Newspaper Page Text
■!S con-
. Some
officers woun-
killed. Please
friends, and oblige
T. Habderan, Jr.,
Colonel 45th Ga.
-Col Thos Hardeman, Lt Col T
tajor M L Grice.
i Ityals, John Vann.
ed—Lt S H Melton, Privates J R
_ mortal; Jno Rye, Joseph Avery, Wm J
Cain, Wm Sylls, C W Jordan, T B Brinsfield.
Filled—Lt M W Cleveland, Serg’t A C Mc-
Ginty, Private W C Bird.
Wounded—Corp’l M T Gregory, Privates D
T Nobles, W AHuguley, W Bush, JohnEller-
son, Ed Ross.
Killed—Serg’t M Bowen, Privates.Jas Wall,
R Calhoun, J A Wilson.
Wounded—Lt Ivey, Serg't J Willis, Privates
J Forehand, W Calhoun, J Bullock, J Swear-
ingame, John Bowen, Thos Jones, John King,
Wm Woodruff David Wilder, Wm Wilder,
John Martin, Richard Webb, J Lane, G Lane,
T C Roberts, J Slaughter, J Cribb,* V Mussel
white, R Holton.
Killed—Serg't C L Thornton.
Wounded—Privates M D Simmons, B F
I W l’urk, W Blackburn, J M P.ckersotv
Browning, Wm Brown, S T Culbert, VV
vis, E B Taylor.
Killed—Private M U Foy, John R
— Lindsey.
Wounded—Capt W S Wallace, Private
B Lay held, R T Greed, H F Hays, Jas Wi *
H McDaniel, C Millirons, severely ; ijt^Tiia-
man, seveub^M3nyiiu^MJfc£rtVtf..rorth,
Geo wight.
Hunt, Privat^^^^^^^^^^^^
D Etheridge, G V
W A Fair, Privates J Worthun (since cffed), B
A Now, M W Etheridge, John Huff Chas Pool,
Alonzo West, J A Roberts, Geo Kemp, John
Killed - J W Landlin, H Clark, Wm Moore,
Thos Harrison.
Wounded—Capt Davis, severely; Privates
Wm Daniel, James Chambers, Geo W John
son, severely ; Ashley Johnson, severely; Sim
eon Goodin, severely; Wm Scott, Wm Cox, G
Fitzgerald, R D Brown, Rob’t McDonald, se
verely ; W J Cheshier.
Killed—Serg’t J B Nutt k Private G W Phil
lips, J E Tolison, J Britton.
Wounded—Lieut Hall, Lieut Dickerson,
Serg’ts Heard, W P Thomas, Corp’l WmRidg
way, Privates Thos McDaniel, J P Britton, J
H Garr, John Ridgway, J R Thurston, W T
Kimberall, S Wilson, Geo Sharp, — Dickerson,
— Goodroe, J S Britton, John Mayo.
Killed—Jno Sacdeifer.
Wounded—Capt Gibson, Serg’t Jas Math
ews, S F B Stembrage, Thos Kennida, mortal
ly; John Wilder, W Lockla, D Wactor, W
Fowler, W Lowman, E K Webb, L H George,
W H Fitzpatrick.
Killed 80
Wounded 126
Tho 2d Georgia Battalion on their Travels.
The following is part of a letter from Lieut.
Granniss to his father, dated
Camp Walker, 1
Drury’s Bluff, July 3d, 1862.)
Dear Father—You are aware that our bat
talion has been on the march ever since Friday
morning. I wrote you a short letter the day
before, and have not had a chance to write
since. Yours, of the 27th, was received at
Seven Pines. We were ordered out about 10
o’clock, Thursday night, and after forming, the
orders were countermanded. We went to bed,
and were again ordered up at 8 Friday morn
ing. We took up the line of march, with the
entire brigade, for the other side, over the pon
toon bridge, and arrived at the Seven Pines at
about 1 o'clock that day, and were put in Gen.
Huger’s division. Here we remained, within
hearing of the fight, until 4 o’clock next mcm-
ing, (Friday,) when - we left for th» other side
of the Chickahominy. The battalion passed
round the extreme right of the enemy’s line
and, crossing over a bridge they had built for
themselves, commenced passing through their
camps of the day before. It was a grand sight
to us, and something new also. On we march
ed until we came up to where Stonewall Jack
son had been, when we pushed on still farther
and at last arrived at the battle field of Wed
nesday and Thursday, were we halted and re
mained until 12 o’clock Saturday night The
sight here was awful I Dead bodies in every
and all directions—shot in every possible place
and wounded in every possible manner. Then
they were buried from five to twenty in a hole
while we were there. The boys walked around
and talked to the wounded Yankees who bad
been laying where they fell for twenty four
hours. Late papers from the North, letters,
tracts of tho most fanatical order, and every
kind of writing you could think of, were scat
tered about, as well as knapsacks, blankets,
new clothing, guns and every thing else—all
having been lelt by the scoundrels in their has-
ty departure. We amused ourselves reading
letters nearly all the time we were there—some
were very good, while others were miserable—
evidently written by very ignorant men and
men who had to fight for a support The most
of the letters we saw were from the folks at
home to those in the army; but we suw some
unfinished ones from those in the army, stating
that they would bo in Richmond by the 2d of
-July, and that shortly thereafter they would
return home, there to remain. They expected
that the Grand Army would have a great cele-
r. -A, on the 4th. I saw some
ladies to their friends, call-
fotindrels,”and wishing they
To>x could meet some of us.
ack that night, (Saturday,) we were
Wo nook up our lino of march,
.’they had not cut off Jackson, as was re-
\ so we went back and arrived on the
Williamsburg Road, about 10 o’clock that day.
