The Savannah tribune. (Savannah, Ga.) 1973-current, March 25, 2009, Image 1
100 BLACK MEN Ob SAVANNAH. INC \ 100 BLACK MEN OF SAVANNAH 13 11 ' ANNUAL Saturday, April 4 Hjatt Regency Hotel CuKI Spe-uke 1 ft Dr. bMil ViL I»t PRSRT STD U.S POSTAGE PAID Savannah. GA Permit No. 923 “GEORGIA’S BEST WEEKLY” ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ahannalj Crtbune Week of March 25,2009 - March 31,2009 • Vol. 37 No. 5 • • 912-233-6128 • Fax: 912-233-6140 Steffen Named University Counsel at ssu Joseph Steffen Savannah State University (SSU) President Earl G. Yarbrough Sr. has named Joseph J. Steffen Jr. as university counsel. As a member of the president’s leadership team, Steffen will oversee the university’s legal affairs and advise the administration on the legality of contemplated actions; interpret matters as they relate to policies and operating procedures; and oversee the successful perform ance of equal employment opportu nity, alternative dispute and risk management functions. Raised in Virginia, Steffen attended Wake Forest University in Winston Salem, N.C., where he earned his bachelor’s degree in his tory, with honors, in 1979. He earned his law degree from the College of William and Mary, located in Williamsburg, Va., in 1982. Steffen launched his political career in 1984, leading a seven-can- didate ticket to become the youngest person ever elected to city council in his hometown of Galax, Va. After serving a four-year term, he won re- election to the seat. Steffen moved to Savannah in 1999 to pursue his law career and began working to help disadvan taged youth and working families, serving on the board of directors of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) and Frank Callen Boys and Girls Club. A subscribing life member of the NAACP, Steffen is also a mem ber of the King-Tisdell Foundation Board of Directors, Savannah Economic Development Authority Advisory Board, Leadership Savannah Board, Savannah Business League and the Savannah Historic Review Board. He is the former vice chairman and spokesperson for the Chatham County Democratic Committee, and regularly serves as a political com mentator for local radio and televi sion stations. Goodwill Holds Annual Volunteer Luncheon L-R: Bill Oakley, President/CEO, Goodwill Industries; Florence Youmans; Melvina Baker, Goodwill Consumer (rec ognized for achieving program goals) Kathy Wynn, (recognized for maintaining successful employment) Brenda Pollen, Director of Workforce Development; Katrena Hicks, Program Manager; Dimonique Robinson, (recognized for obtaining successful employment); Margaret Williams, GIVS President & Goodwill Industries Board of Directors; Dr. Robert James, President, Carver State Bank Goodwill Industries of the Coastal Empire, Inc. held the 35th Annual GIVS (Goodwill Industries Volunteer Services) on March 20, 2009 at Carey Hilliard's Restaurant Banquet Center, GIVS is an organiza tion of senior volunteers who volunteer their time to Goodwill Industries of the Coastal Empire, Inc. The Annual Luncheon recognizes their past year of service to the organization as an opportunity to showcase their achievements not only to their membership but to the community. Employees and Consumers of Goodwill Industries were also recog nized for successliil comple tion of program goals, main taining successliil employ ment and obtaining success ful employment Dr. Robert James, President/CEO, Carver State Bank served as Guest Speaker. Dr. James shared with those in attendance the importance of volunteerism and giving back to the com munity. Students Participate In Career Day At DeRenne Shown above are 8th grade students of DeRenne Middle School along with instructors Tracy Owen (left end) and Terri Mobley, (right end). They participated in the media workshop with The Savannah Tribune. DeRenne Middle School along with Skidaway Island Rotary Club held their Annual Career Day on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at the school. Graduation Coach Brenda Roberts coordi nated the many partici pants for the event. Professionals from the fields of Architecture and Construction, Business, Education, Health Science, Human Services, Law, Public Safety and Emergency Services, Marketing/Media, Science, Engineering, Technology and Math, Distribution, addressed the 7th and 8th grade students on career opportunities. Mrs. Marsha Tolbert is the Principal. The Savannah Tribune Salutes Tammy Stokes Judge Tammy Cox Stokes In observance of Women s History Month, The Savannah Tribune is reprinting an article that ran in the September 24 edition about Recorder s Court Judge Tammy Cox Stokes. Stokes is a graduate of Beach High School and the University of Georgia School of Law. Her profes sional experience includes having been a prosecutor and trial attorney for Dekalb County Juvenile Court and the Dekalb County Solicitors Office. The first African American woman judge in Chatham County, she is the vice chair of the Georgia Judicial Training Council and is dis trict representative of the Council of Municipal Court Judges. Stokes sits on the boards of the United Way, Leadership Savannah, and First City Club, And now, the article from September 24, 2008. “At the June business meeting of Georgia's municipal court judges, the judges elected the Honorable Tammy Stokes as their President of the Municipal Court Judges Council of Georgia. Judge Stokes serves as Chatham County Recorders Court Judge, having been appointed by the City Council and Chatham County Commission in 2004. It is of note that she is Chatham County's first African American woman judge. She is also the first African American woman to serve as President of Georgia's Municipal Court Judges Council. Georgia has 400 Municipal and local courts where the judges con duct non-jury trials and are author ized to impose sentences and fines in accordance with applicable law. Each year, the Municipal Courts in Georgia handle more than 1.2 million filings, and its judges See Stokes, page 14 arver ■new branch and a proud tradition of service 7110 Skidaway Road Savannah. Geonna 31406 .) FDIC ay Banking