The Atlanta weekly intelligencer and Cherokee advocate. (Atlanta and Marietta, Ga.) 1855-18??, September 28, 1855, Image 3

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SPECIAL 5ott CEB. «*bk OMMir nomination!. For Senator— THOS. n. MOORS*- Representatives— ALFRED MANER, S. M. BRADFORD. Ordinary— B. TOLLESON. Sheriff— J. B. BLACKWELL. Deputy— JOHN ANDERSON. Clerk of Superior Court— JAMES M. BARNWELL. Clerk of Inferior Court— W. W. CARROLL. Tax Collector— G. JOHNSON. Receiver of Returns— J. F. McCLESKT. Coroner— JOHN WHITE. County Surveyor— J. B. FAIR. We are requested to announce the ntice of O'urge W. Hardage, as a candidate fo T»x Collector for Cobb county. Jj!t 24, 1855.(wtd) iw^f NEWADVERTISEMENTS. * Notice!. % TUB undersigned bnvo tliis day lorrned a eo- pnftuerslii|> to transact business- nii.lcr the rnitkof llliaWOl)! A ARNOLD, atthc staud last occu- pied by J. .T, \ uU"hn & Co. Wo solicit the pat ronage „f „ur friends and the public generally, and ure detcJmined to ph-n-c ns ire will sell for small profits. Roswell, Sept. 28. ^ C. A. DUNW'ODY, wBt - J U. W. ARNOLD. GRATIS! Ju«t Published: A New Discovery in Medicine! SlBtm A FEW WORDS OX THE RATIONAL FIMMmm rRIAlMKX'l', without Medicine, o f Spermatorrhea or I/real Weakness, Nor roiu Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, weakness of the Limbs and Back, Indisposition and u incapacity T"r study and Labor, Dullness °r Apprelien- ttrns, the engineer of the train Ml the C'a sion. Loss or Memory, aversion to Societv. I.oveof Sol- . , . ■ , n ., , , • itnde. Timidity. S<li Distrust. Dizri ness. Head Ache, dcn aml Amboy Raailrnad. whlcMliet W1 Involuntary Discharges, Pains in the Side. Affection of 1 “ 11 * TEST SKWS, Atir York, Sept. 22.—Two b»xes hnve been received here Otoin the Lund Office, in Dubuque, Jowa, piuih>rtingt<>c<iiitaiii$25,- 000 each, in gold. *>Vhcn the Imxes were opened, they were found to • attain bullets on layers of •'licet tend. "! ■ b-.xes w*ere received through the American Express Company. Efforus t.»e makim dj discover the perpetrator of the robbery. The boxed are exact counterparts of those usually nont by the land officers. H. 0. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment. m ’ S W A N ’ 8 h. o farrlll’d oKrowi. ar .hiax LranqwT . B4Jf1l«]|0T!' LIST li^D DETEfTMt, Published souu-muuthly, at li.^Utgauiery, Ala. At $8 00 Per Annum, in Ar5 Taace ' • r I ^IlE work in printed on five white pui^ an i» In I type, and in appearance will be second to* 1,1 i a m .-»! extraordinary medicine, truth “f which placed beyond d-ubt by tbe raft of th*- ariick acid the many cuie* being daily performed bj it, which previously had resisted all other medicine* and the skillot tbe beat j Ly Brians ui the world. I: i . compet ed of bai j «m9, extracts and gum* peculiar to Arabia— po. ae - Li., hi a concentrated .'orm. all their stimula ting. aaoiyue. penetrating, unctuuut and i*t properiie.-. :«ui tbe tame which, a{tr* ago. weie L ied by vile *2souh of the insert,’* witr such miraculous in curiug the disease of both man and beast. the Lyes. rimples on the Face, .Sexual and other finnitfe.s in innn. FROM THK FRENCH OF DR. B. DELANEY. The important fact that there alarming complaints may easily be removed without Medicine, is, in this small tract, clearly demonstrated : and the entirely new and highly succcsstul treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to ci’re himself perfectly, and ai the lea.t ro-‘HRir. c***t. avoiding thereby all the mlverti^cd nostrums of the day "'vni to any addies.-, grati*. and po.-t free ilia r.saled envelope. by remitting (post paid) t«v postage stamp- i Loveland to !»r. B. M- LANKY. No. 17 1 .iapeue.r,! StVeet New ] the United States. - ^ A Southern Bank-Note List is essential in every i> Counting-House. and Public Office, as unite in- mneing our common interests, and not permit North era men and Northern Petecters to fluctuate our mon ey matters as they may wish, while we are quietly frl- } lowing their dictation. The work will be caref ully revised on the day of pub lication, and all important financial changes, as they ... i. i, i occur, noti'*ed. Everv exertion will be made to make „ , JUadlhefcUiwing rtmaricat»o curt.ii.hich -fcwM cf U- ! jt # c „ rrert nnd reUab - le guide to the Banker and M er- Burlniqton* Sent. 24.— lhe Grand Jury- sdfyh\ce n. t». Farre.l s Arabian Liniment, .ar , chlint for thi- l have found a hill of indict- {K S ,jn * onji similar rmc*$. Hotel !'r,, r riptor-.. Brokers, Auctioneers, Commission c , •mi i a i Mr. n. G. Farrell—f^r^ir: Actuated b» a sense of, Merchants, and others desirous of having, their names ment lor n:a.n«l:iugnter again-i? -■'ru.-! Aa- _ rate ; u i uess ] - U bmit the followins as an instance of I and business widely circulated, are informed that a Cam-: the utility -fyonr great medicine. My | vriui jcarsold rat - uddealy attacked with a t-rriloe <U»- i , ,, ri , d . be known by applying to any of mv slLsion ease, wiii-U io le*> than six hours prostrated >, to to- ! Agents, or at the office in Atlanta. Georgia. He has : tal heplessoess. The liraos became so rigid not a | Specimen numbers will be sent, on appUcation by Dr. WM. TKJsL SKELTON, Resident DentafSurg^on R ESITEX'CF. and ofilce'on Cassville st., near the Pub lic Sqr., opposite rlio Howard Ttouse. By their re quest aud permission he is authorised to refer to the following gentlemen: Hon. C. J. McDonald. ihe recent calamity in ooinin- with the carriage of Dr. Heinekin. been, held in $4,000 bail. joint could be b nt : the flesh turned black and coM Jabez Kingdom, the ticket agent at Bur- j and entirely deprived of feeling: the eyes £r.- . parti.l- ; J =; t au ,i Iietccter,” mu lington. has also been indicted, for tbe lar- b clo-ed and altogether blind, following thi, wedeaf- ; Liz,” AUanta Georgia. ceny uf a watch, belonging to tbe late Will, “’f to all sounds; the spine became contracted and eo Loveland, who wag killed bv the collision, curved that when lying on its.tack the head and heel. i *• cm fWk " it/* 1 oulv toucuco. Indeed, tlie cbild prcr.t utvd every np- A. check for ^1,000 was iriven lip bv Wing- ► . . , . T , IKa * r . 1 * . n pen ranee of befog dead. ImuiediatMy on the attack. letter, fret of charge All communications intended for the “Bank-Note must be addressed to "I2ank-S\ r ote SAMUEL SWAN. James Robertson.’ General Agent. £9* Subscriptions received at the Office of the Fort Gaines, Academy Lottery. September ‘24th, 1855. (d3m) We are authorised to announce j R SKELTOS, Bcq., a candidate for re-election M Clark ul the Inferior Court cf Cnl.b county. | FiRfi AND LIFE INSURANCE. We artf authorised to announce Farmer*&, Mechanics Insurance WM 15. TAYLOR, a candidate for re-election a< j «t‘ Dili 1st<!{>?;.?»iji. Cicrk of lhe Superior Court of Cobb county. (4 wt«le) \\ e are authorized to announce tbs ua:uo of Col. J0SEPI1 E. DROWN aa u iau- d- lat.* lor Judge of tlio Superior Court of the Kin. iti igc Circuit, at the election to be held on the first Monday in October next. may 11. To Rent. T HE Store-house on the corner of White Hall street and the Railroad, known os the Al- (lunt. when the bod^ 11 ^ ^ 1 deceased A as j tilt family physician was called in. and for thr,T* week, idem J bed bv Mr. Ctreeue. the pjvrtner ol 31r. j ]aiiorc«l to restore it to feeling, but all in vain*, al though it was blistered a dozen times and various rube Indian'Battle. • facient liniments applied. A consultation of physi- j liambra. A lease of two years will be given.— S'. Louis, Monday, Sept. 28.—lufcellieence ! c j an3 then held ^ bu: t0 no P ur ^ OS€ ’ lbti cusf was j Re «“ lin S Spirituous Liquors not aUcwed on the - - - • then brought before the Medical Society, but nothing ! premises. Apply to Wfll. KLiJiJ. ~ept. 24. dlf lias been received here of a battle between: ... ^ ^s, w, , r,. T j* coulube suggested which Had not already been dime, Gen. Harney a force and the Sioux Indians, { and the doctor tlieD tola me he ,. ouM do nothing more . We are requested to announce l'it> nem« uf Judjre DAVID IRWIN us :i Caudi- i date fur re-election, uo tho first Monday in Oeio- | b-r next. March 14 "flieuical Testimony cannot "be Controvsrtod. \ jjjr Ono of tho most startling cases is nnrrat- I cl of Dr. M 'Lane's Vermifuge by Dr. John Dut- ! U-r of Trumbull co. Ohio. The case win that ol | •> young lady who had boon very sick for eight ; yore, and had consulted a number of physicians, ! who had treated it its one of Prolapsus Uteri.