Newspaper Page Text
2 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, March 18,2009
(Rjzffaction of our JJngef
Curtrice LaSkanee Richardson
Doctor of Dental Surgery
November 23, 1973 - March 1 5, 2000
Nine year* have come and gone but your
Love and memory expands the limits of
time.Our life, heart, and thought* are enrap
tured by you.
We wept upon your departure and because
the comforter came into our nights and whis
pered peace to our soirl there it joy.
We can remember the delight of your
presence In our lives and smile. Thank God
for the memories and joy.
That gentle smile reflects a caring individ
ual, who gave of your time, love, and talenl
to help others. From the little old lady al the
bus stop, those heeding denial care, to the
two vagrants you met the night before you
took your last Trip 1o your earthly home.
Little did we know that you would not
reiurn to school (or graduation; tor a greater
degree awaited you. We can thank God tor
your years of preparation and knowing that
your absence from the hody is your presence
with the Lord
Forever i*t our H cur In* Lti vc
M OH lif L>*J. C urlit ^ Ivy AtoliAt-ilaori
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Eleven Black Men of
Liberty County to hold
Scholarship Banquet
Daniel K. Wims, Ph.D
The Eleven Black Men
of Liberty County, Inc. will
hold its “Fifteenth Annual
Scholarship Banquet” at
Club Stewart, Fort Stewart,
Georgia, on March 28, 2009.
There will be a reception
from 6:15 to 6:45 PM, fol
lowed by the banquet dinner
at 7:00 PM.
Daniel K. Wims, PhD,
the Executive Vice-
President, Vice-President for
Academic Affairs, and
Professor of Agricultural
Sciences at the Fort Valley
State University in Fort
Valley, GA is this year's ban
quet speaker.
The Georgia native's
professional career has been
dedicated to providing edu
cational opportunities to
non-traditional and minority
Additionally, he has
acquired expertise in youth,
rural and community devel
opment, conflict resolution,
leadership development,
social and educational
research, budgeting, pro
gram planning and develop
ment, and program review
and evaluation.
In graduate school at
Ohio State University and
the University of Maryland,
College Park, Dr. Wims had
other aspirations, but his
career unexpectedly steered
him to academics.
Tickets are $35 each
and may be purchased by
contacting Dr. Robert
Simmons, 912-368-3333,
Robert Blue, 912-368-7675,
or any of the Eleven Black
Men of Liberty County
For more information
about the banquet or the
Eleven Black Men of Liberty
County scholarship, call
Andrew Williams, 912-977-
Cloverdale Celebrates 50
Our community
invites our neighbors,
former neighbors and
the public to share this
The Reunion Banquet
will be held on Friday,
April 17, 2009 at 7:00
p.m. at The Temple of
Glory Eden Room at
1105 Stiles Avenue.
Donation for this
event is $35.00.
The speaker will be
Mrs. Iris Formey
The Cloverdale
Community will also
host our Reunion
Picnic on July 18, 2009
at Butler Elementary
School at 12:00 noon.
Hope to see you at both
Please note we do
not plan to sell tickets
at the door.
Please come to our
3rd Thursday meetings
at Butler Elementary
School for banquet
For more informa
tion, contact Curtis V.
Cooper, Jr., President at
234-8734, or Maureen
Walker, Chairperson at
Copy Due
Friday, By
March Marks Start of
Active Tornado ‘Season’
Georgia has already
experienced its first deadly
tornadoes this year, claiming
a life and causing harm and
damage in 15 counties across
the state.
March marks the start
of a three-month active tor
nado season in the Southeast,
making now the time for
Georgians to get ready by
preparing, planning and stay
ing informed with Ready
Georgia, the state’s emer
gency preparedness cam
“Tornadoes have terror
ized both rural and urban
areas in Georgia’s recent his
tory, making anyone vulner
able to their hazards,” said
Charley English, director of
the Georgia Emergency
Management Agency. “Just
last March, an EF-2 tornado
tore a six-mile path through
the heart of downtown
The next day, twisters
ripped through Polk, Floyd,
Jefferson, Burke, Butts and
Bartow counties. Three peo
ple died as a result of these
storms, and seven counties
received a federal disaster
declaration. These tragedies
and others clearly demon
strate why every Georgian
needs to be prepared.”
Tornadoes have proven
to be some of nature's most
violent storms that can gen
erate wind speeds of more
than 250 mph and can appear
out of nowhere with little
warning. Being prepared to
act quickly by having a plan
in place and practicing how
and where to take shelter is
crucial to mitigating the
effects of a tornado.
for more Georgia-specific
tornado preparedness infor
mation and to create a cus
tomized Ready kit checklist
and communications plan for
your family or business.
Backus to Host Teddy
Bear Hospital
The George and Marie
Backus Children's Hospital
at Memorial University
Medical Center (MUMC)
will host a Teddy Bear
Hospital on Saturday, March
28, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at
the Hoskins Center on the
MUMC campus (Ranger
Road at 66th Street).
This event is sponsored
by a generous grant from the
Wal-Mart Foundation.
Children age 10 and
under are encouraged to
bring their favorite teddy
bear, stuffed animal, or doll
through the mock hospital to
learn some of the ways that
hospitals help children feel
This fun environment
allows doctors, nurses, and
technicians to perform vari
ous procedures on the toys,
including X-rays, lab tests,
and surgery. At the same
time, children get a better
understanding of how hospi
tals work and learn about
wellness and injury preven
Participants can meet
representatives from Backus
Children's Hospital,
SafeKids of Savannah,
Coastal Therapy Dogs,
Chatham County Sheriffs K-
9 Unit, Savannah-Chatham
Metropolitan Police
Department, Savannah Fire
and Emergency Services,
LittleOne child care,
Children's Miracle Network,
Wellcare, Savannah
Community Blood Bank,
Reach Out & Read, and
For more info, visit memo-
204 West Hall Slreel
Call Day or Night
Business Phone: (912) Z33-2175 or 1912) 233*2176
Fas Number: (312)234-9343
Mrs Frennhyn M Bynns, President
Mr FLdmrjh. □ Bynai, Vice Pram deni i Gertinl Manager
Mrs. F rnuchyu Bynes-Jon□ e„ Troa&urer I Sicrvtary
Mi. Alfred L Mulllc*. Msnsgsr
Mrs. Olgifl l Williams. Sen rot Diretlur el AtlmmisD ,ilion
Mrs, lsra £Jyn^-Jackson, Human Hasuurces Diretlur
Mr Musgrow, Fimeral Apprcntica