Newspaper Page Text
• Wednesday, May 29, 1996, Houston i tmes-Journal
Page 4B
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Special photo
SCOUTING IS FUN! Girls between the ages of 6 to 12
can attend a four-day Girl Scout Camp held at Andrew
United Methodist Church on Ga. 127 in Kathleen. Activities
include fun with arts and crafts, outdoor adventures, songs
and games. Perry Girl Scouts as well as girls interested in
learning more about scouting can register through Girl
Scouts of Middle Georgia Council at (800) 868-4475. Register
now to insure a place at camp.
New organ consecrated at St. Christophers-at-the-Crossroads Episcopal Church
Society Editor
Consecration services for a newly
installed pipe organ at St Christopher-at
the-Crossroads Episcopal Church of Perry
were led by the Very Rev. Frank Allen.
Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta May 12.
Soil and water stewardship observance
began with Rogation days years ago
<? The Origin of the Soil and
Water Stewardship Observance.
The Soil and Water
Stewardship Observance is cele
brated in the United States to
" remind people of their individual
f responsibilities to care for soil and
« water resources. By its very
nature, the observance is one to be
joined in by everyone (regardless
* of religious beliefs) who shares a
•• sense of personal responsibility to
; care for valued natural resources.
The roots of this special obser
vance are deep in history. For cen
turies, men and women have
„ offered thanks to God for the
, priceless gifts of soil, water, air,
and sunshine which sustain all liv
ing things. The world as we know
it could not exist without fruitful
- agriculture and forestry. But
nature, like man, is erratic. There
are times when the very elements
seem to conspire against a fruitful
This is what happened in
France more than 1,500 years ago
in the city of Vienna and its sur
- rounding countryside. Bad weath
er, fires and earthquakes had
brought crop failures and wide
-1 spread hunger. The bishop of
Vienna, Saint Mamertus, called
for prayer and penance on the
: three days preceding Ascension
; Day. The people responded and
. implored God for help in their suf
, fering and privation.
Word of what happened in
' Vienna spread throughout France
» and then to other countries beyond
* the Alps. The supplication filled a
need in the hearts and minds of the
- people, and as the years went by,
v the annual practice of setting aside
j these special Rogation Days was
f( widely established.
, In the United States, the deci
sion to set aside a week each year
to acknowledge before God our
) dependence on the gifts of the soil
« has met with wide acceptance. In
parts of the South earlier in this
century, a few church congrega
e tions began to set aside the fifth
' Sunday after Easter as Soil and
Soul Sunday. Subsequently, this
> designation was changed to Soil
' Stewardship Sunday, when in
1946, the publishers of Farm and
, Ranch magazine took on promo
■> tion of the observance.
The response of clergy and lay
1 leaders was so positive that obscr
* vance of Soil Stewardship Sunday
spread to other denominations in
other states. In 1954, the publish
/ ers of the magazine suggested to
the officers of the National
Association of Conservation
Districts that they take on nation
t - wide promotion of the obser
" vance.
* The national association, which
» represents 3,000 local soil and
v water conservation districts, has
* sponsored the observance since
1955. The development of the
The organ was given to the church by a
Savannah family, according to the Rev.
John Buchanan, vicar of St. Christopher's
church. The only cost to the church was to
pay for installation by professional
The pipe organ was installed recently
theme and supporting materials is
guided by a Soil and Water
Stewardship Advisory
Committee, which includes repre
sentatives of a number of reli
gious denominations.
The observance, now known as
Soil and Water Stewardship
Week, is celebrated each year
between the last Sunday in April
and the first Sunday in May.
However, congregations are
encouraged to celebrate the obser
vance in any convenient time.
(National Association of
Conservation Districts, 408 East
Main. League City. Texas 77373)
WRHS Class of 76
Reunion is planned
Special to the Times-Journal
Members of the Warner Robins
High School Class of 1976 will
hold their 20th reunion on Aug.
For details, call Karen Harris
Stahl at 929-1390.
Get home delivery of the
Houston Times-Journal
each week. Call 987-1823
for details
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Byron, Ga.
Christian Singles plan June party in Macon
A picnic and dance will be held June 15,
from 8 p.m. to midnight at Glenwood Hills
United Methodist Church, 3357 Rice Mill
Road. Macon. The event is for members of
Christian Singles and friends.
The cost is $7 per person. Heavy hors
d’oeuvres will be served and door prizes
awarded. Music by Sounds By Cook. No alco
hol allowed.
For more information, call 788-0118. 745-
0568 or 477-8218.