— Dr. Butler was then called in, and for a time, be lieved with hie produces: ,ts that it was a ease of Prolapsus. Ho waa, however, soon forctfa to the conclusion that hi' patient w-is suffering from worm*, ard after much persuasion, prevailed upon her to t ike two doses of Dr. M‘Lane's Vermifuge. This medicine had tho effect of removing from her a countless number of tlio largest size. She is s’nee married, and continues to enjoy excellent health. This great remedy mav be lmd of A. ALEXANDER and J. M. UAN'TIN. soplldlra At’.anta, Ga. [Hy Authority of the. State of Alabama.] SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY. LOTTERY. Conducted o n the II a c a n a PI a /,. G l« A N I> sell i: TB R ! CLASS V. To be drown on the -d. of October, 1855, in the City of Montyowery, when prizes amountiny to $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 Will be fllutributcd according to tin* foll«»w?ng Mosixiflccnt ScHtomt: ! Amt reriieinU-v, LVKRY PRIZE Is drawn ateaeU dnov- ieg. and paid vhen ilue. nithout deduction. HON. THO*. U. FLORENCE. President. Pi'WAHD J: iJELMn«M), Secretary Bi'itljjcpoid Fire Ai marine isi- siiraiice Ctt.. Pennsylvania. UK.VRV \v CliATKlELD, L-st-, President. J II. ',V.,.-am-«x, ,*eetctary. State viEitiml Fiiv autl Marine insurance Company of Penn sylvania. 0HN B. RUTHKRFORI*. K President. on the North Fork of the Platte ri.ter, which lasted several hours. The Indians were teen woman and childecn prisoners, liey bad six killed and six wounded. Klre on Coney Island. The ocean House on Coney Island, New | J. & J. LYNCH, Canter of Alabama tt White Hall Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. W HOLESALE and RETAIL Dealers, in New Orleans Sugar, Coffee,! A. J. (JILTYTT. >1 aislk Capita luttv liavc. « .Viq.h to *'Pt. 27, . 1 iTizt* of. I I’riz** of. 1 J'rizv of. 10 (in 3-J do 20 In .. 1,000 nre... 400 an*... .160 art* .. .120 arc . . 100 ore . $12,090 .. 6,000 .. ii,ooo .. 2,000 .. l.uOO ... 1.200 . . 1,100 .. 5,000 .. 4,01*0 . 1,500 1 4-10 . 2,000 r $50,0p0 i0S PrifOM piununtingto.. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBEHS. j0^»T;ckt t-—Halves $4.—Quarters $2 . Kv«*rv prize drawn nt eacli driiwin^ Hill.** on solvent banks taken at par. g\ll commuica- ions strictly confidential. SAM ! L SWAN, Agent, At the Bronze Lions, Montgomery, Ala. rd«*r.H for tickets received by the agent of t!ic '(»!•♦" iiaiiirs Academy LotteAtlanta. Ga. Havana Plan Lottery. JASPER f OIIATY VIADEMY | lly Authority of the State of <rcorgia.\ rytlLE tub.-criber having been :i]ipo'uteii JVJuuu- 1 ger of the Jasper County Actvdemy Lottery, intends conducting the same on the Havana plan i .-ingle numbers, and lias located his Office iti the <-ity of Macon, Oooigia. lie now offers the following:— (.illJVD SCIiKMK FOR Sept., '44, lt>S. r ., Wtien 1‘riiv- will be distrihuted r - tollowx amounting to 131,000i ( LASS E. C A I- IT A I.S. 1 1'rirf of % 8,000 | I Drireof 45,000 1 'J.Ooo j 2 Drives 1000-* *,000 5 Frizes 600 "J.500 I 10 -* 200 2,0o0 ■20 too 2.000 iN “ 52 y.'.Kiu 120 25 .. | 18 ap'ximatiou ptizes, MOO 250 l'rise*, amounting to 4^1,000. Agents wauled in every town and city in tbu Union. On apii'-ieattmi the Terms will be forwarded Remember every Drive drawn at each drawing, under the superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan and JsA. Nisbet, Esq., gentlemen whu are sworn to a faithful, performance of their duty. 1'rizes paid, when due. without discount. 49-All orders, relv on it, strictly confidential. Bills on all solvent Banks, takeu at par- Vfbole Tickets to : Halves *2.50 . Quarters $1.24. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager. Maeon.Gn [By Authority of the State of Georgia.}j FORT GAINES ACADEMY jLj e »* 3E$ an&. W » GRAND SCHEME FOR OCTOBER. Glass 8. TO HR DRAWN OCTOBER 24TII 1>55, IN TI1S dTV OF ATLANTA GROKtiiA, WHEN PKX/JW AMOUNTING TO Will be disU’ibutcd acc«.rUiii£ to the fullowlug ica^nilicunt {Schema! '^^>And r^uieiubcr every Prize is drawn at oacli drawing, amt paid when duo u itfiout tiediiction! ) rriz«* of $2,001 ■* ure all . .uml. uud have an avail- bii. ciM idptlv all losses they m LIFi . •]:<! . .. r MARINE RISKS. IjANMEL PITTMAN, Agent. Atlintk Georgia. F.xtjculor's sale uf Valuable Land and Personal Property. I jrY authority of the will to" ’tViiliuui Zeiglcr, J Into of Crawford county, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in November next, in Knoxville, within the iegnl hours of sale, all the Lands lying iu stiid county belonging to the estate of said Zcigler, (consisting the Home I’lare, Atkinson, Colbert, Simonton, Boon, Dugger. Hatcher and Miller Lunds.) Also, at the Bibb Plantation, on tho Thursday alter tlie first Tuesday in November next, ail the Lands lying in Bibb county belonging to said es- tatc. The Lands will be sold iu jiareels varying from 150 to 1800 acres to suit all .-lasses of Rur- chasers. Will be sold also at (lie last mentioned time end place, all tbe Perishable Property on said last mentioned Plantation, (insisting of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Ac. Sate to continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms on tbe day of sale. JOHN W. DENT, Ex’r. Crawford eo., On., Sept. 2.'. 1855. ids. Messrs, i)iftiick 7 ^youM ru*pect!'iilly iuvlt | We then commenced applying your Liniment freely j ■ over the entire length of the spine, and vou may im- j routed with the loss of 100 killed, and fif- ( , K - int . a liareat i s jo _ V; wheD; after a few app ii ca tum,, | I*ar- j xetumiug animation was apparent; and it rapidly- re* i j covered with the exception of the right, which did not j become perfect for near a month. The cL:!d is now | Syrup, and Provisions Generally, which, healthy *ui robust a.s can be*. Five other cases of lhe j we offer on the most reasonable terms, v j. 1 ’ 1 v * . it c , , „ j same kino occurred previously in my neighborhood, all j -, We keep constantly on hand a general York has been destroyed by fire-loss heavy j of whichd!ed) when there 13no doubt if y«ur Liniment; g| Stock of Liquors, Wines & Cordials, Columbia, Sept. 24.—There is no decrease i *- a,] tf in use ' 1 would have recovered. _ LS ' by Wholesale, in the severity of the Fever in Norflilk and! Peoria. March 1st, 1851. HENRY G. CLELANIj. j Being in daily receipt of Goods from first hajids, Portsmouth ’ Mr Fprtmcon Pre«id«nt of Look out for Counterfeits! we arc enabled to sell at as small profits as iany i the Howard' WiiioJ is dead Srraic- The public are cautioned against another counter- house in the cities of Augusta, SavannaW or . , ‘ _ . ' c t ffit. which baa lately made it« appearance, called w. I Charleston, (the freight only added.) We small KUiS and nurses from tllC oOUtil needed. j B. Farrell'S .Arabian Liniment, the nio4* dangerous of * t:ike advantage of the Ohio, Cumberland aind be<a.ase hLs haring the name of | Alabama rivers, on first rise, and keep a large stock of New Orleans and Cincinnati Goods— cheaper than they can be bought in the markets ture has wrought its evil effects. above-named. J. «t J. LYNCH. The genuine article is manufactured only by II U. j Sept. 22, d«kwly. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale | druggist, No. 17 Main street Peoria, Illinois, to whom j all applications for Agencies must be addressed. Bo i sure you get it with the letters ti. G. before Farrell’s thus—H. G. FARRELL'^—and his signature on the XetV Orleans. Sept. 22. — i he deaths from wrapper, all others are counterfeits* Sold by A. Alex- ,' Rarwol tiiA TT.vanitnla amnnntad (a under, nnd J. M. Ranliu. Wholesale and Retail agents. Atlanta; Hanes. Laseter A Co., Jonesboro’; Hutchison tc Headden, Palmetto; Camp & Christian, rairburn; Wm. A. Powell, Decatur—and by regularly authorized agents throughout the United states. jyy Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and Washington, September 14.—A corrcs- j Farrell, many will buy it in good faith without the pondent of the Herald says the new gov- • knowledge tliit a counterfeit exists, and they will per- eminent of Mexico has discovered tiie ! discover their error vhvn the.-'puriuua mix- existence of negotations between Gad?den and Santa Anna for the sale of more Mexi can territory. The government repudiates Gad-den as a breach of national faith. Yellow Fever at the Hospitals amounted to 44 for the week. The Market!. CHARLESTON, Sept. 26. CottuX.—Partio* are waiting for later ueffj, and the market is dull to-day. Sales of SCO bales at 9i to lUc. Prices ure unchanged. AUGUSTA, Sept. 26. j COTTON.—Tbe market is easier to-day and | sales have beou made at an 4c. decline. tiam- of Atlanta and vicil f LADIES, MISSES.-Mild buy are Dow ruceiv-nc. isunlly hep*, in a .n'iioH Blau!; end Colored Kim KM Boots, 1'olka i^t-. Ki ( ' anil f* oyce Uo., • L utimj of the LidicR i v, to their extenkiv** - t »bk ij|ILMU.N*S SHOES, which . i f every variety and stylo j <, C'lDMstingiii part of -ilk lusting Gaiters, Congress Gaiter-*, tin and Tipped : Hits • • ExcelsSorv “ “ *’ Slipi-rs ; *• “ French Wi Mipicra; Misses*Silk ljifting (i; iur- jueht Black and Bronze Infants •Vo. .Tennv iundlioot . Pin l ine Kid Buskins, !:• 44 •• French Gra; •* “ Bronze; 'h Gaiters, n-^.rt^d ml Patent Ankle Ties : Bronze. Blue, «ndG F‘ancy Mtoc of eve shoe-*, ijtdirs and MK- ii and Fancy Cob, and Slippers: 5ii Top Bei-ts Servant Wanted. r pHE buljscribur will pay liberal wages tor -L good, faithful house servant, until Christmas, and if satisfactory for a year from that lime.