against Andrews, as none of the well-in- formed members undertake to establish that his nomination was either regular or lawful. Indeed it is generally considered by the candid among themsehes even, that his nomination was effected by a snap-judge ment, a mere pettifogging trick upon the simple-hearted members of the party. Hence no, to “ recommend Judge Irwin to the support <ff their friends.” But notice the consistency of the certificate and tho probability of the story.— They say that “Judge Irwin was never informed of the action of the meeting.'' Again they say he was not informed of its action, authoritatively or othcncise. Col. Chisolm, who is Judge Irwin's right baud man and plays the political cards for j him, was a member of tho convention. He is ; Judge Irwin’s bosom friend and Col. Brown’s bit- ! ter enemy—was a member of a convention t tint rc- | commended Judge Irwin to tlie support ofa politi- : cal party, anil the Judge has never been informed : of the fact! Air. Edge, Dr. Elliott, Mr. Robinson and j Mr. Lanier are Judge Irwin’s personal and politi- I cal friends, most of them live iu his own town, aud the Judge never was informed, authoritatively \ or otherwise, that ho was nominated ! Judge fr- win lias been Mr. AY addle’s guardian and is now j the guardian of some of liis brothers aud sisters, it wo aro correctly informed, and VIr. Waddle is the Judge’s political friend, and yet tile Judge never was informed, authoritatively or otherwise, of his nomination ! We of course do not reflect upon these gentlemen, but we must submit that these aro strong features in Know-Nothingism. Who did the convention intend to benefit by this recomcndation of Judge Irwin ? Certainly Judge Irwiu. Tho effect of this recomcndation has been that tho Know-Nothings have taken up the Judge as their candidate, and the Know-Nothing presses are supporting "him with all their power. The last Georyianhas a long editorial, two long com munications, and four certificates, in reference to thejudicial election, and all designed to help Judge Irwin, and part of them full of slander on Col. Brown: and yet the Judge is not the Know- Nothing candidate! AVith what cruel iudifforeuee the Judge's Know-Nothing friends have treated him in concealing from him this important fact, LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE 1 BALTIC, The steamer Baltic lias arrived, bringing one week’s later news from Europe. Liverpool Markets. Liverpool, Sept. 8—Cotton is easier. Up lands have declined 1-16 to |d. Sales of the week 56,000 bales. Fair Orleans 7 Jd., Middling &$; Fair Uplands 0:{d., Middling 6id. Trade in Manchester dull. Flour is stiffer—Canal 40s. fid. Corn has advanced Is. Consols 90i| to 80The Bank has rais ed the rate of interest to 4 per cent. Tim War. Simpson and Pelissiev telegraphed on rhe 3d inst. that nothing new had occurred at Sevastopol nr Tchcrnaya. The Russians were again threatening an attack. Tho Allied army v;k- kept completely o the alert, and parties remain constantly un der arms. The question was whether the Russians would attack the Teliecnaya lines or Balak- lava Baidar Valley. Simpson says the lius-i ns are actively bridging the harbor, fortifying the north side, and have received reinforcement Nothing has been removed from the Black Sea. Fm-tlici- toy tlie Baltic. jVctr York. Sept. 20.—Among the passen gers by the Baltic was the Spanish Minister to Washington. Napier publishes a correspondence show ing that he only carried out tho Govern ment orders in not attacking .Cron unit. England i- paying w. rthy honors to the late Abbott La wren -s. Fergus O’Conner is dead. Tlie Queen of Spain ha- -ne t<> Belmor- cl. Difficulties have arisen between England and Naples. I’he latter will lie called to account. The cholera is raging in Italy. General Simpson telegraphs he is ready for offensive movements again Tlie Russians made a sortie from Sevasto pol and destroyed some Gabions. New negotiations at Vienna still current. The evils ofa divided command in the that he is their candidate ! But they say that the j Crhncn''is more and more fob" convention