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6 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 10, 2010
To Place Your Classified Ad in The Savannah Tribune
Call (912) 233-6128 • Fax (912) 233-6140 • Email:
Sponsor of the Community Events
Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received by the Mayor
and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Savannah
Airport Commission in the office of the City Purchasing
Agent, Post Office Box 1027, Savannah, Georgia 31402 until
February 23, 2010, 1:30 p.m. local time, at which time and
place all proposals received will be publicly opened and read
Bidders are invited to submit proposals for:
This project consists of, but not limited to, furnishing all
labor and material to construct a South Rental Car Canopy
Expansion consisting of foundations, structural steel mem
bers, roof system, electrical, drainage, concrete sidewalks,
asphalt, striping, and signage.
Bidders are invited to submit proposals for this work on the
proposal forms provided. Other proposal forms will not be
The complete examination and understanding of the con
struction plans, specifications, contract documents and site of
the proposed work is necessary to properly submit a propos
al. Construction plans, specifications and contract documents
are available for examination and may be obtained from the
offices of the Savannah Airport Commission, 400 Airways
Avenue, Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport,
Savannah, Georgia 31408, Phone (912) 964-0514, for a cost
of $100.00 per set. This cost is non-reftindable. Please make
checks payable to Savannah Airport Commission.
A pre-bid conference for bidders will be conducted in the
Savannah Airport Commission Conference Room, Third
Floor, Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport,
Savannah, Georgia, on February 9, 2010, at 1:30 P.M.
A Bid Bond in the form as bound in the contract documents
or certified check in the amount of not less than five percent
(5%) of the total amount bid must accompany each bid.
Successful bidder will be required to execute and to provide
a Payment Bond and Performance Bond each in an amount of
one hundred percent (100%) of the total value of the contract
awarded to him with a satisfactory surety or sureties for the
full and faithful performance of the work. If the total value of
the contract is less than $100,000.00, a Payment Bond or
Performance Bond may not be required.
The Savannah Airport Commission, in accordance with Title
VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C.
2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations,
Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the
Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally assisted
programs of the Department of Transportation issued pur
suant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that, in any con
tract entered into pursuant to this advertisement,
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises will be afforded equal
opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and
will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race,
color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
The Contractor agrees to ensure that Disadvantaged Business
Enterprises that are presumed to be socially and economical
ly disadvantaged as defined in 49 CFR Part 26.5 have an
equal opportunity to participate in the performance of this
contract. In this regard all Contractors shall take all necessary
and reasonable steps to ensure that such Disadvantaged
Business Enterprises have an equal opportunity to compete
for and perform contracts. Contractors shall not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award
or performance of this contract.
The Contractor, or any subcontractor, submitting a bid for
utility contracting, as defined in O.C.G.A. Section 43-14-2 to
a utility system as defined in said section, shall conform to
O.C.G.A. Section 43-14-8.2 et seq. with reference to Utility
Contractor's Licenses. Utility contracting means a proposal
to perform utility work to a utility system as defined in
O.C.G.A. Section 43-14-2(17).
No bid may be withdrawn after closing time for the receipt of
proposals for a period of ninety (90) days.
This is a bid for construction and therefore the City's local
vendor preference ordinance will not apply.
The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the
Savannah Airport Commission reserve the right to waive any
informalities, irregularities, and/or technicalities in or reject
any and all bids and/or to award or refrain from awarding the
Contract for the Work.
Mayor and Aldermen of the
City of Savannah and the
Savannah Airport Commission
Margaret H. Joyner
Purchasing Director
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Atlantic State
University’s (AASU) Office
of Multicultural Affairs is
hosting the following event
in observance of African-
American History Month.
February 18, Ashmore Hall
Auditorium, 7 p.m. Dr. Carl
Cunningham discusses film
maker Margaret Brown's
Order of Myths, which
interprets the racially divid
ed Mardi Gras activities of
Mobile, AL. For more infor
mation, visit www. arm-
strong, edu
Health Fair
There will be a community
wide health fair on February
20, 8 am - Noon. Screenings
will be provided by Costal
Carolina and Hilton Head
Island Wellness
Program.The health fair will
take place at the Agape
Family Life Center, 5855
South Okatie Hwy.
Hardeeville, SC 29927.
Please call today for more
information: 843-784-
6008/866-708-3686 (toll
free) This event is open to
the public!
Love Walk/Run
Wesley Community Centers
will hold its annual Love
Walk/Run on Saturday,
February 13, 2010. The 5k
kicks off at 7:45 a.m. and
the 3.6k or 24k walk begins
at 10:00 a.m. Both events
begin at the south end of
Forsyth Park near the tennis
courts. Funds raised will
support programs that
directly impact women,
children and families who
are struggling through
poverty. Call 236-4226 for
more information.
Babies Don’t
Come With
Love Babies? This
Volunteer Opportunity is for
You! The First Steps Parents
of Newborns program pairs
volunteers with new families
in the hospital setting to pro
vide emotional support, par
enting education materials,
and referrals to community
resources. Volunteer training
and all materials are provid
ed. For more information
about the First Steps Parents
of Newborns program call
819-6911 or 819-6910.
You are invited to attend a
management seminar spon
sored by the 2010SP1 MGT
301 students of St. Leo
University. Major Terry L.