— She must be a good cook, washer and Irotier. Apply at the Intelligencer Office. Sept. 13. (dawtf) W. B. RUGGLES. OgleUioipe Medical College, A1 SA YAA’SAU, GA. THE Session of Lectures in the above Institution will commence on tbe first of March. The Clinique at tho College building, will be opened to patients on the 20;h of October, and be continued throughout tho session. The Faculty is constituted as follows: II. L. BYRD, M. D., (late of Savannah Medi cal College.) Professor of the Principles and Prac tice if Physic. E. LeROY ANTONY. M. D. t (of Waynesboro’, I (J;i., j Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Wo- i men and Children. WESLEY C. NORWOOD. M. D.. (ol Cokes- I bury. S. C. ) Professor of Materia Alodica and 1 Medical Jurisprudence. JAMES S. MOREL, M. D., tof Savannah, Ga.) Professor of Anatomv. Savannah Medical College. THE Third course of Lectures in this Institu tion. will commence on the first Monday in No vember next. The Clinical Lectures in Medicine and Surgery, at tho Savannah Hospital and the College Clini que, will commence on the 15th of October and continue during the course. Faculty. Theory and practice of Mediciue—R. D. AR- tablisheil. Address II. G. Farrell as above, aecomua . , ... „ , ,-n-i nied with good .reference as to character, respon-ibili- ! Obstetrics, tin<I Discuses 01 '* omen a?ui Oliil - tie**, See. Atlanta, Sept. 21. 1855. (w4w) ; dren—P. M. KOLLOCK, 31. D. j Principles an«l Practice of Surgery—W. G. j BULLOCH. M. D. ! Medical Chemistry—C. W. WEST, M. D. Institutes of Medicine—E. H. MARTIN, M- D. Anatomy—J. G. HOWARD, Jl. D. Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence— J. B. READ, M. P. Demonstrator of Anatomv—JOS. J. WEST, M. D. Fees for the entire course J1115 00 Matriculation Ticket 5 00 Ample facilities will be furnished for the study of Practical Anatomy. Board can 'no had at from $4 to $:'• tier week. For further particulars apply to * D. W. WEST, M. D., Dean, aug 4 dw3m Valuable Property for Sale. > i W I LL sell on the 15th of October, at publicsule, | at the City Hall, my House and Lot of half acre, ! 1 or one" acre as the purchaser may" not sold | at private sale before that time. This house is j 40 feet front on McDonough street and 35 feet deep, j with a 10 feet hall aud S rooms It! feet square, 11 feet i from ceiling to floor. This house is one of the j most substantial brick houses in upper Georgia.— ! The outer walls are 13 inches thick, partition walls ! are 0 inches thick from foundation to roof plates.— ! Also a good brick kitchen and bath room, and a : good frame stable. For further portculurs apply j 1 to n.c at the Georgia Railroad Shop. | Atlanta, Aug. 17—diw2m] WM.RUSH TON. Combs, Fans, and Fancy Goods. WILLIAM TASKER. Ill Park Place, New York, invites theattention A ' ’ of Southern and Western Merchants, to his new stock of Fans, Combs, Ilair, Tooth aud Nail Brushes, Ladies Reticules, Perfumery, Soaps, Porte Monies, Jet and Bead Bracelets, Pocket Rooks, Dress Buttons, Pins *and Needles. Hooks A Eyes, Watch Guards, Wax, Coal and Glass Beads, Necklaces, Ac. India Rubber Combs, Canes, Balls and Toys of every description. Scissors, Razors and Cutlery, Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Ac- eordeons and Violins, including a general aud very j large stock of English, French, and German Fancy ! Goods, which will be sold at tho very lowest prices j for cash or approved paper. TrfS~ Orders by letter selected and put up in the best manner. WM. TASKER, may 1—d.twOm 10 Park Place, N. Y. INFIRMARY FJVHE undersigned liavc’ii. in the citv J. B. Blackwell, K»q. Maj. R. latimer, Rev. C. A. Fulwood, Rev. <■■ V. Pierce, D. D. Hon. John Branch, N. C. Hon. J. R. J. Ilauiel. - * , „ .. office a flue tooth powder and toothache drops of my Wn make, with a selection of English br The7ol!nw*"«lg cha.>.'s for operations will be strictly adherred to: , Plugging tooth vitli gaui. cerh, Maj. A. V. Brumby. Dr. N. L. Chester. Wm. P. Vo imp. B*q. Co'L I. R- H'Wo'J. T. H. Moore. L- ! kee.' 1 at m, v GEORG* T>. RICE, * Attorney at Xiaw/ JHertetts^Beorgls, vx JILL practice in the following counties: Cobb, Pnnlding, Cherokee, DeKalb, Campbell, j and Forsyth. Also, in the Supreme Court of Georgia, and in . the United States District Court for tho»Northem j District of Georgia. jan Xtf ~ ,V. E, SKE LTON, ! Attorney at Iuawf Marietta, Georgia jan. 1 Extracting 0. CHASTAIN, CITY AUCTIONEER—J. W. MURPHY. _ . M 50 j AUCTION AND COMMISSION gUSE, lUi 1 00 i MARIETTA, GEORGIA. ■, r children, (first teeth) 50 i The undersigned, having opened the above “ house, will sell all artieles consignoa to their care at the usual rates of commission. CHASTAIN A MURPHY. References—R. A. Johnson, W. Root, Marietta; W. Kay, Atlanta; C. H. Johnson. Griffin, jan 16 ., i. -c.-vant*. Separating by filing, or ib c India 8abber process, Cleaning aud treatment, from w ^ Operations for the i--oor, gratis. Examinations an l advice fer allgitlti.-. All operations warranted. Marietta, .lone 2. 50 60 5 00 WM. TEt-L SKELTON. Daguerrean Gallery# TJ1E most ?aovo.d or appro priate tiift trout oiie friend on relative to another is the por trait, ‘‘the living likeness of of tlio loved and lost.” We know not at what moment we may be callled away, therefore tho j present time should be improved. The,most ac- : curate and beautiful portraits are now taken at , GEO. J. GABLE’S DAGUERREAN GALLERY, ovet the store of J. J. NORTHCUTT A CO' ! North side the square. Entrance next door to ] W. J. Kilby’s Clothing Store, Marietta. Entire ; satisfaction given to all or no charge. , Please call and see specimens. Prices as low as the lowest in town. Marietta, July 6. ’55. wtf. S. LAWRENCE, Attorney at Law, MARIETTA, GEO. JAME S J ORDAN, ATTORNEY AT LA W, Canton. Cherokee County, Georgia. jan 18 J. If. WEAVER, ATTORNEY AT LA W, Didlas, Paulding County, Georgia. jan 1—ly W. J. CHASTAIN, attorney at law, Dallas, foul diva County, Georgia. jan 1—ly HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO., SUCCESSORS TO CRANE ,v HoLCC' iIBB > Wholesale Grocer’S) 189,190 and 191. Bay Street, Savannah, Ga, j NEW SPRING GOODS. {'HE undersigned, having juat received their Spring * Goods, feci "confident that they can offer to the pub lic of Marietta find i is vicinity, a s'oek ,.f Fancy ami Staple Dry Goods! . Unrivalled for beauty and quality. Those w ; riling to lost, the fact will pious* call and examine their well selected stock of !.nce Collar*. Sleeves, Bunds. and CambricditG» and Chemisette, ; TMJFERS to Baker & Wilcox, Barrett & (.ha ter, striped and dotted 'L,-ilk and figured Tissues and | Augusta—James H. Carter x Co.. Savannah ISresJcl"'”:'- *' <i “ ,RiU ‘ ,nS —Perry Spence:. Columbus, Ga. jan 1-ly Paraseh: Bohncts ntitl Mantillas. Ivory. Un-.-ijAm.* Fan-. Hcsiery and Gloves of a(! kia i-.-OfoachcJ nrvi unbleached Shirt-, -lags. SL-eetin«:;. &c. Also. Boots, Shoes, Hat3, and Caps! And a large and choice selection of Readv made Clothing! FOR S PR l A G A X D S CM ME R. All of which we pledge ourselves to *. .1 low down for cash. Come and . eo. march 2S, NATHAN E. BENTON, Attorney at L a w MARIETTA, GEO., JOSEPH E. BROWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. j O tStOX, GEO., j Will practice in the countie.- of Cass, Clicrokee, : Cobb, Forsyth, Gilmer. Lumpkin, Paulding and ! Whiteficld. jan 1-1855. HAVMEI' .v SIMPSON. UBlliO. Georgia itiilitary Institute, Ji A K I E T T •» . i HE Academic year U divided into two Session* of * five months each, the fir>t conimeccing on the 20th of July ami ending on th:*20t:« of Pecember: the se cond eoiaiucncii* < th* 20ti: Frbrunrr ; nd rndiiiif on tbe 19th of July* The Cadet-? are .divided i; t' four College classes. The Annual'einPi:: t •: **s on tin* Wedueedav before tlie 20th of .ftil . At’Ai>KMU' ST V F V . Col. A. V. BR MB\ tend nt . r.d Prfcftefl sor of M;ithem:itic.'' Capt. SAMUKL V. : A. Cc:ni. un.-.-rof Cadets, and Profess-or of EugineerinL'. Mr. V. H. MAN'CET. !’> IVn.-v, French. History Ac. Mr. W*. if. IIL’NT. A. M.. Professor of Chemistry and English Literature. Mr. J. B. (IGODWIN. rro»« asoi* of Drawim* Capt. W. T. BLAC:;. Cadet H CAMP. A A. i'ONNELL. M. I* . The Instil ution is i Assistant P; .-i.s f nnt Teacher F 3I.m1 hematic m»* i oi n<. All of the above ver*i bi**»t qunlit\ aud will he sold, f«. 1 lii.' <.i aQ 05fAt the -irn t Atlanta (ia. Sept. 20 1S55. irtich- are ’ *il to be of the a maue fact ure. _ of Atbi ta, an Inflincary, for the reception of patients l boring under medical or surgical disease. A:i intelligent nurse and faithful servants will b*' » constant attendauce. and frill give their attention to the sick at nil hours, day and night, when required. lhe snreicnldepartment will be under thecuntrolof W. F \VESTMOREL.\Nl). who will give prompt atten tion toinjaries, and every variety of disease requiring surgicaloperations. The usual tees adopted by* the physicians of thecity JOHN DAVIS, M. D., (of Abbeville, S. C.,) i will be charged, with fifteen cents per day for board, &c. Planters and others sending negroes may rest assured that they will be properly attended to. and if after an examination it be determined that there is no project of relief, tliev will be sent home without any charge W. F. WESTMORELAND. M. D. J. o. WESTMOKFJ.AND. M. D. At la nta, April 24,1855. d«Ywly Board of Visitors appoint. Py on act of tl.e L-jIsI i tute has recciveil from tit de> Musk ts and accoutri consisting of t uir'iv pm twelve (•oun«U*»* Ho*; The Superintendent and, ates of West Point, and experience as Officer.', an \ assured that the *'evernn studies of tbe Institution TERMS.