Temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1856-1857, December 17, 1857, Image 1

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NEW SERIES, VOL 11. January Election, TEMPERANCE FOREVER.—PHILIPS CEMENTS, is a cant date for Tax Collector, at the next election to be held in January 185S. The friends of Nathan A. Hobbs are respectful ly solicited to support him for the office of Tax Re ceiver at the ensuing election in January next. s Sept. 21st. 1857. 38 We are authorized to announce the name of GARRATT WOODHAM, as a candidate for Receiv er of Tax Returns, at the ensuing election in Janu ary next. Sep. 17-37. The citizens of Greene county, will support GEORGE A. HALL, for the office of Tax Receiver at the election in January next. Sep. 17-37. To the Voters Jf Greene County. A. F GREENE, respectfully announces himself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Greene County, at the election in January 1858. “♦/November 20th, 1857 —49. We are authorized to announce the name of J. N. COPELAN, as a candidate for the office of Tax collector at the ensuing election in January next. December 3d, 1857—49. j®- RICHARD A. NEWSOM, annnounces himself a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns at the election iKJanuary next. December 1 5(^1 85 7; j£ST We arefitliorized to announce the name of John H..SELLINGS, as a candidate for Tax Collector, at%3 ensuing election in January. December ljjgpßs7 ‘ - . - _^pgEAl Friends of Greeno County, I am before you as for Tax Collector, sure and no mistake, and if you do me the favor to elect me, I will serve you to the very best of my ability. ;; J. PINKNEY HARRIS. M fever Failing Amhrotypes.—The sub scriber is prepared to take Ambrotypes which will compare with any in the country. He is now in Penfield, and will remain until the 15th of February. Notice will be given whenever a change of place is made. R. M- FOSTER. Jan. 15 • 46 Professional Cards. Drs. Massey & Harris, thankful for the patronage enjoyed by them the past year, respect fully annoucjba that they continue to give their un divided attention to the practice of Medicine in its various branches. Office —Main-street, Penfield, Ga. Jan. 12 ly 1 I>, H. SANDERS, .ATT OB Nlt Y AT LAW, * ALBANY, GEORGIA, Will practice in the counties of Dougherty, Sumter, Lee, Randolph, C Uhoun, Early, Baker, Decatur ? ad Worth. Jan. 1 ly 1 11. ¥7PERKINS, AT T O RN E Y AT LAW, GRRENESBORO’, GEORGIA, Will practice in the counties of Greene, Morgan, Putnam, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, Hancock, Wilkes and Warren. Feb. ly 7 PHIS .fid ll* R ROBINSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GKEENESBOft REORGIA. Will practice in the counties of Greene, Morgan, Putnam, Oglethorpe, Talisferro, Hancock, Wilkes ard Waren. July sth, 1856. ly. 25. i Executors’ and Administrator’s Sales. **■ Executors’ Sale. BY virtue of the last will and testament of Dan iel Perdue, late of Greene county deceased, will be sold in the Town of Cumming in Forsyth county, on t&o first Tuecdav in February 1858, in trout of the court-house door, between the legal hours of sale, lot of Land No. 131, Ist Section and 3d District, of originally Cherokee, now Forsyth county. JOHNT. PERDUE, Exr. Greenesboro’, December 14th 1857. (REORGIA, Greene County. BY virtue of an order of the honorable court of Ordinary for said county, passed at the Sep tember Term, 1857, of eaid court, will be sold in Greenesboro’on the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale, the interest of the minors of John 11. Rarrott deceased, in the follow ing negroes, viz : Fanny and her two children, and Dave a boy about ten yews old, sold for the benefit of said minors. Terms easy. M. W. LEWIS, ) A. A. JERNIGAN. J Gards * November, 26th, 185*, -48. Administrator’s Sale. be sold on the 26th of this month, at my place, whereon Thomas D. Sanders deceased lived, four head of horses, five head of cattle, one wagon, one hundred barrels of corn, five stacks of fodder, some oatgj one hundred bushels cotton need, plant ation tools, some pork bog s, and some stock hogs. V. M. SANDERS, AdmV. Dec. 7th 1857. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE S2lst of inst late Louden •operty of said , cows, hogs, ;in tools &. Greenesobro’ belonging to COIATV AD V EIITINEJIEXTS. Ad mini st rai <>is Sa u i . WILL be sold on tlu> first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door in Greeneshoro’ between the legal hours of sale, two negroes, viz : Jack about 17 years old and (Leone about 13 years old. Sold as the property of Mary Ann 11. Findley dec’d, under an order of tin Court of ordinary of Greene county. Terms cash. S. M. FINDLEY, AdmV. Greenesboro Ga, December 7th. 1857. Executor's Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA, ( T>Y virtue of the last Greene County, f l)> Will and Testament of Sarah W. Rowland, late of said county deceased, will be sold before the Court-House door in the city of Greenesboro 7 on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, a likely negro man named Clem, about twenty-one years of age, of dark complexion and about six feet in height.— Terms of sale. cash. G. T. M YltfCIJ, \ r , Nov. 12th, ’57.—48 WM. S. DAVIS, f s> Executors’ Snlr. BV virtue of the last Will and Testament of John H. Broughton, late of Greene county de ceased, will be sold in front of the Court-House door in the city of Greenesboro’, on the first Tues day in January next, between the legal hours of sale, the following named negroes—to-wit: Isham about 46 years of age, a tolerable plantation smith; Thorn ton, about 45 years old, a good plantation carpenter. Terms cash. J. L. BROUGHTON, } r , J. T. BROUGHTON, f Y xr s> Greenesboro’, Ga., Nov. 13th, 1857.—48 AdmiiiistiatoCs Sale. WIEI. be sold, by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, on the first Tuesday in January rexi, in front pf the Court House door in Greenesboro’, between the legal hours h> IlinilT *, Greene Sheriffs Sale. WILL be sold before the court-house door in ! the City of Greenesboro’, on the first Tues day in February next within the legal hours of sale the following property to-wit : —One negro woman by the n ime of Letha, as property of Jesse J. Finch, to satisfy a Justice. Court fi ih, in favor of E. O. Shackelford. Levied on by James Brooks Con stable. T. F. FOSTER, I). Sheriff. Greenesboro’, Dec. 10th 1857. Greene Siberia's Sals. WILL be sold before tbeSJpurt House door in the City of Greenesboro on the"first Tuesday in Janu ary next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property to-wit. The plantation on which \V. B. Dolvin now lives containing two hundred and fifty-five acres, more or less, adjoin ing lands of E. C. Bowden, Isaac Jackson ’ and others ; Levied on as the j roper iy of VV.B. Dol vin to satisfy a fi fa from Greene Superior Court in favor of J Cunningham ob Cos. vs. John TANARUS, Dolvin VV.B. Dolvin and James 11. Dolvin. Property pointed out by W. B. Dolvin. C. C. >NoRT< >N, D. Sheriff. Nov. 30th, 1857. Greene SlicrißPs Sate, WILL be sold at the residence of William A. i Beasly near Public Square in Greene Covin- ; ty by consent of parties on the 79th day • ot Decem ber next the following property to-wiig Due sorrel horse about 10 years old ; 1.0 Ibis, corn more or less, 5001bs seed cotton, six ,■ nvs and one calf 8 head of hogs, 2 sows and 12 pigs; 20001bs fodder, stack of oats , one two horse wagon ; t plows and | gear; two axes, six weeding hoes ; two grubbing j hoes ; one set wagon britchbig ; L vied on as the • property of William Beasly to satisfy sundry fi fas j in the Superior and Inferior Courts of Greene coun ty, in favor of Chamberlain Miller & or>. Williams & Lankford, Robertson &■ Hudson, and other fi fas a gainst said Beasly. T. F. FOSTER, D. Sheriff. i Nov. 27th, 1857. Greene Sheriff’s Sale. WILL, be sold in the City of Greenesboro’ on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit: One negro Woman named Patsy shout 40 years old, of copper color, and hen son Oliver about 5 years old, levied on as the property of John T. Dol vin to satisfy one fi fa from Greene Inferior Court C. A. Davis vs. John T. Dolvin and one li fa from the Superior Court, Wm. J. Neary vs. Dorster and Dolvin, property pointed out by VV. J. Neary. C. C. NORTON, I). Sheriff. Nov. 14th, 1857. Greene Sheriffs Sale. WILL be sold before the Couit House door in the city of Greenesboro’ on the.first Tuesday in January next, within the usual hours of sale the following property to-wit. \ House and lot in the Town of Penfield, whereon, Mrs. L. A. Macon now