Newspaper Page Text
2 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Momon Promoted to
General Manager
hotel is unsurpassed, and has
been recently rewarded with
her appointment to General
Momon is the only
woman to hold this position
at one of the largest hotels in
the Historic Savannah dis
With the hotel’s
owner’s encouragement to
pursue this prestigious posi
tion, Ms. Momon succeeded
in a competitive field which
included more than 200
A “military kid” bom in
Lafayette, LA and raised in
Milton, FL, Momon joined
the Army in the late 1970s to
see the world.
Her seven-year military
career included a wedding,
two daughters, and four
years as a sergeant stationed
in Manheim, Germany.
When her husband was
transferred to Hunter Army
Airfield in Savannah,
Momon decided to leave the
service because her daugh
ters were entering school,
and for the first time in her
life, Momon was free to
explore her new home,
which led her to the Inn at
Ellis Square.
“Finding innovative
ideas and thinking outside
the box” are two of
Momon’s challenges as
General Manager.
“Because so many
young people are traveling
these days, we want to be
sure that we’re using the
most current Internet tools to
reach this audience,” she
Her primary goals for
Debra Momon
Isn’t it amazing what
you might find, and where
you might find yourself...
when you’re lost?
In Debra Momon’s
case, what she found unex
pectedly while touring
Savannah one day in 1987,
was a long, happy career.
Momon, a newcomer to the
city, wandered into the Inn at
Ellis Square, seeking direc
She struck up a friendly
conversation with the clerk
behind the front desk. Soon
the hotel’s manager joined in
the conversation, and within
minutes, he recognized
Momon’s excellent interper
sonal skills and management
Practically on the spot,
Momon was hired as a front
desk agent that lucky day in
1987... a move which
launched her current 22-
year-long career.
In short order, Momon
was promoted to night audi
tor and controller. In 1998,
she was then promoted to
Assistant General Manager,
most recently working close
ly with the late Dominique
Audran, for more than five
Her dedication to the
See Momon, page 14
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Gorman Joins Statesboro
Center and postdoctoral
fellowship in cardiology at
Brooke Army Medical
Center at Fort Sam
Houston, TX.
Previously, Dr.
Gorman was Staff
Cardiologist at Eisenhower
Army Medial Center,
Memorial Health Medical
Center and St.
Joseph/Candler Hospital in
Other hospital
appointments include serv
ing as Chief of Cardiology
at Womack Army Medical
Center at Fort Bragg, N.C.
and Landstuhl Regional
Dr. Alfred Gorman
Alfred Gorman, M.D.
has joined Statesboro
Cardiology as a cardiolo
gist. He obtained his
bachelor of science in biol
ogy from Georgia State
University and a doctor of
medicine from Morehouse
School of Medicine.
He completed his
medicine residency at
Eisenhower Army Medical
Medical Center in
Germany. He is
board certified by the
American Board of
Internal Medicine.
City Wide Talent
Showcase Seeks Entries
A city wide talent
show to advocate, advance
and award promising people
in the Coastal Empire and
Low Country is accepting
entries from all ages.
If you can sing, rap,
dance, do comedy, spoken
word, etc. then you are eligi
Auditions will be held
Wednesday March 25th,
from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.,
at Black Box at S.P.A.C.E.
Cultural Arts Theatre located
9 West Henry Street, and
judged by Pittsburgh Steelers
Nick Eason. A $10 fee is
Finalists will move on
to compete in the BIG
SHOW, to feature industry
executives, next month.
Prizes will include cash
money, trophies and an
opportunity to headline a
community concert.
My Dreams
Productions, Inc. is sponsor
ing this fundraiser event. For
more info call Lester at (912)
ILA 1414 Wins State
Men’s Industrial Title
The City of Savannah
Athletics Dept, would like to
congratulate Savannah's
ILA (International
Longshoremen's Association
Local 1414) Men's
Industrial basketball team
for winning the State Men's
Industrial Title.
The tournament was
held in Augusta, GA on
March 13-15. ILA won the
game after playing three
overtimes with a final score
of 69-66.
City of Savannah to
Observe Earth Hour
The City of Savannah
will participate in the world
wide Earth Hour event by
darkening City Hall between
8:30 and 9:30 p.m. Saturday,
March 28.
Earth Hour, organized
by the World Wildlife Fund,
seeks to increase awareness
of climate change and pro
mote energy conservation by
encouraging individuals,
businesses, institutions and
organizations to turn out
their lights for that one hour
on March 28.
By agreeing to go dark,
Savannah joins more than
1,800 communities across
the globe participating in the
event. Landmarks across the
globe, including the Eiffel
Tower and Sydney Opera
House, as well as thousands
of homes and businesses,
will go dark during Earth
Hour. Savannah
encourages its citizens, busi
nesses and institutional part
ners to also participate in
Earth Hour, as well as take
direct action to reduce the
size of their carbon footprint.
The City of Savannah is
in the middle of an organiza
tion-wide energy audit,
being conducted by Georgia
Tech, whose goal is to create
recommendations for mak
ing City government build
ings more energy efficient.
It's part of Savannah
City Council's larger Thrive
initiative, which seeks to
reduce Savannah City
Government's carbon foot
print by 15 percent by 2020.
For more information
on Earth Hour, visit
www. earthhour. org.
Representatives to Host
Public Hearing
Do you have sugges
tions that may help Georgia
lead the nation in improving
student achievement?
If so, you can take
advantage of an opportunity
to speak directly to State
Board of Education
Members Linda Zechmann
and Allen Rice. Ms.
Zechmann represents the
First Congressional District
and Mr. Rice represents the
Twelfth Congressional
They invite you to a
public hearing Thursday,
March 26, 2009. The event
will be held from 7:00 to
8:00 p.m., in Room 158 at
University Hall, on the cam
pus of Armstrong Atlantic
State University.
parents/guardians, students
and concerned citizens are
all encouraged to take part in
the event. Your feedback is
critical as the State Board of
Education and the State
Superintendent of Schools
work together to insure that
all students receive an excel
lent education.
Those wishing to speak
at the meeting are asked to
sign in when they arrive. For
more information, contact
Ms. Lynn Roberts at (404)
657-7410 or you can e-mail
her at: .
The Georgia
Department of Education
does not discriminate on the
basis of disability in admis
sion to, access to, or opera
tions of its programs, servic
es or activities.
Individuals who need
assistance or auxiliary aids
for participation in this pub
lic forum are invited to make
their needs known to Ms.
Roberts, Georgia
Department of Education at
(404) 657-7410.
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$&/tUt* oO-
Mr*. FrenchyeM. By net, President
Mr Raleigh D Bynai. Vies Prrqldent / Gtnenl Manager
Mr*. Franchye Syria a-Jones. Tmsumr l Socmtary
Mr. Allred L. Mullhce, Manager
Mr*. Dlqa F. W iliam*, Senior Dinectar o1 AdminiUrallan
Mr*. Tara flynaB-JackHon, Human Kcaourco* Director
Mr. Edward Muagrow. Funeral Sarvlca Apprentice