—Tuition. I'-mi sic aud ali other continue five month , in advance, c Surgeon's fee per . uj ti and manage- etiou with a f the State. Stat • the !n r i erumont 140 Ca ll field Battery pieces and two D R. N. 11. CAMPBELL, Bo tonic aud Eclectic Medical lUjornt Praetifionic.—His success ful practice the past six years is u sufficient re commendation. The practical operations of Dent istry performed : Plugging Teeth with gold, S1.50 each: extracting ditto, 25 to 50 cents: inserting, All operations uarn;nted. Office and residence, Cherokee street, at Dr. Bellcngers oltl .-turn!. Marietta, May i 1:1^55. DBS. CORNELL A CLELLND, IIvae this day formed a copartnership for the practice of Mod ionic- in its various bvanclica. All calls will be promptly attended to. Office at the old stand, where one or both may be found u hen not professionally engaged. Marietta, Feb. 20(1), li>55. DU. l). T. SETZE. A GRADUATE of the the Medical College of Georgia, having atleuded the IL^pitals* of j Paris for upwards -*l two year;, ion lers his pro- I fcssional services t<» the citizens of Marietta and | vicinity. | Office, south . ; li!c of the Sputrv. two doors I from the Marietta Hotel. ton mar 2.S •nuimHdunt aroGradu- f them havo Uud long rs. the public mav be scii W nuil course of i forced. Lights. Mu- session. of ■ and its vicinity, lie may l»e found at all hou i when not professionally engaged, at hL« office, o\ Washing, ]• t .-M-t-H—. A IJAKD- D R. A. M. SABAL, rospectfully Jenners liis [>ro- fessional service.- to the cilizerss of Marietta on-i -lc ■:ni fci Professor of Phjsiology WILLIAM T. FEAY, M. D., (of Savannah, Ga.,) Professor of Chetoistry au<i Pharmacy. CHARLES GANAI1L, M. D., (of Savannah. Ga.,) Professor pro teai. of tho Principles and Practice of Surgery. c-htrec Struct Demonstrator of Anatomy, R. J. NUNN, M. W. C. HOUGHTON, DIM 1C, JOYCE & CO., Are now Receiving Gent-' Fine French Gulf Pump Sole BOOT-, do do do do Square-edge do do do do do Water-proof do do do do Pat. leather CoUjf. GAITERS, do do do (alf do do do do Oxford Tie'—kc., &c. —ALSO— Huy’s Youth’s and Children’s BOOTS, h nt UK above jjjoods are of their manu facture. and W: ranied •>! th< he,* quality. Cail at the -it'll ot tlie Big Bo- t, Peach Tree -c. Atlanta. Ga. Atlanta, Sejit 26, 1555. dKwCm NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. ujV, THE rabscrilie.-n having lecatcil in the city of r«f Atlanta for the pur ; .o- ot tr\»ic»ctiug a general Kikud and Shoe h i-hu - . would m> t lespecttully .1 tlio?!- of the (srcrcssoR to j. y.. tomlix^on,) Opposite ValentinoV V U ILL execute painting in ai! its various br.u V Dwellings and Signs painted plain ur high! * painted plain . painted ami trin moil dings na mental. Carriages and Buggi shortest n»»tice. lie is prepared to paint gentlemens country *ea any part of the Stale. Atlanta. June 21,1855. (dAwl ,.l Shoe buhiner.N, would in invite tin;attention ol the .citizen* au surrounding country to their extensive stock ot 3oots nnd Shoes of every Variety and Style, nnd nionlly of their own Manufacture As we nre di K-ctly connected with an extensive manufactory ol Boots and Shoes, it enables us to k--en constantly nnud. ti goed assortment of all the different styles and i qualities of goods in our line, wliich we are prepared to I sell at wholesale or retail, as low as ran lie bought in this or any other city in the State. V. e also keep con- | .-lantly oii hand. Oak « Hemlock land sole leather, i oiilf-skiiis, linings, bindings, findii gs. shne-makei s 1 kit, *:c, oud respectfully inviting all wishing to pur chase a good article, and at » low price, to give ue a , :l ll we also liav.< in onr cstabllsement here, an ■ \- perieneed workmen, and are jirepared tn execute all | jobs of repairing, .kc., with neatness aud despatch, at tiie sign of the Big Boot ! IL, (of Savannah.) i The fees will he—$105 for the entire Course of : Lectures; $10 Demonstrator’s fee: Graduation, $30; Matriculation, $5. Arrangements have been made by which stu- | : dents can be accommodated with good board at j from $3J to $' pur week. j For further information address i i Sept25pliwlm] II. L. BYRD M D., Dean, j L. J. PARE, Warehouse and Commission | Merctiant, 1 WILL give his attention particularly to tho pur- j [ chase and sale of Cotton aud other produce. Or- ; j dors and consignments solicited, j "Warehouse on Marietta street, one j J. Norcross’. _ AtlaEla > Sei ‘i; 25 : 1 l 55 " tUwtf - | TAYLOR’S HAT & CAP EMPORIUM. I Cottage Chairs, Bedsteads and Washing Machines, FROM tho manufactories of Williams A Co. i and B. II. & M. L. Woods, for sale by cm : Sept2.V5> r >d.vwl f.J L. J. PA RR. Farmers and Mechanic's FIRE, MARINE, & LIFE Xnauraixco Company PHILADELPHIA, PA., Capital Stock, : : : : : $300,000. iiU.V THOS. B. FLORENCE Brest. Edward R. Heimrold, Secretary. r 1 ’’Ills COMPANY effects Fire Insurance on Buildings, L Gchh1?4. Furaiture. &c., and Inland Insurance on »ods by Kail Road. Rivers, &c. Also Insurance upon copy of the- Kegulatious l.y addres.Niin* tV dent, or any member of the l: >art! of Tru. AXPRFAV HANSEI l . Marietta, lloorjji:*. April, lc;-’*. •:t!i obtain :» • Siijierinten ”V 18 i E. P. Webster's Dn mar 2S t JESPECTF' LL5i V of Marietta atul WALLACE, LL\ g'vea notice to the citizens I the pttbiic. that, he is prepar ed to undertake JJri, k V.'S><„, Moconry and Clustering. His contracts will he filled with dis patch, in a workman like manner, and on reason able terms. A supply oi" _o"d brick kept constant ly on hand. Per. a: a dist him as above at Marietta. Ga. v address 49—ly is Marietta. Georgia, T. STEPHENS, Proprietor .LIVKs? on the most favorable terms. on the : aug~-3d.vwtf. DANIEL BUTMAN, Agent. Atlanta. HAT AND CAP STORE. J. TAYLOR is now opening a fresh stock of fashionable HATS, CAPS & BONNETS, S Next door to Laws he <£' Pro's Jewelry Store, i he feels assured in saying that he will not fail in door above Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. i gi vill K satisfaction, both in quality and price. Atlanta Cigar Store. rpiIE subs.—iber has just received a fine lot <»I JL CHEWIN’G TOBACCO and CIGARS, which he offers for sale, by wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices. He respectfully informs his friends, the public and country merchants fiat they would do well to call and examine his stock, and Welcla & York. West Side of the Pnblie Sgititi door to Xor/heul's OH SI i -FKER to Oicir c.fii fee Ws££.L A T T 0 11 N E Y A ’J' L A \v , j (.‘antux, ur:i‘. 1) EFERKNCE—«rolnnel .T. IL Reow:i, union ; . XV Gcd. -1. Ilansell. C. .T. Mc-Domil L | j Erwin, Dnl. I). Kite. Maiietui: Vv. T. Wofford, CnFSville. •’>!» 15>—1>* good LL^t Goods, *>n t sonablt* prict d next ; TjR. G. TKNNLNT nfievs VAs profcc.rional ] | is vivc.* i.o lhe citizens of .Mnvioitn and vit hiitv. ! •thers. n j Office on liu? MJUtiieaal side of Srjuiive. ii» llic old ; iK’y and Staple Wry j Post Office huiMiii’j;.— ilcfctvi ee--Dr . M. G. i •mi -.i !:■ juetoinis arnlrca- » Slauifhtcr. nnd Hardy A, Dass. oi ir id ! ISA J UST KKCEIVKD, and opening, the first entire stock of HATS <k CAPS ever offered in this , ichtrct.- street DIMICK. JO Atlanta, :i: x Ci ‘‘t* 1 ihofi (]^ L. .1. PARR, Agent for the Sale and Purchase of Re-1 al Estate. WILL attend personally to all business of this 1 nature entrusted to him, either in the city or in the country, Office on Marietta street, one door above J. Norcross’. Atlanta. Sept. 25. "55. diwtf. ; Executor’s Sale. ILL be soldo Tuesday, 25t!t inst., at tbe Ware | 2 Briz .J Frizes of.... i ; r*£en of.... tU «*f.... a: mi#*-of.... 43 i iizvH of.... Prize* of.... 20o l*ri7>?»» of.... 030 Prised of 500 2UU arc rio,(K>o e4 ooo 1,5o0 2,750 1,100 1,275 , 2,150 ... 