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The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - 11
2010 Census Ad Campaign Positioned
to Save Taxpayers Millions
Baptist Minister’s Union to Install
New Officers
There has been some
recent criticism about spend
ing taxpayer money on adver
tising for the 2010 Census.
Experience from the 2000
Census, however, shows that
paid advertising can motivate
people to respond to the cen
sus form by mail, while sav
ing taxpayer dollars.
The Census Bureau
projects for every one per
centage point increase in the
national mail back participa
tion rate for the 2010 Census,
the federal government saves
$85 million in taxpayer
money - it costs substantially
more money to send census
takers to households that fail
to mail back their short 10
question form than it does to
receive it by mail.
Facing a three-decade
decline in the national mail
response rates 10 years ago in
the 2000 Census, the Census
Bureau launched its first ever
paid advertising campaign to
increase public awareness lev
els about the once-a-decade
and Constitutionally mandat
ed population count.
Prior to that, the Census
Bureau relied on public serv
ice announcements that aired
whenever television stations
and print media could fit it
into their schedules as a pro
bono advertisement. The end
result was a 2000 Census that
turned around the three-
decade decline in response
rates and exceeded the 1990
Census mail response rate of
65 percent. At the same time
the 2000 Census reduced the
differential undercount of
-^United States
minority groups compared to
the rest of the nation.
Because of the higher
response rate the Census
Bureau saved at least $305
million and returned that
money to Congress following
the census. The advertising
campaign in the 2000 Census
cost about $100 million, a
$205 million return on invest
Secretary of Commerce Don
Evans testified before the
Senate in 2001 and praised the
Census Bureau for its out
reach efforts. "The Bureau
successfully implemented
paid advertising for the first
time in Census 2000, placing
over $100 million in media
buys designed to educate and
motivate the public to
respond," Secretary Evans
Since the 2000
Census, survey participation
rates at the Census Bureau
have continued to decline.
Further, recent surveys have
shown that the public tends to
be unaware of the basic fea
tures of the Census. The
Census Bureau's 2010 Census
communications campaign is
one of the most diverse in
U.S. history with question
naires in six languages, the
first ever bi-lingual
English/Spanish form, ques
tionnaire assistance guides in
59 languages and advertising
in an unprecedented 28 differ
ent languages.
"Funding an inte
grated communications cam
paign was a business decision
for the Census Bureau driven
by the desire to save costs and
taxpayer money," Census
Bureau director Robert
Groves said. "By investing in
an awareness and motivation
campaign now, we can
encourage more people to
take 10 minutes to fill out the
10 question form and mail it
back when it arrives in
In addition to advertis
ing, the Census Bureau has
also launched other initiatives
including a national road tour
traveling to communities to
increase awareness that the
census is coming, a partner
ship program that now has
more than 185,000 partners
nationwide, and a Census in
Schools program seeking to
educate students about the
nation's population and how it
has changed since the first
census in 1790.
"I'd like nothing more
than to return money once
again back to the taxpayers
following this census because
they mailed back the census
forms at a record rate,"
Groves said. "In the end, the
American public's willingness
to participate in the 2010
Census will determine its suc
cess and how much money
we're able to save and return
back to Congress."
Rev. Dr. Bernita
Williams, The Outgoing
President of Savannah
Baptist Minister's Union
announces the installation of
the 2010 Officers of the
Savannah Baptist Minister's
Union (SBMU).
The SBMU Installation
Services will be held on
February 21, 2010 5:30 P.M.
at the Connors Temple
Baptist Church, where Rev.
Dr. Bennie R. Mitchell is
Pastor. The SBMU newly
appointed Officers are: Rev.
Johnnie Shields (President),
Rev. Dr. Jeffery James (Vice
President), Rev. Dr. Robert
Brown (Recording
Secretary), Rev. Joseph Hoze
(Financial Secretary), Rev.
Herman Woods (Treasurer),
Rev. Jerry Wright (Chaplin),'
Rev. Dr. Samuel Williams
(Sunday School Teacher),
Rev. Brenda Steadman (Asst.
Chaplin), Rev. Johnnie
Powers ( Asst. Sunday School
Teacher). About our New
President, Rev. Johnnie
Shields, he is a native of
Chicago, Illinois. . He served
271/2 years in the United
States Air Force and retired at
the rank of Senior Master
Sergeant (E8).
In May of 1975 he was
licensed to preach by Trinity
Missionary Baptist Church,
Pearl City, Hawaii. In
December 1976,
Rev. Shields was
ordained by the Northern
Virginia Baptist Minister's
Conference at the Bethlehem
Baptist Church, in
He attended courses at
the Bible Institute of Hawaii,
he also studied at the Virginia
Theological Seminary in
Alexandria, Virginia. He
took courses in
Hermeneutics, and
Homiletics, and Christian
He presently serves as
Associate Minister of
Tremont Temple Missionary
Baptist Church, and has
served as Secretary of the
Savannah Baptist Minister's
Union, and as Vice President
of the Savannah.
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Rev. Johnnie Shields
Alexandria, Virginia.
YES' 3y taking just 10 minutes to answer 10 simple questions, you can
help improve education, pubtic transportation, and even healthcare in our
community. So please, fill out your Census form and mail it back when it
arrives in March. Responses are confidential by taw and will not be shared
with third parties, including immigration or law enforcement.
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