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The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 5
The Greatest
Evangelist Rachel Thomas
It’s that time again for
all believers to come together
with Christ to spread the
Word of God. We need men,
women, boys and girls. The
moore people, the more non
believers we can reach. We
need talented as well as non
talented individuals, preach
ers, musicians, gospel
groups, singers and rappers.
All are welcome to
come to come for the glory of
God, and God’s kingdom.
The Unswitchables City-
Wide Outreach Ministry
started in 1986 and was
brought forth by the Holy
Spirit in 1987, through
Evangelist Rachel Thomas. If
you love the Lord, please call
Evangelist Rachel Thomas at
234-3107, or 344-7554,
Minister Barbara Brown at
232-7535, or Minister Sandra
Fleming at 234-3529.
The teaching will begin
with seminars. 1. All night
prayer (one night) 10:00
p.m.- 7:00 a.m. May 5, 2010.
2. Five weeks of seminars on
Life in the Spirit, May 12, 19,
26, and June 2, 2010, 7 p.m.-
8 p.m. 3. First/Second
Seminars:Teaching Life in
the Spirit. 4. Third/Fourth
Seminars:Teaching Life in
the Spirit. 5. Fifth Seminar:
Baptism in the Spirit. 6.
SeminanTeaching Life in the
Spirit. 7. City Wide Outreach
will be taking Him to the
Jesus intended that His
mission would continue after
his death, burial, resurrection
and ascension that his follow
ers would go into the hedges
and highways. Please do not
be left out, let us all come
together in Christ.
All denomenations are
welcome and all races are
welcome. Join the team of the
ingathering to reach souls for
God’s kingdom. The City
Wide Ministry will go out in
the streets, June 8-30 2010,
hree weeks in June. We will
meet 9 a.m., every Monday-
Thursday, St. Philip A.M.E.
Church 613 MLK Jr. Blvd.,
Rev. Dr. John Foster, Senior
Pastor. May God Bless!
Minister Evangelist
Rachel Thomas, Co-
Holy Spirit of God,
Union Skidaway to Celebrate
Pastor’s Anniversary
The members of Union
Skidaway Baptist Church
extend an invitation to the
public to attend the obser
vance of the 11th anniversary
of our Pastor, Alan Dwayne
O’Neal and his lovely wife,
Sandra O’Neal, starting
February 24, 2010 through
February 26, 2010 at
7:30 p.m. nightly.
The Rev.
Joseph Fields and con
gregation of the
Friendship Baptist
Church will start the
celebration on
Wednesday February
24th. Pastor Marion
Brooks and congrega
tion of the St. Mark
Baptist Church will be
in charge of the cele
bration on Thursday
February 25th. Pastor
Richard Hall, Sr. and the
congregation of the Second
Arnold Baptist Church will
be in charge of the celebra
tion on Friday February 26th.
Refreshments will be served
after each service.
Bethel to hold Youth
The Youth Ministry of
Bethel Missionary Baptist
Church extends an invitation
to you to come and share
with them in their 3rd Youth
Please come and be
blessed with song, dance,
poem and praise.
This celebration will be
held on February 28, 2010 at
5 p.m. We are inviting all
surrounding Youth Choirs.
We are located at 5863
Ogeechee Road. (912) 927-
Mount Zion to host Prayer
On Saturday, February
13, 2010, the Women of
Mount Zion Baptist Church
will host a Prayer Breakfast
at 8:30 AM.
The guest speaker will
be Minister Lolita Hickman
of the Connor's Temple
Baptist Church where the
Reverend Dr. Bennie R.
Mitchell is pastor. Minister
Hickman has a great passion
for the exposition of the
word of God. We thank God
for this gifted woman of
God. To God Be The Glory !
The theme for the breakfast
is "There Is Power In
Prayer", Chronicles 7:14.
Please join us as we are
expecting a powerful move
from God. Your presence and
prayers will be blessing to
the women of Mount Zion.
Mount Zion Baptist
Church is located at 1008
Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.
Reverend Michael S.
Stamps, Sr. is the pastor.
Should you need further
information, please call
Sister Diana V. Stamps,
Coordinator, at 232-6888.
Bishop Carlos Lennon
Celebrates his 8th Pastoral
Bishop and Mrs. Carlos
The congregation of
Holy Living Christian
Center would like you to
come out and celebrate the
momentous occasion of rec
ognizing Bishop Carlos
Lennon on his Pastoral
Anniversary. We are given
the opportunity to thank
people who have profoundly
affected our lives. There is
little doubt that Bishop
Lennon is one of those
people, whose efforts on
behalf of our Heavenly
Father have not only
affected the community,
but have had a tremen
dous influence on the
lives of our members,
visitor, and friends over
the years.
This celebration
will be held on
Thursday, February 18th
through Friday February
19th, 2010 at Holy
Living Christian Center
at 7:00 pm.
The sanctuary of
Holy Living Christian
Center is located at 6073
Ogeechee Road, for
additional details, direc
tions or concerns contact
Sis. Steele at 912-660-
These nights have
promise of being full of
worship and recognition
for his labor towards the
up-building of the
Kingdom of God.