2,075 ,..2,000 2000 Furnitbic x tiupet Ware Kcoms. C. A. PLATT & €0., BROAD STREET, AVGUSTA, GEORGIA. HAVING enlarged 1 ur estahlislunent to an ex tent nut equalled iu the Southern country, we are prepared to furnish articles oi i ur own and Nut th orn manufacture at prb es that .amiot fail to give satisfaction. Our Ware Rooms are always filled with the latest and most fashionable styles of FURNITURE and < 1 the greatest v u : ty. Connected with our Ware Rooms, wc have a large establishment, the maehineiy in which is driven by steam power, where we '‘-m. at the shortest notice, manufacture any article not usu ally kept on hand. v\ House of T. A. Harris, in thecity of Macon with iu the legal hours of .sale, 73 bal*-- cotton, belong ing to the estate of Willim. Leigler, deceased, late of Crawford county. Terms Cash. This bth Sept. 1^55. Sept. 14 (dtds.) dOHX W. DENT, Ex r. Fox* Sak”. A like’.. Negro Man, about 3' aug28. city. My stock is now complete, consisting of ! every variety and style. Pica squall and examine j for yourselves! | All kinds of Fur Skins bought. J. TAYLOR. | Atlanta, April 25, 1255. (diwly ; Laud for Sale. 405 Acres in 6th District, Carroll eo., No. 2R3 and 2S2, with 75 acres fresh cleared land under a good fence, with n good gin house anil cotton- screw. Gin, thrasher and fan all new, with iron ; segment running gear; situated on as good up land a? the county affords—formerly known as the L. II, Davis plantation. A bargain to be made, nnd especially if a cash | be made. Apply to .Sami. C. Candler, of Villa Ricca. Ga., or to me in Atlanta. ED. AY. HOLLAND. , sep21 w3m To Physicians. W K invite your attention to a fine lot of artifi ! _ Notice I j ALL persons indebted to me for lots in tiie city of I ) A \tiaata. bv note past due, are requested to com- , I forward and pay the same, and all persons bolding, j bonds given by my former agent, T. Por.nan. for titles j i to lots in Atlanta are requested to call and receive) ' deed - from toe. tf they have complied on their par- j * with ’he conditions of said bonds. JANE L. MITCHELL, Win’s., with . ! tlie Will of annexed, the Estate of Pa-tuel Mitcli | ell. deceased. Zebulon. Jnly 26,1854. j old. Apply to j KAGO A ABMU 1. j \ \ eial Eyes, Leeches, Kousso, and many rare ! chemicals amt medicines. B. VI. SMITH, M. D.. A W. L. EZZARD. March 23. 1855. d*wly. Ali orders well and promptly executed bv JOHN FICKEN, Next door to <: Kotitz, hoot-maker, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga Atlanta. May 19, 1855. apr26,d.tw6ni. Ins - ruments for Surgeons’ and Physi cians’ Use. C NONSlSTINU of Speculuins of various kiuds. Kye f Cups. Forcelain anti Class, Abdominal Supporters, Fersaries, Glass, Silver, Wood and Ivory. &c.. Trusses, French. Englisli, American, tn:. Shoulder Braces, as sorted kinds. Breast Bajrs. Saddle Bags, Pocket Cases, Syrenges iu great variety, Klectro Magnetic Machines, late styles, Steel ant’ Metal Sounds, assorted sizes Silver. Metal and lioue Kye Syrenges cases of Kye Instru ments, new styles. Physicians’ Pocket Cases in great, variety, Stethoscope-. Klastic Metallic.. Ear Trumpets, Glass Urincils. Bed Pans, Womb Syrenges, Midwifery Instruments, Amputntinglust ruments. TrepLening Iu- sfruments. Trocars and Canulais Instruments. Evans’ fiancets. Cases, Gold, Silver Scots, Wood. Leather. &c., Stomach Pumps, Cupping Cases, improved Probangs; Uretlia Instruments, in and out of cases. And many other instruments not enumerated, with au extensive stock of Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery. Fancv Articles, &c.. for sale, ou accommodating terms, by. * A. ALEXANDER, Sign Negro and Mortar Atlanta, Feb. 14,1855. d&wly. E. M. & A. W. ALLEN, RESIDENT DENTISTS, 31 ARIETTA UEORGIfi . DNS requirin':' tho ni<l ol Dur.i.-' ait and ill, eithei iVir t'm presarvatinn ul the nutu- 1 rnl teeth, the removal of them when nijeossiH-y, or i their i-ejdacemeni w-d; beau:'lei ::ilici:il subsSi- i tutef, are invited t' eitil tit our Dem i: flieo.. where Sfedii Waltn'j Soda Wiiieu. Jt. are not* drawing Soda Water, with a la: smut of which : ! pERSI : l skill, tp II if the choicest Syrups, m ot delightful tinv r. E. j’. WEBSTER. D A Ap > limit rjcvfoi j. inot- itemoiisinttion til unit is expected of • th powdt iseased gt i we are prepare- ! of our ability ■ the Deutitt. | A superior quality ot 'Id j and detergent washes for 1 ! on hand. i Professional advi.-i ar iti. \ warranted. j Office in Snider's Ini j posite the Hownr.l 11 < •: t -.:. Some*flint; New I I THK undersigned ! Atlanta am! vicinit j Book Storo. « u Wh Sky and Sidc-Li^ht Daguerrean Galleries : . Druslics, ru.* 1 , always operations ;tair-, up- may 2 spt* •tfully informs the ‘..or h* has fittest ujj, Hall ;t iv ,v t. one of i !:• citizt'ns of i iver Kay s j finest Watches and Jewel ty. ! A. 0 IU epk, west side of dig Square, Ali.i iet- : *a. Ga., iespeelltiUy offer- iii- well -electee stock I oonsisting of i-ioiti and Silver W’ati he . atola geii- i end assortment of articles usually kept in his lino, ! at the lowest possible prices for cash. lie gives his own personal attention to tvpuir- | ing all kinds of Watches und Jewelry. All kinds of Hair Work made to order. -MRS. O. REMINGTON, MILLIKER, ! And Dealer in Bounds, Ribbons, it Floivrs. i Also, Mauufactorer of Dresses. Cloaks and Man tillas. of the most approved styles, MARIETTA, GEORGIA, Cassviilo st., opposite the Howard House, nov 16—ly City Property for Sale. 1000 Prizes in all amounting tn. $30,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets S6, Halves $2.60, Quarters 31.26. Bills on all solvent Banks ut pur. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent aud Manager, diwly Atlanta, Georgia, Maryland Lotteries. Ome* V IH.. M \HV l-\>n (’OSS-l T .IO.t TEH lAITTFItlK-. I Bauimouk.July l-t. 1855. | All Tickets or Certificate!! of Package* of TirL- tl*. II* th, LoUcrii:* oiithorim-il by the State of Mo- ryhiro bear the lithographed rignatnre of P. A". flRES AX, Central Agent for the Contractor, and any other* are fraud*. (Jiving to numerous, applications lront all parts of the country, the management will give t*>.>i*- attention to tho filling of orders for Tickets or Certificates in the Maryland Lotteries. Persons at 11 distance may confidently rely upon 1 Miring their orders for Tickets promptly filled, and ilho strictest confidence ohsoried. These Lotteries ere drawn daily in public iu riic Cit) of Baltimore, under the euperiiitendeucc ni tiie Hi ate Lottery Commissioner. Heavy bonds .ve given to tho Stato as security for the pay ment ‘„l all Prizes. T>*0 prices ol Whole Tickets are from #1 (<• $z‘h Half and Quarter Tickets in j propor'ion. „ , There nre never lc^s riuiii 2*1,000 1 nze? m any I Lottery, which Prizes varj amount from 31 j t-1 $1IHI,0G0. according to the price of the Tickets. For instance— ... When the price of Tickets Is $1 the highest Prize is about * , When $2 the highest Prize is about ^20 GOO “ “ « a Sjo’ooc .. $20 “ «• « $70,000 ' IVn’t numerous Prizes .,f $10,000. $5,000, $1,000, $500, $U>0, A,-., Ac. Persons can remit it-' any itmoun). from $1 upwards that they wish to in vest, on receipt of which we forward its value in Tickets iti the Lottery designated by the joirchas- C-T. or, if nore bo designated, then some Lottery that will ho drawn after the buyer bus got the ticket ir, his possession. An Official Scheme of t.'tc Lottery will he sent with all tickets ordered, carefully scaled in au ordinary envelope, and on tho day the Lottery is drawn the official Drawing will ho sent, together with a written Explanation of the result ol" the purchase. The Drawn Num bers are also published in tho doily papers of the city of Baltimore, and in the Daily National In telligencer, Washington, D. C. A Circular containing nil tho Schemes will he sent to any one by addressing the undersigned. Address orders for Tickets to F. X. BRENAN, No* 4, Calvert st., Baltimore, Md. Ao«.V<** dwlf ' In our Furniture Department, which embraces | three stories, tan bo found every article of tbe J latest design, and we particularly reqncst all per sons to look before purchasing oi.-owhere, as we I guarantee to duplicate any article at Charleston prices. Wo also have on hand a splendid stock of CARPETS, Wilton. Three-Ply, Dutch Ilcmp and Cotton, Druggets, of -ill sizes and Valuable Property for Sale. i SfXIIE subscriber otters his extensive fire-proof Ware * House now iu course of erection on White Ha! I street for sale. The House will be most admirably ad apted for a general Commission business. having large I accommodations for tbe siorage of Cotton, and al-o 1 close storage for the New Orleansand Tennessee trade 1 rhe building will be ready by tbe 1st of October. ! For particular.- apply to myagent. T. Boonan.White- Hali street or to William Barry. Covington. Ga WILLIAM BAKltY. Atlanta. Sept. 5 1S54. [irept. 7 wt! Dor Sain, Tapestry, Brussels. Ingrain, Crumb Cloths, widtbs. CURTAIN STUFFS. t lot of Hui Dntuask, Lnec and Muslin CURTAINS. Gimps, i Winter Barley, from R. Peter’s Plantation, Cords, Tassels, Cornices, Bands and Pius, of the ! i, v SEAGO A ABBOTT greatest variety. j Atlanta Sept 21st, 1S55. dim Rugs, Door-Mats and Stair Rod:-, of all qualities. Fresh Arrivals! iVt Soago cfc iVtotoott’s Commodious, Fire-proof Ware-house, ATLANTA, GA. 300 sacks choice Superfine Flour. I prime Hog Round Bacon. Conally. deceased, will be* disposed of ;ri i.rivnip-ale, j Sa<*ks goou ^upcriiDe rlour to-wit: A fractional lot situate l near tho Hailr^ad ; 100 Boxes star and JuUmantine candles at greatly Bri'lge. being a portion of city lot number 12and 13. reduced prices. Also a portion or land lot number fifty three,jying j 50 Kegs extra refined family lard. 20 bins Sugar 100 sacks Prime Rio Coffee. 5 “ Old Got. Java. 10 Boxes “ Bar soap, at <U cents, per lb. 100 Bbls and half bbls New and old Lard. 300 pounds Live Geese Feathers. Also, a good supply of Corn, corn-meal, Rice, Notice to Debtors. dried Fmit, Domestic Shirting, (very low) Gsnu- The Subscriber, having closed his business in Allan Dti rgs, I- actory- A .1 rns^, Ac. t i. all persons haring na. etlled accounts at liis B^ok- Atlanta. May 29tD 1. j5. tf. store, arc requested to call on Wm. il. Jones and make ! payment, an officer t Sept. 7, in the South, which, will enr.eaud -.