The Atlanta weekly intelligencer and Cherokee advocate. (Atlanta and Marietta, Ga.) 1855-18??, September 28, 1855, Image 4

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mmmm Obtivtnfaiv Ri-Tcn^r Mr. Snarl resides in Forsyth street—Mr. Siri'-I M ht» olr) VyvAhehn‘, with an Irish i^Irl for » housekeeper* Snarl 1!\ <> ■ in -■•■ml style,- 4 hut has .j’iot'v mffk-n.s. lie dislikes dogs fttio-e .ill things, organ-grinders and neggars not excepted. * Snai l s next-door neighbor is Harry Sam son. \o".vllu!-*■ v is the opposite*of old Mr. Snarl Me ,-fs «t liijih value on a dog, and thinks there i o*Jy one article equal to a New I’onoii’hi'id. nnd that’s a womaiff.— Harry has several specimens of the canine race. The other evening they got- uti a JtowHng iiiateh. Iiecause the moon was ftelii r-d. They 'tnoieneed about ten o' clock. nod kept u|i 'ill the in got an inch nnd n. httif above W illiamsburg Toh mnoyed Snarl, that lie had Hen ry '•ho ked up I'-ra nuisance,” and lined -10. Harry paid the money, but resolved • i reveope. I'lio next norningp the f d- louing advertWmei;; appeared in the Her ald : ■‘Wanted —at Forsyth, street, two Hull l»o;i atnl four Spaniel puj.s. For full- blooded dogs the highest, price will he paid, 'tall between 4 and f> p. iu. •IAMES SNARL. We tips 1 not- av he a-.lvcrtisf-mcnt was inserted by !!••' .»’• Hi. reason for making the call at r.Vit hour wa: because Mr. Snarl was alu tvs >>u a that hour, taking an air ing around the Mattery. At the hour specified, dogs and pups lit 1 _i!i: have b .mi -.r.en going up 'he Bowery to (jcan-h and , ol of Grand to Forsyth, to tiie mansion occupied by Snarl. !'!ic first person that pulted tlic bell was I tJentre Market, with a that would have made <•:. Maggie answered iillowirig uolh'qny took LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CO B t» CO IJ NT V Vifiniiystriitor’s Sale. 4 >t n order of th© Cimrt oAOrdinarv of 0*M» no.iQt ;. *7111 be sold oa t)T Bnt Tan- wr* 1 • >clober n*»x«. before the <'ourt House door, In the ci' r • Marietta. Cobb county. within the legal liftur 4.1 rfr.K I^.ts of laud Xo*. 136’and 137 in the l«th distant ; ini M*c.Ci«m ol county.—»«*M aatheprop erty of the children of Kdmond Wutrr, «»f «*id count j. Sold to. t’ir • uefii of -aid children. Term* made ku »wti on day «.f vU.». * Wm. C. SAKftENT. August 7th, 1855. *Guardian. Tuesday iti October nrxt, befo wthf city »f Marietta. r*4>hb < Administrator’* Sale* AUUKUABLY to an order of the Hon. the Couttol **■ Ordinary of Cobb county, will bo acold on the first the court house door county, lot* of land Xu Stif>. 03«», 0. r »5, and -nib. in the I fit li dist and 2nd sec.— Also fraction -17 in 20th diet. »nd 2nd sec. ?<f said Co., Koi«’ property of Je*ft© Dobbs decM. for the ben ©fit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. Term* made known on day of sale. SUl^KR IK)BBS, August 7th 1855. Adm’r. rpWO months alter date application will be made to tl.r Honorable the Court of Ordiuary of Cobb Co., for lea v© to sell the X« Francis Burt, late of Auk 7th 1855 o**s belonging to the e*tato of i h Carolina, ilcceaned CKORGE ROBERTS, Adm’r with the will annexed ( 2 ISORUT A. Cob* ** Kx* •• «• appli-v CoDCf —’A’herea* Ra>herry Eason, on i:io .*>11110 of John S. I’rewet. dec*d., for letter* Dinmissorjr: •rofore to cite and admonish *11 concerned to bean I :i our ‘ourt of Ordinary, lobe held iu M&r*cttu. on tin* first Monday in August next, to 1 :r “ ’ why said letter* should ot l>. i’.OK(i!A. Cobk Ojfxty.—Whereas, Canawav John- n, minor, (luardian of Win. G. Johnson, applies miti U if a hi Mtii of 1 >lli minu'-mcat place: “P*-c> Mi -He <j*>es ‘*1 l^i ( Foli’.B for Mr. .Snarl! Dili you “Devil M »riotl». June 27. ’55 (w40<l) B. TOLLKSO.Y, Or’y. if to nic or Lettrr- Di.suiissory from aaid Guardianhip I ic.-«* arc* therefore to cite and admonish all concern <! to lu* and appear at our t’curt of Ordinary to be held in Marietta, on tin* first Monday In July next, to show cause, :: any tl:*v have, why said lette.a should not be granted. 15 B. TOIXESOy. Ordinarr. i* Sn’*rl live i»ore?*‘ \VJiy il » yt.ii - v?” d. pome dons for him.*’ Mother of Mos* er ! You've niitsiook the door. 1 hit: ic ;t'l tlr.'t/’ ’«) b..' itu«i Marietta HA, Cobh Cotntv.-—Whereas, John C*. Brown, , j *” 1: ltr *} 4 - ° ru ^ s non, c n the estate of Sam- .k*:: i. pi'd:»**i :/> me for letters f>Utm*»ory. •reforo :•» cite and Admonish nil concern- l near at <mr CourJ of Ordinary to beheld •• he Urst Monday in August next, to • iv they have, why ^aid Utter* should B. TOLLE^OX, Ordinary. lie' Hikt-py look out the Mornlwj Htr- anil hiiowed Maggie the advortisenieut. Maggie wit: thunderstruck ; there vras no denying the advertisement. Site.according ly ild Sike-\ to go into tiio back yard with ti e dogs, and nwniv the return of Mr. Snarl. iMkcuy did so. In :ib -t:t trvv-i minutes, Maggie was again summoned to the door. “Whet do von vaut!” “Mr Snarl. I’ve got tiiem dogs he wan- l Ymi have h the: other A. . 2 follow* followed Well, go iiiio the back-yard blackguard.” u No. 1; No. 2 was soon 3, who was succeeded by lots 4. . arid 0. By half-past live o’clock the back yard contained 21 Bull-dogs and l i . j»> i• i-5;v. The former got up a niisun- i siandintr, and bv the time Mr. Snarl "dobb Sheriff sale. bo sold on tin 1 first Tuesday in October next t v before ;lie Court-House door in the citr or Mari- tt.i, between tlic legal hours of sale, the'following roperty, to-wit: One house and lot iu the city or Marietta, the place whereon Mrs. Abies now lives, south of X.S. Chester’s premises, levied on as the property of Thomas IV. t\ uite. to satisfy a fi fa issued from Kulton Superior Court, ir. favor of Xorman L. Chester, vs. Said White, property pointed out by X. L Chester. AI.-o, Lot of land Xo. 549, 19---2, levied on as the pro perty of Jos. Davenport, to satisfy three fl fas. issued irum Cobb Superior C-iurtin favor of the Governor ic., vs. said Davenport, — property pointed out by R. M. Moore; in,nlot of laud Xo. 1091—1092, 19—2, levied oa as the property of John Hill, Sen., to satisfy a Ufa. is sued from a Justice Court of Cobb county in favor of Jno. O. Smith, Sen., and return to me by a Constable JXO. ANDERSON, Sh’ff. LEGAL ADWEBTISEMENTS. ^pwo month* after BppHcaHon frill be made to *■ the Court nf Omlnu-Tof Cherokee county f«»r leave to sell the lapd belonging to the estate of -To-inh Thorn ton, late of «aid count*-.*!. • auf - 8. I860. WIi/*IX?OX JAMH-OX, AduiV.y I)eK\LK COUNTY. « STATE OF GEORGIA, \ , DeKflb County, j To all whom It may Concern■ WHEREAS, C. W. McGinnis, ndraipistrauir of the estate of I. W. l>. Rohnnan, late of said c-oun- ty dec’d., applies to mo lor letters of dismission from the administration of said estate—and :t ap pearing that said administrator has fully adminis- tred said Estate, This 13 therefore ro cite and ad monish all persons interested, to be and appear at the (lourt of Ordinary, to be held in DeKalb Co., on the 5th day of Nov next, to show cause if any they have why said W. McGinni s Adminis trator should not lie discharged from his said Administration Given under my handat office. April 3d, 1855. ALEX’R JOHNSON, Ord’y. GEORGIA DeKalb, County. WHEREAS, Samuel Potts ami Kendley X. Morris, lntve tln« day applied to me for letters of Administration oc the estate of George Elaro. deceased : These are there fore to ciie and admonish all, aud singular the kindred mid creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, aud to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and seal at office, Aug. 4th, 1855. Aug. 7 ALEX. JOHXSOX, Ordinary GEORG/A, DeKalb County. W HEREAS, tVm T. Ivy, guardian of Richard N. Ivy applie. to me for letters of dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concern ed to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in Septem ber next, to show cause if any they have why letters of dismission should not be granted said applicant. Giv en under my hand at'office. July 9 1855. ALEX. JOHXSOX, Ord’y. GEORGIA. DeKalb County, t V' HEREAS William Jordon Administrator of the Es* tate of Kphriara Salmond late of said county ap plies to me for letters of dismission from the admluis tratiou of said Estate, and it appearing that the said Administrative has fully administered said Estate, this is therefore, to cite and admonish all porsons interested to bcandappearat the Court of ordinary oi said co.. to be hold on the second Monday in January next, to.shea* cause ii any they hare why the said Administrator should not be discharged from his said Administration. Given under my hand at office, June 12th 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord'y JV 0III'!. TO 1 (MOTORS.—All persons indebted to Edge tt right, l’attillo i: Heggie, Irwin A Boroughs, J.-.iu -'tidliaaa. or she estate of M. S. I.