lives, levied on as the property of Mrs. L. A Macon to satisfy a fi fa from Greene Superior Court in fa vor of McLaughlin & English vs. Mrs. L. A. Macon property pointed out by S. 1). English plaintiff T. F. FOSTER• D. Sheriff Nov. 27th 1857. ~ tNmrt ttf . GEORGIA, Greene County. WHEREAS, Mrs. Nancy T. Sweet Admin istratrix, 8n the estate of James F. Sweet, late of said County Deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of Said County for Letters of Dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, fit any they have) Why said Administratrix should not be discharged, at the Court of Ordinary , to be held in and for said County on the secounS Monday in January 1858. Given under my hand at Office in Greenesboro’, PENFIELD, (IA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER li, 1857. j GEORGIA. Oreene Cormty. fLSTHE RE AS, Thorun.-i Coningham Adininbv U Ira tor on the estate of Mrs. Fivuu-is Scott- Deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of said County for Letters of Dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, (if any they have) why su’d Administrator should not be discharged, at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said County on the second Monday in January 1858. Given under my hand at Office in Greenesboro’, July 6th 1857. ‘ UGENIUS L. KING, July 9th, 1857. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Gryeue County. WHEREAS, Jasper N. for Lct- H ters of Guardianship of Frances Aurena C. Aldridge, John O. Aldridge and Thomas tbifid F. Aldridge, minor children of Sauujel J\ Aldridge of the State of Texas. “ These are therefore to cite and admonish, all per sons concerned, to be and appear at the court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the second rnonday in January next, to show cause, (if any they have) why said Letters should not be gran ted. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro’, November 18th, 1857. EUGENICS L; KING, Nov,, 2Gtb, 1857 —48. Ordinary. *>r- GEORGIA, Greene County. COURT OF ODDJNARY. YATHEREAS William Edmondson Guardian of 7 7 William IT. Crenshaw, ami Mary C. Crenshaw minor children of William L. Crenshaw deceased, applies to this Court for letters Dismissory from said Guardianship. It is therefore ordered, that all persons concern ed appear at the next January Term of this Court, to be held in and for said county* on the second Mofidayin January 1858, to show cause, \j Guardian, shon’d not be diminished from said Guar dianship, „ < - Given under my hand at office ia Greenesboro’ November 20th, 1857- EUGENIT'S L, KING, . Nov. 20th,T857H-49. . Ordinrry . GEORGIA, G*teiie County. r . I* -|V* . . rt ~.m• ,*. ■ , ■ ■J S why said -Administrator should not lie disch-ir ] at.the Court of ordinary, to !>e held in and for sail count)’, on the.first Monday in June 18n8. Given under my ban/ it office in Greeucsb-if.:.’,- November, lffih 1858 EUGENIUR L. KING. November 26th/TB)'V -48. - ’ Oiilmny. ‘ sniaifcl Him iw ~HiVr r w- * nn* -rr . -ihyiv,. . y-’ TfUa-frm Notices, Xj OTIEE.—The firm of Lankford, Wilson & JLI Laden has this day been dissolved by mutu al consent, and no debts made against this firm will bo paid after this d,ne. All persons having claims against said firm will present them to James M Lankford, and all persons indebted to said firm will come forward and pay up, as the cash ‘Ve are com pelled to have to pay our depts. LANKFORD, Vi I {.SON & It A DEN, December sth, 1857. TETOTTIC’E^—Two months after date application will l*<Bmade idl to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County for leave to sell a negro woman by the name of Queeu belonging tp the estate of Harriet L. Grimes deceased. J. A. WILLIAMS, Ad mV. December 7ib, 1857. fiVTOTICE* : —The co-partnership heretofore ex- Jl. A isting between Drs. Janus & Dlkiiam has been mutually dissolved—Dr. Janes having retired from the practice. Dr. Durham still offers his profession al services to the citizes of Penfield and vicinity.— Thankful for the patronage received the past year, and hopes a continuation of the same. Office at-the old stand of Janes & Diujiam, where he may be found at all times when not • elsewhere professionally engaged. 