was a small one. This was probably j• There is a rumor Unit all the imop* at true. The Know-Nothing party was then a small i Tchcrnaya were linked under one cnmman- one, and Judge Irwin’s vote in tho district us the del’. The Allies are building railways to _ j nominee of the convention will be as small in pro- transport goods during \v inter, and appear portion as the convention that nominated him was. : actively preparing for a winter i:i r. gn. The only notice we think it necessary to take of j -Simpson reports that iiier--- .r - - t'ai'.i, | In the well a. | ry of sects t ; duly innskiu combining r ing the the freedom of man tional strength. aud drench tliis lam them or be ruined i be e r ing. the article in the last Georgian, signed “ High ! heavy CUSUaltie Tower,” is to remark that “ had is still under the was burnt in t! load."’ Tho effect of the certificate of Mr. Ha- ' * 1 bursting mon in reference to his other certificate amounts to this : that where the former certificate says the delegates returned and reported Judge Inviu’s nomination, Ac., it should have been “delegate," instead of ‘ delegates.” It seems that Mr. Chis olm did not return, but Mr. AVaddle did. The ef fect is the same, and the fact of the nomina tion stands admitted by tho certificate of Colo nel Chisolm and tlie other gentlemen, upon which wo commented above. This whole affair is in keeping with the trickstery of K. N. ism.— But tlie trick is exposed, tho people have learned the secret, and on next Monday they will stamp the seal oi their condemnation upon it, and will i elevate Col. Brown to the bench, a gentleman em inently qualified and one who is not ashamed of his principles, or afraid to avow them. v . in- Al. A great- fire oveui-.c-l ur i Ir.steil an entire day. Thero is groat suffering ' ‘ ! want of tho neces nrl >' b • Affairs in the Baltic tire in ! The maintenance of rise iec I 30,000 pounds sterti • ,!••• • i The Turks defeated the Bus Spain.—The Carlists have : | their plans of civil •• -r. the Cabinet had decided i. ; Seutt’s pay k prcniiuuri. decker '"'•ing yto.— •an.- at Kar- : nhnhdoi ed •c- ■ ri ■ hat riih-v-i Ken. re-. York io result ot . . : of the defeat. This is the first bugle note of a victory in our State. !Ve are in fine spirits in tliis portion of the State, and we are now only working fora heavy majority—we will not be content with a small one. Lies, Lies, Lies. The Know-Nothing papers of Georgia, have lost sight ofForeigners and Catholics, and every principle that they ever professed, and turned to Lying as their last resort.— If Gov. Johnson was to devote one hour in every dav r rcm this to the 1st dav of Oeto- llldlan Attack on a Surveying Party, her, in refuting the lies told on “him, he We have received advices from Nebraska the necessity for the exercise of the high prerogative of granting absolution to those who intend to vote for Overby, and do not either ask that great grace, or believe in the right of these new mediators to make the grant. Can you explain it ? OBSERVER. Swaiu Bank Note List ami Detector. We find on our table the first number of , , • every where proclaimed!) owan 8 Bank Note List and Detector, p, the Nebraska Bill, it The Maine Electio: Trihtnu admits tho fact i the election in Maine, “i a t: [..!•: t I party of Slavery and oi Ri ., i i.t ie up as it ; is of the congenial portion i of the late Whig : and Democratic parties. , The Tribune trios to find some comfort in ! the statement that tho Oernocr-ifo; candidate >e'f : • bo hostile ie ■ i, ". h.- wover, lg extract .ih published in Montgomery, Ala., on the 1st and 15th of every month, and delivered by carriers in Montgomery and Atlanta, and mailed to all parts of the Union and the Canadas, at $2.00 per annum, in advance.’’ It contains forty-four large pages of closely printed matter, and a larger amount of in-j England. Northern faun• > L. formation, on the subject of Banks and j tacking the South for li-5 year. . banking, than any other work of the kind ' ^ ilve n 1 ’ ' V ’ ' 11 , ° • .... , r , . ! territory—they are their proper that we are acquainted with in the United | South are kiud ; iu , s ,, itab l 0 , ; ; V r i States. To business men jn the South wc ; love liberty. I will stand by tub would specially recommend the work, as being published at a central point in the South, it has superior facilities for obtaining and disseminating correct and reliable in formation respecting Southern Banking in stitutions. See the notice of the work in our advertising columns.” tell its readers that the from a speech of Iris stood for weeks bef • the election, in flaming chara- rai-s. at the head of abolition fusion paper : Is there a man in this assembly who has ever received any injury from a slaveholder? No—not one in Maine—not - ne iu New e been 11- Th South •> 1XT - NEW n-iy. The and itive slave law of 1850. IT WAS RIGHT AND JUST. Fugitives should rciurned to thoir owners,and the North siinnfi n -t make a noise about it.— Wells’ Spm-!- a" Belfast. Chattanooga, Tens., Sopt. 20, 1855. To Maj. J. F. Cooper, Superin’t. W. <£- A. It. Jt. Dear Sir: The papers of your Stato have come to us for tho last few days, teeming with accounts of the awful condition of the affairs of the AV. & A. R. R. in this State. Those papers have been sadly misinformed in relation to the sacrifice of cars, the largo amount of judgments hanging over the Road, the Depot being levied upon, &c., <&c. It is not true, that the depot is or ever has been levied upon. It is not true, that any of tho property of your j Look out for the Roorback*: State is under levy. Every Know-Nothing Roorback, alias lie, It is not true, that there is a final judgment for invented by the enemies of Gov. Johnson, a single dollar outstanding in this State against j i uls been refuted by the very witnesses the Road. It is not true, that the State has lost a singh dollar by the sacrifice or sale of ears. Judge'Hook, Agent of the Nashville & Chatta Affecting Incident.—Tqp following is an extract from a soldier’s letter in the camp in the Crimea -. “Tlie other night I was in the entrenchments, and a good number of us were sitting together amusing ourselves. One was singing a song called, “Mary. v. eep no more for me,” in which oecure these beau tiful linos: •Far, far from thee l sleep in death. So, Mary, weep nu more for me,’ when a shell came in, burst, among us, and killed the man while he was singing the song. I never was, so vexed for any one in my life, it opened his skull completely, and he died in an instant.” would’nt get through the list. Did any in- j cit Y to the 8th inst. Col. Monnies, party rC( .° lle tow-Nothing pres-! of Government surveyors was attacked by a : * nooga R. R., bought in tho cars at the Sheritf’s sale, for the State, at the request of Maj. Welch and myself—wo knowing that tho salo was occa sioned by the temporary absence from home of tho gentleman with whom you had made the ar rangement : settle the claim of Toole, Rope &Co. I might arthc • and add, that to the best of brought forward to prove tlie lie. Look out for more Roorbacks between if: and the election. Two months have passed away, anil the enemies oi Gov. Johnson have sub stantiated no charges against him. They will invent move astounding wo.-L s, when it is too late to brintv up witnesses to refute them. Buf keep an eye on them:'font be lieve any of them.—Fed. Union. Georl SSrefa'higlmmS"honorabfe man 1 band 'of I ^ assailed with such a batch of low dirty lies up the Platte River. Col. Monnies and five p a Y caus e of action originating since your All the old dead and decayed “Buzzard j others reached Nebraska safley, but six ( a PP°> ntm ent to the office of Superintendent. Stoies,” are being dug up by these Know- j others were dispersed and have not been 1 do not wlsh to 1,0 considered as interfering in ~ ‘ " ~ "to no purpose. ] heard from. A company of fifty men was y° ur State elections, but it seems to me that jus- * ' : immediatly raised and started in pursuit. Nothing editors. But all You may throw dirt on Gov. Johnson now. but the people, the honest people, will lift him so far above your heads in October, that your filth and garbage will never touch him. Mark that, ye detractors.