-win, deceased, will please call on WM. T. WINN, Collecting lawyer, Marietta, Ga.. and make immediate payment. m23Gm Admiuistrator’a Sale. y fiHIiEABLY to an order of tho Hnu. theCourtof vv ■: >f the blessed Virgin, go 010. They arc eating each int choked ofl’will devour :ice the (Jays of L'ruinmel, I ■!i .1 hullakalue entiicly.” Snarl ‘‘went hack”—Snarl looked into Ihn yard, and wr.utd have sworn, hut he could . •: dud iitttlc: cuflioiently powerful to f-xprcis liir feeling:;. When we left, Mr. Snarl was emptying the back-yard will axe-helve. The next morning Harrj Samp son complained ol’him for Lavingtt “dog- right’’ en his premises. Snarl was fined S25 It is m.necessary t say 11 * a t Harry Samp son slept horror that night than any night since the war with Mexico.—-V. Dittrh- ilCIll. Incidents <*f n«v l’entilence. A letter from Norfolk published in the t liarlcstou t!«uri‘T says: •‘A man jumped into the river the other day and* was drowned; his entire family had been swept aw destroying angel, and he alone was left. We witness scenes every day that makes the tears ilow, and the heart bleed. A lady died tit tiie hospital lust week, leaving an oni\ child, a girl about live years old. She Itmi seen her father and brothers, and sis ters cm tied, one bv one, to their narrow’ home, and the spirit of her dear mother had new departed. She sat by the cold corpse weeping bitterly, and n.s she sat there sob bing, with her face buried in her lap, I felt ;ho warm tear drops course down my own checks. 1 commanded my feelings and spoke !>> tier tenderly, i fold her that her mother was mi longer sick and suffering pain, but siie w:c in heaven; in the pre sence of her Saviour, and in tliy company of angel.-- and good people, and Iflshe would licit good eirl -lio would sec hyr mother itaain. 1 eoiuiurtcd her hv telling her that (tod was her father, and that he would take care of her. She left the room, hour uftorwuids. while i was walkiug along the -.freer, 1 saw this little girl, she recog nised me immediately, and smiling through her tears, site ran toward me, and elasniug my hand i:i hers, she said with touching implicit^ . “l>o sir, havo my dear mother ’ buried in a coliu : i: would pain my mother \erv much d she wits put in one of those I rid boxes.” \\ c copy tiie following extract from a let ter published i" the f’liarlcston Mercury, from one of the vihysjoians of that city, now in \ ri 11 . What a volume of woe does it speak . “Language fails to express the amount of suffering and dis’rcss. Could you but ride <t\ei rbi’ place, in u.ic half hour, I could -how vi a sigh's that would makeycurhoart bleed. 1 won', two days ago, to nurse a young man with an interesting family, con sisting of a very pretty wife aud two chil dren.* sat up with him lroui •’> o’clock one mo, niog till 7 the next, when the poor fel low dic l. J shall n it forget the aocno as 1 nt. a 1 live, llis wife had requested to s<-e him before he died. About live in the moi'iiing I informed her that he could not .li-.t. .. he symptoms of the vomit were coining mi. .Vnc begged iuo to assist her to tba bed-ale. 1 d'd so” and she was about to embrace him fur the last time, the dcaih- ratt’.e was heard, and he hung stiff, dead in u rn . She tub ed herself and foil pow- B into mine. But the worst part is yet ;-.Id Iiis father, an old man ol' sixty -. liud to bo informed of it, aud 1 was •orson todt bciM-lit of t!i“ licirf- nnJ creilitoni of said deceased, r.'-ois made known on the day of sale. July 17th, 1855. JOHN MALOXY, Adm’r. { t E0RG J V c, ’ lm Cowvrr.—'Whereas, Clinton Webh, , * t ’-'-iiio:htr.vtor vjhju the estate of Deter Cal leer. ' : ridles to me for Letters Dis.nissory. re therefore to rite and admonish all concern- i ajipoai at our Court of Ordinary to be Hta. on the first Monday in August next, shew cause, if any they have, ,yl:_v said letters ouM not be vranted. mi, y 15 “ B. TOLLESON, Ordinary. ri.? Mari' G EORGI A, Cobb County. V- • 1 i ilEA-:, George T. Northrup applies for letters of adminislration on estate ltilcy Marvell, deceased, tnese are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned n | '« he and appear at our Court of Ordinary, to be held nt .Janetta ou the first Monday in October next, to -lio .v e-tose, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant, dept. 5th. 1S55.J B. TOLLESON, Onl’y. I’l't'Vii monthsafter date, application will be made to A tiie Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county for leave to sell a negro woman belonging to tt: 1 - minor.' nnd orphans of Tx?vvis Peacock, late of Cass county, deceased. M. T. PHILLIPS, A og. 13, '55. Gardian. Atlmiuistrator’d "sale. onler of the Hon. the court of Ordinary of Cobb ; -* c«*unty—will he sold ou the first Tuesday in No vember next, before the court house door in the city of . I Marietta. Gol»h county—City lot (number not known) \ the breath of the j •» t!»•* city of Marietta, being: the lot formerly oceu- j/ieil l»y Hampton Clay. Sold as the property of the estate of Jtialitt Greene, decM., for the benefit of the heirs and cre*litors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. CHAS. 1). PHILLIPS, Sept. 13, 1855. Adm’r. \ LI. persons having demands against the Estate «*f i». 1 Campbell, deceased, are requested to present them '<» the uivli rsigued within the time prescribed by law. This Marietta, June 1, 1S55. June J. G. CAMPBELL, Adm’r TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court *»f Ordinary of Cobb county for leave to sell the real estate belonging to tiie estate of Jno Anderson, deceased. JOHN A. G. ANDERSON, Adm’r. Sept. 5th, 1S55. I WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the ilon. the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county for haw to sell all the real estate of More h-. Bellenger, deceased. M. L- LENORE, Adin’r de bonis now. September 3d, 1855. (* EORG/A f Cobh Coinitt/. WHEREAS. Matilda Strickland applies to me for let* tej’-; f>l Guardianship over the person and property of V. m. Rates, these nre therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to bo aud appear at our Court of Ordi- i* n ry, to be held at Marietta on the first Monday in Oc- . , - toher, to show cause, If any they have, why said let- A bo ill till | tors should not begraidcd the applicant. Sept. 5th, 1855] B. TOLLESON, Ord’y. j IWO months after date a]tplic.*ition will be made to * Hu* Court of Ordinary of Cobb county, for leave state of Lucien B. Wright, deceased .‘pt. 1. JANE WRIGHT, Adm’x. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. O N the first Tuesday in November next, will he sola, before the courthouse door in the city of Mariet ta. Cobh county, within the legal hours of sale, the in terest of Moses Rousseau, deceased, in a negro boy, 16 or 17 years old, said interest beihg one half of tho uMie; -old under an order of the Court of Ordinary, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. Sept4, 55 CLAYTON VAUGHAN, Adm'r. IMILKOKEE COUNTY. ft /.TJ/i’(' lA, Cherokee County. TO .*T.L WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: yi7HKREAr\ John M. f>elany, Administratoi on the • v Estate of Mo.-es W. Pad in, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from ‘lie Administration of said estate, and it appearing that the said Administrator lias fully administered said estate: This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons interested to he and appear at the Court of Ordin ary of said count}', to be held on the second Monday in Ft bi nary next, to show cause if any they have why ■-aid letter should not be granted the applicant. June 25, 1855. JAMES JORDAN, Ordinary. C EORCI Ay Cherokee Corn 11/: K LL persons indebted to Josia\i Thornton late of said 1 county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, will present them properly attested for settlement, aug. 8, 1855. WILKINSON JAMESON, Adm’r. .■fit ;tl. •and siarifd for .Llic dvi.r, Hold • in;.* nee 1 throw ou my cloak muse, lie met mo at inwardly conscious of i mission, hi p 1'uag !i .i.- 2 arms around my and r<vt ill;’ V.o 1 toad titioii tny shoul- . , finod ■ oi’ reavts. ilc hud lost ■,i : 'o ,l,o Si inikiy |ir eoeding, lii.s daughter lay after, miJ now this yot ung man was third- ali ’fl 'llTU: week. Besides his GEORGIA, Cherokee County: A LL persons indebted to the estate of James Baily, late of said county, deceased are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate are requested to present for payment proper ty attested. Aug. 8. 18f:5. JANE BAILY, AduPx. Administrator’s Sale. A GREKABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary J JL of Cherokee county, will be sold before the Court House door in the Town of Canton on the Sr£t Tuesday October next with»n the legal hours of sale Iiot of land No. 1001), iu the 15th District of the second sec tion i'f aa’d county of Cherokee ns the property of John C. Priest, late of said count} deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Aug. 14, 1855. Was. C SARGENT, Adm’r. itl£C W0,1 tl only buy was extremely low. Whet* liis <!..