Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, May 22, 1996, Houston Timcs-Journal
Page 2A
Bohannon, Veline seek voters’ approval
From Staff Reports
Pat Bohannon has announced her candidacy
as state representative for district 139.
She is Houston County GOP chairwoman.
She has held that position for one year. She is a
registered nurse, a graduate of Macon Hospital
School of Nursing in 1968 and owns her own
company, Bohannon and Associates, providing
medical management and job placement to
injured workers.
She and her husband, Dale, have two chil
Bohannon said her campaign will focus on
retiring Tomy Murphy, speaker of the House
and on bringing integrity and accountability to
the Georgia General Assembly. She added that
she will focus on issues of concern to women,
workers and families.
State House District 139 has been held by
Democrat Sonny Watson for more than 20
years. He is retiring this term.
Other candidates include Republican Ned
Sanders and Democrat Larry O'Neal.
Perry FFA takes
state resources
Society Editor
Members of the Perry High
School FFA team won first place
in the Natural Resources State
Contest held at Abraham Baldwin
Agricultural College in Tifton
According to school officials,
this was the first time since 1980
that PHS students had won first
place in this contest.
The contest consisted of 10
categories: tree identification,
tree disorders, soil testing, fish
life, wild life, slope land textures,
pulpwood estimation timber
stand improvement, compass and
land measurement.
The contest included seventh,
eighth and ninth grades; all of
Perry's team were freshmen.
Argene Claxton was the team
GED test to be offered frequently this summer
Special to the Times-Journal
Georgia Technical Institute will
offer the GED exam three times a
month during the summer quarter.
Students wishing to take all or part
of the GED should report no later
than 7:30 a.m.
Location for testing varies so
student should check with MGT
Annie E. Allen
BYRON Services for Annie
E. Allen, 74, who died May 15,
1996, were held May 17 at Glen
Haven Memorial Gardens
She was bom in Bibb County
and was a resident of Byron most
of her life.
Survivors include her husband,
Leslie A. Allen; children, Renee
Peterson, Jerry C. Moore, and
Buford A. Moore, all of
Powersville, and Norwood D.
Moore of Perry; brothers and sis
ters, Kenneth Edwards of Lizella,
Charles Edwards, Josephine Jones
and Lillian Moulton, ail of Macon,
Malcolm Edwards and Maxine
English, both of Powersville; 11
grandchildren; and 12 great
Second Memorial Baptist Church
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Carl Ashton Veline Jr. announced he will run
for the office of District Attorney, Houston
Judicial Circuit.
He is currently an attorney in general trial
practice in Warner Robins.
Veline, 48, a native of Charleston, S.C.,
graduated from Charleston Southern
University in 1970 with a bachelor of science
degree and John Marshall Law School in 1974
with a law degree. He is currently completing
the requirements for a MBA degree from
Mercer University.
A member of the State Bar of Georgia since
1974, he is also a member of the Florida Bar.
Additionally, he is presently a member of the
Board of Governors, State Bar of Georgia,
from the Houston Judicial Circuit and also
serves as Judge Pro-Tern of the State Court of
Houston County. While serving as Solicitor, he
also served on the Traffic Law Revision
Committee of the Prosecuting Attorneys
Council of Georgia.
Veline began practicing law in 1974, in
Ip Jiff f \ i H P
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Tlmes-Journal Photo by Pauline Lewis
include (front, from left) Tammy Killoran, Mary Reese, Kelli O'Neal, Minesh Patel, Dewayne
Heard (back) Trent Lusk, Mickey Yansom, Ryan Talton, James Rebes and Joseph Fountain.
prior to testing date.
Students who have never taken
any part of the GED should bring
$35 in cash to take all five parts of
the GED. A student retaking any
part or parts of the GED should
bring $7 per test they are planning
to take. The entire test takes
approximately eight hours. Allow
about two hours for each portion
Crest Lawn Funeral Home had
charge of arrangements
Dwight D. Lamar
Services for Dwight D. Lamar,
who died May 11, 1996, were held
May 18 at Richardson and Son
Funeral Home in Pfcrry with burial
in Macedonia Baptist Church
Cemetery, Montrose.
He was the son of the late
Johny and Juanita K. Lamar. He
attended Laurens County public
schools and was a certified auto
body mechanic.
Survivors include his children,
Raymond Lamar and Cynthia
Lamar, both of Patterson, N.J.,
Markus D. Lamar, Angelus Lamar
and Marshall Ford, all of Macon;
mother, Juanita K. Lamar of
Warner Robins; brothers and sis
ters, Shedrick Dennard and Wayne
of the test.
The following are the presently
scheduled GED testing dates are:
June 4 and 11, Tuesday
June 29, Saturday
July 9 and 16, Tuesday
July 27, Saturday
August 6 and 13, Tuesday
August 31, Saturday.
For additional information
Bryant, both of Atlanta, Michael
Lane and Daisy Lamar, both of
Macon, Vanessa Bryant of
Kathleen, Arvis Coney of Ft.
Knox, Ky., Theresa Lamar of
Warner Robins, and Wendy Floyd
of Clarksville, Tenn.
Horace L. Barham
ATLANTA Services for
Horace Lewis Barham, 40, who
died May 19, 1996, were held May
21 at Bobby Glover Mortuary in
Perry, with burial at Davis Chapel
Survivors include his wife,
Yvonne Barham; son, Joshua L.
Barham; and sisters, Wilma Jean
Whitfield of Warner Robins,
Shirley Whitfield of Perry, Angela
Odom of Woodbridge, and Gail
Granville of Macon.
Marietta, moving to Warner Robins in May
1975 to join the law firm of the late Jim
Harmon. A year later he began,his own firm,
which he still has today.
In 1981, Veline was appointed as Solicitor
of the State Court of Houston County. He was
re-elected for two full terms thereafter, serving
as Solicitor through 1990.
Veline states, "My years of serving as pros
ecutor, defense attorney and Judge Pro-Tern
have given me the experience necessary to
serve as your District Attorney. My goal is to
aggressively and fairly prosecute all crimes
coming within the jurisdiction of the District
Attorney’s office, with attention being given to
the rights of the victims of crime at all levels.
Added emphasis will be placed on the prosecu
tion of all drug cases, from the street level deal
ers up."
He is married to the former Kathleen E.
Roberts, a former English teacher at Bert
Rumble Middle School. They have three chil
dren: Kristin, 18, Eric, 16 and Ashley, 12.
about the GED program, which
results in the award of a high
school equivalency diploma, con
tact Middle Georgia Tech at 1311
Corder Road in Warner Robins or
call 929-6800.
The Houston Times-
Journal can be purchased
at Drugs for Less in Warner
Robins, Davidson’s Store in
Kathleen and at the Georgia
National Fairgrounds in
Perry. Single copy price is
50 cents.
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