Newspaper Page Text
10- The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Office Services
Celebrates Anniversary
The New Savannah Mass Choir
Makes Its Debut
Office Services Furniture & Supplies recently celebrated
its 10th anniversary with a luncheon & continuing edu
cation class for interior designers and architects, an open
house and a ribbon cutting ceremony for its new 7500
sq-ft. design showroom. Pictured left to right at the rib
bon cutting ceremony are Chatham County
Commissioner David Gellatly; David Culverhouse, presi
dent of Office Services; and Kay Halligan
WTOC Transmitter/Studio Repair
these seven candidates have beep muter the [uictnge of Elder hobby Halt of I irsi Jerusa
lem Tor ilic past seven months The ojdifiaiinn will take place on Sunday, lebiuary 21.
2010 al SdHlp.m at Mrsi Jerusalem MEl Chinch The ordination message will be preached
by iiiir own, Paslor (itegory A, Tyson. Sr l ire l-|uitc|i is Incffled al 4J7D AC1. Jfivj, Please
join us n find ocmtjtnies iv bestow I (is Blessings iipi our Ministry.
Spcfisoresl by ,
A (f ^ ■ -« * ■sa; Cfi
A. NaJiw Island Busmeis and fommuisty Affairs Assocatior. Inc hand 'tkillah Cekbmsm Hotl/ie. 16??: £5W676
Noon -4pfn,
AmCerierof Coastal Catalirn
h SMtpj Cave Lane
ThsiGullah FsfdW Ir.fluHHi JUttw-nE* GU:.;h
dnh« tuc b $u mho and cant h siewf, as well
at tlassk harnwuf din fried hth and fhifkwi
and nxifr. Noon MTeriJinmem vail teami* (ive
pertns mantes by The VoitPt of E IShaddai- and
I be Ayoluwa African Theater. Inc
Jtmda% MtHaty 11
□e Guliah Tooth Musical
7 pm Admiifior 1 : J5 4 ft Under Free
Visual £ Pen terming Arcs Center,
Hi lien Head High School. 70 Wilbam Road
MitchelvjlICa play depicting the lifestyle of
iheGuHah people a round the turn cf itwftlrn
Century. Vtaungim from the Hal Ive Island
Community * ill express this itory through
music, singing, dialoque, dancing and acting.
Thu story mi II rruly warm your heart.
Gullih Film Series. Hosted by Native Islander and
Gullih Hiitwiin-Leituier. Dr. Emory Campbell
CoNgny Thealer, CaFigny Plata
Doors Open at 6:30 pm
Showtime: 7 p.iuJDwWtion: S5
1 N forest Beach Dr.
Rim: "Bin YahitbereS No Place lift* Home"
Gospel Ertrauaganz^
.’00 pm. AdnwHiorrSZS Advance;$30 a! Door
Vrtualft Performing Am CentEf,
Hi Iron Head High School
Featuring- Wu i ;11'emntwd 1 ee Wi lliami ft the
manentwr engagement preventing *n
evening of popular and traditional golpel 'mint.
Dvu. William UYstlwook is mnmvd U> MailyuWestbrook. Me is ihe Inlltcio:l
live children
Him. Mirhui'l Hill has bevn purried m Lyiuit Thompson J til im twenty ihivc
years, lie is die father of two sins - Mic+iaei und !.irli:i.sI lie is ihsnnllll 1li. L
Liu- Alice O Hill siml Slutmim Wuhun Me is -i graduate nl Elizabeth I "ity
State Urn vanity wirh B.S sn Business Bib Hi El served til (te U.S Army
front 1983 - 1987. He is emptow-J W iih I faverty '* Rfflblutv C’OttjfnUty
Great opportunity for the right person, the position requires a
prior broadcast Television maintenance background. This is a
hands-on position that will require a thorough knowledge of
HDTV transmitters. Also to include repair of DENG/DSNG
equipment, support remote live newscasts and outside broad
cast venues, microwave experience, knowledge of network
and computer platforms. A strong news background is favor
able. Send cover letter and resume to; Neil Pedersen, Chief
Engineer, WTOC-TV, 11 The News Place, Savannah, GA
31405 or e-mail: or fax to 334-223
1859. Final candidates will be asked to submit to a drug
screen. No phone calls please. WTOC-TV is an Equal
Opportunity Employer and encourages qualified women and
minorities to apply.
Members of the New Savannah Mass Choir
The New Savannah
Mass Choir made their debut
with a concert held recently at
the First Tabernacle
Missionary Baptist Church.
The Savannah Chapter
of the Gospel Music
Workshop of America, Inc.
sponsored this celebration of
gospel music.
The event included
Praise and Worship by the
Voices in Ministry of Georgia
Southern College in
God is continually Blessing the ministry at First Jerusalem Missionary Haplisl church
where God has plaeat I Ms von, Pashir Gregory A. lyson. Sr. As she ministry grows, needs
grow. With this in mind, Pastor Tyson realises lie ukmc cannot attend lo the needs of
everyone himself, lie sought out seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and
wisdom lo up]mini AVer live business of the church. The following seven men are lo
become ordained Deacons' ol f irst Jerusalem MB Church:
Km, Tovar AJkn is llir hither ul 1»IP - I Livar Jf. and Ketulrji | le is the sun nl
Mr Si Mrs Kenneth Allen I te received a bach-clui of Science IVgtve m
Killings bom Savannah Slate University. lie Is eunently employed with
National fiypsum CoBtpti^y asn Owlily Manager.