“An Evening of Elegance”
The Men’s Group of
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church,
626 East 37th Street, invites
the community to its Evening
of Elegance to be held in the
church fellowship hall on
February 13, 2009, 7 p.m.-
The price for singles is
$35 and $50 for couples.
Contact Brother Jerry
Roberts for ticket information
at 233-5354, or 713-6590.
Rev. W. James Nelson,
First New A.M.C. to Offer
Tutorial Sessions
Need help with math,
reading and writing skills?
Come to The Educational
Minstry at First New A.M.C.
Prepare now For Your
Future Homework/Tutorial
Program Every Saturday
Session I - 10:00 am - 12:00
noon Session II - 12:15 pm -
2:15 pm at the H.W. and J.L.
Edwards Educational
Building, The First New
A.M.C. Church, 2611 Martin
Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Savannah, GA (912) 213-
6444. Call for more informa
tion. Designed for grades 1st
- 6th.
Followers of Christ to
Celebrate Church Anniversary
The officers and mem
bers of Followers of Christ
Baptist Church, 103
Scarborough Street, extend
an invitation to you to come
and worship with them as
they celebrate their 54th
Church Anniversary.
Worship services will
begin on Wednesday, Feb.
17-Friday, February 19th at
7:30 p.m. nightly.Services
will culminate on Sunday
February 21 at 3 p.m. Samuel
Kizer, Jr., Pastor.
Jonesville to hold Annual
Black History Program
The Jonesville Baptist
Church will hold their
Annual Black History
Service on Sunday, February
28, at 6:30p.m.
For additional informa
tion, call 351-0423. Pastor
James G. Rodges.
Bethany Baptist to hold
Conceration Services
Bethany Baptist
Missionary Church, 2139
Margery Street, will hold
their Annual Consecration
Service starting Wednesday,
February 17 th through
Friday, February 19th.
The theme for this year
is: “Tearing down sin in
Our guest churches are:
Wednesday, February 17th -
7:00 p.m. True Gospel
Baptist Church, Pastor
Johnnie Mae Askew;
Thursday, February 18th -
7:00 p.m. St. Luke Baptist
Church, Pastor Lexie E.
Aiken; Friday, February 19th
- 7:00 p.m. St. Matthew
Baptist Church (Springfield,
GA) Pastor Samuel
Bethany’s combined
choirs will render the music.
The public is cor
dially invited to come out
nightly to hear the word of
God and lift the name of
Bishop Ronald B.
Anderson, Pastor.
St. Matthew’s Announces New
Service, Absalom Jones Service
Beginning February
7th, St. Matthew's Episcopal
Church has a Contemporary
Evening Service. Service
begins at 5 PM every Sunday
it includes contemporary
music, lessons and worship.
We look forward to seeing
you there! We're located on
the comer Anderson street at
1401 Martin Luther King
Blvd. (912) 233 - 5965.
St. Matthew's invites
you to join the first Diocesan
wide Absalom Jones
Service on Saturday,
February 13th at 10 AM.
Absalom Jones was the first
African- American Episcopal
St. Matthew's will be
celebrating his life in a joint
service with St. Phillip
A.M.E. and other surround
ing churches from the
Episcopal Diocese of
Georgia. Please join us!
Newborn to Celebrate 20th
Pastor Juanita Edwards
and the Newborn Church of
Faith in Christ, Inc Family,
invites you to attend our 20th
Church Anniversary
Celebration Services,
Tuesday, February 9 through
Sunday, February 14, 2010.
The theme for this year is:
“A Church Celebrating the
Year of Jubilee; Releasing
the overflow of the Power of
God”. Scripture:
Deuteronomy 15:2-4.
The Schedule and guest
speakers are as follows:
Wednesday, February 10,
2010 at 7:30PM, Speaker -
Pastor Saundra Mobley,
PMDC Burton, SC;
Thursday, February 11, 2010
at 7:30 PM, Speaker -
Apostle Walter Ross, Trinity
Outreach Ministries,
Hinesville, GA; Friday,
February 12, 2010 at 7:30
PM, Speaker - Bishop Ed
Gray, Community
Tabernacle of Praise,
Savannah, GA; Saturday,
February 13, 2010 at 7:30
PM, Speaker - Pastor James
Robert, Mt. Moriah Baptist
Church, Pt. Wentworth, GA;
Sunday, February 14, 2010
3:00 PM, Speaker - Elder
Claude Thomas, New Life
Apostolic Faith Church,
Savannah, GA.
Come and be blessed!
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1805 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Savannah, Georgia 31401
Ph. (912) 233-6128 Fax (912) 233-6140
Published By
Savannah Tribune, Inc.
Tanya Y. Milton
Vice President/Advertising Director
Marius L. Davis
Managing Editor
sharon@ savannahtribune .com
Horacio J. Allen
Graphic Designer
A. Camille James Rachelle J. Gregory
Education Writer Staff Writer
Zyon D. Smiley Frederick D.Gregory
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Walter Moore
Sports Writer
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