Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, March 11, 1998, Page Page 2A, Image 2
Obituaries Robert Spencer Eller Jr. Services tor Robert Spencer l-Her Jr. 69. who died March 3, 1948. were held March 6, at Watson Hunt Funeral Home with the Rev l)r Rand) Kennedy offi ciating Burial was at Perry Memorial Hardens native ol Ft Pierce, Fla., he Heavy rains cause city sewers to back up ltv IMIIA JOHNSTONE I I'irs.jlll KS \l SUM Residents ot Cambridge Drive are appre ciative ol the installation ot a cul-de-sac, but are still wondering what can be done to allevi ate Hooding problems at the lower portion of the drive During the March 3 meeting of Perry City Council, tlien Anderson reported there is a problem with sewage overflow along the lower portion of that area Ifcaw rains mean sewage sometimes comes up through a nearby manhole to flow into the end ot the cul-de-sac and into some vaids said Anderson Perry C its Manager Skip Nalley answered Anderson by saying that the City is very much aware ol the problem and is working toward a solution We are working on the problem," said Nalley We are presently smoking the lines " City workers have been working with drop ping smoke bombs into manholes in an effort Tenth Dogwood Festival set for early April Pageant is this weekend; Thomas and Panthers to head parade B\ IM!1 \ JOHNSTONE I IMKs-JIM KN \l S| eH Plans arc moving ahead for the loth Annual I’crry Dogwood festival set lor April 4 and Pern Chamber ol Commerce CEO Chm Kinnas is looking lor a large turnout ol festival-goers (Inc big attraction, according to Kinnas will he the grand marshal i'l the I logwood Parade - Pern High School basketball coach Carl Thomas and his team, the state finalists, the Panthers. I think a lot of people are excited about seeing the Panthers and showing their support." said Kinnas The Panthers finished their sea son with a 30-2 record and placed second in the state championship game. Kinnas said there are still spaces available lor those who would like to be a part of the Parade that begins at noon April 4 For more information contact Houston Co. prisoners staying in other jails B\ EMILY JOHNSTONE Timks.Jih ksw snrr While Houston Counts citizens are waiting for the day that allow them to inform county commissioners by ballot how they feel about using a one cent sales lax to fund construction of a new jail and courthouse, a number ol county prisoners are waiting out their time m jails outside the county. According to Houston County Commission Chairman J Sherrill Stafford, as of March 10. there were four prisoners being housed at the Ashburn- Turner County Jail. 3j at Laurens County Jail and one Houston prisoner at the jail in Peach County. W e primarily use the Laurens jail, but w hen they fill up. we have to use other places." xa.d Stafford Cost lor housing inmates at outside county jails since last July now stands at $205,995. said Stafford This does not include cost of gas used for trans portation and other transport cost, he added. According to an article in The Wiregrass Farmer. the Ashhurn-Turner County Jail Administrator is happy to have Houston County prisoners housed at his facility Finding prisoners to fill that facility's 96 beds can sometimes a challenge, according to Administrator A NeuJ Image Salon located in the Village Shops a,. We NoW Offer Tanning! 1 Visit lOVUts 20 Visits 40 Visits ♦3.00 *20.00 35.00 *65.00 Brand New Pro Sun Vision Wolf Bed With Side & Face Tanners. Late appointments available. had resided in Perry for 11 years moving from Warner Robins He was a retired Air Force veteran serving during both the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War He retired with 39 years of service from Robins Air Force Base (Electronic Division). He was a Mason and a Shrincr. to spot infiltration spits in the city sewer lines According to Water Superintendent Danny Walker, the City has been monitoring the Cambridge area situation lor more than a year “We have been collecting data." said Walker. "We know the rainwater is coming in somewhere " When the problems spots are identified, they will be presented to council, said Walker Also addressing council was Jell Bone, owner of Wholesale Tire Co., located along Ball Street in downtown Perry. Bone said he has heard of possible displea sure of the appearance ol his