About Macon tri-weekly telegraph. ([Macon, Ga.]) 18??-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1863)
H ]3y Joseph Cusbt v - TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1863. ^0( subscription and Advertising? si; 1 | ^ ;*HE ! Tax bill. .i*ca the proprietors of the | The telegraphic news from Richmond about | $7 Per Aionrar. WASHINGTON SUPERIOR COURT H&s been in session the past week. 0n Correspondence 0fth8 Telegraph. 1 Army A. N. Ya., March 16,1863. Editor Telegraph : As the contest for tho Gubernatorial seat is approaching, it behooves' •orgia Dabj f” 38 ** tlie late Ansust;l C'Onvcn- the tax bill encourages the belief that Con- Monday tho case of the State vs. Richard I ‘ • a THE CORN CROP . : .• • oiptiou rates were agreed , gre-s is about to do something that may help Raines, for murder was called and both parties I Mtt. Clisby-Iu your issue of Tuesday W I Tv T‘ 7^ "V- , „ be adhered to so long as the pnee of pa- the cuxTcncy. A gross tax of four hundred having announced ready, a jury was empan- I find an article frL the-pen of Dougherty ™ -f ^ m T™ Stat ° rai rrmut,but they will undoubtedly have to millions would do it handsomely, but wo are nelled, and after a tedious trial of. four dU I which commends itadr « l 8 I fr ? m efficient and able statesmen, - rei . e l ma short tune: a little puzzled to see how. four hundred the jury on Friday returned a verdict - « six months 4. °0 tho class of men w ^° hlve made their Tho case was one of great interest not only absoIuta necessity of feeding our army, if we namo of Gcner , .* " to suggest the J** ^ 00 thousa » di «d hundred thousands during this on account oi the parties, but als. from the «P«* to come out of the struggle in which Sen himseut e t,n ’ -r iMMtisMtKTs.—One dollar for first publlca- K ar - Man who are making, or have made, Tery novel and interesting legal points involved wo aro now cn S a 2 e d with flying colors. But* P - - - * for u >s posuion. .. _ __ i Tvrr._ i'- 1 fnrfnnro in ohaIi mr.n «m 4A«m 1m tl. n * I . _ I 11_ _ ? • « • •« .. . • tMi to (how it in writing, uggg will be attended to without j ; —7 " r ^ State was represented by Attorney General " U110k A uu J I01U implicit credence to Wh -„ nn „„- - . themfue ad ‘ end ““‘‘"S unconscionable and unrighteous Montgomery an d Mr. Longmade. The defon- proposition so ably elaborated by your ‘ ° ^ToOhe Efe P ° n ncccssar,es and comforts of dant byM r. H. V. Johnson, Mr. W. K. Do- corres P° nden ^ 1 take pleasure in saying they fo driving this unmorctful°horde forth, her assistance an'd all other private papers of the I life - ' 1 ^, "1. “ J .t"* " ‘ ^T**!^*”*! “** " * U# 11 m in "«iii IT - ?. '~'' J I m armQ £ this unmerciful horde from our soil, tt. ocuspe, n»o««Hpt Why should gOT.mmml.pm Item, Why SSESfSotfS Ml lorato/wh.t It n»y 31**’ °* pl ““ ° f * ,olu " to “ famt . * y _.. .** Kiiia „<• „n I aro but subsisting themselves and their fami-1 nrtaoner’n counsel was refused The verdict cultur f> and 0011011 ml T without material in-1 n,. , ... ; , q _ or _ . u P on Bnte atrip, connty scrip, *m» ragged bills.of all I ~ " snbeislin 6 tnemsetves and tneir iami-1 prfsonw^s counsel was refused. The verdict I *“ a “ a 7 w.u.o a «m«enai m-l thafonnmtto { the 6 th Georiria R«rimln7 [wused It cent will be retained subject^^to hes find a s k » nd expect no more than a hveli-1 heino- found „nnn „ |jury bide its time, I risk nothing in saymsr.with I ... . . . Geor e ia Regiment, , j j • , more than a livdi-h^ng found upon circumstantial evidence, JUTy bldo it8 time » 1 ri sk not hingin saying,with {the firet to .pteoiul application of senders. I hood durln S thtse calamitous times? Why Judg0 Harris sentenced the prisoner to im- a tho ™ugh and complete