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Legals Houston Times Journal
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 16-13-49(o),
any party claiming an interest In the fol
lowing property is hereby notified that on
6th day of September, 1994, the follow
ing property was seized Houston County
Sheriffs Department, and there is a for
feiture action pending against said prop
erty in the Superior Court of Houston
County, Georgia.
The description of the seized proper
ty is as follows:
One 1986 Pontiac Grand AM, Tan in
Color, VIN 1G2NE27U2GC645158,
Indiana Registration 97X1115.
The conduct that gave rise to the
seizure of the above described property
is as follows:
On or about September 5, 1994, the
listed vehicle was used to transport in
excess of two (2) pounds of marijuana.
This property is forfeitable under
O.C.G.A. 16-13-49(d)(2), (3), and (4) in
that it was found in close proximity to the
contraband, and was possessed, used,
or available for use to facilitate a violation
of the Georgia Controlled Substances
You are hereby notified that you must
file an answer to the forfeiture action
which complies with O.C.G.A. 16-13-
49(o), within thirty (30) days of the date
of final publication. Said answer must be
filed with the Court and must be served
upon Michael J. Moore, Assistant District
The Houston Times-Journal is your best source for local news.
iBBHRi * • . .... ....
Blazer LS
Red & White
2-Wheel Drive
White Ext. Cab
2-Wheel Drive SWB
“ BRAN N EN ■™
Attorney, 1009 Jernigan Street, Perry,
Georgia, 31069, by certified mail, return
receipt requested.
Michael J. Moore
Assistant District Attorney
PERRY, GA 31069
(912) 987-2450
8-71 8/16-8/23
Notice is hereby given that the City of
Perry has determined that the project
hereinafter described is proposed to be
located in a floodplain and/or wetland
defined by Executive Order 11988
and/or Executive Order 11990.
1. Name, Location and brief descrip
tion of project.
City of Perry, Georgia
The Project location will occur in the
flood zone along Elko Road in the City of
Perry. The project includes the purchase
of five (5) properties; relocation assis
tance for four (4) families; and demolition
of five (5) vacant dilapidated structures.
All of the properties were damaged by
the July, 1994 flood.
2. Set forth the facts and reasons for
such proposed project.
The July, 1994 flood caused exten
sive damage to a church and four (4) pri
vate residences along Elko Road. None
of the structures are feasible to rehabili
£umw£Atime AviA
Sayings Are Easy!
Speclal Photo
J. Barnes (right), originally of
New Tazweli, Tenn., was
recently presented with the
Inner Circle Award for his
contribution to Asgrow Seed
Co. and service to the com
pany’s customers. Barnes, a
vegetable sales representa
tive, was cited for his efforts
in increasing sales in central
Georgia and southeastern
South Carolina. He recently
relocated from Perry to
Spokane, Wash., and han
dles processor seed sales in
the Pacific Northwest. Norm
Braksick (left), president of
Asgrow Seed, presented the
award to Barnes and his
wife, Nancy, during a cere
mony at Amelia Island, Fla.
fate. Economically and structurally, all
buildings are a total loss. According to
the Flood Plain Information, Big Creek
publication for the City of Perry, Georgia,
dated November 1994, large floods are
known to have occurred during July
1916, September-October 1929, and
March 1944. City records indicated
another flood in the area during March
With a history of sever flooding on an
average of every 15 1/2 years, this pro
ject area has a great potential for future
damage based on the area's exposure to
In order to eliminate the threats to
health, safety and wellbeing to 260 resi
dents, this hazard mitigation activity
must be implemented>
The City of Perry has additional infor
mation on the proposal and such infor
mation may be obtained at Perry City
Hall, 1207 Washington Street, Perry, GA
31069 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. -
5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, except holi
Comments respecting the proposed
project(s) may be submitted to James E.
Worrall, City Hall, 1207 Washington
Street, P.O. Drawer A, Perry, GA 31069,
no later than September 1,1995.
James E. Worrall
City of Perry
P. 0. Drawer A
Perry, GA 31069
8-81 8/16
White Regular Cab
Silverado Z7l
Red Ext. Cab
4-Wheel Drive
mM i
Green Ext. Cab
2-Wheel Drive SWB
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Wednesday, Aug. 16,1995, Houston Times-Journal ■
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Page 7B