Newspaper Page Text
Be thankful for good health
Whoever has been blessed
with good health has something
for which to be continually
grateful. That comes from the
bountiful land of our loving
caring Heavenly Father. Why
everyone is not so blessed is
unexplainable. If you are one of
the blessed, be thankful and
pray for those who are not.
Not many medical people,
especially doctors, put much
faith in religious beliefs and
practices to contribute to good
health or healing. At least that
has been true, but now we are
beginning to see more of them
coming forth with proof that
faith in God does affect us,
Inasmuch as people put so
much faith in doctors, I am
thankful to see their support of
faith in God. I have been trou
bled over the years to see that
people have more faith in doc
tors’ advice concerning their
health than they seem to have in
the message the men of God
deliver from the Word of God.
I want to pass on recent
reports of studies done by
Georgetown University and
Can a Christian believe in Evolution?
This is first of series of columns on beliefs
Can there be a synthesis of such
important concepts as a Creator
God and macro-evolution? To this
last question, the thorough-going
thinkers on both sides of the issue
agree, the answer is no!
To answer the first question we
must define our terms.
A Christian is one who
acknowledges his or her sin and
helplessness before God, except in
His sovereign mercy. A Christian
believes in the Lord Jesus Christ
as the Son of God and savior of
sinners, receiving and resting
upon Him alone for salvation. A
Christian is one who has resolved
to live as a follower of Jesus
Evolution is the belief that:
time + matter + chance = all that
we see. Evolution posits the eter
nal existence of matter from
which life arose.
Macro-evolution is the sub
point that “higher” forms of life
evolved from “lower” forms.
Simply put, evolution teaches that
your great-great-grandmother, ad
infinitum, was primeval slim
It does not take long to demon
strate that Creation and Evolution
are mutually exclusive hypothe
ses. These two opposing views are
not theories since they cannot be
tested, they are faith perspectives
Local Denny’s restaurant
building to be demolished
From Staff Reports
Vann Herring, president of
McKibbon Brothers of
Gainesville, has confirmed that
Denny’s restaurant in Perry has
been closed and the building will
be demolished.
Herring said the business was
closed March 31.
“We were doing a good busi
ness but were faced with a com
plete remodeling” in the Denny's
franchise building, he explained.
He said since the building is 30
years old that idea was not feasi
ble. The building was originally
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Church Column
others. Three-fourths of 4,000
sick people surveyed showed
positive effects from religious
commitment in their healing.
Duke University Medical
Center research also found that
people who attend church are
both physically healthier and
less depressed. They also found
that those who sit home praying
alone or watching television
evangelists actually are worse
From a study done in San
Francisco of nearly 400, very
sick patients, 200 were prayed
for and 200 were not prayed
for. Neither knew which group
they were in. The group prayed
for suffered fewer health com
(The Rev. A.C. Truluck is
pastor of Houston Lake Baptist
Church and a guest church
columnist this week.)
Church Column
against which we can compare the
data of our world.
A Christian cannot accept any
form of macro evolution because
it opposes basic principles of
Biblical faith. The summary is
found in Romans 5:12. Scripture
teaches that sin entered the world
through the disobedience of our
original parents, thus death
entered creation.
Evolution teaches that long
periods of time and death were
involved in getting to man. If
death occurred before the fall of
man, then death, evil and suffering
are the work of our Creator and
not the result of Adam and Eve’s
Evolution teaches that God is
not necessary, misguided combi
nations of Creation and Evolution
teach that God is evil!
Next week we will look at the
results of evolutionary teaching.
(Jeff Canclell is assistant pastor
at Perry Presbyterian Church and
columnist for the month of April.)
constructed for a Howard
Johnson’s restaurant during the
“What we would like to do is to
rebuild or sell the property to
another chain,” Herring said.
Demolition is scheduled for
later this month.
Denny’s employed about 25
people in Perry.
McKibbon Brothers is also
affiliated with Days Inn and
Fairfield Inn in Perry, but there are
no plans for changes in these busi
nesses, Herring said.