3 ly. * Jan. ID. NOTICE. THE Greenesboro Male Acadtinv will < pen on the 2nd. Monday in Je.nu.ity next, under tin-sit printendence of Alt. Joel C. Bristow, a <?efiUetnan who comes highly recommended as a scholar and a man of rare moral worth. Mr. Bristow was reared in a neighboring Couuty, and graduated at. Ogletborp College with distinction in the class of 1854 —since which time he has been engaged in teaching. The'School, under bis direction, will no doubt, combine as many advantages, as any of like kind in the State. Voting men will be prepared to enter College in the advanced classes, if desired. All the Eng lish Branches, together with the classics, wiif be taught at the usual rates of tuition. Board may be obtained in private families upon reasonable tei ms. >* By order of the Board of Trustees, this Nov. 28th. 1847. JAMES L. BROWN, Dee 3rd—3t % * Secretary. mtwm i t I'ltWTiiTrjyiiiwwwCTWwwMßCwwwy nwm \ Miscellaneoiis Advertisements. Drs. COE & LATIMEB, HAYING located in Greenesboro’ for the purpose of practicing tietry, would respectfully invite all who ‘-dTxT? may require Dental operations to givo them at their office in Greenesboro; or, persons so* desiring may be visited at their residences. Drs. C. & L. hope, by the character of their operations, their reasonable price*, an ,j the‘r gentlemanly treatment of all who may honor Iliem w 1 tb n -aalU_ta mgigt and obtain afalr SUcix- of ttie OpUTTnTlTg'ptrfbnned in C*6r section. As Dr. Latimer has located permanently in Greenesboro’, the office will not be closed during the summer months as heretofore. A, superior quality of Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powder, Arc , kept on hand'. 1 N. If. No CHARGE FOR EXAMINATIONS AND ADVICE. Dentists supplied with Teeth, Foil, Instru ments Ac. - Dec. 17th, 1857. M , WILLIS’ HOTEL, at the old stand, still opep for the reception and accommo “*=*Adj'don of travelers, All who may favor us tb thei. mtronage shall receive every* attention emmry. A, L. WILL 18, Proprietor. DENTAIL NOTICE. Dr:;. Latimer would inform their friends } and parents, that one of the Frru will constantly remain 5 in Gi-fenesboro*, and that the other will be found rn the following places at the time specified below, viz . White Plains, from Jan. 6th, to Jan. I7tn. Mount Zio >, “ “ 18th, “ “ 31st. Oxford from February Ist, to February 14th. Penfield ’• “ 15th, to “ 28th. As this time table will be strictly adhered to, those who call early will bo most likely to receive attention. LOST ID the subscriber between the 15th and 20th ult, his Pcbkct-Book, containing about two dollars in cash, and the following described notes, viz :—One note for $203 87, signed by Josl If. Edmondson, payable to Jos Armstrong or bearer, dated January Ist 1857, and due one day after date; One note signed by J. A. Treiffehard for $207, (about) paya ble to same, dated January Ist 1857, and due one day after date ; one note.for 890, signed by Lucinda Armstrong, payable to same-, dated January Ist, 1857, and due one day after date ; one note for fifty dollars signed by Thomas I>. Logue, payable to John W. Coleman or bearer, date not recollected, £nd due Dec,, 25th 1857. AH persons are forewarned from trading for any of these notes, as payment has been stopped. December 7th, 1857-4 t JOSEPH ARMSTRONG. Hare is a Chance for You!! Being desirous to change my business into a more retired sphere, I oSVW for sale my valuable set of Mill?, (located eight miles South*of Greenesboro Ga., on the road from Greenesboro to Sparta) con sisting of one No. 1 Steam Engine from 15 to IS horse power, one ot George Page’s Circular Saw Mills, jvith one extra saw. one. of Nickals & M:--’ Bhs portable Grist .Mills, three foot runm% one NA l Lad. Nu.t, Vi fit excellent repair, with fixtures of all kinds mNessarv to. carry on the wiio’e o. taldi-hmem, The Saw iiiil will cut fixm.3ooo to 5000 feet Ykf Itiivi-V&m*’ ‘ d,A i ■ *Jti ‘ A i yi iuiuuei JK I Ud r ~ , ~ J ‘‘ ? * J- 1 ’ run It; 12 mouiha aml pay all expenses, and Y Will take (he net proceeds for the concern. [ knew that very up a” pc-op'e wifi be ready to usotli6‘ dogmfitieal phraze, “there is a flaw in the lock”'dm would’rd seif it if it was so Valuable.’’ But friend® and h.'L be too hasty, untill von either come or send, .and get my books for 1857, and mkv them to yotnsGf and count them up, both profils and oxj onsvs, and then you will have the “law and the trstimony/ my reasons for selling are known to my- Ji T-nt. they are not because I cannot make money with a steam saw mill.. lo r further particulars address me at Greenes bprok or come and see me, face to face, and then 1 will (ell vou a good nianv t Linos more. 1> C. bib, 1857. JOHN P. HARRIS. Trusteed fitle of Negron By virtue of she power in me vested By the last will on*l ‘fe-J.-unent of dames fJ Nic-kelson, deceased will bo sold at public outcry before the Court house uoor in Greonesbu-o’ on the first Tuesday, in Janu ary 1658 ; 45, or od likely negroes, composed Os Held hands, house servants Ac. Terms Oru: fifth cash the balance one and two yea i\s credit. Notes with approv'd .security will be required, to bo made payable at any Bank jn Au gusta, on 2nth December 1 sod—.V.),- with interest hamed ate. Alvy one wishing to pay .m ;h in full can be acc.om mudated. W. a!. MARTIN, Trustee. M\um institute WHITE PLAINS, GREENE COUNTY, GA, BOARD OF IfStRUCTORS. James D.-Mathkws, A- M. Frincipai, \ im i:sr 1. S.vnroitii, A, M. associate Principal, Miss E. A. Whiteman, Instructress in Music, Draw id g, Painting and Embroidery, Mrs. D. A. Mathews, Instructress in French and in Primary department. This a ale and Female Institute, under a different name and organisation, has been lavgtdy patronized during a series of years; and now with great improve ments, it is again commended, with renewed confi dence to the attention of Pau-nts and Guardians. For its success the utmost energy and fidelity are pledged, on the part of the Board of Instructors; and an active support oil the part of the Board of i’rlib-tees, much confidence is felt in being able to give satisfaction-to those who may send their sons and dauglitres hero, to receive their education. — The Spring Term of 1858, will commence on the third Monday in January. For . fall particulars, address Principal. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. Having bought out the II A 0 K NE from Messrs. Wii.son & Thompson, the undersigned now run a Dally Liao from Peidield to Greenes boro’, connecting with the daily passenger trains. They also have Livery St a hies in both places, where they arc prepared to accommodate pier sons with Horses and Buggies to go to any point they may desire. With good Carriages and harness, gen tle Horses, sober drivers, and reasonable prices, they respectfully solicit a liberal share of public patron age. Having learned the folly of a contrary course, they will require the cash in all cases. J UANKFQRD. WILSON & RADEN. P S. We will give notice to our patrons that $2,50 will be the charge for horse and buggy per day. DROPSY CURED. Til E undersigned proposes to cure Dropsy of every description. He can be seen personally five miles South of Union Point, or addressed by letter to Union Point, Greene County Ga. The Medicine can he sent anywhere by Rail Road, with directions for giving it, or I will attend personally if requested, and paid for iny trouble. I will buy ne groes afflicted with Dropsy, or cure them, as the owner may prefer. Satisfactory references given if desired. MILES G. BROOME. Urlim Point, Greene 00., May Hth, 1857.—ts CXTfttOHIIIMMt IMK'HITS TIH ISIf PlWfflßi 15,000 DOLLARS WORTH OR OllV GOODS AND CLOTH INC SELLING OFF AT COST BY A. L. ..I O! f IN SON & CO. Owing to the baldness of the times, and the scarcity of money, we have concluded to offer our large and well assorted stock of merchandise at (until the fust ot March next) for cash onlv, and most respectfully solicit our friends io call and ex amine tor themselves. More especially we call their attention to our vofr large stock of Clothing, Hoots, & Shoos, Hats, Caps, Shirts and Under garments, all ot which we are now offering at cost, to reduce our stock, and realize the money, all who want BARGAINS please call before purchas ing elsewhere at 1 A, If. JOHNSON <fc CO. , One door South of Mrs. Stathauis Hotel. Grraesboro, December, 185/.