Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, March 11, 1998, Image 1

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    Panthers Reach G„.,. a ,u o„,.ool Association Bashetball Finals
Stories about the 30-2 season Special 6-page salute to team
see pages 6-8 A see pages 1-6 B
Volume 127,
No. 10
5 Sections,
22 Pages
March 1998
50 Cents 1j
At the
This Week
Horse show at
Fairgrounds Saturday
The Magnolia Arabian Horse
Show will be held at the Georgia
National Fairgrounds March 14-15
A computer show will also be held
at the Fairgrounds this weekend
Sandwiches on school
lunch menu
Here are menus for the Houston
County public schools tor lunch and
March 11 Breakfast
Breakfast pizza or cereal and toast,
fruit or fruit juice Lunch or cereal
and toast, fruit or fruit juice. Lunch
Hot dog, hamburger or PBJ sand
wich. two vegetables two fruits,
March 12 Breakfast Chicken
biscuit or cereal and toast, fruit or
fruit juice Lunch Submarine sand
wich. southern chicken with roll or
PBJ sandwich, two vegetables, two
fruits, manager s choice dessert
March 13 Breakfast
Manager s choice or cereal and
toast, fruit or fruit juice; Lunch
Pizza, manager's choice or PBJ
sandwich, two vegetables, two
fruits, applesauce cake
March 16 Breakfast
Manager s choice or cereal and
toast, fruit or fruit juice; Lunch
Hamburger, manager s choice or
PBJ sandwich, two vegetables, two
fruits, juice bar
March 17 Sausage biscuit or
cereal and toast, fruit or fruit juice
Lunch Chicken sandwich. Beef-a-
Rom or PBJ sandwich, two vegeta
bles. two fruits, manager s choice
March 18 Breakfast Cheese
croissant or cereal and toast, fruit
or fruit juice Lunch Corn dog,
grilled cheese with fruit yogurt or
PBJ sandwich two vegetables, two
fruits. Mississippi mud cake
Inspectors find food
temperature problems
Inspectors from the Houston
County Environmental Health
Department found some decrepanaes
during their March 2-6 nspecbons
Businesses with discrepancies
were required to address the prob
lems immediately
Bonaire Middle School, 125 Ga
96 East. Bonaire. 93. problems with
temperature control of foods
Captain D's, 1408 Sam Nunn
Blvd Perry. 69. problems with tem
perature control of foods
Central Park, 104 Russell
Parkway. Warner Robins. 76. food
handling techniques
Checkers Drive-In, 120 North
Houston Road. Warner Robins, 78.
problems with facility/equipment
Church's Chicken. 1801 Watson
Blvd. Warner Robins. 92. problems
with temperature control of foods
Hardee's, 353 N Perimeter
Road, Perry, 87. problems with
storage of cleaning products
Hunan Lion, 2028 Watson Blvd
Warner Robins, 79. problems with
employee hygiene matters
Little Casears Pizza. 813 N
Houston Road, Warner Robins. 81
problems with temperature control
of foods
McDonald's, 1879 Watson
Blvd . Warner Robins. 77, problems
with temperature control of foods
Quincy's. 1413 Sam Nunn
Blvd Perry, 83, problems with tem
perature control of foods
Wendy's/Perry, 1428 Sam Nunn
Blvd . Perry. 92. problems with tem
perature control of foods
Warner Robins Nursing Center
1601 Elberla Road, Warner
Robins. 90. problems with food
handling techniques
Zaxbys 401 N Davis Drive,
Warner Robins. 91. problems with
temperature control of foods
(See FOOD. Page SA)
Houston Times - Journal
Official Legal Organ for Houston County, the City of Perry and the State of Georgia
Voters rule on use of sales tax March 17
Sales tax vs. property tax at key to referendum
Times-Joi hnai. Staw
On March 17. Houston County voters will vote
yes or no on the following question
“Shall a special one percent sales and use tax be
imposed in Houston County, lor a period o! time not
to exceed 20 calendar quarters I s years) and lor the
raising of not more than Forty-Four Million
($44 .(M Hi.OOO (K)) tor the purpose ol funding the cost
of renovation and/or acquisition, construction, and
equipping of courthouse and jail facilities in the
The following information, hased on frequently
asked questions, is provided to help voters in making
an informed decision.
Question If the sales tax is approved, what will be
the total sales tax in Houston County '
Answer seven cents on every dollar The current
sales tax is six percent, or six cents on every dollar
Question What happens to the sales tax already
being paid ’ Where does that money go ’
Four cents on every dollar goes to the state gov
ernment. one cent goes to the Houston County Board
of Education for school use This is an ongoing sales
Pair of
Perryans held
in separate
murder cases
Times-Jocks At Stajj
Two local men involved m
separate homicides have been
charged with murder
According to Police Chiel
George Potter. 23 year old Nina
Albright was apparently beaten
to death with a blunt object
March 9.
Charged with her death is 23
year old Martin Peterson, her
live-in boyfriend
After responding to a 911 call
to a trailer at Pecan Grove
Mobile Manor located along I S
34 IN in Perry, paramedics
requested police presence at that
location about 9:47 a m.
Reports state that the subject
was found in the living room area
ol the trailer, bleeding from the
No vital signs could be found
on lhe subject.
Peterson was found in the bed
room suffering from an overdose,
an apparent suicide attempt, said
The couple’s 18 month old
daughter was at the residence at
the time
She was found apparently
physically unharmed
Peterson has been transferred
from Perry Hospital, where he
was treated for the overdose, to
(See MURDER. Page SA»
Weekend dominated by strong storm system, rain
Perry utilities workers cruised
city streets during the weekend,
keeping an eye on possible flood
ing problems which could occur
in town.
Those problems were not as
severe as some experienced in the
past, according to Public Works
Director Hugh Sharp, even
though more than four inches of
rain fell in a 24-hour period
March K.
Sharp believes the reduced
damage from flooding is partly
because city crews kept a watch
ful eye on drainage areas They
watched lor locations where pine
tax. which was originally intended to reduce proper
ty taxes One cent goes to the Houston County Board
of Education for building new schools, and will
phase out when the necessary funds have been
Both of the county sales taxes have been approved
by the voters
Question W hat will the money raised by the pro
posed new sales lax be used tor ‘
\ To build a new 450-bed jail, which will be
shared by Pulaski County (Pulaski would pay 8-10
percent ol the cost) This facility will be located
along the Perry Parkway or next to the existing lacil
. To build a new courthouse somewhere along the
Perry Parkway
\ To renovate the existing courthouse building in
downtown Perry so that it can be used to house other
governmental offices in need ol new quarters, such
as the Houston County Extension Service
Question Why must a decision be made now
(Set- Ql ESTIONS. Page SAI
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SO CLOSE Dannorris Harvey (23) looks for points against
Mitchell Baker in the GHSA Class AA state championship basketball
game March 7. The Panthers fell to Mitchell-Baker. See pages 6-8 A
and 1-6 B for more details.
straw and other materials could
accumulate. This helped reduce
water back-up and Hooding
The several areas around town
which experienced problems are
part of a study currently being
conducted on the city sewer and
storm water drainage system, said
That includes the Cheshire
subdivision, ihe Tucker area and
the Cambridge Road area, he said
Houston County Commission
Chairman J Sherrill Stafford said
while Houston county residents
reported some problems, they
were not as severe as some report
ed in other counties
County crews kept watchful
Serving Houston County Since Dec. 17, 1870
eyes on low lying areas over the
There were reports of some
Hooding in the Ga 2b area
There were also reports of a
tunnel cloud spotted in a field just
south of Perry by area amateur
radio enthusiasts
According to Matt Sena, mete
orologist at the National Weather
Service located in Peachtree City,
the heavy rains were caused by a
"very strong storm system that
developed out west and moved
across the area over the week
"This was a very large, strong
(Set* RAIN, Page SAI
Useful information for county voters
Knoxi Siam Kt poms
The referendum on the spe
cial use sales tax will be held on
March 17. The sales tax question
is the only item on the ballot in
this election All polls will be
open from 7 a m to 7 p m
If you will be out of town or
otherwise unable to go to the
polls on March 17. you can cast
tjn absentee ballot before elcc
fion day at the Houston County
Board of Elections Office on
Main Street in Perry, or at the
Courthouse Annex in Warner
For information on obtaining
an absentee ballot by mail, call
the Board of Elections. 988-
Voting locations in South
Houston County arc as follows:
School board to
question teens about
local health forum
Timp-JonsAi Stait
The Houston County Board of
Fducation has approved a pre-sur
vey and post-survey of eighth
grade students who attend the
local Teen Health Forum The
survey will be given with parental
The pre-survey asks young
people about their main source of
information about drugs and alco
hol as well as sex education It
asks how the HIV/AIDS virus is
transmitted and other questions
about AIDS, as well as questions
about peer pressure and parental
influence on the teen's decision
The post-survey, to be given
after the health forum, asks for
evaluation of the forum itself.
The survey was approved by
the Board at the March 10 regular
monthly meeting
In other business, the Board
• Approved a six month lease
of the Houston County High
School Fine Arts Building for
Sunday morning use by the
Cornerstone Baptist Church,
w hich has been pay ing to use the
school facility for two years
already while building a new
... and now, colder temperatures
Times-Jocknac Stait
Enjoy the beautiful white blos
soms on Perry’s Bradford pear
trees today. By tomorrow, if the
weather gels bad enough, they
may not be so pretty!
Whether you're delighting in
the sights of early spring, tending
a (lower bed or staking your
financial future on peaches, when
the temperature drops below
freezing in March, there's reason
for concern
According to Ricky Wheeler.
Home of the Georgia
National fair and
Agrii enter
ARMY - Perry National
Guard Armory. Macon Road
MORN - Morningsidc
Elementary Schixil Gym. 1206
Morningsidc Drive
ROZR - Ro/.ar Memorial
Park Community Center. 1060
Keith Drive
HEFS - Henderson Fire
Station. Highway 41 South
HAFS - Hayneville Fire
Station. Highway 341 South
KATH - Kathleen Voting
Precinct, 1052 Highway 247
LJFS - l.akex Fire Station,
Joy Road
In a letter to Superintendent
Tony Hinnanl. the Rev. Jerry
Shedd. pastor of the new church,
said that he and his congregation
"deeply appreciate the use of the
building each Sunday morning "
Shedd noted that the first phase
of the church's building project is
expected to be completed in mid
• Tabled a request from the
Perry Fire Department for a
donated school bus Board mem
ber Shirley Lowery asked that
Attorney Billy Jerles check out
the legality of giving the bus inn
longer in use) to the department to
be used in training
Jerles said that he thought
there was no problem with giving
the bus to another governmental
agency, but Lowery asked him to
look into the matter before the
next meeting
• Approved a request from
Warner Robins High School
Principal, Manannc Melnick. and
Director ol Bands Todd P Howell to
hold a marching hand festival and
competition at the sch<x>l next fall.
The even is being planned by
band booster parents who antici
pate bringing 20-30 bands togeth
er from all over Georgia and
The forecast: low 20a
Wednesday, near freezing
Thursday night.
Houston County Agent, this
week s cold weather poses a
problem for both farmers and
home gardeners, hut it remains to
be seen how great the problem
will he
“If it gets down below freez
(Sn COLD. Page SA)