*iiparalleled • confident that .fit* c;m u >* who may favor him with i pared, al-o. to take pieti Crayon sly les. which, by raiignuent. beautiful tiui hav* v.nil univf*i>;it .idmii; Ift^lfictures taken in u Case,s, Me dull inns, Bracelets. Watch Iveys. Ri Postmortem casc.s attrnde public are respectfully iii\ cimens. whether they sit < augSOwtf il. •ng experi- t make.- him • in lhe ntiiv -alisiactiou. to all i* patronage. He is pre ii« tlie lllurninateil and ir unrivalled artistic ar- aTi'i life-like expression. FARMERS” SUPPLIES. I p A. DOBBS is s • large stock of partly within and partly without the corporation "lim it-of the city—containing fifteen acre.-more or less, ] lying west of the Fair Ground lot and adjoining Mr. | Thurmonds. This contains the best brick yard about j the city, i-told by virtue oT a decree in Chancery of ’ the Superior Court of DeKalb county, at October : Term. 1853. F’or terms apply to Dec. 8.1853 (28—tf) TERENCE BOON AN Tru’t | now receiving arm opening a of Staple and Fancy Dry Good*. . Also a larger lot of Boots aud Shoes, than is usu- • ally kept in this market. A great variely of La- 1 dies’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots nnd Shoes. A line stock of Hats and Cape, Hardware, Cutlery, j t£-c. Also a handsome stock of Saddlery, with an extensive stock of Family Groceries, consisting of \ Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Cheese, Tobacco, ! Ac., &c., which I offer at unusually low prices for 1 cash or barter Ee sure and call at the second door from the uortheast corner of the public square, where I J will take pleasure in exhibiting my stock of goods ; i t".-a! iron, quality superior j and feel assured that I wiil gain your confidence, | "‘O square to !2xg thick, iu- . n ad havo your custom. fno3] E. A, DOBBS. i f weather, and -et in tsf-Pins, Lockets, .Vc. t3> sickness and lhi ir residences. The -> cult and examine spe- M. A. COOPER. SALTUS & CO., 7 Beaver St, >•:. York, offer for sale in large or small iptautitics, their eelebrated Peru Ilttmraered Cham to Swedes: sizes fr eluding all sizes Rolled Iron. Horse Shoe, Nat Rods, Rivet Iron, Bands, Scrolls, Hoop, Nut und Oval Iron, Slit Shapes, (imitation Swedes) Bliste red and (L) Steel, Plough Iron and Moulds, ail of the first quality, and superior to any iron made. Have also on hand a full assortment of English TO THK PUBLIC. THE subscriber is just receiving from New j York, a new and complete stock, consisting of ! Cooking, Parlor, and office stoves! Bright Japan- i edand plain Tin Ware, wooden and Hollow ware, j common and refined Sheet and Swedish Iron, all , House "Furnishing Goods & | at lowest market rates. June S'J (wfftn) c., consisting in part | Tlic Kiectiou. I orders Floor and Table 0I7i CLOTH Of all widths, and of high reputation a - to style and quality, and cut to fit any size room or entry in one pieec. The attention of buyers i- respectfully request ed to tlio above, which comprise the best and larg es' :L-Mirtmei:l cyr offered u this city. C. A. 1»LATT, J. Jl. PLATT, II. lb A DAM. Sop 1. 2 d*w2m. NEW aoo DS, 'Xk'L •C' JL}. eSc CloIxixkS, Clothes New and Fresh. Cassimeses. Tlie Richest ever brought to this Market. Vesting*. Come Boon, or they v LU all be sold. Gloves——Kxlra Fine Neck Filins, tin* very latest st>le~ and rich»*s1 materials. Also, Tailor'i* Trimmings— (rayon h, and almost any thing kept iu a Merchant Tailoring e tabliriuueni. c.t: be bought from ihe subscriber. | Atlanta, Nov 2. d ft wtf For Sale. | Tlie Subscriber offera ft-r sale n very ph-asaui re-:- dcnce on Fetch free Street, within r. short distance of I the cen're o' the city. The house contains nine rooms I in good ri isrir. with otlier necessary outbuildings .11 j so. one other houeo and lot on the same block con taining four rooms. This property will be sold al great bargains, eilher se]iaraor ail lopether. tl so two or three other unimproved lots in difleranr parrs of the citv. JAMES M. HUDSON. At Iau la. Sept. 21. IP 55. wtf \ BBL6. Bridgewater Mineral Pni> t. ^V/20 do Silvers do do Thezc are tlie best mintin'! Paints in lire,tor sale by A. ALEXANDER, fell 20 d.fcwly Sign of the Negro and Mnrtar- l>is:rt>inti«n. Thr firm h erctoforeexis’ing between the undersign- ,1 uii !er the name of J. Valentine s io, is this day lissolted, bv mutual consent. The business i f tbe inn will in’future be conducted by J. Valentine 4t Ed. u.arpe, who nlone ore responsible or thedebts of tlie .-,f .f. Valentine A Co., and to whom all debts should ,, ,1,1 J. VALENTINE Sent. 17. 1855. EG. SH.lKFE. sepffOdlw W. II. EIDSGN. Sale. Adminisiratoi’ I \ grocablH to an order of the court of Ordinary of - » rherokee county, will Ik.* sold before the court j hou ft* door in the town of Canton, in >ai*l county, on j the lirs 4 Tuesday in November next—I.ots of land Nos. , 4s;». fyf i and 524 in the 2nd district of the 2nd » -action of the said county of Cherokee, except the j widow s dower in said lands. Sold as the propert ! Robert H. (lobcr. late of said cou • be re fit of the heir?* and creditors of .-aid decM- j Sept 18, *55. JOHN 1*. RKAV‘s. they will be turned over to the hand. jr collection. GEO. DUNHAM. I r | , HE undersigned are prepared to supply all oi 1805. tf *• for Election Tickets^ with which they may i be favored, at l*ifty Cents per hundred, or $4 per thou- j sand. Parties ordering will plea.-e send us a plainly ! written “copy” of the ticket requested, including their preference in relation to tbe Hrmoral Question. Fancy tickets will be furnished at $5 per thousand, or £1 for a single hundred. ^5»Orders arc respectfully solicit ed, but none will be tilled unless accompanied by the CASH. C. R. HANLE1TER 5: CO., Job Printers and Rook Binder-*, Atlanta. iledicnl Notice. THE subscriber, having returned to the city from a visit to Charleston, has resumed the prae tice of Ills Profession. Residence on Garnett st., between Whitehall and Pryor sts. Office at Smith A Ezxard’s Drug Store, opposite “Atlanta Bank.” TIIOS. S. DENNY, M". D. Mny7’55. tf. Administrator’s Sale. Agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Fulton County, will be sold on the iirst Tuesday in December next, before the Court Hoi;>e door iu*the town of Decatur, DeKalb county, within th*> legal hours of sale, lot of land. No. (242) two hundred and forty- two, iu the fifteenth district of orijrinall}* Henry, now DeKalb county, with a saw-mill and other improve ments thereon, containing two hundred two and a half acres. Also, on the same day, before the Court U*»use door, in Carrolton. Carroll county, lot of Land. N*». (158) in New Volumes Of the Four Great BRITISH HE VIE 1FN’, namely, DANIIjL- & COMF’y., ATTEi: SIGN UF TUI ’‘Atlanta Family Store,’ Ho 13, WHITEHALL STREET. SgpHE subscribers would respectfully inform tlie citizens of Atlanta, and all persons trading of the following: J Steak amt Hush dishes, Dish and Plate Covers, : Jelly moulds,_Coffee Filters, Coffee Urns, Water i and Molasses Pitchers, Fluid Lamps. Tea and j Coffee Pots, Egg Boilers, Nursery Lamps, Candle I Stick, Cake Boxes, Spice Boxes, Sugar Boxes, i Bonnet Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canisters, Molasses | Cups, Cake Pans, Lard and Oil Lamps, Lanterns, Dust Puns, Spittoons, "Waiters and Tea Trays, JACOB C. HOOK. THE EASTERN WAR! i SEBASTOPOL HAS NOT YET FALLEN! i Neither hare the Attics yet raised the sedge! ; THK .nbhcriber lias couclufivfi to rent or sell his At- LKW1S LAWSRE. , lanta property, conssisting of hi- large aud Conimis- - * —- j <ion Fir* Proof War* House, occupied lor the la>t Three I venrs by Messrs oca go & Abbott, and residence or Fur ’s v tli street. This is valuable property, paying a rent «j lo per cent on the amt. asked lor ii. and daily in- crcaMiig in value Payments yearly—oce third cash, tho balance in two annual installments with interest.— Title indisputable. Possession given any time alter Is October next. ^5-,-Ipplv to £eago & Abbott. .1 tlant;*. Septbtf B O JON !•>:. _ iVegroes Wanted. THREE or four good hands wanted at the At lanta Steam Mills. Liberal wages paid monthly. SepM7,d3t.l W. G. PETERS & CO. leceascd, for the i the fifth district of Carroll county, unimproved, con taining two hundred, two and a half acres, and lot No. (263) iu tho eighth district of Carroll county, all sold as the property of the estate of Allen E. Johnson, dec’ Sold for the benefit of the heirs and deceased. Terms mace knonn on da Adiur.s pleasure in waiting upon them. EDINBURGH. XORTn BRITISH. WESTMINSTER, and upon which they conduct their . business being LONDON QUARTERLIES, anil BL.'.CKWOOD’ri i CASH, they assure all those who may favor them EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. (Monthly.) I with a visit that the articles which they may offer Commence irith North British for May, 1855, and j shall lie of the bent quality and at each prices, the other lterierct and Blackwood for July, 1855. j georue u. mantel. j u. VOUNG. J. H. JOHNSON, ) . , . W. H. FFJtGT’sQN. | Adm Term3 of Subscription.