<» i«» return to the scene of i.ieditt’.tiii" nfion what 1 had wit- • .m.l i he pitiable, desolate fate of the .. i eoul‘1 re,train my feelings no 1 and m ’ mg myself uj>on n doorstep, bitterly. Adiainisiiator’s Sale. \ GRKEABLEtoa:iorder of the Hon. the Court of ^ V UrJinary. of Clierokee eouuty. Will be sold on the fir-t Tuesday in November uext, between the legal hourHof sale, before the courihouse Joor in Canton, Che-okee county, the following lots of Isn't., being the plantation auitout lots attached thereto, whereon Jer emiah Field lived at the time of his Jeceane, s ir: Lot. Nos. 1, 3, J, 08, 09. 70, 71. 72 73, 74. 75. 76, 140. 141, 142, 143, 144, 140, 147, ami all that part of 145 lying on the West aide of Etowah river, all in tiie !5'h District, 2<i section, also No, . 18, 54, and 55 of the 14’’t District. 2nd section, nnd 37, 34, in the 21 fit. Dis trict. 2nd sic., and seventy acres moreor Jess of No. 18, ■dud district and 2nd section. The a Love lauds lie adjoiningaad contiguous to each other, foiminc one ot the most desirable farms in Cp- I cr ti-orgia. There is oa this plantation about 400 acres of the best Etowah bottom lands, mostly cleared and inn high state of cultivation. There is on the , f tap i; n «s Jt verv different I place a merchant mill, saw mill, aud corn mill, with ’ 1 • ‘ an abundance of water to run as much more machine ry as a purchaser might want to put in operation. There i- •>. >;•<• fluid Toll llridyc across the Etowah River with a fine run of custom, being tho thoroughfare for mov er-nnd travellers to North Alabama and Mississippi. There is also on the jdace dwelling house, negro hou ses, cotton-gin, and all necessary outbuildings. Also, will b« sold, at the same time and place, lots Nos . 775 and 778, in the third district and 2d section: also will be sold ou the first Tuesday in October next, will be sold before the court house door in Spring i'iace, Murray county, lots Nos. 31 32 42 and07—lying ill the 25th district and 2nd section of originally Cher okee and now Murray county, containing 640 acres; this is a valuable settlement of land nearly all it being good tillable land mostly unimproved, being only about fifty acres cleared on it. All sold for the bene fit of the heirs aud creditors of Jeremiah Field de- eared Terms made known on the day of sale. August 8th, 1855. E. M- FIELD, $.;T- fb.- Qniiffi'ation to California n- tioars to be on the inttreasu; all the Steal’ - 4 •..liicii leave New York, go out, v li -r- -i-.t Is of pasKerisers. The commercial Atl- (■!Nit'r cays 7 ’ It is noticeable that owing to the cheap c'.a-- ol per: now emigriL ’<> Oalifintia, <<1 with tiio.-e who went two orthree yc-tr t ra when the gold fever was at it3 kri-lit Then il was young clerks and (I’.ti-keeneis, discontented or UDfortnuate id hii men. advent ics, .speculators,tho«e w 1... ;«c\er did, «r never could do any good a; Lame, u’fl were not likely todomuch better in t,'..'- - oia. Now farmers, labor er-. Eiecbauics o<* all branches find their way iO lite iiiuu of gold^ The -nesciii | opulation of Norfolk is but at the outside—that of New York is 003,000; consequently the sauce ■n of deaths daily would lie 4,300. i ‘ arisen may give a more vivid pic- , .> awful reality—including death, E. E. FIELD, :} Adm’rs. A-dmLuistrator’s Sale. „ . A GREEABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of I ■' swlirirt ('loom aild desolation— A Cherokee county Ga.. will be sold before the Court pnvatlOll, gloom u • House door in the Town of Canton on the first Tuesday words can descriDC. ivoimng in in Octobcr nest within the legal hours of sale a negro _i* t u B world—not even the Great man about SO years old, named Elijah as the property yj.-uswi*ui “ u tornllal cither Of Rebecca Bakestraw, late of said county deceased Plrgue na L( (don—affords a parallel, cutlet sold fortho benefit of the heirs and creditors, of said t. ifio number and character of victims, or deceased. wm. w. bagwell, Adm’r. KSeoa consequent on it* ravages. Mgu.t i4tb, UM. LEGAL ADY^LTISEMEITT^ CAMPBELL COCAtY. ** ii . 4 Campbell Sheriff Sale. O N tku first Tuesday in October next, wi ! be aoM before the court house door in the town of Carnp- Hellton, witMu the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit. Lots'or fractional parcels of land, number forty. (40) and forty one. (41) in the 9th District of origin ally Coweta now Campbell county, with the growing crop thereon, containing *1 % acres more or less; levied on the property of L. \V. M. Smith, to satisfy sun dry fi fas, issued from a Justice’s court, of said county 733 i District, G. M. in fa«or of .4. W. Wheat, vs said •lert.: painted out by pi.ff. I^evy made and returned to me by a constable! Also, the South half of lot of land No. 141, in the Ttli District of originally Coweta, now Campbell co.. whereon W. Patterson now lives, containing 101 acres, more or less; levied on as tho property of W. Pattersot to riatUfy three fi issued from the 65*2d district G. M. Justice’s court: Two in favor of A. Austell, vs said dcPl: the other in favor of James E. May, vs said deCt nd A. S Foster, endorser. Levy made and re turn ed to mo by a constable. SAMUEL LEW IS. Sheriff au*r*28 COWETA ( OI NTY. to an order of the Court of Ordiuary of et.i county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court no use uoor at Morganton, in Fanning county, the unvivided half of ,lot^>f land No. 238. 8th dist., 2d section, sold an the property of JacobL. Abrahams, late of Coweta county, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms: credit to 25th De ceiubcr, 1S55, with approved securitv. WM. R. BOWEN. Adm’r. P. O. Harper, ATTORNEY AT LAW. West Point, Georgia. April IS, 1855. <l<twtf GARTRELL A GLENN; ATTORNEYS AT LAW-, ATLAJO’A, GEORGIA, Will attend the Courts in the Counties of Ful ton, DeKalb, Payette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobh, and Spalding. J.rCIt‘8 J. GABTRKLL, I tDTHXRJ.fU.8X>’, Formerly of Wash’tn., Ga. | Formerly of McDon’h., Ga GEORGIA DeKalb County. W HEREAS, R. J. Hardman makes applica tion for letters of Dismission irom the Ad ministration of the Estate of B. F. llardmap, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and Singular the K’ndred and Creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office and file objections, if any they have, in terms of law, why said applicant should not be dismissed from said Trust at tho January Term next, of the Court of Ordinary of said County. Given under my hand at office June 20. 1856. ALEX. J OH NS0N, Ord’y. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. TXT HEREAS, Seaborn Crowley, Administrator < r the V> e'.tatoof Jam-.- Crowley, deceased, applies toine for letters of uismission from the administration . said estate, and it appearing that said imiri itrato has fully administered j-aid estate, tlic.-e are therefore to admonish the kindred r.nd creditors of.-oiid dece to he and appear at my office end file ohieetionr, if any they iiave, in terms of law, why said applicant shoo’' not be dismissed from said trust r : the Fobruarv Tei next of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Given under my baud at eflice. Annus* Cth", 1855. AlJiiv. JOHNSON. Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, J DeKalb County, j To *11 whom It may Couecri*. WHEREAS. Charles Murphy, administrator on the estate of Win. Ci-sti, Hte of said county dec’d. applies to me if>r le»' -.ts of dismission from the ad ministration of raid Estate, and it appearing that said ndministraloi has fully administered raid es - tate, This i3 therefore to cite end admonish all persons interested 1.1 be and appear at tiie Court of Ordiuary to be held in DeKalb County on the 6th day of November next, to sheiy cause if any they have, why si. id Charles Murphy, Administra tor, should not be discharged from his said admin istration. Given under my at office, April 3 1355. ALEX’R JOHXSOX, Ord’y. GEORGIA DeKalb County. TO AL!. THOM iT MAV C03CEPN : W HEREAS, Re-in Lvon Exr. of ihe Estate of William Kilpatrick. !atc of said county dccenred applies to lie for letters of dismission from the Administration of said Estate therefor, all persons are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, (if ar.y they h:i' e,) in iny office in terms of the law, othonri.-c letters of dismis sion, will be granted the applicant at the Novem ber Term of the Court of Ordinary for said coun ty. Given under my hand at office. April 3,1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure, OR ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, F OR the the Prevention and Cure of Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, General Debility. Night Sweats, and all other forms of disease which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. This is a N ATURAL ANTIDOTE which will entirely protect any resident or traveler even in the most sick ly or swampy localities, from any Ague or Bilions dis ease whatever, or any injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check the Ague in persons who have suffered for any length o7 time, from one day to twenty years, .so th-*.t they need never to have another chill, by continuing ir me according to directions.