Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, March 18, 1998, Image 1

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    What's wrong with
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Basketball player chokes
coach, gets fired. Judge says
action was OK.
See page 4A
Volume 127,
No. 11
2 Sections
18 Pages
March 18, 1998
50 Cents
At the
This Week
Eating opportunities
Members of the Pern
Rotary Club will host their
annual Boston Butt cookout
April II The smoked hams
can be picked up from 9 a m -
I p m at the Perry Shrine Club
cooking pit along Courtney
Hodges Boulevard Each ham
is $lB Tickets are available
from all Rotary Club mem
Members of the Perry
Shrine Club will host their
annual spring barbecue April
17 at the Courtney Hodges
facility Plats will be sold from
11:30a.m t06:30p.m Tickets
are available from Shrine Club
Horses visit Agricenter
The Peanut Circuit quarter
horse show will be held March
20-22 at the Georgia National
Fairgrounds and Agricenter
The center will host the inter
national Association ot Fairs
and Exposition Maintenance
and Livestock seminars March
Kids will be served
chicken biscuits
Here are menus for the
Houston County public school
system for breakfast and lunch
this week.
March 18 Breakfast
Cheese croissant or cereal and
toast, fruit or fruit juice, milk.
Lunch: Corn dog. grilled
cheese with fruit yogurt or PBJ
sandwich, two vegetables, two
fruits. Mississippi mud cake.
March 19 Breakfast:
Chicken biscuit or cereal and
toast, fruit or fruit juice, milk;
Lunch: Bacgis with beef and
cheese. pizza or PBJ sand
wich. two vegetables, two
fruits, chocolate chip cookie
March 20 Breakfast
Pancake with syrup or cereal
and toast, fruit or fruit juice,
milk, Lunch: Steak nuggets
with rol. barbecue on bun or
PBJ sandwich, two vegetables,
two fruits. Jell-O cookie
March 23 Breakfast:
Manager s choice or cereal
and toast, fruit or fruit juice,
milk. Lunch: Chicken nuggets
with rol. hot ham and cheese
sandwich or PBJ sandwich,
two vegetables, two fruits,
peanut butter bar/
March 24 Breakfast:
Steak biscuit or cereal and
toast, fruit or fruit juice, milk;
Lunch Taco, fish nuggets or
sandwich or PBJ sandwich,
two vegetables, two fruits, cin
namon roll.
March 25 Breakfast
pizza or cereal and toast, fruit
or fruit juice, milk; Lunch Hot
dog. hamburger or PBJ sand
wich, two vegetables, two
fruits, shortcake with fruit top
Report on restaurant
inspections released
Here are results of inspec
tions by the Houston County
Environmental Health
Department for the week ol
March 9-13.
Problems with the check
list were reported at these
Cracker Barrel 101 Lett
Drive. Perry, 51. problems
with temperature control ol
loods. problems with storage
of cleaning products
(See FOOD, Page 5A>
Houston Tones -Journal
Fort Valley man dies in industrial
accident at Tolleson Lumber
I imks-Joi hsvi Sum
A Fort Valley man lost his life as a result ol an
industrial accident at Tolleson Lumber Co March
According to Perry Police ('apt Mickey Barticld
*>4 year-old Salvador Rodngque/ Lope/ died ol mas
sive head injuries
Lope/ was working in an area sweeping the floor
when he was accidently caught in a conveyoi bell
ty|x- machine
It appears he was sweeping m an area under the
machine and raised hi> head higher than he should
have.” said Barfield
There were no w itnesses to the incident, he added
"Another employee walked by and saw him lying
on the ground He then went upMairs where the
machine operator was located and told him. said
Festival just
two weeks away
The 10th Annual Perry
Dogwood Festival is jtfci two
weeks away and yellow bows are
expected to soon begin making
an appearance throughout town
as residents arid business owners
ready for the event
Perry Chamber ot Commerce
leader and festival organizer
Chris Kinnas said the April 4 fes
tival plans include something lor
everyone to enjoy Among the
events are a crafts festival,
parade and athletic events
April 4 will he a day of
numerous activities in downtown
Perry, according to one festival
planner. Julie Schmader
Schmader said besides special
events and sales held by the reg
ular downtown merchants, ven
dors offering food and unique
arts and crafts will be situated
along Carroll Street
Special entertainment will
include performances by the
f arm City Flatfootcrs. Southern
Shufflers and the Perry Tac
Kwon Do group, she added.
The parade scheduled to begin
at noon will feature floats,
clowns, beauty queens and area
bands, said parade organizer
Kathv Powers
(See PARADE. Page SA)
l s ' 1
EL Miss Dogwood 1998 is *J|
Wl*A ■ tmnl ' y J
Official Legal Organ for Houston C ounty, the City of Pern and the State of Georgia
Lwmi 11cl li ic name fool
you, it’s more like win
ter out there.
