Flagpole. (Athens, Ga.) 1987-current, September 14, 2011, Image 19
elit the Circle Ensemble Theatre. Live music provided by Caroline Aiken, Dodd Ferrelle, Lynn Halverson, Damon Denton and The Hobohemians. 6 p.m. $15 706-548-3359 EVENTS: WMI Farms Produce Market (Doctor's Car Care) Natural and locally grown organic produce fresh from the Winterville farm. 10 a.m.-6p.m. ART: Closing Reception and Benefit Concert (Athens Institute for Contemporary Art (ATHICA)) The artists behind the Mystery Triennial" will be revealed and "Who Dunnit r contest winners. People's Choice Award and Board Choice Award artists will be recognized Jerry Hendelberg and Carl Lindberg will perform at 5 p.m All works half off during the "last dibs hour.” 5:30—6:30 p m 4-6 30 p m FREE 1 wwwathica.org KIDSTUFF: Yoga & Craft (Treehouse Kid and Craft) For ages 3-8. Sundays. 2:30 p m $10,706- 850-8226. www treehousekidand- craft.tumblr.com KIDSTUFF: Zoo Open Classroom (Memorial Park) Explore the Exhibit Hall and visit with salamanders, pond turtles, snakes and more. Every Sunday 1-4 p.m. FREE! 706- 613-3616 GAMES: Legend of the Five Rings (Tyche's Games) Before the Dawn release tournament 2 p m $25 706-354-4500 www tychesgames com GAMES: Live Trivia (Buffalos Southwest Caf6) Every Sunday 1 Great prizes and fun—teams of all sizes welcome 6 30 p m. (sign-in). 7 p.m. (first question). 706-354- 6655 Monday 19 KIDSTUFF: Bedtime Stories (ACC Library) Snuggle in your lammies and listen to stories Every Monday 7pm FREE'706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Open Playtime 'ACC Library) For children ages 1-3 with their caregivers. 10 30 a m FREE' 706-613-3650 MEETINGS: Teen Advisory Board (Oconee County Library) Help plan and organize programs for the Oconee County Library's Young Adult department that appeal to you For ages 11-18 7 pm FREE* 706- 769-3950 GAMES: Adult Trivia (Jacks Bar) Test your (carnal) knowledge 9 11 p m 706-548-8510 GAMES: Pool Tournament (Alib i Win prizes every Monday' 8 p.m FREE'706-549 1010 GAMES: Trivia Baldwin St) Think you know it all 7 Mondays, 8 p m 706-548-3442 Tuesday 20 EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Little Kings Shuttle Club) Check out the afternoon market in its conve nient downtown location' Buy fresh locally grown organic produce, locally crafted goods and freshly baked breads Now accepting EBT cards 4 7 p m FREE' www afhens- tarmersmarket net EVENTS: Drafts & Laughs (The Pub at Gameday) Five beers, live comics, live bucks $5 9.30 p m 706-353-2831 EVENTS: Film Screening: A Bird ol the Air (Madison-Morgan Cultural Center) Based on The Loop by Joe Coomer and starring Rachel Nichols and Jackson Hurst Part of the Southern Circuit of Independent Filmmakers presented by South Arts 7pm $5 wwwmmcc-artsorg EVENTS: Tuesday Night Food School (Gymnopedie) Knife skills, bread baking and a coffee tasting with Craig Page (PLACE), Charlie Mustard (Jittery Joe's Roaster) and Sarah Dunning (Gymnopedie). Class includes a light supper and wine. Email to reserve space. 6-8 p.m. $60 happydunning@gmail.com, www.gymnopedie.posterous.com THEATRE: The Complete World of Sports (Abridged) (UGA Fine Arts Building) A fast-paced com edy performance by the Reduced Shakespeare Company. 8 p.m. $37. 706-542-4400. www uga edu/pac OUTDOORS: Golden Sneakers (Lay Park) Fitness program for senior adults to walk and talk their way around the park. Tuesdays. 