Enoch of CCSO & Sarahlyn
U. Argrow, CEO of AWWIN
Inc., are the Keynote
Date: Thursday, March 4,
2010 from: 12-2 p.m.
Location: The First City
Club-32 Bull Street Cost:
$15 A reservation is required.
Please RSVP by the COB on
Friday, February 19, 2010
Independent Living
Skills Classes
Living Independence for
Everyone (LIFE), Inc. is a
non-profit, service and advo
cacy organization operated
by and for people with dis
abilities. We will be hosting a
schedule of independent liv
ing skins classes for people
with disabilities to learn from
and enjoy here at our center
at 12020 Abercorn St.
Classes are offered on
Mondays and Wednesdays
from 10:00am to noon
throughout the whole year.
All of the courses are free.
Call: 920-2414 voice or 920-
2419 TTY for more informa
tion and to sign up!
Southeast Family
The Ralph Mark Gilbert
Civil Rights Museum is join
ing with The Heritage
Library Foundation of HHI,
The Savannah Stake of
Church of Jesus Christ Latter
Day Saints, Armstrong
Atlantic State University, and
the Live Oak Public Library
to present a valuable program
to the public. This event will
be held on February 20, 2010.
We look forward to seeing
you there!
Save on Your
Natural Gas
Now is a great time to review
your natural gas bill and
make sure you're getting the
best rate plan for you and
your family. To make sure
you're taking advantage of
the decreased prices and
available discounts contact
Lee Ann Powell at 652-7981.
Blood Pressure
St. Joseph's/Candler African-
American Health
Information and Resource
Center, located at 1910
Abercorn St., will conduct
free blood pressure screen
ings every Monday through
Thursday from 8:30 AM to
7:00 PM, and every Friday
from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM.
Call 447-6605 for informa
Every Step Counts
Survivors Walk
9 a.m., Saturday, February 27
Every Step Counts enthusias
tically invites all cancer
patients, survivors, and care
givers to join us for our
monthly walk. The walk is
free and open to all cancer
survivors and their loved
ones. For more information
about this month's walk and
to register, please call DeDe
Cargill at (912) 398-6554.
Golden Age Program
Seeks Seniors
All seniors are encouraged to
participate in the Golden Age
Program at the beautiful
Tatemville Lake and
Community Center,
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 2
p.m. at 333 Coleman St.
Enjoy good fellowship, hot
meals daily, crafts, shopping
trips, computer class garden
ing & more. For more info
call 691-6289.
Kidney Support
Piedmont now provides an
educational and support
group for pre & post kidney
transplant patients in the
Savannah area.The group
will meet every 2nd Tuesday
of each month. 5:00 p.m. at
Memorial University
Hospital Georgia Ear
Building 2nd Floor 4700
Waters Ave. Savannah, GA
31404.The group sessions
will feature: Information on
different Transplant topics,
speakers, video & audio
material random door prizes,
light refreshments. Please
feel free to bring a friend or
family member with you.
Evaluating &
Refreshing Your
If you suspect your board
may be stale, re-energizing
them may be in order. Learn
how to work more effective
ly with your board to achieve
your organization's desired
outcomes. This workshop
will be held Thursday,
February 18 from 1:00pm to
4:00pm at the United Way
Building, 428 Bull Street,
Savannah. Advance registra
tion is required and atten
dance fees apply. For more
information, contact the
Georgia Center for
Nonprofits at (912) 234-
Yoga for Cancer
Patients and
12:10 p.m., Thursdays,
February 11, 18 and 25, at
FitnessOne, 3rd floor of the
Center for Advanced
Medicine on the campus of
Memorial University
Medical Center
This yoga class is free for
people with cancer and can
cer survivors. For more
information, call (912) 350-
One of the many challenges
facing nonprofit leaders
today is translating financial
information into an effective
decision making process.
This course is designed for
leaders who are responsible
for decision-making and who
are seeking to understand the
fundamentals of financial
management. This workshop
will be held Thursday,
February 25 from 12:00pm to
3:00pm at the United Way
Building, 428 Bull Street,
Savannah. Advance registra
tion is required and atten
dance fees apply. For more
information, contact the
Georgia Center for
Nonprofits at (912) 234-
Wednesday Series 6:30 p.m.
- 8.30 p.m., Wednesdays,
February, 10, 17, and 24,
Women's Health Institute
Conference Room located in
the Center for Advanced
Medicine at Memorial
University Medical Center
This course gives an
overview of reproductive
anatomy and physiology and
explains the process of labor
and delivery in simple, easy-
to-understand terms. This
four week course includes a
tour of the labor and delivery
unit. This class is popular, so
please register early. The cost
is $75 per couple. For more
information, call (912) 350-
BORN (2676).
The One
Hundred's "A
Close Encounter of
the SCAD Kind"
4 p.m., February 10
The One Hundred, a group
committed to supporting
Backus Children's Hospital
through advocacy, philan
thropy, education, and volun-
teerism, has arranged a
fundraiser tour of two of
SCAD's historic buildings.
You will learn of each build
ing's architectural history and
then visit four different disci
plines where you will have
hands-on participation led by
a SCAD representative. A
reception with wine and hors
d'oeuvres will follow at
Gutstein Gallery, and the
HoneyBees will perform.
Proceeds benefit the Backus
Children's Hospital. For
more information, please
contact Anne Schafer at (912)
All Community News Due Friday By
4 p.m.