— The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues it until a permanent and rad ical cure Is effected. tjTL, One or two hollies will am, wer for ordinary cases tome may require more. Directions printed in Ger man, French aud Spanish, a-renmpany each bottle.— Price one dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. JAMES A. RHODES. Providence, R. I. PROOF OF SAFETY. — ' * • New Fork, June 11,1855.—>1 have made a chemical examination of * Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure, 7 or • Antidote io Malaria,’ and have tested it for Arsenic, Mercury, and Quinine, Strychnine, but have not found a praticle of either in it. nor have I found any sub stance ir. its competition that would prove injurious to the constitution. J. R. CLINTON, M D. Chemist. EVIDENCE OF MERIT. •‘I.swisnuR':, Union county, Pa., May 2, 1855.—Mr. .’. A. Rhodes: Dear Sir—The' box of medicine you sent me was duly received on the 11th of April. I have sold alvut one half of it, and so far the people who have cited it are satisfied that it cured them It has certainly stopped the Ague in every one who has used it. and six of ihe ca^es were of long standing- My sis ter, who has had it for five or six years back, and could neser get it stopped, excent by Qrdnin**. is now.I think, entirely cured hy \our remedy. C. R. McOIXLY. CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS. Taki more Arsenic. Quinine, Strychnine, or anti. Periodic* or medicine of any kind, the virtue of which i.- . 7 ;.:g to such jioisonous drugs. The most they can do is to ‘ break tl»e chills’* for p. short time, while tl.i-y are sure to cause constitutional maladies, that o. a -*c only with life. Remember that the only Fever aud Ague Teuiedv that is hamile- h swell as auie. IUIODE’S FEVER AND AGUE CURE. For sale by SMITH & EZZARD. Atlanta; and by •h*a1d*»r« generally. Sept5 Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! nr^TIE'igned are now receiving at their store, i_ corner of Hunter aud l*rvor st>., the stac 4 ’ EZZARD & COLLI UR, Attorneys at Xsaw, H AVE unitedthemst.dvv?< in the practice, and will attend to business entrusted to their care in the followingc-unities: Fulton, DeKalb, Newton, Henry, Fayette. Coweta, Campbell. Carroll. Paulding, Cass and Cobb. They will also pr-tdice in the District Court of the United States at Marietta and the Supreme Courtof Georgia. • 4®* Office in the Atlanta Hank building, second floor WM. KZZAKD.] (JOHN COLLIER, Atlanta, Ga., 13,1355. d&wfini. John W. H. Underwcod. | Chas. H Smith Underwood & Smith, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, feb 20 d&wly Rome. Ga. ‘A. W. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Kile’s brick iiuilding, corner Mari etta and Peachtree Sts., Atlasta, Georola. Atlanta, Jas-. 31, 1855. diw-ly. Dr. U. T. Pulliam, Formerly of Richmond, Virginia, HAVING perraiwetitly located in Atl suto, Ga., respectfully offers his professiorml services to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. Office in the Old Bauk Room. Wushin -ton Hull. Reference.—Faculty of the Medical College of Virginia. May 1, 1855. UAwfirn CliarSi's A. Geiger, A. V!. jM. D. Graduate in the Medical T)c-;iartiiient uf the University of Virginia, and of the Hom-.i-opathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, respectfully tenders his professional services to the eitir.ons of Atlanta ar.d vicinity. Office in Uaydeu’s Hall. May 2, 1855. dAlv FULTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, Fulton County: •YX/TIEREAS Joseph Willis tliis Liy applied to me Vt for letters of administrii.ina na’ the estate of Moore Carter, late of said county, dec’d: These are therefore to cite and admonish nil anil singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he end ap pear at my office within the time proscribed bv lav,. u- show cause if any they have, whv letters should rc-t be granted. Given under ray hand and seal at-Dice this 11th day of August, lf-fij. augU ’ JOS. ii. JIEAD. Ordinary. I 'WO months after date application will he made to 1 the Hon the Ordinary Court of Fuitoa county, for leave to sell the negroes, belonging to the Estate ot C. 51. Connr.ilv deceased. August Cth’l855. T. W. CONNALLY. Adm'r. Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the court of Oniiii u v oi Fulton county, will be ?oIJ on the first Tuesday >1. *S. Ii. 71. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATLANTA, and SPARTA, GA. d^^Officeup stairc in KileV netv building, cor ner of Marietta and Peachtree streets. k JOHNSTON, Atlanta. | nst johxston,Sparta. Jan 20 1S55 dAvrtf AARON VFI LBUS, CE.NEUAI, AGENT FOK Fire, Life & MarmeJnsurance. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Agent for five first Class Stock Insurance Companies. Persons wishing Insurance, can have it effect©*!, by applying to the agent at Mr. A. J. Brady’s Ftmr. aug 31dtf DS, T. IU. DARN ALL, R ESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to the Citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. Office at his ’■esidence on McDonough Street. July i, 1S55. d&wly J. A. PUCKETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR ITV CHANCERY, W ILL promptly attend to all business entrusted o his care. Office on White Hall Street. COLUMBUS HUGHES Practical Architect and Builder, A.tlnnta Gro orgin. May 30, 1S55. (diwtf. Uiarke & Gn>bb, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION ^MERCHANTS. \ No. 35 Ttyitehall Street, iYtl Arc daily receiving, and will keep constantly * on hand, all kinds of Groceries and Tennessee Produce. , " They have now in store, . 40.000 lbs good Bacon Sides, 25.000 lbs Leaf Lard,] 5,000 fbs Feathers,' 125 bushd* Drieff \ppL;S, '75 “• “ Peachc&f *100 bits New Orleans Syrup, 2 20 hhds New Orleans Sugar, 25 sucks Rio Coffee.* "7. ALSO,.3 ~' Fresh .Garden Seed*. Corn, Oiih,' IFJoitr, Meal, AND alimi-st every other article smiglit for by Gastrono- mist-s. They are also prepared to STORE COTTON', and make aclvaneex on Cotton when tored with them. Casli orders for Any article in their line will meet prompt attention, and they are respectfully solicited. CLARKE & GRUBB. Atlanta, Feb. 10th, 1S55. u&wly. SEYMOREB. l!0VE J WM.^VATKIN'S. | It. M. LOV LOVE, WATKINS & LOVE, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Whitebait St., Atlanta, Ga. REFERENCES: Jv>. Sm-WKLI. } MeDoiiu’ I Gaiitkkll A Glkx.v ) Atlanta A W Tl-IIXK*/ Ga I I. O. McDaxiki / Ga u purchasing and shipping COMMISSION MERCHANT, T HE subscriber will faithfully purchase for nnd transmit l>y Railroad, or other conveyance, to his patrons. Provisions, Grot-cries, .to., agreeably to order. lie may bo addressed Id Atlanta nnd fcut.ii at the store of Messrs. Whitney <i Hunt. RKFFERENC'ES.—Jos.S. Baker, Albany, Ga.; Rev. 1). G. Daniel, Thnmnsvillo. Ga.; Williams Rnttorford. Jr.. Ainericits, Go.; Dr. C. W. Long, Athens, Ga, and icy rospectn-blecitizen of Atlanta. D. n. SILVEY. Atlanta, Jan. 29., 1855. d*wly. J. E. WILLIAMS. JOH.\ 1K1 ■ / WV. M. WI1.UASS. J. E. Williams* Co., (Successoris to J. E. Williams,) General C^juiioaion Merchants, and agents for the sale of BACOX, LARD, GRAIN, FLOUR, Ac., Ac., Athenaeum building, Decatur st., near Tr’t House, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. iaa_Truly thankful for the very liberal patron age I have received for the past three years, I rc- s petfullv solicit a continuance of the same to tho new firm. March!,’55 J. E. WILLIAMS. Manhattan. Hotel, Nos. 3, «, 1 & 9, Murray Street, SECOrJ D 'OR FROM BROADWAY. Oppon. the i’ark, NEW YORK. II U G G I N S & F L I N G, JFi-opriotorsa N. Hr;;t ixs, lhte of Fearl Street Hou.-c, Boston. II. C. ITtnc, late of lH»vejo\'’s Hotel, New York.’ julv -4 dly. [Hanleftter’s Book, Job and Card Printing Office, * A"® - T2oolK.“i3iiiclei-y,' Comer of Whitehall and Alabama sis., fin the Room formerly known as “ Parr’s Hall,”) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. C. ■?. HANLEITER & CO., H aving just added to their former oxtonsivc assort ment of B 0 0 K and JOB TYPE. (! TJ T S. ORNA MENTS, Ac., a very large variety of now materials, of the Intent style*, together with one of Hoe’s celebrated Cylinder Presses. ! timv ! .■re’ofori!. to give • t-w.iv a. 'heir lino—which h i -i U- * ‘..the art, nt At ;*■.»■ OTcecutiou of 1 i! her Joint Stock I'uts, Banks, Col- Pui'lic Officers, ire more fully preparvu dispatch to ell •■rdet they frill exoenie in fair prices for Cash. Particular attention ; FINE WORK fi*. Bath; Companies, Transport:! i i leges and Schools, Alt Merchants, and others Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Circulars, Cards, Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and Show BiUs Posters, Ac., executed nt short notice. rt2&" Printing in Got.t> and Su.vku Bronze, nnd Fancv Colorei* Inks, or on \ clluin, Satin, Muslin, : , -I 00 ' bcautilii: t.vlv. Having likewise connected ' Book-BiiMlei'S with then- Printing Establishment, they are pre pared to execute orders for every description ^of ivork in that department—including o K BOOK MANCFAOTUR 1 former an«l carefully se- In part of the fol by J. lecled Flock c owing arti^lf 5u hluLs. f»f New Urban*;Suuar. 10*) Nacks t*l I lio Coffee. 1*H) bbl>. of Xe*v Svrup. 