Newspaper Page Text
Public Notices
About these
public notices
The deadline for public notices i»
at noon on Monday before publico
hon on Vbiniicloy Public notice*
ore published each Wednesday in lb*
Houston Timet-Joumal newspaper, (be
designated legal orgon for Houston
County and the city of Perry
For mformabon concerning
billing, please contact Paulo
Zimmerman ot (9121 987-1823.
Notices cancelled after noon on
Monday will be billed for insertion in
that edition
Legal ods may be sent via Federal
Express for Saturday delivery. Legal
ads may also be sent via email to
limiMirn&Kom net
Many legal notices are biled at
tbe rote of $lO per 100 words or por
tion thereof for eocb insertion for the
first four insertions Some specific
types of ads, such as divorce, articles
of. incorporation, articles of merger,
petition to adopt, name changes and
DIN notices have fees set based on
tbe number of times the notice is
inserted Afl rates ore set by the
Georgia General Assembly
For biting purposes, every word
shall be counted os one word includ
ing words such as the, of, a, etc.
Grouped numbers shall be counted as
one word
The deadLne (or foreclosure notices
and lax sales lor disposal Jan. 5, 1999
is Dec. 7 at noon
Here ore some of the types of pub
lic notices included in this section of
the Houston Times-Journal:
norieeT— ore a wide variety
of public meetings which must be held
in order for o government to take an
action Among the most common are
notices of panning commission meet
ings at which rezoning requests are to
be acted upon and ot heanngs when
a city or county government is setting
o budget or tax rates Sometimes
these notices run as bordered ads on
these pages Sometimes, governments
ore required to publish nohoes about
upcoming meetings, especially when
a meeting is to be held outside the
regular schedule of that government
or when a change wilt be mode in the
regular time or ploce of meeting Most
of these notices are priced by me $lO
per 100 words lee
Estate rsetkei There are
some 20 different type of estate
notices which con be published, the
most common of which is o notice to
creditors to let the court know if a
deceased person owes them any
money. Most estate related notices
come from the county probate judge's
office, although some ate filed direct
ly by attorneys. Many of these notices
run tour limes at a cost of S4O
Itwiptiwdleti nettoe These
ore notices concerning o business
which is to be incorporated with the
office located in Houston County
Related incorporation notices con
include an intent to dissolve a corpo
rate, o name change of the corpora
tion and mergers of o corporation
These notices typically run two weeks
at a cost of sdo.
Norite of elections and ref
erendum* This category covers o
wide range of issues from notices to
hold elections on alcoholic beverage
sales to notices on bond referendum*
to construct school buildings in
Houston County. Notices must also
appear concerning city and county
etedions when candidates ore seek
ing elected public office These
notices typicaly cost $lO per 100
words or fraction thereof
lid natic— When a local
government is going to buy something
or have work done on a project, it is
often required to solicit bias via legal
notices. A related area of legal
notices involves the sale of surplus
govemmentowned equipment, which
also must be listed arid published
Bids for road work, school buildings
and other public property is included
in this category A related category is
sale of items seized by the focal law
enforcement departments These ods
typically ore priced at $lO per 100
words or fraction thereof
Notice of geventment fintet*
ckd results Most city, county and
school governments ore required to
annually publish the results of their
audits The amount of detail varies by
government Typically these notices
are published in boxed display adver
Driving Under Ike fwWusnco
State law requites publication of a
picture and o brief notice of anyone
convicted in Houston County of a
third driving under the influence
chorge. The tines and related matters
of settlement are included. The fee for
these ads is $25 each. These ads ran
one time and typicaly come from the
Houston County Stott Court or the
municipal court of incorporated cities
Jwveeh matters This brood
category can include notices such as
odoption, custody, juvenile court
octions, and temporary custody.
