Newspaper Page Text
will save you some cookies and milk I
We you lots and I kope you kave a
nice t rip.
Mso, please bring sometking for
my fk'e'year'old sister, Sierra.
Jenanna Barnes
•Dear Santa,
Hi! I know you are busy getting
ready for Ckristmas. I am too. W e
kave puf- up our Ckristmas Tree
and kave also made some cookies
for you. Tkank you for f-ke Super
Nintendo you gave me |asf- year. If
you can I wanf- a b ig Sony Boom Bo+,
Donkey Kong Country 2,
and a Baywaf-ek Barbie. Ok,
f-ke Ckrisf-mas Tree fell on
momma. Please pray for Daddys’
back. Have a safe trip bof-k you
and your reindeer. Merry
Christen Crosby
Dear Sapf-a,
Hi! I kope you kave a Merry
Ckrisf-mas. We kave puf- up our
free and ligkf-s. We kave baked
cookies and wken you come down
f-ke ckimney you will see some milk
witk if-. Our free will be up so
wken you puf- f-ke presents under
f-ke tree you will know wkere to
puf- f-kem. I will be in my room
asleep. Please would you b ring me
sometking? K Gameb oy, b ike and a
Brandi Ellis
Dear Santa,
Hi! I know you kave been busy.
Please bring me a Baywatck
Barbie, and a nice Ckristmas Book.
Tkank You.
Jessica Pennington
Dear Santa,
I would like a monkey, calculator
watck, Ja??y Jerin, Robot, Candy,
Reindeer, and Computer Software.
Dear Santa,
, I want Toy Story video game,
Ninja Swords, Falcon Sword,
Electronic Batmobile, and Skoots
and Ladders. How's Rudolpk? Mso,
and kow do you get °ll of tkose
presents to tke komes in one
We’re Sending Vou
All Our Be/t for
The Holiday/!
PDQ Photo Shop &
Creative Photography
1002 N. Ball Street
'Twas Riqkr BeFore CNrlstmas...
May the story
of Christmas
bring joy to all.
Tommy Storey
1001 Washington St.
h-i taJ-
Dear Santa,
Tkis is wkat I want for
Ckristmas. By tke way I am 14-
years old and my name is Kuma Tiyo
Davis. I would like clotkesf Tommy,
Hiteiger, Navitca, Ckamps, Polo, and ‘
Levis J, Remote Control Car, Stereo
( witk two tape players and a CD
playerl, Sega Games ( Madden
96’, Krima Time, Royal Rumble,
Temgo Football, Baseb all, and
Madden. Tkank You.
Kuma Davis
Dear Santa,
I kave been good tkis year.
Please bring me a Pocakontas Doll,
Doodle Bear, Samantkas Bed a nd
Desk, Barbie Gum Skop, Barbie
Teacker, and Baby in a crib. Tkank
Dear Santa,
How are you and Rudolpk? Mr.
Santa tkis is my e+tra list of
tkings. Well tkis is wkat I would
like for Ckristmas. K puppy,
Trampoline, Boombo+, New Bike,
Hot Pink Pkone, PO 16 Magazines,’
Sling Skot.and POO Stickers.
Nikki Bennett
Dear Santa,
How are tke Nortk
Pole! You and your ekes must be
tired witk Ckristmas coming up.
Tkank You for tke note tkat you
g ave me last year by tke cookie
plate. Tkis year I would like a Care
bear witk a Ckristmas T ree on it.
Tkank you for everytking you
given me. Please give my par
ents sometking in tkeir stockings,
and some surprises for me also.
Have a good trip.
Dear Santa,
I kave tried very kard to be a
good boy tkis year. I kave worked
a lot in my K - 5 Westfield class to
be a good student and friend. For
And we always make it our policy to
thank everyone for making our year such
a good one. We hope all your dreams
come true, this holiday season!
Crossroads Insurers
1109 Washington Street
Rejoice in tbe
Miracle of His birth!
Pbwy True Vaue
1203 Main Street
Perry, GA
Ckristmas I would Ike a Locking
Safe for my money, some tack
supplies for my korseback riding,
and maybe someday I can get a
Pitt Chapman
Dear Santa,
I kave tried to be a very good
boy tkis year, I kave enjoyed tke
tkings you gave me last year. Tkis
year I would like a Horse Tack,
Locking Safe, and a Magic Set like
tke one I saw at K~mart. I kope
you kave a safe trip.
Tell Rudolpk I said Hi.
Nash Chapman
Dear Santa,
Hi! I will layout your milk and cook
ies and for your reindeer a carrot. I
will put a present out for you OK.?
How are you doing? Tkere is just
one question. Wkat do you do for
fun? For Ckristmas may | kave a
Little TV, ?ero~G, and a Yirtual
Boy witk a red alarm.
Jeremiah Ruddy
Dear Santa,
We're serving up our best wishes for a joy-filled season!
Tuggle & O'Neal Insurance Agency
1010 Macon Road
With Warm Regards
To our many fine neighbors, we'd like to extend our sincere
best wishes and heartfelt thanks for your loyal support.
It's been a privilege to serve you.
514 General Courtney Hodges
I HOiiDfiy i
i mm f
i} Wishing you a If
4 season filled £*
jlfr with great joy!
•• ••
/t Many thanks jfc
for your friendship!
4 Card #
I Carousel I
f 902 Carroll St. f
| 987-5211 11
kV Jd
(Continued from page 4B)
Ks I sajd in my otker letter and
E'mail I sent you, I kave been very
good. Please bring me all 21 tkings
on my list, especially tke para
ck ute.
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I want a
Monkey, Collie, candy, rob ot, a lot of
candy and a lot more. How are you
and tke reindeer doing? I love to
pray for you and I love Rudolpk. I
know tke real meaning of
Ckristmas is Jesus was born.
Lee Ann Sexton
Dear Santa,
Hi! I know you are busy getting
ready for Christmas. I am getting
ready for Ckristmas. I know you are
getting ready too. My Dad will be
coming kome a little late. I am going
to bed a t PPO pm. Wkat time
are you coming? We got you some
Kalla Hamsley
Dear Santa,
How are you? Im Tine. How is
Rudolpk and tke otker reindeer?
It's cold kere in Perry. I kope its
going to snow, wken is your
Birtkday? Tkanks for all tke
(See LETTERS, Page 6B)
Here’s hoping your season gets off to a flying start, and brings
much joy throughout!
909 Carroll Street 987-2391
Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1995, Houston Times-Joumal
In The
Spirit t
Of The (
God bless you and yours
at this holy time of year.
A Weyerhaeuser
No matter where you spend your Christmas holiday,
we hope it’s overflowing with all the blessings this
magical season has to offer.
Thanks aplenty for your kind support »
1367 Sam Nunn Blvd.
b Jasons
fe ‘ and Best Wiskes for a
I2L I Happy and Prosperous New Year.
‘ , Thank you for helping to make
1 1 tKis year a success!
v ▲ South Cbvtral Farm Credit, ACA
1215 Macon Road
\ P.0.80x 1014
Wd* \ Perry, GA 31069-1014
Page 5B