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Savannah. GA
Permit No. 923
afcannaf) tribune
Week of April 1,2009 - April 7,2009 • Yol. 37 No. 6 • • 912-233-6128 • Fax: 912-233-6140
Obama Opens
Doors for Black
President Barack Obama
For the nation’s black
magazines, newspapers, and
television and radio stations,
the arrival of the Obama
administration has ushered
in an era of unprecedented
access to the White House.
President Obama gave
Black Enterprise magazine
his first print interview and
gave a black talk show host
one of his first radio inter
views. This month, he invit
ed 50 black newspaper pub
lishers to meet with him at
the White House. And at his
news conference Tuesday, he
skipped over several promi
nent newspapers and news
magazines to call on Kevin
Chappell, a senior editor at
Ebony magazine.
It was the first time an
Ebony reporter had been
invited to question a presi
dent at a prime-time news
“We have, at last, an
equal seat at the table,” said
Bryan Monroe, the vice
president and editorial direc
tor of Ebony and Jet maga
zines. “We’re not going to
get everything we need. But
now we definitely can be
Mr. Obama is cultivat
ing a new cast of media
See Media, page 4
Glover to
Appear During
Music Festival
Savion Glover
Tony Award winner
Savion Glover is considered
by most to be the world's
greatest tap dancer, extend
ing the tradition he learned
from Gregory Hines, the
Nicholas Brothers, Jimmy
Slyde and others.
Best known for his
starring role in the
Broadway hit "Bring in 'da
Noise, Bring in 'da Funk,"
Glover keeps his feet busy
in this celebration of tap as
song in a special program
melding several musical
genres and featuring fellow
tappers Marshall Davis Jr.,
Maurice Chestnut, and
Glover's jazz group, The
Glover will perform on
April 3 as a part of the
Savannah Music Festival.
Visit www.savannahmu- for more
United Way Holds Annual
Meeting and Awards Luncheon
United Way of the Coastal
Empire held its 71st Annual
Meeting and Award Luncheon
today at the Savannah
International Trade and
Convention Center. Over 300
people attended the meeting to
celebrate United Way's efforts on
behalf of the community.
The celebration also includ
ed the induction of new Board
members and recognition of com
munity volunteers for their hard
work and dedication.
Outgoing Chairman of the
Board, Michael Kemp, Senior
Vice President, Regional Trust
Manager of Synovus Trust
Company, shared highlights of the
organization's 2008 accomplish
ments and details of the invest
ments made in our four county
“This is our opportunity to
thank all the individuals and busi
nesses that have helped make the
United Way fundraising campaign
a huge success. We are a better
community because of the work
of United Way's agencies and
because of the generosity of the
Coastal Empire community,”
Kemp said.
Kemp recognized outgoing
Board members and Committee
Chairs and concluded his portion
of the program by bestowing the
role of United Way's Chairman of
Dale Critz, Jr., 2008 Campaign Chair is pictured with Julie Cyr, Vice President,
Resource Development, United Way.
the Board to Steve
Eagle, Executive Vice
President of Seacrest
Campaign Chair
Dale Critz, Jr., President
of Critz, Inc., thanked a
number of companies
and organizations
whose tremendous
efforts helped United
Way exceed its
$8,288,888 goal in 2008 to
support vital programs and
initiatives that improve lives
in Bryan, Chatham,
Effingham and Liberty
Among the largest
workplace campaigns in
2008 were Gulfstream
Aerospace Corporation,
Combined Federal
Campaign, City of
Savannah, Colonial Group
and Georgia Ports
“We are impressed
with the generosity of the
community,” said Critz,
Jr., as he reflected on his
leadership on the United
Way campaign last year.
“It is very rewarding to
witness the high level of
See United Way, page 4
Groundbreaking Held For New
K-8 School at Godley Station
The E-SPLOST pro
gram continues its steady
progress with the ground
breaking of SCCPSS’
newest and much antici
pated K-8 school in
Godley Station K-8
The drawings have
been prepared and
approved and the permits
are in place, it’s now time
to proceed from design to
The Board of
Education for the City of
Savannah and the County
of Chatham, School
Superintendent Dr.
Thomas B. Lockamy, Jr.,
and elected dignitaries
conducted the ground
breaking ceremony.
The school, expected
to open in the Fall of
2010, is located west of
Jimmy Deloach Parkway
on Benton Boulevard.
The Gilbane-Polote
Companies are the
Construction Managers
for this project.
■new branch and a proud tradition of service
7110Skid3wa\ Road
Savannah. Geonna 31406