9:30 a m $3 706-613-3596. wwwathen- sclarkecounty.com/lay KIDSTUFF: Exploring Craft (Treehouse Kid and Craft) For children 2-5. Material exploration and a craft Tuesdays, 4-5 p.m. $10 706-850-8226. www treehouseki- dandcraft.com KIDSTUFF: Toddler Storytime (ACC Library) For children ages 18 months to 5 years Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9:30 & 10 30 am FREE' 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: 2011 Johnstone Lecture: Nature as Inspiration in Art (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Sculpture gate artist Andrew Crawford and UGA Assistant Professor of Jewelry and Metalwork Mary Pearse will discuss finding inspiration in nature 7 p m FREE! 706-542-6156. www uga edu/ botgarden LECTURES & LIT.: u Mendez v. Westminster. Latino Activism and Leadership” (UGA Chapel) Civil rights activist Sylvia Mendez speaks on her role in the case that ended segregation as a matter of law in California 7pm FREE 1 706- 542-5773 LECTURES & LIT.: Beneficial Insects in the Garden (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Learn basic identifications and methods of attracting ladybugs to assassin bugs 9-11 am $16 706-542- 6156. wwwuga.edu/bolgarden LECTURES & LIT.: Cafe con Leche Reception (UGA LACSI Building) An informal coffee reception with civil rights activist Sylvia Mendez, who will speak at the Chapel at 7 p m 3-5 p m FREE! 706-542-5773 LECTURES & LIT.: Forever Young: The Benefits of Music for the Older Brain (Athens Central Presbyterian Church) Pete Jutras and Ellen Ritchey will present cur rent research findings on the health benefits ot music therapy followed by a performance by New Horizons Band 12 30-2 p m. FREE' www uga edu/ugacms LECTURES & LIT.: Intro to Excel (Oconee County Library) Topics include the Excel window navigating in the worksheet, toolbars, general formulas and more Registration required 11 am-12:30p.m FREE' 706-769-3950 LECTURES & LIT.: When Your Income Drops (Downtown Winterville. Winterville Depot) Learn ways you and your family can minimize the hardship of a reduction in income 9 30-11 a m 706-549- 4850. www accaging.org MEETINGS: Athens Rock and Gem Club 'Friendship Christian Church) After a short business meeting, everyone can show o f * heir newfound treasures and summer stories in a "Show and Tell' 7 30 p m FREE' 706-549-8082 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) All three Athens locations of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside > RECYCLE YOUR PAPER. GOOD BOY. K S' offering: The Beat From the lA>wcountry Happy hour Monday-Friday 4-7pm Friday, September 16 DIRK HOWELL on the patio 7pm Open 4pmMon-Fri and liam Sat & Sun By the Loop Next to Tall Boy Beverage Co. \y' 2095 S. Milledge Ave. 706-548-3359 WWW. .COM GNATS LANDING Bringing "Bench Casual Food & Attitude" to your Tailgate! rViff i» r : /p'r off tjoriv rnfctiitrj nr rdf:! Friday, September 16 Live Music with STRAWBERRY FLATS I 1 fliar Cure Ybur Gameday Hangover with Our Beach Brunch Call us for your catering needs! Mon 4pm-until • Tue-Sun 11:30am-Until • Plenty of Parking 1080 Baxter St. • 706-850-5858 •www.gnatslanding.net SALON, INC.— laferasalon.com est Broad Street “ Y^i06-548-2188 Tiik University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine Community Pet Clinic Helping to train tomorrow's veterinarians We are a full-service small animal clinic offering: • Routine spavs/neuters tor clogs and cats • Dermatology'and Behavior services • Competitive pricing • Kasy referral to the UCA Veterinary leaching I lospital it needed Open Mon.—Fri., 8 a.m.—5 p.m. By appointment: 706.542.1984 Drop-offs and walk-ins welcome CtdtorStrwt ■■Community I a«c www. vet. uga. cd u/C PC You have enjoyed our food for years... Now know' us as an Athens original... •ffMJ 6*0'& kjoooue Opening Thursday, September 15! 320 E. CLAYTON STREET (next to Mellow Mushroom) SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 • FLAGP0LE.COM 19