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mmm ■
jf fad
the news monthly
for southern
Vo/. 2 No. 7
Rev. Troy Perry, Rev. Elder Freda Smith and Mass. State
Representative Elaine Noble.
By Rev. Elder John Gill
The Sixth Annual General
Conference of the Universal
Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches ended
with the final worship ser
vice on Sunday evening,
August 3. Held at the
Adolphus Hotel in Dallas,
Texas, the conference ran
from Tuesday, July 28
through the following
weekend, and attracted over
one thousand gay and
straight men and women.
Tuesday and Wednesday
were full of committee
meetings and workshop
sharings. Some excellent
reports and proposals came
out of the following groups -
Social Action, Minister’s
Spouses, Team Ministry,
Alcoholism Ministry, etc.
These ideas and guidelines
will find their way back to the
local church bodies for im
Business meetings were
held on Thursday through
Saturday. The main order of
business was the twenty-five
proposals to change the
Fellowship By-Laws. What
could have been a long
tedious process was aided by
the passage of a motion
creating a Fellowship
Commission on Church
Government and
Organization. Most of the By-
Laws proposals were tabled
and sent to the new com
mission for further study. The
other interesting item of
business was the election of
elders. The Reverend Troy D.
Perry, founder of M.C.C.,
was returned to the Board of
Elders for another three year
term. The Reverend Carol
Cureton, pastor of M.C.C. St.
Louis, was elected to replace
Continued on page 12.
At least 18 people were
arrested Sunday, (August
11th) in the Piedmont Park
and Cypress St. area by
Atlanta Vice Squad detec
The majority of the arrests
came under the newly
enacted Idling and Lotering
ordinance. The new or-i
(finance is apparently a new
and deadly weapon in thevice
squad’s arsenal of oppressive
weapons. Under the or
dinance police may arrest
anyone seen talking to more
than two people in areas
known to be frequented by
homosexuals. Look for a full
report in next month’s BARB
on ( this ordinance and its
implications for the gay
1. Be courteous -- the police
officer holds all the cards iri
the deck.
2. Volunteer NO information.
3. In court ask for a con
tinuance in order to obtain an
4 If you cannot afford an
attorney ask for the con
tinuance anyway and request
a court appointed attorney at
your second hearing.
5. Report your case to the
Metropolitan Community
Church at 872-2246 (office
open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.), the
Gay Help Line at 874-4400
(office open 7 p.m. til 11 p.m.
Mon-Sat) or THE BARB at
874-3232 (office open 11 a.m.
to 11 p.m.).
Dr. Norman Pittenger
Integrity, the national
organization for gay
Episcopalians, held its first
national conference in
Chicago from August 8th to
the 10th. Dr. Norman Pit
tenger was the keynote
Integrity has ten chapters
in the United States and is
currently in discussion with
gay Episcopalians in ten
Continued on Page it
Cover Photo:
Danny Harrington
Mr. East Coast of 1975 but 1
doubt if the west coast could
produce a more gorgeous
specimen^ of masculinity.
Tall, dark and very hand
some this beautiful creature
is no stranger in Atlanta.
While living here he sang and.
danced as male lead with the
Dymanic DELLA and toured
the Southeast with Clark
Productions. Together they
graced the nite club stages
and won thunderous ap
plause. His charm and grace
plus his ability to twirl curls
made him very sought after in
our exciting world. _
Danny soon tired to the
“Shampoo” role he was living
here. He went to Washington,
was discovered and soon
found his beautiful face and
virile body on the pages of
men’s magazines. In Esquire,
Men’s Wear and Gentlemen’s
Quarterly modeling men’s
fashions. Had you been in on
this photo session with me
you’d agree he should be on
the cover of BIG if you know
what I mean! Danny is very
shy in that department, is not
conceited and loves his new
life in Florida. As host at the
..AUGUSTA, ME - Sex acts
between consenting adults in
private will no longer be
illegal in Maine beginning
March 1976. Sodomy sections
of the law were repealed in a
revised criminal code signed
into law recently by Maine’s
independent governor, James
Bl. Longley. Maine is the
eleventh state to repeal
sodomy statutes.
Washington became the
nation’s twelfth state to
repeal statutes against
sodomy June '30 when
Governor Dan Evans signed a
comprehensive bill reforming
the state’s criminal code. The
repeal takes effect on July 1,
1976. Some supporters of the
bill see a move in the next
legislative session to rein
state penalties for sodomy.
ALBANY, N.Y. - Chances for
a 1975 passage of this states
sex law reform bill were
killed when one of the bill’s
sponsors was forced to return
it to committee when an
assembly vote appeared to be
running two to one against the
delegates to the 10th general
synod of the United Church of
Christ, representing nearly
two million members, voted
546 to 135 in favor of a
pronouncement supporting
“Civil liberties without
discrimination related to
affectional or sexual
preference.” In another
action, the delegates voted
overwhelmingly in favor of
support for the special needs
of gay and bisexual people in
the professional leadership of
the church.
NEW ORLEANS - The fifth
U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals
here has ordered hearings on
whether Alabama state
prisons should segregate
homosexual inmates from the
rest of the prison population.
American Medical
Association went on record
here in support of repeal of
laws which classify as
criminal any form of non
commercial sexual conduct
between consenting adults in
private. The medics,
however, rejected a motion
which would have supported
an end to employment
discrimination based on
sexual orientation.
NEW YORK -- The American
Psychiatric Association has
turned down eight dissident
psychiatrists who want the
group to revote on it’s
decision to take
“homosexuality per se” off
the list of mental illnesses.
The trustees of the APA in
turning down the request said
that it was opposed to the use
of referendum to decide on
scientific issues.
DETROIT -- A committee of
Roman Catholic theologians
are quietly circulating an
explosive report which
challenges their churches two
thousand year old staunch
stand against homosexuality.
The findings of the American
Theological Society’s
Committee on Sexuality not
only disagrees with the
traditional biblical con
demnation of homosexuality,
but also charges the church
with the historical role of
oppressor of gays.
dramatic hearing, the San
Francisco Board of
Education reversed a
previous decision and voted
to include gay people in it’s
new affirmative action
resolution. The board was
picketed by a crowd of 350
people protesting the board’s
earlier excusion of gays in the
NASHVILLE ~ The National
Organization for Women’s
statewide convention here
passed a resolution affirming
the rights of gay women to
maintain their lifeistyles
’“publicly and privately and
not have to pretend to be
yStraight.” a similar
resolution regarding the
rights of *gay women has
already been adopted by
NOW at it’s national level.
SEATTLE -- Sam Deaderich,
an ex-salvation army
bellringer who was fired
more than a year ago after
telling some Street
evangelist he was gay, was
awarded twenty days back
pay and $75 in damages by a
city hearing panel. It was the
first case to be heard under
the citys ordinance protecting
gay people from job
DULUTH, MN. - An equal
opportunity ordinance which
would have banned
discrimination against gay
people was defeated by the
city council here by a 7-2 vote.
Daytona Beach this Scorpio
enjoys greeting all his
friends and welcomes the
customers. You’re a beautiful
person Danny and we at The
Barb are delighted to have
you grace our cover.