These matters frequently have fixed
fees and ran (or from two to four
limes, depending on the order Some
of these issues come from the Houston
County Juvenile Court, others from the
Houston County Probate Court
Domestic matters These
include notices for change of name
and for divorce when one of the par
ties cannot be located locally. Both of
these items run four limes eoch at o
castNokceof solo finer Inim
notice These notices are usually
run when someone, generally a finan
cial institution, has not received pay
ment on a loan. Proparly wnicn
secures the loan is being foreclosed
on so the lender con take it to sell or
otherwise pay off the loan. A similar
category is a tax sale, where the
county or a city is selling the property
to collect unpaid property taxes.
These notices typically ran the four
Wednesdays prior to the first Tuesday
of the month when the sales are held
ot the Houston County Courthouse in
Perry. The fee lor these notices is $ 10
per 100 words per insertion
In Ike Superior Court
of Tattnall County
State of Georgia
Civil Action No. A-121
In Re Petition of Ricky Dale Cox for the
adoption of James Austin Gardner
To James Russell Gardner, whereabouts
By order of ke Court for service by publi
cation dated November 17, 1998 you ore
hereby notified that on the 17th day of
November, 1998, Ricky Dale Cox filed a peli
lion against you for me odoption of Jaimes
Austin Gardner You are hereby required to file
with the Clerk of Superior Court, and to serve
petitioned* attorney Glen A Cheney on
answer in writing within Sixty (60) days of
November 17, 1998
Witness, ke Honorable David l Covender,
Judge, of Tattnall Superior Court
This 17lh day of November, 1998.
Holly D Burk baiter. Deputy Clerk
Hon Debbie Crews. Clerk
Tottnall Superior Court
11-87 11/25-12/9
Debtors and
Otoraki. Houston Countv
wwtes Mrv* t o mweswri vvwwbii w
Notice to Debtor* and Creditors
Al creditors of the Estate o( Robert C
Metcalf, deceased, late of Houston CoGnty,
Georgia, ore hereby notified to render in their
demands to be undersigned according to low,
and ok person indebteato said Estate required
to make immediate payment
This 23rd doy of October, 1998
Myrtle R Metcolf
As Executrix of the Estate of
Robert C. Metcolf, Deceased
401 slh Ave , Box 292
Bonaire, GA 31005
Roy N Cowart, PC
233 North Houston Road
Houston MoS
Suite 114
PO Box 818
Warner Robins, GA 31099
11-45 11/4-11/25
State of Georgia
County of Houston
Notice to Debtors and CredMors
Al creditors of the estate of Olga lewis
Richardson, deceased, late of Houston County,
are hereby notified to render in their demands
to be undersigned occordmg to law, and all
persons indebted to said estate ore required to
make immediate payment to me This 22nd
day of October, 1998
Robert M Richardson
As Executor of ke Estate of Oljja^Lewis
P. 0 Box 6017
Warner Robins, Georgia 31095
(912) 542-2013
11-46 11/4-11/25
Notice to Debtors and CrocHtors
Al creditors of ke estate of Charles F
Ward, , 5r., late of Houston County, Xftdrgio,
deceased, ore hereby notified to render their
demand to the undersigned according to law,
and al persons indebted to said estate ore
required to make immediate payment
This 23rd (fay of October, 1998
Ricky E Jones
Attorney (or Charles F Ward, Jr
Executor (or the Estate of
Charles F Word, Sr
1239-8 Russel Parkway
Womer Robins, GA 31088
11-47 11/4-11/25
Nofico to Dobtore and Cnditon
Re: Estate of Donna A. Helms, Deceased
Al creditors of the Estate of Donna A
Helms, deceased, late of Houston County,
Georgio, are hereby notified to render keir
demands to ke undersigned according to law,
and al persons indebted to said estate are
required to moke immediate payment to
This 2nd day of November, 1998
Carla Dean DeWindt and Sandra l
As Executors of the Last Wil and
Of Donna A Helms, Deceased
3801 Ensign Drive
Chomblee, Georgia 30341
11-52 11/4-11/25
State a ( Georgia
County of Houston
In Re Estate of James Ansel McLendon, Jr.