Alter staying there two hours we started for
tho left wing of their army, (the right of ours)
and marched until night and then halted. We
were aroused early the next morning (Monday)
and started off; a .iout 10 o'clock it was report
ed that the enemy weie advancing up the road.
The brigade was accordingly stopped in an old
field and drawn up in line of battle, and wait
ed for some time, but in vain. We then march
ed up the road and went into the woods where
wc again formed in order of battle, expecting
that the enemy wsuld endeavor to retreat that
way, and we coul 1 cut him off Our artillery
went out and opened fire on some infantry that
were drawn up, but as soon as our guns appear
ed before them they retired, exposing a largo
row of light artil ery, which opened on our lit
tle artillery and compelled them to retire.—
The gunboats and the batteries then commenc
ed shelling us, and we bad three cross fires to
look out for—the balls and shells exploding
around us continually. I tell you I think it is
worse to be situated as we were than to be out
in an open field where we can return the fire of
the enemy. We could do nothing, however,
but lay Baton our backs and take if all with
out anjr etiauce oi retaliating, Tne Days at
first were a little excited, but after awhile took
it finely. I tell you the first two or three fires
makes one feel mighty ticklish. None of our
boys were hurt; but strange to say, while this
was tho case, every regiment in the brigade had
men killed and wounded, and we were in the
midst of it all It really does seem as if Pro
vidence protected us.
After laying there until 9 at night, (Monday)
we went up the road a short distance to sleep
t tbe remainder of the night Next morning
we were marched back to the field
ttle, but nary Yank came, and we
the woods, remaining only a short
•.urning again to tbe field, and late
eioon the whole of Major General
lion, consisting pf three brigades,
tho woods and formed in order of
lion front (two brigades)—the oth
--fear as a reserve. Ours and another
in front we advanced towards the ene
my, (who were now engaging our forces.) ever
and anon stoppiog and taking position by lay
ing on the ground. On we went, and were not
halted permanently until we reached a point
where we could hear them giving command —
There we lay for a long time, but they made no
atS-st—iuj- what reason I cannot say. Afcer a
while we retired a short distance resting for tbe
night. It rained all tbe next day, and nothing
waa done. About 11 o’clock we were ordered
up the road, where we stopped and r«.-
ntii aboui 6 o’clock, when we were
...... an' 010 * 4 t0 Drury’s Bluff wading, on our
reulrn march, several very deep creeks, and
mud knee deep, and arriving here, a dt nee
of twelve miles, at 2 o’clock this (Thtlisday)
morning—not having stopped on the rot- one
time the entire distance. Sometimes wmiere
not ailowad to cook, because it was danBl us
to have fires. If you had seen me eatin™ t{v
baqr’jj or cooking it on a stick, you would not
bavcYbought I was particular. Take it all to
gether you must acknowledge that no troops
lave done more in the same length of time, nor
undergone more hardships—no blankets to cov
er with, and not a good night's sleep since we
left camp. But the boys stood it finely—some
of them were made sick, of course. The City
Light Guards returned without a single officer,
all having been left on some of the roads, sick.
In regard to myself I stood it admirably ; the
only thing that got me was the heat Mother
knows I cannot stand much of that. I am as
well as ever except a little sore in the feet, and
sleepy. I did not cave a single time, and can
stand as much as any one else. My fellow of
ficers, Copt. Jones, and Lieutenants Butts and
Campbell, all stood it well and are fine, with
the exception of Campbell, who had a chill this
afternoon. Mr. Saulsbury, Geo. Keith, and
several others were sick and did not go with us.
From the Bibb Greys, Company B, 37th
Georgia Itrgimrnt.
Richmond, 5th July, 1862.
Mr. £. C. Grannies—Dear Sir: As many
will be enquiring of you in reference to our
Company, I thought I would give you a minute
detail ot events. On Wednesday night at half
past one o’clock, we took up our inarch from
camp near Richmond, on the Williamsburg
road, across the oountry to Mechanicsvilleroad
and crossed the Chickahominy Swamp on a toll
bridge about dark, while there was a sharpe
skirmish going on between the Federate and
our forces who had crossed before us. After
passing tbe swamp about one mile, we was
halted and ordered to rest on our arms; when
at daylight (Friday,) our Division was ordered
out to engago a battery that we had failed to
take the evening before. Through some cause
or other, we was marched very near the enemy,
who occupied a very strong position with a
large battery and some small masked rifle bat
teries, which opened fire upon us, killing and
wounding several of our Brigade before wo
could fall back and get a position, but after a
few hours firing, the enemy left in full retreat
Wo loet nono in killed or woundod in our Com
pany. Capt Stubbs was commanding as Major,
and had a ball to pass through his pants.