—gm. W'tW'tVV usnvtA. A. R, CLIFFORD. siisssairff'.. * g-T •:—-%**►*■ Jibing located in the City of Greeuesboro’ for the purpose of practicing Dentistry in alt its branches, tender his services to th citizens of Greene and the adjacent counties, as he is permanently located noth ing shall be wanting on his part to giye entire satis faction to all those who need the services of*a dentist, Having bad Itiany yeirs experience,and a large pra/v. tice, he feels safe in saying that his operations can not be surpassed by any Dentist North or South in beauty, strength, utility or durability. Persons at a distance can secure his services in large cases by addressing him at this place, he may be found at Willis’ Hotel, where he will be happy to wait on all TtrllA mr,TT f nr/V 4, t* rr . w J4k -L W 1” m‘“j J|iU)r ililll \ulu Q.l iQfclr A < l OEOKOIA PLAINS. THE subscribers take pleasure in stating to their old customers and others* wishing their Wool made into the best Plains manufactured in the Uni ted States, that wc arc now receiving and will re ceive wool, furnish warp, and charge but 16 cents per yard for manufacturing (cash,) as ‘that is what we have to pay for all the material we use. The Factory is situated 18 miles south of Greenes horo, 12 miles southwest of W hite Plains, l i miles northwest of Sparta, 14 east of Eaton ton, on the Ocouee river, in Greene county. LAWRENCE MANF. CO. Aug 2, 1856 80 BUENA VISTA ACADEMY. PUBLIC SftUARE, GREENE COUNTY GA The undersigned have secured, for the coining year, the Sci vices of John T. Heard, A. |, He was born and raised among us, and is well known by each one of us to bc‘a gentleman, of good mind, and steady habits, and having already had sonic expe rience in teaching,, we confidently expect, he will merit a liberal share of patronage. m The school will open on the 2nd Monday in Janu ary 1858, Further information concerning rates of tuition, board, Ac., can be obtained from'either of the Trustees. W.m. Tnau.i;, Jr. Pres, Fb M, Kiijol, Wm. ih'.Aim, Titos. K. Tito i!NT Du. A. 11. i\ \nii.:, J.\S. i), WfI.I.IAMON. W.m. A. Uvi’liToN. Trustees 1 >ccember 3d, 1 SAT s,— j<J. Valuable Plantation tor Hn\v, t: ‘ criber offers for sale bis well known 2Si'> aitfatioifJying'on the Ogeehee River .1 1-2 miles above Columbus Shivers mills, in Warren county. It is extensively known as having former ly belonged to Thomas Seals deceased. Il iy>vv con tains J2"D acres more or less of Jamb all of which ‘is good, in line order, under good fences and sus ceptible of.tillage. The tract comprises Sou acres more or less of superior low grounds, well ditched, and not liable to overtlow. Tho improvemfhits con sist in a commodious residence, excellent meat, house ample accommodations for negroes, good barn, cribs, stable &c. Any one \ urchasing the place. will get a valuable plantation. Mr. Lankford, my overseer is on the premises and will show'the place to any one wishing to ex amine it. He also will make known the Terms. A. lb PiJBLPS. Dec. 3rd, 1857. Penficld Ga. GIUHJERT ES. rilllE subscribers are now receiving a large and X varied assortment of Groceries, consisting of lioggshead and Refined Sugar, Coffees, Molasses, Rice, Nails, Cigars, Mackerel, &c., fcc. Also a su perior lot of Drugs,—all of which are offered upon the most liberal terms. PHELPS A SEALS. Pentield, Sep. 17th. 37. Greene Stilus. WILL be sold in the City of Greeuesboro’ on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usuat hours of sale, the Interest, of Joseph N. Radon in the Livery Stable of Lankford, Witsoh and Radon. It being the sixth part of said firm, the fol lowing property to-vit : Two old grey Horses known as the Ellington horses, two black Horses known as the Williams horses, two black Mules. One bay horse known as the Sharp horse ; one sorrel Horse known as the Giady sorrel; one bay horse known as the Durham horse ; one young bay horse known as the Jackson horse ; one sorrel known as pot gut; one bay horse known as the lame bay ; one grey horse known as the Jackson grey. Seven buggies and harness ; Four hacks and harness ; one two Horse Wagon and harness ; one one Horse wagon and Harness ; one four seated Buggy and harness, all levied on as the property of Joseph N. Raden to satisfy a mortgage ti fa in fa vor of James M, Lankford issued from Greene Inferior Court against said Raden, T. F. FOSTER, D, Sheriff. Greeuesboro’ No?. 14tk, 1857. VOL. XIIII.-NUMBER 50, A NEW PRINCIPLE. “FI.I. WORTHY Till; CONSIDERATION OF EVERY IfOI SRKF.EPF.It. | ‘J he important principle of wasing clothes without friction has at last I >©<*ll and is perfectly exempiitiovlin the great KffOLE WASHING MACHINE.