Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 3, 2010 -15
1 A Listing of The Coastal Empire's Local Churches
RiinaliJ (
Order el
S.ilLi! ,!:r- ScIkwI of Wisdom I" 311AM
(£vm L S.rniJ.n al ujdimnflk)
Sinlay Service IDfJOAM
Wednesday Bible Study ~> is pm
Teievlsicn Schedule
Cumcum Cable Channel 244
Saturday ej 4 inj PM
fiituikv a 3:00 m
ThdI.OM) fhiil mrwiM mri "n>v tndmarv..."
Mm 115: l-i
Victory Bible
Fel 1 owsh i p
2110 Iasi Broad Siteel, Savannah. Ga 31401
(912) 236-1986 Toll Free 1-877-736-19S6
Drar ni Sintci
SluilJar SsJhkhI
1 ■ nn \M
Sntuk; Momiiis Bfctship
Eat. 3nd. iS 4lh him.
13.00 Pm
Hof) Coftmnmiti
■ ’fN -
2nd SirtkJiii
1 \ VI
Bibki StuJ 1 .
700 PM
-1 \ i ;
Itmtsduy Nights
' V
Yeuih Si tndsv
5(h Sitnttrr
I*('1 [■ RmMnn
"JHurjy HWnWl ix (fi Jumix t ' i \ l,uni
Bryan Neck
Missianarv Bant 1st Church
1S525 HWV14J.P0. Box 302 - Richmond Hill.GA 31324
(912)727-2163 - Email biyarmeckrrilic 1 (ghotmaiLcocd
Rf* ..bHKil, Iffn, .Wt^wr
Wlbfta Firm FwrLaih
1h. muii VIjcU, Nr.
t’A jr/tn.-rt I'XlL-vjr
Order «l Senium
Sm'Uj 1 . S.:hnit
SunJ)) M'fnuL tl'i-hip
1 ■ i. ?nL 1 ad Smuts!
1 Dm.lit
Puwff Smfec i-.A. fitaadf
t'wnJji- \ijhi
1 MS CimnUUun
J ; aJn)k alii I'iiltlI- E>j\
Siiv.iiJ Sain- Dm
St. Paul Missionary
Baptist Church
EH Waters iroiHie ■ Savannsh. Georgia 31401
(912) 236-3428
bi. ih. ttorsf A. Muri^ Je
OinuTiuitlti&s Hr Wtrslilri
Siinilii, S.'llisit
L juu \M
Muminf Worship
Hob Gunmimi-'jii 1 si 1
Ik'iirof Pcwei flAbJ. 1
12 k'isui
Vrintfli'i fill-li Saul) iWed ?
Ll'Ii Hiii;; Itilik k m-_ .imiLi iiDl (Tl m.'i
Ml11 r Bible SniJ’. iSji t
1 eve fast i VueJ'k&ft the lit Su-i
St. Philip Monumental
A.M.E. Church
1112 letter son Street - Savannah, GA 31415
Parfiir Robert O. Uwtj
MilLLHlLT ll]Ll i X'Wfl
Otflir il Strides
v i irsd: i 1 - School
SuiKiliy WotTilnp
Tuesday Bible Sludj 1
7:00 PM
‘‘Our doore swing on die 1 tinges of LOVE"
Triumph The Church And
Kingdom Of God In Christ
771 liarf Gwinnett Sired * Savannah, Georgia 3)401
1912) 232-0879
Order 91 Service
AUi'O J. Banks Sr. Pi4nr
FrnJ f idy ■ I ; u-itii IliMil..
iVjfdl flTlf M »r. 5?
Sisnlu SeliiHd
1'. K. V f Sundays
9 45 AM
J^ayer Medium I f-isl'ie Study
i uesday Niilit^
7:00 PM
’iuiuLd MuDiinj Wijtijhip
T : Sl v j kuimLih'.