Shirley Hills Baptist Church to host
Baccalaureate service
Baccalaureate Service for all seniors ol
Houston County schools will be at 3 p.m., June
2, at Shirley Hills Baptist Church. All seniors
and parents are encouraged to attend.
Youth hosting dinner at Houston Lake
A barbecue chicken dinner and cake auction
will be held June 2, immediately following the
morning worship service at Houston Lake
Baptist Church. The cost of an adult plate is $5
while a children's plate is $2.50.
The meal will benefit the church's youth
program. Tickets are available in the Church
Rehoboth Baptist Association
observes missions week
The churches of Rehoboth Baptist
Association observed Associational Missions
Week May 20-26. The association is made up
of 46 churches working together to win people
and to start new churches - presently is sup
in the organ loft at the church, which is
located along Macon Road in Perry,
Buchanan said.
A 25-voice choir from All Saints’
Episcopal Church of Warner Robins sang
the hymns used in the service.
Dr. Robert Parris, head of the Music
Middle Georgia Sod Installation and Sbmces, Inc.
Let Us Aerate Your Lawn - Reasonable Prices
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Southern food At It * Sect
Quality Inn
I-75 at U.S. 341
Perry • 987-1345
Charles “Chick" Evans
Vice President and General Manager
f )
„ ( tc c .ir iM.nntcii.UH c •! sScrviti • Pick up \ <lcli\ci\
1202 >l ll\ SI., PERRY • 007-0120
PO Box 2127 • Warner Robins, Ga 31099-2127
Phone/FLX (912) 923-3416 * Long Instance 800-705-8770
•10 Mlnut* OH Chang*’ P «ooS*
Rtfirncti Upon Rtqusst
inner services nvaunie
1500 Sam Nunn Blvd.
Perry ■ 987-9494
Beside Quality Inn
Closed on Sunday
104 Courtney Hodges Blvd.
Perry, Ga. 31069
Hosts: Jewel and Edna
Serving Houston County
Perry • Warner Robins
Member FDIC
Meadowdale Learning
1797 Houston Lake Road • 987-9070
6 weeks-12 years
Pre-school program Before and After School
School Transportation —Gymnastics
Pre-Kindergarten Program Summer Swimming Program
Drop-Ins Welcome
The Bank Of Perry
Please worship at the church of your choice
1006 Main St. • Perry
987-2554 • Member FDIC
porting six new mission churches.
Christian Social Ministry, located at 101
South Second Street in Warner Robins, hours
of operation are: Tuesday and Thursday, from
9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Phone is 329-0760
Since opening day, Feb. 6, 1996, totals are
as follows: 21,504 pdunds of food distributed;
559 families helped; 1,577 individuals helped;
witnessed to a total of 547; and there have been
75 decisions for Christ.
The following items are always needed:
Canned vegetables, canned meats, peanut but
ter and jelly; dried products (beans, milk, rice
and such), flour, commeal, sugar, salt and pep
per. hand soap, washing powder, all paper
products, disposable diapers. Please carry
items to the Center during the hours mentioned
Perry Presbyterians seek summer
choir members
Now is the time to join the Choir at Perry
Presbyterian Church. Summer choir schedule at
Perry Presbyterian church is 6:30-9 p.m.: May 29,
June 19. July 17, Aug. 21 and Sept. 4 (Christmas
Music Kickoff). Normal weekly rehearsal sched
ule will resume Sept. 1, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
The Music Department will soon be forming
an all-women’s choir and an all men’s choir.
Interested persons should let choir director
Robert Touchton know.
Project Andrew (Bringing some to VBS) is
based on John 1: 35-42. Vacation Bible School
at Perry Presbyterian Church is June 10-14,
8:45-11:30 a.m. Directors this year are Karan
Johnson and Bonnie Franklin. Contact them for
Department at Mercer University, gave an
organ recital featuring eight pieces of
music. Most of the selections were
German compositions, including
Capriccio by George Bohm, Toccato by
Scheidt, and an improvisation of “Christ
Lay in the Bonds of Death”. Parris is
One - 887-SMS
—z —j
i Inn
Brian, Bearden
• Other major
brands also avail
• Gene A.