Al creditors ol the Estate of James Ansel
McLendon, Jr., deceased, late of Houston
County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render
their demands to the undersigned according to
law, and ail persons indebted to said estate are
required to make immediate payment to me
This 2nd day of November 1998
Phylis R. McLendon, Executrix of
James Ansel McLendon, Jr. Estate
K Thomas Hdl
O'Neal, long & Hall
P.O Box 730
Warner Robins, GA 31099
11-54 11/4-11/25
Stale of Georgia
County of Houston
In Re: Estate of Betty Gail Beebe
Al creditors of the Estate of Betty Gail
Beebe, deceased, late of Houston County,
Georgia, ore hereby notified to render keir
demands to the undersigned according to low,
and al persons indebted to said estate ore
required to make immediate payment to me.
This 3rd day of November, 1998.
Charles H. Beebe, Executor of
Betty Goil Beebe
Lawrence E. O'Neal
O'Neal, Long & Hall
PO. Box 730
Warner Robins, GA 31099
11-65 11/11-12/2
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Re: Estate of James H. Pinyan, Deceased
Al creditors of if* Estate of James H.
Pinyan, deceased, fate of Houston County,
Georgia, are hereby notified to render in their
demands to ke undersigned according to law,
ond al persons indebted to said Estate are
required to make immediate payment to me
This 4k day of November, 1998
Mary H. Pinyon
Administrator of ke Estate
97 Ravenwood Way
Warner Robins, GA 31093
11-66 11/11-12/2
|p Debtor* ond Crvdtfori
Re Estate of Jomes W Helms, Deceosed
Al creditors of ke Estate of James W
Helms, deceased, late of Houston County,
Georgia, ore hereby notified to render in keir
demands to ke undersigned according to law,
and pll persons indebted to said Estate ore
required to make immediate payment to me
This 6k day of November, 1998
Bobby W Helms
Administrator of ke Estate
118 Vernon Drive
Warner Robins, GA 31088
11-67 11/11-12/2
Stofp of Q^oegiq
County of Houston
m [. e liitssn
r*onc© to WBurOf> ana k,r«jjTors
All creditors of ke estate of Marka
Imogen* Grimsley, deceased, late of Houston
County, ore herooy notified to render in their
demands to ke undersigned according to law,
and all persons indebted to soid estate are
required to make immediate payment to me
This 6k doy of November, 1998
Walter C Grimsley
As Executor of the Estate of Morlha
Imogene Grimsley
114 Valencia Circle
Centerville, Georgia
11-75 11/18-12/9
State of Georgia
County of Houston
|p Doctors ond CndHors
Al creditors oi the estate of Peari M Bell,
deceased, late of Houston County, ore hereby
notified to render in their demands to the under
signed according to law, and oil persons
indebted to said estate are required to make
immediate payment to me This 12k day ol
November, 1998
Marilyn Marie Austin
As Executor of the Estate of Pearl M Bel!
!11 Walnut Ridge
Bonaire, Georgia 31005
Walter E Harrington, jr
Attorney ot law
106 Patriot Way
Warner Robins, Georgio 31088
(912) 929-2966
11-76 11/18-12/9
Georgia,-Houston County
njoncr to v.reaftot s ana Uflutors
Al creditors of ke estate of Robert Lee Day,
Sr , deceased, late of Houston County,
Georgia, ore hereby notified to render their
demands to the undersigned occordtng to law,
and all persons indebted to sard estate are
required to moke immediate payment to the
This 16th day of November 1998
Margaret Day Chancy
Adminislrix of ke Estate of
Robert Lee Day Sr., Deceased
302 Sanderfur Rd
Kathleen, GA 31047
Herbert L Weis
Attorney at Law
813 Carroll Street
Perry, Ga 31069
(912) 987-2719
11-77 11/18-11/25
Oiorgia, Houston County
y4ofite |p Cmbofi ond Debtors
Al creditors of the estate of Groce Young
Doy, deceased, lote of Houston County,
Georgio, are hereby notified to render their
demands to the undersigned according to low,
and all persons indebted to said estate are
required to make immediate payment to the