100 Ubi-. of Extra Wiri-key* '20 tiercofs of Rice. 50 boxes of .Star and .>perm CRnOle.'. 5 > box**s Tobacco. Sze. V.Vinti pfi tokoep onstantly <;u hau«l a heavy ftock, anil iuvite iliori** v ho ar? iu need of such articles to give ;in a call before purchasing elsewhere. FebrJwtf. J. J. THRASHER & CO. .-.r-Vi’u (Sue K MUd the countv i: Ihe West November uext, before the court house of Fulton, the following property, to half of lot No. 91. containing 1-5 acres, and lots No*. 92 and 10*2. all in th » 14th district of original^ Henry, now Fulton county. Fold us the property of Charm*r Humphries, late of said county, deceased. Sold forthe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceived.— Terms: Twelve months credit, with approved securit v. Sept. 1, 1855. WM. MLSFUT. adm’r.* Two months after date, application will be matte to the Honorable the Ordinary” Court of Fulton county for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging t.» the estate of William Hntlicock. deceased. Aug. 7 A. 7 MIMMS. Adm'r. rpWO months after date cino Q IC, &C K. BRAUMULLER, “ to Truas, Vundeu I>* rg d' Co.,) Whitehall st.. Sign of the Golden Piano, j. EEPS cuusluntly on hand PIANOS, which lio warrants to be of superior tone, touclT and quality. Second Imud Pianos taken iu nart pay ment when new ones are bought. tit-lot Vo ii.-. Accordeons. Flutes,, Violin.- Guitars, Banjos, IVn.bourincs. Triangles, it: short. Musical Instrument? of all prices. SHEET MUSIC—701! new pieces just received, and weekly ne receives additions of the latest publications. Being a musician himself, his stock is free of ihe '-- impositions of musical know-noth ing*. -Mi .-nc-l’ortfolios and Music Cases—prefer able to those that are bound, as music changes fre- qrentiy. "“Atlanta. March 26, IS55. diwtf. Fisk’s Aieialic Rurial Cases. u pplicatiou the Hon. Court of Ordinary of K*i] leave to sell all the real < ot A E Johnson, late Aug. 14 1855 .tntf GEORGIA, Fulton County. T Wo monthsafier date application will be made to the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Fulton co. for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Moore Cu ter, deceased. Sept. 3, 1855. JOSEPH WILLIS. Adm’r. Notice to Debtors and Creditors A LL persons indebted to Moore Carter, of Fulton «•«».. deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against said dece.ised will present them in terms of the law or they will b *. barred. [Sept* o] JOS. WiLLlS. Adm’r. Executor's Sale. IT/ 1IL be sold ou Wednesday, the 12th inst., before VV the store of R. M. Love &Co., mAtliiuta following property, belopging McMaster, Jr., deceased: 1 fine sadit the name of Lizzaril: 3 fine worms, all complete; 2 new steel corn mills, to rvm Viy horse power, with bands. &c : 1 pair of Fairbanks' Patent Scales, drawing six hundred pounds; and other articles not mentioned i:i thi- advertisement. W- W. ROARK, j T HIS val-mhle article is just received and for sale nt th- Tin Ware Manufacture of L. H. Burr, 'jo White Hal) street, Atlanta, Ga., by. L. RCBINSOS:. Atlanta, flea. 2k 1854. diwtf. 100,000 COPIES!! SlcuinO'.iit Disasters on the Western Waters, anti Steamboat Directory. nPH3E undersigned hate now iu & S. course of preparation, a new jgsgyu-. ■ STEAMBOAT DIRECTORY*, which will be issued I in October ncxi; the book will contain over 200 | pages, illustrated in tho best style, and neatly j bound in .i durable manner. It will be ;h of the i most interesting Books ever published, at d will i be a book that will be interesting to all ci sses of ■ people. The Steamboat Directory will c< utain a ! complete list and description of all the leaiuboats ‘ now afloat in the Western and Souther i waters.— | The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of | each boat, where and by whom built, ihe name of i the boat, with the trade she is in. Also, .he names i of Captains and officers, her age, Ac., Ac. The ! Directory will contain a History of Steamboats and | Steamboating on the Western waters, since the ap- j plication of .- team ; also, a sketch of the first boat j built for the Ohio River, with the name of the i builder, commander and owner. The RIVER DIRECTORY will contain a list • and description of all the Steamboat Disasters | that have occurred ou the Western and Southern waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list of all those whi have perished by their burning, sink- i iagaud exploding, on the Western and Southern | waters. The Directory will contain .Map- “of the to the estate ol John j Ohio, Mississippi, ‘.lirsouri. 11‘inois, Arkansas, addle horse, known hy • White, Kei, Ouaehita*Yazoo, and other Rivers, , with caps and j viih the Towns and Cities laid down, with cor ate belonging (•■ tho e lid county, dfe-’d. JOILN il JOHXSOX. Win. H. FORGrSOX. Vdin'rs of said dm JOHN’ McMASTER, Sen'r. ROBERT J. McMASTER. Atlanta, September 3d, 1S55. -Qualified Executors. FORSYTH COUKTY. Forsyth Slu t iil Salt*. LL be sold on ihe first Tuesday in Oct< before the Court House door in tlic town next. Cam ming, within the leg«il hours of sale, the foil- property to wit: On * horse, c one cow; levied on as the pro] satisfy four fi fas i.**sue*l from the Forsyth Inferio Court, in favor of Oliver A: Nichols, vs B. F. H^’nie principal, and Jesse F4wards, securitv, property point ed out by B. * Also: One 1st Section of Y< ty of Jesse Edwa Forsyth Inferior vs B. F. H&inie, —property poiu Also: One ’ 1st Section, of erty of C. Coo’ lice Courtof Forsyth county, in favor of J. A. A* f. L. Heard, v« C. Cook; levied on and returned to me bv a constable. JAMES MELFOKD. Dep’ty Sh’ff. Also: At the same time aud place, will be sold, the following property to wit: One let of land No. 1107, In the 3d District and 1st Section, of Forsyth county, le v ied on as the property of James J. Seliman, to sath-fy a fi fa issued from the Superior court of Clark county, in favor of J. M. » v : n - Adams vs J. J. Sclman, property pointed by pl’nis u u'y. Also: One lot of land No, 9l?9, In tl*e 14th District A 1st Section, evied on as the property of ii. W. Grimes, to satisfy a ii fa issued from the Inferior court of Ogle thorpe county, in favor of llioimis J. k. G. W. Matte x for the use of T. J. Mattox, v- Gabriel W.Grinvs. jiro- perty pointed out by plaintiff. E. C. McATEE, augk71855. ’ SheriS'. root distances; also, many other River and Com- ' »nereia 1 items of interest to tlic people at large.— Tho book will contain tiie cards of the various U. S. Mail Boats, with the trade they are in, Ac., | <fcc. The Directory n ill also contain a complete i list of ail tho responsible .Steamboat Licensed offi- j ccrs, their places oi residence, Ac., Ac; the new ! Steamboat Law, its requirements, with comments, • showing wherein it benejits the incompetent officer, I aud injures the competent officer, etc., &c., and all the important U. S. Supreme Court Steamboat De- ^ cisions up to date; the Rates and important Corn- two horse wagon, and merein! Privileges, Bills of Lading, important Dc- y of B. F. Hainie. !o j cisions of the vurious l r . States Courts in regard / io Freights Lost and Damaged, etc.. «&c., with nany other things of interest. MARSHALL Savannah, Georgia. RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a style superiux m :my eve. .uforo dene in this sec tion or the Stnte. Their Tools being ull new and of the late: t putterm., their Stock of materials tho beet the Northern markets afford, and their work men equal to any in the South, they feel confident of their ability to give entire satisfaction, and consequently have no hesitancy in soliciting the patronage of their friends and tho public. Sj;..Orders for v. or!-:, in either department of their busin : s, tVo ii any (.art ol Georgia nnd neighboring State-: will moot with prompt atten tioD. C. R. H- return - hi: grateful thunks to his friends and the pub’i- tor their past generous pat ronage, aud would most respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same to the new firm. Atlanta Ga. .Ink,- fith, 1855. (dAwly.) PRIVATE m 1>ml treaties PliysiAological View ofMarr i»e. M.B.LACROIX.JI.D., Albanv w . >0 Pages anil 130 Fine Plain and Colored I it®" and Plates. 'Rvupljg Price only Twenty-five Cents.-fe, rSentTree of postage to allparts of the UniM CHEAPBtT BOOK EVER LISHEP. aud contain „„ PlE ' adnnhlo t he tjuii ntity J} 8 ,"*' 1 ! matter in that*! the a<lln g Fifty cents or Bollar Pn bUca . _11 treats on t?re. PHYSIOl or.* mm from vxce: m v »I*, : " “ l - • • Mlir.-Lt .) fcstr °y cretion. wii li pi:* in sons cun cure them*”l\**; author’ J obbt-rv n :• «m qualification- • i.c ‘heir graphs, illuslr; * lr, • i « ; diseases of the re:*i (••luot structnrt*?. * . . •! , .1 portant hints 1« which will overci.n •• .»! P hy I Mm wpi t *. In she ugl.r “ftale outra • s wt out first consulting fi • pages ;t of female’, wheth**: n.i’.rrict! : who desire no ni«.re »*hildrti; medical aid, before * i i-ltm.’ • know whetlie r their . e ar:- » those whom they e;npl«.