Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 7
Bignon to Headline Black Heritage
Festival Gospel Concert
James Bignon
James Bignon and the Deliverance Mass Choir will
headline the Annual Savannah Black Heritage Festival gospel
concert at 5 p.m. on Feb. 14 at St. John Baptist Church, 522-
28 Hartridge St. Local gospel artists scheduled to perform
include Zion, Huxsie Scott, the Savannah State University
Wesleyan Gospel Choir and St. John Baptist Church Choir.
The annual gospel concert is presented in part by LifeLink of
Bignon, who comes from a large family of singers,
pianists, organists and preachers, sang his first solo at the age
of five at St. John where his Ireland, United Kingdom and
Bignon and the Deliverance Mass Choir are best
known for their Grammy/Stellar nominated and Billboard
gospel hit recordings of God Is Great, On the Other Side of
Through, What a Mighty God We Serve and He Made the
Difference in My Life. His latest project, Evolution, remains
true to his core traditional gospel audience but incorporates a
generational appeal. The
bonus track, He Is God, was
written and recorded with
both of his sons, Chris and LJ
(James Bignon III),
mother was pianist.
While attending Lucy
Laney High School in
Augusta, Ga., Bignon formed
the school’s first gospel
group. In 1991, he formed his
Atlanta-based Deliverance
Mass Choir. His debut
album, How Excellent Is Thy
Name, quickly landed on the
gospel charts, followed by
Use Me in 1992.
In 1995, Bignon led the
ten-member ensemble of the
original cast of Michael
Flatley's Riverdance, intro
ducing a secular audience to
his unique brand of gospel.
He toured Listeners
will experience the musical
influences from his early
beginnings studying at The
Gospel Music Workshop of
America under the leadership
of Reverend James
Cleveland, who is considered
the king of gospel music.
“Our Journey From a
Glorious Past” is the theme
for the 2010 festival , which
is the 11th produced by
Savannah State University.
All festival events are
free and open to the public.
For more info, visit
www. savannahblackheritage-
31st Appreciation for Bishop Moses
and Lady Essie Lewis
The Church of Christ
Holiness Unto the Lord, In.
invites you to attend the
31st Appreciation Service
for National Presiding
Prelate - Bishop Moses
Alfred Lewis and Elect
Lady Essie B. Grant
Lewis, beginning Monday,
February 15 with guest
minister - Bishop C. C.
Singleton of New Order
Greater Faith Ministries,
Tuesday, February 16 with
guest minister - Elder J. B.
Thomas of the Macedonia
Fire-Baptized Holiness
Church, Wednesday,
February 17 with guest min-
guest minister - Bishop Julian
Jones of the Mt. Carmel
Deliverance Center and
Friday, February 19 with
guest minister - Bishop
Benjamin P. Collines of the
Bread of Life Church of God
in Christ. Services will begin
at 7:30 p.m. nightly.
The closing service will be
held on Sunday, February
21st at 11:00 a.m. with the
message being delivered by
Bishop E. W. Thomas of
Bishop Moses and Lady Kelly Temple Church of
Essie Grant Christ Holiness unto the Lord
ister - Elder Willie Ferrell of in Brooklyn, New York,
the Royal Church of Christ, For more information
Thursday, February 18 with please call 912.201.3589.
Sixth Episcopal District to Observe
A.M.E. Founder’s Celebration
Atlanta - The Sixth
Episcopal District will
observe Founders' Day,
February 18-20, 2010 hosted
by Saint Philip Monumental
African Methodist Episcopal
(A.M.E.) Church “The
Mother Church of African
Methodism in Georgia,”
1112 Jefferson Street,
Savannah, GA, The
Reverend Dr. George A.
Moore, Jr. is the Host Pastor,
The Rev. James E. Taylor is
the Host Presiding Elder.
The Presiding Bishop,
Dr. William P. DeVeaux and
Episcopal Supervisor, Dr.
Pam DeVeaux will be on
hand to celebrate this
momentous occasion. The
event will kick-off on
Thursday, February 18, 2010
at 7:00 PM with Bishop
Richard Franklin Norris,
Presiding Bishop of the First
Episcopal District, bringing
the Opening Worship
Founder’s Day Message.
This event will be streamed
live on Savannah’s Own,
1230WSOK. For the rest of
the celebration there will be
workshops and specials pre
sentations all day.
On Friday evening,
there will be a special obser
vance to honor the "Living
Legacies," of the Sixth
Episcopal District. A special
tribute will take place honor
ing Reverend George S.
Moore, Sr., Senior Pastor of
St. Philip A.M.E. Church;
Atlanta, GA. Pastor Moore
has been a pier of strength in
the A.M.E. Church for sever
al years.
