Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, August 09, 1995, Page Page 2A, Image 2

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    -Wednesday, Aug. 9 1995, Houaton Times-Journal
Page 2A
Light show could spread downtown, to exits
Businesses study voluntary plan to decorate much of commercial district
Times-Journal Editor
Proposals for decorating downtown and the
areas along Sam Nunn and Courtney Hodges
boulevards were outlined during an Aug. 2 meet
ing at the Perry Welcome Center.
Paul Orr, president of Holiday Designs, told
about 40 community business leaders each busi
ness could participate for a minimal cost.
The designs he suggested would complement
a holiday light show which his company is
preparing for the Georgia National Fairgrounds
and Agricenter.
The show, Wonderland in Lights, will operate
Nov. 20-Dec. 31 at the Agricenter. Mike Jackson,
who helped organize the meeting, said many
businessmen wanted to decorate in a style to
complement the show.
Jackson said the group believes if the commu
nity decorates with the same style of decorations,
they can capitalize on visitors to the town. This
would generate additional tourism dollars and
... i
Special Photo
RECYCLING BIN Family Dollar Store manager Gloria
Paster and firemen Curtis Lindsey and Robbie Rowell inspect a
recycling bin the two firemen built for the store.
Business adds recycling bin
Perry Clean Community
This is a first for Perry a first
class recycling bin for cardboard
boxes. The Family Dollar stores
provided the fence for Perry’s
Family Dollar Store, located at the
intersection of Macon and Swift
The bin was assembled in place
by Perry firemen Curtis Lindsey
and Robbie Rowell
Store manager Gloria Paster,
Peachstate cable continues
crackdown on illegal users
Times-Journal Staff
Officials with Peachstate Cable
TV are following through on a
warning to prosecute people using
illegal hookups.
According to the firm’s presi
dent, Bill Mitchell, one person faces
theft of services charges. Another
had charges brought against him
Theft of cable TV services
include possession of a converter
box not issued by PCTV and cus
tomers hooking themselves up to a
cable line.
Georgia law provides penalties
up to five years’ imprisonment for
the first offense, he said.
‘The ones who will be prosecut
ed are obviously intentional. They
are very blatant. They either go into
the pedestal or even climb telephone
poles to hook up,” Mitchell said.
Mitchell noted quite a number of
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retail spending.
He said several downtown business owners
were discussing staying open late during the six
week light show.
Orr showed suggestions for downtown busi
nesses based on a clear light theme. He said
downtown businesses could use strings of lights
to silhouette buildings.
Additional decorations around doors and win
dows would provide the full effect shown in his
drawings, he said.
The average cost to downtown merchants
would be about S2OO-300 for the materials.
Installation would be the responsibility of the
purchaser, Orr said.
Jackson said he hoped the community would,
with the help of the city of Perry, provide at least
a driving loop from the Fairgrounds through
downtown and back to Sam Nunn Boulevard this
Orr said that successful community displays
such as those at Gatlinburg, Tenn, and Helen,
who will see that delivery boxes are
flattened and loaded into the bin.
Happy Hour Workshop for the
handicapped will collect the card
board for recycling.
Perry Clean Community
Commission is working on the
Recycling Program with Happy
Hour and is looking for other com
mercial generators of cardboard
waste to provide enclosure bins like
the one shown in the picture.
If you are interested, call 987-
1911 and ask Bill Hafley for details.
“The ones who will be
prosecuted are obviously
intentional. They are very
blatant. They either go into
the pedestal or even climb
telephone poles to hook
up.” Bill Mitchell
problems “have been rectified”
since the company first announced
its intention to get tough on illegal
hookups four months ago.
Investigations into the activity
“We expect other warrants to be
issued as the next couple of weeks
go by,” said Mitchell.
“Cable theft affects every honest
subscriber because it deprives us of
revenue which could make the dif
ference between needing to raise
rates versus keeping them as they
are,” he added.
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Obituaries .
