Newspaper Page Text
1 —Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1995 Houston Times-Joumal
Page 4B
Dear Santa,
My name is Jenna. I have been
good all year long. I would like a
dress, teacher Barbie, magic
games, and b ooks. Please dont for~
get my brother, John Drew. He
wants a tractor. Merry
Christmas, Santa.
Jenna Clark
Dear Santa,
I We you very much. Please
bring me lots of jewelry, pu??les,
Barbie dolls, a little Christmas
tree that turns and ° picture of
you. Mso, please bring a little TV.
I have b een very good this year.
Mso, please b ring a b a b y coochy
coo. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Haley McCarty
Dear Santa,
| want a Grant Hill jersey,
Steve Young jersey, lots of golf
balls, leather junior'spe basket'
ba||, | want a Graphite put in my
Crown Viper, irons and woods, roller
bl'Mes. I am looking forward to see'
ing you. I will leave you milk and cook'
ie 5.
Dear Santa,
I am ercited about Christmas.
My little brother, Tom, is e+cit'
ed, too.
I would like for you to bring me a
cassette tape and read along
b ook, a make'up set, a Pocahontas
and a John Smith doll, and °n art
set. Please bring me a surprise,
My little brother Tom would
like a Dr. Seuss book, some trac'
tors and trucks, a Barney pu??le, a
choo'choo train, and a surprise.
Please check with my Poppy
to see if he's getting us a Jeep. If
he is not, please see if you can b ring
us one.
Kaki Tuggle
Dear Santa,
My name is Heath Kbney. I he
m W arner Robins. I have been a
good boy this year. I would like to
have a Sega Genesis or ° Sony
Playstation. I would °lso like
Raptile and a ShanggUSy that
comes with the Mart a| Comb at
b oat. I want a helmet b uster and
an electric guitar.
We will leave you some cookies
and milk on the b a r. I will apprect
ate any toys you can bring me.
Hope Everything Clicks For You
This Holiday Season!
pi fffiMlgS
Some things never change at Christmastime. Children still yearn for
that special toy, and hope for snow In the forecast.
We’d hope you get everything you wish for, this holiday seasonl
Auto Lube, Inc.
1304 Washington Street 988-8058
Heath Abney
Dear Santa,
Can I please have
a Domino Rally, Go
Cart, Sega games,
T yco Rebound car,
Rock Jocks, movies,
magic works, firepower truck, CDs,
steel Tech, drawing books, Nerf
Ma+ Force, Wild and Wacky
Painter, Triple Krcade.
Bring my Nanny pu??les, house
slippers and bring some more
stuff. Bring my teacher, Mrs.
Vickers, something also.
Bring my mon\ some things.
Bring my cousins Barb ie dolls and
other stuff.
Jonathan Little
Dear Santa,
Here is a|| | want for Christmas:
Ninja power rangers, the mask
and dog, the Nhsh car, Ninja
megarod, power rangers fight, l/«n
Oose, Lord Red, Power Rangers
birds, Megaman video game, the
Mask motorcycle, a game, piffata.
Dear Santa,
My name is Brian Whitney. I am
four years old. For Christmas I
would like a Batmobile, Batman and
Robin, Two'Face and the Riddler.
Is it very cold °t the North
Pole? Does Rudolfs nose really
Brian Whitney
Dear Santa,
My name is Jessie Whitney. I
am eight years old. I love you very
For Christmas, I would like a
book b a g, purse (a monkey"),
clothes, a belt °nd an Easy'Bake
How many elves do you have? Do
you have a dog? I have a cocker
spaniel. Her name is Misty.
Have a safe and happy Merry
Jessie Whitney
Dear Santa,
I would like a new b ook, a Bab y Ml
G one, a new b all and a new b asket'
Dear Santa,
I would like a b a by Brother, a
ball b°t, a BarbiL a Barbie car, a
Tran South
Financial Corporation
923 Carroll Street
she’s fine, Too. I have been a good
girl this year I think.
For Christmas I would like a CD
player, some CDs, a trampoline, a
computer, a triple arcade, Polly
Pocket tree house, a couple of
games, Sega hand'held game,
Sega tapes, clothes, a family, a
good Christmas for the home'
less and poor.
Pamela Smith
Dear Santa,
Please bring me wooden tracks
like my brothers and a bicycle and
some b locks.
I have been a good boy. Please
visit my house.
Hudson Jerles
Dear Santa,
I w a nt new cars for my electric
train, more wooden tracks for my
Thomas Troios.o bicycle and a saj|'
b oat.
home'alone book,
lost m New York.
Dear Santa,
How are you? Im
fine. Oh, how is
Mrs. C|aus? I hope
We wish everyone a wonderful holiday!
It was a genuine pleasure to serve you
all through the year.
Crazy J’s
Party Shoppe
R 317 General Courtney Hodges Blvd.
■ 987-4370
CB&T Bank of Middle Georgia
916 Main Street
(Continued from page 3B)
Ive been a good boy this year
and I cant wait for you to visit my
Row Jerles
Dear Santa,
My name is Christie Hudson. I
am m the fifth grade and P years
old. My birthday is in Kpril How
are you and Mrs. C|aus? I am fine. I
have b een good this year.
For Christmas I want a camera,
a krtten or a puppy, Holiday Barb ie,
9'in'l tournament table, cassette
player with lots of country tapes,
the Santa C|aus movie, the movie
Pocahontas, some board games,
Sega games, especially Street of
Rage 11, a picture of a unicorn, a
drawing set, and a Nintendo with
lots of games.
Christie Hudson
Dear Santa,
I hope you like my Christmas
Tree. My name is Jenanna. What i
want for Christmas is a Baby
‘Born, skates, My Spe Barb ie, and an
Easy'Bake Oven.
But what I really want for
Christmas is for you to come and I
(See LETTERS, Page 5B)
May the warmth
of the season be
shared by you
and yours.
We appreciate
your valued
Merry Christmas ,
\ Everyone Sfi
' j ery 9*lerry Christmas
/( Cftndßemember
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II \f Season"
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Here’s hoping that your holiday brings loads
of contentment and many good things.
Thank you for your valued support.
Perry Brake & Muffler
1025 Macon Road
On this merry occasion
We’d just like to say,
May you enjoy a great holiday!
Thank you for shopping with us.
t ...A Classic On Carroll
912 Carroll Street 987-2255
Downtown Perry M-F 10-6 • S 9-5
"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will
toward men.’'
-- Luke 2:14
Christmas blessings to all.