appreciation of the bc was chosen Colon ^ of tho Reimnlr h Exprtvt. Subscribers to the “ 0t '“f 5 a P“ nltlT0 tal j U P 011 the specula- pris0 nment in the penitentiary, for and during S rcat responsibility attending tho avowal-that th e Spring of 1862 was placedinTommanJ of • i :> m«mm MAM.it imam am 1a «. L. — I lAT STlfl r/imtlol him tf\ Hiuit /iw/va n«a>t nf V**« I . a . «• • • «... I onrr nlcntaw rtf AwilinnM aa a! l.. J • lA-i • * ° * V/UUUUUUU OI From the Dally Rebel. A "CONFEDERATE ALRHABST. «Tdremoat and) east, n I* or Butler tko Boast: iSSS&sgaSSa, J, j^iionmejLSii L U for', 6 Crowa: M.’a for N U lor never O show* what Yi T I Liar; Btoond would who! Ell bis it shall be"' O ahowa what Yankees will make the -a-*. 8 l ® “wbftS It aUtort" ’ R’ufor iSiKStfe “ d Po ® »• D’s for the Union or all thit ls base. ’ V for tho Victories that never took place - W Tor WinfleIU,Trk°»e victories Rrest, Xerxes-like eaded la shameful defeat. Y stands for Yankeoa that salf-estetincd naUon, Z is for Zero, their tone valuation. Advertisements must be ure-uan* prauc sale Of a handsome House & Grounds- LyRumthout fuelled mi _ lined and directed to us, and taking the Ex-1 see no reason why it should not bo done, and I grant a new trial eConjwiy’a receipt therefor.’ hope the bill will be amended by graduating' W ild, be sold in iront of the Court House, Hacon. Georgia, on first Tuesday in April, tha? eletant npuse and grounds Known estue Uto residence oi Dr. M. A. Franklin; the situation is a beautiful eminence vjerlpOajni; the city, xivsr and surrounding coontoy ; the House is large and commodicus, with all neccsaarv ““Jl* 10 "*®*; and the grounds, nearly ft nr acres, terrace u, well laid out and planted with a LiVIta v-Vi»?e ori.™ c .n I &S?9 “ d ?brabhe^ lt u .eW^tJt S South tablishmeut is offered lor sale. ^ he could without planting a seed of our great „ staple. Now let the wiseacre turn and twist a “ cr commissioned Bacon telegraph. Antietam, Maryland, was soon mSSSfe^ ^ or “^ credits the purser .etapre. nuw let me wiseacre turn ana twist | — ned as a Brigadier General, a s^a^iaVSican CharleatoScolS^ASSlSi „ , . , I, rt c _ , this matter as seemeth^^ to him best—and he position which he has filled with honor and CousUtutionaiia and Columbus Sun, will pieiterarpy the tax upon profits and incomes from one up |* A Beautiful Residence for Sai.e.-Ouc of | wiU fail to upset this postulate. But I beg to | credit to himseif and State. | 3Umcil - mJtfFSuF* Ho did not enter the service for promotion, | to fifty per cent. ' I the most beautiful residences in this or any be understood properly by your readers—I do ^ U1U If Congress will but go ahead fearlessly and other State will be sold at public auction in n °t commend the article of Dougherty to their I - ul “ “ yl ~ ; n Aoril next. We carc ^ attention, because I have an inclina- and 5 s aoon fsO\D\Y MORNING MARCH 23 1863 |lc v ya tax which shall retire about one-half I Macon the 1st Tuesday in April next Wolf* 101 ! 11 attention, because I have an inclina--1 “““ "JT" 11 03 promoted resign, as many of | IWNgAY MOKMNU, ilAKOU 23,1863. ^ medium ft ^ bcar hard rcfer to ths res!dence J tho Dr< Frank]in ^ to plant largely of cotton. As tho statute °ur leading men have done, but came for the I . I 77 7 7 j• I .e i u t. . ... , ^ . I • ,t I uow stands I cannot plant.more than an acre I purpose of maintaining his country’s rights l.f«cs w Advertisers.