Newspaper Page Text
Local mission
stories at And
Join the congregation of
Andrew United Methodist Church
for worship at 11 a.m. Aug. 20 and
hear the experiences of the
church’s own missionaries who
have just returned from Africa.
Andrew United Methodist
Church will conduct an orientation
for those interested in participat
ing in the Disciple Bible Study.
The orientation will be bn Aug.
20, at 6 p.m. in the new building.
Disciple Bible Study is an inten
sive 34-week walk through the
Holy Bible.
Those wishing to take the
course must agree to attend the
entire training period and under
stand that this study and commit
ment are required. The course is
taught by trained lay people and
gives an opportunity for spiritual
growth, as well as educational
insight. A time for fellowship with
other course members is included
in the planning.
Summer youth camp
continues at Houston
Lake Baptist
Summer Youth Camp (Church
Camp Houston), for Houston Lake
Baptist church continues through
Aug. 18.
Loyalty Day Offering to erase
the deficit on building loan will be
held Sept. 14.
A back-to-school bonfire will
be held Aug. 26 at the Schubbe’s
On Sept. 2, the Youth will be
traveling to Atlanta to attend Beth-
Hollel Christian Synagogue and
spend the rest of the day at a site
yet to be determined. See Joaquin
for details.
Mind of Christ study
planned at First
Baptist Church
A Mind of Christ Bible study is
being planned. A pilot meeting
will be held Aug. 29 to discuss
plans for child care and other
logistics related to the study which
is for ladies of all ages. Plan now
to be a part of this vital study in
growing closer to Christ.
“Claim the Vision” is the theme
for the demonstration of faith the
First Baptist Family is about to
enter the opportunity to stand
together in restoring the sanctuary
of worship that has served the
church family for nearly 30 years.
The following “Claim the
Vision” countdown will guide
members in meeting the chal
Aug. 20, Launch Day Begin
40 Days of Fasting and Prayer; Aug.
27, Study and Prayer Day; Sept. 3,
Leadership Commitment Day; Sept.
10, Church-wide Banquet and
Commitment; Sept. 17, Reach Week
Rodney Gage 48-Hour
Weekend; and Sept 24, celebration
Sunday. The theme is “Not equal
gifts, but equal sacrifice.”
The following services are
planned for a full, fabulous, fan
tastic Fall:
Aug. 16, Jerry Shedd preach
ing; Aug. 20, Deacon selection;
Aug. 23, regular church confer
City of Perry
Public Hearing
Community Development Block Grant
Grant No. 94sm-x-076-388-012
The City of Perry will hold a public briefing on August 23,1995, at
5:00 p.m. in City Hall, Perry, GA for the purpose of discussing
approved activities of the City’s Community Development Block
Grant for Supplemental Disaster Funds. On July 12,1995, the City
was awarded a grant of $71,225 for acquisition and relocation
Items to be discussed include:
1) The amount of funds received and a description of each activi
2) The amount of funds available for each activity and the amount
of funds that will benefit low and moderate income persons;
3) The plan, if applicable, to minimize the displacement of persons
and the plan to assist the people who may be displaced;
4) Fair Housing laws, and the City’s plan, if applicable, to further
fair housing.
The public is invited to attend this meeting to become informed of
the City's grant activities. Persons with special needs relating to
handicapped accessibility or foreign language shall contact Janice
Williams, Finance Director, at (912) 987-1911 prior to August 3,
1995. This person can be located at City Hall between the hours
of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, except holidays
Individuals who are hearing impaired may contact Richard Huber
at Georgia Department of Community Affairs, telephone number
(800) 652-7954.
aries to share
rew Methodist
ence; nominating committee
report and budget presentation;
Aug 27, Budget adoption at morn
ing services; Perry PraiSing, 7
p.m., Agricenter; Sept. 3, Mission
commissioning, evening service;
Sept. 6, Fall programs resume;
Sept. 10, Last worship in
Sanctuary as it is, morning ser
vice; “Claim the Vision” banquet -
Agricenter, evening; Sept. 16-18.
Rodney Gage 48-hour Crusade,
Sept. 24. Evening (possible dea
con ordination); AWANA resumes
Oct 1, Loyalty Day, the Rev. Allan
Lockerman, guest preacher.
Blount to speak at
Women's Aglow
A popular speaker for Christian
Women's meetings and former
president of Stone Mountain
Aglow, Betty Blount will present a
Biblical teaching on “Overcoming
Suffering and Trials.”
Blount’s greatest victory was
winning the battle for her mind
over fear, low self esteem, inferi
ority, and insecurity.
The meeting is Aug. 19, at 9:30
a.m. for breakfast ($4), Holiday
Inn, 2024 Watson Blvd., Warner
Robins. For reservations, call
Emily Dennis, (912) 929-1795.
Aglow is an international, inter
denominational Christian organi
zation whose mission statement is:
To lead women to Jesus Christ and
provide opportunity for Christian
women to grow in their faith and
to minister to others.
Prayer Drive For Area
Schools is Aug. 16
All concerned Christians are
invited to participate in a Prayer
Drive for Area Schools. Women’s
Aglow Fellowship is sponsoring the
prayer drive in which participants
will meet at the parking lots of the
Chick-fil-A stores in Perry and
Warner Robins at noon, Aug. 16.
Representatives of each school
in the Houston County school sys
tem (plus the Board of Education
officials), the Robins Air Force
Base schools, and the local private
schools, will be driven to the
meetings by teams of concerned
Christians who will be praying for
all school personnel and students
to have a safe and successful
school year.
Parents and teachers are
encouraged to attend. Participants
will remain in the cars and pray as
they drive to the school, onto the
campus and back to Chick-fil-A.
The number of participants will
determine how many teams will
Church members and private
caring Christians are urged to
attend. Working participants
should try to arrange their lunch
time to join the group.
Call Emily Dennis, 929-5795,
for more information.
Henson in concert at
New Hope Church of
Toni Henson will be in concert
at New Hope Church of God at 7
p.m., Aug. 18. A nursery will be
provided and a love offering
taken. The church is located at
2290 Ga. 127, Perry.
For more information, call 987-
Guide for finding a church home
in southern Houston County
South Houston Area Churches
Assembly of God
Assembly of God Church, 281 Grovania Road 987-5154
First Baptist Church, 1105 Main St 987-2002
Greater Union Baptist Church, 1006 Marion St 987-0054
Green Grove Baptist, Ga. 26, Elko 783-3332
Hayneville First Baptist, 811 Grovania Road 987-3747
Henderson Baptist, 2813 U.S. 41S 987-6569
Houston Lake Baptist Church, 2300 Ga. 123 E 987-0277
* Kathleen Baptist Church, 111 Bear Branch Road 987-3330
Marthann Baptist, 127 Marshallville Road 987-4647
Memorial Heights Baptist Church, 521 Courtney Hodges 987-0724
Mt. Mariah Baptist, R-l, Perry 627-3177
New Hope Baptist Church, 1014 W.F. Ragin Drive 987-0501
New; Smyrna Baptist, U.S. 41 N 987-0034
Oak Level Baptist, 442 Lake Joy Road 987-3933
Oldfield Baptist Church, 1501 Houston Lake Road 987-0460
Rehoboth Baptist Church, 2238 U.S. 41 N 987-1577
Sandbed Baptist, Ga. 247 Spur 987-4304
Second Memorial Baptist, Kings Chapel Road 987-4803
Shiloh Baptist, 210 Whitworth Road, Elko 987-5950
Spring Creek Baptist, Flournoy Road 987-9326
Tharpe Memorial Baptist, 2758 U.S:4IN. . 987-1116
St. Patrick’s Catholic, 1039 St. Patrick’s Drive 987-4213
First Christian Church, 2100 Macon Road 987-5428
Church of Christ
Church of Christ, U.S. 41 N , 987-4268
Church of God
New Hope Church of God, 2290 Ga. 127 987-7893
Perry Church of God, 1929 Marshallville Road 988-3020
Church of. God in Christ
Word of Deliverance, 2234. U.S. 41 N 987-4796
St. Christopher’s at the Crossroads, 1207 Macon Road 987-2190
Free Will Baptist
Perry Free Will Baptist Church, 1964 Marshallville Road 987-8068
Full Gospel Lighthouse, Gaines Street 987-3126
Living Waters Assembly, 2305 N. U.S. 41 987-4155
Christian Fellowship, 1917 Marshallville Road 987-9826
Jehovah’s Witness
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 1301 Julianne St 987-7341
Andrew United Methodist, 2418 Ga. 127 987-7934
Crossroads United Methodist, 1600 Main S; 987-3721
Perry United Methodist Church, 1001 Carroll St.. 987-1852
Methodist, Christian Episcopal
Kings Chapel CME Church, 402 Arena Road 988-1503
Oak Grove CME Church, Terrell Road, Elko none
St. James CME Church, 1007 W.F. Ragin Drive 987-4404
Living Faith Family Worship Center, 304 Lee St 987-5579
Faith Bible Fellowship, 934 Elko Road 987-3292
New Pentecostal Church of Perry, Elm Street 987-3161
Perry Presbyterian Church, 1100 Second St 987-1403
Primitive Baptist
Beaver Creek Primitive Baptist, Sandefur Road, Kathleen 987-2441
United Pentecostal Holiness
New Life Ministries, 2334 U.S. 41 South 987-5816
r — 1
New York Subs
Visit fillan and Shirley Chung at 1442 Sam Nunn Blvd.
Sports Center Shopping Center
- - J
i 110 Perimeter Road
rATRFTFT D Perry Ca 3169
Oavid Holland.
••'Harriott lININ General Manager
MMeadowdale Learning Center
1797 Hou.ton Lake Road • 987-9979
8 weeka-12 years
Preschool program Before and After School
School Transportation KldsAmerica Gymnastics
Summer Swimming Program
Drop-Ins Welcome /
/ — vrn OBMom Get $1 off 6-inch sub or $2 off 12-inch sub
ar m P' e of Perry. Valid only with this
suss.mum * 988-4933
Located in the Pan Am Food Shop, 1205 Main St. Perry
/'HUTX The Bank Of Perry
I THE I) Please worship at the church of your choice
(bank OF perry! 1006 Main St. • Perry
V #***' J 987-2554 • Member FDIC
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Buy a foot-long sub and a medium drink and get one regular 6 " sub of equal or
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Charles “Chick” Evans
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You'll { \ * >
notice the 1 #_ARXISrrY'
difference ... f
1208 Washington St. • Perry Ln M ,
Pferry Hardware
1203 Mam St., Perry • 987-0211
Wednesday, Aug. 16,1995, Houston Times-Journal
Worship at the church of your choice then shop these merchants!
n . * a. ji««, 104 Courtney Hodges Blvdl
Southern food At If* Beet -U ae_ Perry Ga 31069
Perry e s »87-«2oo
5 Hosts: Jewel and Edna
Cafe (=-?_ "- 1 "
merle noßmfln
cosme t i c s
gflijnjigjfc Linda Slcan-Krambila
925 Carroll St., Perr> • 987-/415
IlffjfSllWiS |ISOO Sam Nunn Blvd.
I Perry - 987-9494
TrtllMl I Beside Quality Inn
Closed on Sunday |
■■■Larry Harvey v„. r
; : l Agent tor Alta Inaurance Companiea
110S8 Washington Si • Parry lO insUPMOW 1
sm-alfa satisfaction.
iiiniik.H'd Auto •Home* Life • Business • Loans
Exit 43 1-75 at^
k§^° e ISranM us34l
KZwAMbV Perry
*T 987-5600
s j
TLC Gfooming and Fish
1203 Sunset Ave • Perry Plaza
Perry, ga. 31069
V* '»> Jane Giddens, Manager • Janda’ Hudson, Groomer
The Ferry Mayor and City
■of Council encourage you to exer-
I ' 2 / j cite your freedom of religion at
a local home of worthip.
f f — —\
serving Houston County
ImwflU Perry • Warner Robins :
Bank of Member FDIC
Middle Georgia
C omplete car maintenance • Road service • Pick up & delivery
1202 MAIN ST., PERRY •^B7-»4:i»
GDaiAU < rPatefi J
VX / 8r V i fc QS * B PP e '
755 Carroll St., Perry 987-2872
lbs,,, wra PDQ Photo Shop ZlSml .
Studio n M , Commercial &
Photography & CrOatlVß PHOtOgraphy Industrial
Weddings 9 r ’ UPS Shipping
Service 1002 Ball St. • Perry • 987-1538 Service
Jill Thomason Kinnas • Main Street Plaza • Perry • 987-8070
Monday - Friday, 10-6; Saturday 10-2
f Double "J" fluto Sales, Inc look Portable Warehouses
718 Carroll St. Perry • 987-7938
- Walk In Drive Out /T"~\ jf_ f
Locksmith on request U~
Home Furnishings Center
Harry J. Kirby , owner • 1115 Ball St., Perry • 987-2350
fC.N'*-'r‘ c * Dp. Clean’s "V
/w Mobile Wash
/T Professional Steam Cleaning Services
Frank Ray, Bonaire • 929-0510
Cool sea ®* n £ trailer tops and flat top buildings and Ridge
1 Metal Tops y
FEATURING • Other major
A»ft All! m r*-j
—o t bb
• Call 988-8058
m lO Minute Oil Change" products • i «>4 Washington
St., Perry
e e
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