We pressed the enemy on a force march for
7 miles in the heat of the day, to a place called
Cqal Harbor, where Stonewall, with his forces
was giving them jessy. Our men was pretty
near exhausted and overcome with heat; sev
eral had fallen by tho wayside from exhaustion,
but those of us that could walk, was pressed
into tho fight Just before netting into tbe
fight Lieut Col. Zichery, who commanded the
regiment was wounded slightly, which threw
tbe command of the regiment upon Captain
Stubbs, who led it most bravely and gallantly
into the fight Wo was ur.der a perfect hail of
bullets and storm of shells. I was struck by a
shell upon the right foot which gave me a very
painful wound, though not serious. Tbe next
was Serg’t. F. M. Barfieid, who was wounded
in the leit arm slightly—tried to load and shoot
after he bad received bis wound, but could not
consequently be left the field. W. R. Sonno-
born was then shot in tho right wrist he load
ed his gun with his left hand, but could not fire
in consequence of the wound received in the
wrist Jeff. Burnett Lewis Avant and John
Bowers was wounded, but very slightly. Baily
Heard, who had given out on the way, alter
resting, fell in with some of our troops and was
wounded in the left hand pretty severely.—
Samuel Odom, who had just been elected 3rd
Lieutenant was shot dead on the field, and
James Perdue also died instantly from a wound
in the thigh. Night overtaking us, we slept :.n
the'edge of tho battle field, and at daylight
(Saturday,) was put upon the march by Stone
wall, when on Tuesday our regiment engaged
the enemy again in a very fierce fight, when
James R. Gallman and Harrison Schofield were
slightly wounded. After the fight was over,
rations for the Company was drawn; when
Corp’l Jonathan Willoughby issued them to
the men, he sat down under a tree to rest and
died instantly, without ever having complained
any before. A better and more faithful soldier
never lived. I also learned to-day, that Michael
C. Hennegar, who was wounded in the battle
of Soven Pines, died on tho 18th of June. Thus
you see how wo have suffered. Twenty-one
have died from disease, four have died on the
battle field, and one taken prisoner—making
26 loss. Our wo.unded are all doing well, and
some have already returned to duty, while oth
ers will return in a few days, there is none that
will be disabled longer than thirty days. B. A.
Heard is tho worst wounded, and his is not at
all serious. We have a number on the sick
list, though all are able to walk about and are
1 am proud to say that our brave and gallant
Capt Stubbs, has been through all tbe battles
leading his company, and then commanding as
Major, and then as Colonel, and has been in
the thickest and hotest of the fire and is yet un
hurt, he certainly is a second Stonewall. He
is in fine health and good spirits, believing he
is in a good and just cause, goes into it whole
soul, and a kind Providence has thus far shield
ed him from all harm.
From all we see, it appears that the enemy
is in full retreat, and I fear we shall not be able
to capture as many of them as we thought,
though they aro brought in daily and hourly.
Yours truly, Lieut John S. Allen.
We conversed Monday afternoon with a gen
tleman just from Texas, and the West, who
gives us some very interesting particulars of
tbe state of afihirs on his route. He had been
three weeks on the road, traveling by land
most of the way and crossing the Red Rtvcr
twenty five miles below Vicksburg. The lat
ter place was then being bombarded and num
bers of the houses riddled.
At Shreveport three Yankee trading steam
ers with full cargoes come up to the town to
trade. The parties on board exhibited coun
terfeit passports, and endeavored to pass them
selves off as Confederates. Both of them
brought between thirty and forty thousand
pair of cotton cards, the balance of their car
goes being composed of boots, shoes and oth
er much needed articles in the South. The
authorities, however, were too quick for them,
and the military commander oi the post seiz
ed the vessels, put the parties on board in
prison, put up the goods at auction and turn
ed over tbe proceeds to the Confederate Trea
sury. Two steamers of a similar character
being reported below at the mouth of the Oui-
caita River, an expedition, consisting of a de
tachment of four hundred men, was sent off to
seize these also. Our informant did not learn
the result at tbe time be left
more than two thousand negroes into service,
besides taking off all the mules, wheelbarrows,
spades, &a, they could lay hold ot. They sta
ting under the guns of our batteries. Vicks-
g, it is then said, will be as it were i
five miles out in the country. The general mi
ssion was, that they would succeed ir
irious scheme, by the aid of their fleeti
forces not being able to reach them.
The Yankees promised to return the ne
as soon as they had finished their canal,
people, however, have determined they
never take Vicksburg. Tho lour thoi
they attempted to land were driven off
the loss of thirteen kilted and a large nu
wounded. Had our batteries restrained
fire a little longer it is believed the whole
could have been captured.