Urn. Kurus Hurtle bus been nutlffed In Sallir And Johnson Bank for fitly
years. He is rile father <H tfavc chiklnm Ik gi jJli.iu-J from fort Valley Slate
UiLiveisiiy with a IIA in Sociology, I'nivursiiv ol Connectirnl School of Social
w,i|t, MSW, ,snd post uiinlu.ile study I nun the Unncnil/ l)J Muss.l, IniseU, id Eidueulion I te is relneil (Verm the I kqiuilmenl nl Delense lTjvjjiun
ol llehavioral Medxkie mi a dciiciaiiTTe lx itioAgsocs^PnikHDrlimeiilus
nF ihe I 'luvfl-sity of ronnecdCUl,
Him. Diego Cooper is the lalhcr ol" five - Palnsfeoo, Jamal, Dtejsi Jr, Tyree,
in,I Dr/ire He is the sun nl Eiayiiinrkd L- mil Mark t'unpef lie ha, sis
siblings In include Imr sislers and iwu hrniherK He is a (TicJ hy tiavV nntl is
utui ail vnliejircneui who has owned bis umi lawn Can row! land scaping, along
eeuij paint contradinB tnuinc-is to* tww filteen years
Km. Koy tlijuh is married to Michelle tJijah. lie m ihe lather ol (wlidaugh
ters - Hi itloiiy Elijah und Jamonica Hemphill lie is the son of Alma Marie
iledI,ml and he is employed Willi I .Lmlmurk I nu king ns n Dispnk litr
Bro. Uluiinl llioes hu, been married lo I’mlisH llall-Hinev tin ihiily-Dve
years. Jh 1 is Ibc fathered two suns - J arson and ArnJiv He nlsotiaa one beavti,
ful giuctdehild - Ktua 1 iv is ills- Hindi Helen And WQbam Jtioei, Ji IJro lie
rcvviVrd his nhlugradlHlr degree I mm Syracuse I lim crsny ant u Masters ot
11 Li ie i=i n Service* from Ijncoln University He wined u a Social Swiees
Admin i si ran n in ii ennui. Nf
Statesboro, Georgia. Also
performing on this program
were the Voices of Faith and
the A. E. Hagin Gospel
Bro. E. Larry McDuffie
introduced The New
Savannah Mass Choir. He
reminded those in attendance
of the early days of The
Savannah Mass Choir which
began in the late 60's when he
travelled to Detroit,
Michigan to meet with the
Rev. James Cleveland who
then headed the National
Gospel Music Workshop of
The goal of the
Savannah Local Chapter of
The Gospel Music Workshop
of America is to continue the
heritage of gospel music by
academically preparing
gospel artists for the future,
to raise the level of excel
lence in the worship experi
ence, and to provide a
forum/platform in which all
forms of gospel can matricu
The New Savannah
Mass Choir under the direc
tion of Elder Errol A. Roach
invites all musicians, choirs,
composers and soloist to join
the Savannah Local Chapter
of The Gospel Music
Workshop of America. Rev.
Clarence Williams, Jr. serves
as Assistant Chapter
The next meeting and
rehearsal will be Saturday,
February, 20, 2010, 6PM at
First Smyrna Baptist Church,
1509 Burroughs St. For more
information, please call (912)
604-7475 or (912) 655-8080.
Ijcjtrktit tit C*llm»Xltriil tit It^tcy
ton Head Island Gullali Celebration
1 e nruan.j Isf - 2Sth. 2010 * Sou Hi Carolina
M D/idap Mfhaty U
bni- Luvl ft. Mason is mtuvied tO Ffiltik Muss Mason ][c ji 1tu_- falhcr rtf (Wn
duuchieirs - tidy-wy "I'n.'vious mid Essence Moron He is (he wm ol M->
I-Jirlm,' Maun ,irid Mr. ILirl Mumih Br,r Misun has five siblirigs - the lain
Anthony, Rjobbai, fEelvnt t-ioda. and Dotiyl. Ih- has heeu vrnpkyvd with
I 'hulhatn Areji fiuRsit fCATj as a But Dpuiulni tin I'WJ Hr i* uEsn an
Ashihliull Hoys JlasliL'lliall Coach at flml'es High SriUki]
Bra. ttirmiiv Smith is mamed in Keyona Smith. He is ilic proud father ol
ihrw vhiklivn - Malms,!. Maibis. and AltMtHiider Hr is lln L Min of iho la-h 1
ll.ulnan l-.lliMm NI■- !111ljIk is employed wnb Cknigia hiris Authority as a
KTE f 1 ( raiw (Jpurator.
First Jerusalem would also like to welcome ihc follnwitig Ordained Deacons to ihe
m ii us try: