Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, Sept. 6,1995, Houston Times-Journal
Page 8B
And the band played on—>
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Times-Journal Photos by Jj Johnson
ON THE FIELD Members of the Perry High School Pride of the Crossroads Band,
directed by Joe Hutcheson, take the field for the first time this year during halftime of
the Perry-Jordan game in Columbus Sept. 2. Identifiable in the picture are B.J. Johnson,
playing trumpet, and majorette Jessica White.
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BLAST OF SOUND Members of the trumpet line of the PHS band enter the field
behind the majorettes during the halftime show. The trumpets are featured prominently
during the entry.
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POUNDING AWAY Members of the PHS band drum line, including (from left) Rhett
Parker, Charles Arnold, Brett Dorman and John Sloan, perform the drum break in “Big
Noise from Winnetka.”
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Hutcheson has installed a
fixed-base percussion pit
in front of the band for the
halftime show. Brooke
Hawke participates in the
Westside Baptist to host
Wonderful Weekend for Women
The third annual “Wonderful Weekend For
Women,” a ladies’ conference, will be held Oct. 20-
22 at Westside Baptist Church of Centerville.
Guest speaker will be Joy Rice Martin, editor of
The Joyful Woman magazine. Toni Henson, a native
of Warner Robins, will be the guest singer. Henson’s
first Christian music record, entitled “You’ll Never
Walk Alone” was released in December 1994.
Registration fee is $35 until Sept. 30. The fee
includes a candlelight dinner on Friday evening, con
tinental breakfast on Saturday, lunch on Saturday and
four workshops of choice.
Examples of workshops are Spiritual Life
Development, taught by Cloma Odom; Healthy
Holiday Fare, taught by Peggy Bledsoe; and How to
Cope With Difficult People, taught by Dr. Roger
Brochures are available at Westside Baptist
Church at 1013 Carl Vinson Parkway, Centerville, or
call the church office at (912) 922-5101.
Homecoming set at Perry Free
Will Baptist Church
Homecoming will be held at Perry Free Will
Baptist Church Sept. 10. Morning worship will be at
11 a.m. followed by a covered dish dinner at noon.
At 1:30 p.m., The Messengers Quartet from
Lizella will be in concert.
The church is located at 1964 Marshallville Road.
The pastor and members welcome everyone. For
more information, call 987-8068.
Houston Lake Baptist Church to
have grandparents’ day
Grandparents’ Day is Sept. 10. At 10 a.m., Freddie
Neal’s Drama, “The Samaritan Woman” will be pre
sented at Houston Lake Baptist Church.
Revival services will be held at Houston Lake
Baptist Church Oct. 15-29 with Evangelist Ben
• ••
Date of Publication September 6.
City of Perry
(Name of Applicant)
1207 Washington Street. Perry. GA
(Street, City, Zip Code)
(9121987-1911 (Telephone #)
On or about September 22, 1995 the
above named local government will
request the Georgia Department of
Community Affairs (DCA) to release
Federal Funds under Title I of the
Housing and Community Development
Act of 1974, as amended, for the follow
ing project
City of Perry FEMA and CDBG Buy-
Out Program on Flood Damaged
Properties and Replacement Housing
(Project Title or Name)
The project includes the purchase of
five (5! properties; relocation for four (4!
families: and demolition of five (5! vacant
dilapidated structures damaged by the
JULY. 1994 flood The Church (Greater
Word of Deliverance Ministries Inc.) is
over 50 years old
(Project Activities)
With a history of severe flooding an
average of every 151/2 years, this project
area has a great potential for future dam
age based on the area's exposure to haz
ards. In order to eliminate the threats to
health, safety and wellbeing to 260 resi
dents. this hazard mitigation activity must
take place
(Purposes or Nature of the Project)
Elko Road in the City of Perry.
(Specific Location of the Project)
It has been determined that such
request for release of funds will not con
stitute an action significantly affecting the
quality or the human environment and,
accordingly, the above named local gov
ernment has decided not to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement under
the National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (P.L. 91-190).
The reasons for such decision not to
prepare such Statement are as follows:
Based on the environmental assess
ment of the project, there is no significant
An environmental Review Record
respecting the proposed project has
been made by the above named local
government which documents the envi
ronmental review of the project and more
fully sets forth the reasons why such
Statement is not required This
Environmental Record Is on file at Perry
No further environmental review of
such project is proposed to be conducted
prior to the request for release of Federal
All interested agencies, groups and
person disagreeing with this decision are
invited to submit written comments for
consideration by the local government to
the office of the undersigned. Such writ
ten comments should be received at
Perry City Halt, 1207 Washington Street,
Perry, Georgia, 31069, before September
Sept. 24 is Loyalty Day with special. “Erase the
Deficit” Offering.
State Missions Emphasis Week is Sept. 13-17.
Compassion in Action - Georgia Our Judea is the
Brotherhood Workshop will be held at Camp
Kaleo Sept. 8-9.
Steps for Life 1995. a Walkathon/Fund-Raiser for
the Pregnancy Care Center of Perry will be held
Sept. 16,10 a.m. at Rozar Park Registration is at 8:30
Steps for Life ‘95 T-shirts will be presented to
those who raise SIOO or more in pledges!
“M” Night Discipleship Rally, celebrating 50
years (1945 - 1995), will be held at 7 p.m., Sept. 11
at Warner Robins First Baptist Church.