—Any one Review or Blackwood, $3 a year. Biackwood and one Re view—or any two Reviews. $5. Tho four Re views and Blackwood, $10. Four copies to one address, $30. Postage (which should bo paid quarterly in ad vance) on the four Reviews and Blackwood to any Post-Office iu the United States, only SO cents « ■litors of said j year. Namely: 14 cents a year on each Review, f sale, j and 24 cents a year on Blackwood. d.twiy. Atlanta. March 22. 1855. / N -=• ’VV • ae» e 1-^4 txi- 1 to/ cs ■: afa 43 '. -J Ware-House & Commission Merchant, A TLA NT A, GEORGIA. H AVING rented that spaeious Fire-fyA " Proof Ware-House,- recently erected^ on White-Hail -itrcet, will attend to the 1 Storage and Sale of Cotton, Corn, Lard Bacon - he Principle , ± fine assortment of Pistols, Ac., such as Colt’s Repeater, Allen’s self-cocking and Revolt ing Pis- 1 tols, Alien’s self-cocking Rifles, Pouches and shot belts, Powder flasks, Caps, Potvuer, shot die. | Asj- Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Roof- ; ing. Gutter" . and all Job work, in our line done 1 at short no and v -irranted. W. L. WADSWORTH. No. 2, Il rd R. w, Marietta. jan 24-tf. Valuable Lois for CLEVER A L valuable Lots fc»r rale. ale. improvemeots tlieicrtU. in the nelghlHuIiood of tlie tricant Hill, and Atlanta A Lagrange Railroitu Depot. They will fie mild tow: for terms to T. DooN/tx. Whitehall strcc-t. Atlanta. Muf 11th, 1854. H. P. O’NEH.l. PLOJJR- i-. ineuo .—At Den mead'* ■Ware. House.—Den- ’> Family Flour, Denmead’s Superfine Flour, Oakley superfine Flour, and fino Flour, al- m Short!. may 16 CIGARS, TOBACCO AND PIPES, OF EVERY QUALITY AND VARIETY. THE subscriber having just moved into bis front Store, tho Granite Row, opposite tlie Holland House, informs his friends and the public, that he hn« received, and is receiving, a large and fine stock of TOBACCO and CIGARS, of all choice brands, which be offers fur sale by wholesale and retail, at the l#rest market price. AU orders from the coun try promptly attended to. (difcw3in) U. MUHLBNfeRINK. L ARD By th6 package; also, a small lot good »“*”! ot DEN ME AD’S Warehouse. Executor’s Sale. A GREEABLE in the will of William Zrigler, deceased, i late of Ora tv ford count j, will be* sold in Marietta, } Cobb county, on the second Tuesday in October next, lot of laud No. 701. Hull diptfict and 2nd section. Also, on Thursday, thereafter, in Cedar Town. I'olk j county, lot of land No. b*j0. 20th district. & Cd section. Also, on Saturday, thereafter, in Van Wert, Pa old- Ingr county, lot no b3C—3d district. 3d. section. Also cn the third Monday in October next, in Calhoun, Gordon county, lot No. 29, in the 22d dist. 2d, section. Also, on Wednesday, thereafter, in Canton. Cherokee couflty, Lot No. *257, 13th district, and 2nd section. And on Friday thereafter. Lot No. 103. 28th district, 3d section, in Ringgold. Catoosa county. AU the above lands will be sold on tfie days and at the places above stated, at public outcry. Terms made known on tbe day of sale. JOHN W. DENT, Ex*r. Sept. 11.1855. DR. CHARLES CUMMINGS, , L ATE of the city of New Orleans, respectfully informs the citizens of Atlanta and surround ing country that he.has located his office in the n , , uetv aud commodious Drug Store of Drs. Smith <fc j Address, L. SCOTT A CO. Publishers ! am * other produce with which he may be favor- : Ezzard, corner of Coticorr Hall, for the purpose of ! 54 Gold st., Corner Fulton New York i e,! ' Having had long experience iu tho general j practicing the various departments of his profes- 1 ’ ’ i trade of Georgia, he flutters himself that he can | sion. aud hopes to enlist tho confidence of his j FINE CLOTHING. ! give satisfaction in the sale of all produce; aud; friends and the community iu general, when he | WE are now receiving the largest and most ele- i also in the purchase of ai": articles which the coun- | assures them that his experience is ample nnd sue- j BUILDING HARDWARE! Tools* Ac. Ac. I HAVE constantly on bnnd »large stock of Building and other Hardware, consisting in part of HINGES of nearly all kinds, wrought and east, inch as Butts, Book and Bye-strap, blind, gate and other Hlngei. LOCKS Knob Locks; stock, mortice, barn door, itoor doqr, desk, trunk, pad, drawer, chest, cupboard, ward- robe, tnd other Locks. Also, extrm Keys. LATCHES—Knob Latches, thumb, get# and other Latches, Bolts, kc, , NAILS—Wrought Aid cut Nails. 3d to 20d, such aa binge Nails, lathing, flooring, ceiling, shoe and other Nails. GLASS—Window Glass, from 6 by 8 to 24 by SO inches, and can cut to flit any intermediate size wanted, for pU- ure frames, show cases, kc. PAINTS—White Lead, chrome green and yellow, bine, red, black, brown and other colors, also, the snow white Zinc Paint now so much used and giving universal sat isfaction. TOOLS—Planes, Augurs, Chisels. Squares, Brew Knives. Hammers, Braces andBitts, Plumbs and Levels, Rules, Bench Screws, Ac. FARMERS TOOLS—Spades, Shovels, Manure Fork* Hoes. Chains, Wagon Boxes, Ac. . IRON—A large aasertment ef Tyre, Horse-shoe, Band) Round, Square, aud other Iron,’ and many other arti cles too tedious to mention, mar 14 WILLIAM ROOT. Spring and Summer Goods. T HE subscribers take this method of inform ing their friends and customers that they are now receiving a beautiful assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, eonsistingof the following, viz: BOOTS AND SHOES. Crockeryware and Hardware. saddlery and cutlery. HATS CAPS Ac., 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 10-4 and 11-4 bleached and brown cotton Sheetings, and linen ditto Cotton and linen pillow case Goods Bleached and brown Homespuns English Loug Cloths, a superior article Fancy linen Drills, Farmers’ Drills, and a beauti ful assortment for little boys French, English and American Calicoes, the dol ors of every piece warranted French, English and Scotch printed Cambrics. French printed Organdies White, black, pink and blue plain Crape de Pori* Plain white, blue, pink and black Shallys A few patterns of handsome Grenadines —also— .4 beautiful assortment of Summer Silks, Ribbons, Bonnets, Dress Trimmings, Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings. All of which wiil be sold low for cash, and promptto paying customers, who pay oneo a year which will bo required in every case, except under circum stances of misfortune. "We find the long credit system not only destroying the credit of the mer chants, but ruinous to tho farmers. Such being the case, how much better off would wc all now be, if the long credit system was done away with, and a shorter one udopted. Had this system been gono into ton years ago, what a difference would there be in point of pecuniary matters in this section of country. Very respectfully, April 4 J. J. NORTHCUTT Drugs and Medicines. J. > AVING a very large assortment of Drugs anil Medi. * i cines on hand, 1 would call the attention of the jiublic to a few leading articles. My stock in this line includes almost every article usunlly kept in the up, couutrv, and many patent medicines r,ot generally found out of the larger cities. PATENT MEDICINES?. Townsend's Earparilla 'Dr. Jayne’s Medicines, Sand's do ;Pr. Rone's do John Bull’s do Louden & Co’s, do Risley’s do ,Mustang Liniment, Arabian Liniment, jKadway’s Ready Relic?, Oxygenated Bitlers, Cherry Pectoral, Carter’s Spanish Mixture, jDyseutery Cordial, Perry Davis genuine Painjltcli Ointmpnt, Killer, Pryor’s Pile Ointment, Hebrew P'astr-r. Hay’s Linment. GratTenburg Medicines. j And many others too tedious to mention, most ot which 1 sell to dealers at Charleston prices by the dozen, FOB CA-H. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prepared.. All kind of Family .MarunxEsof the best quality con stan tly on hand. Perfumery and Fancy Soaps, a good assortment; ulso, Cooking Extracts, and Essences of superior quality: Yeast Powders; super. CarbunaUi of End.a ; su perior 8alaratus. Tartaric Acid. Hops, Ac.; superior Spices, pure ground Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Pepper, STARCH AND CANDLES, Yellow Soap, Starch Polish. Blue Starch, E’ig Bine. Sal Soda, and Potash, CAMPHENK AN ft BURNING FLUID. PAINTS AND OIIS. Blue, black, red, green, yellmv. aiul other colored Paint, ?:i-\ or ground in oil, ami neatly put up in tin ease.-i. so as* to carry safe. Particular attention paid to tlie paint business WINDOW ULAStf. 1 keep a very large >tock of Glass on haml, from the smallest size to 24 by 30 inches, and will cut to suit, picture frames, show ca*-: »S:c. Remember this. Orders from a distance wiil be promptly attended to. and the (roods put up so as to go safe, either bv rail- mail, stage or wagon, provided the ca.-h is sent with the order. ap 25 WTLLUM ROOT Bounty Land Pension Claims of Wid ows and Orphans. rpHK undersigned having aa.