This occasion will
begin at 7:00 PM and will be
held at the Cavalry in
Savannah, 4625 Water
Avenue, The Founder’s Day
Celebration will culminate
with the Annual Founder’s
Day Parade and “Rock the
Block” beginning at
9:30AM. The parade will
begin at Anderson Street and
Martin Luther King Jr.,
Boulevard heading South. It
will then proceed as follows:
East on 37th Street, North
on Montgomery Street
West on Gwinnett Street,
North on MLK, South on
Morris Brown Drive
The parade will termi
nate at Greater Gaines
Chapel AME Church, 1006
May Street, Savannah, GA,
where the, “Rock the Block”
will commence. The
Reverend Bernard Clarke is
the Pastor of Greater Gaines
Chapel and will host this
The A.M.E. Church
grew out of the Free African
Society (FAS) established by
Richard Allen, Absalom
Jones, and others, in
Philadelphia in 1787. .
The A.M.E. Church
includes over 3,000,000
members, 8000 ministers,
and 7000 congregations in
more than 30 nations in
North and South America,
Africa, Europe and India.
Twenty active Bishops and
12 General Officers com
prise the leadership of the
denomination. The Sixth
Episcopal District is head
quartered in Atlanta, and
comprises nearly 600
churches and in Georgia.
For additional
information about Founder’s
Day Events and Parade
Entry, please contact Saint
Philip Monumental A.M.E.
Church at 912-233-8547.
Superintendent Names
Student of the Month
smtlfui '-Fluid 'Trlba-r:
510 Stephenson Avenue - Savannah, Georgia 31405
Office: (912)354-6260 Fax: (912)354-6261
Family Owned & Operated
Mr. K Hruru Ailnnis, Owner/Mm'l ici;m
M: Amur i '"I’ri [>Je A" Ada ms, Ownurv/Sfijii rsti 11
Mr. A!Odd Mullice, GoriernJ Muirager
Mrs. Lfiurii Single Lon, Office Manager
The Superintendent’s
Student of the Month is
Sydney Grant, a Pulaski
Elementary School Fifth-
grader. Sydney was chosen
for her myriad of accomplish
ments and community
Among her accomplish
ments, Sydney has achieved
high honor roll throughout her
academic career, placed 1 st in
Pulaski’s 2008-09 Science
Fair, and runner up at the
school level of the 2008-09
Spelling Bee. Sydney has
also attained the school’s title
of Top Reader for the past two
Sydney shines in the
community as a member of
the 4-H Club, Girl Scouts, the
Savannah Chapter of Jack and
Jill of America, and the ESP
Kids Savings Club. Sydney
even finds time to play the
clarinet in the school band.
In Loving Memory of
Adolphus H. Allen Jr.
Suiiriw Slip. K ]‘UI
Suiuiui t eh ■9, Jnoy
After Glow
I'd like ihc memory ni tne
in to.* a hiippy nnc.
Id like to leave an after
plow of smiles when life is
t'd like In leave oh echo
whispering willy down llic
'ways i
Of happy time* and laugh
ing Limes
and bright and sunny days.
I'd like the [ears of those
who grieve,
to dry before the sun at
happy memories ihuE I leave
when Uft Ls dune.
koi in IVace
Your Wife
Ceiesline W. Allen.
Children: Aniia M. Wilson,
Angela E. finjen,
Adolphus H. Allen 111,
Grandchildren: LaQuieshu,
Shnii&o, Courtney. Jacob.
Bryan, and Marcus
Givai Graiulchildrcn:
Da’Kara »rtd Ku’M ari
A host of nieces, nephews,
cousins, and el her nletivfl
and friends.
Rc-metord bv
Mu in n Rachel, Bribers Anthony uhlI Kevin,
Daughters Nhviimiii, Nicole, anti Rachel, gram!
daughter Ntkiyah, NyAtma. and Hayden, friends
and Co-workers.
No sweeter, humble,
kinder, lhough!IliI. helpful
person could anyone meet,
hum litis quiet giurl of a
Ron. we your family,
friends, and co-worker*
truly misses you however;
we know that one day well
see you in Gods city
culled heaven. We will
always love you Ron.
^Bessie £M. BYloore
Id 1929
Jl * ifmt bntlnhuj and <;<m family
laws t\nd misses ifoii.
Sydney Grant
Her teacher Patricia
Nelms states, “I must admit
that I am amazed at her level
of maturity. The wealth of
knowledge she possesses is
far above that of her peers.
Sydney is a very humble
young lady; an exceptionally
bright child whose personality
has blossomed over the past
When asked what motivates
her to strive for academic suc
cess, Sydney quickly
responds, “I keep trying to
move forward by involvement
in school, home, and the com
munity. I hope to someday use
my passion for animals by
becoming a veterinarian.”
The Superintendent’s
Student of the Month program
recognizes individual students
at the monthly board meetings
who have excelled in the area
of academics, leadership, and
community service.
Sydney was recognized
by Dr. Lockamy and present
ed with an award plaque and
$100 savings bond at the reg
ular board meeting on
Wednesday, February 3.