ThrH6k doy of November 1998
Margaret Day Chancy
Adminislrix of the Estate of
Grace Young Day, Deceased
302 Sanderfur Rd
Kakleen, GA 31047
Herbert l Wells
Attorney at law
813 Carroll Street
Perry Georgia 31069
(912) 987-2719
Fox (912) 987-5017
11-78 11/18-11/25
4-fc Or* janji rjiljia a
lYOTicr to uuuTors ono wrcairui 5
State of Qaoraia
wlUlw teOS level
County of Houston
RE: Estate of Early R Williams
Al creditors of the Fstate of Eariy R
Wiliams, deceased, fate of Houston County,
Georgio, ore hereby notified to render their
demands to ke undersigned according to law
and all persons indebted to said estate are
required to make immediate payment to the
This 13lh day of November, 1998
Bernice H Wiliams
Executrix of the Estate of Eariy R Wilioms
G.E "Bo" Adams, Esq
Post Office Box 8099
Warner Robins, GA 310958099
11-79 11/18-12/9
Stale of Georgia
County of Houston
woiKf id sseuiun ana uvanon
Al creditors of ke estate of Charles Foster
Bonner, deceased, fate of Houston County, ore
hereby notified to render in their demands to
the undersigned according to law, ond all per
son indebted to said estate are required to
make immediate payment to me. This 12k day
of November, 1998
Lorry Foster Bonner
As Executor of the Estate of Charles Foster
102 Tina Drive
Warner Robins, Georgia 31088
Walter E. Harrington, Jr.
Attorney at Law
106 Patriot Way
Warner Robins, Georgia 31088
(912) 929-2966
11-89 11/2512/16
jluli (f Georgia
County of Houston
tei-*i— te —Lx —J mjJlAim
MOitCc iv LTOOTQrsi Oitu wuOnofa
All creditors of the estate of Michael David
Trull, deceased, late of Houston County, are
hereby notified to render in their demands to
the undersigned according to law, and all per
sons indebted to said estate are reauired to
make immediate payment to me This 12k doy
of November, 1998
Richard M. Trull
As Executor of ke Estate of Michoel David
413 Bernard Drive
Womer Robins, Georgia
Paul L. Carnes
Attorney at Law
314 Corder Road
Warner Robins, GA 31088
(912) 922-0922
11-90 11/25-12/16
State of Georgia
County of Houston
Wed., Nov. 25. IWB
All creditors ol the Estate of David
Richardson, Deceased, late of Houston County,
Georgia, are hereby notified to render their
demands to the undersigned according to law,
and oil parsons indebted to said Estate are
required to make immediate payment to me
This 18k doy of November, 1998
Mrs Henry Moe Richardson
1514 Sunshine Avenue
Perry, Georgio 31069
larrv Walker
Walker, Hutbert Gray & Byrd, UP
Attorneys at low
Perry, Georgio 31069
11-91 11/2512/16
State of Goorgia
County of Houston
Al creditors of the Estate of John Fay
Barrett, Deceased, late of Houston County,
Georgia, are hereby notified to render their
demands to the undersigned according to law,
and oil persons indebted to sold Estate are
required to moke immediate payment to me
This 18k day of November, 1998
Mrs Joyce Lou Nipper Barrett
1209 801 l Street
Perry, Georgia 31069
Larry Walker
Woiker, Hulbert, Gray & Byrd, LLP
Attorneys ot low
Perry, Georgia 31069
11-92 11/2512/16
Notice of Publication
In the Superior Court of Houston
Stacey M Sauibb, Plaintiff
Mark Street, Defendant
Notice of Publication
By Order for service by publication dated
the 3rd doy of November 1998, you ore here
by notihed that on the 3rd day ot November
1998 Plaintiff hied suit against you for divorce
You are required to hie with the Clerk of the
Superior Court ond to serve upon piamtiffis
attorney, Greg W Hoff PO Box 7105,
Warner Robins GA 31095 an Answer in writ
ing wikin sixty (60) days of the dole of 'he
order for publication
Witness, the Honorable George F Nunn,
Jr and Edword D, lukemire. Judges of this
Superior Court
This the 3rd doy of November, 1998
Renee l Horton
Deputy Clerk, Houston Superior Courl
11-64 11/11-12/2
Notice of Sofa
There will be sold at public outcry to the
