Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, March 15, 1995, Page 2, Image 48

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All in-stock KGRO *» toppers,
pruners. Loppers, anvil pruners
or ratchet power pruner; Teflon®
blades. 25% Off Reg. Prices
®Du Pont Reg. TM
1-gallon funnel-top sprayer
High-density polyethylene tank, 14"
wand with lock-on for spraying.
2 Gal., Sate 14.88; 3 Gal., Sate 16.88
1401 (1 gallon) 1402(2 gallon) 1403 (3 gallon)
“48.00 Maß-in Rebate <TB'HHH'ff > *
Price After Rebate 5^33 f* 0 Sale
Choice of KGRO * insecticides
Dursban grub & insect control or
fire ant killer* for lawns, turf areas;
ready-to-use granules. 9-lb.** pkg.
'Available in most stores "Net wt.
(5) 312 HORT 4-0/6PO ZONE E
PP\ A.
IKS i’^wjks
—■ —j.; JMbL"
A. Electric trimmer/edger
3.25-amp motor, auto-feed head,
adjustable height, cord retainer.
B. Air-stream Electric Blower, 29.97*
MAC 12TE II (trimmer) 'Everyday price
Hyponex potting soil
A balanced mix of humus, peat
moss and sand. 20-lb. net wt.
Professional Mix Potting Soil*, Sale 2.99
Ifr-qt pkg.
69 97 " *
McCulloch 15" gas trimmer
2See engine and 2-line auto
feed head. Everyday Price
16-fl.-oz. 2-cycle OH, Every Day 2.97
MAC 2816 (trimmer)
Earth Saver 4-ply hose
100’x%"* hose with Thum Thing™
coupling for easy on/off. Ideal
for any size job! Special Buy
8518 While quantities last, no rain checks 'lnside diameter
Buy any of these
get a 2-year
extended warranty
for 12.94
Warranty #PEL-1
mmhi ceavD.
McCulloch 17" gas trimmer
28cc engine with hard-chrome
cylinder, 2-line auto-feed head.
1-lb. .080 Trimmer Line, Sale 0.97
MAC 2818 (trimmer)
1,,M 1 TBr
Choice of Suncast hose reels
Hosemobile reel cart with handle,
or wall-mount model. Holds up to
200’ of %** hose. Everyday Price
HRC2OO (hosemobile) WMT2OO (wall mount) Garden hose
not included 'lnside diameter