Flagpole. (Athens, Ga.) 1987-current, September 14, 2011, Image 18

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you through the selection of annu
als, perennials, shrubs, trees, native
plants and groundcover vines. Part
of the Georgia Gold Medal Plant
Symposium 10 a m -4 p m. FREE 1
706-542-6156. www.uga.edu/
EVENTS: Gold in Your Garden
(State Botanical Garden of Georgia)
All-day Gold Medal plant sympo
sium. including a plant sale, speak
ers. book signing, raffle and lunch
8 30 a m -2 30 p m $48. www.
ART: Tour at Two (Georgia Museum
of Art) Meet docents in the lobby for
a tour of highlights from the perma
nent collection. 2 p m. FREE 1 www
georgiamuseum org
KIDSTUFF: DIY Craft (Treehouse Kid
u nd Craft) Detailed projects for ages
6-10 like sewing, printing, book
binding, jewelry-making and more
Wednesdays, 4 p m $10 706-850-
8226, www treehousekidandcraft
KIDSTUFF: Teen Iron Chef (Oconee
County Library) Compete lo create
dishes with a secret ingredient. A
judge's panel will decide the winning
team 6-7 p.m FREE! 706-769-3950
KIDSTUFF: Toddler Storytime
(ACC Library) For children ages
18 months to 5 years. Tuesdays &
Wednesdays. 9:30 & 10:30 am.
KIDSTUFF: Wildcard Wednesday
for Teens (ACC Library) Up next:
Fabric beads 1 Make a unique fabric
bead necklace ouf of scraps For
ages 11—18 4 p m FREE! 706-
Africana Brown Bag Lecture
(UGA Memorial Hall) Esendugue
Fonsah presents “Ghana's
Agricultural Policies and Their
Impact on the Vegetable Industry"
1215 p m FREE 1 fsgiles@uga edu
Chikwanine (UGA Tate Center)
Former Congolese child soldier
Chikwanine presents "From Child
Soldier lo Activist The Journey of
Hope." 7 30 p m FREE 1 (students).
. $10,706-542-6396
LECTURES & LIT.: Georgia
Gold Medal Symposium (State
Botanical Garden of Georgia)
Featured speakers include Rita
Randolph, Coach Vince Dooley
and Wilt Nicholls Shop for gold
medal plants at the plant sale or walk
through the display gardens during
the lunch break 8:30 a m -4 p m.
$48 706-542-6156, www uga edu/
GAMES: Dart League Tournament
(Alibi) Meei up with other sharp
shooters. 8 p.m. FREE' 706-549-
GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef "O'
Brady's) Every Wednesday Win
house cash and prizes! 8:30 p.m
FREE' 706-850-1916
GAMES: Texas Hold ‘Em (Buffalos
Southwest Caf6) Poker night every
Wednesday. 18 and up. Sign in at
6:30 p.m. Dealing begins at 7:30
p.m FREE 1 www interstatepokerclub
GAMES: Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern.
Broad St.) Think you know it all?
Wednesdays. 8:30 p.m. 706-548-
GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek
Brewing Company) Test your trivia
chops for prizes 1 Every Wednesday
9pm FREE 1 706-546-1102
GAMES: Trivia (Willy's Mexicana
Grill) Test your trivia knowledge
for prizes every Wednesday! 8 p.m
FREE' 706-548-1920
Thursday 15
EVENTS: Friends Book Sale
(Oconee County Civic Center)
Mysteries, thrillers, romance, poli
tics, biography, children's books,
movies, CDs and more All proceeds
benefit the Oconee County Library.
EVENTS: Rockin’ the
Sustainability Revolution (Stan
Mullins' Studio) Join host Stan
Mullins for an event to support two
non-profits, Dogwood Alliance and
Product Policy Institute with music
by The Josh Phillips Folk Festival.
Event sponsors: R E M , Terrapin
Beer and more! See Calendar Pick
on p. 21.5:30 p.m. (VIP events), 8
p.m. (music). $5, $35 (VIP) www
EVENTS: Screening: Precious
Knowledge (Georgia Museum of
Art) A reception with directors Ari
Palos and Eren McGinnis before the
film, and a Q&A session after. 5:30
p.m. (reception), 6:30 p m (screen
ing) FREE' 706-254-3042
EVENTS: Zumba After Dark (40
Watt Club) Zumba, the dance-aero
bics craze that's sweeping the nation,
is too good to only be enjoyed in the
daytime and sober This event will
rectify that great injustice 7 30 p m.
$10 www 40watt.com
ART: Last Chance Voting Nigh!
(Athens Institute for Contemporary
Art (ATHICA)) "Poi. Poles 'n' Pins
on the Porch" performed by Canopy
Studio members Ann Lily-Woodruff.
Vince Walzberg and Safety Third
Juggling Enter the "Who Dunnit?"
contest and vote on your favorite
pieces of art 7-9 p m FREE 1 www
OUTDOORS: Circle of Hikers
(State Botanical Garden) Exercise
your mind and body every Thursday
morning with nature hikes and read
ings from nature-inspired stories
and poems 8:30 a m. FREE! 706-
542-6156, www uga edu/botgarden
KIDSTUFF: Parent/Child
Workshops (ACC Library) For
children ages 1-3 and their care
givers Featuring toys, music, art
activities and a different community
resource guest each week For first
time participants only In-person
Tuesday 13
EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market
(Little Kings Shuffle Club) Buy fresh,
locally grown organic produce,
locally crafted goods and freshly
baked breads 4-7 p.m FREE' www
EVENTS: Athens Heritage Walk
(Call for location) David Bryant leads
a tour of the Pulaski Heights historic
neighborhood. 6 30pm FREE! 706-
353-1801. www.achfonlme.org
EVENTS: Cooking in the Garden
(State Botanical Garden of Georgia)
This session Handmade Pastries.
Learn how to prepare basic pie
dough and a lemon custard filling
Call to register 6-8 p.m $36 706-
542-6156. www uga edu/botgarden
EVENTS: Tuesday Night Food
School (Gymnopedie) Knife skills,
bread baking and a coffee tasting
with Craig Page (PLACE), Charlie
Mustard (Jittery Joe's Roaster) and
Sarah Dunning (Gymnopedie). Class
includes a light supper and wine
Email to reserve space 6-8 p.m.
$60 happydunning@gmail.com,
www gymnopedie posterous.com
ART: Opening Reception (Two
Story Coffeehouse. Five Points) For
"Here, There, and Home Again."
portraits and travel photography by
Charles-Ryan Barber. 6-10 p.m.
FREE! www charlesryanbarber.com
GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill
St Pub) All three Athens locations
of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside.
Eastside and Harris SI ) feature
trivia night every Tuesday 8 30 p m
Wednesday 14
EVENTS: “24 Hours of Reality”
Viewing Party (Cine BarcalG) The
Georgia Climate Change Coalition
hosts a multimedia presentation cre
ated by Al Gore 7-8 30 p.m FREE 1
www climaterealityproject org, www
georgiaclimatecoalition org
EVENTS: Coal Country {UGA Miller
Learning Center, Room 102) The
Sierra Student Coalition hosts a
kick-off meeting and screening of
documentary Coal Country 7-9
p m FREE' 770-842-1880
EVENTS: Canine Cocktail Hour
(Hotel Indigo, Madison Bar & Bistro
Courtyard) Drink arid food specials
for you and your (well-behaved,
non-aggressive, vaccinated) dog!
This week salty dogs and grey
hounds. Every Wednesday. 5-7 p m
EVENTS: Family Frenzy (Lay Park)
Compete against other families in
several skills-based relays. 6:30-8
p m $1 706-613-3596, www.athen-
sclarkecounty com/lay
EVENTS: Georgia Gold Medal
Plant Sale (State Rntanical Garden
of Georgia) Garden curators and
master garoeners will help guide
Madeline plays Flicker Theatre & Bar on Tuesday, Sept. 20.
a m. $30-40. 706-224-2526, www.
EVENTS: WMI Farms Produce
Market (Doctor's Car Care) Natural
and locally grown organic produce
fresh from the Winterville farm. 10
OUTDOORS: Naturalist Walk
(Sandy Creek Nature Center) Join
SCNC staff for a walk around the
property. Bring a camera or binocu
lars. All ages. Call to register. 10-11
a m. FREE! 706-613-3615
KIDSTUFF: Attracting Birds to
Your Backyard (Rock Eagle)
Discuss ways to encourage local
songbirds to visit your yard, and
meet a red tail hawk, great horned
owl and eastern screech owl. Plus
a trip to the Rock Eagle’s Natural
History Museum. 9:30-11:30 a m.
$5.706-484-2836, beckyg@uga.
edu, www.rockeagle4h.org
KIDSTUFF: Nature Trading Post
(Sandy Creek Nature Center) Trade
one or two objects found in nature
for points or other nature objects in
the center’s collection. 11 a.m.-12
p.m. FREE! 706-613-3615
KIDSTUFF: Storytime & Craft
(Treehouse Kid and Craft) Make a
craft inspired by the book. For ages
2-5. Saturdays. 10-11 am. $10.
706-850-8226 www treehouseki
dandcraft com
GAMES: Pathfinder Society
Event (Tyche's Games) Bring your
imagination. 12 p.m. FREE! www
tychesgames com
Sunday 18
EVENTS: Athens Heritage Walk
(Cali for location) " Walking the Hill"
with John Knowlton and Lee Epting.
2 p m FREE' 706-353-1801, www.
EVENTS: Athens Psychic Fair
(Body. Mind & Spirit Ministries)
Tarot readings, divinations and other
activities in celebration of Athens
Pagan Pride Day. 1-5 p.m. FREE!
EVENTS: Friends Book Sale
(Oconee County Civic Center)
Mysteries, thrillers, romance,
politics, biography, nonfiction,
children's books, movies, CDs
and more. All proceeds benefit the
Oconee County Library. 706-769-
EVENTS: A Musical Taste of
Athens (George's Lowcountry
Table) A fundraising event to ben-
pre-registration required Thursdays
through Oct 6,10-11 a m. FREE!
KIDSTUFF: Read to Rover (Oconee
County Library) Readers in grades
K-5 are invited to bring their favorite
book and read aloud to a certified
therapy dog. Trainer always present.
First come, first served 3:30-4:30
p m. FREE! 706-769-3950
LECTURES & LIT.: Computer
Tutorials (ACC Library) Choose
from a list of topics for personalized
instruction. Call to register 9 a m
706-613-3650. ext. 354
LECTURES & LIT.: Embracing
Diversity Lecture (UGA Chapel)
Keynote speaker Jace Weaver,
director of Ihe Institute of Native
American Studies and religion
professor at UGA, speaks on the
educational advantages of diversity.
3 p.m. FREE! 706-548-8195
GAMES: Beer Pong (Alibi) The clas
sic tournament-style game. 9 p.m.
FREE! 706-549-1010
Friday 16
EVENTS: Athens Got Talent
(Buffalo’s Southwest Caf6) Don't
miss your chance to be a star!
Audition for Ihe second annual
Athens area amateur talent competi
tion. Proceeds from the October
performance at the Classic Center
benefit Women to the World 6 p m.
$5. 706-354-6655
EVENTS: Dawgs After Dark:
Welcome to the Jungle (UGA
Ramsey Student Center) An evening
of activities including kayaking in
the Ramsey pool, face painting,
candy making, “The Lagoon of
Doom," "Boulder Dash" and free
food 10 p.m FREE' (students), $5
EVENTS: Friends Book Sale
(Oconee County Civic Center)
Mysteries, thrillers, romance,
politics, biography, nonfiction,
children's books, movies, CDs
and more. All proceeds benefit the
Oconee County Library 706-769-
KIDSTUFF: Family Fishing Day
(Sandy Creek Nature Center) Fish in
the hidden Claypit Pond Bait, poles
and tips provided. Call to register
6-7:30 p.m $6/family. 706-613-
KIDSTUFF: Home School Science
for Older Students (Sandy Creek
Nature Center) Home-schooled
students and parents are invited to
explore interactive learning stations
and go on a guided hike 10 a.m -12
p m. $4. 706-613-3615, www.ac-
Speaker Series (UGA Miller
Learning Center, Room 214)
"Lessons Learned: Women of Color’s
Spiritual Activism," presented by
Channette Romero. 12:20-1:10 p.m.
FREE! 706-542-2846
LECTURES & LIT.: Romance
Langauges Colloquia (UGA
Gilbert Hall, Room 115) “Baroque
Nature: Rivers and Winds in
Andalucia Circa 1605," presented
by Dana Bultman. 3:30 p.m. FREE!
LECTURES & LIT.: Roundtable
Discussion (UGA Miller Learning
Center, Room 248) "What Is The 39
Stepfl: A Movie, a Book and Now a
Play," sponsored by the department
of theatre and film studies. 4 p.m.
FREE! www.cha.uga.edu
LECTURES & LIT.: Sociology
Lecture (UGA Baldwin Hall,
Room 114A) Jamie Palmer
presents "Representations of
Cuban Masculinity in U S. News
Magazines." 3:30 p.m. FREE! www.
ug. ?du/gcph
Saturday 17
EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market
(Bishop Park) Buy fresh, locally
grown organic produce, locally craft
ed goods and freshly baked breads.
Every Saturday 8 a m-noon. FREE!
www.athensfarmersmarket net
EVENTS: Contra Dance (Memorial
Park) The Athens Folk Music &
Dance Society presents live music
and George Snyder calling. Free
lesson beginning at 7:30 p.m No
experience or partner needed 8-11
p.m FREE! (under 18), $7 (adults)
www alhensfolk org
EVENTS: Friends Book Sale
(Oconee County Civic Center)
Mysteries, thrillers, romance, poli
tics. biography, children's books,
movies, CDs and more. All proceeds
benefit the Oconee County Library.
EVENTS: Teardrop Metric Century
Bike Ride (Rocket Field) Begin
in Watkinsville and roll through
Bishop, Fairplay, Greshamville
and the Oconee National Forest.
Proceeds benefit the Interfaith
Hospitality Network of Athens. 9
Deadline for getting listed in the Calendar is every FRIDAY at 5 p.m. for the issue that
comes out the following Wednesday. Email calendar@flagpole.com.