The enemy fired fifteen inch shell a
town of Vicksburg. These, when they s
the ground in different places, had made
fully twelve feet deep. Our troops unde
Dorn are worked up to the highest pitch of en
thusiasm, and are extremely anxious for i
The army was very healthy, the pc
Provisions wire also coming in plenti
country. This feeling is universal, an
do not consider it any sacrifice. One
lady who had about eight hundred bal
set fire to it and burnt every bale. Wl
beforehand that thero was no danger fl
she replied that she felt anxious and un
having it around her. Even in Texas,
man has his cotton- So stored as to bo
apply the torch when necessary. Soi
their bales piled on foundations of lighlwood.
in that State.
delence of the State.
the last. This order had been c
except by some seven families.
the city. All those guilty of this
taken out immediately and hung.
landing in New Orleans,
gather and proceeded to th
ler was to land. As he ste
Ion Courier.
red to that time since our last report.
ly from the James to the Chichahominy.
enemy lies a short distance below, measu
protected by gunboats, and busily en;
lortifying. Ho threw a few shells Friday
had up his ballooD, both for the purpose
certaining our whereabouts. Yesterday i
ing and the day before there was some p
firing, but nothing more. The country i
and wooded, rendering it very difficult to \
the enemy. Me 1 llellan is using every ex<
that n
on, Ac.
force. Nor could it bo to
receiving reinforcements.”
ing, 104. TotalJ 533.
£egal Notices—Bibb datmtt).
Bibb Micrilt' Sale. /
TXT ILL be sold before the Court Hons s door, i n Bibb '
V v county, on the first Tuesday in August next, tc
within the legal hoars of tale, the followiag negroes to-
Milas, a negro mm. aged S3 years; Caroline, a wo- .
man, aged 23 years; Henry, a boy, aged 9 years; Netty, g
a girl, aged 7 years; Rose, a girl, aged 6 years; Norris, f,
a boy, aged 5 years; Anthony, a boy, aged 3 years, and
Albert, a boy, aged 6 months. Levied on asthe pro?- 1(
erty of Green Wilder, to satisfy a fl. fa. from Bibb Infe-
rlor Court, in favor of the Justices of the Inferior Court
ofBiob county vs. John P. Cooper, principal, M. S.
Thomson, Green Wilder, and W. B. Scott, securities.— (
Property pointed out by Green Wilder, this Jnly 4th,
Jnly 5 Sheriff b
IT Whereas F. P. Geary applies to the undersigns d
for Letters of Administration upon the estate of Wil- F {
liam Geary, late or said county, deceased: 11
Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and lf
singular the kindred and creditors to bo and appearat
the office of the undersigned on or before the first Mon-
day in August next, to show canse, lf any they have,
why said letters of administration should not be grant
ed the applicant in terms of the law. /
Given nnder my hand and official signature, this July 1
3d, 1663. WM. M. RILEY, Ordinary. <2
july 4 n
'-X Whereas John F. Kibbe, Executor of the last Will J
and Testament of Caleb Malden, late of said county,_de
ceased, applies to the undersigned for Letters or Dls- -
mission from said estate :
These are therefore to cite ail concerned to be and
appear at the office of the undersigned on or before tbe |
first Monday in December next, to show cause, 11 any
they have, why said Executor should not be dismissed r
from said Executorship.
Ulven under my hand and official signature, this July
1st, 1863. WM. M. RILEY, Ordinary.
July 9
UT Whereas James W. RUey has applied to the nn
derelgned for Letters oi Administration upon the es
tate ot David G. Davis, late of said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern
ed, to be and appear at the office of the undersigned on
or before tbe first Monday in August next, to show
cause, if any they have, why letters of Administration
should not be granted the applicant in terms of the
Given under my hand and official signature, this July
1st, 1863. w. M. RILEY, Ordinary.
July 2
Bibb Sheriff Sale.
JTN the first Tuesday in August next, will be sold be-
U fore the Conrt House door, in the city of Macon,
Bibb county, within the legal hours of sale, the follow-
lug propertv,viz:
One Lot or parcel of Land, lying in the 814th District,
G. M., or so much thereof as will -atl.-fy said Tax fi. las.
situated in East Macon, containing half acre, more or
less, adjoining lands of W. A McLat.e. Porter and front
ing on the Clinton road. Levied on as the property ol
Levi Simpson, to satisfy bis Soldiers Tax for May, 1862.
Amount of Tax six Dollars and five cents, and costs.—
Also one to satisfy a fi. la. for State and Connty Tax
for the year 1861. Amount six Dollars and fire cents
and costs. Levy made and returned to me by P. Crown,
junc2T Shetiff.
/"GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY. —Two month* after
UTthe date hereof application will be made to the
Conrt of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all ol
the real estate belonging to Robert N. Bailey, late of
said county, decc-asdO, this J une 11th, 1862.
Je 11.
MAKYE. GEARY 1 Libel for Divorce In Bibb Su-
JAME3 \Y. GEARY.) l i6rior Coart -
T f appearing to the Conrt that the Defendant resides
4 beyond the limits of the Stale of Georgia, 1’ Is there
fore ordered by the Conrt that said Defendant be and
appear at the next Term of this Court and answer
eafd case, anu that service bo perfected on eaid Defen
dant uy a publication of this Rule once a month for four
months before the next Term of this Court In one of the
Jonrnals published in Macon, Ga.