\ and :... imposition o*’ qiincker; - • pn-'j.) Hence the udvitT.tnif'* . j.oj : , self, such hn i: ; v If medical autlinrisni bo thu- 1 lightemoont be sought frm.. bed discriminate between Lue.’it ’: ! <i 1 ouh spcci«>u.snc.and l*.*n I ly qualified physi lias been daily cm on which his bool te»*. Any perron post paid, willreu age, or five copie. CROIX, No 31 Maide: Lar.i*. N* Y. 42y-Medicine 5eni io ary par ing lo directions, hul’cly packed from allobservation. ***0ffice open daily from f« A day from 3 until 5 V. M. iygr Office itemoved fr./m X. 5G Beaver at. to v 31 Maiden Tjane, Albany, N. Y 44d&wly' tin- l^ 51.‘V bv Its. a letter u free ol post! : 'v : U ,X 57P - Altasjl ‘ Dnion accord? refuUy secured *’■ M- OnSua- X>SH\rTXS r l , NLY. — C- Campbell, having associated Drs. Jones J David, in —-i-1 tTTTT business with him, informs his rientls and the pttblie genera il}-, he is now pre fared to attend to lamilies ;n the surrounding puntics tv 0 may require his professional services. coA note t that effect audressed to the firm, will ceivo prompt attention. reEvory style of work in the Dental Art, execut ed in a superior manner. A full supply of tooth j rushes, powders pastes and washes, for side.— References, all for whom he has operated. Office on Whitehall street, adjoining the Watt-: & Jewelry establishment, of A. W. Hall. Atlanta, July 19, 1855. JONES & DAVID, DEWTISTS. MOULD inform their friends au* tho citizens of Georgia, that hav ing associated. Dr. W. T. C. Camp bell in business with them, they are now pre. A. B. HARTWELL, July 12. 1855. AIL A Atlanta, J. Hester,.. . Proprietor. (iy) HOTEL, Georgia. • Proprietor., Late of the Veranda Hotel. New Orleans. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival ot the Cars. April 24,1855. d*wlv. MARIETTA HOTEL, BY IV. V . M. LANIER. Aug4.13m MARIETTA, GA. LAFAYETTE HOUSE Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. THE above house has just been com pleted, and furnished with new furniture throughout. It is pleasantly situated on Marietta street, at a convenient distance from the Passenger Depot, and has ample accommodations pared to attend to families in the surrounding I for boarders and lodgers. Fine imported German counties, who may re.iuire their professional ser j and French Wines furnished by the bottle in and v iiiao A VV e. F.. ♦. . 4 V. a 4 r. Il ...if n J ,1 v — .1 4 . 1 it r .4* i 1. 1% . ... .... T! Tv O *NJ F / vices. A noto to that effect addressed to the tiru through the Post Office, will receive immediate at tcution. We wish to call particular attention to our su pc-ior Block Teeth, and Continuous Gum work Persons having imperfectly fitting sets of teeth can have them remodelled, and made to give sat* isfaetion. References:-—The Medical Faculty of At'an til, Thomaston, Talbotton, Amerieus and Buck Vista. Office, ou Whitehall Street, adjoining tbeWatel & Jewelry establishment of V r. A. W. Hall. N. B.—The best quality of tooth brushes, powders and paste, kept constantly on hand fin sale. July 19, 1855. Fare Reduced. Cabin Passage from Charleston to New Yorl ..^Twenty Dollars. U. S. MAIL LINE. N. Y. 4 riiarleston Steaui Packets t of the house. Aug. 13, 1855. To For C. K0NTZ. ilAw2m. W oolily.i NASIIVIJ 1500 tons, M. Berry, Commander MARION, 1200 tens, W. Foster Commander. JAMES A DOER. 12001< S- C Turner Commander. SOUTHERNER. luOC tons: T. D. Ewan. Commander. Leave Adger’s wharves ever} Wednesday ^Saturday Afternoon- fter the arrival oq the cars from the South & lVes These steamships were built expressly for the 1 ne and for safety, comfort, and speed, are unrivalled on the Coasts. Tables supplied with every luxury—attentive -ind cautions commanders, will ensure Travellers by tl.ib Line every possible comfort and accommodation. For freight or passage, having elegant state room ac- icommodations. apply to HENRY MISSROON- Charleston. S. < Calvin. Passage,. Steerage, S30. ,S. Dentists. Sale by the Undersigned: 2500 Pivot Teeth, Stockton’s make, 1500 Pinto do do 1500 Molar and Bicusped do 600 Gum Teeth do do j 5 oy. Abbey it Sons Gold Foil, ; 5 oz Jones, White A Co Gold Foil, 1 10 Packages Silver Foil, 1 Dentists, turning lathes, head ruts, anvils, ham- mers, blowpipes, plate benders, clasp plies, and every arl icle for mechanical work. Also a largo I assortment of Instruments manufactured by J. D. 1 Chevalier, consisting of Mouth mirrors, Pearl, Ivory and Bone mouth : syreuges, Bone, Silver and Gold Stubbs, aud American tiles, File Carriers Ivory Pluggers r.nd Sealers, Burnishecs, Stud Cutters, stump instru- . ments, articulators foil seizzers, Forceps in great variety, Plugging Forceps, Molar and Bieuspcd, narrow beak, and every kind that can bo asked for and every article in tho Dental lino. Also a large assortment of everv kind of patent medicine, for i sale by ' A. ALEXANDER, feb 20 d&wly Sign Negro and MortaJ. A. ALEXASDEK, Wholesale and Betail Druggist, SIGN OF THE NEGRO AND MORTAR. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. IS constantly receiving and adding to his extensive stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Chemicals, Instru ments, Dye Stuffs, Window- glass, Putty, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac, all of which are of- _ ferod at lower prices and in (Tcater variety than any other establishment in upper Georgia. Any person in want of any rare article will find it by calling at this establishment. Fine Clothing, J~0’?5' r ir :i=?-.*E303S3C _ ^'3E!3a: We beg leave to call the attention of the public to our Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING ! ■which, wo flatter ourselves is the Largest and Neatest Slock in the City! Gentlemen in want of CLOTHING, arc assured that in our ■ lock the}* can be fitted—no matter how large, or how swat.i., or how TALL! they may be. jS@-CurStockof BOY’S CLOTHING is also extensive an Itastey. Those visiting uswillatonce sec the superiority of onrStoek in Make and Style. We also keep a thorough assortment of Gentle men’s Furnishing Goods—all of which wc will sell low. ®@-Terms!Cash. mar 30 W. HERRING A CO. SLOAN & OATMAN,' DE VLERS IN Italian, Egyptian & American 5»s5'' 53 '*. A5L r S3 ."* JX. ' .■*£*. aB.«.Ya&r AN I) E A S T T E N N K S S E E M AliBi, E. TOMBS, URNS & VASES, Marble Mantels jpurufstii us . All orders prompOy filled- ^Sst-Wiive rooms opposite Georgia Railroad De pot, Atlanta, Ga. Mch6,lS55-tlA wIy. UNIVERiSITV OF NAS 1IVILLE. M KDICAI: DEPA It I’M ENT. . '1 HE Fifth Annual Course -it Lectures in this Insti- tuiiun l it! .• on Monday, the 29th of October next, auc continue till the first of the earning March. PAUL F. EVE, Priaoitiles and Practice ofSurgery. JOHN M. WATSON. M. I>. : Obstetrics ami Diseases of Women and Children. W. K. BOWLING. M. I, Theory and Practice of Medicine. A. H. ftl'ilILWAN. M. !► .-Mimical nnd Pathologi- cal An-.itou- C. K. WIN.SI OX. M. I). Miiteiiu Metiicu ami .Meffi- cal Jaris*pru«lenc©. ROBKBT M. POKTKK. M. IN. Gouoral aud Special Anatomy. J. BERKIF.N UNDFI.F.Y. M- l»., Che mis try and Pharmacy. THOS. *K. .IFNN'IXGS, M. l>. Inslitutos or Medicine and Clinical Medicine. WILLIAM T. BRPU;>. M. ?».. Demonstrator of Ana tomy. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened for students on the first Monday of October. A full Preliminary Course, of Lectures, free to all students, will be given by the Professors, commencing also on the first Monday of October. A Clinique lias bp en established in connection with the University, at which operations are performed, and cases prescribed for. and lectured upon, iu presence o' the Class. Amount of Fees for Lectures in the University ii SI05, Matriculation Fee, (paid once only,) $5. Prac tical Anatomy, $10. Graduation Kee, $25. Good Boarding can be procured at about $3 per week. Further information can be obtained hv addressing j. BERR1FN LI S'DSLKY. Chancellor of the University Aug. 12 d3&w2m Nashville, Tenn.. July. 1855 Reduced! His facilities will enable him to soli to punctual charge, customers upon the usual credit. The following comprise a few articles to be found at his store: Practice of Surgery. Drs. Smith & Ramsay B EG leave to inform the public that they wi attend strictly to all Surgical Cases sent to their care, mid ample preparation will be made for ell transient patienis. The centrality of Atlanta, aud its romarkablo facilities for living, point to ii as a most desirable place for the invalid. Person wishing Surgical aid can always find eomfortahl- quarters. Wo devote especial attention todiscasot of the Eye and Ear, also, to the usual surgical ails ments, such as stone in the bladder aud all injue ries requiring surgical aid. Feb22, 1855. wly. G. 3?*. BAXtTg, Piano Forte Repairer and Tuner, W ILL attend to any- calls in his lino of business, such as reg ulating of action. covering of ham mers, (felted nr buffed,) laying of new string, the octave, whole or single, <tc. Satisfaction given in every instance or no Ml work warranted. Hiy* ■!