Storyteller Priscilla Young part of Maundy
Thursday service at Andrew Methodist
From Staff, Community Reports
Priscilla Y. Young, known to some as the
“Bible story telling lady,” will be telling “The
Last Days of Jesus” as part of Holy Week
Maundy Thursday Candlelight Communion
Worship Service, April 4, at 7 p.m. at Andrew
United Methodist Church.
Young is a freelance storyteller with a
unique gift of turning storytelling into a perfor
mance art with the use of sign language. A
nursery will be provided.
• ••
Children from the community are invited to
the Andrew United Methodist Church "Walk
With Jesus” and Easter Egg Hunt April 6 at 2
Ages 1 year old to fifth grade are invited.
Andrew UMC is located along Georgia 127
between Houston Lake and Moody roads.
For further information, call 987-7934 or
Main events held on Mondays at
First Baptist Church of Perry
Main Event activities at First Baptist Church
of Perry begin at 6:30 p.m. on Monday
evenings with snack supper followed by out
reach activities at 7 p.m.
• ••
Rapha Support Group Training will be held
May 4, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. for anyone interested in
beginning or leading in support group ministry.
• ••
Community-wide Holy Week services,
sponsored by the Perry Ministerial Association,
continue at First Baptist Church of Perry
through April 5 at 12:05 p.m. Lunch will be
served at 12:30 p.m. each day for a cost of
• ••
P.E.P. stands for Parents Encouraging
Parents. Each Sunday Bobby Nix will meet
with parents who come together to discuss dif
ferent topics concerning the opportunities of
parenting. On April 14, this group will hold its
f Middle Georgia Sod Installation and Sbivices, he. >
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1208 Washington St. • Perry
first meeting in Room 201, at 6 p.m. at First
Baptist Church.
Six tickets to the Promise Keepers Men’s
Conference in Atlanta, set for May 24-25 have
come available. The cost is S6O each. Contact
First Baptist Church office at 987-2002, or
Steve Boatright at 987-9262.
First Impression Volunteers are still needed
to meet the needs of daily visitors and callers to
First Baptist Church. These volunteers perform
many tasks that allow the office staff to more
efficiently cover their responsibilities. There is
still a need for volunteers on Tuesdays and
Fridays. Interested persons can call the church
office at 987-2002.
Houston Lake Baptist offers couples
retreat at Norman Baptist Assembly
A Couples’ Retreat will be held April 19-20
at Norman Baptist Assembly near Moultrie. R
& R = Romance and Relationships.
• ••
A church-wide sing will be held at 7 p.m.,
April 21 at Houston Lake Baptist Church.
Members of Houston Lake Baptist Church
will be making a church-wide trip on April 12
to see the Atlanta Hawks play the Milwaukee
Bucks. The tickets are half-price ($7.50) and
after the game those going will hear the
Christian artists “Newsong”.
• ••
Holy Week and Easter activities at Houston
Lake Baptist Church include a sunrise service
April 7, an Easter musical at the 11 a.m. service
and an Easter egg hunt for youngsters through
the sixth grade April 6 at 10 a.m.
