Newspaper Page Text
Members of United Methodist
Women of Crossroads United
Methodist Church will meet at the
church Sept. 11 at 7:30 p.m. The
Rev. Gene Bates, pastor at
Andrew UMC. will bring the pro
gram. Mary Fichter will be host
ess for the meeting.
• ••
Members of United Methodist
Men will meet Sept. 21. at 7 p.m.
for food and fellowship.
• ••
A Building Task Force Meeting
is scheduled for 7 p.m.. Sept. 21.
Persons attending this meeting
will have input on the future phys
ical planning of this church.
Contact David Mills for more
Crossroads UMC Children's
Choir starts at 6 p.m.. Sept. 10
with Joyce Fisher.directing the
choir. Parents are invited to have
their first through sixth graders at
the church for the first fun-night
Sept. 10
Members of the Young at Heat
made trips this summer to the Hay
House in Macon. Andersonville's
Civil War site, the Air Force
Museum at Robins Air Force
Base, and an excursion to
Magnolia Manor in Americus.
under the direction of George
Young at Heart noon luncheons
resume Sept 28 (as always, on
fourth Thursdays at the church).
Anyone young at heart is invited
to bring a covered dish and a
Crossroads UMC's annual bar
becue will be Dec. 2. Planning for
it is Sept. 14. Representatives
from LUMW, UMM and UM
Youth, and each Sunday school
class will meet to get the project
on the go. This is one of the major
Pastor’s Column
Don’t miss the next world
By A.C. Truluck
For the Times-Journal
“I will lift up mine eyes unto
the hills, from whence cometh my
help. My help cometh from the
Lord,..which made heaven and
earth.” Psalm 121:1-2.
The psalmist seemed to be one
who greatly appreciated the beau
ty of the hills, but his appreciation
looked far beyond the hills to rec
ognize the one who made the hills.
His God made not only the earth,
but the heavens. “The heavens
declare the glory of God; and the
firmament sheweth His handi
work”, Psalm 19:1.
Being a south Georgia country
boy, and having never lived any
where but in Georgia and Florida,
I hardly realized the magnitude of
what the Psalmist felt until the
Lord, in His plan for my life and
ministry, moved us to the foothills
of the Blue Ridge Mountains, at
Marion, N.C. Such beauty I have
never beheld before.
Oh, I had traveled through
these and other mountains before,
but to be there and see the various
sunsets and sunrises, to see the
clouds come down and cover us,
to literally live in the clouds, is a
wonder all its own.
To stand atop Mount Mitchell,
the highest elevation east of the
Mississippi River, 6,684 feet
above sea level, and to view the
mountains afar off, is something
beyond expression.
To look beyond these with the
eye of faith and know that it didn’t
Charlie Pike
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(Continued from page 8B)
fund raisers for the year.
• ••
The Rev. Dr. David Carter, pas
tor of Crossroads UMC. will teach
the first "Discovery" Class, which
began last Sunday. The class will
leam more about the history, prac
tices. doctrines, polity and gov
ernment of Pern UMC.
First Baptist sets
capital funding drive
The Capital Funding Banquet
for Perry First Baptist Church,
will be held at 6 p.m.. Sept. 10. at
Heritage Hall. Georgia National
Fairgrounds. Reservations are
required. If reservation card has
not been returned, call the church
office at 987-2002. Special guest
speaker will be David Harrell.
CEO. Georgia Baptist Health Care
• ••
The Commissioning Service
launching Cornerstone Baptist
Church was held at First Baptist
Church during the evening wor
ship hour on Sept. 3. the first
Sunday in the 1995-96 church
year which began Sept. 1. 1995.
• ••
The XYZ lunch will be held at
noon on Sept. 12. at First Baptist
• ••
The Rodney Gage Crusade will
be held Sept. 16-18 at First Baptist
Church. Perry
• ••
High Attendance Sunday is
Sept. 17. in conjunction with the
Rodney Gage Crusade. The goal
is 800. .
• ••
Children's choirs and mission
organizations will resume for the
1995-96 year on Sept. 6 at 5:30
p.m. Hot dogs or hamburgers will
be available for the children's
meal (cost: $1). Activities will end
at 7:25 p.m.
just happen by accident, but to
know that my father made it so.
will send chill bumps up the spine.
Thank God that I. too. can say like
the Psalmist. “I know my help
comes from the Lord.” It is not
something to be taken for granted,
but in all this beauty, it is simply a
foretaste of things to come for all
who love Him and will obey Him
in service.