highest ond best bidder for cash, between the
!«fol hours of sale before ke courthouse in
Perry,,Georgia on the first Tuesday in
December I 1998, the following property
to Wit
Property description All that tract or parcel
of land sitoate, lying ond being in Land Lot 201
of ke Fifth Lond District of Houston County,
Georgio. known and designated as Lot 10,
Block D of Warner Hills Subdivision, unit 2, as
shown on plat of survey of said subdivision
recorded in Plot Book 3 Page 67, Clerk's office
Houston Superior Court, Soid Plat and the
recorded copy thereof ore hereby made a port
of this description by reference thereto Address
known as 211 Sunstede Drive, Warner Robins,
This property is being sold as provided for
under Georgia law under writ of hen facias,
Civil Action no # 97-V-57412-L os entered on
general execution docket book 29 page 251
on Feb, 12,1998 in Superior Court ol Houston
County, Georgia, said property is being soid
subject to existing court cost, advertising cost o
mortgage held by Ist lien holder, 1 st Financial
This 28lh doy of October, 1998
Cullen Tolton, Sheriff
11-01 11/04-11/25
Notice Of Safa
Because of the default in payment ol an
indebtedness secured by a deed to secure debt
executed by Alvin Jackson to Joyce S Harrell
dated December 24, 1996, and recorded in
Deed Book 1258, page 427, Clerk's Office,
Houston Superior Courl, the undersigned,
Joyce S Harrell has declared the entire omount
ol soid indebtedness due and payable in accor
dance with the terms of soid deed ond the note
secured thereby, ond pursuant to the power of
sole contained in said deed, there wi ll be sold
by the undersigned ot public outcry before the
courthouse door in Perry, Houston County,
Georgia, on the First Tuesday in December,
1998, same being November 3, 1998, within
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder far
cosh, the following described property to-wit
All kot tract or parcel of land lying end
being in Land Lot 222, Fifth Land District of
Houston County, Georgia, ond being more par
ticulariy described according to o survey and
plat thereof made by W Henry Watterson,
Registered Surveyor No 398, on September
16, 1960, which plat is recorded in plot book
6, poge 225, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior
Court as lot Nos 96 and 97 The above
described lots have such metes, bounds, sizes,
shapes and dimensions as shown by the above
referred plat
Notice was giving in compliance with
Code Section 44-14-162.2:
Said Properly will be sold os ke property
of Alvin Jackson, now in ke possession of Alvin
Jackson by ke undersigned and ke proceeds
of said sale will be applied to the payment of
said indebtedness, ke expenses of said sale,
all os provided in said deed to secure debt,
and ke bolance, if any, will be distributed os
provided by law
Joyce S Harrell as attorney in Fact for
Alvin Jackson
Pomelo R. Greenwoy
Attorney Al Law, PC.
102 Lois Drive P.O. Box 3044
Womer Robins, Georgia 31099
(912) 929-1688
11-02 11/04 11/25
Stale of Georgia
County of Houston
Ashley, Willie L.
VA # LH • 594623-GA
LOAN #795959
Notice of Sole Under Power
Because of a default in ke payment of the
indebtedness secured by a Security Deed exe
cuted by Willie l. Ashley to National Mortgage
Investments Co., Inc. doted February 3, 1994,
and recorded in Deed Book 1078, rage 465 ,
Houston County Records, said Security Deed
having been fast sold, assigned, transferred
and conveyed to leader Mortgage Company
by assignment, securing a Note in the original
principal omount of $107,10000, ke holder
thereof pursuant to said Deed ond Note there
by secured has declared the entire amount of
said indebtedness due and payable and, pur
Page 4B
Houston rimes- Journal
suonl to the power of sole contained in soid
Deed, will on the First Tuesday, December 1.