—As the first edi- the people, but the people, in turn, will bear it —occupying the most-commanding and beau- and a half to tho hand. And I assure.mv and honor These arc the men for Llh nnT L- .. AM. m»uM> drill V»nvaoffnw «*A Ia nwaoto nf I manfiilltr nnrl aliAw m amIm!t Af Mai^AilAM. J I f.Ai1 IaaaISam *a..... 3 • »a IF - _ • «« I ._ T a* - V - * I« 1 ** I * . » I “W iAICU lUl ■UvU pOol' LARGE SALE OF Hew and Elegant Furniture, - AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS, •A.T AUCTION. w cor paper will hereafter go to press at I manfully, and show a spirit of patriotism and I tiful location in town, and in itself, externally, I countrymen I am axioua to adopt that plan I«... i,. . . i TSnAM ■ . ... Ja'doek, all.patrons wishing their advertise- | devotion to the countiy which shall inspire re j the best specimen of dwelling-house architec | ^ b j^ b f sb ? U y‘* ld tbo largest amount of the j wju be SUDDOrtcd bv thf , bU a man ’ ho 1myon r ckc\ C ry C su atsinsiTlcil in (hat edition will con'or a fa- newed confidence in the stability of free govern- ture wo know of in this region, fhj sealing them in as early in the day as I ment and the solvency of all our monetary irticaMe. | obligations. Let Congress give the people a **’ . chance to display their heroism in enduring IFi.ji tbe Rappahannock.—The Richmond , .. ,, ■ 1 „... taxation as well as confronting the enemy, sof Hie 18ih, from which we copy to-1 ,,, |f, speak positively that an advance move-I Cool Spuing Salt Association.—We are ,1 was going pn in Hooker’s army. Thh requested to call attention of stockholders to I and who can tell where it wilfend ? As for M staff of life. I have for a long while believed wld bo su PPortcd by the that many men were engaged in ventillating * Twenty-seventh Geo. Reg. this subject, who could not boast the ex periences of a single moon. Tips fixed fact— I A CAUCUS NOMINATION FOR i March, and contlnne from day FROM EUROPE. ^ ^ A revolution in Hungary cumulated upon land an abiding desire that farmers whose my store menco on Tuesday 11 to day until the whole stock is sold. Housekeepers and n»w becinners will find it to their B. F. ROSS. I interest to attend. Macon, March lltb, 1S63. dtd , awwliog D> the Examiner, was to move I the advertisement of this association, uto! bis lo:ce up the river, then cross 4t^il the Confederate left while the re- I Gaillardet’s rumor about the withdrawal of the 1.French army from Mexico, we place no'faith in and observation, will plead my excuse for this ma k c a nomination of a candidate for Govor- obtrusiOD. Rand0lph. | I nor of Georgia, and that their nominee be j SPECULATORS! GOVERNMENT * a remedy. proposition is not so acceptable to us, and wo It is well known that speculation has become shall not commit ourselves to the sur w^ithjnr nri '( fl - i FEDERAL RUMORS. !..... , ,, . , , The Federals seem to be interesting them-1 ifc - Tho French Emperor, we believe, has very Under o ii» army b ion un er a o 0 I selves in these times of military inaction, b y serious designs connected with tho aggrandize- Re>passage III the front. If movements . , ^ .. : ... , J - . . : ment of his Emnire in hia Mpxiran JiiKor»ny..tl,pr kind, were CQia? on at[ Jin tho Amencan revofufiou ni tc J; nK them for high prices. While this is uT"T" "IlGHnn i n contests for nominations or tietiAsburg, they have unaoubtc^iv been goine of these wl n be lound m to-day s paper l nd important connection with his Mexl ° an I a3 ° t0 tho morc hants and traders, there is an “ I del^nsboVorc the people, the same vile means i;bt lo a sudden halt by the snow storms | _ sucb as the evacuation of Vicksburg b y the pol5cy# This, however, is all speculation. We an(J lar r and moro dangerous class who bo rcsor t e d to to secure nominations by :tion with BrftKK Chit* | t ,, t ma oViaii caa. 1 t h unknown is yet to af !