Perry Presbyterian Church plans
inquirers classes
Inquirers Class will meet at Perry Presbyterian
Church Sept 10 - Nov 26 in the Educational
Building, upstairs, last room on right, across from the
choir rehearsal room.
Instructor, the Rev. Jim Shipley, will present the
church organizations, history and beliefs. Anyone
interested in learning more about the church and
Presbyterians can attend. There is no obligation to
join this church.
A special invitation is extended to anyone wishing
to join the adult choir of Perry Presbyterian Church.
Choir practice is 6:30 - 8 p.m. each Wednesday. The
choir room is upstairs in the Educational Building.
Members of Ramage Circle will meet Sept. 11,3
p.m. at the home of Anne Smith, 1014 Cherokee
Road, Perry.
21,1995. All such comments so received
will be considered and the local govern
ment will not request the release of
Federal funds or take any administrative
action on the proposed project prior to
the date specified in the preceding sen
At least one day after the termination
of the public comment period for the
FONSI, but not before comments on the
FONSI have been considered and
resolved, the City of Perry will submit a
Request for Release of Funds (RROF)
and Certification to DCA. By so doing the
local government will ask DCA to allow it
to commit funds to this project, certifying
that (1) it has performed the environmen
tal review prescribed by HUD
Regulations (’Environmental Review
Procedures for Title I Community
Development Block Grant Program" -24
CFR P_. ' and 2) the Certifying
Officer, James E. Worrall, Mayor, con
sents to accept the jurisdiction of the fed
eral courts if an action is brought to
enforce responsibilities in relation to the
environmental review or resulting deci
sion-making and action. The legal effect
of the certification is that by approving it,
DCA will have satisfied its responsibilities
under the National Environment Act thus
allowing the City of Perry to commit
Community Development Block Grant
funds to this project.
DCA will accept objections to its
approval of the release of funds and the
certification only if it is one of the follow
ing bases: a) that the certification was not
in fact executed by the Certifying Officer,
or b) that applicant's Environmental
Review Record for the project indicated
omission of a required decision, finding,
or step applicable to the project in the
environmental review process.
Objections must be prepared and submit
ted in accordance with the required pro
cedure (24 CFR Part 58) and may be
addressed to DCA at CDBG Section,
1200 The Equitable Building, 100
Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Objections to the release of funds on
bases other than those stated above will
not be considered by the State. No objec
tion received after September 21, 1995
will be considered by DCA.
James E. Worrall. Mayor
(Name of Certifying Officer of
P.O. Drawer A
Perry. GA 31 069
(Notice of Explanation)
Notice is hereby given that of a deter
mination that there is no practical alter
native to location in or impacting a (flood
plain and/or wetland) by following pro
posed project: (Name, location and brief
description of project(s).
City of Perry, Georgia
Project will occur along Elko Road, in
the City of Perry
Relocation Assistance - The project
includes the purchase of five (5) proper
ties; relocation assistance for four (4)
families; and demolition of five (5) vacant
dilapidated structures. All of the proper
ties were damaged by the July, 1994
A. The above described project must
be located in the (floodplain and/or wet
land) because (describe why);
Five (5) vacant dilapidated structures
Houston Times Journal
located in floodplain/wetland areas along
Elko Road will be acquired and demol
The impact on the floodplain/wetland
areas appears to be very minor and will
not affect their primary functions. The
impact will be temporary in nature and
will affect the resources only during the
demolition process and measures will be
taken to minimize any damage which
might occur.
B. Provide a description of all signifi
cant facts considered in making the
determination including alternative sites
and action, if any;
The project area is located in the
floodplain/wetlands area along Elko
Road which historically has severe flood
ing problems. There are no alternatives to
avoid temporarily affecting these areas of
floodplain and/or wetlands except not to
demolish the five (5) vacant and blighted
C. Provide a statement indicating
whether the actions conform to applica
ble state or local floodplain and/or wet
land protection standards;
Project information has been provided
to State and federal agencies for their
comments. Necessary permits will be
obtained prior to construction.
D. Provide a description of how the
activity will be designed or modified to
minimize harm to or within the floodplain
and/or wetland;
Provide for appropriate erosion con
trol measures during demolition to pre
vent sediment, trash, debris and other
natural and man-made pollutants from
entering the wetlands areas. Take pre
cautions to ensure that the project does
not precipitate flooding or stream bank
erosion. If erosion occurs, immediately
seed or regenerate denuded areas. Once
initiated, complete the project In an expe
ditious manner in order to minimize the
period of disturbance to the environment.
E. Provide a statement indicating how
the action affects the natural or beneficial
floodplain and/or wetland values:
The demolition of five (5) vacant prop
erties will take place in floodplain/wetland
areas along Elko Road. Because this
area has a history of severe flooding
threatening the health and safety and
wellbeing to 260 residents the mitigation
activity must take place. However,
through mitigation measures the dis
turbed areas will be restored to their nat
ural state.
Provide a statement listing other
involved agencies and individuals.
Notice of Early Public Review was
provided to appropriate agencies and
individuals to include: Georgia
Department of Community Affairs,
Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Regional Office of
Environmental Protection Agency, and
Georgia Department of Transportation.
Comments respecting the proposed
project(s) may be submitted to James E.
Worrall, Mayor, Perry City Hall, P.O.
Drawer A, Perry, Georgia, 31069 no later
than September 21,1995. *
August 16.1995
Date of First Publication and
Dissemination of Notice
James E. Worrall Mayor
City of Perry
P.O. Drawer A
Perry. GA 31 069
Name and Address of Recipient
9-29 9/6