The lover of God who lives by
faith is blessed to look far beyond
the hills to see something of what
is stated in Isaiah 64:4 and repeat
ed in I Corinthians 2:9, “Eye hath
not seen nor ear heard, neither
have entered into the heart of man.
the things which God hath pre
pared for them that love Him”.
To believe is to long for such
beauty which will be enjoyed with
perfect joy no pain, no sorrow, no
defilement, no disappointments,
but forever perfect life in perfect
beauty. This is the promise to
every soul who believes to the
saving of the soul. To gain this
whole world and all its treasures
and beauty and then lose your soul
would be a bad bargain.
Don’t miss the next world. It is
so far superior to this one that our
vocabulary cannot explain it nor
mind comprehend it. It is a forev
er world, without any imperfec
Please don’t miss it. If you do;
you have missed everything.
(The Rev. A.C. Truluck is pas
tor of Houston Lake Baptist
Guide for finding a church home
in southern Houston County
South Houston Area Churches
Assembly of God
Assembly of God Church. 281 Grovania Road 154
First Baptist Church. 1105 Main St 9g”-2002
Greater Union Baptist Church. 1006 Marion St 9S~-0054
Green Grove Baptist. Ga. 26. Elko "83-3332
Hayneville First Baptist. 811 Grovania Road 98"-5~4~
Henderson Baptist. 2813 U S. 4IS 9S"-6569
Houston Lake Baptist Church. 2300 Ga. 123 E 98“-02~"
' Kathleen Baptist Church. 111 Bear Branch Road 98"-3330
Marthann Baptist. 127 Marshallville Road 98~-464~
Memorial Heights Baptist Church. 521 Courtney Hodges 98~-0"24
Mt. Nlariah Baptist. R-l. Perry 62"-31~~
New Hope Baptist Church. 1014 W.F. Ragin Drive 9S"-050l
New Smyrna Baptist. L'.S. 41 N 48'-0034
Oak Level Baptist. 442 Lake Joy Road 98"-3933
Oldfield Baptist Church. 1501 Houston Lake Road 9s~-0460
Rehoboth Baptist Church. 2238 U.S. 41 X 98"-15""
Sandbed Baptist. Ga. 247 Spur 98"-4304
Second Memorial Baptist. Kings Chapel Road 987-4803
Shiloh Baptist. 210 Whitworth Road. Elko 987-5950
Spring Creek Baptist. Flournoy Road 987-9326
Tharpe Memorial Baptist. 2758 U.S. 41N 987-1116
St. Patrick's Catholic. 1039 St. Patrick's Drive 987-4215
First Christian Church. 2100 Macon Road 987-5428
Chi rch of Christ
Church of Christ. LLS. 41 N 987-4268
Chi rch of God
New Hope Church of God. 2290 Ga. 127 987-7893
Perry Church of God. 1929 Marshallville Road 988-3020
Chi rch ofjGod in Christ
Word of Deliverance. 2234 U.S. 41 N 987-4796
St. Christopher's at the Crossroads. 1207 Macon Road 987-2190
Free Will Baptist
Perry Free Will Baptist Church. 1964 Marshallville Road 987-8068
Full Gospel Lighthouse. Gaines Street 987-3126
Living Waters Assembly. 2305 N. LLS. 41 987-4155
Christian Fellowship. 1917 Marshallville Road 987-9826
Jehovah's V\ itness
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1301 Julianne St.. 987-7341
Andrew United Methodist. 2418 Ga 127 ... 987-7954
Crossroads United Methodist. 1600 Main St 987-5721
Perry United Methodist Church. 1001 Carroll St 987-1852
Methodist. Christian Episcopal
Kings Chapel CME Church. 402 Arena Road 988-1503
Oak Grove CME Church. Terrell Road. Elko none
St. James CME Church. 1007 W.F. Ragin Drive 987-4404
Living Faith Family Worship Center. 304 Lee St 987-5579
Faith Bible Fellowship. 934 Elko Road 987-3292
New Pentecostal Church of Perry. Elm Street 987-3161
Perry Presbyterian Church. 1100 Second St 987-1403
Primitive Baptist
Beaver Creek Primitive Baptist. Sandefur Road. Kathleen 987-2441
United Pentecostal Holiness
New Life Ministries. 2334 U.S. 41 South 987-5816
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Wednesday, Sept. 6. 1995. Houston Times-Journal
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Home Furnishings Center
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Professional Steam Cleaning .Services
AjW\ Frank Ray, Bonaire • 929-0510
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Page 9B
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