A true extract from the Minutes of Bibb Superior
Conit, J une 41 b, 1862. JNO. J. KILBY,
june6—4mlam Dep. Clerk.
vs >■ Libel for Divorce.
TT appearing to the Court that tke Defendant in the
J. above case is not to be found in Bibb county, bu .
has' left this State, it is ordered that the above Libel be
served on bim by publishing this order in the Macon
Georgia Telegraph once a month lor four months, be
fore the next Term of this Court.
By *U6 Court, May 26th. 1662. _
june 4 Att’y for Pl’ff.
UT Whereas E. C. Grier, has filed his application in
- this office for citation to issue, and the same being
granted, for Letters or Guar dianship ot the person ana
properly of Daniel P. Griswold minor orphan of Elisha
c. Griswold, late of eaid connty, deceased:
These are therelore to cite and admonish all persons
concerned to be and appear at the office of the under
signed on or before the first Monday in July next, to
show canse, irony they have, why eaid letters of Guar
dianship should not be granted tne applicant in terms
ol the law.
Given nnder my hand and official signature this May
30th, 1862. WM. M. RILEY, Ordinary.
june 3
UT Whereas Julius Peter, Guardian of William, John
; and Chailes, minor orphans of George Horne, late of
eaid county, deceased, “applies to resign his Guardian
ship of said Wards on account of other business, and
requests that George Neulaes be appointed Guardian of
; tbe said Wards property.’’
said George Neutses applying for Eaid Qnardlanshlp,
all pel sons interested In said wards estate are required
to be aud appear at my office on the first Monday in Au
gust next, to show cause, lf any they have, why said
. J ullns Peter shall not be diechaiged therefrom, and said
1 George Neuises be appointed Guardian as prayed for.
1 Given under my hand and official Signature this May
30th. 1862. WM. M. RILEY, Ordinary.
June 3
UT Whereas Alexander Holzendorf, Executor or the
D last Will and Testament or Mary L. Cray, late of said
, county, deceased, applies to the undersigned for Let-
3 tern dismlssory from said Kxecntoiship:
These are therelore to cite and admonleh all and sin-
gnlar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
aud appear at the office of the undersigned*on or before
n the first Monday in November next to show canse, 11
f shy they have, why said letters dismlssory should not
be granted the applicant in terms of the law.
6 Given under my hand and official signature, this April
10th, 1862. WM. M. RILEY, Ordinary.
J apr 11.
e UT Whereas John J. Riley, Administrator upon the
estate of William Barnes, deceased, late of said county,
applies to the undersigned to be dismissed from said
. administration:
These are therefore to cite andadmonishall concern
* ed, to be and appear at the office of the undersigned on
O or belore the first Monday in October next, to show
k cause, Ifany they have, why letters dismlssory shonld
u not be granted the applicant.
S Given under my hand and official signature, this
March 25th, 1862. WM. 11. RILEY,
’ mar a5 Ordinary
UT Wheieas John J. Riley, Administrator upon the
6 Estate oi Benjamin Smith, deceased, late of eaid coun
ty, applies to the undersigned for Letters Dismlssory
imm Mid administration:
f These are therefore to cite and a dmonlsh all concern-
8 ed to be and appear at the office of the undersigned on
„ or belore the first Monday In October next, to show
cause. If any they have, why Letters Dismlssory should
- not be granted the applicant.
v Given turner my hand and official signature, this
3 March 25th, 1662. WM. M. RILEY,
* mar 25 Ordinary.
_ UT WhercaB A. F. Sherwood, Administrator upon
the estate of Michael Sullivan, late of said county, de
ceased, applies to tbe undersigned for Letters Dlsmis-
i. eory upon said estate:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons
u concerned, to be and appear at the office of the umler-
e signed on or before the first Monday in Augnat next, to
.. show cause, if any they have, why letters Dismlssory
should not be granted tho applicant,
r- Given onder my hand and official signature, this Jan-
a nary 27th, 1862. WM. M. kiLbY,
jau 29 Ordinary.
v 't Dougherty Court of Ordinary.
HPO ail whom it may Concern:
u JL David J. Belcher aud Elizabeth Brinson having In
(1 proper form applied to mo for permanent Letters or Ad-
,, ministration on the estate of Stir ing Brinson, late of
** eaid county
l- This is to cite all and singular tbe creditors and nex
, of kin of Stlrlng Brinson, to ce and appear at my offlco
within tbe time allowed by law,and show cause, irony
t they have, why permanent Administration shonld not
h be granted to them on btiring Brinson’s estate.
_ Witness my band and official yignatarc, this Jane 5th,
“ 1862. W. H. WILDER, Ordinary,
d June 7—lm
6 UT To all whom it may Concern—
3 Mrs. A. E. Brisbane having filed her petition in prop
er lorm to me, praj ing for Letters ol Admlni-tration,
13 with the Will annex* d, on the estate ofA. 11. Brisbane,
this Is to cite all creditors, Legatees, next of kin, and
an., others Interested, to be and appear at the next Jn-
- ly Term of the Court of Ordiuary of eaid county, and
show cau.e, if any they can, why Letter! of Admiutstra-
" tion with the Will annexed shonld not be granted to
3, said A. E. Brisbane.