Je.i -15 AM
Hob Communion
■J h Srmdso
! uni ib A Friendii l)-n
Jth Siuiduy
Ml 45 AM
Yl>Uthl>Jt Ssvkcs
Mh Slllidj',
M 1.45 AM
Baptist Church
904$la|ev Ave. - Savannah. C3 31405
(912) 352-9441
Drdar al sitvltt;
Siuiibt SlIwH
U'cfthip k;fvt:e
050 LM
Vi.i'jlb Sur.ii 1 , (I 1 Sun ■
Mm Suiulai (F'Sun 1
Hoh 1 Cnuniuwn (4* Svn i
I'rana Mfudngl irie^ i
|:J0 PM
[JihkSlijdt (In:; i
7:00 PM
q n f Ffm j toil Mil l.i Mitten faith not sent, nor ear
OllllifC LutllftE. 4eupt(. ffrufe' htt>n intern!jnt> 4u , r r
iw<rn, the things Ei'Aifi Grnl hot hpnqxrrw fcf
ifeii tkit bur /li'Jii ■ ■: t'lirithwiii Itf)
Baptist Church
IDO Els Hill Road- P.0. Box 183GG - Garden City. GA 31409
912.9M 23351 CM) Vi: -Ml m (tour's Cell r.'ITrij DJS i Transport ion.
Lklplmrd I. Barksdale
Order tl service
Irtercessor. l^ayei
k 45 AM
CJiriflfiaii ild'JCition
S-unrtiv ^
*30 Ah!
WBjvtiip Service
Seniors' Feitowdiip
! ijcsiti', ■
11:00 AM
Bible Sliu|>
7:00 FM
] ( m ?-,■ j l j-i k'w^ intAin i-MLHS. W.’J
Savannah Church
of GOD, Inc.
»mmnt mow King MM. savannalt. Georgia 314GS
<^13)333-1212 - OULU 732-0505 I jin
Victoria Alston
Dr lier el Service
1' SuHilav i.t' nmiiiiisinviiiii ! I DO AM
I - Sunday iFJifiSutdv,i II00 AM
j" Sniidni i Spoil [’u:^. ] I (Hi AM
1* SimJny r.Hsfiiss HeW f Chts^hb timraid 11:0(i A M
!nr:;'i U'..iA...‘.'i!>- t-fut'ci I,ii.-r-.?■!■..’ 99
Uihk'Seud^ ■: -a.i l'-jaii 7.JD PM
RrtoBiuAHLfHvn Piiiin \r.-ln ia KJMw '*13 FM
liVdh" Hh-n',i'|v;Jiir.h .in-
l.oi ^ 11. enKimnnnbli>' 6 JehiUCS nrt
fond »»ii!ifEPi jJ] ynir sp mujl i«h
When prpftllUtl . LcutV, Icdg.- .‘I Gti)
All Nations
Full Gospel Church
1269 Scott Rd. S.E., Darien, GA
(912) 437-4769
Be A Good
When you leave your ehurch
service. eisit & neif'hhov fend take o
first-class ^ift...Lhis week’s edition of
^abannah tribune.
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Savdiiriah, Georgia
Phono: 912-243-61 2B or Fax: 01 2-233-61 4D
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Serving Savannah and the Law Country
Have Your
Church Listed
Genesis New Life Apostolic Faith
Celebrates Black History
Comife and join us in our "Bhick History Celebra
tion Saturday. February 27. 20HE 5:30pm at 1905
F,. Broad St. fEducational Building) across from
the church. Sec the displays ami alD the events that
took place from the timeline of the years back from
MOO to 2009. Enjoy and eat with us “Old Fash
ioned Cooking" from the past. Come and fiear also
the history of Genesis New Life. Looking forward
to seeing you in our Black History celebration.
Black Heritage Festival
Invites you to attend the
following events
Wednesday, February 10
Op?i>ih£ Reception tor the 9tli Annual New Beginnings Ail
Exhibit sponsored
by ihe SAVmnah ChBpter.of ilw [ .inks:. I in;.
