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Junkman s Daughter s Brother
nstrumental Dane© Rock,
Now with More ATARI!
u 3H3S he more you think, the more you
: stink," is the way famed, half-insane
: < record producer David Briggs once
put it. Rock and roll's mystification is meant
to glorify the reptile mind: the idea that
intuition, not sophistication, is meant to
be music's Northern Star. And even if that's
already an artist's modus operandi—the Neil
Youngs, the Keith Richardses—that's fine for
them, but there's no reason why rock music
can't have a thorough thoughtfulness and still
deliver the same oomph. The Bronzed Chorus,
from Greensboro, NC, is the kind of band that
puts a great deal of thought into how to maxi
mize that oomph.
The duo of Adam Joyce on guitar and
Hunter Allen on drums and synth is instru
mental; so, political theories or emotional
treatises are not on their agenda. The music,
they make is the end-all-be-all, and every
thing about it, from the neatly recorded
songs on their latest EP, The Gleaming, to the
Christmas-light-lit live show, belies careful
consideration. Joyce, who spends the time
he's not playing music making handcrafted
woodwork, talks about his music without flow-
; ery elaboration, sticking to the facts. Speaking
about Alien—who, prior to The Gk. ming,
! was only a member of the group in a touring
capacity—Joyce says, "This is the first record
that we wrote songs together on, so it's defi
nitely a different band now."
Brennan O’Brien, the band's original drum
mer, was not only a percussionist with a skill
for propulsive rhythms, he also contributed
keyboard bass, which he was able to pull off
while drumming one-handed. When O'Brien
had to step away from the group, Allen joined
not only as a spot-on drummer/keyboardist,
but he also came armed with an Atari 2600,
the classic game console that can also be used
for composing original 8-bit music. This grimy,
primitive sonic contribution is immediately
apparent on the EP's masterstroke, the epic
"walletkeys/phonesmokes," where Allen's live
drumming creates a lattice of rhythmic com
plexity on top of the Atari's chiptune-style
backing tracks. Adapting a tough-guy, dance-
rock pose similar to the niche Maserati carved
out on its recent Pyramid of the Sun LP, the
new Bronzed Chorus sound retains much of the
post-rock peak-and-volleying that the band
is known for, but Allen's Atari work adds an
indelible new element.
"He wrote the first part, and I wrote on
top of it, and that's never happened before;
we wrote that song together," says Joyce.
"The other pieces just kinda fell together like
they used to, but it's going to be happening
a lot more in the future. We're going to be
writing a lot more together. So, I'm excited
about that change." More than anything else,
"walleykeys/phonesmokes" is the sound of
musicians rocking while having deliberately
mapped out an elaborate composition at the
same time. It's a major step up for a band
that already prided itself on consistently well
executed work.
The Gleaming was recorded with
Mike Albanese and Joel Hatstat, both of
Cinemechanica, and is currently out on
Cinemechanica guitarist Bryant Williamson's
Hello Sir Records label. Following a month
long tour around the northern half of the
United States, "we're doing two weeks with
Manray down South, down to Florida, Alabama
and Georgia," says Joyce. "Sharing their bus
again. It’s like the most fun tour ever, the one
we did with those guys." After that, unsurpris
ingly, it's back to work. Says Joyce, "We're
going to be leaning more towards the style
of music that we're doing on the EP, and this
winter we're definitely going to take some
time and get enough written to start tracking
on the LP soon, another full-length."
Which makes sense: now that the group
exists as two active songwriters, they're natu
rally going to have more material to get out
into the world. "I have songs I'm working on
right now, and Hunter has some ideas of his
own, and we're gonna try to get our songs
where we want 'em, and try to pick 'em apart
and tear 'em to pieces," says Joyce. "We're try
ing a whole different way of writing the full-
length. We're gonna try to really tear apart the
songs, not overanalyze 'em, but really get 'em
felt out, I guess. In the past, we just kinda
wrote songs and said, 'OK, it's done,' instead of
really looking back and seeing where we could
add or take away. So, I'm really excited about
doin' that."
Jeff Tobias
WHO: Cinemechanica, Manray,
The Bronzed Chorus
WHERE: Caledonia Lounge
WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 17,10 p.m.
HOW MUCH: $6(21+), $8 (18+)