Charlotte Bedingfield
Services for Charlotte R. Bedingfield, 52, of 400 Pinecrest Road, Mount
Dora, Fla. were held Aug. 7 at the First United Methodist Church of Mount
Dora with Dr. Kenneth Vickery and Reverend Kermit Wheeler officiating.
Interment was held in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Perry.
Survivors: husband W. Haines Bedingfield,of Mount Dora, Fla.; mother Elise
Fowler of Mcßae; two daughters, Janie Bryant of Atlanta and Jennifer Mason of
Mount Dora, Fla.; one sister Pam Dickerson of Perry.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions be made to Hospice
of Lake and Sumter, Inc., 12300 Lane park Road, Tavares, Fla 32778-0299.
Allen J. Harden Funeral Home had charge of arrangements.
John D. Walker Rag in
HAWK INS VILLE- Services for John David Walker Ragin were held
Aug/ 2 in the Magnolia Park Cemetery. John, the infant son of Clint and
Lauren Ragin died Aug. 1
Other survivors include his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Doster Gibbs of
Kathleen; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell King of Leesburg, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Head of Warner Robins and Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ragin of Griffin; and
great-grandparents, John D. Cross Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gibbs, all
of Warner Robins, Idalene Dowling of Montezuma, Elmer Head of
Fayetteville, and mr. and Mrs. Merwin Steinacker of Decker, Mich.
Heritage Memorial Funeral Home in Warner Robins had charge of
Lawmen seek firearms thieves
Times-Journal Staff
Perry detectives are teaming up with
investigators from the Houston County
Sheriff's Department in an effort to find
who is responsible in the theft of some
$20,000 worth of firearms from a local
pawn shop Aug. 4.
According to Capt. Steve Heaton,
captain of the detective division of
the Perry police, 51 firearms were
reported taken in a burglary at
Little’s Bait, Tackle & Pawn at 523
Gen. Courtney Hodges Blvd.
Heaton said entry was made
through an opening in the building.
A handgun was reported missing
from AAA Pawn & Bond at 101
Marshallville Rd. on Aug. 5.
The gun was valued at S6OO.
Police are also looking into a
burglary that occurred at a storage
rental building on General Courtney
Hodges Boulevard.
Approximately $2,300 in items
were taken in that incident.
Meanwhile, a 15 year-old Perry
youth suffered extensive injuries
after being struck by a vehicle on
Macon Road Aug. 5.
According to sources, the teen
was taken to Perry Hospital and
later transported to the Medical
Center of Macon with possible
internal injuries.
Nathaniel Ross of Perry, 17,
escaped injury after having shots
fired at him by a subject he was
involved in a verbal argument with
while the two were visiting a
Campbell Court address in Warner
Robins Aug. 5.
According to the Warner Robins
Police Department, Ross attempted to
combine the efforts and support of both local
government and merchants.
He encouraged merchants to buy the first part
of their decorations this year and add to the dis
plays each year.
Perry Mayor Jim Wtorrall said some smaller,
nearby communities such as Vienna plan to do
community light displays this year.
“If Vienna can do it, Perry can do it too,”
Worrall said.
Orr and Fairgrounds Executive Director
Michael Froelich said they anticipate 30-35,000
cars will visit the show during the six-week run.
The show will open each evening from 5:30-
11 p.m. and will feature about 40 different scenes
and more than 300 pieces of lighted display, On
The community lighting program is being
coordinated through the Perry Area Chamber of
Commerce. Information is available from the
chamber at 987-1234.
break off the argument by walking
away, but the other subject, who has
not been identified, fired several shots
in his direction, then left the area.
And, employees at city hall got a
shock Aug. 7 when lightning struck
the building, cutting off telephone ser
vice and knocking down computers.
“We believe we got a direct
strike that initially took out our
radios and computers, along with
some telephones,” said Heaton.
Radio contact was resumed a
short time after the strike, but some
phone lines and computers were
still inoperative Aug. 8.
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