Browning. Manager
• Call 988-8058
• 1304 Washington
St. Perry
South Houston Area Churches
Assembly of God
Assembly of God Church, 281 Grovania Road 987-5154
Elko Baptist, Oak Street, Elko 987-1621
First Baptist Church, 1105 Main St 987-2002
Greater Union Baptist Church, 1006 Marion St 987-0054
Green Grove Baptist, Ga. 26, Elko 783-3332
Hayneville First Baptist, 811 Grovania Road 987-3747
Henderson Baptist, 2813 U.S. 41S 987-6569
Houston Lake Baptist Church, 2300 Ga. 123 E 987-0277
Kathleen Baptist Church, 111 Bear Branch Road 987-3330
Marthann Baptist, 127 Marshallville Road 987-4647
Memorial weighty B»ptict Cl.jrch 5? l Courtney Hodges 987-0724
Mt. Mariah Baptist, R-l, Perry 627-3177
New Hope Baptist Church, 1014 W.F. Ragin Drive 987-0501
New Smyrna Baptist, U.S. 41 N 987-0034
Oak Level Baptist, 442 Lake Joy Road 987-3933
Oldfield Baptist Church, 1501 Houston Lake Road 987-0460
Rehoboth Baptist Church, 2238 U.S. 41 N 987-1577
Sandbed Baptist, Ga. 247 Spur 987-4304
Second Memorial Baptist, Kings Chapel Road 987-4803
Shiloh Baptist, 210 Whitworth Road, Elko 987-5950
Spring Creek Baptist, Flournoy Road 987-9326
Tharpe Memorial Baptist, 2758 U.S. 4IN 987-1116
St. Patrick’s Catholic, 1039 St. Patrick’s Drive 987-4213
First Christian Church, 2100 Macon Road *... 987-5428
Church of Christ
Church of Christ, U.S. 41 N 987-4268
Church of God
New Hope Church of God, 2290 Ga. 127 987-7893
Perry Church of God, 1929 Marshallville Road 988-3020
Church of God in Christ
Word of Deliverance, 2234 U.S. 41 N 987-4796
St. Christopher’s at the Crossroads, 1207 Macon Road 987-2190
Free Will Baptist
Perry Free Will Baptist Church, 1964 Marshallville Road 987-8068
Full Gospel Lighthouse, Gaines Street 987-3126
Living Waters Assembly, 2305 N. U.S. 41 987-4155
Victory Christian Fellowship, 1917 Marshallville Road 987-9826
Jehovah’s Witness
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 1301 Julianne St 987-7341
Andrew United Methodist, 2418 Ga. 127 987-7934
Crossroads United Methodist, 1603 Main St 987-3721.
Elko United Methodist, Oak Street, Elko * 987-7611
Perry United Methodist Church, 1001 Carroll St 987-1852
Methodist, Christian Episcopal
Kings Chapel CME Church, 402 Arena Road 988-1503
Oak Grove CME Church, Terrell Road, Elko ; none
St. James CME Church, 1007 W.F. Ragin Drive 987-4404
Living Faith Family Worship Center, 304 Lee St 987-5579,
Faith Bible Fellowship, 934 Elko Road 987-3292
New Pentecostal Church of Perry, Elm Street 987-3161
Perry Presbyterian Church, 1100 Second St 987-1403
Primitive Baptist
Beaver Creek Primitive Baptist, Sandefur Road, Kathleen 987-244 1
United Pentecostal Holiness
New Life Worship Center, 2334 U.S. 41 South 987-5816
difference ... "fKcT
1208 Washington St. . Perry - j/'~**“***-““
Worship at the church of
your choice then shop
these merchants!
more information.
First Baptist Church plans VBS
Vacation Bible School is set for July 22-26
at Perry First Baptist Church.
“Go for the Goal” is the theme of the week.
Information about organizational team meet
ings will be forthcoming.
First Baptist Church Conference will be
held at 6:45 p.m. on June 12 The business of
the church will be conducted at this meeting.
The Southern Baptist Convention will be
held in New Orleans June 11-13. Messengers
from the local churches will attend.
World Changers ‘96 (all 9th through 12th
grade students), “At Your Service , June 22-
29. Sign up at the church office, First Baptist
Samaritan closet to be open June 1
Members of the Perry United Methodist
Church will open the Samaritan Closet on June
1 from 8 a.m. until noon at 933 Washington St.
Clothing can be purchased for a nominal
fee, making clothing available to those in the
community who would benefit from this out
reach effort.
The Closet is in need of donations of men’s,
women’s and children’s clothing. Please no
shoes. Clothing can be brought to the Closet on
Thursday from 10 a.m. until noon and to the
Church on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
For more information, call Judy Lilley at
organist at All Saints and designed the
pipe organ installed in that church several
years ago.
At the conclusion of the recital, about
100 members and guests were served a
covered dish dinner in the Parish Hall.