<'t rvurt ond Tor •r three year* p, state my befit AKTH J I S V. itllM- VII nil ’ it." •rs. writing from wort nnd Tar is it to liis neiirli! ’onma in his vie -e of theJ.orm Wa' R. McFall, (it in h*s or5.” Tic inity, who for years, •d hy the e «ur- ri a*:d 0 bU f* 1 amen lilDg Cabin Passage to Hew York—$20! [SEMI-WEEKLY.] UNITED STATES MAIL EINF T HE new and .splendid siue-wnct*i ^itratiiKinp^ KNOXVILLE, 1500tonf«, Capt. U. D. Lriaois AUGUSTA, 1500 tona. Tnos. Lvox, FLORIDA, 1300 tona. 4 * M. ?. Woodhm i . ALABAMA, 1300 ton??, C. R. Scben^tc, Will Leave Savannah Every WEDNESDAY and SA TURD A Y. These ships are among the larges on the 2oast. un surpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making theii passages in 50 to CO hours, and arc- commanded by skillful, careful aud polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage $20 Steerage passage 8 PADLEFORD. FAY & CO.. Agents in Savannah SAM’Ij MITCHELL. 13 Broadway, New York Savannah June 20, 1855 EISLEY'S C031P0UKD EXTRACT OF BTJCHtJ, I S a combinationof the most efficient remedies know n to the Medical Faculty, for the relief and cure of those numerous complaints of the Urinary Organs, con sequent upon infiamation cr ulceration of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urethra. It i. j prepared by* an experienc ed chemist, according to a formula approved by tlic j Medical Faculty, and is worthy the confidence of all 500 pounds Camphor. 30 Chloroform©. 25 •• Iodide of Potassium. 750 “ Indigo (Various kinds.) 55 “ Bottles Morpbm ? S3 ounces Quinine. 50 ; * Opium. 5 bbls cold pressed Castor on. 20 bbls Alcohol. 10 bbls Crmphcne. 0 bbls Terpentine. .-> bbls. Gas, 10 bbls Varnishes, different kinds, 10 bbls Epsom Salts, 3 casks Sperm Oil, 5 il English.Linseed Oil, •2 cc 4i “ ‘ 4 Boiled 10 bbls Tanner’s Oil, 2 ** Fine Olive Oil. 20,000 lbs White Lead in Oil, 3 Casks Fine Maderia Wine. 3 ‘* Brown Sherry Wine. ~ ‘ Pale Sherry. 3 :4 Fine Brand ies. Aud all other articles to be found in a large Drug Estab lishment. Feb. 3J, 1855. d&wiy. Tuning by the Year dim'* at Reduced Prices. Orders anywhere from the country, addressed to C. F. Bahtii, Atlanta. Ha., will meet with prompt attention. Cojae Everybody, n^O the Horse Head sign, that wants good home-made Saddles, or Bridles, Saddle bags, Trunks, Valises, Harness,-Collarsand Whips, a great variety, together with all articles usu ally kept in an establishment of this kind; all of which are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash, by the undersigned. MILLER k. ANDREWS. Repairing of all kinds done with quick despatch. Atlanta, Nov. 1 1854—d&wly. Tests. A large uksortment of Seasonable VESTS— just received and for sale by May 4, ’55.—J&w ' L. LAWSHE. Midwifery. MRS. MARY HORTON I JESPECTFULLY announces, for the benefit of V tho Ladies, that she offers her services as a | Midwife. Having had more than twenty years’ex- | perience in private practice, she feels confi- ! dentol'giving genera! satisfaction to all who may A. Ramsay, (of tho late firm of Kay & ; fa--or her with a call. Mrs. II. can always be d ATLANTA DRUG STORE SMITH & £ZZABI>, H AVING purchased the entire interest of Dr, H Administrafur’s Sstle. YTSJILL be sold on the first Ti.c-m’iu in October next, »v before the court Hcu„e door, iu F..rSj tb countv. agreeably to an order of the court or Dekalb county, lot of land No. 202 in the first district, and first section of Forsyth county, containing 40 acres fold as tiie property of estate of Wm. G5idam]th, late of Dekalb county, dee’d. Terms at sale. A. G. GOLDSMITH, aug 12, 1855. subscribing, will have to do so at once, as none will be printed unless ordered in advance. The ' work is destined lo have a circulation of over i 80,000 copies, as the publishers are receiving large j numbers of subscribers, per mail, from all parts of the country, daily. Some of the oldest boatmen as well a.-, mo.-: lie men of the times, a. ■ contributors to the . aiboat Directory. The Directory will be issued in October, and w ill be au ornament to the parlor, as well as steam boat. By remitting One Dollar, post paid, you wll receive a copy of the above work. AU communications and letters should l>c ad- i dressed to JAMES T. LI.OYD <t CO., Post Office Building, Cincinnati,. Ohio. 1 jylfi difcwtf. CARROLL COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA, Curroll County. Cixkks Office Ixfeiuor Cocr.-r. August 28th, 1856. IO tlic Clerk of the Inferior Court of said county, .Notice! '5’iIE subscriber offers his Plantation in DeKalb Coun ■* ty, 71* miles South of Decatur, on the McDonough Roaii, containing 250 acres, about 80 acres of which is cleared an.l under good fences, with a comfortable dwelllJg, containing 5 rooms and a porch, and other necessary buildings for farming, with a good orchard B. F. VEAL, Adm’rs. j of select Apples and Teaches. The locality is a good —— one for a Public House as any to l»e found in the : County. Any person desirous of purchasing can call on me at Decatur. Terms will be accommodating. JAMES J. WINN. September 25th, 1854. 18—wtf. Wood Laud for Sale. A Jamex Jl. HuDdley. Juni'ir, of tbo 714ili district, . f>rjo I O ACRES alliu the woods four miles from O. M. Tolls beforp uie as an Estray lukcu up ujX'n tl.» l-.v the city ou the old Nelson Ferry Road Freehold of him the said James M. Handley Junior, in ; forsnle, for terms apply to Daniel Adams in De- said county aud district: a sorrel Stare four or five catur or the undersigned in Atlanta. years old 4}^ feet high, appraised by William Thomp son and Ashley Blackstock, Freeholders of said county, and district, to be worth forty dollars. The owner of said Estray, is requested to come fo: Atlanta. January 19,1854 A. NELSON. 34—tf CIGARS. W E take pleasuren in informing our customers and the public generally, that we have secured the agency, Mr. J. C. Simni’e Cigars. A large stock of diff erent brands will be kept constantly on hand at our Store corner of Whitehall & Alabama Street Atlanta, a*... „„ vvl<1 ...... r —- - Ga. where we invite the public to call and examine them. August 16th, 1856. A true copy Irom the Estray Book! on very liberal terms, or rented for "l2 months. Pos- I being satisfied Of their superiority, both in quality and Given under my hand and official signature, the dav session given immediately. I price. J. R- WALLACE, &BRO. and ysar above written. DANIEL, 80W1JW, c. i. c. augSfidwtf ' * j> ^ For Sale or Rent. ward, prove property, pay charges, and take said Es- I MMIK bwgc Fire Proof Warehouse, occupied by the tray awaypr It will'be dealt with as the law directs, 3 subscribers for the past throe years, will be sold HAYTImVND, HAND S CO:, Charleston ; and by IJAYI 1JVND. HARRAL & RI8LKY, New Yolk. THE PHTL0T0KEK OS FEMALE’S FRIEND, ; I S a meciciue that commends itself to l-.eads of fami- | lies and fem-'le- : aP --o* ’itiens. Unlike most of i the nostrums ■ ' at' diseases, which are i foreed upon tl of the suffering, this is a fer...- nd one that cau be relied on for most of the com- ; plaints peculiar ti, f:-i .is ..ell known toFliysi- j clans that much of their suffering aud ill-liealtli may be traced to irregularity in their peculiar seasons, aDd that false delicacy oft,-u deters them Irom seeking re- ief. The Philotoken is infalible in the cure of painful : menstruation, (and consequent sterility,) and for the j immediate relief of sypathetic nervous affections . sleepiness, anxiety, hysteria, &C. It is perfectly safe in all cases, and is warranted tosecurc tho approbation and commendatior of all who will exercise sufficient ! confidence to give it a trial. Full directions accompany it. Price SI a bottle. Sold by Druggists and country Siercbants generally, : and at wholesale by HAYILAND, RISLElf & CO., Au- | gusta, HAVILAND. IIARRAJ. & CO., Charleston. Dr. Roberts Colic Mixture for Infants. T HE most injurious anodynes, sucii as laudanum paregoric Ac a re too often used to relieve tire cries of infams suffering from colic, producing constipation and sometimes death. ROBERTS COLIC MIXTURE affords immediate relief from pain, procures refreshing slum ber, and it commends itself to Mothers. Sold at 25 cents a vial by J. M. Rantin Atlanta, Wm Root Mariet ta and country Merchants generally at Wholesale, by Hatiland Risley k Co., Augusta flu., Haviland Harrnl tt Co. Charleston S. C. [dAwly.] January 11 1855 SEAGO * ABBOTT. AOfust 28, IBM. (dfiwtf) Shell, Puff and Tuck Combs, Ivory aud Buffalo Nail Brushes, Ladies Writing Desks, (papier inachc and rose wood,) Superior Toilet Boxes, (pearl inlaid,) China, Rosewood, and Paper Puff Boxes, Lubinc French Extracts of every variety, Mungenitt Coudray “ “ “ “ Frencii Toilet Powders, Lubins, German Farina Cologne, Impiovcd Chlorine Tooth Wash, Orris’ Tooth Wash, « “ Paste and Powder, (French,) Superior Almond Powder, (for tho skin,) Ladies Drawing Books anil Portfolioes, Faber’s Drawing Pencils, Sewing Birds, French cut glass Toilet Flaccne, China Flower Vases, (very rich,) Port Monaies, (pealr. ivory and morocco,) Ladies Companions, (complete.) “ Cord Cases of every variety, Ivory Teething Rings, Ratlers, <f c., for children Smnthian, an elegant preparation for ohupped hands nnd rough skin, Barrny’s Tricopherous, Lyon’s Kathairou, Bogles’ Hyperion Fluid, Mrs. Alien’s Huir In vigor at or, Superior Bleached Sponge, (for ladies,) Turkish Bathing Towols and Gloves, and sun- dry articles too numerous to mention. March 23, 1855. diwly. T. K. RIPLEY, * Wholesale and Retail Dealer In CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS ART Hrittaunia Ware, LAMPS, FLUIDS, on*, *«•, *c. Atlanta, December 1, 18*8. 