Associational Bible drill slated
A Children’s Bible Drill and Youth Bible
Drill will be held at the Rehoboth Association
Office Assembly Room. Judges will be former
State Bible Drill winners from the Rehoboth
1500 Sam Nunn Blvd.
Perry ■ 987-9494
Beside Quality Inn
Closed on Sunday
Wednesday, April 3, 1996, Houston Times-Joumal-
South Houston Area Churches :
Assembly of God
Assembly of God Church, 281 Grovania Road 987-5154 j
Elko Baptist, Oak Street, Elko 987-1621 j
First Baptist Church, 1105 Main St 987-2002 j
Greater Union Baptist Church, 1006 Marion St 987-0054 •
Green Grove Baptist, Ga. 26, Elko 783-3332}
Hayneville First Baptist, 811 Grovania Road 987-3742}
Henderson Baptist, 2813 U.S. 41S 987-6569}
Houston Lake Baptist Church, 2300 Ga. 123 E 987-0279}
Kathleen Baptist Church, 111 Bear Branch Road 987-3338 J
Marthann Baptist, 127 Marshallville Road 987-46471
Memorial Heights Baptist Church. 521 Courtney Hodges 987-0724’
Mt. Mariah Baptist, R-1, Perry 627-3177>
New Hope Baptist Church, 1014 W.F. Ragin Drive 987-0501*
New Smyrna Baptist, U.S. 41 N 987-0034
Oak Level Baptist, 442 Lake Joy Road 987-3933
Oldfield Baptist Church. 1501 Houston Lake Road 987-0460
Rehoboth Baptist Church, 2238 U.S. 41 N 987-1577
Sandbed Baptist, Ga. 247 Spur 987-4304-
Second Memorial Baptist, Kings Chapel Road 987-4803
Shiloh Baptist, 210 Whitworth Road, Elko 987-5950
Spring Creek Baptist, Flournoy Road 987-9326
Tharpe Memorial Baptist, 2758 U.S. 41N 987-1116
St. Patrick’s Catholic, 1039 St. Patrick's Drive 987-4213
First Christian Church, 2100 Macon Road 987-5428
Church of Christ
Church of Christ, U.S. 41 N 987-4268
Church of God
New Hope Church of God, 2290 Ga. 127 987-7893
Perry Church of God, 1929 Marshallville Road 988-3020
Church of God in Christ
Word of Deliverance, 2234 U.S. 41 N 987-4796
St. Christopher’s at the Crossroads, 1207 Macon Road 987-2190
Free Will Baptist
Perry Free Will Baptist Church, 1964 Marshallville Road 987-8068
Full Gospel Lighthouse, Gaines Street 987-3126
Living Waters Assembly, 2305 N. U.S. 41 987-4155
Victory Christian Fellowship, 1917 Marshallville Road 987-9826
Jehovah’s Witness
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 1301 Julianne St 987-7341’
Andrew United Methodist, 2418 Ga. 127 987-7934
Crossroads United Methodist, 1600 Main St 987-3721
Elko United Methodist, Oak Street, Elko 987-7611
Perry United Methodist Church, 1001 Carroll St 987-1852
Methodist, Christian Episcopal
Kings Chapel CME Church, 402 Arena Road 988-1503
Oak Grove CME Church, Terrell Road, Elko none
St. James CME Church. 1007 W.F. Ragin Drive 987-4404
Living Faith Family Worship Center, 304 Lee St 987-5579
Faith Bible Fellowship, 934 Elko Road 987-3292
New Pentecostal Church of Perry, Elm Street 987-3161
Perry Presbyterian Church, 1100 Second St 987-1403
Primitive Baptist
Beaver Creek Primitive Baptist, Sandefur Road, Kathleen 987-2441
United Pentecostal Holiness *
New Life Worship Center, 2334 U.S. 41 South 987-5816
To list your church on this page, for free,
call 987-1823 and ask to speak to Jj
( ompldc i.H maintenance * Road sScrvice • Pick a))) W delivers
1202 MAIX SI., PERKY • 0157-0 1150
' • • '
Baptist Association.
A seminar for Georgia Baptist Ministers’!
Wives will be held April 20 at the Georgia!
Baptist Center. Cost for the 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.;
The speaker will be Mildred McWhorter.
The Rehoboth Baptist Association;
Executive Committee Meeting will be April 18
at 7 p.m. in the Association Office.
A Vacation Bible School Clinic will be held;
May 9, 6:30-9:30 p.m., at Northside Baptist
Church, 201 Elmwood St., Warner Robins.;
Conferences for all ages. Extra conference on
special education.
New Life plans special service for
Easter, many guest speakers
Members of New Life United Pentecostal
Church will have a special Easter service with
the theme of “God is not dead, He is alive.”
Special speakers include pastors, the Revs.
Tony and Freddy Baldwin, the Rev. Alan
Gribby, the Rev. J.D. Wheelis and the Rev.
Randy Wheelis.
Special activities are planned for children
during the day at New Life.
The church is 2.7 miles south along U.S. 41.
About church news
The Houston Times-Joumal provides this,
space each week for churches to announce
events which are open to the public and of
community interest.
This space is not provided to simply list reg
ular Sunday worship services, but rather spe
cial events.
Items can be mailed to the Times-Journal at
P.O. Drawer M, Perry, 31069, brought to the
office at 807 Carroll St., or faxed at 988-1181.
Items can also be sent via email to; *
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