.. Given under my hand and official signature this 9th
day or June, 1662. W. H, WILDER,
June 12 Ordinary.
r Jones Court of Ordinary, July Ter a, 1862.
Whereas Thomas 3. Humphries, one of the Exccu-
1 admonish all persons
sy have, to tho contrary.
Given onder my hand officially, this 7th day of July,
363. ROLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary.
July 10 , .
Whereas Drnry W. Taylor applies to me for Let
ters of Administration on the estate of William U. Tay
lor late of said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite all persona concernedto
be and appear at my oOlce within the time prescribed
by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters
sbonld not be granted.
Given under my hand at office. Juno 26!h. 1863.
June 23 W. T. SWIKT. Ordinary.
ffnes Court of Ord iuary, July Term, 1863.
Whereas Thomas S. Humphries, Executor on the el
ite of Sarah Berry, deceased, applies to me for Letters
f Dismission from said Executorship:
These are theretore to cite and admonish all persons
any they have, to the contrary.
Given nnder my hand officially this 7th day of July,
362. . ROLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary.
July 10
^ Whereas John King, Guardian of Tabltha Ann,
mlnors gj
miles oi
said trust, and prays to be dismissed from said charge:
These are therefore to cite all persons concerned, to
be and appear at my office within the time prescribed
by la w, to show canse, if any they have, why said appli-
cant should not be discharged.
Given under my hand and seal of office, this June 20th
362. W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All persons Indebted to tbe estate or Chapman Cox,
see, are requested to come forward and make 1m-
aving <
july 10
Notice to Distributees.
All persons concerned are hereby notified that four
nths after date I shall apply to the Honorable the
james g. barnes,
Where i s Green Roberts applies to me lor Dismission
tarn the Guaidianship of Martha M. Giles, minor:
These are therelore to cite and admonish all and sin-
Given onder my hand at office this June 3d. 1802.
June 6 ROLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary.
The;e are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin-
Given under my hand at office this'June 3d, 1862,
June 6 ROLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary.
r Jones Court of Ordinary, June Term, 1862.
Whereas Penina T. Griswold and Ebeneztr C. Grier
pply to me for Letters of administration on the estate
if Giles H. Griswold, deceased:
These are thsniois to cite and admonish all and sin*
;nlar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, and all
ither persons con erned to be and appear at this office
on or by the first Monday in July next and show canse,
if any they have, why administration on said estate
should not be granted to said applicants.
Given under my hand at office this June 2d, 1862.
June 4 ROLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary.
OT Jones Court oi Ordinary, June Term, 1862.
Whereas Ebenezer C. Grier applies to me for Letters
of Guardianship of Charles T. Griswold, minor of Elisha
C. ttrifiwold, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred of said minor and all person - concern
ed, to show cause, if any they have, to the contrary, by
the first Monday in July next at this office.
Given under my band at office, this June 2d, 1862.
June 4 ROLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary.
VJT Sixty days after date application will be made to
the Ordinary of Jones county for leave to sell all the
real estate and negroes belonging to tbe estate of Al
fred M. Pritchett, late of said county, deceased, this
May 29th, 1862. DRUC1LLA PRITCHETT,
may -81 Executrix.
£egal Notices—%>ooli) (Somitg.
Noiicc to Debtors snail Creditors.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Nathan Christ
mas, J r., late of Dooly county, deceased, will make
immediate payment, and those having demands against
said estate will present them in terms of the law.
july 10 NATHAN CHRISTMAS, Sr., Adm’r.
fitgal Notices—Houston (Sennits.
Executor’s Sale.
W ILL be eo’d before the Court Honse door in Ferry,
I Houston conntv, Ga., witbin tbe lawful hours, on
the first Tuesday in October rext, the plantation re
cently cccupled by Mrs. Elizabeth G:over, situated in
the 10th District of said county, bounded on the North,
Bast and South, by lands oi the estate of Joseph K-mp,
and on the West by lands of Elbert Hartley and Nathan
the property c
ry Glover, late oi said county, deceased. Terms made
known on the day of sale.
June IS—td* Executor of Henry Glover
G eorgia, Houston county.
Houston Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1882.
Whereas George M. T. Fcagan applies to me for Let
ter! of Administration on the estate of Dr. John F.
Fordham lately deceased:
These are therefore to c>te and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, and
all others concerned to be and appear at my office on or
before tbe first Monday in Jnly next, and show cause,
if any they have, why letters of administration should
not be granted to applicant.
Given under my hand at office this May 6,1362.
may 29 W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary.
_ Whereas Terrel Perry, Guardian of Sarah E. Lane,
applies tome for Letters of Dismission from his said
Guardianship :
These are therefore to cite and admonleh til ana sin
gular the person or persons interested, to be and appear
at my office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any they have, why said letters dlamts-
ory should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, May 20,1862.
may 29 W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary,
IT Whereas Terrel Perry and Win. H. Lane, Admin
istrators of Bryant Lane, deceased, applies to the un
dereigned for Letters Dismlssory upon said estate:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons
concerned to be and appear at the office of tne under
signed on ur before the first Monday in December next
to show canse, if any they have, why letters dismlssory
should not be granted the applicant.