- Tt combines all the requisites of Simplicity, Duka* j uri.n v and Economy, different from all others and In j ‘he mode of applying it. Nothing can surpass it I in rapidicy of execution, and there is nothing that 1 can compare with it, in washing clean without dam age to the articles entrusted to it. It never removes a button, flattens a hook, or tears the most delicate fabric or half-worn articles,of dress. ‘ - A It operates so easily that-a boy of 10 or 12 years of ago c;.n do largo Avashings. It will prove itself to b ■ all that*A fereconunended Id be. n.,WSlM**',re now betas manufactured at tho^'ta'Sjot.^ 0 ‘f * h * gan, Greene and Hancock. He Mould Therefore take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of tin above eountks, that he hag employed Mr S. T. STONE to canvass those counties with one of the Machines, who will take great pleasure in showing it to every, body, and if they prefer seeing it in op eration all they will be required to do is. to furnish him with so tile hot wafer and soap, and then their dirty clothes which he will wash clean and in so short a time as to astonish every on who has not i seen it in operation before, i _ Persons wishing to purchase Machines can give him an order or semi it directly to me and they will ! be 1 ‘Vworded immediately with printbd instructions I lIOW to use them. jOct. 20th, 1857.-45 W. E. WALKER. < py or Itt i*. LOO AIMS, Certificate. Gi.kkniiskoko’, Ga. Oct 2oth. 1857. ‘■•c Aim. I',. A\ ai.kkii —])ear Sir: —Jn regard to dm v\ ashing Machine, 1 would simply say that 1 e.niiid not is* without, oik* lor any consideration v, hicli might lie presented. It is easy to. manage, U washes without injury (0 the clothes. * On yester day our washerwoman did from 10 o’clock A. M. to 1 P. M., what it would have taken her the great er part cj two days to accomplish by hand. Tho Gest Yecoump'inlation you cap have is the Machine .itself Every family that;can rase money will most (\rl:didy buy after seeing it in operation. Respectfully yours, RORT. LOGAN. Gitkni skoko’, G.\., Oct. 28th, 1857. .Me. \\ M. IT. V\ alki i;— Jh’nr *SV/■ .*—J take pleas ure, in certifying to the value ul your Wasliining Machine. It is (he desideratum long desired; wash ing clothes clean without wearing or injuring them and in less than one-fourth of thulium oc*Aipicd in the usual''way. Vcn Respectfully. JOHN 11. WALK BE, M. I). Mu i.unoKvii.LK, Oct 15th, 1857, Ml*. WAi.Kia:— l)<<n- iSir: —l am in receipt of your letter about t i e Washing Machine. The Wash ing Machine I have is no hainl/ni/. It saves me three or four hands labour. But I have to make a man use it. because mine is so large. If it is made right and handled right it is a line thing. A ours aespectfully, B. I>. BROWN; “’ r ~‘ ■; V M WluaMf- £*r<>iHi’fi/ t'or Stile. 0\ Il of the paituers wishing to change his ‘business, we now oiler for sale our Land and Mills, situated sixN miles east of Greeuesboro’, and four miles south-west of Union Point, known as Ogecehee place. There is lu7'd acres of land in the tract, about five hundred acres clean), the huilance well timbeicd woodland. A eonsideracle portion is bottom land and the present crop will speak for the productive quality of the land. ilnr mills consist of a Circular Saxo Mill and a Crix/ Mill —driven by a 15 horse power engine—all is in good Older and condition. The Mills were erected last spring and are in the centre of live or. six hundred acres ol heavy timbered woodland.— for lurther particulars cali to see us on the premises or address us at Union Point, Ga. ’**• UR AN E & GIBSON. October -Ist, 1857 —ts. * U €itv fiesta uni lit. i ( uniintKiiiv on iinitd kinds, Fi'i.'sh Oysters, Lobsters, Kggs, Candies and choice Fruits of’ tion. Persons wishing any of these or a good meal at short notice, will be accouunod-Tt cd by calling in at OLD MAC’S. Greenesboro’, Nov. J. S. BARNWELL & COT WILL continue the harness business at the old stand of Lankford & Barnwell. They promise to execute all work entrusted to them in the latest style and most workman-like manner, will do re pairing at the shortest notice, and warrant every job, and dispatch it with skill and neatness, upon the most reasonable terms. /ST None but the best materials used by us and .'the workmen are fattltful’