*«__▼ !a1m^m mifii nprnip.i(ins nractico of \ writing zx Tobacco, 4*) pair* coarse 'Shoes, 10 Sides English Sole Leather. T. J. PRITCHETT, mar 23-dtf Comer of 3rd and Cherry Streets. true 1 vived here. If there is intrigue, demsgoguiBm P wuv i ,• • AAnfnola fni» nnminatmn.Q nr I FOE SAT.TH irpfinw^fTuft^ -y-Mil; ijjTUpUOl cutfico qiumij* totoUaakAlbaoy.Ga. Apply to lea of in ibe telegrams. I1LK ABOUT THE. NEXT GOVERNOR. I Some of our contemporaries have I rebels and their junction with Bragg at unat-1 *^„ ge0 wba ^ we shall see. tanooga. For several days there have come] Quicksilver. ana larger anu Ilium -iwill do rwtra -•',1 . FLASKS, for sale by to be unknown, as yet, to the public at the Legislature, with the pernicious practice of A&marxs-dtf The obiect of this writing is to call tho I “log rolling” superedded..^ iliotinnfnPJC I E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. i Mlcun Telegraph has published a com ukaiioii or two proposing General A. R. Jrijbi as a candidate for Governor. We, to ij, publish a communication* from Camp re- ijnuk. I L 0 North reports of immenso rebel arm-1 the Equinoctial—Army Movements.—Fri-1 large. The objeetof inis wriMugia « I ^ Constitution contemplates distinctness I seemed | from the Worm repo ^ Ksn . a ^ had what we , „ )poso may well attention of tho authorities to the evil, whicb ^ independenco between the LegislaUve and about to m v P _ ....... I d ^y 8 • . . . . . . .j.-. 11.. «v- .mmUpu nf the nroner visilauce cun be j of tbe State Government. I TTOLDiiKS of Ttwanry note* not bearing interest, the xi^Hted prior to the lit of December, lS6i, can con- in vertSfntoSper cent. Bonde.Uhl. olbc* unUMbe (,f I q“ antlt y of ram fel1 m Ma00n ' I 0US( t h e mos t remorseless and the most dan-1 members of the Legislature,* compliance i gerous speculators and extortioners in the land NOTICE. ' C. S. DEPOSITORY, Macon, March 23rd, 1SU3 recent retrogade movement of iiosecrans, quantity of ram fell in Macon rem0 rseless and the most dan- members of the Legislature a compliance in *****$>*£%£■ ^SStetbeTcii on), te j-j i — mmmmm mm. rar.t l?nr further ill* | ports and the surprising degree of eredenos | and was . B till in continuance on the the 20th. they seem to obtain among the Northern peo- “* At Depository. ttlie better by a heap, cis to propose, let him come on—the way [open—but the coast is not clear by any Gov. Brown, we have no doubt, will ti candidate for a fourth term. If there WANTED TO HIRE. I WISH to hire a good Scmnt-a good washer and ironer. Apply at tha Jewelry Storo of H> QTTO Macon. March 23rd, 13i8. du * ‘ are the Agents of the Government-take a I ConstitutioQ which requires that the Governor I ? 0 at b V? n b „^ For farther ln- imtnding Gen. A. U. Colquitt for the same I cared back w4 do I Southwestern RAiLKOAD.-Mail and Pas-1 case of this sort: A receives an appointment ,haU be elected by the people ? FreqD'mtas fomtionijH, to w. B. Johnston, If any body has | “ J Gran te / by the tele leave Macon on and after Sunday, tho 22d im chaso bacon , com cattle syrup or wool for G 0 ™*^ of t b 0 porson t0 bo elected as j n - . ‘ stant at 6.20 A. M., and arrive at Macon at t h 0 Government. Generally ono agent is do-1 g„ ecul i„ C) by the members of the Le- •fttn, is prep osjr— ( U oi p u The public will take due notice of pu ted to purchase one article—say it is cattle, K ;^ ature , look very much like an attempt by •MACON A PUBLIC DEPOSITORY. T ' ' P or bacon; * that body to make sure of a Governor who . Th e city of Macon within the past lew days 1SC an S ' Ho goes into the country—is known as a I in ttvwav of settling this gubernatorial has been mado a place of depositc of the public REPORT OF THE WAYSIDE HOME. Government agent, and calls upon a farmcr app r 0a chin g Gubernatorial contest—any j rTCdcn'^^lTAccn elation -Jwi.bout a canvass or an election, we funds, and William B. Johnston, Esq .received Cash