Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, December 07, 1994, Page Page 7B, Image 17
W# mm -iHy mm WSK m ■wst ««« mi£ ■ V :|ii Bp Bk Bli | Call 987-1823 “— 3 COMMISSION-ONLY SALESPERSON needed in Warner Robins/Perry area for local publishing firm. Perfect opportunity for retires to build second income. Send resume to: Box AE, P.O. Drawer M, Perry, GA 31069 10/30-tfn STAR CLEANERS - Help wanted - Counter. 1109 Macon Road. Apply in per son. 4/6-tfn NOW HIRING FULL & Part time counter and production personnel. Apply in person -1109 Macon Rd. 7 am -12 noon. Mon - Sat. 5/7-tfn REPORTER/NEWS EDITOR WANTED- The Houston Times-Joumal, Perry, Ga„ has an immediate opening for a news writer to handle reporting / features/ pho tography. Good salary, plus benefits. Call Jim Keren 987-1823 (D), 987-1011 (N). tfn SALES'OPPORTUNITY - Growing fumi ture company now hiring for sales posi tion. Base plus commission. You must be neat, dependable, aggressive, and able to meet the public Send resume to Sales Opportunity, P.O. Box 1669, Perry, GA 31069. 9/28 - tfn EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for full or pari time help. Enthusiastic people needed for flexible shifts at a new Blimpies Sub and Salad Shop in Perry. Must be 18 years of age, senior citizens and home makers welcome. Applications available at the Pan Am/Amoco Food Shop at 1205 N Main St. in Perry. No phone calls please 11/9-12 n I NEED 30 PEOPLE to lose 10-29 pounds in 30 days. All natural Doctor recom mended. Please call 1-800-956-FLAG. 11/23-1/25 SEAMSTRESS NEEDED for alterations. Some counter work, good working condi tions. Apply in person at Kinard's Clean ers, Lumpkin Street. Hawkinsville. GA. 11/23-12/14 Need people serious about weight loss Product guaranteed and affordable Earn $420.00 minimum in eight to 10 hours. Cali Barbie at 404-266-9871. 11/30-12/7 RN-Part-time. BSN preferred. Public Health experience or completion of Physi cal Assessment course required. Contact Dianne Banister, Houston County Health Dept, 542-2050 12/7 Part-time position for mature, intelligent, dependable person with mechanical back ground; some carpentry skills needed. Call 987-3400. 12/7 See Us For All Youi Jewelry Repair Brownfc Jewelers 988-3007 Ken’s Painting & Pressure Washing Interior & Exterior 23 years experience Call collect: 912-825-3304 f & Fsmy Fawn * I S Shop * S * PAYS TOP sss FOR 5 | GOOD USED ITEMS. 5 i Estates, Complete « Households. a 522 Gen. Courtney Hodges Blvd. * a 987-5867 * rzV /r/^ mmmm a phhhvphhh ■B39H fff M> ySSSQSSi Kathy and Greg Mass invite all their . - . "' friends to visit-and da tbedr. Peach State Pawn Shop 303 East Church Street Fort Valley, Ga. ■■HHiiiMii 825-0501 Experienced Body Shop man needed. In terstate Paint & Body, 1410 Sam Nunn Blvd., Perry. 987-0544 Domino's Pizza now hiring safe drivers. Start $4.25/hr + tips and commission. Must be 18. Have a good driving record. Apply at Domino's Pizza, 1113 Washington Street. 12/7-12/14 Help Wanted: Earn up to SSOO per week assembling products at home. No experi ence. Info 1 -504-646-1700 DEPT. GA-2725 12/7 &12/21 WANTED: Heavy Equipment operators in the Perry area. Call 1-800-252-1195. Jor dan Paving Company. Equal Opportunity Employer. 12/7 LAWNBUTLERS - Mowing, trimming, edg ing, flowerbeds, general clean-up. Free estimates, competitive rates. Allan and Hughlene Butler (912) 627-9243 (Houston County). 5/14-tfn CANINE CLEANERS - Dog and cat groom ing, all sizes. 987-5288. T/F MORE THAN MAIL - Ship UPS! Copy Service, Fax Service, Maiibox Rental, Post age Stamps, Order Address Stamps! Gift Bags and Boxes in stock - 1201 Main Street - 987-2693. 3/5-tfn REPAIR SERVICES - For Kenmore, Whirlpool and GE washers and dryers. I buy Whirlpool, Kenmore, GE washers and dryers. Top dollar! 988-4010. 3/30-tfn BAYNARD'S SERVICES Trees and stumps removed. Trimming and feedings for sale. Firewood and wood chips. Equipment rental and sales. Call 987-0613. 