See page 9A
The machine operator was about 10 lect above the
scene ot the incident and could neither see nor hear
activity in the area Lope/ was talally injured, accord
ing to the captain
It .*|*pcars to be strictly accidental.” said
Company president Rusty Wood said Lope/
worked with the company about three years
He was a very good and dependable employee
Dus is a tragu loss for his family and our company.'
said Wood "< )ui prayers are wuh ho family
Wood said no one seems to know why Lope/ was
working m this particular area, as n is an area pro
hibited to employees during operating hours
He also said the Occupational Salcty and Health
\drninistration has been notified and will be con
ducting an investigation into the incident, which is
standard procedure anytime a workei is killed on the
i -jpA■ lllr
Photo by Chartotta Parhint
FfEADING TO GEORGIA Charles Holloway, Houston
County's next superintendent of schools, is shown on the
front steps of tne Board of Education with his wife,
Susan, a math teacher and counselor, and his daughter,
Serving Houston County Since Dec. 17, 1870
Dogwood Festival
queens named
I-kom Sum KiPtmiv
The IWB Miss Dogwood
Pageant, sponsored by the Pern
High cheerleaders, was a huge
success, according to pageant
organi/er Nancy Whiddon
A new Dogwood Queen
courth was crowned on March
13 and 14 at Pern High School
Sixty-six girls participated in
the two-day event. said
The new Queens are:
• Miss Dogwood-April
Pendley. daughter ot Stan and
Dehbie Fcndley. April is a senior
at Pern High School
• M iss Teen Dogwood-
Angela Pope, daughter of Bruce
and Donna Long and Mr. and
Mrs Neil Pope Angela is a ninth
grader at Perry High School.
• Miss Pre Teen Dog wood-
Tillany Giles, daughter ol John
(See QI KK.NS, Page SAI
Reunion time
Perry High classes get
ting ready for the
reunion of the ages.
See page 1B
Voters OK sales tax in landslide
Tnirs-Jiiitsti Srvo
Tiie one percent special use
sales tax was headed for a land
slide at press time Tuesday night,
with almost 87 percent voting lot
the tax which will he - used to
build a new courthouse and jail
W ith 1 4 out of 29 precincts
reporting at 8 JO p m . the yes
votes were leading LJbl to
505. with the same landslide
pattern showing up in all
precincts reporting at that time
At the Perry Armory the first
precinct reported, the vote was
70b ves to b 5 no
Commission Chairman J
Sherrill Stafford who was at the
Board of Elections office to
watch the returns, said he was
Texan to head
Houston County
public schools
The suspense is over After
months of searching, advertising,
interviewing and discussing their
options, the Houston County
Board ot Education has hired a
new superintendent of schools
a tall Texan with a ready smile, a
record of strong financial man
agement and a commitment to
reading as cornerstone of educa
Charles Allen Holloway, hired
for the top school post at a begin
ning annual salary of 5124.5(H) .
will move to Houston County this
summer from Grand Prairie.
Texas He will succeed Tony
Hinnant. who is retiring at the end
of this school year
While Holloway's starting
salary with Houston County is a
moderate increase from Ins cur
rent salary of SI ai superin
tendent of schools lor the Grand
Prairie Independent School
District, it is a sizeable lump from
the $90,508 contract given
Hinnant for 1997-98
Holloway visited Houston
County several limes during the
decision making process, and was
on hand March ib with his wife
HMwr I jHHr
i£af V
rmwi-Journot Wwtoi by Wc Mari Bgx
s Dogwood quoons ore (from left) Krystie |r
1 Kennedy, Beth Seilers, Angela Pope, Emily Toliver, * J
April Fendley and Tiffany Giles.
Home of the Georgia
National fair and
elated and excited" by the
apparent v ictory He noted that he
had hoped tor a b()-4<) margin
We deeply appreciate the
voters of this county." Stafford
The sales tax is expected to
raise 5*44 million lor the two
building projects It will end
when the funds are raised or in
live years whichever comes
W ith the sales tax approved
by the voters, the County
Commissioners will be able to
borrow the funds to begin con
Asked about the design of
the new courthouse. Stafford
said "It's not going to be any
ervstal cathedral "
Susan. anil daughter Megan tor
the formal vote on his selection as
In making the motion
Holloway he named to the posi
tion. School Board Vicc-chairper
son Shirley Lowery said hard
work and soul-searching had led
to the final decision, and
expressed the hoard's satisfaction
tlhc right person had been found
for the job
Board Chairman Skip Talbert
said. This is a great day for us. “
adding that he believes Holloway
will "do a super job and take us to
another level
Holloway who received a
standing ovation troin the Board
and central office stall present at
the meeting, spoke briefly ot two
"precious assets" he and the board
will be dealing with the most
precious one. our youth." and the
other, "precious to the taxpayers,
their wallets
He said that he was attracted to
the job after learning Houston
County has a schtnil board and
staff which puts students first and
values teamwork
He added he would have an
(See SCHOOL, Page SA)