Glvtn nnder my band and seal of office, this 6th May,
1862. W. T. SWIFT, ordinary,
may 29
Notice io Debtors and Creditors.
All persons having demands against Frederick A.
Ansley, late of said county, deceased, are hereby noti
fied to present them properly attested, to me, within the
time prescribed by law, or they will not be sett ed.-
And all persons indebted to said deceased, are hereby
required to make immediate payment,
may 19 3. W. J. HARRIS, Adm’r.
the lands belonging to the estate of John Williams, late
or said county, deceased. - JAS. J. CLEMENTS,
i-July 10* Adm’r.
JOHN SMITH i Rule Nisi to Foreclose Murt-
vs. > gage in Houston Superior Court
FLOYD SAWYER.) April Term. 1862.
IT appearing to tbe Court, by the petition oi John
Smith, accompanied by the Notes and Mortgage Deed,
that on the 25th day qtMay, 1861, the defendant Floyd
Sawyer made and del Ared to the Plaintiff, his three
promi-sory notes, each lor thirteen hundred and thirty
three dollars and thirty-three ceuts, with interest from
date if not punctually paid. And that afterwards, on
the day and year aforesaid, the defendant, the better to
eecme the payment ot said notes execute! and deliver
ed to the Plalntifi his Deed of Mortgage, whereby the
said Defendant Mortgaged to the said Plaintiff lot ot
land, number seventeen (17) in the filth (5tb) District
of eaid county of Houston, containing two hundred and
two and one half, (202#) acres, more or less. And it
further appearing that eaid notes remain unpaid, it la
therefore ordered, that tbe said Defendant do pay into
Conrt on or before the first day of the next term thero
of, the principal, interest and costs due on said notes
or show cause to the contrary, if any he can. And that
on failure so to do by said Defendant, bis equity ol re
demption in and to eaid Mortgaged premises, be Forev
er thereafter barred a ad foreclosed. And It is further
ordered, that this Rule be published in the Georgia
Telegraph of Macon once a month for four months pre
vious to the next term of this Conrt or served on De
fendant or hie special Agent or Attorney at least three
months before next Term of said Court.
By order of the Court. JAMES A. PRINGLE,
_ i PITs Attorney".
A true extract from the minntes of Houston Superior
Court, April Term, 1862. T. M. K1LLEN, Clow,
may 7—lam 4m
A LL persons Indebted to the estate of John M.. Shi-
rey, late of Dooly county, deceased, are hereby no
tified to make immediate payment, and persons hold
ing demands against said deceased are requested to
resent them to the undersigned properly authentlca-
ed within the timepreecribed by law.
Jnly 10*JOHN B. HOWELL, ( Aam ”*
Whereas Caroline E. Smith applies to me for Let
ters ot Administration on tbe estate ol William F.
Smith, ot said county, deceased : .
These are therefore to cite the kindred and creditors
of said deceased to be and appear at the Court of Ordi
nary to be held for tho county of Dooly on the first Mon
day in Angust'next, to show cause, if any they have,
why said letters may not issue.
Given under my hand this 23th day of Jane, 1863.
July 8 u. N. L.ABBKTER, Ordinary.
G eorgia, dooly county :
Whereas James J. Clements applies to mo for
Letters of Administration on the estate of John Wil
liams of raid county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite the kindred and creditors
of said deceased to be and appear at the Conrt ol Ordi
nary to be held for tbe county of Dooly on the first Mon
day in Jnly next, to show cause, if any they have, why
said letters may not issue.
Given nnder my hand this 2d day of June, 1862.
June 6 S. N. LASSETEK, Ordinary.
'J Whereas, Robert M. Shircy and John R. Rowell
apply to me lor Letters of Administration on the estate
or John M. Shirey, of said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite the kindred and creditors
of said dec eased to be and appear at the Conrt of Ordi
nary to be held for the connty of Dooly on the first Mon
day in July next to show canse, if any they have, why
said letters may not issue.
Given nnder my hand this 2d day of June, 1863.
Jane 6 S. N. LASSETEK, Ordinary.
_. Whereas Jonathan Taylor applies to me for Let
ters of Administration on the estate of James Taylor,
These are therefore to cite the kindred and creditors
ot said deceased, t o bo and appear at the Court of Or
dinary, to be held tor the connty ot Dooly on the first
Monday in July next to show canse, if any they have,
why eaid letters may not issue.
Given nnder my hand this 2Sth day of May, 1SG2.
may 31 S. N. LASSETER, Ordinary,
UT Whereas William Books and Sarah Hooks, Exe
cut ore of Bardin Hooke, deceased, applies to me lor
Letters of Dismission from said estate:
These are therefore to cite all persons concerned to
be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held for
tho county of Dooly on the first Monday in November
next to show cause, If any they have, why said letters
may cot issue.
Given under my hand this 23d day of April, 1862.
apr 25 S. N. LASSETEK, Ordinary.