8/24-tfn VAL-GAS - Propane, i anks - Sales, Rent als, Appliances - Gas, Electric - Delivery - Installation - Service - Good Prices - Safety First since 1952. 825-5000, 1-800-4 VALGAS. 5/7-tfn SPECIALIZED LAWN CARE- Deep Root. Fertilizing, Liquid Fertilizer and Airiation - $lO Off! Also concrete Cleaning Special 987-7984 - Ask for Ray. 6/1 -tfn MCAVOY'S REMODELING & REPAIR- Finish carpentry, painting, drywall, ceiling texture, tile repair, plumbing & electrical fixtures. Repaired or replaced. Call 988- 8352. 10/19-tfn PAINTING - Interior & exterior carpentry repair. Free estimates. 987-3302. 10/19-tfn BUY, SELL, REPAIR Kenmore, Whirlpool and GE Washers, Have large stock on hand now on sale from $85.00 and up and $75.00 and up on dryers. 988-4010 11/2-tfn “ Katies Kioset a Ladies Consignment Shop G 736 Carroll Street Curiosity Shop Gifts 1216 Main Street Mother Hens Second Hand Store 1206 Sunset Avenue Will Be Open Sundays Q n 2-4:30 Until Christmas n Apartments Commercial Apartment Rentals Marquis • Valley Forge • Pine Castle Westwood Mobile Home Park One Bedroom - Two Bedroom - Three Bedroom Mullins Construction Days ■ 987-1045 „ „ „ ■ Night 987-2258 Owner & Operator & 987.9530 Holiday 345 Hodges Blvd. • P.O. Drawer J • Perry, GA 31069 WALL PAPERING-12 years experience. Free estimates. Call 987-3693 11/9-tfn Lose Weight and Feel Great the natural way. 100% satisfaction. Doctor recom mended. Call 956-3010 or 1 -800-956- 7545. 11/30-12/21 Loving, Quality Care. Give your child the best in 1995. Ages 1 year to 12 years. Equal opportunity center. USDA/CACSP participants. 987-4594. 12/7-12/14 Learn healthy nail and hand care for Christ mas and beyond. Call Karen with Amera Natural Nail Care at 987-1178. 12/7 Dependable, Christian lady will clean your home or office. References provided. Call 987-5139 12/7-12/30 FOR SALE - WASHERS and dryers. Rea sonable. Call (912) 987-2588 after 7 pm, Mon - Fri. 6/25-tfn FIREWOOD - Full-size long wheel base pick-up truck load, $45 load. 987-7315. 9/14-tfn SI.OO-A-DAY Melts The Fat Away! New, all natural dietary supplement lets you lose weight without diet or exercise. Sat isfaction 100% guaranteed. The Herbal Energizer available at Akin Drug Co. 987- 2114. 11/16-12/7 1-25 inch color—s7s.oo, 1-6000 BTU Aircond.--$65.00, 1-Tandy 1000 Com puter-Si 50.00, 1-5 Horse power air compresser-$275.00, 1 -Black & Decker HD Grinder-$65.00, 1-Heavy duty weed eater Sears-$75.00, 1-Lady Kenmore washer like new-$125.00, 1-Whirlpool dryer~sllo.oo,l -VHS VCR-$75.00:987- 9593 12/7 Kenmore Heavy Duty Washer & Dryer, excellent condition $250 for set, will sepa rate. Frost Free refrigerator S2OO, nice. All guaranteed. 923-7129. 12/7 FOR SALE-Blueprint Sofa, $140.00; Gold/ Brown printloveseat, $120.00; Blue/Green Chair, $40.00. Call 987-4848 VCR Repair FREE Estimates Call 987-5896 Will also buy broken VCR’s PRECISION MINI STORAGE Storage Units As Low As sls per month 821 Hodges Blvd. 987-3033 12/7 Woodstove Fisher Grandpa model; Fire place insert Vermont Stone Co. model 101 Shelburne Fireplace Stove. 987-2469. 12/7 , Shopsmith MK V with bandsaw-Jointer-scroll saw (with separate stand/motor) $800.00; Sakura scroll saw-New $280.00. 987-0252 12/7 Pecans: Pieces $3.50/lb or halves $3.75/lb. 988-4365. 12/7 For Sale-Sewing machines; Kenmore-cabi net-!ots of extras $200.00; Singer 18 months old $200.00; Zenith Console TV $250.00. Call 987-7203. 12/7 For Sale: Nintendo set with 3games SIOO.OO. Call 987-5176. 127 Great Christmas gifts from SI.OO up. Musi cal dolls, mask and novelties. 428 Lake Joy Road (nexttofirestation) 987-4372. Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8-5. 127-12/14 Moving Sale 1013 Northside Drive, Perry. Miscellaneous items. Friday, Saturday & Sunday. 127 Gigantic Moving Sale 1032 Winchester Cir., Ist right off Gen. Courtney Dr. beside Pre cision Tire Service. Fri. & Sat., Dec. 9 & 10. 7:30-spm, Furniture, stereos, TV's, dryer, dinette set, bedding, mattress, comforter, bedspread, other household items. 