G^Mery N.P- VC.b,, 9 Wsst Henry St
b;30 p,m,
Wednesday, February 10
Lecture by Ashley Bnan, prije winnitig children's btrok
aulhor. illustrator end ptlppet maker.
Bryan ns author fit 1 nus e (ban 30 h(Hiks nii.'ludiiij; Ashley
Bryan’s ABC's of Africiil American Poetry. lAliihiikni of
Ids hook il!nslni(ions ;md pup|?ets ssilt be featured al rlie
SCAD Museum ut Art, Jiuuiiin 15 through ^lurch 3(L
Trusices Cheat re. 21,6! E, Firouyhton Si.
7:30 p.m,
Thursday, February 11
Mlh Annual School Day ExlniVflgailia
A spec ini school perfontiance lor stiKlcms praties 4-«
featuring the Lula Washuiglon Dance Ibenirv -
11 a.m.
For reservailioos and information: 412-354-2657
(M. Jdtnson>. 912 356-22391A1 Goldwire )or 9 \ 3-201 -353t)
Friday, February 12
The SLiiimnab Biack ileritane Festival presents tlie I.ula
Wfcsh i ngton Dance Theatre
The 2010 Black I leritage 1 estival HoDorees, Virginia
Bdwnrds, Dr. Charles Elrnore .ind Dr. Abb-y Jordan ; 11 lie
presented prior it> tlie (j^aformance,
Johnny Mercer riieaier. Savannah Civic ("enter
8:00 p.m.
(Seating is limited; free reserved seat liekeis required. For
irdormaiion on ticket distribution, visit wvvw.savanniih-
hlaekheiitagefesfivaLcom. L Inelaimed scats will be given to
W(iiriri£ patTUQs 10 mi metes prior to cuuttin call.
'The Lula Wftshiulgtoa Dance Theatre is funded by
fin pi and Ftmn dill toil for the
Arts' National Dance Project t.NDP), hvitli genmoussupport
by tlie Doris Duke Charitable
foundation,; the Ford Foundation, the Andrew W. Mdlnn
foundation, and ihe MerLife Contmontty Connect tons Pttnd
Of iho MeiLife Foundutiim, and itlst) by Itirgei.
Saturday, Fchrunry 13
** Dem Fish, Dev’s IlitiJtit" ■ A Second Amuutl Festivjil
Prvserled in p:ul by Elie SSL.' NOAA jiSfltioptjl Oatpc
Sl Atmospheric Adminiitraijcir Preserve America Grnnij.
An oral tradition iictiviij involving a gathering of some of
(he families and descendedts of African Americans who
were involved in maritime and fishcrv -related occupations
in Coastal Gesirgia from !86J-fo the present. Participants
will bear stories, witness the an of cleaning fish, then niste
sables of fried fish and other traditional Savannah L Ti:df
Turner-Hndgc Young Cninimmiiy Center. Shipyard Road
(Old Montgomery}
2:00 p.m.
Sunday. Fohruary 14
\nnualGospel Concert featuring record^Lg aiiist James
Bienon and the Deliverence Mass Choir,
with performances bj :irtr>t>/i(tn, ([ie SSU Wesleyan
Cos pel und St. John Baptist Church Choirs and Ihivsie
Presented in purl by Life! .ink of Georgia
St. John Baptist Church, 522-28 Hartndge St.
5:00 p.m.
Monday, February 15
4th Annual "Future of Ja// Concert’' featuring the S.pslmn
Ciiilege Women's lay./ Faisemble.
directed by Joseph Jem tings atul other youth \nr:/. artists
under the direction of Teddy Adams.
A s]xcinl tribute (o ihc laic Steve Andrews. <>w nor of Live
Oak Productions, will be made prior to The concert.
Presented in p:vrl bv The Jewish Educational Alliance
The J[;A. 5311 Abercom Si.
7:00 p.m.