on ha nd March 6th, 1863, as and buys b is cotton or his bacon. Ho then ^ |f ther 0 f fid party divisions or of differ- St0Cl£ll0WerS0fC00lSpriD o Salt ASSOCffitlOD, ,. n . • . __j f AP n ne wo do I fho anDointmcnt of PablieDepositary. It will I rODO rtcd. $462,25 s ^s if there’s syrup, or corn or wool to cnees respeeting the administration of Corned- L^^goccnd distribution of Salt.yrtll toa11 an opportU-lp^rMcwris.fmm March 6 “S Tho farmL supposing he is purchasing L^L. But vre confess that we do not | Tuesday tha _3j*tday,or.March ( 1m» of the kind during this war. If honor- nity to come forward and invest their non-m- to Mar . 19 inclusive, for 63 sick ^ for Government, and fearful of seizure, re- see the gr ^ ^ ume _ at leas5 uo U¥ll DU . on Wednes aay, i« oa, 01 fr-r - — k nmletncn who cm come well reeom- terest paying Treasury Notes of a certain date, a nd wounded soldiers, supper, plies he has some of all. J be a Sf ot .^“y 8 a ^ great as a Legislative caucus nomination of an Ut _oiy ^uMlM^ ^u^a7^nd^April. reeEd * {tmietncn, w .10 . ,| _* ■» b tl .„ oo.i A,„nl ... __ J v_.va.-k i Wfi 00 ' frequently pays for the articles with tho money . who nR t0 the provisions of the Toprev^tconmMoaewel look: here i commence on instant, and con- nueoicn, wnu ..... .—— V wv... —o - , . i -— ■■ . ... Il-s candidates, would get together and i n eight per cent., bonds up to the 22d April i odg i ng and breakfast... - -$ i much better than nex t—after which time they can only be in-1 For 4. do . 0 ne meal each..... » uo he straws it would suit us 1 lim popular canvass just now. frequently pays for the articles wiin tne money b—- ^cording to the provisions of the money (ancTchange) on entrusted to him to purchase cotton or bacon ™” bo ° c hosen by tho ireo suf- g*?"* 7 ' "T . and sends his purchases to market wuore he j I Each stockholder rocjWe.^Salt at tho rate of five $129 OQ and sends his purchases to mna fra of tho people. , 4 . baSheTof flaV ooundT demands an exorbitant profatl The mer- Conventions and caucuses make parties d Nos£ti es ae d wlthoiK said Scrip and money. - —-I • * — - --—*»•* AAWAwnmanl in inn mark fit. I uuu ’ * - - « * rm__; I bring hi» SldWr OPOSITIONS FOR AN ARMISTICE-] FERNANDO WOOD. | Under this heading the “Herald” publishes j 'following folk Editor of the Evening Post: vested in seven per cent bonds. f . . , . rBOH-SSSSTAEUV „. sh . H „C 51,1868. =» I j-»iSStSSS A correspondent of the New York Herald Mrs. F. Dessau. L windlcd by their own agents emplqyea to a a “ d y c o m hina t i 0 n will bo met by combina- writes under date of March 12: . ~~ _ „ protect them. That this system is beftigcar- ^ And w hat are such combinations but ’ n-mistakable preparations now l We are requested by Mr. J. W. Fears ned on> any 0 ne may discover by enquiring I Mrticg ? y eryso0 nsuchnominationsbycon- w e made for a speedy movement of the army. L,^ t hat ho advertised 100 tierces of Rico of farmers in the country who they sold their P or caucuses will bo followed by party SSluSK being cat ten to ““^000 m printed -but it is dangerous syrup, or,uuru,« B F^oS “S W-tb. »ost that the things thus purchased are sent to 1 mgg incradicate> an d intensihe3 until revolu- sharp trader—who divides spoils With despotism follows. ,n„.nnmnnt nfficial This thing ought to tion or aesp K. R. WIMBERLY, Tieas. Jeffersonville, Ga.,Marcli 23rd, 1883. dlw SUNDRIES FOR SA.XAE1 At a meeting held at Stamford, Conn.,_ 88 . . T . , ksilay evening last, I said that nropositions eg and officers aro warned beforenanu f a armistice, or peace, had been submitted I snpe rfluous baggage must be sent home,, whi e J grap , -BY—- ROSS & SEYMOUR, Iconstrained from "tho publicity of I wm only b y the request of one of the