127 Garage Christmas Sale-Sat., Dec. 10,202/ Northside Road. 8 until ? Toys include: power wheels, jeep, Christmas items, lots of interesting miscellaneous. 127 Garage Sale Friday Only, Bam-12, cO9 Habersham Lane in Lea Gler,. ■inn i t—i • Yard Sale 921 Glenwood, Perry Dec. 9 & 10. 127 Yard Sale Saturday, Dec. 10.110 Hampton Way (Lea Glen Subdivision) 6-Family, Bam until? 127 Yard Sale Dec. 10; Bam-?, comer of Keith and Tucker Rds. Childrens clothing, toys, furniture, cancelled if rains. Perry Self Storage Perry’s Finest Storage Facility! 987-2423 SIMARy KAy. Wilma M. Gay Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant (912) 987-0960 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY RURAL ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (FORMERLY FmHA) FORECLOSURE SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 03, 1995 HOUSTON COUNTY COURT HOUSE 1:00 P. M. FmHA IS EXPECTING TO RECEIVE NO LESS THAN $43,775.00 FROM SALE OF PROPERTY HB. ' ; , Kk^. -y 4jfßß3llllF ■ ** * ' ■ £H HflH ■ '-A a -c .ri <L : - t „> - ? .-•^wgNBipBEBP ' * w ' II liiiiiMßßßßi Residential home at 424 COURTNEY LANE Described as Lot 7, Block D, Land Lot 120 North Lake Joy Estates Subdivision Section 2, Phase 3, Houston County GA For more specific legal description see Legal Ad Section of this paper. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT CALVIN L. HYER, COUNTY SUPERVISOR 912-752-8123 Wednesday, December?, 1994, Houston Times -Journal - 127 Saturday, Dec. 10, 7am until noon, 208 Farm Estates Rd., Rain or Shine. Christ mas and household decorations, baby clothes, many nursery items. 127 Yard Sale Saturday Dec. 10, 8-2, 829 Woodsdale Dr. Lots of Miscellaneous items! 127 Yard Sale 605 Logue St. (just off Tucker Road) Saturday, Dec. 10, 8-2 pm Baby clothes, Christmas decorations, antiques, miscellaneous. 127 Store Sale: Christmas items such as jew elry, hair accessories, cosmetics, even clothes, baby items. Sat., Dec. 10; 9 until 2pm. Hair Expertise Supply 1423-B, Hous ton Lake Dr., behind Lumpkin Shell, Inside the Store. 127 1983 PONTIAC 2000 Station Wagon. $1750 080. Call 987-0056 or 967-2660. 1/29-tfn 1975 GMC VAN (cargo type) 350 engine for $1500; 1976 Jeep-6cyl. (postal type) A 7 $1500; 1986 Honda 3 wheeler 125 for SSOO. Call 987-2358. 11/30-127 1991 Toyota Previa Fully Loaded, Extra Clean. $13,500.00 All 922-0082 12/7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STEEL BUILDING BUSINESS IS BOOM ING! National Manufacturerqualifying deal ers in select open markets. Big Profits on sales and/or construction. (303) 759-3200 ext. 2300. 11/23-12/7 Deadline for classified ads are Monday at 12 noon / '/sr Jtr Shu' Nails Sculptured Nails S2O Starting Dec. 6-Jan. 2 ™i a . i ! T £? 933 Car ™ u street Manicures $8 987-0060 includes polish, free Perry, C*a. 31009 Christmas nail art Tues. - Sat. 9-6 p.m. FOR RENT •807 Carroll Street .-• • i Next to Houston Times-Journal \ Spacious Office Building Excellent downtown location \ Rent $550 mo. Front & back or separate Call Judy 987-1823 jp . Melanie Bullington Classified Ad Manager NEWLY BUILT 12,000 sq. ft. industrial clear span building located on 5 acres in Roberta, Ga. Features 18' ceiling, 2 loading docks with 14'6‘overhead doors, easy access to Hwy's 80 & 341, only 20 miles from I-75. Suitable for manufacturing or warehouse. Bank fi nancing available, $115,000. Contact Buddy Stallings, United Bank (404) 358- 8000. 11/2^2/7^^^^^^^^^ ‘B3 RANGER BASS BOAT WITH TRAILER, 140 HP Johnson, depth finder, trolling motor, excellent condi tion $5200.912-987-5156. tfn 1993 RANGER 372 APACHE, 150 FS. Johnson Engine Motorguide 750, Hum mingbird in dash, full gauges with Ranger trailer. In water only 5 times. Like new! $14,750. Call (912) 987-7224 or (912) 987-5499 after 6. 6/25-tfn ANIMALS WANTED: Male AKC registered Dacshund, 1-2 years old. Prefer 10 lb. or less. Call 987-4034. 11/16-127 Found dog in Camelot area. Must be able to identify. Please Call 987-9541. 127 Free Puppies to a good home. 987- 3335. . 127 CALL US FORA QUOTE ON HOME INSURANCE 987-8000 Page 7B