VST Whereas, John D. Wilkes, Administrator on the
estate of Sarah E. Westberry, deceased, applies to mo
for Lettors of Dismission from said estate :
These are therefore to cite all persons concerned to
ba and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary to be held for
tho county of Dooly on. the first Monday in October
next, to snow cause, it any they have, why said letter
may not issue.
Ivcn under my hand this 25th day ol March, 1882.
tar 23 8, N. LASSETEK, Ordinary.
UT Whereas John D. Wilkes, Administrator on the
estate of Peter G. B. Westberry, dcceeased, applies to
mo for letters of dismission from said estate:
These are therefore to cite all persons concerned to
be ana appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held for
if.-.- oo.'.uty ot i'. or. -i M-.i :a- '.r. October
next, to show cause,ifany they h»vc, why eaid letters
may not issue.
Given under my hand this 25th day of March, 1S62.
mar 23 S. N. LASSETEK, Ordinary.
Rule Nisii.
G eorgia, worth county:
Court of Ordinary April Term, 1862.
Whereas James Ross, Guardian of the persona and
property of Benjamin E. T. Exam, a minor of said
county, uaviug fully discharged his trust, applies to be
dismissed from his Guardianship, as aforesaid; there
lore, all persons concerned arc hereby no iliedand re
quired to appearat my office, ou or before the first Mon
day in July next, and show cause, if any they have,
why James Ross should not bo discharged from his
said Guardianship.
Given undermy hand and official signiture.
apr 28 WM. L, HUNT, Dep. cl’k of Ordinary.
Libel for Divorce in
Houston Superior Court.
If this State, lt is, on motion ol John
M. Giles, Attorney for the Plaintiff, ordered that said
Defendant appear and answer at the aext term ot this
Court, else that the case be considered in default, and
the Plaintiff be allowed to proceed. And it is further
ordered that this rule be published in the Georgia Tel
egraph, or some other paper of said State, cnce a month
for four months.
A true extract from tho mlnntor of Houston Snperioi
Court, April Term, 1883. THOS. M. KILLEN, Ol’k.
May 3—lam. 4m
UT Whereas William blone, Administrator de bonis
non, of Phillip Busby, deceased, applies to me for let
ters of dismission from said Administration:
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and sin
gnlar the kindred and creditors to be and appear at my
office on or before the first Monday in November next
and show canse, if any they have, why said William
Slone should not bo dismissed from said Administra
Given under my hand at office, this April 15, 1862.
--j —ifrr, ort
May 2
W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary.
G eorgia, Houston county:
Whereas Levi E. Bryan, Guardian of Martha
These are therefore to cite and admonish all ana sin
gular the person or persons interested, to be and appear
at my office within the time prescribed by law and snow
canse, lfanv they have, why said letters dismlssory
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office April 30th, 1862.
May 2 W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary.
v-* Whereas Enoch W. Gaddy, Executor of Mary Jones,
late of said connty, deceased, respectfully showeth that
he has tally and laithfully executed his said trust ac
cording to law and the will of sad-dee eased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons
concerned to be and appear at my office on or before
the fl -st Monday in October next, to show canse. If any
they have, why letters dismlssory should not be grant
ed tho applicant.
Given under my hand and official signature this 4th
day of April, 1862. W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary.
apr 7
Jfcflal jtoticfts-CQttitiimn (T
Quituiau SltcriiF Sale.
W ILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in August next,
before the Court Honse door, in the connty or
Quitman, State oi Georgia, v lthin the legal hoars ot
sale, the roliowinp propci ty, to wit: Nineteen Bales ot
Cotton, the nndivldea inteiest ofWm. C. Richardson,
it being one half of said Cotton. Levied on as the
property of Wm. C. Richardson, to ra isly two cost fl.
fas. i-r-.ed from Stewart Superior Court, In favor of E.
F. Kirksey, Clerk, vs. Wm. O. Richardson, Deputy
Sheriff. Property pointed out by Plaintiff
July 1 Sheriff.
41 Whereas Thomas T. Tje, applies to me for Letters
of Administration on the estate of James T. Tyc, late
or said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite andsdmoulsh ail and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, and show cause, if any they hare, why said letters
sbonld not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, June 25,1662.
June 80 J. W. MERCER, Ordinary.
Ur Whereas o. H. Davis, or Early connty, applies to
me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Wil
liam Johnson, late of said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors or said deceased, to be
and spraarat my office within the time prescribed by
law, and show cause, ifany they havb, why eaid letters
should not be granted. _
Given under my hand at office, May 25th, 1362.
may 30 J. W. MERCER, Ordinary,
v* Whereas E. C. Collier has applied to me for Letters
of Administration oathe estate- of George A. Collier
late of eaid county, deceased:
Theseare therefore to cite and admonish ail and a'n-
gulsr the kindred aud creditors of said d»:cea=-d, to be
and appear at my office in Colquitt, in said county, on
or belore the iourrh Monday in July next, to show cause,
if any they have, why said letters shall not be grantee.
Given under my hand and official signature, June
17th,loij2. M. V. JORDAN,Ordinary.
June 21