1998, during the legal hours of sale, before ke
Courthouse door in said County, tell at public
outcry to ke highest bidder far cash, ke prop
erty described in totd Deed, kxwit
AH that tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in land Lot 93, of the Fifth (sk) land
District ot Houston County, Georgia, being
known ond designated os lot 35, Black *C ,
Section No 3, Quail Run Subdivision, accord
ing to a plat of survey of record in Plat Book
20, pages 173-174, Clerk's office, Houston
Superior Court Said plat ond the record there
of ore incorporated herein by reference for oil
purposes Soid property is known as 104
Chimney Ploce , Warner Robins, GA 31088,
together wik all fixtures and personal property
attached to and constituting a part of said prop
eriy, if any
Soid property will be sold subject to any
outstanding od valorem taxes (including taxes
which ore a lien, whether or not now due and
payable), ke right of redemption of any taxing
authority, any matters which might be disclosed
by an accurate survey ond inspection of the
property, any assessments, liens, encum
brances, zoning ordinances, restrictions,
covenants, and matters of record superior to the
Security Deed first set out above
Notice has been given of intention to col
lect attorney's fees in accordance with the terms
of ke Note secured by said Deed
Said property will be sold os the property
of Willie l Ashley, the property, to ke best
information, knowledge ond belief of ke under
signed, being presently in the possession of
Willie l Ashley, and the proceeds of said sale
will be applied to ke payment of said mdebl
edness and oil ke expenses ol said sale,
including attorney s fees, oil os provided in soid
Deed, and ke bolonce, if any, will be distrib
uted as provided by law
leader Mortgage Company os Altorney-irv
Fact for Willie l Asriley
File no 98-1645
l J Swertfeger, Jr
Shapiro & Swertfeger'
Attorneys ond Counselors at Low
3300 Northeast Expressway
Suite S-C
Atlanta Georgia 30341-3941
(770) 220-2730/ts
*The law firm is acting as a debt collector
Any information obtained will be used for kat
11-4 11/4 11/25
Foreclosure Advertisement
Georgia Houston County
Will be sold before the Courthouse door in
Houston County, Georgia during ke legol
hours ol sole on ke first Tuesday in December
1998 under ke power of sale contained in a
Security Deed from Hughfene Butter to Regional
Properties Inc,, dated June 7, 1997 and
recorded in Deed Book 1293 Poge 507
Clerk's Office of Houston Superior Court, ke
following described property to-wit
All Itiot tract or parcel of land situate lying
ond being in Land lot 202 and 215 of ke
Fourteenk land District of Houston County,
Georgia, being more particularly known ond
designated os lot 22 consisting of 714 acres,
occordtng to a plat made by Brent
Cunningham, GRLS, doted May 20, 1997,
recorded in Plot Book 51, Page 25, Clerk's
Office of Houston Superior Court Said plat is
referred to far the purpose of a more complete
and accurate description
Default occurred in ke payment of ke
monkly installments due under soid Security
Deed ond Note whereupon ke power of sale
became operative Sole will be held deed
made and ke proceeds distributed in strict
compliance wik said Security Deed and Note
Hughiene Butler was given notice as pro
vided for by law in order to enforce ke pay
ment of attorneys fees and was mailed a copy
of kis foreclosure advertisement on October
20, 1998 by certified mail, return receipt
requested as provided for by Georgio Law
The above described property is in posses
sion of Hughiene Butler to ke best of ke under
signed's knowledge and belief
Soid sale will be held subject to any and all
outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or assess
ments if any
This ke 20k day of October, 1998
Regional Properties, Inc , Attorney in Fact
for Hughiene Butler
Adams & Adams
155 College Street
Macon, GA 31201
11-5 11/4-11/25
Notice of Safa Under Power
Georgia, Houston County
Under and by virtue of ke Power of Sale
contained in n Security Deed given by William
A Chiusano and Janie D Hamilton to Sun Trust
Bank, Middle Georgia, N A , dated September
3, 1996, recorded in Deed Book 1236, Poge
716, Houston County, Georgia Records, con
veymg ke after-described property to secure a
Note in ke original principal amount of One
