The Savannah tribune. (Savannah, Ga.) 1973-current, February 17, 2010, Image 2

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    2 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Coping with Stock Market
Submitted By:
Robert D. Davis III
Financial Advisor
Morgan Stanley Smith
(912) 353-5216
Global events can certain
ly affect the U.S. stock market.
Throughout its history, howev
er, the U.S. stock market has
proved to be quite resilient over
the long term—bouncing back
time and time again from the
impact of world crises.
Examining how some past
global problems have affected
the U.S. stock market may help
you better grapple with the eco
nomic and investment uncer
tainties of crisis events.
Action and Reaction
It may reassure you to
know that the stock market has
historically rewarded those
who stayed the course during
tumultuous times, although
past performance cannot guar
antee future results. For
instance, on the first trading
day after the Cuban Missile
Crisis (October 23, 1962), the
S&P 500 fell 3.78%. Yet only
six months later, it had surged
24.66%. More recently, over
the one-month period after Iraq
invaded Kuwait—a move that
eventually led to the first Gulf
War—the S&P 500 declined
9.12%. One year later, the
index had jumped 10.16%.*1
Sometimes the market’s rebound
has been slower in coming. For
instance, after the bombing of
Pearl Harbor, the S&P 500 expe
rienced an initial drop, rose slight
ly after one month and then found
itself lower six months after the
attack. But by V-J Day, less than
four years later in August 1945,
the S&P 500 had rebounded
57%.* 1
Moving Forward
Of course, economic devel
opments take time to play out,
and markets often remain highly
volatile in the immediate wake of
a world crisis. Aside from keep
ing history in mind, how might
you cope in our ever-changing
world? Consider these sugges
• Focus on your long-term
financial plan rather than short
term market dips.
• Be realistic, but not fatalis
tic, about current market condi
tions and returns. Investors pre
pared for occasional declines
will be less likely to fall prey to
panic selling.
• Keep your portfolio well
diversified to help cushion
• Get to know your
finances better and review how
different accounts—such as
IRAs and employer-sponsored
retirement plans—are invested.
• Review your portfolio
and make sure that your risk
tolerance meshes with your
financial goals and time hori
Remember that while our
nation has faced crises before,
the economy and the stock
market have recovered, in time,
stronger than before.
For more information,
please contact Robert D. Davis
,111 Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney at (912)353-5216.
*1-Source: Standard & Poor’s.
This article is provided by
Standard & Poor’s. Past per
formance is not indicative or a
guarantee of future results. This
article is published for general
information purposes only and
is not an offer or solicitation to
sell or buy any securities or
commodities.Investments and
services offered through
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
LLC, member SIPC.
© 2009 Morgan Stanley Smith
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Eleven Black Men of Liberty County
to hold Annual Scholarship Banquet
Mayor Otis
The Eleven Black Men
of Liberty County, Inc. will
hold its “Sixteenth Annual
Scholarship Banquet” at Club
Stewart, Fort Stewart,
Georgia, on March 13, 2010.
There will be a reception
from 6:15 to 6:45 PM, fol-
S. Johnson
lowed by the banquet dinner
at 7:00 PM.
Dr. Otis S. Johnson,
Mayor of Savannah, Georgia
is this year's banquet speaker.
Johnson, the 64th
Mayor of Savannah, and only
the second African American,
is a Savannah native who
graduated from A.E. Beach
High School, Armstrong
Junior College (now
Armstrong Atlantic State
University), the first African
American to graduate from
that school and the University
of Georgia.
He earned a master's
degree in social work from
Clark Atlanta University and
received his Ph.D. from the
Heller School of Social
Policy and Management at
Brandeis University.
Tickets are $35 each
and may be purchased by
contacting Dr. Robert
Simmons, 912-368-3333,
Robert Blue, 912-368-7675,
or any of the Eleven Black
Men of Liberty County direc
For more information
about the banquet or the
Eleven Black Men of Liberty
County scholarship, call
Andrew Williams, 912-977-
Savannah State’s Players by the Sea to
perform “For Colored Girls”
Savannah State
University Players by the Sea
Theatre Group will perform
Ntozake Shange’s “For
Colored Girls Who Have
Considered Suicide When the
Rainbow is Enuf’ February
17-19, 2010. The play, which
is presented in conjunction
with the Savannah Black
Heritage Festival, will be held
in the Kennedy Theatre at 8
“For Colored Girls” is a
choreopoem that includes a
compilation of dramatic and
comedic monologues that cel
ebrate the African American
sisterhood and the embracing
of one’s soul.
The play is directed by
Teresa-Michelle Walker and
choreographed by LaJune
Wise-Wilkerson, both instruc
tors in the Fine Arts
The February 17 per
formance is free admission as
part of the 21st Annual
Savannah Black Heritage
Festival, which is presented
by the City of Savannah and
Savannah State.
Tickets for the remain
ing performances are $10 gen
eral admission and $5 for stu
dents/faculty. For ticket infor
mation or to reserve tickets,
call 912-303-1638. Tickets
will also be available at the
door beginning at 7:30 p.m.
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