Newspaper Page Text
4 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 10, 2010
21st Annual Black Heritage Festival to
Host Health and Wellness Fair on
Grand Festival Day
The 21st Annual Black
Heritage Festival, presented
by the City of Savannah and
Savannah State University is
hosting a Health and
Wellness Fair on Grand
Festival Day, Saturday,
February 20, 2010 at
Savannah Civic Center, 301
West Oglethorpe Avenue.
Doors will open at 9:00
A.M.Health and Wellness
Fair, sponsored by American
Diabetes Association, Lilly
USA, Inc. and Aetna, is a
FREE full-day interactive,
educational event designed to
educate all people affected by
The family friendly
health and wellness fair will
feature free health screen
ings, giveaways, kids' zone,
and healthy soul food cook
ing demonstrations and tast
ings. Also, various work
shops on diabetes care will be
offered throughout the day.
Registration for those work
shops begins at 9:00 A.M.
and is open to the public.
Diabetes is a chronic
disease that has no cure.
There are an estimated 23.6
million children and adults in
the United States, or 7.8% of
the population, who have dia
betes. If present trends
continue, one in three
Americans, and 1 in 2
minorities, bom in 2000 will
develop diabetes in their life
time. Diabetes among
African Americans is reach
ing epidemic proportions and
the projected growth of this
disease is expected to sky
rocket. African Americans
are 1.6 times more likely to
have diabetes than non-
Latino whites.
25% of African Americans
between the ages of 65 and
74 have diabetes.
One in four African American
women over 55 years of age
has diabetes
The mission of the
American Diabetes
Association is to prevent and
cure diabetes and to improve
the lives of all people affect
ed by diabetes. With Aetna's
and Lilly's support, the
American Diabetes
Association is committed to
improving the lives of
African Americans with dia
betes and their families
through Grand Festival Day
Health Fair and community
outreach programs such as
Diabetes Day and Diabetes
New Mt. Olive to hold Usher’s
The Officers and
Members of the New Mt
Olive Baptist Church 835
Chevis Road, would like to
invite the community to join
us in celebrating our Usher’s
Anniversary on Sunday,
February 21, 2010, at 3 p.m.
The theme is Ushers in
Ministry. Pastor Pusha of
True Love Missionary
Baptist Church 777 Gwinnett
St., will be our guest speaker
for his grand occasion.
We look forward to see-
Pastor Scotty Mitchell
ing you all there. And as
always, when you need us,
feel free to call. Scotty L.
Mitchell, Pastor, Corey
Taylor, Usher Board
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How to Lose Weight, It’s Easy!
When I meet someone
new, or am introduced in a
group as a nutritionist,
invariably I am asked “well,
can you help me lose
weight?” When I say that
“losing weight is easy”, I can
see them turn away as start
looking for an escape route.
The fact is losing
weight is easy, it is the easi
est part of lifestyle manage
ment and health restoration.
The hard part is making up
ones mind to make the nec
essary changes.
I find however that
most persons talking about
losing weight are secretly
still looking and waiting for
that miracle pill, or potion,
that will peel the weight off,
without any effort on their
part, and in a week. And
then, they can go off to the
mall, for that brand new
wardrobe. Today, there still
is no weight loss miracle.
The way to lose weight
begins with: Understanding
that not everyone is meant to
be a size 6 or 8. Many per
sons look at others and think
“ I want to look like THAT”.
Well, we are all differ
ent, and can not and will not
be like some one else. We
need to be a healthy size and
weight, with a protective
layer of fat, and enough
water in the body for proper
fluid balance and lubrication
of joints and organs. We need
a healthy view of ourselves
and a layer of acceptance of
who we are.
Keep a record of what
you are eating. What we eat
are the building blocks of our
health and strength. Protein,
carbohydrates, fats and phy
tonutrients, and the right
amount of water.
Keeping a record is
keeping an awareness of the
Carolyn Guilford, CNC
choices we’ve made to give
our body the best nutrients
possible for the work it needs
to do. Access your reasons
for eating foods that keep
you from reaching your goal.
Every thing we do and done
for some benefit to us.
Many times we keep
doing the same things, even
when the benefit is no longer
a benefit to us. That is called
HABIT. Reassessing why we
do what we do can really
help us move forward in life
to do great things for our
selves and for others. That is
a good thing. (During nurs
ing school, my study group
went to Shoney’s and
Spanky’s almost everyday
for fried chicken fingers and
French fries. It served a pur
pose then, and now we are all
over it!)
Find ways to manage
the stress that does not
involve eating. During
stressful times we let our
guard down, pretend we’re
hopeless while we eat -that
thing we want, name your
weakness here . We
need a plan for managing
stress. So that when the
stressful event happens we
are ready to pull something
from our bag of tricks.
Planning, is all it takes. Do
you have a hobby? What do
you like to do?. Sew, read,
walk, go to the library, muse
um, park, go for a ride?
Know something you
like that can get your mind
off the current madness, and
on to something that makes
you smile. What about that
friend you meant to check
on, or the cards you were
going to send? The trick is to
set your mind on something
else. So, for how to lose
weight there is no secret, and
no miracle. Eat smaller
meals, with more fruits and
vegetables and less meat.
More fish.
Eat fewer sweets.
Desert once a week, not
every day. Eat at home more.
Drink water with meals, save
calories by avoiding sugar
laidened sodas and juice
drinks. Exercise. You knew
that was in the mix. Just find
one you like and get with it.
And, go to bed early for
more sleep, and more restful
sleep. Sleep has so many
benefits. Including regulat
ing hormones insulin and
cortisol which assist with fat
But of course you already
knew all of this. We’ve
always known it. It is the
only way.
If you are still in denial,
wait on for the secret miracle
and continue to risk your life.
If you’d like more informa
tion on creating a lifestyle of
health, or joining the Health
Restoration program please
call me at 912 236-8987 for
a Free Consultation.
Nutrition Consulting Saves
Lives! Carolyn Guilford at
Health Restoration
Consulting P. O. Box 2814,
Savannah, GA 31402
www.Healthrestor ation 101
MUMC Ranked Among the Top in the
Nation for Clinical Quality
The clinical quality at
Memorial University
Medical Center (MUMC)
ranks among the top 5 per
cent in the nation according
to a new study by
Memorial University
Medical Center is one of only
269 hospitals nationwide (out
of 5,000 hospitals analyzed)
to be named among the
HealthGrades Distinguished
Hospitals for Clinical
Excellence™. It is the only
hospital in the Savannah area
to earn the recognition.
The eighth annual
HealthGrades Hospital
Quality and Clinical
Excellence study reviewed
the outcomes of 40 million
patients who were hospital
ized in any of the nation's
5,000 non-federal hospitals
between 2006 and 2008.
“It is a tremendous
honor to be considered
among the top 5 percent in
the nation for clinical quality.
Our physicians and Team
Members work very hard
every day to consistently pro
vide world-class care right
here in Savannah. We don't
think anyone should have to
leave the area to find the best
doctors or treatments - it's all
right here at Memorial,” said
Ramon Meguiar, M.D., sen
ior vice president and chief
medical officer at MUMC.
According to the study,
top-rated hospitals had risk-
adjusted mortality rates that
were, on average, 29 percent
lower than other hospitals.
To view MUMC's
patient outcomes, visit and
click the “View Patient
Outcomes” magnifying
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