The Barb. (Atlanta, Ga.) 197?-197?, March 01, 1975, Image 9
THE BARB - 9 PHYLLIS KILLER'S From ATLANTA the famous Printer’s Alley in Nashville to head the shows at the Embers there The Frantic and Gay, MICKEY DAY has been named the new show di rector. Beautiful MICKEY MARTIN, is the new re gular and the wild and sexy naughty and some times nice sex kitten, DAISY DALTON, will be on the show with the very popular, Samantha, doing the hip hitting country and western music. JIM NALLEY how do you stand so much talent...not to mention the fun lovin cusotmers? The SWEER GUM HEAD last month had some fan tastic entertainment, along with the OSCAR WINNER, Best Actress, RACHEL, WELLS, and her fabu lous cast she had the DEV A SHANCHES SPE CIAL, which was a smash Deva had poured her heart into this show and it really paid off for her, a pack house of adoring fans, flowers and a standing ovation. Miss Gay USA, the LADY BARONESSA, mc’d the show and just as marvelous as always, Miss Florida, the faboulous RO- XANN RUSSELL cheered the star. Naturally, I was there in all my glory with my trick of the month, OMAR JOLLY, my produ cer, director MR. FRANK POWELL and I must say we had a ball...I later got lucky and had two. The rest of the cast gave great performances, THE NATURALS, Miss ELAINE SUMMERS, MADAMELLE Di KITT and the LADY BARONESSA. DEVA is sure fire for another Oscar this year. Congratulations to all. There’s gonna be great goins on there this month too..first LA VITA ALLEN RETURNS, welcome back “Miss Funny Girl” we’ll all missed you. There are plans for St.Patty’s Day ana net there will be some BUNNY HOPPING going on this Easter Month, GLORIA GAYNOR’s show was just short of sensational and she packed en in. Good work, JOHN BOY! I THE LOCKER ROOM’S Qrand Opening was HOT! Honey Child, I was in my glory, seein so many half naked beautiful guests and so many well known faces. It was just like the good old days at MGM! The DANNY WINSOR buffet looked as though it come fhomi the “Great Gatsby sbt, only we could eat all these beautiful goodies. Which tasted better than they looked if that is possi ble. I was a simply marve lous party, practally all the Atlanta Bar owners were there to welcome the LOC KER ROOM to town. CHUCK CAIN was there, Miss B was there, POLLY PEARSON was there, FRANK POWELL was there JOHN AUSTIN was there, KEITH from KEITH’S CRUISE ROOM of Hallan dale Fla. was there, TED BISHOP, from Miami, was there, DIAMOND LIL, from the RIVERBOAT QUEEN, was there, and SHIRLEY TEMPLE JONES of Holly wood, was there. ROBBIE LLEWELLY and the SWEETHEART OF THE LOCKERROOM, STEVE NORVELL were our* mar velous host. Congrats and best wishes, and you can bet I’ll be telling my friends about the SUNDAY BUFFET and Bloody Marys that start at 4 till 7 on Sundays. Ya’ll bring your THING on Phyllis at home, Photographed by Crystal over, they furnish the towels and join em for fun and games. MISS DIXIE CUPS is the new member of the staff. ERENSTINE BROWN, 1st Runner Up in the Onyx Sweetheart - contest and RHONDA BLAKE were just furious, after putting on all the GLAMOUR AND RE PORTING TO WORK AT THE new RASTHSKELLER, to find a note on the door “CLOSED” -- CHUCK CAIN that’s no way to treat a lady. Shame on you! It was a quite closing. CABERET AFTER DARK is in the working - -work ing to get more money, so I am told but assured that the SHOW WILL GO ON. The Boogie goes on at the BAYOU LANDING. THE COVE is having free buffet every Saturday from 1 till 4 PM. The ARMORY is the busiest cocktail hour in town with a cast of thousand handsome men... Check that out! CLUB III is ip full swing serving Southern Cooking at lunch and dinner. Come on up and help POLLY enjoy those Pots and Pans... My Dahlins, you wont see any pots or pans at the GALLUS. You will see several beautiful din ing rooms and enjoy very delicious food served ele gantly. My house guest, ROB and TERRY IRISH, Yankee decorators, and a host of friends, including, DIAMOND LIL, found the place just TOPPS, ROY That is... Yes, ROY TOPPS, one of Atlanta’s favorite entainers is there tickling the ivorys and making MARY! They are plann ing a GRAND OPENING, MARCH 12th, hot and cold buffet with all drinks seven ty-five cents from 7 till 5WEET GUM LlEAd SHOWPLACE OF THE SOUTH featuring RACHEL WELLS Miss David 197 5 SHAWN Miss Atlanta ’74 DEVA SANCHES WELCOME BACK The Fabulous FunnyGirl LAVITA ALIEN DATING GAME March 5 ■ April I TALENT NITE March 12 - April 9 $2 5$ prize A a pperanee on stage 2284 Cheshire Bridge Rd., NE Atlanta, Ga >••••• ••••••••< Hi, Toots, Here’s Phyl lis back again this month. Keeping up wrting my last months NITE NOTES really kept me trotting, and it got me drunk a couple of times, two house guest, four TRICKS, a free buffet and left me drag- ing, but I made it back to the old typebox so here goes. There was much happening in a glorious way happening in a glorious way, some red, some white, and some BLEW! There was a sweet hear contest, a Grand Opening, a Quite closing, A Mister SWEET GUN HEAD contest, great boogieing, Specials, and many star personalities right here in HOT-LATA. Those „ Yankees; may have started a fire here but we are certainly keeping it goin and it’s making great NITE NOTES. The ONYX Valentine Contest and the SWEET GUM HEAD, MR. contest were something to see. All those hunkie numbers pa rading around showing off their assets, just like we like to see ’em in briefs. SWEETHEARTS at the ROOM* Steve Norvell, and Mr. SWEET GUN HEAD, Victor Stewart. The competition was great but VICTOR STEWART, won Mr. SGW and Ron Ma loney was crowned along with LISA KING as the Sweethearts Q f the ONYX. ROSKI FERNANDES, leaves the ONYX to go to Vafentie Sweethearts at the ONYX, Ron Maloney and Lisa King.