Hundred Four Thousand Four Hundred &
No/100 Dollars ($104,400 00), wik interest
kereon as set fork kerein, kere will be sold at
public outcry to the highest bidder for cash
before ke courthouse door of Houston County,
Georgio, wikin ke legal hours of sale on ke
first Tuesday in December, 1998, ke following
described property
All kot tract or parcel of lond situate, lying
ond being in land lots 223 & 226, of ke Tenth
(10k) land District of Houston County,
Geoigia, being known and designated as Lot
9, Block *C\ Section No 1, Souk Ooks
Subdivision, according to a Plat ol survey of
record in Plot Book 22, Page 53, Clerk's
Office, Houston Superior Court Said plat and
the record kereof are incorporated herein by
reference for all purposes
The above described property is conveyed
subject to Restrictive Covenants of lecord in
Deed Book 544, Poges 338-346, Clerk's
Office, Houston Superior Court
The debt secured by said Security Deed has
been and is hereby declared due because 01,
among oker possible events of default, failure
to pay ke indebtedness os and when due and
in ke manner provided in ke Note and
Security Deed The debt remaining in default,
kis sole will be made for ke purpose of pay
ing ke same and all expenses of kis sole, as
provided in ke Security Deed ond by law,
including dltorney's fees (notice of intent to col
led attorney's tees having been given)
Said property will be sold subject to any
outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes
which are a lien, but not yet due and payable],
any matters which might be disclosed by an
accurate survey and inspedion of ke property,
any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning
ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters
of record superior to the Security Deed first set
out above
To the best knowledge and belief of ke
undersigned, the party in possession of ke
property is William A. Chiusano and Janie D
Hamilton or a tenant or tenants and said prop
erty is more commonly known os 104 Shiloh
Place, Worner Robins, GA 31088
Sun Trust Bank, Middle Georgia, N A
os Attorney in Fod for
William A Chiusano and Janie 0
Startlev H McOolia
McCafla, Roymer, Podrick, Cobb, Nichols &
dork, ILC
56 Perimeter Center Eosl, 5k Floor
Atlanta, GA 30346
(770) 729-8875
SHM/ilb 12/1/98
Our file no 55124/98 1-21389
The low firm is oding os a debt colector
attempting to coded a debt Any information
obtained wifi be used far kat purpose
11-6 11/4-11/25
mjL CfiL 11 I— as
none* *r» aote unovr rower
Georgia, Houston County
Under and by virtue of the Power of Sate
contained in a Security Deed given by Betty A
lomock to Tucker federal Sawings ond loan
Association, dated Morch 31, 1993, recorded
in Deed Book 1016, Page 681, Houston
County. Georgia Records, os last transferred to
Principal Residential Mortgage, Inc By assign
men) to be recorded in tKe O Rice of ke Clerk
ol ke Superior Court of Houston County,
Georgia, conveying ke a her-described prop
erty to secure a Note in the original pnncipal
amount of Seventy- Eight Thousand 4 No/100
Dollars ($78,000 00) wik interest kereon os
set fork kerein kere will be sold at public out
cry to ke highest bidder for cash before the
courthouse door of Houston County, Georgia,
wikin the legal hours of sale or ke first
Tuesday in December, 1998, the following
described property
All kot tract or parcel ol lond situate, lying
and being in land lot 171 of ke Fifth (sk)
lond District ol Houston County, Georgia,
known ond designated as lot 4, Block T,
Section No 2, of o Subdivision known as
Williamsburg Town Homes, according to o
Plot of survey of said Subdivision prepared by
Robert l Story, Surveyor, dated April 22,
1992. revised August 21, 1992, a copy of
which is of record in Mop Book 42, Page 160,
Clerk's Office, Houston Superior Court Said
plot ond ke recorded copy kereof are hereby
made a part of kis description by reference
kereto for all purposes
The above described property is conveyed
sub|#ct to Protective Covenants as contained in
instrument of record in Deed Book 711 poges
672-770 amended at Deed Book 800 Pages
272-274 Clerk's Office Houston Superior
The debt secured by said Security Deed has
been and is hereby declared due because of
among oker possible events of default, failure
to pay ke indebtedness as and when due and
