Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 3
Cash-n-Carry Makes $5,000 Check for
Haitian Relief
Kenny Grainger presents Robin E. Wingate, CEO of the American Red Cross,
Savannah Chapter with a check for $5,000.
Cash-n-Carry owner
Kenny Grainger presented
Robin E. Wingate, CEO of
the American Red Cross,
Savannah Chapter, with a
$5,000 check on Monday.
Cash-n-Carry owner Kenny
Grainger raised the money
from $1 door fees customers
pay to enter the Savannah
business’s salvage yard. The
$5,000 donation will help
fund the American Red
Cross’s Haiti Relief program,
which will help those affected
by the Jan. 12 7.0-magnitude
“Some things in life are
more important than making a
profit, and I’m gratified to be
able to share a little bit of the
success our customers and
employees have made possi
ble, with the hungry and hurt
ing people of Haiti,” Grainger
Cash-n-Carry is a self-
service salvage yard that has
been serving Savannah and
the Low Country since 1985.
The family-owned business
sells premium auto parts at
low prices.
The environmentally
friendly and clean business
recycles every part of every
vehicle they receive by allow
ing customers to bring their
toolbox and pull parts from
over 1,500 cars, trucks, and
SUV’s on the lot. Once a vehi
cle is stripped the remnants
are then crushed and recycled.
Cash-n-Carry, located at
500 Staley Avenue in
Savannah, is open 7 days a
week for their customer’s con
venience. To learn more about
Cash-n-Carry go to http://ilu- or call 912-352-
City’s Parking Amnesty Program to
End on Friday
The City of Savannah's
month-long parking penalty
amnesty program ends
Friday, Feb. 12.
The program excuses
any accumulated late fees if
the vehicle owner pays the
original citation fine.
Violators will have the
option of mailing in their
fines, paying by phone at
912-651-6470, or paying in
person at Parking Services
headquarters, 100 E. Bryan
Because the City's
online payment tool located
at cannot
separate fines from late fees
at this time, violators will not
be able to take advantage of
the amnesty program through
All Copy Due
Friday, By 4
the Web site.
Over the past few years,
the City has greatly increased
our parking options down
town, including a number of
incentive and payment pro
grams as well as the addition
of 1,100 off-street spaces in
the Whitaker Street Garage.
Alien ion M/WBE firms. Const me lion
Contractors, and Local Small Businesses
Join us lor an informational session repaiding contrad
ict Opportunities lor local minority and female owned
businesses (M/WHE), specialty contractor tor ah build
iug trade's, and IihxiI small businesses with the
Chatham Courtly
neicrtiion/CorrcctiGftal Cenicr Expansion Project
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Coastal Georgia Center
305 Fahm Struct
Savannah GA31401
5:00pm ■ 8:00pm
RS VP to: .swil heirs l .region d ark eonsl net ion .com
llmicd by: Clark Construction Group am!
I be Polote Corpora) nm
Black Women Celebrated in New
Book, Savannah’s Black “First Ladies”
Brenda Roberts and Pamela Oglesby
The phrase “never been
done before” wasn’t a road
block for the women profiled
in the book, Savannah’s
Black “First Ladies”, Vol. I.
Eight years in the mak
ing, Savannah’s Black “First
Ladies” is a remarkable col
lection of short biographies
which recognizes African-
American women in
Savannah who were pio
neers- “first” in their chosen
The trials and tribu
lations these women endured
to fulfill their calling is a true
testimony of their perseverance
and strength. They chose not to
give up or give in, but to press
forward to see their dreams
come to fruition - and in so
doing, helped open doors for
the generations of black women
that followed.
Pamela Howard-Oglesby
was inspired by God to recog
nize pioneering black women in
Savannah. She collaborated
with her long-time friend,
Brenda L Roberts and conduct
ed intensive research to bring
Savannah’s Black “First
Ladies”, Vol. I. to press.
Pamela is a native
Savannahian, the youngest
daughter bom to the late Elmer
and Valerie Holland Howard.
She is a graduate of Sophronia
M. Tompkins High School, and
holds an Associate of Science
degree from Gupton-Jones
College of Funeral Service.
Pamela is also featured in
Savannah’s Black “First
Ladies” as the first Licensed
Embalmer in Savannah. She is
the proud mother of daughter
Taiyanika, and has a grandson,
Co-author Brenda L.
Roberts, the daughter of the late
Mrs. Christola Kennedy Bell and
the late Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.
Adams, is a long-time educator
with the Savannah-Chatham
County Public Schools. She also
grew up West Savannah and
graduated in the same high school
class as Pamela. Brenda earned
the B.S. degree in Sociology from
Savannah State College (now
Savannah State University), the
M.Ed. degree in Counseling from
Georgia Southern University, and
the Ed.S in Educational
Leadership from Lincoln
Memorial University. She cur
rently serves as a Transition
Coach at DeRenne Middle
School. She is the mother of two
daughters, Shondra Roberts-
Cohall, and Anetra Roberts-
Williams, both honor graduates of
the Savannah-Chatham County
Public School System. Brenda
also has four grandchildren,
Khalid, Maiya, Yasmin, and Ella
Books may be ordered at
the Black Heritage Festival on
February 20, 2010. A book sign
ing will be held in the near future.
You may contact Pamela at 912-
234-6155 or Brenda at 912-925-
4980 for ordering information.
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Savannah State University & the City of Savannah
Annual Black Heritage Festival
From a Glorious Past
February 6-21
James Bignon
&the Deliverance Mass Choir
Feb 14, 5 p.m.
St. John Baptist Church
522-28 Hartridge St.
S.Q.S. Band and K’Jon
Feb, 20, 6:30 p.m
Savannah Civic Center
All festival events are free and open to the public
www. savannahblackheritag efesti va I. co m