-mciated themselves to -*• get her in the prosecution of Bounty I.and cluinife* ot widows au-1 orphans, &<*., would announce to the pub lic. that having prepared themselves with all the nec essary blanks, together with tlie law regulating tl e above mentioned claims, and also, having made ar utngcraonhs with competent agents nt Washington rity. :i’*o prepared to prosecute successfully an;, of theabove mentioned claims, with promptness nnd di patrii. loApplieants will he mlvised i,f the highest prices paid r I Aud Warrants. N. ft. DUELS’. Mariott • Ipril !1 W. PHITJ IPS. I4EW SrttING AND SUMMER CL0THTKGK ^TSrTUJAM J. KIRBY would inform his friends uud i t customers that lie lms just received hi., Spring nnd Summer (.‘lathing, cou-i.-tlng in part of (doth. Curi» marett. Queen's Cloth, Drab dY’.e. Ahij-ica and Linen C'l.nts. raps. Italian and Linen Pants, aud quite a varie ty of Ve-ls. ami gent’s furnishing goods, all of wh’cb will fie s dd very cheap r or cash. All are invited to call and • vniif.iio before buying elsewhere, a line lot of Clothe*. • assimercs. and Vestings, which will be made in tbe latest style and at short notice. Cutt»r.g and repairing done as usual. good. lot of Trimmings on hand and for sale low down. 7 All of my old customers indebted tome for the past \unr, will do me both a favor and simple justice, by calling and settling their account*, as 1 am greatly iu need of money. April 11. 1856. t'Y CIIASTA1N has moved back to his old stand s I • on Cherokee street, four doors from corner of Public Square. Marietta. Those wanting SAD DLES. 1SRIDLES AND HARNESS, or BUG GIES TRIM VIED, would do well to call and ex amine his work. AU orders promptly executed in tbe neatest stylo. He has employed the l cat Saddle Maker in this country, and all work war ranted. fob 16—lj. Notice. V X election will be held on Saturday the 8tli of Ftp- -TjLtembcr n*-xt, for a Steward of the Georgia Military Institute, ftv order of the Board of Trustees. Mi Hedge ville, Aug. 30 1855. A. J. IIaNSKLL, Secretary. M. 1. X. B. Parties wishing information may address Col A. V. Brumby, Superintendent. EDWARD P. WEBSTER, (SUCCESSOR 10 DR. G. TKNNF.XT,) auh iirtaU DRUGGIST, JSu. 1 Colonade I’lace, Marietta, Geo. VLTOULI) respectfully call the attention of the c.iti- ’’ zeu9 of Marietta, Physicians and Planters t© hi* extensive and carefully selected -took < f Fresli Drugs, Mcdldnea and Chemical* PHYSICIANS. ^uppli- . with the purest French, English and Ameii can chemicals. Surgical, Dissecting and Amputating Instruments, Jumceta, Forceps, Cupping Instrumtntx. Medical Bags, Trusses, Supporters, tec., tec. # PI-ANTFRS Supplied with Paints, Dye Stuffs, Fresh Garden Saeda, Medicine chests, tec., tec. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Supplied with genuire Drugs at as low rate?? as can he bought in any city South. Groat care will be taken in tilling Physicians’ orders Every article sold warranted pure, fresh and genuine. Physicians’ prescriptions carefully compounded hum drugs of warranted purity, at any hour of the day or night. Tiie attention of . THE I.APIKfl Is respectfully solicited to his extensive assortment of Toilet articles, consisting in part of French and Amer ican Colognes. Rubin's and Fiver’s Extracts, Mongnet’g and Cou dray’s Toilette Powders, Powder boxes, pulls, hair, tootl*. nail and cloth brushes ; also a line lot of fle.-h brushes, nil of which will be sold at reduced pri ces. French Bandolines for arranging the hair boun tifully ; genuine Macassar and Pear’s Oil, hair tonic, hair dye, court plaster, tooih pow i* r. tooth wash, tri- copherous., together with .. gieat quantity of fancy goods too numerous to mention. Mease give me a cail end examine for yourselves. N. li- Pure old Brandies and Wines for Medical pur poses. Iced Soda Water, with a variety of Syrups. As we con tine ourselves strictly to tbe drug bnslnes aioi.e. we shall always keep everything iu our line of business, and of the very best qualities. Persons pur chasing any article of us can depend upon it being pure and genuine. We prepare all our medicines, and therefore can warrant them as being prepared accord ing to the U Pharmacopeia. Our stock is large and well assorted. We shall all ways keep a good supply of White :.ea*l pure, ' iCopal Varnish No. 1, do Ko.l, | do do do 2, 1 do co do 3, Coach do {Japap do Leather do , Demur do (white) Sand Paper,assorted. Putty andGlue, / DumiceStone, k Blue Smalts, Brown do Notice. A LL persons indebted to the late firm of Kay & Ramsay, or to Dr. H. A. Ramsay, are here by, notified, that, having purchased all their inter est in their late business as Druggists, together with tho books of accounts, notes, Ac., due them, payment of tho same must he made alone to us. SMITH 4 EZZARD. -March 23, 1K5. d*wly. J UST reoeived a fresh supply of Burning Fluid sad Camphan*. T. W. WIST. gant assortment of MEN'S AND ROYS' CLOTHING AND GEN TLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS we have ever offered in Atlanta. Our stock embraces all the tastiest and latest styles, and for cut, make and trimming cannot be surpassed. Tho attention of those in want of fin! Clothing is particularly invited to our stock, which wo pledge ourselves to sell low for Cash VL. HERRING A SON, Glass front No. 40, Whitehall st. Atlanta, Sept. 9, ’55. $10 REWARD. Stolon from the Subscriber on the night of the lflth iustr, a light chestnut. sorrel mare, blaze-faced and hog- backed, a little ragged-hipped,” both hind legs white, with 11 scar on one—I think the right—ears inclined to Hop-six yeurs old. Also a black-cov ered saddle :lG d a blind bridle was taken at the same time. The above reward wiil be paid to any ono finding and delivering the said mare to tho subscriber. C. G. MARTIN. Sept. 19, Stockbridge P. 0., (Henry) Go. try may require. T. D00NAN. ! cess flattering in the treatment of all diseases December 14,1854. 69dwtf culiar to tropical climates and malarious districts | in their most agravated and malignant forms; and i more especially yellow fever, cholera, typhoid fe- ! lliugun ver, scarlatina Ac.; und all those contngeous dis- ! L allying Real Estate, in ami around this city, m com ; eases peculiar to a denes population, ns^ the more i 1 .iwi t «i. r», ..i. n-ii. reccn f portion of his professional career has con Real Estate Agency! rjiHEundorsl^ntMl hn» opCDU* 1 an offit JL quying Beal Estate, iuundarou mission Tiiosc having flousos and Lots for sale ivvvmw , v , wc find it t«» tlioir interest to call and rcgistersuch pro perl 7a VhT»* frin fmnnV .CrTiv Uil ® co . u j ty. No charges Mill In-made rorrcgiste.iugoi-showmg | fm f'‘ hl .f. t0 ‘i x- tho ?°, fatal “aladies ; property, unle.-sa satisfactory sale isiuaue, then asmall \ n cities ot Mobile and New Orleans. ■ " Atlanta, Ga., April 10,’55. d*wtjanl’56. ( Examiner and Republican eopv till Jan. I I 1st. 1856. j HAiVSlAl, ^ SlillPSO V, 7 ~ i Attorneys, Counsellors and Solicitors, MARIETTA, GEORGIA, _ ; Will practice in the District Court of the United Adllii uistrafor } 8 Sale. [-States, at Marietta, tho Supreme Court of Georgia, B T order of the lion tin-court of Onliitary of Cobb ; und the Superior Courts ot tho fallowing counties: couuly—will be sola on tlie first Tuesday it* No- : Cohb, I Forsyth, I Fannin, vember next, before tlio coart-house door in the city o* i Fulton. I Uumpkiu, [Paulding, Marietta, Cobb county—part of the following lots of I Cass, 4 i Cherokee. i Flovd land, yix: Nos.838, 892 and 883, all in the lflth disk: 1 1 r ’ comtnissioti will be charged. I will also attend to renting, paying luxes and making ou: deeds, bonds and all necessary papers for tlie con- veyance of Real Estate. 09-Office in the store of Wm. Herring & Co., White Hall Street, second door frutr- the corner of Hunter street. Atlanta. July 0, 1864. N\ L. AXG1ER. and id section Sold a-- the property of the estate of ; Pickens, Gilmer, Whitefield. James S. Wright, late of said county: dee d, for tin* j Especial attontion bestowed iu the securing and benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dcc’d. Term* collecting ot claims. made known on the dry of sale. fept. U, '46. HUB WRIGHT, Adm’r. ANDREW HAN8ELL.) jan 1,1856. ARCA’D N. SIMPSON. White Zinc No. 1. Window Glass. 8X10—10X12 and all other J sizes, ’ Linseed Oil, Train do Sperm do Neats foot Oil, * Turpentine Spirits, Cam phene, Burning Fluid, Paint Brushes, (all sizes) Varnish do do Whitewash Brushes, (all hiaes) Sweeping, dusting, scrubbing, horse, blackir* brushes &c. * Marking brushes, Sash tool, Camel hair pencil*. Gold Leaf. Silver do Blue Stone, Copperas, Madder. Logwood. Spanish Indigo, Chalk, Alum Turpentine Scan White soap. Adamantine Candp's Olive Oil best 2q Bottles, ' Starch, white and blue, Fluid I Amps and Wicks, Cream Tartar Supercavbonate Soda, Tartaric Acid Yeast Powdag, * “ Old Castile Soap, Ar., Ae. v - Red Lend, Litharge, Press. Blue, Vfc™, Chroma_Creen Chrome Yellow, SpauG tra. n iv 20 eUeclan Red > Yell °"' Ochre, Whitfi^ * ’ To the Puhlie • 'HE subscriber, thankful for past f * inform his triends and the public is stilt at the old stand on Rosn'ell stiw prepared to make and repair Carriages, Iffickamitbing done in sfl its branches and dispatch. All work warranted to give sati Always on hand a few choice Buggies Strict attention paid toHorse-idioeing. Jan 20—ly HUMPHREY,