in ke manner provided in ke Note ond
Security Deed The debt remoming in default,
kis sole will be made far ke purpose ol pay
mg ke same and al! expenses of kis sale, os
provided in ke Security Deed ond by law,
including attorney's fees (notice of intent to col
lect attorney's fees having been given)
Said property will be sold sub|ect to any
outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes
which are a lien, but not yet due and payable),
any matters which might be disclosed by an
accurate survey ond inspection of ke property
any assessments, liens, encumbrances zoning
ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters
of record superior to ke Security Deed first set
out above
To ke best knowledge and belief ot ke
undersigned, ke party in possession of ke
property is Betty A Lomock or a tenant or ten
ants and said property is more commonly
known as 111 Jamestown Drive, Warner
Robins, GA 31088
Principal Residential Mortgage, Inc
as Attorney in rod for
Betty A Lomock
Stanley R McCallo
McColla, Roymer, Podrick, Cobb, Nichols &
Clark, UC
56 Perimeter Center East, 5k Floor
Atlanta, GA 30346
(770) 729-8875
SHM/gsd 12/1/98
Our file no 57986/97-5-9618
The law firm is acting as a debt collector
attempting to collect o deb I Any information
obtained will be used for kat purpose
11-7 11/4-11/25
Notice of Sale Under Power
Georgia, Houston County
Under and by virtue ol ke Power ol Sale
contained in a Security Deed given by David l
Small and Vernessa B Small to Citizens &
Soukern Commercial Corporation, dated April
25, 1988, recorded in Deed Book 804, Page
357, Houston County, Georgia Records os fast
transferred to Notionsßanc Mortgage
Corporation by assignment to be recorded in
ke Office of ke Clerk of ke Superior Court of
Houston County, Georgia, conveying ke after
described property to secure a Note in ke orig
inal principal amount of Thirty Seven Thousand
Eight Hundred Seventy Five & No/100 Dollars
($37 875 00). with interest kereon as set fork
tK«r#»in th#»rp will h* nf rsuhlir rwitrrv tn ifio
highest biddei far cash before ke courkouse
door of Houston County Georgio, wikin ke
legol hours ol sale on ke first Tuesday in
December 1998, ke following described
All kal tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in land lot 48 of ke Tenk land
District or Houston County, and in ke City of
Perry, Georgia being known and designated
as lot 10 ol Block "C", Creekwood Estates
Subdivision os shown on a plat of survey of ke
property of Big Indian Development, Inc., by
Milton Beckham, Surveyor, dated December 1,
1965, revised September 21, 1966, and a
copy of which is recorded in Map Book 13,
Page 105 in ke Clerk s Office, Houston
Superior Court Said plat ond the recorded
copy kereof are incorporated herein by refer
ence far all purposes
The debt secured by said Security Deed has
been and is hereby declared due because of,
among oker possible events of default, failure
to pay ke indebtedness as and when due and
in ke manner provided in ke Note and
Security Deed The debt remaining in default,
kis sale will be made for ke purpose of pay
ing ke same ond all expenses of kis sale, as
provided in ke Security Deed and by low,
including attorney's fees (notice of intent to col
lect attorney's fees having been given)
Soid property will be sold subject to any
outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes
which are o lien, but not yet due and payable),
ony matters which might be dtsdosed by an
accurate survey ond inspection of k# property,
ony assessments liens, encumbrances, zoning
ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters
of record superior to ke Security Deed first set
out above
To ke best knowledge ond belief of the
undersigned, ke party in possession of ke
property is David l Small and Vernessa B
Smoll or a tenant or tenants and said property
is more commonly known as 1222 Creekwood
Drive, Perry, GA 31069
Notionsßanc Mortgage Corporation
os Attorney in Fact for
David l Small ond Vernessa B Small
Stanley H McCallo
McColla, Roymer, Podrick, Cobb, Nichols &
Clark, UC
56 Perimeter Center East, 5k Floor
Atlanta, GA 30346
(770) 729-8875
SHM/moh 12/1/98
Our file no (2112-2-21232
The low firm is acting as a debt collector
attempting to collect a debt Any information
< Please see page 6B)