The Savannah tribune. (Savannah, Ga.) 1973-current, March 18, 2009, Image 1

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Savannah. GA
Permit No. 923
ahannalj Crtbune
Week of March 18,2009 - March 24,2009 • Vol. 37 No. 4 • • 912-233-6128 • Fax: 912-233-6140
Chef Joe
Randall to
Be a
Chef at
Chef Joe Randall
Chef Joe Randall will
share the spotlight with four
other chefs at a gala dinner
Tuesday, April 7 at 6:30
p.m., Fourth Estate
Each will contribute
one course to a five-course
wine dinner along with tips
and techniques for gourmet
cooking. Randall, who has
been chosen by Ebony
Magazine as ONE the top
ten 2008 African-American
chefs, has been proving his
undying love for traditional
and contemporary Southern
cuisine for over 43 years.
Fourth Estate gourmet
getaway diners will discover
what makes southern cuisine
so special, and why, when
they taste his low-country
soup, featured on the menu.
Randall has sereved as
executive chef for two
award-winning restaurants.
Cloister in Buffalo and The
Fish Market in Baltimore,
and has been featured on tel
evision and in magazines.
Randall owns and
operates a successful cook
ing school here in Savannah.
During his professional
journey to success, he has
won many awards, including
recognition for his outstand
ing contributions to southern
cuisine and culture from the
president and faculty of
Georgia Southern
Fabulous In Fashion Spring
Fashion Show: A Success
On Saturday, March 14, Sirens
Imaging Group
(www.sirensimaging.nef) and Icons
Hair Studio & Boutique, hosted
Fabulous In Fashion Spring Fashion &
Lingerie Show Scene II.
The event was held at the Alee
Temple and was sponsored by NUVO,
the hottest new liquour on the market.
The show featured Atlanta design
ers Christy Saxon, Let Me Design, JL
by Julian Lloyd, Cameron Daggett & R
Max Clothing.
The show also featured Savannah
lingerie designers Pure Romance and
Jessica Jewels Couture.
Icons Botique showcased the lat
est in ladies handbags and accessories.
The shows production was a blend
of all African American businesses.
The decor was provided by Dream
Creations, lighting by Galaxy, video by
D&D Video Production and Direct
Savannah, music by DJ MACK Disc
Jockey Services and on screen produc
tion by R Max Graphics.
The purpose of the event was to
create an evening of class and sophisti
cation to the Savannah area in the
form of high fashion.
Roy of Sirens said, " It was our
goal to create a sophisticated event that
caters to working class adults. We
wanted to create a new & exciting
experience that could be appreciated by
couples or by a group of ladies out for a
"Girls Nite Out".
This event was the launch for
SIRENS Spring/Summer fashion show
tour that will be heading to additional
cities such as Baltimore & Charlotte
just to name a few.
MillerCoors, National Black
Economic Development
Continue Partnership
MillerCoors reaf
firmed its commitment to
leverage diversity to its
competitive advantage
through a new Economic
Partnership Agreement
(EPA) with the National
Black Economic
Development Coalition
The EPA creates a
partnership between the
two organizations to
enhance economic opportu
nities for African
Americans through
increased participation in
key areas including: lead
ership and workforce; mar
keting and advertising
spending; community investment; dis
tributors, retailers and procurement.
MillerCoors executives Leo Kiely,
CEO, and Cornell Boggs, chief responsi
bility and ethics officer, joined NBEDC
Chairman Stanley Washington, and rep
resentatives of several NBEDC member
organizations (including the National
Association for the Advancement of
Leo Kiely, CEO, MillerCoors and National Black Economic
Development Coalition (NBEDC) Chairman Stanley Washington
Colored People (NAACP), Rainbow-
PUSH Coalition, the National
Newspaper Publishers' Association,
California Package Store and Tavern
Owners Associations) to sign the four-
year agreement during a special signing
ceremony at the Park Hyatt in downtown
Kiely noted that diversity is crucial
to achieving
vision of becom
ing America's
best beer compa
ny. "This
Agreement is
part of our com
mitment to
leverage diversi
ty and inclusion
at every level
within our
organization and
in everything we
do," he
said."The sign
ing of this
Agreement illustrates a renewed commit
ment on behalf of MillerCoors and the
NBEDC to continue a beneficial partner
ship that helps increase involvement of
African Americans in business," said
NBEDC Chairman Stanley Washington.
Coors Brewing Company has had
an economic partnership with NBEDC
since 1984.
Abigail Jordan
In observance of
Women s History Month, The
Savannah Tribune is
reprinting from an article
published in The University
of Georgia’ s College of
Education Online
Newsletter. The article, writ
ten by Jason Peevy, tells the
story of Dr. Abigail Jordan, a
doctoral graduate of the
institution, and a retired edu
cator who resides in
Savannah. The article high
lights her encounters with
racism as a child, and her
fight for the erection of the
African Anerican Family
Monument downtown.
And now the article
from the The University of
Georgia’ s College of
Education Online
“Her grandfather came
to America on a slave ship.
Her mother was nearly killed
trying to vote. The Ku Klux
Klan burned a cross in her
family’s yard. And she
endured unpleasant con
frontations with students and
faculty while studying at
All of this, however,
was merely a prelude to
COE alumna Abigail
Jordan’s greatest challenge
— driving the movement to
erect a monument to slaves
in Savannah, even contribut
ing more than $100,000 of
her own money to the proj
Family history has
played a vital role in
Jordan’s life, which has been
dominated by two themes —
See Jordan, page 8
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Savannah. Geonna 31406