prin- I ^il odictra of the Government. When this I fcfcrdiction shall be withdrawn I will chcer- m lu J grainy yoor conosity. Very respectfully, ••well 11,1863. FtBNANDO Wood. Wt arc curious to know what was the na- I *w*of these propositions, and where they ®ae from. That any proposition ever enian- ' *M from our government, beyond or below rial wc have ever held out as the only prac- ] Stable conditions of peace, Wo have not tho : ‘■'ghtest idea. If therefore anything else has •tto proposed “satisfactory -to the people of *1*North,” wo believe it is purely aitorthein ^coction. opportunuv o^rineipe bis plans to a head. Tlic restrictions havebecn virtu»iiy removed intercourse has lately been renewed between our pickets and those of the enemy; but tho other dav one of cur officers, considering this state of things a violent violation of an order notyet countcnnandcd, seized on a perfectly diminu tive model of a ship—with keel, rigging an rudder complete—which the rebels had sent across the river freighted with a Richmond paper. The vessel is now in possession of an officer of Shaloris brigade, and on its stern r painted the uniqno namo “The Body Louse, It is sent to the North for exhibition. Indiana. Mr. McFarland says the OI my God, what art thou doing, 1VHle the “conflict la renewing For the white man’s subjugation, And the “Union.’#” restoration; With bankrnptcy, war and eorrow AU In store Tor us to-morrow: With the Christians all a praying, And the peop e here are saying, “Give ns pence and liberty, And let the earned i egro be. Emancipation! whata llbei On the laws—th= Holy Bible 1 And the Ttbaki soon will swamp m ‘ With the writ ot Habeas Corpus, £2u“d u£& InSiail^a p'rjto“‘cair.cD, Brinkinrall men to a levels—- Drifting swiftly tu the devil I as the men have, which they can carry on tneir 1 dead J. “Who made these proposiUons lor an armis- own bacUs . This last fact alone1 is imfficiont The letter i. fromAerttotto |t ca or peace, the adoption of which Mr. forewarning of tho trials, troubles, discomforts ■Wood pretends to believe would have settled 1 and severities of the 'next campaign. _ like mailer by All Fools’ day? If so, how Sutlers and cawreis to officers RKS^-J.wuaj Ijoesllr.Wocd know any thing About them?—I havb quanfities of valuaole gci-Js 011 nana, |H« he been in sem-et correspondence with the L n (i w ho have heretofore relied on the gene Iwtmy? Or were they made by the anti-war , os i ty of quartermasters for the transporUtion Ibq here ? If so, who authorized them; and J 0 f ^heir surplus stock in the event or a maren, l*»tjrcibeterms of the propositions from I are now looking about in a most nervous ana l*hidilir. Wood hopes so much? If they I helpless manner for some means of candying 1 4r «V.onon,blo to the nation, if they are such I tbe j r g 0 oas away when (he order comes for a I i'Knotic Americana ought to favor, wb y| move, which no one in the army doubts wi I r,ot make them public at once.” I come at tbe earliest possible moment I f» which I say in reply, that the statement Yesterday we were favored with a clear say [fckntd to by mo was mado deliberately with | and a g ne drying breeze, and its euect on tne r.p.rsonal knowledge of the facts,and jr aC e of the country has been remarkable. At - se yen in the morning mud was every where up to the horse’s knees. At dusk in the evening Virginia was only soft in spots, and horsemen actually found a good gallop practicable, llii of coorae presents to General Hooker a fresh loodbury, Tenn. I ap p 0 inted, wore not worth a dollar, arc living I “ b is selection, Yankeee, livmg ^ tbe mos t expensive style, drinking the cost- P wc tbink ^ 0 x pe i the letter from j wines and liquors, driving tho fastest |. ,_ a. fe«f i wo may support him. experiment a dangerous and ^ 1 Rut W6 tuinik v»m — ©j ^ m ligta ‘wise« and well written, partly m prose and partly in .