—Federal Union. New Defences at Sebastopol.—It is re reported in the European papers that the Turkish Quartermaster General, who was with Omar Pasha in the Crimea, speaks in the highest terms of the new system of for tifications introduced by the Russians.— General Melnikoff has fortified the space be tween the first and second line of defence, by means of mines, trenches covered ways, palisades and small redoubts. Between Fort Paul and Bastion 1, he has construct ed works which so command the Malakuff Tower and Korniloff Bastion that the Allies would not be able to maintain them even if they obtained possession of them. In con sequence of the improvements made by the Russians in their fortifications, General Pe- lissier has been obliged to make some altera tion in his plan of operation. n ami Kcatat-ii.) - Shall it lie ? Shall the cry ring no judgment, for any amount, has through the Abolition States that Georgia. and Kentucky are the only two States at- the South where Know Nothingism can find foothold? I.- tho blood-bought victory in Kentucky worthy to bo emulated by Geo- - gia ? Are Georgians prepared to acki. edge and imitate the example Kentucky has set? Never! ,We will not believe it. The soil that drank the best) blood of the for eigner, in “days that tried men’s souls,” §tul" never publish to the world the deehirn- tipu-that upon it, tho foreigner is degraded to'si*level with the slaves that till it. Geor- tice requires that the minds of the people of Gcor- gia should be disabused of the impressions which g-go-A writer iu the Richmond Whig ; these reports, now so currently circulated, arc cal- states that whatever opinion many be enter- cuIated to mako . Yo reS peetfully, tamed of the ongin ot the lever in Gosport, T „ n „ mTPr ,rr »**• there is no earthly doubt that the disease ' ' f ™ P* in Norfolk was of local origin. The first — 1 1. Efo case appeared in tenements in which three j Senator Toombs for Govenok JoHnson. S 1 * “> emphatically, a State where law and cases were noticed last year, but at too late _ A writer inthe Chronicle<fc Sentiml ^ys: f rul ? su P r ® m0 ' “ er v ' a period to spread and cause alarm, and the; Mr . Toombs, during the short stay i ie of pleasantness her paths are . tr:s ot peace* subjects had no communication with per- madein thia city> on h f a homewards, i fehe sons from Gosport. made no concealment of his decided prefer- c, t , t , r fori,,, i encoinfavor of Mr. Johnson’s re-election. In f i ek \s Sea island Ootton.—— Xnc uonzji* j. a j v a , , , . • , ,1 , . Et . . , ,, , , , . deed, ho was so warm on the subject, that lea Enauirer states that several plan e's in T j , “ “at countv are producing Sea Island cotton h<3 i g T ut . ter f n< f + t0 fI hls There are'four hundred and fifty-nine acres f ? ehn S 8 m worda almost equivalent to these lories not in desecrateu uaiiot Wxc'-— she demands not the blood of butchered citi zens to seal her devotion to Libert h Union. She will rather seek ass with her more Southern sisters. Nor lina, Tennessee, Alabama and Term by sido with them, she will stand, - ' piatueu mis sGHsi.u, >. me uuquuci nMmnni.mihr on the one hand, for the cox. thinks will yiohl better than other ootton. ® rights of the South, on the other, It estimates the product on many farms at Revival of an Old Trick.—An “exiled Hun* . great principles of religions -focal... 500 pounds to the acre, and in some instan- garian Count,” who was recently lionized which were incorporated into the Const; .J ces it will exceed that quantity. A sample at the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, tiou, and illustratod in the lives of those of this crop has been compared ^with some in Virginia, and who created a tremendous great men whooshes now repose beneath. South Carolina Sea Island, which brought sensation among the unmarried ladies, the shades oF-v . -ri- n and Monticel*o.~-| fifty cents per pound last year, and was pro* turns out to have been a journeyman bar- Georgia will not emuiute tho example ' nounced but little inferior. j her of New York. ‘Kentucky. Never, never!—Federal tnief