2T-tf One door bclotv C. H. Strong’s Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Georgia. March 2fi, 1855. (diwly.) D ANIEL & OOMP’y., ATTTTE SIGN '■ THF ‘‘Atlanta Family Store,’ No 13, WHITEHALL STREET. f HE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Atlanta, and all persons trading to this point, that they arc daily receiving and will ondeavour to keep constantly on hand a well-as sorted stock of FAMILY SUPPLIES. They re spectfully and politely solicittho cf per sons and families, who may require such articles ns pertain to their Department, and will take pleasure in waiting upon them. The Principle upon which they conduct their business being CASH, they assure all those tvho may favor them with a visit that the articles which they may offer shall ho of the beat quality and at cash price*. GEORGE U. DANTEI. ] LEONARD H. YOUNC. Atlanta, March 22. 1S55. ly. Ware-House & Commission Merchant, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. H AVING rented that spacious Fire- Proof Ware-House, recently erected, on White-Hall street, will attend to the 1 Storage and Sale of Cotton, Corn, Lard Bacon, and all other produco with whicK-ho iu*y bo favor ed. Having had long oxperieneo iu tno general trade of Georgia,* he flatters himsolf that he can givosatisfnetion in the sale of all produce; and also in the purchase of all articles which the coun try may require. T. D00NAN-. December 14,1S54. 8»dwtf SUL FOR THE COMPLETE CURE OF Cd GUfi COLDS, INFLUENZA. ASTHMA, BROS CUITJS, SPITTING OL FLOOD, <£• ALL OTHER LUNG COMPLAINTS TLNDLXQ TO CONSUMPTION. & ^ ** & * y ^ T r Tliirt preparation is getting into u t ;• U t» ;i , try. Th© numerous letters we receive froir. our i. ft ageuts, informing us cf cure- efiocte.l :u t!n*ir imiiM . 1 ;. ate neighborhoods, warrant us in saying it i* one of il e best, if not th© very Cough Medicine .t w L. f«. rt . (j ^ public*. It almost invariably relive* * and cut . frequently cures the very worst IY! *.,. .,i] other Cough preparations havt i.-ili i. • hi, ;• V rd the patient, an i»ru°;gist dealers in Mu sicians can testify. Asl: the agent: town, what has been his experience c his medicine. If he h f time he will tell you IT IS THE BEST MEIUCNK EXTANT. Below we give a lew extracts from letters v.e have re. ceived lately regarding the virtues »>f th:> j? Dr. S. S. O&lin, of Knoxville, Ga.. —-f have been using your L tensive!y in my practi* • it it with pi aftun that SCRKRIOKITY uVKK ALL OTHKK AKTH J 18 with wiiicli [ m acquainted .fur which it is rt Messrs. Fitzgerald & Benin ville, N. C., say—“The Liver daily more popular in this country, ami w ly so. AU who have tried itMpcuk i) able terma of it, and nay it is very L alleviating the comffioi.itufor which mended Our agent in Uickerr. District. S. L.. Mr assure.*, us that he * 4 uses it with great own family, j*ud reecrnmen gives an instance of a negrt had been suffering with iiis attended with severe cough. w!u» r-, rcj;. Liverwort and Tar. Such are tho good reports we h - ;• < f th nu from all parts of the South. Fora pm.cij «.f th prising cures it lina perfor; icd i* 1-1 U'estt, Northern and Eastern States, v.e . M : ’ it.* tl: fering patient to read the pamphlet hccgm each Bottle. Toali, we say, have hope, wave hop Try tiie Medicine!! d c VY a r n c «l i n & c a u o i» l And neglect net that cough which is daily vv*-n your constitution, irritating your throat :;i . ; and inviting on that dread disease, * 'on. mi; tu : vlfer. so soothing and healing a remedy can !*© obtc i' as Dr. Rogers’Syrup M* Liverwort unci Tar. Boware of Couiiterfeits and Ease Imitr.tioiib! The genuincarticle is ■ igned Am»kewRcc p.s. ol ihe engraved wrapper around each bottle. I’rice SI per bottle, cr six bottles for £'». d. K -,v 1.©le gale and retail by SCHOTIL 5c HIEAT>, 111 Chartres St. bet. Coutiand St. Lou:.-. N . f». Sole Agentsfok the Soi tiikhn State?-, to w L».*n : i; nj tiers and applications for Agencies must h*. t.’.i . . . Solti also by A. Alexander Atlanta (I:i.; >1 [ Rantin, Atlanta Ga.: Blalock He Camp,F&irhurn i. . \ : P. Jones, Palmetto wa.: W. B.Swan, Camphellt* i ( ] J H. Robcrds, Villa P.ica, Ga.; Halns, La^seter k ( o.J Jonesboro’ Ga.; J. A. Boyle, f’u mining Ua..j.. ]'. Decatur Ga. Jan. 7, 1855, J6ni CONSUMPTION SUCCESSFULLY TREATED BV IXII.t LATIuN nr 5'i.i'I- CATEO VAPORS. B Y' JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, M. I)., Fellow of the Royal College of Physician?, and for years Senior Physician in the Lnnlon Royal Infirmary for diseases of the Lungs. In the treatment of Consumption by inhalation, I have obtained the results which warrant me in assorting, that it is now na curable n- disease.- of the Stomach and Liver. Breathing medicine directly into the lung.- is certainly the rational mode of attacking the dis ease, and like many other great and beniiieeut re coveries, it seems strange why such treatment v.: l not resorted to long ago. Where there is life thei# is now assured hope for the most seemingly hope, less eases, as throughout nil the stages of the in sidious disease, the wonderful and bonifieent ef fects of his treatment arc soon apparent. Inci ses also of Bronchitis, Asthma, cte., the inhaling of powders and vapors has been eminently suc cessful, and to those suffering under any of riie above named complaints, I can gurrantce speedy and certain relief. I have pleasure >u referring to 207 names, residents of New York and neighbor hood, who have been restored to vigorous health. About one third of the above number, according to tho patients own statements, wore considered hope less eases. The Inhaling Method is soothing, saie, arui cousists in the administration of medicine in such a manner that they are conveyed into the Lungs in tho form of vapor, and produce their action at the scat of the disease. Its practical success : s destined to revolutionize the opinions of the medi cal world, and establish the entire curability oj consumption. Applicants will please state it they have ever bled from the Lungs, if they have lost fle.-h. Ini'c a cough, night sweats and fever turns—what and how much they expectorate, what the condition of thoir stomach and bowels. The ucccs. 1 ary Med icines, Apparatus, etc., will bo forwarded i any part. TERMS—Five Dollar.-, consultation fee. Bal ance of fee payable only when pa; lent 1 report themselves convalescent. N. li.—The now postage law. requires that all letters bo My correspondence being extensive, applicant to ensure replies, must en close postage. Dr. Rose’s Treatise on Consnption—— price $1. Address JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, Office S31 Sroadwnv, New York. April 2d, 1855, (diw6m.) ( >NE case of Gents Opera ties just received * from the Manufacturer, and for sale by F. M. EDDLEM AN, & BB0. At tho sigu of the Mammoth Boot, Whitehall street. A lot of tipped and unripped Gents silk lasting Congress Boots, just the thing for hot vreitth- r cal! at the sign of the Mammoth Boot buite hall, street. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. .4)1 Agreeable Refrigerant and LAXATIVE. , T HIS Preparation has been introduced sivcly on the continent of Europe, nnd in thi.- country as on agreeable Substitute tor Epfon Salts, it is destitute of bitterness, and by it- pie" ' ant acidity of taste, and its effervescing character; is rendered a very agreeable and rolrc.-hmg drink directions for use accompany each bottle. Pre pared and for sale by A. ALEXANDER, Druggist. SCOTT’S PATENT IiITTXjH g-xawt CORN AND COB MILL. BROWN &AEDERSQS, Fropri- gia, Alabama. Diddle and ii a,. Manufactured at Anderson's old estutdished J _ Foundry. Nashville, TfUli. t ■ ■ ' And by J. WiasUip,Atlanta.Gn.) Orders addressed to us will be ; plied, and wo will till nil orders Winship, Atlanta. Ga., until he can "'-‘I .'A from his well known Foundry. These Mul; Tt i Tk Anderson imptlv suv- hires: cd to .1. them have been thoroughly tested, are portable, can beset ; in half an hour's time without, expense or mcel’in: icalaid. Tho most convenient Mills fi r team uso ever invented. Tts mechanical construction in sures durability. No. £ is offered at $05 complete, ready f"f ;l - tccliing the team, and warranted to grind from 8 t - 12 bushels of feed per hour with one horse. No. 3, nt $75, will grind 15 bushels per hour. No. 4, at $85, will grind 20 bushels per hem with two horses. BROWN & ANDERSON. No. 40, Market st., Nashville. Turn. Apr21,’55. d lit wtf. Removal. '1’HE subscribers will remove their entire business ■" -l their new building on the corner of Forsyth an* Mitchell sts., about the middle of September next, where they will be muoh better prepared lor the stoisg* of Grocesies and Produce. »ug28dwtf SEAGO tt ABBOTT*