^> the r i 0 hest uniforms, and all on a salary 00 ^ ° benefit of avoiding a contest beforo the liyme:—At, Confederacy. 0 f from fifteen hundred to two thousand dols P 01 * * for tho next Governor of the State. “ ' -***■“ ~ ' FV“r Columbus Enquirer, ZUMu mg in of from fifteen .. lars per year. But this is not all. These men are now buying lands and negroes, and fane houses 1 Where does the money como from? That’s tho question! Tho_answer is, that the 1 mast close SUB lengUiy latter 6-tiU hooiag, praying for tbe Letter, Tuat all cease their bloody fighting, Ana poor wiv«s lii«ir letter writing . To their lar off, “homo-lorsiken, nrknm til*-. hiive O Cr tat • , Caiea choice LeafTobocco, for making Clg«». a rises Georgia Wool Hats, ISO Kegs Nalis, 2900 K -hiannedSole Leather. • 40 Bales Baegfrg., ai Barrels Tanner s Oil, fiO Casks Lime, 5 Barrels Flastcr Paris. dlf March 22nd, 1S83 . NEW ABBIVAXi Whom the “crisis” have o’er taaen With the awfnl woes of hattlo; WTillc boUx aaot and shell do ratue At our loved ones, -whom we cherien, • ut are leaifal they will perish tone before the war Is ended Or the ‘-glorious Union msaaert. Now X have cloaei theso hearty verses, While we suffer sad reverses • In the aimy; and ilie city. With no eye .onr wants-to pity; All out of wood and short oi clover— And would to God the war was over; Aud yon at homo in health with me, With lasting peace and liberty. Farmington, Ind., Feb. 21,1863. Mis. J. — O- of their country. . m to be nandina, where she had been engaged fata*?: xhe home talk—namee are mentioned of many male aud ^““{** ^ 0 f s8 cessionism were government officers and agenta 3 t General Hunter’s made fortunes in this war, and when tho qubs- brought to this p * “ Dr . Weems and tian is asked how they made it, there ishut one disposaL-Among residenta of Flor- truthful answor—by swindling, the Govern-1 his son, • from conscientious scruples to ment The remedy for. all this is easy. Let ida, who ref -d 1 n and prc i e rrcd- ra^ a Vigilance Committee be organized *1 ea ^ U? k ®‘ be lode ng in tho guard house at county. Let,theso sharpers and swindlers be ther n cotless lod 6 S of esscd to bo non-com- watched and when a clear case is discovered j Hilton Heaa.. yu y p . in t us _ in tcrest- let the facts be reported to the member of Con- bata °J h “® way nor the'other; but die test gross from that District m which the defaults cd n h c ^“J h brought out their truo^solors. made, and let the sordid and avaricious1 wretch of the oath Drou„n_^ whoso love of money b so strong, be brought f d when Yankee pn^neys to speedy justice. The sufferings of the poor lhroug h Knoxville, thoir officers cry aloud for relief. '.That i;eliet be m a were pass; con f essc d that they did great measure afforded, if the I no t believe the South could be conquered by ce<4 aro 'cleansed and purified of tho^^rotten-1 not besieve ^ were perfectly .confident the rebellion would bo starved out in a year more, B. BOSBNWALD & BBO., 2 ud Stneuet triangular Block, MACON, GEORGIA. 500 WSKUiKS^ta-* SasBatassss^Sfc-i-. ftinzlo and douDlo eolcs. soo minion Needles, aUtizee, EO Pounds Black Italmn-Sewing 8ilk, 150 doz. Dressing Combs, iOJ packs Pins, • • | ness and corruption which oxi^s^them.^^ 100 pieces finest wnlte1 Jaconetts Kfi 1 u check Muelin. • 100 dozen White Linen Handkerchiefs 10 pieces fine Dish Linen,- 20 “ Barege Anglais, 10 “ French Challl, 1 caoe Knglish Callicoes, A lot of^en^Womecs and children’s Leather Shoes, ALSO, A LABGB ASSORTMENT OF . • Gentlemen’s Clothing, troasonablo wA for thewboleialc and retaiUmde- March 23rd, U63.