business site and wanted to assure council that he is working to make the appearance of the property as nice as possible Bone said he has also purchased the proper ty that now houses NAPA Auto along Commerce Street That is adjacent to the W holesale Tire property An extra building that will be acquired as a result of the purchase will be upgraded and Kathy Powers at 987-1234 During the day. a Downtown Arts and Crafts Festival will be held from 10 a m until 4pm For more information about vendor space, contact Julie Schmader at 987-1214 The yearly 5K Run/I Mile Walk sponsored by the Perry Hospital and PPC! Industries will begin at 8 a m with registration beginning at 7:30 a m For more information on that event, contact Faith Stewart at 988 1729 or Ty Sturgeon at 981-2459 The Spring Home and Garden Show will be held at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter from 9 a m until 5 p.m The Show is sponsored by the Beltista Club and will showcase dealers and exhibitors from throughout the Southeast For more information, contact Gail Brown at 987-284*' The Kiwanis Club will once again be cooking pancakes with David Mathes "We have literally gone almost dimr to door look ing for any county or city which needs a place to send prisoners." The W'i re gras.\ quotes Mathes as saying And. until more iail space is available in Houston County that is what Houston County officials will have to do, according to Stafford The county iail located in Pern is currenilv filled to capacity There are 257 beds at that facility Operational costs lor the Houston County lacility runs about S 2 5 million |ver year, said Stafford. Voters will have a chance March 17 to vote yes or no lor using sales tax monies to lund a new jail that will house a minimum of 450 inmates, said Stafford The chairman said officials are looking at possible construction of a facility that would house 6(8) inmates Pulaski County officials are looking at ways to raise funds to help pay a portion of the cost for the jail in return for their being able to utilize it also. Stafford said cost estimates currently stand at S2O million Page 2A Survivors include his wife. Thelma Mac Cash Filer of Pcny; daughter. Annette T Smith of Manassas Park. Va ; son. Charles I Filer of Troy. Ala : sister. Kathrine Rita" McGlamcry of Melrose. Fla. brother. Boyce E Flier of Boca Raton. Fla and five grandchildren their well-known Pancake Breakfast The Breakfast will be held at the Houston County Extension Service Ac Building Cost per plate is Si Tickets may be pur chased at the door or from mem bers of Kiwanis Call Donnie Free at 981-0763 for more information The Miss Dogwood Scholarship Pageant is set lor March I J and 14 at 7 3() p m at the Perry High SchtHil Auditorium Tickets are $4 tor adults. $2 50 lor students and children under 5 admitted tree Jot more information contact Nancy \5 hidden at 987-8(88) A softball tournament will be held at Ro/ar Park beginning at 8 a m There will lie three classifica tions That includes Men's Class C Men's Class D and Co-ed Jim Jones is the person to con- Wed . March 11. 199* Watson-Hunt Funeral Home had charge of arrangements Pauline Barnhart Vuxta Services for Pauline Barnhart Vuxta. 74. who died March 7. 1998. will be private A native of York County. Penn . she had resided here for 32 vears She used to store tires, he added Plans include working to have the appear ance of the property to blend in with the down town area’s colonial style Within the next few months "you should have a nice, clean corner at Wholesale Tire." said Bone In other business • Council approved purchase ol two vehi cles for the police department Jerry Brown Chevrolet of Buford was awarded the bid at a cost of $27,910 • Council approved land purchase to Parrish Georgia. Inc at the Perry Allied Business Park This includes approximately 12 acres adjacent to their current property • Council gave their approval tor a street light to be installed at 1729 Greenwood Circle Resident Bob Griffin made the request tor the light • The OK was given for the purchase of computer cabling lor the public safety building at a cost not to exceed $4,000 tact tor more information about the tournament He can be reached at 926-1274 days or 95 3- 9877 nights Children can have their pic lures taken witfythe Faster Bunny from 10 a m until 4 p.m This is an event sponsored by the Tahseria Club The Faster Bunny will be located at the gazebo along Ball Street Cost is $5 per photo. The Dogwood Festival Golf Tournament will be held April 3 at the Perry Country Club The format will be a 4 person scramble and there will be a shot gun start at noon For more information about the golf tournament, contact Butch Wilhelm at 987-103 3 Dogwood Festival T-shirts are now available at the Chamber of Commerce office, said Kinnas Cost is $lO each *• 'M Chrtify Woodworth famtr Smith Animal Hospital t\ WE AT SMITH ANIMAL HOSPITAL ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE EXTENDING OUR OFFICE HOURS ONE NIGHT A WEEK FOR OUR BUSY, WORKING CLIENTS. STARTING MARCH 12™, WE WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. ON THURSDAY EVENINGS. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY' SMITH ANIMAL HOSPITAL • HWY. 341, PERRY, GA 31069 912-987-1514 (PERRY OFFICE ONLY) l£uc 2 BIG SALES • 2 DAYS Histone Home & 315 Acre Farm FRIDAY, MARCH 20 - 3:30 PM - TIFTON, GA Beautiful 8 room historic home. 1 1/2 baths (plumbing for more), completely restored. Large yard. Zoned lor business use. Located in area of high traffic count. DIRECTIONS: Comer of Tift Ave., & 6th St., 1 block off Hwy 41 in downtown. SATURDAY. MARCH 21 - 10:30 A M. - ASHBURN, GA. 315 Acre Farm/Ranch. Selling in tracts or as a whole. Beautiful executive home. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, unbelievable kitchen, large great room, dining area, fireplace/gas logs, in-ground pool with bathhouse. 2 Large hay and equipment sheds, outbuildings, bam/workshop, silos, 4 ponds, large crock, tenccd/cross fenced. DIRECTIONS: From 1-75, take Exit 28 to Ashbum. From Ashbum take Hwy 112 East for 1.5 miles, turn right on Stanford Rd.. go 2.2 miles to property on right. Watch for Todd Auction signs TERMS: 20% down, balance 30 days. 10% Buyer’s Premium For Brochure & Plat call m ROME. QA 301W05M TOLL-FREE 1-400*24 1-7591 ATLANTA *O4-577-2534 >l—\ FAX 1-706-201-03 >5 ROME 706M1-7007 [Aig/ Houston Times-Journal was a retired Civil Service Clerk Typist She was a Catholic and mem ber ol the Perry Country Club Survivors include her'husband. Alex J Vuxta ol Perry . daughters. Deanna Messersnuth ol York Penn Sharon Nipper ol Macon and Fori Howard of Rappahatmcock Academy. Va . sons. Ronald Vuxta ol San Jose. Calif and David Vuxta ol Ft Mvers. sister. Romanic- Fckcnrode ol Dover. Penn ; a number ol grandchildren and great-grandchildren Watson Hunt Funeral Home had charge ol arrangements Theodore Frederick Usrey Services lor Theodore Frederick I'srey. 75. who died March 10. 1998. will be held March 11 at Perry United Methodist Church at 2 p m Burial will be at Fvergreen Cemetery in L*- - k jftJ AcomlinMb the latest GallJfSurvey, ewer 80% Bbatients were sapffed with the care from jffer doctor. |Of chiropractic, f/ — (Victors of Chiropractic are popular with then patients because thev help them feci better In tin same survev. 'A t of ftanrnh utiti tbn felt tliar am was rtf ain't * It’s no surprise chiropractic eare is so successful ( hiropractors have a minimum ot six wars ol college level studv, are graduates ot awrcditcd ehiropractie colleges, and must pass rigorous exams to bo.omc state licensed lliev provide a sate and effective healthcare chime without drugs or surgerv f ind out lot voursclt win *> main people are getting the eare thex need from Doctors ot ( hiropi.iciie \ isit a chiropractor todav Patterson Chiropractic Center 1304 MACON ROAD • PERRY. GEORGIA • (912) 987-7555 ANNOUNCES EVENING HOURS! A native of Jcff-Davis County, he had resided in Perry since 1949 He was al'S Army veter an serving as a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division dur mg WW II He was a retired audi tor Irom Robins Air Force Base Civil Service, a member of the American Legion, member of the Perry United Methodist Church where he also was a member of the Joy Choir, member and song leader (for 30 years)of the Howell Cobb Sunday School Class Flowers accepted, memorials may be made to Perry United Methodist Church. PO Box 73. Perry. Ga 31069 Survivors include his wife. Aleen Kirkland ol Perry, son. Terry I Usrey ol Perry sisters. Maymie l Crosby and Ffelcn U Houghton, both of Ha/lehurst Watson Hunt Funeral Home had charge ol arrangements K